Shameless self promotion alert, weeoooweeeeoooooo.
In Ep #27 I am covering how I myself use v4v on my main show Mere Mortals. The unique aspect that myself and my cohost Juan bring are that we really try and increase the quality of our show through the addition of Podcasting 2.0 tags like transcripts, person and chapters. This gives our audience an increased incentive to listen on an app where they can natively support us as well.
Value 4 Value Support:
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Shameless self promotionalert weeoooweeooo. Welcome new listeners to the value forvalue podcast. My name is Kyrin, I'm the host of obviously thevalue for value podcast, but also the Mere Mortals, MereMortals book reviews, I do this podcast for those who want toexplore more about the value for value model. What is it? Whatare some of its characteristics? How does it distinguish itself?How's it different from the standard advertising model? AndI do this by examining a bunch of different shows and reallyhighlighting perhaps what they do uniquely differently. And Isuppose an exploration of really how you can incorporate thisinto perhaps Perhaps not in your own podcasts, but even in yourday to day life. Now, as I mentioned, right at the staff,this is going to be a little bit of a shameless self promotionbecause yes, I'm going to do the mere mortals podcast. So this ismy main show. This is the one that I typically do. And I'vebumped this kind of up the rankings because I actually wantto promote this on fountain. So if you're listening to this onthe fountain app itself, kudos to you, I created this episodespecifically for you. So you can get an experience of what it isto really live the value for value life coming from not onlyme as a as a host and diving into other people's podcasts,but also as a as a podcaster really trying to make alifestyle out of this, I should say. So let's get into the showdescription. What is the Mere Mortals podcast, me and my cohost one we like to describe it as a sort of general fertiletype of podcast we're not particularly niching down. Thecouple of taglines that we've come up with that we thinkreally describe our show a deep conversations with a lighthearted touch. So we really try and explore a lot of sort ofphilosophical aspects and ideas and theories, as you'veobviously noticed here, consider him doing the value for valuewhich is definitely tending towards the more philosophicalside, but also with a light hearted touch. So we bring inincorporations of our day to day lives, things that we've donewrong things that we find funny.
And the the topics themselvescan range from our sort of obsession, I suppose over thelast year has been really diving into Bitcoin and the othercrypto world web three if you want to use that word, althoughit is definitely a buzzword, and I'm not a fan of buzzwords, butalso general fitness stuff. I'm very much into handstands one isvery into CrossFit and philosophy. I'm a bit of a bookor file a bibliophile, and hence why I've got a whole podcastthat memoirs, book reviews, directly related to that aswell, learning languages, meditations and all of thesesorts of things. So we go over all of these types of things.Now, how we actually do this is we have a couple of differentformats. So there is the one that we do outdoors in the park.So philosophy in the park. This is kind of a little bit uniquein the sense that we're actually outdoors somewhere we're we'rein a an area here in Brisbane in Southbank, which is verypopulated, we get lots of people walking by and so you sort ofget an atmosphere of that with the random noises, you'llsometimes hear planes in birds chirping, other little snippetsof conversation when people walk by us, but the audio quality wasis generally pretty good, as you'll hear for yourself in somesnippets that are coming up.
And we call these the meanderingsections. We also then have the musings which are usuallypicking a topic in particular, so sometimes it will be relatedto why is philosophy good. For example, I've got one coming up,snippet, which I'll play off music 2.0 decentralized music,and we really just pick a topic examiner usually we have like adefinition of the word if it's something related to aparticular word, such as friendliness, ordecentralization or even philosophy things like that. Andthen we also have the monthly goals so that that that previousone the musings we do inside our studio, the monthly goals wealso do in our studio, and we do both of those live. And themonthly goals are really just talking about okay, what have wedone this last month? How are we trying to improve ourselves?What are we really focusing upon a sort of deep dive into ourlife, I guess, if you if you want to call it that way, and wereally just expose what it is that we're really thinking of?And yeah, those are the main aspects I should say about ourshow. So how do we actually implement the value for value? Ithink a little bit of a backstory here might might helpas well, which is I found this model through Adam curry about ayear ago, a year and a little bit ago. And I was blown awaybecause I have an absolute detestation for advertising notonly A just the end product that comes out. So the thought of,you know, banner ads pop up ads, the crap you see on TV,billboards, all of those things I just, I'm not a big fan ofit's just the general temperament. And then also intothe philosophy behind them as and how it can be, you know,self centering in a way if your income stream is related to notsaying bad things about this product, or about these peopleor et cetera, et cetera, you're going to be influenced one wayor another. And I didn't particularly want that. So Ifound the value for value model in it. And it really spoke tome. So how do we actually implement it? Well, it wasuncomfortable at first, really asking your audience to send notonly now support you in the in the sense of time, talent andtreasure in the across those three different things, butparticularly sending through a monetary support of some of somekind. It's a very uncomfortable process when you're when you'refirst doing it. But over over time, I gradually got better atit and more comfortable at it.
And it started to feel normal.And this was both for me and for my my co host one. So typically,how we do this is we will include our pitch right at theend of the episode. So our episodes, usually 30 to 50minutes long, I would say is the the general time range. Andwhilst we might pepper in something at the start, just areminder, this is value for value, etc. We'll also reallyput our pitch right at the end. So here's an example of how onewill do a pitch. And this was from Episode 303. I have enjoyed this session aswell. Okay, I've enjoyed actually being outdoors, it's abeautiful, sunny, I'm enjoying this weather like this sort ofthe nice weather. But if you have enjoyed listening to usMere Mortalites, there is a great way that you can support us andthat is through through booster gramming. Now, I have talked tomany people in the last couple of weeks around the space,podcasting, cryptocurrency, we realized early, right, werealized we are super early and that's okay. So if you want toventure into trying out something new, you want to be inthe bleeding edge of something, try and download a podcasting2.0 app, try and get some money if you don't have it alreadyinto cryptocurrency doesn't have to be a whole Bitcoin, it can belegitimately 1000 Satoshis, like just the minimal amount. Teachyourself getting into crypto currencies and what they meanwhat it means to store it. And then and then as you'relistening to us, you can go you know what, because these guysgot me into it, and actually were the initial, you know, thisis actually getting into it, I'm going to send them a little bitof a booster gram and I'm gonna send them to come and say, Thankyou very much. Again, if you want to learn more about it, Iactually would recommend just by Googling it, but Valley Valleypodcast, I get called out the Valley for value podcast is backback on. But if you want to go and check out all the rest ofthe valley Valley and understand how you might triple T talentand treasure supporters. So obviously, that's throughtalent, you could suggest to us like, Hey, there's this thingthat you could be doing better or hear something time,obviously, it just like, you know, can you save time anddoing a certain thing or try to just sending through a boostergram or obviously sending us through Satoshis by streamingthat will always always be appreciated as well. And one's got his pitch down theelevator pitch. Yeah, so there we go. That's an example of howone will do a typical pitch at the end. Usually, it's about aminute or so. And we will highlight different thingsdepending on on what we're feeling like but usually it isan actionable, something that you can do right now go to thisplace and try out this thing. So in this case, it was check outthe value for value podcast, a lot of the times I will talkabout new podcast Choose one of the ones withvalue. Sometimes I'll even go more direct and say I reallyenjoy fountain this is what I've been using, then this is how Iparticularly use it. This is the amount of streaming I set up etcetc. The hardest bit is obviously getting peopleinvolved for the very first time because that barrier of gettingsome bitcoin making sure it's you know, lightning Bitcoin, itcan be extremely tedious, it can be extremely hard. And this iswhy it's amazing that there's apps like fountain now where youcan be a just an average, Joe downloaded off the street andyou can be earning some yourself by just listening in, you know,absolutely fantastic. And this has been promoted. So you'reactually getting those Satoshis directly from me for listening.So you're welcome. And, you know, this is where it's like wehope okay, we were helping to introduce you into this arenainto how these things are working. And we would reallyappreciate if you can send some of that back our way. So that isour standard sort of way and we will usually do this a for themeanderings episodes right at the end. We also highlight howthe booster grams that we get and so this is why we have ourlive ones so we can make sure we do it week by week because themeanderings ones, I typically will do a a fair bit of editing.So there's typically a timer turnaround time of five or sixdays until that's actually published. And so we go on everySunday 7pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, and we will doour normal episodes. So this is a themed one where we're reallyexamining a particular topic, and around the Midway walk,usually 2025 30 minutes in, is when we'll take a little bit ofa pause, we'll read out any of the comments that we've beengetting in the live chat, and then we will focus on thebooster grams. And so we'll read them out. I really likedreacting to them as well. So I particularly like it when peoplesend in question type ones, rather than at you know, anybooster gram is appreciated, really, but I really love theones where it's something I can react to a question or astatement, Peter, the slab, who was notorious from theseepisodes, if you've listened to enough now, he always comes upwith something brilliant to, to react to. And yeah, this is thegeneral way that we do it. And then we've also startedincluding some unique things. So let me get onto those. Here'sone of the examples of something unique we do. So not only didyou get an example there of how one will do a typical episode ofhow it ends off, but when I get into it, I typically try andmake it a little bit more fun a little bit more related directlyto what we were talking about.
And so this is from Episode 305.So just a week after the previous 303. This is how I willtalk about and introduce it into the theme of the week or that ofthat episode, which was a week of opposites. There's been a bit a bigconversation, been a couple of little tidbits in there that Ithink you should jump in. And Bruce has a suggestion, they should do the opposite. Soit's a week of opposites, right? They should do the opposite ofwhat they normally do. Now, what do they normally do? Well, Ilook at the numbers, and most of them don't have Instagram. So alot of you people watching and they should be Instagramming isfew and far between in comparison to the view. So Pete,I'll give you a break for Pete, I can have a break. So there wego, I hijacked that one and took it over for myself. But that'sthe typical way that I really like to bring it in. And usuallyit comes spur of the moment because we don't particularlyplan what we'll talk about in those meandering ones. And yeah,lots of lots of fun. And it's just I really try and make it aunique sort of thing. So you know, a picture's good andknowing exactly what you're going to say, brilliant, but Ireally liked that aspect of little bit in the moment, how amI going to create this, how am I going to make this perhapssomething funny or interesting, not only for my own sanity,because repeating the same thing over and over isn't so fun, butalso for the audience so that they get something a little bitdifferent, maybe something funny, maybe it's something deepor sad, or, or whatever it can be, but I do enjoy doing that.The other thing that we do uniquely is we really try andstay on top as much as we can of of the innovations in the valuefor value space, which is with podcasting. 2.0. So, if you lookat, for example, a bunch of our episodes from I believe 212 wasthe first time that I found out about it. So almost roughly ayear ago, that was when the light bulb clicked and it waslike, Okay, I need to become a better podcaster and, you know,if I'm asking for value from people, I really need to bringthe value. And so what are some of the ways that I do that?Well, I will create chapter markers for every single podcastthat I put out, I refuse to have ones which even even the shortepisodes which are maybe 1015 minutes long, I always put inchapter markers because I really appreciate that when I see thaton other people's and it's a great way of just digging deepand perhaps skipping some stuff that's not useful but alsoknowing what might be coming up in the episode. I also reallylike to include chapter images so for almost all of theepisodes apart from the live ones, which it can be hard to goback on them and create something but certainly in themeanderings ones I will create funny Photoshopped imagesusually it's my face on girls bodies seems to rock up quite alot. But you know if we're talking about a graph ofsomething if we're talking about a different podcast episode Iwill include the link to that episode. I really take the extraefforts to to do as much as I can now I'm not on top of all ofthe tags I'm I sort of lagged behind a little bit because it'sjust technical know how why is a struggle a little bit so gettingself hosting for this value for value podcast, for example wasextremely hard. But I really do try and connect with otherpeople in the in the value for value space in the podcast in2.0 world. He's a quick examples This was from Episode 306 whichwas about decentralized music and I did what was perhaps oneof the first decentralized music DJ sets but has been done on apodcast there we go so that was makingbeans by Abel and the Wolf from their album stay a while andthere's a couple of things I really want to highlight to youguys here because if you're weren't checking out the screenif you're not watching this live on YouTube or as a playback onYouTube, I want to just explain what was going on there visuallyso one they had the the album pop up I went to the albumitself click stay a while and then there's a whole bunch ofdifferent tracks here I could choose from so making beansWillow brown or like wine stay a while maps of home one Christmasand stay a while reprise I'm not sure he's making beans, you cansee that there are different chapter images for all of these.So I have a different song images, artwork for each ofthese, these songs, which is very cool. So making beans forexample has a brownish reddish orangish background with aperson who rocking out with a guitar and their their head is apot of beans. When I clicked on it and played it that was a thethe screen itself could pop up.
And as I was playing it throughthe transcript, which was they've attached as part of itwas showing the lyrics that were popping up very cool. Soexperimenting with different mediums of connecting withpeople and also trying to do my part in expanding the knowledgethat the actual how tos of these sorts of things. So in this caseI was describing for those who are visual learners more thananything else, I was doing this live on YouTube and you couldsee okay, this is how he sends a booster gram and this is how youyou know, check what's in your wallet and things like that. SoI went through the whole process of what was actually happeningand what was going on. And that is quite important for us aswell here at the memorials of we we really try to focus more onaction rather than just talk now this is hilarious consideringthat podcaster and talking is what I do a lot of but it'sreally that focus of okay, it's not enough to just talk aboutsomething like your do it got to put it in practice but inreality you have a grounded actually make something happenbecause there's nothing more I suppose silly than just gettingtrapped in your own mind of what ifs How could this have beendifferent you know, etc, etc.
Which you know, I haveexperienced parts of my life like that but that's gettinginto completely unrelated territory. So that was the meremortals podcast there there's those couple of sections I hopeyou enjoyed that let's get down to the Bucha Graham lounge forthis podcast so back in the value for value land now and I'mgoing to read out what has been how people have been supportingrecently Welcome to the value for valuegram so it's been a bit of a dearth of a week this one apartfrom one mad lad who boosted right after I had finished thepublish the episode last week and so this was from number fiveand see lewd himself Claude you and this was obviously for thecode class and the he sent 18,750 SATs through fountainThank you very much my good sir that is a very generous amountof you when he says I'm emptying the fountain wallet with thisboost exclamation pot. Thanks for the review I understand nowthat I sound like low energy Jeb Bush in most of my episodes lolbut also that I have some polishing to do with the showonce again thanks for the review and thanks for the perspectiveyou know what made your I think you're too harsh on yourselfyour your podcast, you're a new podcaster and it's it takes timeto develop your voice your what it is you want to show and andand how you want to present yourself and the style you knowthere's so many just nuances not only equipment wise but what youenjoy doing how you can be consistent with the show.There's so many different things to get over so don't don't beharsh on yourself mate. Your your show was perfectlyacceptable for for reviewing and for listening into and you know,as long as you keep plugging away and as long as you keeptrying to make it better. An audience will grow. But it doestake time and this is where you need To decide about thebenefits of trade offs, do I want to continue this thing longterm or not? Is it bringing value and joy to my life andalso value enjoy to the people who are listening in. So that isit for today, everyone, thank you for tuning in to thisepisode of the value for value podcast. It was very metalbecause I'm reviewing my own my own show and yeah, look, that'sthat's gonna be my value for value pitch for for this week.If you enjoyed this podcast, I highly recommend going over andchecking out the one where I put the most effort into where Ireally go hard into the chapter images into making it the best Ican more conversational style with me and my co host one sothat is the mere mortals podcast, the link is down below.And yeah, that's that's that's it the you know, it doesn't needto be a super long pitch. It doesn't need to be somethingunique every week. Sometimes it can be a small little thing. Andso that's it. I really do hope you had a fantastic time tuningin listening in and until the next episode, ciao
Shameless self promotionalert weeoooweeooo. Welcome new listeners to the value forvalue podcast. My name is Kyrin, I'm the host of obviously thevalue for value podcast, but also the Mere Mortals, MereMortals book reviews, I do this podcast for those who want toexplore more about the value for value model. What is it? Whatare some of its characteristics? How does it distinguish itself?How's it different from the standard advertising model? AndI do this by examining a bunch of different shows and reallyhighlighting perhaps what they do uniquely differently. And Isuppose an exploration of really how you can incorporate thisinto perhaps Perhaps not in your own podcasts, but even in yourday to day life. Now, as I mentioned, right at the staff,this is going to be a little bit of a shameless self promotionbecause yes, I'm going to do the mere mortals podcast. So this ismy main show. This is the one that I typically do. And I'vebumped this kind of up the rankings because I actually wantto promote this on fountain. So if you're listening to this onthe fountain app itself, kudos to you, I created this episodespecifically for you. So you can get an experience of what it isto really live the value for value life coming from not onlyme as a as a host and diving into other people's podcasts,but also as a as a podcaster really trying to make alifestyle out of this, I should say. So let's get into the showdescription. What is the Mere Mortals podcast, me and my cohost one we like to describe it as a sort of general fertiletype of podcast we're not particularly niching down. Thecouple of taglines that we've come up with that we thinkreally describe our show a deep conversations with a lighthearted touch. So we really try and explore a lot of sort ofphilosophical aspects and ideas and theories, as you'veobviously noticed here, consider him doing the value for valuewhich is definitely tending towards the more philosophicalside, but also with a light hearted touch. So we bring inincorporations of our day to day lives, things that we've donewrong things that we find funny.
And the the topics themselvescan range from our sort of obsession, I suppose over thelast year has been really diving into Bitcoin and the othercrypto world web three if you want to use that word, althoughit is definitely a buzzword, and I'm not a fan of buzzwords, butalso general fitness stuff. I'm very much into handstands one isvery into CrossFit and philosophy. I'm a bit of a bookor file a bibliophile, and hence why I've got a whole podcastthat memoirs, book reviews, directly related to that aswell, learning languages, meditations and all of thesesorts of things. So we go over all of these types of things.Now, how we actually do this is we have a couple of differentformats. So there is the one that we do outdoors in the park.So philosophy in the park. This is kind of a little bit uniquein the sense that we're actually outdoors somewhere we're we'rein a an area here in Brisbane in Southbank, which is verypopulated, we get lots of people walking by and so you sort ofget an atmosphere of that with the random noises, you'llsometimes hear planes in birds chirping, other little snippetsof conversation when people walk by us, but the audio quality wasis generally pretty good, as you'll hear for yourself in somesnippets that are coming up.
And we call these the meanderingsections. We also then have the musings which are usuallypicking a topic in particular, so sometimes it will be relatedto why is philosophy good. For example, I've got one coming up,snippet, which I'll play off music 2.0 decentralized music,and we really just pick a topic examiner usually we have like adefinition of the word if it's something related to aparticular word, such as friendliness, ordecentralization or even philosophy things like that. Andthen we also have the monthly goals so that that that previousone the musings we do inside our studio, the monthly goals wealso do in our studio, and we do both of those live. And themonthly goals are really just talking about okay, what have wedone this last month? How are we trying to improve ourselves?What are we really focusing upon a sort of deep dive into ourlife, I guess, if you if you want to call it that way, and wereally just expose what it is that we're really thinking of?And yeah, those are the main aspects I should say about ourshow. So how do we actually implement the value for value? Ithink a little bit of a backstory here might might helpas well, which is I found this model through Adam curry about ayear ago, a year and a little bit ago. And I was blown awaybecause I have an absolute detestation for advertising notonly A just the end product that comes out. So the thought of,you know, banner ads pop up ads, the crap you see on TV,billboards, all of those things I just, I'm not a big fan ofit's just the general temperament. And then also intothe philosophy behind them as and how it can be, you know,self centering in a way if your income stream is related to notsaying bad things about this product, or about these peopleor et cetera, et cetera, you're going to be influenced one wayor another. And I didn't particularly want that. So Ifound the value for value model in it. And it really spoke tome. So how do we actually implement it? Well, it wasuncomfortable at first, really asking your audience to send notonly now support you in the in the sense of time, talent andtreasure in the across those three different things, butparticularly sending through a monetary support of some of somekind. It's a very uncomfortable process when you're when you'refirst doing it. But over over time, I gradually got better atit and more comfortable at it.
And it started to feel normal.And this was both for me and for my my co host one. So typically,how we do this is we will include our pitch right at theend of the episode. So our episodes, usually 30 to 50minutes long, I would say is the the general time range. Andwhilst we might pepper in something at the start, just areminder, this is value for value, etc. We'll also reallyput our pitch right at the end. So here's an example of how onewill do a pitch. And this was from Episode 303. I have enjoyed this session aswell. Okay, I've enjoyed actually being outdoors, it's abeautiful, sunny, I'm enjoying this weather like this sort ofthe nice weather. But if you have enjoyed listening to usMere Mortalites, there is a great way that you can support us andthat is through through booster gramming. Now, I have talked tomany people in the last couple of weeks around the space,podcasting, cryptocurrency, we realized early, right, werealized we are super early and that's okay. So if you want toventure into trying out something new, you want to be inthe bleeding edge of something, try and download a podcasting2.0 app, try and get some money if you don't have it alreadyinto cryptocurrency doesn't have to be a whole Bitcoin, it can belegitimately 1000 Satoshis, like just the minimal amount. Teachyourself getting into crypto currencies and what they meanwhat it means to store it. And then and then as you'relistening to us, you can go you know what, because these guysgot me into it, and actually were the initial, you know, thisis actually getting into it, I'm going to send them a little bitof a booster gram and I'm gonna send them to come and say, Thankyou very much. Again, if you want to learn more about it, Iactually would recommend just by Googling it, but Valley Valleypodcast, I get called out the Valley for value podcast is backback on. But if you want to go and check out all the rest ofthe valley Valley and understand how you might triple T talentand treasure supporters. So obviously, that's throughtalent, you could suggest to us like, Hey, there's this thingthat you could be doing better or hear something time,obviously, it just like, you know, can you save time anddoing a certain thing or try to just sending through a boostergram or obviously sending us through Satoshis by streamingthat will always always be appreciated as well. And one's got his pitch down theelevator pitch. Yeah, so there we go. That's an example of howone will do a typical pitch at the end. Usually, it's about aminute or so. And we will highlight different thingsdepending on on what we're feeling like but usually it isan actionable, something that you can do right now go to thisplace and try out this thing. So in this case, it was check outthe value for value podcast, a lot of the times I will talkabout new podcast Choose one of the ones withvalue. Sometimes I'll even go more direct and say I reallyenjoy fountain this is what I've been using, then this is how Iparticularly use it. This is the amount of streaming I set up etcetc. The hardest bit is obviously getting peopleinvolved for the very first time because that barrier of gettingsome bitcoin making sure it's you know, lightning Bitcoin, itcan be extremely tedious, it can be extremely hard. And this iswhy it's amazing that there's apps like fountain now where youcan be a just an average, Joe downloaded off the street andyou can be earning some yourself by just listening in, you know,absolutely fantastic. And this has been promoted. So you'reactually getting those Satoshis directly from me for listening.So you're welcome. And, you know, this is where it's like wehope okay, we were helping to introduce you into this arenainto how these things are working. And we would reallyappreciate if you can send some of that back our way. So that isour standard sort of way and we will usually do this a for themeanderings episodes right at the end. We also highlight howthe booster grams that we get and so this is why we have ourlive ones so we can make sure we do it week by week because themeanderings ones, I typically will do a a fair bit of editing.So there's typically a timer turnaround time of five or sixdays until that's actually published. And so we go on everySunday 7pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, and we will doour normal episodes. So this is a themed one where we're reallyexamining a particular topic, and around the Midway walk,usually 2025 30 minutes in, is when we'll take a little bit ofa pause, we'll read out any of the comments that we've beengetting in the live chat, and then we will focus on thebooster grams. And so we'll read them out. I really likedreacting to them as well. So I particularly like it when peoplesend in question type ones, rather than at you know, anybooster gram is appreciated, really, but I really love theones where it's something I can react to a question or astatement, Peter, the slab, who was notorious from theseepisodes, if you've listened to enough now, he always comes upwith something brilliant to, to react to. And yeah, this is thegeneral way that we do it. And then we've also startedincluding some unique things. So let me get onto those. Here'sone of the examples of something unique we do. So not only didyou get an example there of how one will do a typical episode ofhow it ends off, but when I get into it, I typically try andmake it a little bit more fun a little bit more related directlyto what we were talking about.
And so this is from Episode 305.So just a week after the previous 303. This is how I willtalk about and introduce it into the theme of the week or that ofthat episode, which was a week of opposites. There's been a bit a bigconversation, been a couple of little tidbits in there that Ithink you should jump in. And Bruce has a suggestion, they should do the opposite. Soit's a week of opposites, right? They should do the opposite ofwhat they normally do. Now, what do they normally do? Well, Ilook at the numbers, and most of them don't have Instagram. So alot of you people watching and they should be Instagramming isfew and far between in comparison to the view. So Pete,I'll give you a break for Pete, I can have a break. So there wego, I hijacked that one and took it over for myself. But that'sthe typical way that I really like to bring it in. And usuallyit comes spur of the moment because we don't particularlyplan what we'll talk about in those meandering ones. And yeah,lots of lots of fun. And it's just I really try and make it aunique sort of thing. So you know, a picture's good andknowing exactly what you're going to say, brilliant, but Ireally liked that aspect of little bit in the moment, how amI going to create this, how am I going to make this perhapssomething funny or interesting, not only for my own sanity,because repeating the same thing over and over isn't so fun, butalso for the audience so that they get something a little bitdifferent, maybe something funny, maybe it's something deepor sad, or, or whatever it can be, but I do enjoy doing that.The other thing that we do uniquely is we really try andstay on top as much as we can of of the innovations in the valuefor value space, which is with podcasting. 2.0. So, if you lookat, for example, a bunch of our episodes from I believe 212 wasthe first time that I found out about it. So almost roughly ayear ago, that was when the light bulb clicked and it waslike, Okay, I need to become a better podcaster and, you know,if I'm asking for value from people, I really need to bringthe value. And so what are some of the ways that I do that?Well, I will create chapter markers for every single podcastthat I put out, I refuse to have ones which even even the shortepisodes which are maybe 1015 minutes long, I always put inchapter markers because I really appreciate that when I see thaton other people's and it's a great way of just digging deepand perhaps skipping some stuff that's not useful but alsoknowing what might be coming up in the episode. I also reallylike to include chapter images so for almost all of theepisodes apart from the live ones, which it can be hard to goback on them and create something but certainly in themeanderings ones I will create funny Photoshopped imagesusually it's my face on girls bodies seems to rock up quite alot. But you know if we're talking about a graph ofsomething if we're talking about a different podcast episode Iwill include the link to that episode. I really take the extraefforts to to do as much as I can now I'm not on top of all ofthe tags I'm I sort of lagged behind a little bit because it'sjust technical know how why is a struggle a little bit so gettingself hosting for this value for value podcast, for example wasextremely hard. But I really do try and connect with otherpeople in the in the value for value space in the podcast in2.0 world. He's a quick examples This was from Episode 306 whichwas about decentralized music and I did what was perhaps oneof the first decentralized music DJ sets but has been done on apodcast there we go so that was makingbeans by Abel and the Wolf from their album stay a while andthere's a couple of things I really want to highlight to youguys here because if you're weren't checking out the screenif you're not watching this live on YouTube or as a playback onYouTube, I want to just explain what was going on there visuallyso one they had the the album pop up I went to the albumitself click stay a while and then there's a whole bunch ofdifferent tracks here I could choose from so making beansWillow brown or like wine stay a while maps of home one Christmasand stay a while reprise I'm not sure he's making beans, you cansee that there are different chapter images for all of these.So I have a different song images, artwork for each ofthese, these songs, which is very cool. So making beans forexample has a brownish reddish orangish background with aperson who rocking out with a guitar and their their head is apot of beans. When I clicked on it and played it that was a thethe screen itself could pop up.
And as I was playing it throughthe transcript, which was they've attached as part of itwas showing the lyrics that were popping up very cool. Soexperimenting with different mediums of connecting withpeople and also trying to do my part in expanding the knowledgethat the actual how tos of these sorts of things. So in this caseI was describing for those who are visual learners more thananything else, I was doing this live on YouTube and you couldsee okay, this is how he sends a booster gram and this is how youyou know, check what's in your wallet and things like that. SoI went through the whole process of what was actually happeningand what was going on. And that is quite important for us aswell here at the memorials of we we really try to focus more onaction rather than just talk now this is hilarious consideringthat podcaster and talking is what I do a lot of but it'sreally that focus of okay, it's not enough to just talk aboutsomething like your do it got to put it in practice but inreality you have a grounded actually make something happenbecause there's nothing more I suppose silly than just gettingtrapped in your own mind of what ifs How could this have beendifferent you know, etc, etc.
Which you know, I haveexperienced parts of my life like that but that's gettinginto completely unrelated territory. So that was the meremortals podcast there there's those couple of sections I hopeyou enjoyed that let's get down to the Bucha Graham lounge forthis podcast so back in the value for value land now and I'mgoing to read out what has been how people have been supportingrecently Welcome to the value for valuegram so it's been a bit of a dearth of a week this one apartfrom one mad lad who boosted right after I had finished thepublish the episode last week and so this was from number fiveand see lewd himself Claude you and this was obviously for thecode class and the he sent 18,750 SATs through fountainThank you very much my good sir that is a very generous amountof you when he says I'm emptying the fountain wallet with thisboost exclamation pot. Thanks for the review I understand nowthat I sound like low energy Jeb Bush in most of my episodes lolbut also that I have some polishing to do with the showonce again thanks for the review and thanks for the perspectiveyou know what made your I think you're too harsh on yourselfyour your podcast, you're a new podcaster and it's it takes timeto develop your voice your what it is you want to show and andand how you want to present yourself and the style you knowthere's so many just nuances not only equipment wise but what youenjoy doing how you can be consistent with the show.There's so many different things to get over so don't don't beharsh on yourself mate. Your your show was perfectlyacceptable for for reviewing and for listening into and you know,as long as you keep plugging away and as long as you keeptrying to make it better. An audience will grow. But it doestake time and this is where you need To decide about thebenefits of trade offs, do I want to continue this thing longterm or not? Is it bringing value and joy to my life andalso value enjoy to the people who are listening in. So that isit for today, everyone, thank you for tuning in to thisepisode of the value for value podcast. It was very metalbecause I'm reviewing my own my own show and yeah, look, that'sthat's gonna be my value for value pitch for for this week.If you enjoyed this podcast, I highly recommend going over andchecking out the one where I put the most effort into where Ireally go hard into the chapter images into making it the best Ican more conversational style with me and my co host one sothat is the mere mortals podcast, the link is down below.And yeah, that's that's that's it the you know, it doesn't needto be a super long pitch. It doesn't need to be somethingunique every week. Sometimes it can be a small little thing. Andso that's it. I really do hope you had a fantastic time tuningin listening in and until the next episode, ciao