And so closes the chapter on this version of the Value For Value podcast.
In Ep #18 I go over how I feel I've finished my original inspiration and mission for the podcast, why this has been so influential in my recent chat with the Podfather (Adam Curry), why 2.0 is the most exciting place for innovation, my reasoning for stopping the podcast for the moment plus some stats and big thankyou's to everyone who contributed!
A final thanks to everyone who boosted Season 1, you're all wonderful!
Chat with Adam:
(0:00) - Intro
(0:47) - My mission
(4:22) - I had a chat with the Podfather!
(9:49) - News & Boostagram Lounge
(12:11) - Stats & thanks
Value 4 Value Support:
Connect with Kyrin & Mere Mortals:
Welcome one and all to anotherepisode of the value for value Podcast, the podcast where I Kyrin Down go deep and down into the world of the value for valuemodel, trying to understand for myself and then also explain howone can use this system to not be reliant on advertising moneyto ask your viewers for help and support and to essentiallycreate a system where you are giving value to people and theyare receiving it and then giving it back to you. So that is theultimate simplicity of it. But when you get into the nuances,it gets quite detailed. I want to go into a little bit aboutwhy I started this podcast. And this is why this is calledepisode 18. Mission accomplished for now. So my original missionfor starting this podcast was I had a couple of things, but I'lllist them out because they are still relevant. And they explainwhy my news that is coming up as well as affected the way that Imade some of the decisions in those news portions. So justhang on for a couple of minutes.
And we'll get there. So Istarted this because I essentially wanted to try thepodcasting 2.0 tags before switching over to my main Mere Mortals account that is the main podcast that I do. And then alsothe Mere Mortals, book reviews, which is slightly secondary tothat. And this was because I was learning all about podcasting2.0 from the podcasting 2.0 show with Adam curry and Dave Jones.And I was loving what they were doing. And I was also learningabout the value value model from them. Because Adam is a bigproponent of it, he's somewhat created it. And so I was justfascinated by how one could use these tags once and for all tomake a better show, which was one of my definitely one of myprimary aims. Another one was to try and understand it. Becausewhilst Adam is fantastic at what he does, it's kind of hard foran outsider to see through all of the, like amazing work thathe does what actually is value for value is value for valuetied up with having a live show is it tied up with asking peoplefor for help, what are some of the rules that you will use anddon't use. So this is been a show for me to to really divedeep into the particular nuances, I guess and to explainwhat I think of that what I've heard from Adam speaking andDave speaking about this, how I've seen him implemented acrosshis different shows. And I've yet really wanted to just conveythat one as a resource for myself to write down but alsofor other people to, to potentially understand a bitdeeper and some of the technical things, the things that mightyou might not realize, from the surface. So the other one wasbecause I was going to use this as a test podcast as well. So Iwas potentially thinking, I might try and use this for selfhosting, I might try and use this to really, you know, createmy do my own coding, perhaps, and maybe learn how I can getessentially stole the files on my own device and potentiallysuit them, shoot them out into the world when people want themand all those sorts of things.
And I would say for the mostpart, these have been mission accomplished. And I'll get a bitonto the news, which also explains why I think theirmission accomplished. But I really do feel like I've got adecent grasp on the 2.0 tags that I've been able topersonally use through through Buzzsprout, which is which I'vebeen hosting with. They are the ones I at the moment who areright on the edge and implementing newest tags, I'vedefinitely found myself being able to understand it better andto have a more clear focus and essentially convinced myselfthat hey, I can actually do this. And right at the end, I'llgo into some of the stats for this particular podcast abouthow how I've been going with it and whatnot, the test home forthe self hosting, it's also been useful, realizing that I don'tthink I want to go down that route. That seems a bit tootechnically oriented. For me, I would need to learn coding, Iwould need to learn quite a few things. And I just don't havethe time for that at the moment.
So we will get on to some of thenews, which also explained some of my decisions here and why Ithink I accomplished some things. So the main news for mefor this week was I had a chat with the pod father himself,check out the link that you will see now on your podcast and 2.0app because you better be there. That's the That's where all thecool stuff is that and you would notice that this podcast had ahuge influence on my chat with him because I spent probably thefirst hour of the two and two hours 20 minutes roughly that wehad together. Talking about value for value. I'm fascinatedby it. I wanted to get into the nuances. I wanted to hear hisorigin stories of how he created it when he was you know,starting off with with John Cena For Akon, no agenda, I wanted toget his particular thoughts on certain things. And you willnotice in that, in that episode that I took a lot of the samechapter art, I took some of the exact same theses, the corephilosophies episodes from here, I used as talking points. And sothis show was almost a big research project, essentially,coming up to it. This was my, my way of preparing to chat withthe pod father, and honestly, like, Holy shit, that is, Ifirst saw him in March of 2020, on the Joe Rogan show, and Ijust thought this is the coolest guy out like, I sort of expressthat in the show, but I really want to impress just how awesomeI, I thought and still do. And in fact, even more so now, whenI first saw him there, and to think that I would be myselfchatting with him a year and a half later is just just bonkers.That is so so cool. So you know, getting him on. And I really didtry and ask him questions that he doesn't typically get,because, you know, he's done so many things. But there's somereal standouts for people the value for value, the creation ofpodcasting meeting, you know, Steve Jobs, and the helicopters,the fame, the company, all that sort of stuff is fascinating.But I think, for me, personally, the most fascinating thing isthat he's created this model, and he's been able to carve outan existence not only for him, but his family, and John'sfamily and multiple other people who are all connected with theno agenda show. And I just think that is just wonderful. It'sbeautiful. It's, it's honestly astounding, that people wouldvoluntarily handing their money.
And I just, like, I'm blown,it's given me faith in humanity, essentially, not that I was downon humanity before, but this was a real eye opener to the levelsthat, that humans really can, you know, strive to achieve of,of helping one another and providing value back and forth.And, you know, bringing out the better sides of humanity. Sodidn't mean to get super deep there. But having that chat withhim was just just absolutely amazing. And this show, the, youknow, 17 episodes now 18 that were built up in prior to this,I think really put me in good stead to, to get as deepest withthem as I as I was physically able to and, you know, I stillhave many, many things to learn, there was still many questions,which I didn't frame properly, which I could have done betterand whatnot. But I am way, way better off having done this showprior prior to actually chatting with the pod father, Adamhimself. And the the feedback has been pretty good. I've had acouple of people who I didn't think would be particularlyinterested in the value for value model. And I was saying,hey, well, you know, I did this episode, you might not enjoy thefirst bit, but there's still some really cool things at theend, where he's talking about, you know, coming to Australiaand just wacky stuff about books and motorcycle crashes and stufflike that. But no, I've had some people really saying, Hey,that's a really cool mod I like I really like what he's done.And which gives me me a lot of hope as well that, you know, thevalue for value model only works if other people are into it aswell. So I've really, really, really enjoyed that. Some of theother random news has been just a bunch of lots of connectedthings. So C pod versus stud and put the cross app comments onthe Dave Jones is working on the helipad, and it seems like it'sup and running in the Umbral store. And so if you have alightning node, you can now finally have an easy way ofgetting boostagrams. Adam is himself and chats with Tascam, Ibelieve to create a podcasting device, you know, his optimalone. And so I just see all these things going on in the in the2.0 world and I'm like, Man, this is the place to be this isthe coolest shit out this is where the innovation hashappening. And I'm really glad to be a small part of thatcommunity. And, and helping it along as best I can. And it'sit's just been so fun. One other thing that came from the lastshow as well was the dead doesn't mean unusable so thatwe're talking about podcasts that don't have active uploadswithin the last 30 days or 90 days or have just been sittingin perpetuity for a while. And those can have value as well.Those can be something that people can come back to and youknow, maybe it's not the most popular, maybe not everyone'stalking about it, but that can still have some really, reallygreat things in it and which is getting into my news, I guess,which is that I'm going to be shutting down the value forvalue podcast for a while.
I'm potentially for the For along time, I'm not particularly sure there's a couple of thingsthat have been going through my head. One is, now that I havechatted with Adam. And even before that chat with him, I wasnoticing I was starting to get to the end of the, I think thereal big juicy parts of value for value. And yes, I could getinto some more nuances. Oscar Merry, for example, sent me aboostagram one time saying how he would really like to hearabout other podcasters how they implement it into the show. Iagree, that would be a really cool way of doing that. But Iguess it goes a bit beyond of what I was originally trying todo, which was just to understand it for myself and play aroundwith this podcast. So like they were mentioning in the I thinkit was episode 66 billion served the dead doesn't mean on useful.And so this podcast is going to be dead for a little while,essentially, I was realizing that if I really wanted tocreate something here, I would have to put in a lot more effortand time. And honestly, at the moment is just once a week,just, you know, doing it just audio just just chilling out,essentially, it was always a bit of adjusting, I'll just do this,I wasn't spending hours and hours thinking about it,creating it doing all these things. And it's gotten to thepoint where I feel like I'd need to make a decision of Do youwant to improve this make it better? Or are you going to usethat time for other things. And essentially, for now, I'vedecided I'm going to use it for other things. So I definitelywould like to come back at some stage, maybe I can just come andadd random episodes every now and then. But I would not saythat you should come back here for consistency, because that'sjust not going to happen. I need that time for other things, Iwant to use it for other things.
And I just feel this is a nicenatural end point or a pause or a break or hibernation, whateveryou want to call it for the for the time being. So that's athat's the main news on this point. I was sort of hinting atit in a couple of the last episodes, and now it isofficial. Now with that being said, I feel like one other waythat I can get back some value for this last one is to justtalk a little bit about some of the stats, some of the thingsand some things that need to be presented as well. So I'll go onto some stats, because you guys might find this useful, useful,enlightening. So of the 17 episodes up to this point, Ihave received in total value 68,574 Satoshis. Wow, thank youso, so much for everyone who did that. And that came from 68,boosts, and 156 streams. And of those, this show in total hasreceived 419 So that's about almost exactly know a little bitmore than 1/3 of the of the total screenplays were wereactually value enabled. So I'd really do appreciate everyonefor doing that. A couple of other random stats 42% of the listeners came fromNorth America 27% in Oceania 23% in Europe 5% In Asia, and thenone solitary one in Africa and one solitary one in SouthAmerica. Thank you, thank you people for for tuning intothose. Those ones, they're some of the apps and devices fromwhat I can tell it was mostly web browser people listening inalso Castamatic had quite a few and yeah, those were the themain the main stats that I got from this the thing I alsowanted to do was really just thank some people who havehelped submit and you know supported this show. It gave mea lot of encouragement receiving those first boostagrams Iremember those coming in be like well, this is Oh, go and thenalso you know, some continued stuff me being able to play mebeing able to somewhat guilt Oscar merry into into sending aboostagram, because I knew we listened to the show and I wasyou know, had gone a couple of weeks without some things likethat was was really fun. And I really enjoyed doing that sortof stuff. And I've been going back through the stats here andonce again, I do want to apologize in advance if I don'tsay your name here. I really did try my best to gain to geteveryone who has contributed but with the way that I am doing itthrough Satoshi stream at the moment it's it's not an easymethod of of getting to that and there's a possibility I happento someone and there was a couple of anonymous ones aswell. So I really want to thank Aaron from the salanomicspodcast Oscar Merry from Fountain FM, Chad F youcan find him in the podcasting 2.0 World Kyle Herbert, the hostof the intergalactic boombox podcast, sir twin screw asstuffed his name up a couple of times. I'm sorry, I apologizeNullifier and potentially Petar as well. And so, all of you,you've helped contribute and those anonymous ones and if Ihave missed you, please, I do apologize for that all of youhave helped to contribute to the show, the Satoshis amount whilstI do enjoy and you know, how much is that, you know, that'sthat's like, probably about 20 $30 right there. That's,that's not nothing. That's, that's really something for ashow that I just kicked off, it's sort of hasn't been my mainfocus. And, yeah, I really do want to just thank all of youfor, for being part of the show as well, because your boostagrams are part of the show you are, you are an integral partof, of everything we've done here with the first 18 episodes.And, you know, I do hope to leave this podcast up forposterity just so other people can come in and sort of have apeek into the, to the view of of value for value and learn morefor themselves. And Your support helps helped make that happen aswell. So maybe in the future, I will, we'll come back and comeback with a vengeance. I really don't know, it's this is thesecond podcast, I've had to sort of put on put on hold, I used todo more Reseñas In Spanglish which was book reviewsthat I did in Spanish. And I really enjoyed doing those. Butonce again, time constraints means that I should go andreally focus on creating a show that I'm really really happywith, which is the Mere Mortals and so that is where the thetime and energy and effort will be really devoted to as well as,you know, just making myself a better person and trying to makethe world a better place as well. So if you want to catchme, you should definitely check out the Mere Mortals or the MereMortals book reviews, if you're into books, those are the placeswhere you can find me in the future and if you want to bepart of those shows, everyone is welcome over there. We reallyenjoy the interaction. So that has been it for today. Missionaccomplished. For now I feel like I've I'm really happy withthe point that I've come up to with this with everything thatI've been doing. And once again, it's just for the moment, it'sjust for now. I'm really happy with that, who knows what thefuture will hold. And I think that's a perfect place to end itoff. Once again, thank you everyone for tuning in. And Ireally do hope you're having a fantastic day, wherever you arein the world. Kyrin out