In the morning, lets learn about where value for value first originated from!
In Ep #28 I am covering how Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak utilise v4v on their show No Agenda. The unique aspect that they bring is that they bloody invented the model! So basically you should follow the Podfather when he suggests that completing the feedback loop is a good idea or finding a way to remind your audience to donate before the next episode is released.
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In the morning, we're going backto where visa vie first started. Welcome everyone to anotherepisode of the value for value podcast. My name is Kyrin hostof the mere mortals and Mere Mortals book reviews. And this is thepodcast where we examine how other people are implementingthe v4v model in their own podcast, what they're doingunique, maybe some ideas that you can take out to implementinto your own show. And getting into a little bit of thephilosophy and just how people run this in general. Now, today,we can't have a better example than where visa vie firstoriginated. So this is from the no agenda show with Adam curryand John C. Dvorak. Adam curry is a name that you willrecognize by now cuz I talk about him a lot. The no agendashow Wikipedia tells me debuted in October 2007. And basically,John and Adam deconstruct the mainstream media and add intheir own special blend of I suppose commentary, politicalcommentary is usually how it gets back and they're reallytrying to find out what's being what's going on beneath thesurface. So they're sort of truth seekers in many a way.I'll go into their little mission statement here and itsays the no agenda is a podcasting LLC whose goal is todeconstruct the news media to reveal slanted stories and thereasoning for slanted or misleading reporting. Thepurpose is not to discredit or critique or discredit newsreports, but through media deconstruction, to find theactual underlying story to give the audience a realisticunderstanding of current affairs and events and provide anormalized objective understanding of them. Now thisgoes on and on and on. They've got a huge about page and asrightly, they should because no agenda is actually quite a bigshow. Now they do two shows per week, usually thursday andsunday at 9am pacific time and they do this live so this isactually one of the reasons why the live item tag is somewhatbeing implemented is because Adam does it live himself acouple of titles from their latest episodes and boy are theyup to some big numbers 1466 is the latest episode Bo Jo, no muC theist bomb Rotterdam future framework happened her imbibebox wet ball without primetime purge, magnetar, there's a lotof different titles that they come up with. For their shows.They're pretty consistently around the three hour mark fromwhat I've noticed. Now, I'll admit I don't particularly tunein, just because I really hate news in all forms and politics.So the actual show material doesn't particularly interestme. But I do love what they actually do on the show valuefor value wise. So I'm just going to play a little snippethere from one of the latest episode actually, this so thisis 1466 by Joe no more, right after their underlying jingle,their starter show music and whatnot, just so you can get ataste of what John and Adam sound like.
This is so what a great time tobe alive and be a podcaster. How many years have we've beendiscussing the Georgia Guidestones that forever? Since since day one, and I lovethis love, you know, Tina's like, Hey, did you hear? Do youknow about these Georgia Guidestones. It's this weirdtime loop we get caught in all the time with the show, wherewe've been around long enough to have heard it all seeing it allpretty much everything. My favorite line is it'sAmerica's Stonehenge put up by Druids. So they've got a fair fewinteractions between the two of them. They don't actually don'trecord at the same place. They are in different places inAmerica. So there's this, I suppose, like onlineinteraction. And Adam is very keen himself into using onlyaudio. He's a radio guy at heart. And so a lot of the showreally implements things from radio such as jingles. They usea lot of clips taken from other new shows, play them on and thenand then deconstruct that, obviously. So there's a lot ofthings going on. In this show. I actually had Adam on my MereMortals podcast, Geez, how long, probably more than six months,six months to a year ago. And he told me he has actually nevermissed a show. So even though they do take holidays and thingslike this, they will always pre record some stuff. And sothey've been pretty damn consistent for geez, a decadeand a half. Wow. So their value Furman value implementation,they do a lot of things and I can even see just going into thefeed here. They've got stuff like the podcast lock tag, thefunding tag, the live item tag, the value tag, obviously, theGUID tag, there's, you know, Chapter images, all sorts ofdifferent things in here. So not only does Adam you know createthis Didn't podcast in 2.0, all of the ways that value for valueis helping spread, I guess, and all the cool new features, buthe implements them on his own shows. And so what does heactually do in his own shows?
How does he really implement thevalue for value model? Well, they do it in a lot of ways.Because, as I mentioned, they somewhat invented at least theform that I know of value for value. So it's a progressive, Isuppose, journey. And if you were to go, you know, right fromepisode one, it would be different from how they do it inEpisode 100 300 800. And now, obviously, up into the 1400s.But what they do at the moment is they really have two mainsections. And this is because it's wildly popular show, youknow, procs numbers is a million million and a half peoplelistening in per episode. And they get a lot of supportbecause of this. So they do two main sections, the first oneusually occurs about midway through the show, so an hour anda half in is roughly from what I can tell where they'll, they'lldo their first donation segment.
And this is where they will havepeople who have submitted or who have contributed, I suppose alarge amount more than perhaps the, I don't know standard, ifyou want to call it that way, or more than just a certain amount.And this is because they just have so many people donating in.So this is for the executive producers, and they they donateover $333 They'll receive credits, and they'll also get anote that they've put in read out on the show. Anyone thatdonates 200, or more will automatically receive anassociate exec executive producer title for that show aswell. A couple of the rules they have in mind is donations of 50or less are considered anonymous. If you want yourdonation to be announced with your title, you must includeyour title in each donation note, if you're if you want yournote to be read on the show, you must donate at least 200 Thereare simply too many notes for every one of them to be read onthe show. That is a nice problem to have that much feedback, Isuppose. And so that's the first donation segment. And then theyhave a second one, which is reading out the names of peoplewho have donated $50 or more people can submit a note aswell, but there's no guarantee that it'll be read out from whatI can tell. So this is just a small section here from Episode1464. Bomb Rotterdam at around the two hour 30 Mark. And yeah,I'll just play this here.
I'm going to show my mood bydonating to no agenda. Imagine all the people who could dothat. Oh, yeah, that'd be fun though we do have a few peopleto thank for show 1464 Indeed. And we're starting withPieter de Jiang. And he's it gives $151.33 And he isactually from spasm. Yay for spasm. He's in spasm BC. Did we spend awhile he says he goes on about it? Did we did we miss candidate?Oh, I put it in the newsletter that candidatedays tomorrow. Oh, okay. So he's saying HappyCanada Day in advance. Okay, good. Yeah, freak me out first, and there was a dis specialCandidate A donation you could do if you're Canadian, I doexpect all Canadian listeners to do something. But if you did it,and then I have to say, hey, hey, Peter.
Yeah, so they read out the notesfrom the show, they typically add in some extra commentary,some different things and whatnot. And this is, I suppose,their way of really highlighting hate thanks to everyone whosupport the support of the show, we're going to read out yournotes. And they Adam really emphasizes just how critical itis for not only the acknowledgment of receiving thenotes, so this is people knowing that their money is I guess,just not going into the ether that it is actually beingappreciated. And this is a way of showing it. But they use itas content for their show, which when you're doing a three hourpodcast twice a week, you do actually want to have a lot ofcontent being able to to talk about and to use. So that's Isuppose how they, they do it in the show. There's additionalelements, but honestly, there's so much going on here that it'sreally hard to, I suppose fit everything in so some other waysin their show that they use the value for value model is theirsplits. So I can see here when I go to look at how they havetheir splits set up they have the value for value. So this isthe large portion of it probably 60 ish percent, maybe 7080. Fromwhat I can tell just by the rough sliding bar, which goes todirectly to them. They've got a A huge section for the clipcustodian. So this is a person who adds in a lot of clips sendsit to their, their show for them to be able to use in the show.So obviously this person who listens to a lot of news mediaand spends the time clipping out important parts that he findsuseful and would add them and de Adam and and John reallyappreciate. There's the booster gram V for V monitor, which isnot actually sure what that one is. But it's used use forbooster grams, obviously, and and probably is more related tothe tech behind this stuff. Dred Scott, who is the chapterarchitect, so he's the one that goes and creates chapters forall of these episodes, and adds in images and things like that.And then also for sovereign feeds. So this is Steven B, withcurio caster, who's created a way to add in tags, customizabletags for your feed. So not only do they get these sort of largerdonations, which they do primarily through PayPal, but ifyou are using value for value with the Lightning Network, youcan have a bit more because Bitcoin is is a programmableprogrammable money, you can actually send it and todifferent places directly within the actual Lightning Networkitself, which is very, very cool. So that's in their show,outside of their show, they have an emailing list, there's also aplace to to actually send physical locations, sent to aphysical location goods, so jam and add no meats, and they getall sorts of stuff. I've heard it every now and then some ofthe things that they get sent, which is pretty wild, physicalmoney as well, there's, yeah, there's all sorts of things thatthat goes on there. So that's, I suppose the main way that theydo value for value implementing it, I suppose within that showand outside of their show, there's something unique Well,there's, there's a couple of two things I really want tohighlight. Once again, this is where value for valueoriginated. So if you really want the full dose, like youjust have to go and listen to a bunch of their shows becausethere's so many things that you'll pick up on and I reallydon't have time to go over every single thing that that they doand that I I know I myself am missing a bunch of things, buthe's two which I really think is just completely unique to themand I find super amazing. So the first is the knighting ceremonyso I'm going to play a clip in a second from this is from Episode1430 to dry holes. And this is the I suppose celebration ofsomeone who has reached one of their targets for peerage, sopeerages, various titles are bestowed upon producers thatdonate a certain amount to the show. So if you reach 333 and 33cents you become a grand the grant gentleman or Lady of themanor 1000 is knighthood and Dame hood. Then it goes up2000 3000 5000 7000 10,000 20,000 33,002 All of these different baronet'sViscounts Duke Duchess Grand Duke Duchess is the highest andso there's they've got this sort of gamification of like can youreach the next level can you level up sort of thing and thisis how they celebrate someone who has reached these one ofthese levels.
Brittany, Baxter, Christian,Matt waltz and Andrew Marcus all of you hop up on stage here youare now all about to become a royalty kind of like this yearknights and dame of the no agenda roundtable. You've seeneverybody else you're all ready to go I'm proud to pronounce thek d as dame of the amaze balls. Sir grumpy Dane protector of thehappy medicated Danes, sir waltz of Tempe and surrounded by myprivilege for you. We've got hookers and blow rent boys andChardonnay, a nice bottle of crude a freaking demo and a niceChateau le feats. We also have geishas and sakeI Rubenesquewoman and Rosie de Vaca, Manila bong hits and bourbon sparklingcider and escorts ginger ale and durables. I get it you want themutton and meat of course, crew really can't match up againstsome good meat most of the time.
Thank you all very much forsupporting the show in the amount of $1,000. And very proudto have you here at the round table and make sure you go to noagenda they can fill out to all the details sowe can get you your signet ring with the sealing wax that goesalong with and of course your official certificate ofauthenticity. Yeah. Oh, wow. So Adam is a likeI mentioned like an old old school DJ. And so he is all ontop of the jingles on top of the mash ups on top of theextravagance, I guess of things that you can do audio wise Andthen they they back this up with, you know, some a token ofphysical appreciation as well.
Something unique a ring, asignet ring with a wax and a certificate showing that you'vereached this level as well. So in terms of uniqueness that ispretty up the the levels that they've got to this game.Apparently all of this originated pretty organically aswell. It's not like they just randomly started a show. Andthey're like, Yeah, you know, what, if someone donates 30,000bucks, I'll do something for them? No, no. So this is a acontinual process that's changed over time, obviously, over adecade and a half. And they've they've continually added levelscontinually with the the show of the support, changed it andmaximum mixed and matched it to what they, I suppose foresee isa suitable recompense for other people providing value. So it'ssort of like, trading value for value as well. It's not like,you know, they create an amazing show, they put in a ton ofeffort with all of the, you just heard a tiny portion of theeffort that goes into creating something that is truly unique.Other people donate value, but then they give the value back.And it's sort of like this trading and swapping value,where it's, it's just a continual process. It's not likeit's a one and done thing. It's like, oh, when this goes on, itdoesn't stop, it doesn't stop.
So that is one thing that theydo, which I think is completely unique. Another one, I supposeis just their encouragement of other people. So it's just thetwo of them. They are the only ones who create the show interms of actually speaking on it and whatnot. But there's a wholecrew and cast of people. And I literally mean crew and costsbecause I call everyone producers. So they this is takenfrom I believe, like the movie business industry, perhaps evenlike the radio one where everyone who contributes to theshow gets gets some credits, they get some appreciation. Andnow usually this is just like names on a scrolling screen orsomething like that. But you could maybe put it in your IMBDI think that's how it's called profile, which is what actorsand casting agencies use, I guess to, to check out someone'scredits over the years, what they've appeared and, and thingslike that. And then there's just all the other stuff. So theproducer support a couple of things I've written down here,things like the website, this isn't something that Adam andAdam and John use they, other people do, this is the no agendashop. So there's people who create actual physical itemsfrom the show, with shirts and mugs and things like that. Andthey they get a split of that, I suppose. So they just let youknow, their intellectual property, I suppose be usedhowever they want. And then it's sort of just an honor system.People who create the shop, send them some money every now andthen there's the troll room. So this is people who want tolisten, live and be able to interact with each other in a ina chat style room. They have that physical meetups. I've beento one here in Brisbane once before, but this is justorganically supported. This is people when you go into I thinkit's no agenda You can find out are there otherpeople in my local area who, who also listen to the show. And sothen I can connect with some people who, you know, appreciatethe show as well and get to make some new friends have a commoninterest and things like that.
boots on the ground. So this ispeople who might have a particular talent or who areparticularly located and then unique situation. So pilots, forexample, or people in the medical profession, who can sendin notes or commentary on what's going on in their country or intheir profession, or an insight that they might have that isparticularly useful to the topic of COVID or in politics orwhatever the hell it is war that's going on in Ukraine, allthose sorts of things, and even cover art. So every singleepisode has a different cover art. And this is created byartists who submitted in and then Adam and John choose one inparticular, and they say yep, there's the one that's going tobe used for episode 1454. And that's, you know, plasteredeverywhere that person gets a credit as well. So the, Isuppose the encouragement of, of other people to do work for themin some way. So this is a time talent and treasure. So this isgetting into the time and talent section where it's you know,artists. I'm pretty sure that Adam and John aren't amazing atPhotoshop, but other people who listen to the show and so theyencourage Adjust them and have ways for people, I suppose it'smore on their part is the is the ability, the allowance of otherpeople to contribute, and in many ways and, and to, to reallymake that as accessible as possible. So, if you want, ifyou're an artist and you want to contribute, they make it asaccessible as possible. So they really go out of their way andin many respects, to let other people help them, which is kindof funny in a way you think, Oh, why isn't everyone do that? Butwhen you get down to it, that's pretty damn hard. And you need alot of time contemplating and seeing, okay, is this worth myeffort to set up had a website where people can submit art in areal relatively easy fashion, which can then be used for myshow? Is it worth my time setting up that show on thatwebsite and whatnot, so they've obviously put a lot of effortinto facilitating the process as well. So very, very cool. The noagenda show, I highly recommend that you check it out. If youyou know, like I said, you don't have to particularly enjoy theshow. I wouldn't say it's something I tune into veryoften, just because I don't particularly care about news andpolitics, but I really do appreciate everything thatthey're doing. Because I it's yeah, it's pretty damn cool. Sowith all that being said, I'm gonna go on to my own boosterGraham Lounge, which you might notice actually has the voice ofAdam curry appearing on it. So here we go the histogram lounge.
Welcome to the value for value,gram. Okay, so I did something prettycool last week, which was I actually promoted the show onfountain FM. And so I've been overwhelmed with differentbooths coming in. So I'm actually gonna do a little bitof speed reading some of these but I'll particularly pick outthe two who sent in some really big amounts and thank themproperly before going into the more speed reading section. Socoming at the top is Who other than p da P E T AR the slab, whosends in 93,750 SATs. Whoa, thank you very much, Peter. Andthis is for the last episode. And he says listening to themere mortals podcast is like sitting on a patio while havinga beer with your thoughtful kind and very fit friend. chattingabout something both meaningless yet very important. The meremortals podcast has the Peter pod fluence our gold stamp ofapproval. Thumbs up. Thank you very much, Peter, you're very,very kind. This is the Peter who you might I'm not even sure ifthat was the same Peter, who just got a call out on one ofthe clips that I played. I don't think so. Because I don't thinkhe lives in BC. But very, he's everywhere. I know he's on noagenda as well. I'm pretty sure he's a Knight of the table. Sohe's submitted. He's sent in a lot of value to no agenda. Sovery cool. Peter, thank you very much, my friend. I believe thatwas sent using fountain as well.
Here's the other second big one.And this was from Mary Oscar, also known as Oscar Mary, who isthe creator of the fountain app if you want to know more abouthim. I did two episodes with him on the minimalist podcast and hesays another great episode. Are you going to look at no agendafor an upcoming episode? Well Ahead of you Oscar, there yougo. I hope you enjoyed this one. And then like I said, Because Ipromoted on fountain they've got a lot of exposure and obviouslya lot of exposure and an app where people are boostergrabbing or somehow know how to do this you're gonna get a lotof people doing that so I'm just going to speed read these andthank all of you but they're not in any particular order otherthan the order that they got submitted and so all of thesejust for the interest sake is coming from fountain and if it'snot from fountain or particularly call it out, but wehave one from knowledge power free and he says love the longterm histogram 65 sets. We have one from evil flow and he justhas the rock emoji with a guy with sunglasses emoji. Got onefrom that was 20 SATs 19 SATs from zip Zeplin booster 47 SATsfrom a master good sir. Three sets from user three territoriesof the above ah, and he just says one guy Thank you got fivesets from Marco Werner. He says value for value I think willalso increase entertainment level. Yes, I agree. Thank you.Nine sets from cara cara be Busuu thanks guys. Good content.Hey, my pleasure mate. Nine sites from Prince 004 Love yourpodcast. Thank you very much my friend prints 20 SATs from userto six to nine eight do BTC is the signal. I'm getting yousignal loud and clear my friend.
Fives That's from Zevia. See,welcome to value for value a welcome to you as well. Fivesites from Ernesto Fabien 2233. And he says greeting friends.Hey, greetings to you. Ernesto, five sets from user five toseven. I'm loving it. Nine sets from Chi to three. And he saysabsolutely right or she can't tell. Absolutely right we areearly to this market. There's so much potential in the cryptoBitcoin in particular world just wait until this model is appliedto social media and platforms like YouTube. Yes, my friend.I'm super excited for the next 510 years in terms of what'sgoing on with the integration of, of crypto currency. And I'mvery particular with this with Bitcoin in into the world of allof these different areas and just being able to signal thingscorrectly. And you know, have the reduction of spam because itactually costs something even if it's only nine sets. I know thisnine sets is not from a bot because they just can't have theability to send bulk stuff like this because they'll run out ofmoney pretty quick. And yeah, so I'm very, very I'm 100% on boardwith you. I'm so excited. Got 90 insights from data as Carlos andhe says Honey I'll Mahoto meaning less me and press ascripture personas cunning, less not EVO Igano en el camino andso in English. That means awesome. I'm improving myEnglish while listening to people or persons whose nativeand native language is English A Gano con el camino and I thinkthat means like I'm improving with the with the journey. Notparticularly, that's definitely a saying in Spanish otherwise,because the literal translation is gaining in the road, whichdoesn't make too much sense. We have one here. 19 SATs from user5431 for Florida. It is good to listen to this podcast. I agree.I agree. It is good to listen to it. Three sets from dancey.dancey great. I like it 20 sets from the dude good stuff.Exclamation mark three sets from Felice good podcast 47 startsfrom l 113. Hi, this is my first podcast. I listened here. Thankyou for the info regard from Mako. Hey, thank you very much l100. much appreciate it. I do love having a bit of aninternational audience. And for those who are just really gonefar out of the way, I did have a book reviews channel calledRosetta's in Spanglish, where I would do book reviews of thesame same same books that you can find on the Mere Mortals bookreviews. But speaking in Spanish, which was to improve mySpanish but also create something I suppose something alittle bit different for, for those who are out there. Threesets from Daniel M. 092.
Excellent podcast 90 Insightsfrom the Master Karen. Thank you. Question about five sitesfrom Bitcoin plebs. 21 mil. And he just says fire 75 sets fromtip, tip and on for Oui Saxon. Gotta collect them all. Yes,nice. Three sets from Musa Ada, sevens are Gracias, dinero. Sothat's Thank you money. We've got 94 sets from fifth powerproductions, and there's a bigger message. excellentdiscussion on value for value. Thanks for your dedication tobringing value to the space. I appreciate your chapter markersand your diligent efforts to making meaningful connectionswith your listeners and supporters. It's a littleattention to details that make all the difference in userexperience, kudos and more booster come in the future. Thenwith the flexed arm bicep emoji and the clap emoji, hey, thankyou very much for the power. I do put in a lot of effort intoparticularly chapter markers and images. Not as much on this showbecause it is a little bit shorter. And so I feel like notas necessary. But for the longer episodes that I do on the MereMortals show, for example, I really do put in as much effortas I can, including links and things like that as well. So Ido enjoy doing those. Those little touches, and I do alsothink it makes a difference in the end. But yeah, in any case,I enjoy doing it. Five sets from a nesto Fabien 2233 Thumbs upthree sets from Musa to a five and they say hi three sets fromVanessa am Allah three sets from at JD 39 Great three sets fromuser one through four. And then two of the I can only imagine as like thewhite power and symbol now which people fucking that's sohilarious, but it's the three three fingers so the pinky themiddle and the ring finger up and then forming a circle withyour pointer and your thumb. So that okay, I guess symbol inDiamond terms. Five sets from Steven Steve the zebra and hesays set test it Your test came through May 8 19 SATs from userfor a Baba Baba, Windows Diaz, Windows dstu. And then nine setsfrom user 204 to deter the nice.
So, okay, very encouraging, I dolove this the support back in all of the messages, as you cansee from there, it's it's not only about the volume ofmessages but the getting as high quality as well. So I love thethe longer ones, you know, even though so many of these were twosets, three sets, 20 sets, you know, that's not going to make adifference to my life at all, you know, the bigger ones likeOscars and P stars, you know, I can see a difference with those.And I really appreciate those ones. But like you see, with theno agenda show, once you get to a certain level, if you've got amillion people listening in, and let's say even only a 10th, notnot in the 10th only 1000. So 110 1000 Send in, that is stillan unbearably huge amount of messages. And so you do have toraise caps for it. So although I enjoyed doing that, you know, inthe future, I would maybe skip out the ones just saying testand you know, great Allah, things like that. Just provide Isuppose more value in the in the in the section. But also, youknow, appreciate I do appreciate all of all of these minor ones,it's, it's a new experience for me for having too much, too manytoo many messages to go on for it to be a smooth, shorter show.So I really do appreciate that.
My last little section here ofvalue for values, what can you do to support? Well, one, Iwould just say, value for value, something new that you can do ischeck out the no agenda show. Obviously, I covered it in greatdetail. Adam is an amazing person. The whole reason I'm I'mhere doing this podcast, the value for value, I literallytook it from him, because his dedication, his creation of thismodel has just inspired me like this is this is how I want torun my life. In essence, this is like a lifestyle change for me.I don't ever want to and you will never see me doing anythingadvertising related. You know, if I can't make it as apodcaster using value for value, I don't want to make it as apodcaster. Like, that's, that's, that's essentially the ultimatumI've created for myself. So check out the no agenda show andyou'll get to see just how awesome Adam is and but also, ifyou're a podcaster and you're interested in how you can createsome ideas for your own podcast, some things to take out of,there's a goldmine a and you'll have to go digging for itbecause it's a huge amount of shows and a huge amount ofthings are on there. But there is a goldmine of of ideas totake away from them. So that is it for today. Huge episode.Thank you everyone. The I don't know how many people that was 20plus people who supported very much appreciated a special shoutout to Oscar Mary who created the fountain FM mat and then ofcourse Peter the persistent, the perennial, the slab the podfloor answer. Very much appreciate it for those two forthe big booths as well. Everyone else I hope you're having afantastic morning wherever you are in the world in the morning,Kyrin out
In the morning, we're going backto where visa vie first started. Welcome everyone to anotherepisode of the value for value podcast. My name is Kyrin hostof the mere mortals and Mere Mortals book reviews. And this is thepodcast where we examine how other people are implementingthe v4v model in their own podcast, what they're doingunique, maybe some ideas that you can take out to implementinto your own show. And getting into a little bit of thephilosophy and just how people run this in general. Now, today,we can't have a better example than where visa vie firstoriginated. So this is from the no agenda show with Adam curryand John C. Dvorak. Adam curry is a name that you willrecognize by now cuz I talk about him a lot. The no agendashow Wikipedia tells me debuted in October 2007. And basically,John and Adam deconstruct the mainstream media and add intheir own special blend of I suppose commentary, politicalcommentary is usually how it gets back and they're reallytrying to find out what's being what's going on beneath thesurface. So they're sort of truth seekers in many a way.I'll go into their little mission statement here and itsays the no agenda is a podcasting LLC whose goal is todeconstruct the news media to reveal slanted stories and thereasoning for slanted or misleading reporting. Thepurpose is not to discredit or critique or discredit newsreports, but through media deconstruction, to find theactual underlying story to give the audience a realisticunderstanding of current affairs and events and provide anormalized objective understanding of them. Now thisgoes on and on and on. They've got a huge about page and asrightly, they should because no agenda is actually quite a bigshow. Now they do two shows per week, usually thursday andsunday at 9am pacific time and they do this live so this isactually one of the reasons why the live item tag is somewhatbeing implemented is because Adam does it live himself acouple of titles from their latest episodes and boy are theyup to some big numbers 1466 is the latest episode Bo Jo, no muC theist bomb Rotterdam future framework happened her imbibebox wet ball without primetime purge, magnetar, there's a lotof different titles that they come up with. For their shows.They're pretty consistently around the three hour mark fromwhat I've noticed. Now, I'll admit I don't particularly tunein, just because I really hate news in all forms and politics.So the actual show material doesn't particularly interestme. But I do love what they actually do on the show valuefor value wise. So I'm just going to play a little snippethere from one of the latest episode actually, this so thisis 1466 by Joe no more, right after their underlying jingle,their starter show music and whatnot, just so you can get ataste of what John and Adam sound like.
This is so what a great time tobe alive and be a podcaster. How many years have we've beendiscussing the Georgia Guidestones that forever? Since since day one, and I lovethis love, you know, Tina's like, Hey, did you hear? Do youknow about these Georgia Guidestones. It's this weirdtime loop we get caught in all the time with the show, wherewe've been around long enough to have heard it all seeing it allpretty much everything. My favorite line is it'sAmerica's Stonehenge put up by Druids. So they've got a fair fewinteractions between the two of them. They don't actually don'trecord at the same place. They are in different places inAmerica. So there's this, I suppose, like onlineinteraction. And Adam is very keen himself into using onlyaudio. He's a radio guy at heart. And so a lot of the showreally implements things from radio such as jingles. They usea lot of clips taken from other new shows, play them on and thenand then deconstruct that, obviously. So there's a lot ofthings going on. In this show. I actually had Adam on my MereMortals podcast, Geez, how long, probably more than six months,six months to a year ago. And he told me he has actually nevermissed a show. So even though they do take holidays and thingslike this, they will always pre record some stuff. And sothey've been pretty damn consistent for geez, a decadeand a half. Wow. So their value Furman value implementation,they do a lot of things and I can even see just going into thefeed here. They've got stuff like the podcast lock tag, thefunding tag, the live item tag, the value tag, obviously, theGUID tag, there's, you know, Chapter images, all sorts ofdifferent things in here. So not only does Adam you know createthis Didn't podcast in 2.0, all of the ways that value for valueis helping spread, I guess, and all the cool new features, buthe implements them on his own shows. And so what does heactually do in his own shows?
How does he really implement thevalue for value model? Well, they do it in a lot of ways.Because, as I mentioned, they somewhat invented at least theform that I know of value for value. So it's a progressive, Isuppose, journey. And if you were to go, you know, right fromepisode one, it would be different from how they do it inEpisode 100 300 800. And now, obviously, up into the 1400s.But what they do at the moment is they really have two mainsections. And this is because it's wildly popular show, youknow, procs numbers is a million million and a half peoplelistening in per episode. And they get a lot of supportbecause of this. So they do two main sections, the first oneusually occurs about midway through the show, so an hour anda half in is roughly from what I can tell where they'll, they'lldo their first donation segment.
And this is where they will havepeople who have submitted or who have contributed, I suppose alarge amount more than perhaps the, I don't know standard, ifyou want to call it that way, or more than just a certain amount.And this is because they just have so many people donating in.So this is for the executive producers, and they they donateover $333 They'll receive credits, and they'll also get anote that they've put in read out on the show. Anyone thatdonates 200, or more will automatically receive anassociate exec executive producer title for that show aswell. A couple of the rules they have in mind is donations of 50or less are considered anonymous. If you want yourdonation to be announced with your title, you must includeyour title in each donation note, if you're if you want yournote to be read on the show, you must donate at least 200 Thereare simply too many notes for every one of them to be read onthe show. That is a nice problem to have that much feedback, Isuppose. And so that's the first donation segment. And then theyhave a second one, which is reading out the names of peoplewho have donated $50 or more people can submit a note aswell, but there's no guarantee that it'll be read out from whatI can tell. So this is just a small section here from Episode1464. Bomb Rotterdam at around the two hour 30 Mark. And yeah,I'll just play this here.
I'm going to show my mood bydonating to no agenda. Imagine all the people who could dothat. Oh, yeah, that'd be fun though we do have a few peopleto thank for show 1464 Indeed. And we're starting withPieter de Jiang. And he's it gives $151.33 And he isactually from spasm. Yay for spasm. He's in spasm BC. Did we spend awhile he says he goes on about it? Did we did we miss candidate?Oh, I put it in the newsletter that candidatedays tomorrow. Oh, okay. So he's saying HappyCanada Day in advance. Okay, good. Yeah, freak me out first, and there was a dis specialCandidate A donation you could do if you're Canadian, I doexpect all Canadian listeners to do something. But if you did it,and then I have to say, hey, hey, Peter.
Yeah, so they read out the notesfrom the show, they typically add in some extra commentary,some different things and whatnot. And this is, I suppose,their way of really highlighting hate thanks to everyone whosupport the support of the show, we're going to read out yournotes. And they Adam really emphasizes just how critical itis for not only the acknowledgment of receiving thenotes, so this is people knowing that their money is I guess,just not going into the ether that it is actually beingappreciated. And this is a way of showing it. But they use itas content for their show, which when you're doing a three hourpodcast twice a week, you do actually want to have a lot ofcontent being able to to talk about and to use. So that's Isuppose how they, they do it in the show. There's additionalelements, but honestly, there's so much going on here that it'sreally hard to, I suppose fit everything in so some other waysin their show that they use the value for value model is theirsplits. So I can see here when I go to look at how they havetheir splits set up they have the value for value. So this isthe large portion of it probably 60 ish percent, maybe 7080. Fromwhat I can tell just by the rough sliding bar, which goes todirectly to them. They've got a A huge section for the clipcustodian. So this is a person who adds in a lot of clips sendsit to their, their show for them to be able to use in the show.So obviously this person who listens to a lot of news mediaand spends the time clipping out important parts that he findsuseful and would add them and de Adam and and John reallyappreciate. There's the booster gram V for V monitor, which isnot actually sure what that one is. But it's used use forbooster grams, obviously, and and probably is more related tothe tech behind this stuff. Dred Scott, who is the chapterarchitect, so he's the one that goes and creates chapters forall of these episodes, and adds in images and things like that.And then also for sovereign feeds. So this is Steven B, withcurio caster, who's created a way to add in tags, customizabletags for your feed. So not only do they get these sort of largerdonations, which they do primarily through PayPal, but ifyou are using value for value with the Lightning Network, youcan have a bit more because Bitcoin is is a programmableprogrammable money, you can actually send it and todifferent places directly within the actual Lightning Networkitself, which is very, very cool. So that's in their show,outside of their show, they have an emailing list, there's also aplace to to actually send physical locations, sent to aphysical location goods, so jam and add no meats, and they getall sorts of stuff. I've heard it every now and then some ofthe things that they get sent, which is pretty wild, physicalmoney as well, there's, yeah, there's all sorts of things thatthat goes on there. So that's, I suppose the main way that theydo value for value implementing it, I suppose within that showand outside of their show, there's something unique Well,there's, there's a couple of two things I really want tohighlight. Once again, this is where value for valueoriginated. So if you really want the full dose, like youjust have to go and listen to a bunch of their shows becausethere's so many things that you'll pick up on and I reallydon't have time to go over every single thing that that they doand that I I know I myself am missing a bunch of things, buthe's two which I really think is just completely unique to themand I find super amazing. So the first is the knighting ceremonyso I'm going to play a clip in a second from this is from Episode1430 to dry holes. And this is the I suppose celebration ofsomeone who has reached one of their targets for peerage, sopeerages, various titles are bestowed upon producers thatdonate a certain amount to the show. So if you reach 333 and 33cents you become a grand the grant gentleman or Lady of themanor 1000 is knighthood and Dame hood. Then it goes up2000 3000 5000 7000 10,000 20,000 33,002 All of these different baronet'sViscounts Duke Duchess Grand Duke Duchess is the highest andso there's they've got this sort of gamification of like can youreach the next level can you level up sort of thing and thisis how they celebrate someone who has reached these one ofthese levels.
Brittany, Baxter, Christian,Matt waltz and Andrew Marcus all of you hop up on stage here youare now all about to become a royalty kind of like this yearknights and dame of the no agenda roundtable. You've seeneverybody else you're all ready to go I'm proud to pronounce thek d as dame of the amaze balls. Sir grumpy Dane protector of thehappy medicated Danes, sir waltz of Tempe and surrounded by myprivilege for you. We've got hookers and blow rent boys andChardonnay, a nice bottle of crude a freaking demo and a niceChateau le feats. We also have geishas and sakeI Rubenesquewoman and Rosie de Vaca, Manila bong hits and bourbon sparklingcider and escorts ginger ale and durables. I get it you want themutton and meat of course, crew really can't match up againstsome good meat most of the time.
Thank you all very much forsupporting the show in the amount of $1,000. And very proudto have you here at the round table and make sure you go to noagenda they can fill out to all the details sowe can get you your signet ring with the sealing wax that goesalong with and of course your official certificate ofauthenticity. Yeah. Oh, wow. So Adam is a likeI mentioned like an old old school DJ. And so he is all ontop of the jingles on top of the mash ups on top of theextravagance, I guess of things that you can do audio wise Andthen they they back this up with, you know, some a token ofphysical appreciation as well.
Something unique a ring, asignet ring with a wax and a certificate showing that you'vereached this level as well. So in terms of uniqueness that ispretty up the the levels that they've got to this game.Apparently all of this originated pretty organically aswell. It's not like they just randomly started a show. Andthey're like, Yeah, you know, what, if someone donates 30,000bucks, I'll do something for them? No, no. So this is a acontinual process that's changed over time, obviously, over adecade and a half. And they've they've continually added levelscontinually with the the show of the support, changed it andmaximum mixed and matched it to what they, I suppose foresee isa suitable recompense for other people providing value. So it'ssort of like, trading value for value as well. It's not like,you know, they create an amazing show, they put in a ton ofeffort with all of the, you just heard a tiny portion of theeffort that goes into creating something that is truly unique.Other people donate value, but then they give the value back.And it's sort of like this trading and swapping value,where it's, it's just a continual process. It's not likeit's a one and done thing. It's like, oh, when this goes on, itdoesn't stop, it doesn't stop.
So that is one thing that theydo, which I think is completely unique. Another one, I supposeis just their encouragement of other people. So it's just thetwo of them. They are the only ones who create the show interms of actually speaking on it and whatnot. But there's a wholecrew and cast of people. And I literally mean crew and costsbecause I call everyone producers. So they this is takenfrom I believe, like the movie business industry, perhaps evenlike the radio one where everyone who contributes to theshow gets gets some credits, they get some appreciation. Andnow usually this is just like names on a scrolling screen orsomething like that. But you could maybe put it in your IMBDI think that's how it's called profile, which is what actorsand casting agencies use, I guess to, to check out someone'scredits over the years, what they've appeared and, and thingslike that. And then there's just all the other stuff. So theproducer support a couple of things I've written down here,things like the website, this isn't something that Adam andAdam and John use they, other people do, this is the no agendashop. So there's people who create actual physical itemsfrom the show, with shirts and mugs and things like that. Andthey they get a split of that, I suppose. So they just let youknow, their intellectual property, I suppose be usedhowever they want. And then it's sort of just an honor system.People who create the shop, send them some money every now andthen there's the troll room. So this is people who want tolisten, live and be able to interact with each other in a ina chat style room. They have that physical meetups. I've beento one here in Brisbane once before, but this is justorganically supported. This is people when you go into I thinkit's no agenda You can find out are there otherpeople in my local area who, who also listen to the show. And sothen I can connect with some people who, you know, appreciatethe show as well and get to make some new friends have a commoninterest and things like that.
boots on the ground. So this ispeople who might have a particular talent or who areparticularly located and then unique situation. So pilots, forexample, or people in the medical profession, who can sendin notes or commentary on what's going on in their country or intheir profession, or an insight that they might have that isparticularly useful to the topic of COVID or in politics orwhatever the hell it is war that's going on in Ukraine, allthose sorts of things, and even cover art. So every singleepisode has a different cover art. And this is created byartists who submitted in and then Adam and John choose one inparticular, and they say yep, there's the one that's going tobe used for episode 1454. And that's, you know, plasteredeverywhere that person gets a credit as well. So the, Isuppose the encouragement of, of other people to do work for themin some way. So this is a time talent and treasure. So this isgetting into the time and talent section where it's you know,artists. I'm pretty sure that Adam and John aren't amazing atPhotoshop, but other people who listen to the show and so theyencourage Adjust them and have ways for people, I suppose it'smore on their part is the is the ability, the allowance of otherpeople to contribute, and in many ways and, and to, to reallymake that as accessible as possible. So, if you want, ifyou're an artist and you want to contribute, they make it asaccessible as possible. So they really go out of their way andin many respects, to let other people help them, which is kindof funny in a way you think, Oh, why isn't everyone do that? Butwhen you get down to it, that's pretty damn hard. And you need alot of time contemplating and seeing, okay, is this worth myeffort to set up had a website where people can submit art in areal relatively easy fashion, which can then be used for myshow? Is it worth my time setting up that show on thatwebsite and whatnot, so they've obviously put a lot of effortinto facilitating the process as well. So very, very cool. The noagenda show, I highly recommend that you check it out. If youyou know, like I said, you don't have to particularly enjoy theshow. I wouldn't say it's something I tune into veryoften, just because I don't particularly care about news andpolitics, but I really do appreciate everything thatthey're doing. Because I it's yeah, it's pretty damn cool. Sowith all that being said, I'm gonna go on to my own boosterGraham Lounge, which you might notice actually has the voice ofAdam curry appearing on it. So here we go the histogram lounge.
Welcome to the value for value,gram. Okay, so I did something prettycool last week, which was I actually promoted the show onfountain FM. And so I've been overwhelmed with differentbooths coming in. So I'm actually gonna do a little bitof speed reading some of these but I'll particularly pick outthe two who sent in some really big amounts and thank themproperly before going into the more speed reading section. Socoming at the top is Who other than p da P E T AR the slab, whosends in 93,750 SATs. Whoa, thank you very much, Peter. Andthis is for the last episode. And he says listening to themere mortals podcast is like sitting on a patio while havinga beer with your thoughtful kind and very fit friend. chattingabout something both meaningless yet very important. The meremortals podcast has the Peter pod fluence our gold stamp ofapproval. Thumbs up. Thank you very much, Peter, you're very,very kind. This is the Peter who you might I'm not even sure ifthat was the same Peter, who just got a call out on one ofthe clips that I played. I don't think so. Because I don't thinkhe lives in BC. But very, he's everywhere. I know he's on noagenda as well. I'm pretty sure he's a Knight of the table. Sohe's submitted. He's sent in a lot of value to no agenda. Sovery cool. Peter, thank you very much, my friend. I believe thatwas sent using fountain as well.
Here's the other second big one.And this was from Mary Oscar, also known as Oscar Mary, who isthe creator of the fountain app if you want to know more abouthim. I did two episodes with him on the minimalist podcast and hesays another great episode. Are you going to look at no agendafor an upcoming episode? Well Ahead of you Oscar, there yougo. I hope you enjoyed this one. And then like I said, Because Ipromoted on fountain they've got a lot of exposure and obviouslya lot of exposure and an app where people are boostergrabbing or somehow know how to do this you're gonna get a lotof people doing that so I'm just going to speed read these andthank all of you but they're not in any particular order otherthan the order that they got submitted and so all of thesejust for the interest sake is coming from fountain and if it'snot from fountain or particularly call it out, but wehave one from knowledge power free and he says love the longterm histogram 65 sets. We have one from evil flow and he justhas the rock emoji with a guy with sunglasses emoji. Got onefrom that was 20 SATs 19 SATs from zip Zeplin booster 47 SATsfrom a master good sir. Three sets from user three territoriesof the above ah, and he just says one guy Thank you got fivesets from Marco Werner. He says value for value I think willalso increase entertainment level. Yes, I agree. Thank you.Nine sets from cara cara be Busuu thanks guys. Good content.Hey, my pleasure mate. Nine sites from Prince 004 Love yourpodcast. Thank you very much my friend prints 20 SATs from userto six to nine eight do BTC is the signal. I'm getting yousignal loud and clear my friend.
Fives That's from Zevia. See,welcome to value for value a welcome to you as well. Fivesites from Ernesto Fabien 2233. And he says greeting friends.Hey, greetings to you. Ernesto, five sets from user five toseven. I'm loving it. Nine sets from Chi to three. And he saysabsolutely right or she can't tell. Absolutely right we areearly to this market. There's so much potential in the cryptoBitcoin in particular world just wait until this model is appliedto social media and platforms like YouTube. Yes, my friend.I'm super excited for the next 510 years in terms of what'sgoing on with the integration of, of crypto currency. And I'mvery particular with this with Bitcoin in into the world of allof these different areas and just being able to signal thingscorrectly. And you know, have the reduction of spam because itactually costs something even if it's only nine sets. I know thisnine sets is not from a bot because they just can't have theability to send bulk stuff like this because they'll run out ofmoney pretty quick. And yeah, so I'm very, very I'm 100% on boardwith you. I'm so excited. Got 90 insights from data as Carlos andhe says Honey I'll Mahoto meaning less me and press ascripture personas cunning, less not EVO Igano en el camino andso in English. That means awesome. I'm improving myEnglish while listening to people or persons whose nativeand native language is English A Gano con el camino and I thinkthat means like I'm improving with the with the journey. Notparticularly, that's definitely a saying in Spanish otherwise,because the literal translation is gaining in the road, whichdoesn't make too much sense. We have one here. 19 SATs from user5431 for Florida. It is good to listen to this podcast. I agree.I agree. It is good to listen to it. Three sets from dancey.dancey great. I like it 20 sets from the dude good stuff.Exclamation mark three sets from Felice good podcast 47 startsfrom l 113. Hi, this is my first podcast. I listened here. Thankyou for the info regard from Mako. Hey, thank you very much l100. much appreciate it. I do love having a bit of aninternational audience. And for those who are just really gonefar out of the way, I did have a book reviews channel calledRosetta's in Spanglish, where I would do book reviews of thesame same same books that you can find on the Mere Mortals bookreviews. But speaking in Spanish, which was to improve mySpanish but also create something I suppose something alittle bit different for, for those who are out there. Threesets from Daniel M. 092.
Excellent podcast 90 Insightsfrom the Master Karen. Thank you. Question about five sitesfrom Bitcoin plebs. 21 mil. And he just says fire 75 sets fromtip, tip and on for Oui Saxon. Gotta collect them all. Yes,nice. Three sets from Musa Ada, sevens are Gracias, dinero. Sothat's Thank you money. We've got 94 sets from fifth powerproductions, and there's a bigger message. excellentdiscussion on value for value. Thanks for your dedication tobringing value to the space. I appreciate your chapter markersand your diligent efforts to making meaningful connectionswith your listeners and supporters. It's a littleattention to details that make all the difference in userexperience, kudos and more booster come in the future. Thenwith the flexed arm bicep emoji and the clap emoji, hey, thankyou very much for the power. I do put in a lot of effort intoparticularly chapter markers and images. Not as much on this showbecause it is a little bit shorter. And so I feel like notas necessary. But for the longer episodes that I do on the MereMortals show, for example, I really do put in as much effortas I can, including links and things like that as well. So Ido enjoy doing those. Those little touches, and I do alsothink it makes a difference in the end. But yeah, in any case,I enjoy doing it. Five sets from a nesto Fabien 2233 Thumbs upthree sets from Musa to a five and they say hi three sets fromVanessa am Allah three sets from at JD 39 Great three sets fromuser one through four. And then two of the I can only imagine as like thewhite power and symbol now which people fucking that's sohilarious, but it's the three three fingers so the pinky themiddle and the ring finger up and then forming a circle withyour pointer and your thumb. So that okay, I guess symbol inDiamond terms. Five sets from Steven Steve the zebra and hesays set test it Your test came through May 8 19 SATs from userfor a Baba Baba, Windows Diaz, Windows dstu. And then nine setsfrom user 204 to deter the nice.
So, okay, very encouraging, I dolove this the support back in all of the messages, as you cansee from there, it's it's not only about the volume ofmessages but the getting as high quality as well. So I love thethe longer ones, you know, even though so many of these were twosets, three sets, 20 sets, you know, that's not going to make adifference to my life at all, you know, the bigger ones likeOscars and P stars, you know, I can see a difference with those.And I really appreciate those ones. But like you see, with theno agenda show, once you get to a certain level, if you've got amillion people listening in, and let's say even only a 10th, notnot in the 10th only 1000. So 110 1000 Send in, that is stillan unbearably huge amount of messages. And so you do have toraise caps for it. So although I enjoyed doing that, you know, inthe future, I would maybe skip out the ones just saying testand you know, great Allah, things like that. Just provide Isuppose more value in the in the in the section. But also, youknow, appreciate I do appreciate all of all of these minor ones,it's, it's a new experience for me for having too much, too manytoo many messages to go on for it to be a smooth, shorter show.So I really do appreciate that.
My last little section here ofvalue for values, what can you do to support? Well, one, Iwould just say, value for value, something new that you can do ischeck out the no agenda show. Obviously, I covered it in greatdetail. Adam is an amazing person. The whole reason I'm I'mhere doing this podcast, the value for value, I literallytook it from him, because his dedication, his creation of thismodel has just inspired me like this is this is how I want torun my life. In essence, this is like a lifestyle change for me.I don't ever want to and you will never see me doing anythingadvertising related. You know, if I can't make it as apodcaster using value for value, I don't want to make it as apodcaster. Like, that's, that's, that's essentially the ultimatumI've created for myself. So check out the no agenda show andyou'll get to see just how awesome Adam is and but also, ifyou're a podcaster and you're interested in how you can createsome ideas for your own podcast, some things to take out of,there's a goldmine a and you'll have to go digging for itbecause it's a huge amount of shows and a huge amount ofthings are on there. But there is a goldmine of of ideas totake away from them. So that is it for today. Huge episode.Thank you everyone. The I don't know how many people that was 20plus people who supported very much appreciated a special shoutout to Oscar Mary who created the fountain FM mat and then ofcourse Peter the persistent, the perennial, the slab the podfloor answer. Very much appreciate it for those two forthe big booths as well. Everyone else I hope you're having afantastic morning wherever you are in the world in the morning,Kyrin out