We’re coming to a close, so let’s review everything we’ve learnt.
In Ep #38 I am covering how Juan and I implement v4v on our show ‘Mere Mortals Book Reviews’. The unique aspect we bring is that we’ve taken all the knowledge from this show and tried our best to use every single piece of tactics, philosophy and practical takeaways.
A big shoutout to Petar, This Is The Future, Busybrain and Zaikaboy. Seriously cool people!
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We're coming to a close. So let's revieweverything we've learned. Dear friends, we made it. Welcome to the final episode of Season two for the Valuefor Value podcast Yahoo! My name is Kyrin. I'm host of The Mere Mortalsand Mere Mortals Book Reviews. More on that shortly. And this is the podcastwhere I dive deep into the valuefor value model. So in season one, we've explored the philosophy of everythingbehind value for value. So why free isn't free? Why you don't want to usethe word donations? Why value doesn't necessarily mean money,the value of tough love.
So many different things I examined in thosefirst eight episodes and now roughlyanother 18 episodes later, we're coming to the finalityof season two, where I examinedparticular podcasts and examined the valuefor value implementation, maybe something uniquethat they did or we can take awayfor our own shows. And indeed, it's going to be a slightly self-promotional one here,but I'll also introduce a bit of a summary,a review, if you will, of it all up. And I'm going to be looking at the Mere Mortalsbook reviews. So yes, it isanother one of my own shows.
So in termsof the description, I can read this frommy little own site here. And so it is reviewing the books to transcend beyond meremortality, emphasis on new learnings,intriguing ideas and pragmatic takeaways that can be appliedto your everyday life. So essentially, yes,I for the most part, but also Juanmy co-host on the Mere Mortals, will do a bookreview relatively simple. We've been doing thisfor a weekly of Slash twice a week for about a yearwhen I was going crazy and I started this aroundJanuary of 2020. Now might actually say if you look on your podcastthat it started sometime in 2021, But that was becauseI had to move over hosts and more on moving hostsshortly.
And I'm up toabout 200 episodes of that with probably nowI'd say like 170 of those being mineand the other 30 being ones. Now the length is usuallyabout 25 minutes, but can be slightlymore, can be slightly less. And depending on,I suppose, the book size and the themes and interesting thingsthat we found from it. And the format is it'sjust one of us. So it'll either be me speaking to the mikemuch like I am now or one, and it's generally a lot more preparedthan the Mere Mortals. So you know, I wouldgenerally have a kind of little notebookfull of, of notes and you know,I've spent a lot more time really thinking aboutwhat I took away from it and howI want to review the book.
So this is splitinto multiple sections. This year of the intro,I give us an obvious of the general plots or whatit is generally about. Then I'll go intomultiple themes. If there are usually to some of my ownpersonal observations and takeaways as a summary. And then finally a value for value pitchright at the end. So just to give you a taste of what it sounds like,here is the summary. So right at the startof the episode entitled The Bitcoin Standardby safety numbers and you can get a feelfor how I do the summary. And we do havea very exciting one today.
It is the Bitcoin standardby C5 and Moose. This book was originally published in 2018,although I have the 2021 updated version and it's about 275 pagesin length and each page, the writing on ititself isn't super dense, so it doesn't take a superlong time to get through. The book itself is a mixbetween the history of money and then alsothe properties of money. So you're really goingto get an idea more about what money is than anything elsefrom this book. However,it is also the backdrop for this new form of purely digital money called Bitcoin and why,in comparison to cows shells, gold and even fiat,it is much, much better.
Now, there's ten chaptersin this book and I'll read outa couple of them so you can get an idea ofwhat they are talking about. So chapter one Money.Chapter two Primitive Money. Chapter three MonetaryMetals. Chapterfour Government Money. Chapter five Money and TimePreference. Chapter six Capitalismas Information System. Chapter seven Sound Moneyand Individual Freedom. And then this is the part where it startsgetting onto Bitcoin. Chapter eight Digital Money. Chapter nine.What is Bitcoin? Good for and Chapterten Bitcoin Questions. So you can see, you know,7/10 of the book is related to actual moneyand the history of money.
And then the last threechapters are really diving deepinto Bitcoin and analysing itfrom this perspective that has alreadybeen created beforehand. A handsome and intelligent fellow,if I do say so myself. So that's the generalin charge of, of what the main models bookreviews is about. And you can seehow much effort I've put into reading it anddefinitely a lot less ums. And as you'll noticefrom there now, how do I implement valuefor value on this show? Well, it has evolved over the years thatI've been doing it first. When I first started, it used to be just simplyasking for a view from or, you know, check us outon Apple's or Spotify or whereveryou get your podcast.
But when I really didn'treally know what I was doing and so I would sort ofjust mimic what everyone elsewas saying. But since I found thatthe value of a value model and since I started learningabout, okay, this is why this is muchmore beneficiary than, say,the advertising model, which I absolutely despise.I cannot stand ads and podcastsand just in general. And I startedimplementing it in a kind of piecemeal fashion into it. So first I started,you know, honing up my pitch towards the end, recommending podcastswhere people could go to other podcasts, placeswhere people could go to more being directionalwith the value that how people couldprovide that back to me.
And then once I startedto had my eyes opened by the the power of Boostagrams and of using digital money bitcoin, hence the book reviewon the Bitcoin standard. It forced me to go, okay,I need to do this properly and I can't sort of justprovide lip service to it. So I started actuallydoing a book recap, which was a end of monthmore loose fitting episodewhere I would go over the the multiple books thatI had read during the month. So whether it be four or eight of them or however many. And then thiswould also give me a section to close the feedbackloop of the Boostagrams and things like this.
So I will,before getting onto the Something Unique section,give you another little tasteof how I do my pitch, and then this will lead usnicely into some the review I want to dooff of season two. Overall,I'm going to give it a seven and a half out of ten. The sound of Waves by YukioMishima. Give it a check out.I think you'll enjoy it. And that is it for today.My Miyamoto Lights. Thank you for joining meto this part of the audio. What are your thoughtson Yukio Mishima on The Sound of Waves,his style? Is it too simplistic? I would love to knowall of these things.
The best way you can do that is by sendingin a boostagram So Boostagram is a monetary payment of satoshisSo that is Bitcoin attached to a messageand you can do that via any decent podcasting app. So new podcast app Ask.comchoose one of the ones from the list theretry them out and I this is a valuefor value podcast. I provide all this value upfrontand so I really hope you got something from the show. And if you didn't,why are you listening? And I just requestthat you send that back in so you can send itin a monetary form. I always enjoy getting bookrecommendations of highlightsand your thoughts.
And as I mentioned, I callthose out and the book books recapat the end of the month and thank you individually,but you could also share the the show. You could also have technical detailsinsights into Mishima that perhapsI don't have all of these different thingsyou could do. So I really do hope you'rehaving a fantastic day wherever you are,especially if you are a Tajima or on the on the onthe sea, on the ocean, listeningto the sound of waves. And we're going toleave it there, Kyran out. Okay. There's a couple of things I want to highlightfrom that section, but to do that, I'm actually going to have to get rightinto something unique.
And so what is something uniquethat the memorial's book reviews does differently perhapsthan every on the show? Well, they implement everything that I've been talking about herein season two of the Value for Value show. So I'm actually going to give a bit of a reviewof every single show. And in particular,the unique thing that you can take from thatand talk about how I've basically appliedthat to the minerals book reviewsor the Memorials podcast, one of the two. So let'sget right back into it. So we started off with noneother than podcasting 2.0. And one of the thingsI really took from that was the feedbackloop is critical above pretty much everything elseI would say.
Now there are many otherthings you can do, but that feedback loopyou need to have it. It's kindof what motivates people to to send support because if they don'tdo that, then it can feel at timeslike you're sending things into a void. And I've experienced thisbefore and I've talked about this many times beforeand I hate it. So that is what triggered meto actually do this book recap section rightat the end of the month and be able to go, okay,and this is where I can completethe feedback loop. Now it's only once a month and we'll talk moreabout that shortly.
But you know,you do have to do that. So one right thingthat triggered me to do that from fun fact Friday value return is canbe the show content as well. So what they would ask is that you send a boost to Grahamin with a fun fact which they usein their actual show so it's becoming more of aand less of a thanking people sectionand more of a know. This is you're actually going to create the showfor us in a way and I you can kind of here I somewhat did thatwhich was hey if you have any insightsinto the mission, if you have a bookrecommendation, you know, that is going to be potentially creating a whole new showfor me and I will trustthose recommendations more than I willfrom just random stuff because peopleare taking the time to come all the wayto the end of an episode.
If they understandmy kind of style, I feel thatcan be quite applicable. So that was areally good one. They're from the LifeSpring Family Audio Bible. Steve Webb We understood thatwe need to adapt the loop and change it depending onhow we do our shows. And so for himhe did a daily show and this was where he would kind of split upthese little value portions that he was getting backbecause it was daily he had split it up into,you know, whatever he got recentlyso it wouldn't be this kind of big grand Boostagram loungeor anything like that. It would be a this is what some peoplehave sent to me today.
This is a story of how some value got providedback to me. Oh, look, here's a boostagram Wasn't thatgreat? Things like that. So this was alsowhere I was going, okay, how can I adapt value for value to the bookreview show? I don't particularlywant to be reading Outburst of Graham's in the the actual book reviewitself. You know what? I'm going to createa whole new section for myselfand do it that way. So that was really good. The bowl off the bowl. So this is where we really had the passingthe bowl analogy. And this is where I wouldsay, okay, you're you're changing upyour pitch somewhat to to suit your audience.
And you could kind of hearhow I did that right at the end, which was,you know what, I'm wishing peoplea good day. I'm wishing the peoplefrom the island of Dejima off the coastof of of mainland Japan. And, you know, I'd tryand do this. I do this a lot better in the memorial showbecause it's such a a longer free formcontent that, for example, I was having this week orwhere it was a week of off opposites,everything was kind of changingand being opposite for me. And soand the value for value pitch right at the endI said, You know what, everyone I just ask, it'sbeen a week of opposites.
I ask you do the oppositeof what you normally do, which is do not,don't you don't donate. So do not so donate thistime. And that's, I think, a really cool wayto to make the pitch not boring as wellto to leave people kind of wonderinglike oh okay what what what's it going to say now?Is it going to be funny? Is it like because you canchange it up each time? It doesn't have to be a really structured one nowfrom the secular foxhole. So this waswhere they talked about simplifying the processfor noobs, and this is where they hada even like a whole section on how you can supportthe show.
Now, I haven't gone deep and deep into details,but I did have a little section there. You heard where I said,okay, to do this, you know, go on to new podcast app WSJ.com and chooseone of the ones that you enjoy from there. And this is a lot betterthan just saying, you know, get a get an app whichsupports boostagramming. Okay well, what if you'd never heard of boostagramming before? Where the hell do I go?Where do I even start? So that's one little sectionI've taken from them, from the sleek,the strangest Life I've ever known podcast.
They did somethingreally cool with a leaderboard,and whilst I haven't implemented that totally yetinto this podcast, into Mere Mortals bookreviews, I have done that on the memorial showand it's kind of trying to accumulatethat everything into there. I think I will at some point now that I have accessto some better tools such as the Saturn appand I'll be Wallet where you can get a lot more detailsof of your purse for for a kind of nonnode user like myself. There are a couple of waysyou can do that as well. So I, I think I do want to implement that,but I will admit I haven't done that for the minimalistbook reviews, but I have done it for the Mere Mortals podcastand you can check out our monthly goals for moreon those details there.
The chord cast,this was one where it was kind of highlightingthe uniqueness of your value and saying,okay, this is something you're not goingto get anywhere else. And he was saying that because he was reading outtexts which were just never goingto be read in audio form. Yeah, okay. This is maybe one whereI'm slightly lagging in a bit,where I, I try and just rely on the valueof everything that I'm doing to speak for itself. Instead of saying the ME models is the best book reviewsfor X number of reasons, or, you know, check outthe Miyamoto's podcast because we do it outside in a, you know,kind of free form format.
This is really rare. You're going to get the Australian bushand wildlife. You're never going to hearthese sort of things. You know, I probably could doa little bit of a better job explaining that and saying,okay, this is why you do need to listen to this showbecause it is so unique. So I'll give myselfa negative on that one. The mere mortals, I've already kind oftalked about this, but changing up your pitchso you're not doing the same thing dayin, day out. So that was, you know,kind of something that I've taken analysedand now reanalysing it good. And from behind the schemes,this was adopting the new tag.
So this is really providing even more valuefor your show. Obviously, the betteryour show is, the more people are going to want to return thatvalue back and in a greater format as well. So the more you can doby adopting new tags, by making it easierfor them, especially in the the monetary form. So this is where you canhave things like the value tag in yourpodcast, which you can use to include a nodelink and things like that. There's also, I think it'spart of the same tag where you caninclude a link to a PayPal and this will show up onmany of the podcasting apps with a little dollar sign.
And if you click that, it'll take youdirectly to there. So basicallyjust implementing as many new things, staying aheador right on track with the the innovationsthat are going on in podcastingand through podcasting 2.0, which I mentioned just right before,that is a good way to increasethe value of your show. Now, just to break this upa little bit before I get onto the other potential ninethat are remaining, I'm going to play a section here from the book recapso you can get a feel for how I did implement this. And this will also highlight another point or two,which I do want to make.
Now. I actually have quitea few biz scripts right here because I did somethinga little bit different. I watched oneand I paid for a promotions on the Fountain appjust to try it out. I've done it on the Valuefor Value podcast before, but I wanted also to do it here and just see whatit would have felt like, what the kind of outcomewould be. And I've also chattedwith Nick, Master of the From the Fountain Podcast. So if you listen to episode329 of the Miyamoto's podcast, you'lllearn a bit more about that, which iscoming out in a week's time roughly or five daysafter this is released.
So I'm just going to go run through these kind of rapid fire for some of them becausethere are quite a lot here. So we have threesets from just 2100 and just assume all of theseare from Fountain. He says, Thanks,Nice episode. Keeping up and all of theseare for the Bitcoin standard reviewunless I say otherwise. We have 129 sets and TRANELa nice book review. I think I need to read the bitcoin standard anywaythough. Yeah. I like the point of bookreviews I feel is to kind of whet your appetite to be able to go into itor you know, if you're on the fence about it and don't want toread it, you can kind of get the modern interpretationfrom current law.
I'm doing exactlywhat I'm railing against. Good ten sets from Leo by Bay or by,and he says, I liked it a lot with images, practically a video.I like it. Hey, that is a fantasticcomment, my friend. Thank you for that, because I do actually put a lot of effortinto the images and yeah, that's that's great.I'm glad you enjoyed that. A big one here from Mr. Peter the Slav. And this is from meditationson First Philosophy. And he says, I'mgoing to be honest here. I really have no idea what Rene was talking abouteither. He lost me at aboutthe third meditation.
Okay, bang on. Same with you. Glad you sort of enjoyedit, though. Yeah, that was athat was a fun book that I'm I was one ofthe only philosophy books where I, I understoodwhat he was getting at. I like the process of histhought model. I thoughtthat was really cool, what his final outcomeswere. I kindof disagreed with and didn't I didn't getthe same things that he did. But that was a philosophybook where I went, okay, this, this is thisis what I was expecting. This is a mode of thinking which I had neverparticularly tried before, and I was able to do itfor myself.
So kind of maybe dumbphilosophy is what I need. 475 sets by Charlie 67jAnd it says Good book ReviewerThank you, my friend. 38 sets from userblah blah blah blah blah. Thanks for the info.No walkers mate. So all of thatwas from the boost agrams galore and I'm done with philosophy episodeof the Mere Mortals book reviews. So yeah, plenty of differentthings to take from there. And you could even see how some of the things that I saidI wasn't doing, like highlightingthe uniqueness of my value, well, I kind of was in a waythat where someone noticed how good my chapters wereand I was like, Yeah, thank.
Yeah, chapters are somethingI do really well. So yeah, yeah, I supposeI do need to highlight it. That's the,the one of the things to take away from that. So continuing onfrom the different episodes that I covered,we had Kyle Haber as the intergalacticboom box podcast and this was where he was using boosts asa kind of prompt question. So he would have a questionfor the week. His show was very format,format, format wise. It was very shortin the sense of, you know, 10 to 15 minutes. And he would say, Hey, there'sthis particular question, what are your thoughtson glasses in movies?
I don't know,something like that. And that would bethe question to respond to in a boost message. So I kind of did thatin a way, which was whereI'm saying, Hey, what were your thoughtson the sound of ways? I really want to know that giving somethinga prompt for someone who's listening to go,Oh, you know what? I am going to give Karen my thoughtson the sound of waves, and I'm also going toboost him at the same time. Ruddy bloody brilliant. We had the podcastingfor value. This was JoshuaDenham's genesis, excuse me. And he had experimentationand set for teasing.
And this is one whereI've kind of taken away and realised, okay, yeah, obviously experimentingwith your shows and trying outsome unique formats and things like that,that's really cool. And then also using thismethod of boostagramming to, to kind of promoteyour shows. And so I do this in a way whenever I boostagramsomeone it is under the handleMere Mortals podcast or Kyrin and then in bracketsmere mortals podcast just so that people can kindof see okay this is where you knowI'm I'm implementing this myself,I'm doing this myself, I'm kind of advertising and God yeah,now I feel hypocritical.
I feel there's a differencebetween the boostagramming someone and then paying for an advertto appear on Instagram or on a billboardor things like that. There is a differencenuance wise. If you want tocheck that out, listen to the models,because I've explained that before. Just type in advertising or something in the searchbar of our website Mere Mortals podcast dot com and you'reyou're kind of be able to followthat train of thought there We also had Americaplus sling sets and be generous wasbasically the unique thing he was doing.
He wanted to becomethe person known for giving the most stats back to his audience,which I think is very cool. Cole McCormickAnd so that's, you know, I've tried it outfor myself. You just heardhow I had tried out doing thison the Fountain app, and it didget a lot of boost back, not as much as I put in,but I thought it was a fun thing to do. And, you know, it'ssomething I might do again. We had Robert Suzuki'sten Veto podcast 2.0, which was kind ofamalgamation of a couple of his shows,and this was where it was highlighting, you know, use other V for V meansif necessary.
So although he does havea node and although he does experiment with,you know, value for value, he does do it in a perhapsdifferent sense where he'll he will say, hey, you know, join up onto my courseat SUSU so Suzuki Network or I think it was Kaizen,it was the way he explained it and okay,this is maybe one where I do I do try and highlight,I suppose, other ways that you can providethe value of back. So this was where I was saying,you know, if you are an experton Mishima and I've misinterpreted something,you know, get in touch. If you want to sharethe show, you know, do thatin that way. So I suppose for that one, I probablydon't do it as much, but it is definitely tryingto to highlight different ways that peoplecan provide the value back.
From Portland News,this is James Cridland and Sam Sethi. If we found keep persisting,just keep doing it. Keep going on. Even though I was showingthat Instagram recap there, that was because I had donea, you know, a promotion on Fountain. And for most of the timeit is in fact not like thata lot of the time the you'll get one or twoin or three maybe. And you know,I have persisted and that's somethingI am kind of proud of myself on both for the mereand for that show, for ebooks. Now we've learnt that you could use a podcastas a feed to show in a way, and this is something I actually do, do, do dofor the memos, book reviews.
So I do now more than ever,highlight. Hey, I'm Kyrin and I'ma host of the Mere Mortals podcast,and I do talk about how if you enjoyed this book, you know, go check out the Mere Mortals podcast, because I tend to analysethese books a bit more. I tend to get ideas from these and then I'll bring it upand have it in a more conversational style. So I do use it, although it isa standalone piece, I do use itsomewhat as a feed to show to, to highlight. Hey, this is everythingthat's going on on the Meand Models podcast. So that's, that's one there.
And then the final one was generational wealthhighlighting your ethics. And this was whereif you listen to his, his pitch at the end,he was very adamant, I will never takesponsorship money. I would never takeadvertising money. I don't believe in it. I think that it can have aa corrupting influence on the show. It will change. You know, your abilityto trust me that funnilyenough, he's doing a a cryptoshow where the whole point is kind of youdon't need to trust anyone but yes, I definitely thinkthat was a great idea. And I have also startedimplementing that into the Mere Mortalsand Mere Mortals book reviews.
So there we go. That's that was a wholelot of different. I think I had written down here 18 episodes,and I really do hope you've taken somethingfrom each one of them and and been ableto implement it. You know, maybe notall of them, but some of theminto your own podcast and into,into your own ideas. And I've learnt a lotof definitely learnt a lot over thesethis last 18 weeks in in preparing thisand doing this all. So that'sthe review of season two. Thank you for tuning in. And now let's getinto the Instagram lounge. Welcometo the Value for Value Instagram Lounge.
So here we are, the Boostagram Lounge, the value for valuefeedback loop for this show, The value for value show. So this is where I read out all the boostagramsthat came in. And I think people individuallyfor doing that and we've got four this week,which is very nice. So we have like Kabui who sent in $0.16from Fountain, he says Cheers, cheersto use like a boy we have. This is the future love,the generational wealth. And he sent 24 sets in. I have noticedthis is the future quite often appearing here. And so I do appreciate you,my friend. I've got 25 setsfrom Busy Brain.
Good stuff. Keep it coming. Thumbs up. And that was a new name. So I was like a boy. Sovery cool to see those two. And then finally, you know,my favourite booster is Petarand he says, never came across the show before. But I like the premise and you know how much I loveclobbering leaderboards. Yes, indeedy. And so that was 5833also using Fountain. And yeah, I do want to givea big shout out to Petar He's been very Petarthe persistent in in supporting this show aswell as my other shows and yeah he definitely doesdeserve a special mention. And so if you see the namePeter floating around and you'll see himon the Fountain leaderboard charts as well, if you go to Fountain, he's everywhere and he's a very generous fellowand a very great fella. And we've both learnta lot from each other, especially from the bookreviews as well.
So very, very cool. Peter,thank you so much, mate. I can't express how muchI appreciate your support. So that is itfor season two. So I've talked about thisin some of the other shows, but yes, I'mbringing this to a close. I haveI feel like I've once again kind of donemy job in the sense that for season one it was almost a preparationfor talking to Adam Curry on the Mere Mortals podcast,where we just basically talked about valuefor value for an hour and a half and then, you know, an hourof other stuff as well. This show, you know,the season two, this was for me to learnmore about the the kind of practicalimplementation.
I looked at the kind of philosophy before,but this was why, okay, how can I take awaysome of these things and do themfor my own shows? So I feel like I have takenaway a fair chunk and know slightly as well. It was kindof a promotional thing to show that I'm seriousabout this, and in one way I did that was I included a splitfor every single show that I reviewed. So in this one, I'm actuallygoing to do something fun, which is fun for me. I'm not surehow much other people will actuallyreally appreciate it, but fuck it,I'm going to do it, which is I'm going to include a splitof every single person who'slistened into this one.
So there should be. So I said, 18 shows and then plus mineand then plus fountain. So thereshould be roughly 20 splits for for this. So maybe I'll try and include just 5%for every single one. But yeah, that's kind of likethe highlight of value. Value for value. You know, all of thesepeople did cool shows. I, you know, just took out random snippetsfrom their shows and none of themever came back to me saying, you know, take it outor anything like that. So to show that appreciation, I'mgoing to chuck in a split now. It's going to be relatively minor,you know, maximum 5%.
But I hopethey appreciate it anyway. And, you know, damn, that's going to take me a long timeto do as well. And the funny thingis, will be, let's see in a year timehow many of these nodes are still active. So I would bet that probably about half of them would be, because that does seem thatthat is one thing where it's kind oflike our link, right? If you've heard of thatbefore, that kind of Internet termof, you know, links just dying because people changeweb pages or don't update their servers or, you know, just naturallythings go away. We might have a case of noderot on our hands in the in the future.
So although it would besilly because you missing out onsome glorious sets as people come backand listen to this show. So thatis definitely one thing. Another thing to highlightvalue for value wise is I want your suggestions. I will do a season threeat some point. I do just need a break after after doing this andwho knows how long it'll be? Probably 3 to 4 months. This is how long I tooklast time, so I'll probably do thatagain roughly. And yeah.What are your suggestions? What would you loveto hear more of? Do you want me analysingmore shows? What I was thinking of doingwas also doing a highlight of aa tag.
So one of the newpodcasting 2.0. The new namespace tags. I was thinking of doing a kind of highlight of thatfor each so show. This could bewhere podcasters could understand, Oh,this is something that I can do for my own show and maybe it will require meto change hosts. Speaking of this show, this episodemight be delayed slightly. The feed might bea little bit wonky. It might show I've produced or every singleother episode, you know, in the last dayor two before this, because I've actually beenlocked out of my own podcast because my computer brokeand now I'm having a lot of trouble getting back in as the admin,so I might have to just re re copy the feedand do a whole, set up a whole new podcast or like a redirect or I'm not sure exactlywhat I'm going to do.
But in any case, this episode will bereleased at some point because you're obviouslylistening to it right now. And yeah, suggestionsfor season three. If you could send throughany of those. I would also just highlight here, you know, this is a valuefor value show. I spend a lot of timemaking this show and putting the effort into creating the clips,doing it weekly, you know, listeningto these other shows. You can use thisas multiple different ways. Those wayswhere you could listen in and get kindof podcast recommendations, because I have revieweda whole different, differentlike variety of shows.
Each one of these is actuallypretty unique in a way, and there's just so many thingsthat are, you know, there's there's a time for meto thank you for, for tuning into the Value For Value show. I do appreciate it. And I want to spreadthe word. So I'm going to keep doingthis, and I hope you do too. So spread the wordthat's never that's what you can do for metoday. Spread theword about value for value. Wow. That's a big one. Thank you. Thank you, everyone,for joining in, for tuning in this long. And I really do hope you'rehaving a fantastic day wherever you arein the world.
Kyrin Checking out,but not forever. I'll be back. Chao
We're coming to a close. So let's revieweverything we've learned. Dear friends, we made it. Welcome to the final episode of Season two for the Valuefor Value podcast Yahoo! My name is Kyrin. I'm host of The Mere Mortalsand Mere Mortals Book Reviews. More on that shortly. And this is the podcastwhere I dive deep into the valuefor value model. So in season one, we've explored the philosophy of everythingbehind value for value. So why free isn't free? Why you don't want to usethe word donations? Why value doesn't necessarily mean money,the value of tough love.
So many different things I examined in thosefirst eight episodes and now roughlyanother 18 episodes later, we're coming to the finalityof season two, where I examinedparticular podcasts and examined the valuefor value implementation, maybe something uniquethat they did or we can take awayfor our own shows. And indeed, it's going to be a slightly self-promotional one here,but I'll also introduce a bit of a summary,a review, if you will, of it all up. And I'm going to be looking at the Mere Mortalsbook reviews. So yes, it isanother one of my own shows.
So in termsof the description, I can read this frommy little own site here. And so it is reviewing the books to transcend beyond meremortality, emphasis on new learnings,intriguing ideas and pragmatic takeaways that can be appliedto your everyday life. So essentially, yes,I for the most part, but also Juanmy co-host on the Mere Mortals, will do a bookreview relatively simple. We've been doing thisfor a weekly of Slash twice a week for about a yearwhen I was going crazy and I started this aroundJanuary of 2020. Now might actually say if you look on your podcastthat it started sometime in 2021, But that was becauseI had to move over hosts and more on moving hostsshortly.
And I'm up toabout 200 episodes of that with probably nowI'd say like 170 of those being mineand the other 30 being ones. Now the length is usuallyabout 25 minutes, but can be slightlymore, can be slightly less. And depending on,I suppose, the book size and the themes and interesting thingsthat we found from it. And the format is it'sjust one of us. So it'll either be me speaking to the mikemuch like I am now or one, and it's generally a lot more preparedthan the Mere Mortals. So you know, I wouldgenerally have a kind of little notebookfull of, of notes and you know,I've spent a lot more time really thinking aboutwhat I took away from it and howI want to review the book.
So this is splitinto multiple sections. This year of the intro,I give us an obvious of the general plots or whatit is generally about. Then I'll go intomultiple themes. If there are usually to some of my ownpersonal observations and takeaways as a summary. And then finally a value for value pitchright at the end. So just to give you a taste of what it sounds like,here is the summary. So right at the startof the episode entitled The Bitcoin Standardby safety numbers and you can get a feelfor how I do the summary. And we do havea very exciting one today.
It is the Bitcoin standardby C5 and Moose. This book was originally published in 2018,although I have the 2021 updated version and it's about 275 pagesin length and each page, the writing on ititself isn't super dense, so it doesn't take a superlong time to get through. The book itself is a mixbetween the history of money and then alsothe properties of money. So you're really goingto get an idea more about what money is than anything elsefrom this book. However,it is also the backdrop for this new form of purely digital money called Bitcoin and why,in comparison to cows shells, gold and even fiat,it is much, much better.
Now, there's ten chaptersin this book and I'll read outa couple of them so you can get an idea ofwhat they are talking about. So chapter one Money.Chapter two Primitive Money. Chapter three MonetaryMetals. Chapterfour Government Money. Chapter five Money and TimePreference. Chapter six Capitalismas Information System. Chapter seven Sound Moneyand Individual Freedom. And then this is the part where it startsgetting onto Bitcoin. Chapter eight Digital Money. Chapter nine.What is Bitcoin? Good for and Chapterten Bitcoin Questions. So you can see, you know,7/10 of the book is related to actual moneyand the history of money.
And then the last threechapters are really diving deepinto Bitcoin and analysing itfrom this perspective that has alreadybeen created beforehand. A handsome and intelligent fellow,if I do say so myself. So that's the generalin charge of, of what the main models bookreviews is about. And you can seehow much effort I've put into reading it anddefinitely a lot less ums. And as you'll noticefrom there now, how do I implement valuefor value on this show? Well, it has evolved over the years thatI've been doing it first. When I first started, it used to be just simplyasking for a view from or, you know, check us outon Apple's or Spotify or whereveryou get your podcast.
But when I really didn'treally know what I was doing and so I would sort ofjust mimic what everyone elsewas saying. But since I found thatthe value of a value model and since I started learningabout, okay, this is why this is muchmore beneficiary than, say,the advertising model, which I absolutely despise.I cannot stand ads and podcastsand just in general. And I startedimplementing it in a kind of piecemeal fashion into it. So first I started,you know, honing up my pitch towards the end, recommending podcastswhere people could go to other podcasts, placeswhere people could go to more being directionalwith the value that how people couldprovide that back to me.
And then once I startedto had my eyes opened by the the power of Boostagrams and of using digital money bitcoin, hence the book reviewon the Bitcoin standard. It forced me to go, okay,I need to do this properly and I can't sort of justprovide lip service to it. So I started actuallydoing a book recap, which was a end of monthmore loose fitting episodewhere I would go over the the multiple books thatI had read during the month. So whether it be four or eight of them or however many. And then thiswould also give me a section to close the feedbackloop of the Boostagrams and things like this.
So I will,before getting onto the Something Unique section,give you another little tasteof how I do my pitch, and then this will lead usnicely into some the review I want to dooff of season two. Overall,I'm going to give it a seven and a half out of ten. The sound of Waves by YukioMishima. Give it a check out.I think you'll enjoy it. And that is it for today.My Miyamoto Lights. Thank you for joining meto this part of the audio. What are your thoughtson Yukio Mishima on The Sound of Waves,his style? Is it too simplistic? I would love to knowall of these things.
The best way you can do that is by sendingin a boostagram So Boostagram is a monetary payment of satoshisSo that is Bitcoin attached to a messageand you can do that via any decent podcasting app. So new podcast app Ask.comchoose one of the ones from the list theretry them out and I this is a valuefor value podcast. I provide all this value upfrontand so I really hope you got something from the show. And if you didn't,why are you listening? And I just requestthat you send that back in so you can send itin a monetary form. I always enjoy getting bookrecommendations of highlightsand your thoughts.
And as I mentioned, I callthose out and the book books recapat the end of the month and thank you individually,but you could also share the the show. You could also have technical detailsinsights into Mishima that perhapsI don't have all of these different thingsyou could do. So I really do hope you'rehaving a fantastic day wherever you are,especially if you are a Tajima or on the on the onthe sea, on the ocean, listeningto the sound of waves. And we're going toleave it there, Kyran out. Okay. There's a couple of things I want to highlightfrom that section, but to do that, I'm actually going to have to get rightinto something unique.
And so what is something uniquethat the memorial's book reviews does differently perhapsthan every on the show? Well, they implement everything that I've been talking about herein season two of the Value for Value show. So I'm actually going to give a bit of a reviewof every single show. And in particular,the unique thing that you can take from thatand talk about how I've basically appliedthat to the minerals book reviewsor the Memorials podcast, one of the two. So let'sget right back into it. So we started off with noneother than podcasting 2.0. And one of the thingsI really took from that was the feedbackloop is critical above pretty much everything elseI would say.
Now there are many otherthings you can do, but that feedback loopyou need to have it. It's kindof what motivates people to to send support because if they don'tdo that, then it can feel at timeslike you're sending things into a void. And I've experienced thisbefore and I've talked about this many times beforeand I hate it. So that is what triggered meto actually do this book recap section rightat the end of the month and be able to go, okay,and this is where I can completethe feedback loop. Now it's only once a month and we'll talk moreabout that shortly.
But you know,you do have to do that. So one right thingthat triggered me to do that from fun fact Friday value return is canbe the show content as well. So what they would ask is that you send a boost to Grahamin with a fun fact which they usein their actual show so it's becoming more of aand less of a thanking people sectionand more of a know. This is you're actually going to create the showfor us in a way and I you can kind of here I somewhat did thatwhich was hey if you have any insightsinto the mission, if you have a bookrecommendation, you know, that is going to be potentially creating a whole new showfor me and I will trustthose recommendations more than I willfrom just random stuff because peopleare taking the time to come all the wayto the end of an episode.
If they understandmy kind of style, I feel thatcan be quite applicable. So that was areally good one. They're from the LifeSpring Family Audio Bible. Steve Webb We understood thatwe need to adapt the loop and change it depending onhow we do our shows. And so for himhe did a daily show and this was where he would kind of split upthese little value portions that he was getting backbecause it was daily he had split it up into,you know, whatever he got recentlyso it wouldn't be this kind of big grand Boostagram loungeor anything like that. It would be a this is what some peoplehave sent to me today.
This is a story of how some value got providedback to me. Oh, look, here's a boostagram Wasn't thatgreat? Things like that. So this was alsowhere I was going, okay, how can I adapt value for value to the bookreview show? I don't particularlywant to be reading Outburst of Graham's in the the actual book reviewitself. You know what? I'm going to createa whole new section for myselfand do it that way. So that was really good. The bowl off the bowl. So this is where we really had the passingthe bowl analogy. And this is where I wouldsay, okay, you're you're changing upyour pitch somewhat to to suit your audience.
And you could kind of hearhow I did that right at the end, which was,you know what, I'm wishing peoplea good day. I'm wishing the peoplefrom the island of Dejima off the coastof of of mainland Japan. And, you know, I'd tryand do this. I do this a lot better in the memorial showbecause it's such a a longer free formcontent that, for example, I was having this week orwhere it was a week of off opposites,everything was kind of changingand being opposite for me. And soand the value for value pitch right at the endI said, You know what, everyone I just ask, it'sbeen a week of opposites.
I ask you do the oppositeof what you normally do, which is do not,don't you don't donate. So do not so donate thistime. And that's, I think, a really cool wayto to make the pitch not boring as wellto to leave people kind of wonderinglike oh okay what what what's it going to say now?Is it going to be funny? Is it like because you canchange it up each time? It doesn't have to be a really structured one nowfrom the secular foxhole. So this waswhere they talked about simplifying the processfor noobs, and this is where they hada even like a whole section on how you can supportthe show.
Now, I haven't gone deep and deep into details,but I did have a little section there. You heard where I said,okay, to do this, you know, go on to new podcast app WSJ.com and chooseone of the ones that you enjoy from there. And this is a lot betterthan just saying, you know, get a get an app whichsupports boostagramming. Okay well, what if you'd never heard of boostagramming before? Where the hell do I go?Where do I even start? So that's one little sectionI've taken from them, from the sleek,the strangest Life I've ever known podcast.
They did somethingreally cool with a leaderboard,and whilst I haven't implemented that totally yetinto this podcast, into Mere Mortals bookreviews, I have done that on the memorial showand it's kind of trying to accumulatethat everything into there. I think I will at some point now that I have accessto some better tools such as the Saturn appand I'll be Wallet where you can get a lot more detailsof of your purse for for a kind of nonnode user like myself. There are a couple of waysyou can do that as well. So I, I think I do want to implement that,but I will admit I haven't done that for the minimalistbook reviews, but I have done it for the Mere Mortals podcastand you can check out our monthly goals for moreon those details there.
The chord cast,this was one where it was kind of highlightingthe uniqueness of your value and saying,okay, this is something you're not goingto get anywhere else. And he was saying that because he was reading outtexts which were just never goingto be read in audio form. Yeah, okay. This is maybe one whereI'm slightly lagging in a bit,where I, I try and just rely on the valueof everything that I'm doing to speak for itself. Instead of saying the ME models is the best book reviewsfor X number of reasons, or, you know, check outthe Miyamoto's podcast because we do it outside in a, you know,kind of free form format.
This is really rare. You're going to get the Australian bushand wildlife. You're never going to hearthese sort of things. You know, I probably could doa little bit of a better job explaining that and saying,okay, this is why you do need to listen to this showbecause it is so unique. So I'll give myselfa negative on that one. The mere mortals, I've already kind oftalked about this, but changing up your pitchso you're not doing the same thing dayin, day out. So that was, you know,kind of something that I've taken analysedand now reanalysing it good. And from behind the schemes,this was adopting the new tag.
So this is really providing even more valuefor your show. Obviously, the betteryour show is, the more people are going to want to return thatvalue back and in a greater format as well. So the more you can doby adopting new tags, by making it easierfor them, especially in the the monetary form. So this is where you canhave things like the value tag in yourpodcast, which you can use to include a nodelink and things like that. There's also, I think it'spart of the same tag where you caninclude a link to a PayPal and this will show up onmany of the podcasting apps with a little dollar sign.
And if you click that, it'll take youdirectly to there. So basicallyjust implementing as many new things, staying aheador right on track with the the innovationsthat are going on in podcastingand through podcasting 2.0, which I mentioned just right before,that is a good way to increasethe value of your show. Now, just to break this upa little bit before I get onto the other potential ninethat are remaining, I'm going to play a section here from the book recapso you can get a feel for how I did implement this. And this will also highlight another point or two,which I do want to make.
Now. I actually have quitea few biz scripts right here because I did somethinga little bit different. I watched oneand I paid for a promotions on the Fountain appjust to try it out. I've done it on the Valuefor Value podcast before, but I wanted also to do it here and just see whatit would have felt like, what the kind of outcomewould be. And I've also chattedwith Nick, Master of the From the Fountain Podcast. So if you listen to episode329 of the Miyamoto's podcast, you'lllearn a bit more about that, which iscoming out in a week's time roughly or five daysafter this is released.
So I'm just going to go run through these kind of rapid fire for some of them becausethere are quite a lot here. So we have threesets from just 2100 and just assume all of theseare from Fountain. He says, Thanks,Nice episode. Keeping up and all of theseare for the Bitcoin standard reviewunless I say otherwise. We have 129 sets and TRANELa nice book review. I think I need to read the bitcoin standard anywaythough. Yeah. I like the point of bookreviews I feel is to kind of whet your appetite to be able to go into itor you know, if you're on the fence about it and don't want toread it, you can kind of get the modern interpretationfrom current law.
I'm doing exactlywhat I'm railing against. Good ten sets from Leo by Bay or by,and he says, I liked it a lot with images, practically a video.I like it. Hey, that is a fantasticcomment, my friend. Thank you for that, because I do actually put a lot of effortinto the images and yeah, that's that's great.I'm glad you enjoyed that. A big one here from Mr. Peter the Slav. And this is from meditationson First Philosophy. And he says, I'mgoing to be honest here. I really have no idea what Rene was talking abouteither. He lost me at aboutthe third meditation.
Okay, bang on. Same with you. Glad you sort of enjoyedit, though. Yeah, that was athat was a fun book that I'm I was one ofthe only philosophy books where I, I understoodwhat he was getting at. I like the process of histhought model. I thoughtthat was really cool, what his final outcomeswere. I kindof disagreed with and didn't I didn't getthe same things that he did. But that was a philosophybook where I went, okay, this, this is thisis what I was expecting. This is a mode of thinking which I had neverparticularly tried before, and I was able to do itfor myself.
So kind of maybe dumbphilosophy is what I need. 475 sets by Charlie 67jAnd it says Good book ReviewerThank you, my friend. 38 sets from userblah blah blah blah blah. Thanks for the info.No walkers mate. So all of thatwas from the boost agrams galore and I'm done with philosophy episodeof the Mere Mortals book reviews. So yeah, plenty of differentthings to take from there. And you could even see how some of the things that I saidI wasn't doing, like highlightingthe uniqueness of my value, well, I kind of was in a waythat where someone noticed how good my chapters wereand I was like, Yeah, thank.
Yeah, chapters are somethingI do really well. So yeah, yeah, I supposeI do need to highlight it. That's the,the one of the things to take away from that. So continuing onfrom the different episodes that I covered,we had Kyle Haber as the intergalacticboom box podcast and this was where he was using boosts asa kind of prompt question. So he would have a questionfor the week. His show was very format,format, format wise. It was very shortin the sense of, you know, 10 to 15 minutes. And he would say, Hey, there'sthis particular question, what are your thoughtson glasses in movies?
I don't know,something like that. And that would bethe question to respond to in a boost message. So I kind of did thatin a way, which was whereI'm saying, Hey, what were your thoughtson the sound of ways? I really want to know that giving somethinga prompt for someone who's listening to go,Oh, you know what? I am going to give Karen my thoughtson the sound of waves, and I'm also going toboost him at the same time. Ruddy bloody brilliant. We had the podcastingfor value. This was JoshuaDenham's genesis, excuse me. And he had experimentationand set for teasing.
And this is one whereI've kind of taken away and realised, okay, yeah, obviously experimentingwith your shows and trying outsome unique formats and things like that,that's really cool. And then also using thismethod of boostagramming to, to kind of promoteyour shows. And so I do this in a way whenever I boostagramsomeone it is under the handleMere Mortals podcast or Kyrin and then in bracketsmere mortals podcast just so that people can kindof see okay this is where you knowI'm I'm implementing this myself,I'm doing this myself, I'm kind of advertising and God yeah,now I feel hypocritical.
I feel there's a differencebetween the boostagramming someone and then paying for an advertto appear on Instagram or on a billboardor things like that. There is a differencenuance wise. If you want tocheck that out, listen to the models,because I've explained that before. Just type in advertising or something in the searchbar of our website Mere Mortals podcast dot com and you'reyou're kind of be able to followthat train of thought there We also had Americaplus sling sets and be generous wasbasically the unique thing he was doing.
He wanted to becomethe person known for giving the most stats back to his audience,which I think is very cool. Cole McCormickAnd so that's, you know, I've tried it outfor myself. You just heardhow I had tried out doing thison the Fountain app, and it didget a lot of boost back, not as much as I put in,but I thought it was a fun thing to do. And, you know, it'ssomething I might do again. We had Robert Suzuki'sten Veto podcast 2.0, which was kind ofamalgamation of a couple of his shows,and this was where it was highlighting, you know, use other V for V meansif necessary.
So although he does havea node and although he does experiment with,you know, value for value, he does do it in a perhapsdifferent sense where he'll he will say, hey, you know, join up onto my courseat SUSU so Suzuki Network or I think it was Kaizen,it was the way he explained it and okay,this is maybe one where I do I do try and highlight,I suppose, other ways that you can providethe value of back. So this was where I was saying,you know, if you are an experton Mishima and I've misinterpreted something,you know, get in touch. If you want to sharethe show, you know, do thatin that way. So I suppose for that one, I probablydon't do it as much, but it is definitely tryingto to highlight different ways that peoplecan provide the value back.
From Portland News,this is James Cridland and Sam Sethi. If we found keep persisting,just keep doing it. Keep going on. Even though I was showingthat Instagram recap there, that was because I had donea, you know, a promotion on Fountain. And for most of the timeit is in fact not like thata lot of the time the you'll get one or twoin or three maybe. And you know,I have persisted and that's somethingI am kind of proud of myself on both for the mereand for that show, for ebooks. Now we've learnt that you could use a podcastas a feed to show in a way, and this is something I actually do, do, do dofor the memos, book reviews.
So I do now more than ever,highlight. Hey, I'm Kyrin and I'ma host of the Mere Mortals podcast,and I do talk about how if you enjoyed this book, you know, go check out the Mere Mortals podcast, because I tend to analysethese books a bit more. I tend to get ideas from these and then I'll bring it upand have it in a more conversational style. So I do use it, although it isa standalone piece, I do use itsomewhat as a feed to show to, to highlight. Hey, this is everythingthat's going on on the Meand Models podcast. So that's, that's one there.
And then the final one was generational wealthhighlighting your ethics. And this was whereif you listen to his, his pitch at the end,he was very adamant, I will never takesponsorship money. I would never takeadvertising money. I don't believe in it. I think that it can have aa corrupting influence on the show. It will change. You know, your abilityto trust me that funnilyenough, he's doing a a cryptoshow where the whole point is kind of youdon't need to trust anyone but yes, I definitely thinkthat was a great idea. And I have also startedimplementing that into the Mere Mortalsand Mere Mortals book reviews.
So there we go. That's that was a wholelot of different. I think I had written down here 18 episodes,and I really do hope you've taken somethingfrom each one of them and and been ableto implement it. You know, maybe notall of them, but some of theminto your own podcast and into,into your own ideas. And I've learnt a lotof definitely learnt a lot over thesethis last 18 weeks in in preparing thisand doing this all. So that'sthe review of season two. Thank you for tuning in. And now let's getinto the Instagram lounge. Welcometo the Value for Value Instagram Lounge.
So here we are, the Boostagram Lounge, the value for valuefeedback loop for this show, The value for value show. So this is where I read out all the boostagramsthat came in. And I think people individuallyfor doing that and we've got four this week,which is very nice. So we have like Kabui who sent in $0.16from Fountain, he says Cheers, cheersto use like a boy we have. This is the future love,the generational wealth. And he sent 24 sets in. I have noticedthis is the future quite often appearing here. And so I do appreciate you,my friend. I've got 25 setsfrom Busy Brain.
Good stuff. Keep it coming. Thumbs up. And that was a new name. So I was like a boy. Sovery cool to see those two. And then finally, you know,my favourite booster is Petarand he says, never came across the show before. But I like the premise and you know how much I loveclobbering leaderboards. Yes, indeedy. And so that was 5833also using Fountain. And yeah, I do want to givea big shout out to Petar He's been very Petarthe persistent in in supporting this show aswell as my other shows and yeah he definitely doesdeserve a special mention. And so if you see the namePeter floating around and you'll see himon the Fountain leaderboard charts as well, if you go to Fountain, he's everywhere and he's a very generous fellowand a very great fella. And we've both learnta lot from each other, especially from the bookreviews as well.
So very, very cool. Peter,thank you so much, mate. I can't express how muchI appreciate your support. So that is itfor season two. So I've talked about thisin some of the other shows, but yes, I'mbringing this to a close. I haveI feel like I've once again kind of donemy job in the sense that for season one it was almost a preparationfor talking to Adam Curry on the Mere Mortals podcast,where we just basically talked about valuefor value for an hour and a half and then, you know, an hourof other stuff as well. This show, you know,the season two, this was for me to learnmore about the the kind of practicalimplementation.
I looked at the kind of philosophy before,but this was why, okay, how can I take awaysome of these things and do themfor my own shows? So I feel like I have takenaway a fair chunk and know slightly as well. It was kindof a promotional thing to show that I'm seriousabout this, and in one way I did that was I included a splitfor every single show that I reviewed. So in this one, I'm actuallygoing to do something fun, which is fun for me. I'm not surehow much other people will actuallyreally appreciate it, but fuck it,I'm going to do it, which is I'm going to include a splitof every single person who'slistened into this one.
So there should be. So I said, 18 shows and then plus mineand then plus fountain. So thereshould be roughly 20 splits for for this. So maybe I'll try and include just 5%for every single one. But yeah, that's kind of likethe highlight of value. Value for value. You know, all of thesepeople did cool shows. I, you know, just took out random snippetsfrom their shows and none of themever came back to me saying, you know, take it outor anything like that. So to show that appreciation, I'mgoing to chuck in a split now. It's going to be relatively minor,you know, maximum 5%.
But I hopethey appreciate it anyway. And, you know, damn, that's going to take me a long timeto do as well. And the funny thingis, will be, let's see in a year timehow many of these nodes are still active. So I would bet that probably about half of them would be, because that does seem thatthat is one thing where it's kind oflike our link, right? If you've heard of thatbefore, that kind of Internet termof, you know, links just dying because people changeweb pages or don't update their servers or, you know, just naturallythings go away. We might have a case of noderot on our hands in the in the future.
So although it would besilly because you missing out onsome glorious sets as people come backand listen to this show. So thatis definitely one thing. Another thing to highlightvalue for value wise is I want your suggestions. I will do a season threeat some point. I do just need a break after after doing this andwho knows how long it'll be? Probably 3 to 4 months. This is how long I tooklast time, so I'll probably do thatagain roughly. And yeah.What are your suggestions? What would you loveto hear more of? Do you want me analysingmore shows? What I was thinking of doingwas also doing a highlight of aa tag.
So one of the newpodcasting 2.0. The new namespace tags. I was thinking of doing a kind of highlight of thatfor each so show. This could bewhere podcasters could understand, Oh,this is something that I can do for my own show and maybe it will require meto change hosts. Speaking of this show, this episodemight be delayed slightly. The feed might bea little bit wonky. It might show I've produced or every singleother episode, you know, in the last dayor two before this, because I've actually beenlocked out of my own podcast because my computer brokeand now I'm having a lot of trouble getting back in as the admin,so I might have to just re re copy the feedand do a whole, set up a whole new podcast or like a redirect or I'm not sure exactlywhat I'm going to do.
But in any case, this episode will bereleased at some point because you're obviouslylistening to it right now. And yeah, suggestionsfor season three. If you could send throughany of those. I would also just highlight here, you know, this is a valuefor value show. I spend a lot of timemaking this show and putting the effort into creating the clips,doing it weekly, you know, listeningto these other shows. You can use thisas multiple different ways. Those wayswhere you could listen in and get kindof podcast recommendations, because I have revieweda whole different, differentlike variety of shows.
Each one of these is actuallypretty unique in a way, and there's just so many thingsthat are, you know, there's there's a time for meto thank you for, for tuning into the Value For Value show. I do appreciate it. And I want to spreadthe word. So I'm going to keep doingthis, and I hope you do too. So spread the wordthat's never that's what you can do for metoday. Spread theword about value for value. Wow. That's a big one. Thank you. Thank you, everyone,for joining in, for tuning in this long. And I really do hope you'rehaving a fantastic day wherever you arein the world.
Kyrin Checking out,but not forever. I'll be back. Chao