Welcome back everyone! In Ep#39 I'm giving a brief overview of the previous seasons and what has inspired me to come back again for Season 3.
A huge shoutout to Oscar Merry, Genebean, Cole McCormick, clewd and Joshua Dennis for supporting the show. Can't continue on without your help!
15% of this episode is going to Todd Cochrane for helping me to get LIT.
Link to the MM #394 Episode: https://youtu.be/BJociub2rv0
Value 4 Value Support:
Boostagram: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/support
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/meremortalspodcast
Connect with Mere Mortals:
Website: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/jjfq9eGReU
Twitter: https://twitter.com/meremortalspod
I’m LIT and I am loving it. Welcome,everyone to another episode of The Value4 Value Show. Yes. Again, I am back. So you have yourfavourite Mere Mortal here. Kyrin Down. I am the hostof the Mere Mortals podcast and host of the Mere Mortalsbook reviews. And then I'm also hostof this one, The Value for Value Show. So this is cominginto season three now. It's been a fair minute since I've last been back and I thoughtit might be good to just readfrom the first episode. Kind of what the value 4 value show is all about,and then we can get into why I'm kicking it offagain.
Some of the previousseasons, my reasons, a schedule or format,style or sections, and then of coursesome boosts and some value for valueright at the end. So just reading fromthe first episode here, the valuefor Value podcast, or as I will occasionallyshorten it to V4V is a podcast for digitalcontent creators. And I've actuallychanged that because I used to justsay podcasters, but now this is including podcasters,artists, musicians, etc. Anyone who createsdigital content. We want to find a wayto earn a living without having to relyon the somewhat corrupting influence of advertisingor setting up paywalls to block off a portionof your supporters.
And it's an also experiment for myself to try out the new podcasting2.0 tags and seeif I can walk the walk and not just talkthe talk, which is indeedwhat I'm doing right now. I am live, I am lit. So if you ever tune infor this show on, I'll skip to the schedule here live on a Wednesdaymorning and I'll get more on to the actual detailsfor that. So you know,where exactly in the world and what time you cancan join this episode. So I thought it might begood to just have a quick look at some of the previous two seasons and what I was trying to do with the podcastand just go to a bit of a recap of overwhat was so jumping here on to.
Well, the firstthe first season was pretty muchthe philosophy. So this is where I was trying to figure out,okay, what actuallyis value for value? Why andwhy should I use it? Why is it better than these existing onesthat I was talking about using advertising andsponsorships and paywalls? And sosome of the episodes I had here was talking abouthow free isn't free. It was talking about how you actuallywant to have a set up so that people can donate into the showso they can show some support. Because many times people will just buy some merchor some swag even if they don'twant it. Just to be able to say thatthey've supported you.
There's the Yvalue doesn't mean money. And sogoing over the three TS, the time and talentand treasure why you don't want to limit your listenershipwith a paywall. What value for valueisn't how you can kind ofget tough love with it. And so all of this was kind of leading up to the conversation thatI had with Adam Curry. And so that was theand this is Adam Curry, the podfather, one of the guyswho invented podcasting, and then one of the guys,the guy, I suppose, who invented value for valueas well with his show No Agenda, and JohnC Dvorak over there. So that was the first seasonwas a lot for myself, trying to understandthese concepts and ingrain theminto, into myself.
The second seasonwas where I went, okay, well how can I actuallyimplement these? And so I was kind of doing a little bit of a reviewshow. I was lookingat other podcasts ideas for thingslike podcasting. 2.0 Bowl After Bowl,the SLIEK podcast, No Agenda, Intergalactic BoomBox, & various others. I think that I did18 episodes in total and I was really tryingto get a feel for, okay, what are some of the things that I can takeaway from this? How, how other peopledoing this? And so some of thethings that I got from this were highlightingyour ethics, perhaps having a show that would leadinto another show aboutadopting the new tags, about changing your pitch.
And so not just havingthe same thing, implementinga leaderboard gamifying the process, creating a snippet,an analogy that works well with your showsuch as bowl after bowl. Whether would having thispassing the bowling analogy lots of lots of crucialthings from there. I thinkif you are a podcaster this is the seasonfor you to have a look at. Okay, how can I improve my ownvalues to value pitch and make it better and big? Andby making it better, you will get more supportfrom your listeners. And also, of course,the very important thing of creating good content as well,that is that you can't forget about doing that.
So those were thethe two seasons. What is this seasongoing to be all about? What is the thirdseason of value for value? Well, this one onceagain, is kind of it'susing it as a way of getting my own thoughtsout of my head and trying to help people. So if you go onto episodes 17 and 38, that is some goodsummaries, I think of the the previous ones ofthe previous two seasons that we the reason forthis is I created a, an episode on the mere mortalscause it looks and it this is calledepisode 394 of Meanderings and the title of this was podcasting 2.0 and value for value deliveringon the promise of Bitcoin.
So I had created this Evernote,which was just massive and it was all of these randomthoughts of these snippets that I had beenaccumulating for a year, what,roughly the past year, maybe nine monthssince I was last doingthe value for value show. And I went, okay,I need to get all of this out of my headand explain these, these just concepts, these ideasthat I was having and why I think they're goingto change the world, why micropaymentsand value for value I think is pretty much in ten yearstime going to be one of the main ways competing with advertisingin terms of how digital content creators monetiseand live basically.
So this a lot of thisis going to be based around that. I had about 18 differentchapters in there, which once again iskind of how many chapters I do or how many episodesI do in a season. And some of thisis talking about going from the original versionof podcasting, why podcasting to pointoh, what this innovation is thevalue for value overview, some of the properties, all of these thingswith Bitcoin and then examples of,okay, this is how streamingSATs works. This is what a boostagram is Some of the actual statisticsof how value for value has been goingto the mere mortals.
And I can tell you it'sbeen going pretty good. And some of these otherexamples of the ecosystem and how more thingsare coming into this with music and music,writing and video. So lots of lots of really cool stuffcoming on there. And yeah,this is basically going to, to be how I will do thisthis next season and it's going to be really,really based off of this. So if you want basicallya really condensed version of what this whole seasonis going to be about, click on the linkthat's in the chapter description here and it will take youto the The Mere Mortals episodethat I did, which will give you thethe kind of full overview.
So let'sgo on to the schedule. What time am I goingto be releasing this? Well, I will be going live on a Wednesdaymorning at 10 a.m. my time. That is a timethat I'm pretty reasonable and that I can beconsistent with over the nextcoming months. And so this is 10 a.m. Australian EasternStandard Time here in Brisbane,which is where I live. This is 1 a.m. in London, sorry, London people,you're going to struggle a little bitand people in Europe, this is going to be 5pmin Los Angeles. So that a PDT, I'mnot exactly sure what that time actually is,but that stands for Eastern Standard Timeor Eastern Daylight Time in the US is 8 p.m.
and then universalcoordinated time. I believe that is bangon midnight. So yeah, it'sthose are the times, wherever you arein the world and you know, just try and relate that to exactly where you liveas, as well and then I'll releasethe actual episode later in the evening. So probably aboutwhat, 9 hours after I go live,something like that. So that'll be releasedat 8 p.m. Eastern Standard AustralianEastern Standard Time, which would be 10 a.m., Universalcoordinated time, 6 a.m. Eastern StandardTime, 12 p.m., 1 p.m., LondonTime, things like that. So yep,that's the schedule and I will be doing thisonce a week, so it'll be a weeklyepisode coming out.
So this will last for roughly probably about threethree months, four ish, something like that. I think now the format and style, I thinkit'll be very similar to the other episodesthat I've created. So probablyabout 30 minutes long, relativelyfree form. I will have notes here,but I'm not going to edit out and goes, andthat will be a purpose. I know I will knowwhat I'm talking about, but it just won't be as polished as you'll hearsome of the, you know, really detailed episodesthat some of the other big podcasting studios and things like thathave created.
I'm not going to be doingYouTube. I don't thinkthe only reason for that would befor the chat room. But I do hope to set up a Kiwi clientor something like that. I will actually need somehelp from people because even just getting to this stage was relativelycomplex for me. So yeah, definitely some,some help on how I can perhaps set up a chator anything like that. And yet the sections, what's actuallygoing to be in it. Well I thinkI will have it. Obviously an introduction. I'll get intothe main topic which will be based off of one of those chaptersfrom that Mere Mortals episodethat I talked about, and I will havesome values for value definitely in there of, of how you can help supportthis show and help support other shows in particular, some tipsfor perhaps podcasters who are looking to getinto value for value and want maybe just some extralittle things that I've noticedhave worked well for me.
And then I'm really opento suggestions into to what people want to hear so I can domaybe a podcasting 2.0 round upwhat has been happening in the latest week, I could talk about the tags and go into some of the tags and detail howyou can improve your show and make your show betterfor your audience. I can talk aboutsome of the apps and how you can helpuse these or direct your audience to to use the thingsthat will enable value for value in ain a better, stronger way. So yeah, there's I'mopen to suggestions. I can also do things like I won't have a live guest.
I was thinkingabout doing this, but no, that would beso much effort and would be rather complex. I wasthinking about doing, you know, maybe I could talk about real lifeexamples of busking and how that relatesto value for value. How Radiohead releasedan album in a value 4 value style, and it workedvery well for them. How other musicians havedone this over the years. I believeit was the Grateful Dead who did something likethis as well. Yeah, I'm open tosuggestions, so if people if there's somethingthat they want to hear, a type of valuefor value or something they think will workthrough the show, sent through some Instagramor a message to me and I'lldefinitely consider that.
And then I will havethe boost agram lounge at the endand then value for value. So it has beena fair minute since the last seasonand I do have a bunch of boosts tooto thank out people for, for helpsupporting the show. So I will go over to therenow and here's the Boostagram Lounge.
[00:12:13] Unknown:
Welcometo the value for value. Boostagram Lounge.
[00:12:21] Unknown:
The Boostagram Lounge. This is the sectionwhere people can boost in to the showso show some support by using value for valueby the monetary aspect of it. And I like tothank everyone who has his help, support the show, make it happenand gives me the the drivethe energy to continue so I did boost myselfa little bit of self boosting a couple of timesto send on some stats from last time beforeI set up all the splits. So if you go on to theepisode previous to this, you'll see thatI set up a 23 split. So for every timethat you boost that particular episode, it will go off to all the different showsthat helped I reviewedin that season two.
So I got 10,000 sats herefrom Oscar Merry saying Test boostfor the 23 record splits. Lightning Bolt. Yes, and itdefinitely did work. And it still actually has workedbecause I did a test one in Aprila couple of months ago, and it was still working fine. Got Cole McCormick here from the AmericaPlus podcast. 5000 sats. I'm boosting thisfrom the future value for value works, Fireemoji, Rocket ship. Yes, it does. ColeThank you. Cole is very,very good at doing the value for valueas well with his showAmerica Plus. And he's got some really interesting,intriguing stuff.
Check out the the episodeI did on America Plus on thisvery podcast myself. It was probably, I'll say, like six episodes backfrom this one had clewd in, boosted 10,000 SATsand keep up the hard work on your show is great. Listen, I've consistently used itto find new book and podcastrecommendations. I can't wait for seasonthree. Apologiesfor making you wait so long. Almost a year. ClaudiuSo that was Claudiu from as it is not podcastingfor values from the podcast claudcast claudiu I think is is howhis name is pronounced. And then we had just some messagescoming in floaty and slips boosting in Thanks for the reviewof my show and too and all the other valuefor value shows.
Looking forward to more. Indeed.Here is more for you. Josh, thank you so much. That is Josh from the podcasting4 value show with the number four. And then we have genebean This is from the volunteer technologist,boosted 25,000 sats. I listenedto the entire series at the suggestionof at behind the Schemes Podcast Index showssocial in preparation for my new podcastVolunteer Technologist. Thanksfor all the good info and I look forwardto season three afteryou have a good break. I did have a good break.Thank you, mate. And he said this show helped mein another boost, an elite boost 1337.
This show helped me ingetting ready to publish the volunteertechnologists and specificallyin figuring out a pitch. I'd love to hearwhat you think of the show and the pitch at the end. So, yeah, I have been checking out the volunteertechnologist. I thinkone of the things that he'll struggle with ishe has been doing interviews on that show,which I've noticed, and it has been he hasn't includeda pitch at the end. This is something that I myself have been thinking with the Mere Mortalsand branching off the conversationsthat we have, because I've alwaysjust done them and just donean intro to the guest, had the actualconversation and then cut it.
What I'm sort ofthinking is it might be worth addingsomething onto the end. Just before you're aboutto release the episode of When you maybegiving your own thoughts of the conversationa little bit of extra and just adding a value for value section in thereso you're not wasting your time,I guess doing the value for value pitch and reading things out,which they might not be that appreciative ofor not understanding of. And you can just do thatpost. That's something I've beenthinking of doing. So Jane, being thatthat's maybe something you'llwant to try as well.
And then I did a 1000 satboost to myself testing to see how manysplits still worked. They all still workedat is crazy. I did that about sixmonths, maybe even seven monthsafter the the full episodehad been released and all the splitsstill worked as beautiful. That is so, so cool. So definitely, definitely worthchecking out doing that. So the value for value, what is the valuefor value show and how can youshow your support? Well, there's time, talent and treasure are the three kind of monikersthat we use to to denotethe different ways that you can sendin a support to this show.
Time is simply by sendingit to a another podcast. It's doingsomething that takes part of your time up. It shouldn't take too manyof your resources, and it's justsomething that you can do which will help promotethe show to other people. You can deliver value to another podcaster who's maybe strugglingwith advertising, which is kind of common thing happening in theselast couple of months due to the economicdownturn, the recession that's probably comingand things like this. So sending thisto another podcast who is maybe lookingat another way to monetise the show is would be very,very helpful for them, I think, and also for me.
So look, I like itwhen people listen to it. So that is one wayyou can spend some time. You can also join in on the live show and help create an audience,a community that I'm tryingto establish a little bit here. So more details onhow to do that. But I would definitelyjust say check out any of the podcasting2.0 apps. I know I'mdefinitely live on cue. I Costa definitelylive on Fountain and I should hopefully beon the pod verse and pod friends in the near futureonce I just get those do some checks up on themand pod fans as well. So that is one wayyou can do time talent.
I would very muchappreciate anyone who has knowledgeof running an irc chat in particularif they can just give me some quick detailsof things that I can researchor a link to a video of howI can get this set up. If youthink my audio is kind of dodgy,or if there's a way that I can boost that. If there's a way you think I can make this liveexperience better, I would very,very much appreciate that. So that is a talentthat someone has that they and perhapsan audio engineer, perhapsthey're a good marketer, perhaps they know more about valuefor value than I am.
Perhaps they knowintricate details of whateverthat they are an expert in and sending some of that talent to me,letting me know all this is probably howyou want to do this thing. This is how you want to dothis. That is very,very much appreciated. The talentand then the treasure. This is where you can send in your supportto the show. So we will have two waysof doing this. The one thatI promote the most and is the most funand is really this. It's the future. It's the futureof podcasting. It's the future of digitalcontent is doing valuefor the value directly within the app locationthat you are listening in.
The beautiful thing inthis is that there is a thriving open ecosystemwhere you can do this. So I mentioned a coupleof the podcast apps. Just then I will mention a couple more on podcastGuru. You can sendin a boost on. Let me just bring up my,my full list of apps here. If you go to podcastindex dot org slash apps,you will see the full suite of them there. So we also have podcast addicts,which has the chapters and the funding. The havepodfriend curiocaster disctopia. It's one actually I haven't usedthat much fountain. Obviously castamaticCan't forget castamatic That's so good BreezeI know some bitcoiners use breezeany time podcast player.
You know many of these don't have all of them, but many of themdo have a lot. So you will geta better experience going to some of these apps because you will see the chaptersappearing in your in your app and you will seeimages appearing, you will see the transcripts appearing, you will seelinks in the chapters to different thingsthat I'm talking about. So I will just recommend trying outone of these apps and then sendingin a boost and a boost as a message. A boostagram is when there is a message attached to anamount of satoshis. So this is a portionof Bitcoin that you chooseessentially money.
Bitcoin is money. So it's just sending moneythrough to me directlywithin the app itself. And I read outall of these messages at the end of each episode thanking everyonefrom the previous week so that you know that I have received thesupport and, and I know obviously thatyou are enjoying the show. So this is pretty muchhow I want to really emphasise to people.There is a PayPal. So if you go on tomeremortalspodcast dot com slash supportand you will see a way to, to support that,I will also have that in the funding tag. So if you seethe dollar sign within your actualapp itself, you can support the showvia that way.
And I will read outany messages or any, any fiat money that issent in via that way. But definitely the thing that I'm emphasising isthe, the value for value. Now you might be asking, okay, but why,Why should I do that? It's yeah, sure,maybe it's a little bit easier in the app once I gothrough the process of getting some bitcoin, putting iton the Lightning Network and funding my walletand things like that. But that's the hard part. The point ofthis is the splits. Thesethe splits are a really, really powerful featurebecause that lets me thank peopleand send money to people who are reallyhelping me out.
So for example, this episode, I'm going to put ToddCochrane in as a 15% split because he helped me a lot in finding out while usingthe blueberry service, sending me some emails,allowing me to connect to a streamthat he'd already set up, kind ofhandholding me in the in the in thea way of actually being ableto use and going live. So I'm going to put him inas a split server for every Satoshi,every 100 Satoshis that you go you send in 15%,15 of them will go to him and then 1% is going to the podcastindex, which helps encourage the ecosystem,which helps make sure that podcasting stays openand decentralised.
And 4% is also going tofountain because they are the ones who I useto manage my wallet, to manage the splits to enable me to dothese really cool things. So this is also the reason why I very much encouragepeople to, to send in some supportusing these apps because you can useany of them. They all acknowledgethat, okay, this is what Kyrin wants,he wants this portion of moneyto go to here, to Todd, this portionto go to the index, this portionand go to Fountain. And I will be changingthat in the future. So I will also havesuggestions is that anyone that you think is doingreally cool things, Is there an appthat you use a lot?
I'm really open toand I want to encourage the applications people,everyone doing really cool work and enabling valuefor value to work. So if youif you know anyone who you think is deserving or is doing somethingbehind the scenes that helpsmake all of this work, please once againsend me a message. Send me a boost. But you can also send mea message via any of the the contact links downin the in the show notes. And I will very much once againconsider them and yeah, this is a a collab,a collaborative effort and I really just want values for valueto assist, to succeed, because then it's exceedsfor everyone and it'snot just for myself.
So thank youeveryone for joining in. I'm going to quickly join check out the mastodon to see if anyone has leftany notes or anything. John Spurlock Once again,I'll probably include him on the boostsome time because he's doing a lot of cool thingswith popping and whatnot. Yeah, yeah, there's lotsof cool stuff going on. So I'm going to leave itin your hands. The Value for Valuepodcast will be coming backnext week at this time, and I really dowant to encourage support. I really dowant to encourage people to, to help and by support, I'm not necessarilymeaning monetary support.
I mean, encouraging peopleto understand more about the value for value lifestyleand how this can change your lifeas it has changed mine. And you will hear about thisin the upcoming season. So that is itfor today, Kyrin Here from the Mere Mortalsand until the next time Chao for now
I’m LIT and I am loving it. Welcome,everyone to another episode of The Value4 Value Show. Yes. Again, I am back. So you have yourfavourite Mere Mortal here. Kyrin Down. I am the hostof the Mere Mortals podcast and host of the Mere Mortalsbook reviews. And then I'm also hostof this one, The Value for Value Show. So this is cominginto season three now. It's been a fair minute since I've last been back and I thoughtit might be good to just readfrom the first episode. Kind of what the value 4 value show is all about,and then we can get into why I'm kicking it offagain.
Some of the previousseasons, my reasons, a schedule or format,style or sections, and then of coursesome boosts and some value for valueright at the end. So just reading fromthe first episode here, the valuefor Value podcast, or as I will occasionallyshorten it to V4V is a podcast for digitalcontent creators. And I've actuallychanged that because I used to justsay podcasters, but now this is including podcasters,artists, musicians, etc. Anyone who createsdigital content. We want to find a wayto earn a living without having to relyon the somewhat corrupting influence of advertisingor setting up paywalls to block off a portionof your supporters.
And it's an also experiment for myself to try out the new podcasting2.0 tags and seeif I can walk the walk and not just talkthe talk, which is indeedwhat I'm doing right now. I am live, I am lit. So if you ever tune infor this show on, I'll skip to the schedule here live on a Wednesdaymorning and I'll get more on to the actual detailsfor that. So you know,where exactly in the world and what time you cancan join this episode. So I thought it might begood to just have a quick look at some of the previous two seasons and what I was trying to do with the podcastand just go to a bit of a recap of overwhat was so jumping here on to.
Well, the firstthe first season was pretty muchthe philosophy. So this is where I was trying to figure out,okay, what actuallyis value for value? Why andwhy should I use it? Why is it better than these existing onesthat I was talking about using advertising andsponsorships and paywalls? And sosome of the episodes I had here was talking abouthow free isn't free. It was talking about how you actuallywant to have a set up so that people can donate into the showso they can show some support. Because many times people will just buy some merchor some swag even if they don'twant it. Just to be able to say thatthey've supported you.
There's the Yvalue doesn't mean money. And sogoing over the three TS, the time and talentand treasure why you don't want to limit your listenershipwith a paywall. What value for valueisn't how you can kind ofget tough love with it. And so all of this was kind of leading up to the conversation thatI had with Adam Curry. And so that was theand this is Adam Curry, the podfather, one of the guyswho invented podcasting, and then one of the guys,the guy, I suppose, who invented value for valueas well with his show No Agenda, and JohnC Dvorak over there. So that was the first seasonwas a lot for myself, trying to understandthese concepts and ingrain theminto, into myself.
The second seasonwas where I went, okay, well how can I actuallyimplement these? And so I was kind of doing a little bit of a reviewshow. I was lookingat other podcasts ideas for thingslike podcasting. 2.0 Bowl After Bowl,the SLIEK podcast, No Agenda, Intergalactic BoomBox, & various others. I think that I did18 episodes in total and I was really tryingto get a feel for, okay, what are some of the things that I can takeaway from this? How, how other peopledoing this? And so some of thethings that I got from this were highlightingyour ethics, perhaps having a show that would leadinto another show aboutadopting the new tags, about changing your pitch.
And so not just havingthe same thing, implementinga leaderboard gamifying the process, creating a snippet,an analogy that works well with your showsuch as bowl after bowl. Whether would having thispassing the bowling analogy lots of lots of crucialthings from there. I thinkif you are a podcaster this is the seasonfor you to have a look at. Okay, how can I improve my ownvalues to value pitch and make it better and big? Andby making it better, you will get more supportfrom your listeners. And also, of course,the very important thing of creating good content as well,that is that you can't forget about doing that.
So those were thethe two seasons. What is this seasongoing to be all about? What is the thirdseason of value for value? Well, this one onceagain, is kind of it'susing it as a way of getting my own thoughtsout of my head and trying to help people. So if you go onto episodes 17 and 38, that is some goodsummaries, I think of the the previous ones ofthe previous two seasons that we the reason forthis is I created a, an episode on the mere mortalscause it looks and it this is calledepisode 394 of Meanderings and the title of this was podcasting 2.0 and value for value deliveringon the promise of Bitcoin.
So I had created this Evernote,which was just massive and it was all of these randomthoughts of these snippets that I had beenaccumulating for a year, what,roughly the past year, maybe nine monthssince I was last doingthe value for value show. And I went, okay,I need to get all of this out of my headand explain these, these just concepts, these ideasthat I was having and why I think they're goingto change the world, why micropaymentsand value for value I think is pretty much in ten yearstime going to be one of the main ways competing with advertisingin terms of how digital content creators monetiseand live basically.
So this a lot of thisis going to be based around that. I had about 18 differentchapters in there, which once again iskind of how many chapters I do or how many episodesI do in a season. And some of thisis talking about going from the original versionof podcasting, why podcasting to pointoh, what this innovation is thevalue for value overview, some of the properties, all of these thingswith Bitcoin and then examples of,okay, this is how streamingSATs works. This is what a boostagram is Some of the actual statisticsof how value for value has been goingto the mere mortals.
And I can tell you it'sbeen going pretty good. And some of these otherexamples of the ecosystem and how more thingsare coming into this with music and music,writing and video. So lots of lots of really cool stuffcoming on there. And yeah,this is basically going to, to be how I will do thisthis next season and it's going to be really,really based off of this. So if you want basicallya really condensed version of what this whole seasonis going to be about, click on the linkthat's in the chapter description here and it will take youto the The Mere Mortals episodethat I did, which will give you thethe kind of full overview.
So let'sgo on to the schedule. What time am I goingto be releasing this? Well, I will be going live on a Wednesdaymorning at 10 a.m. my time. That is a timethat I'm pretty reasonable and that I can beconsistent with over the nextcoming months. And so this is 10 a.m. Australian EasternStandard Time here in Brisbane,which is where I live. This is 1 a.m. in London, sorry, London people,you're going to struggle a little bitand people in Europe, this is going to be 5pmin Los Angeles. So that a PDT, I'mnot exactly sure what that time actually is,but that stands for Eastern Standard Timeor Eastern Daylight Time in the US is 8 p.m.
and then universalcoordinated time. I believe that is bangon midnight. So yeah, it'sthose are the times, wherever you arein the world and you know, just try and relate that to exactly where you liveas, as well and then I'll releasethe actual episode later in the evening. So probably aboutwhat, 9 hours after I go live,something like that. So that'll be releasedat 8 p.m. Eastern Standard AustralianEastern Standard Time, which would be 10 a.m., Universalcoordinated time, 6 a.m. Eastern StandardTime, 12 p.m., 1 p.m., LondonTime, things like that. So yep,that's the schedule and I will be doing thisonce a week, so it'll be a weeklyepisode coming out.
So this will last for roughly probably about threethree months, four ish, something like that. I think now the format and style, I thinkit'll be very similar to the other episodesthat I've created. So probablyabout 30 minutes long, relativelyfree form. I will have notes here,but I'm not going to edit out and goes, andthat will be a purpose. I know I will knowwhat I'm talking about, but it just won't be as polished as you'll hearsome of the, you know, really detailed episodesthat some of the other big podcasting studios and things like thathave created.
I'm not going to be doingYouTube. I don't thinkthe only reason for that would befor the chat room. But I do hope to set up a Kiwi clientor something like that. I will actually need somehelp from people because even just getting to this stage was relativelycomplex for me. So yeah, definitely some,some help on how I can perhaps set up a chator anything like that. And yet the sections, what's actuallygoing to be in it. Well I thinkI will have it. Obviously an introduction. I'll get intothe main topic which will be based off of one of those chaptersfrom that Mere Mortals episodethat I talked about, and I will havesome values for value definitely in there of, of how you can help supportthis show and help support other shows in particular, some tipsfor perhaps podcasters who are looking to getinto value for value and want maybe just some extralittle things that I've noticedhave worked well for me.
And then I'm really opento suggestions into to what people want to hear so I can domaybe a podcasting 2.0 round upwhat has been happening in the latest week, I could talk about the tags and go into some of the tags and detail howyou can improve your show and make your show betterfor your audience. I can talk aboutsome of the apps and how you can helpuse these or direct your audience to to use the thingsthat will enable value for value in ain a better, stronger way. So yeah, there's I'mopen to suggestions. I can also do things like I won't have a live guest.
I was thinkingabout doing this, but no, that would beso much effort and would be rather complex. I wasthinking about doing, you know, maybe I could talk about real lifeexamples of busking and how that relatesto value for value. How Radiohead releasedan album in a value 4 value style, and it workedvery well for them. How other musicians havedone this over the years. I believeit was the Grateful Dead who did something likethis as well. Yeah, I'm open tosuggestions, so if people if there's somethingthat they want to hear, a type of valuefor value or something they think will workthrough the show, sent through some Instagramor a message to me and I'lldefinitely consider that.
And then I will havethe boost agram lounge at the endand then value for value. So it has beena fair minute since the last seasonand I do have a bunch of boosts tooto thank out people for, for helpsupporting the show. So I will go over to therenow and here's the Boostagram Lounge.
[00:12:13] Unknown:
Welcometo the value for value. Boostagram Lounge.
[00:12:21] Unknown:
The Boostagram Lounge. This is the sectionwhere people can boost in to the showso show some support by using value for valueby the monetary aspect of it. And I like tothank everyone who has his help, support the show, make it happenand gives me the the drivethe energy to continue so I did boost myselfa little bit of self boosting a couple of timesto send on some stats from last time beforeI set up all the splits. So if you go on to theepisode previous to this, you'll see thatI set up a 23 split. So for every timethat you boost that particular episode, it will go off to all the different showsthat helped I reviewedin that season two.
So I got 10,000 sats herefrom Oscar Merry saying Test boostfor the 23 record splits. Lightning Bolt. Yes, and itdefinitely did work. And it still actually has workedbecause I did a test one in Aprila couple of months ago, and it was still working fine. Got Cole McCormick here from the AmericaPlus podcast. 5000 sats. I'm boosting thisfrom the future value for value works, Fireemoji, Rocket ship. Yes, it does. ColeThank you. Cole is very,very good at doing the value for valueas well with his showAmerica Plus. And he's got some really interesting,intriguing stuff.
Check out the the episodeI did on America Plus on thisvery podcast myself. It was probably, I'll say, like six episodes backfrom this one had clewd in, boosted 10,000 SATsand keep up the hard work on your show is great. Listen, I've consistently used itto find new book and podcastrecommendations. I can't wait for seasonthree. Apologiesfor making you wait so long. Almost a year. ClaudiuSo that was Claudiu from as it is not podcastingfor values from the podcast claudcast claudiu I think is is howhis name is pronounced. And then we had just some messagescoming in floaty and slips boosting in Thanks for the reviewof my show and too and all the other valuefor value shows.
Looking forward to more. Indeed.Here is more for you. Josh, thank you so much. That is Josh from the podcasting4 value show with the number four. And then we have genebean This is from the volunteer technologist,boosted 25,000 sats. I listenedto the entire series at the suggestionof at behind the Schemes Podcast Index showssocial in preparation for my new podcastVolunteer Technologist. Thanksfor all the good info and I look forwardto season three afteryou have a good break. I did have a good break.Thank you, mate. And he said this show helped mein another boost, an elite boost 1337.
This show helped me ingetting ready to publish the volunteertechnologists and specificallyin figuring out a pitch. I'd love to hearwhat you think of the show and the pitch at the end. So, yeah, I have been checking out the volunteertechnologist. I thinkone of the things that he'll struggle with ishe has been doing interviews on that show,which I've noticed, and it has been he hasn't includeda pitch at the end. This is something that I myself have been thinking with the Mere Mortalsand branching off the conversationsthat we have, because I've alwaysjust done them and just donean intro to the guest, had the actualconversation and then cut it.
What I'm sort ofthinking is it might be worth addingsomething onto the end. Just before you're aboutto release the episode of When you maybegiving your own thoughts of the conversationa little bit of extra and just adding a value for value section in thereso you're not wasting your time,I guess doing the value for value pitch and reading things out,which they might not be that appreciative ofor not understanding of. And you can just do thatpost. That's something I've beenthinking of doing. So Jane, being thatthat's maybe something you'llwant to try as well.
And then I did a 1000 satboost to myself testing to see how manysplits still worked. They all still workedat is crazy. I did that about sixmonths, maybe even seven monthsafter the the full episodehad been released and all the splitsstill worked as beautiful. That is so, so cool. So definitely, definitely worthchecking out doing that. So the value for value, what is the valuefor value show and how can youshow your support? Well, there's time, talent and treasure are the three kind of monikersthat we use to to denotethe different ways that you can sendin a support to this show.
Time is simply by sendingit to a another podcast. It's doingsomething that takes part of your time up. It shouldn't take too manyof your resources, and it's justsomething that you can do which will help promotethe show to other people. You can deliver value to another podcaster who's maybe strugglingwith advertising, which is kind of common thing happening in theselast couple of months due to the economicdownturn, the recession that's probably comingand things like this. So sending thisto another podcast who is maybe lookingat another way to monetise the show is would be very,very helpful for them, I think, and also for me.
So look, I like itwhen people listen to it. So that is one wayyou can spend some time. You can also join in on the live show and help create an audience,a community that I'm tryingto establish a little bit here. So more details onhow to do that. But I would definitelyjust say check out any of the podcasting2.0 apps. I know I'mdefinitely live on cue. I Costa definitelylive on Fountain and I should hopefully beon the pod verse and pod friends in the near futureonce I just get those do some checks up on themand pod fans as well. So that is one wayyou can do time talent.
I would very muchappreciate anyone who has knowledgeof running an irc chat in particularif they can just give me some quick detailsof things that I can researchor a link to a video of howI can get this set up. If youthink my audio is kind of dodgy,or if there's a way that I can boost that. If there's a way you think I can make this liveexperience better, I would very,very much appreciate that. So that is a talentthat someone has that they and perhapsan audio engineer, perhapsthey're a good marketer, perhaps they know more about valuefor value than I am.
Perhaps they knowintricate details of whateverthat they are an expert in and sending some of that talent to me,letting me know all this is probably howyou want to do this thing. This is how you want to dothis. That is very,very much appreciated. The talentand then the treasure. This is where you can send in your supportto the show. So we will have two waysof doing this. The one thatI promote the most and is the most funand is really this. It's the future. It's the futureof podcasting. It's the future of digitalcontent is doing valuefor the value directly within the app locationthat you are listening in.
The beautiful thing inthis is that there is a thriving open ecosystemwhere you can do this. So I mentioned a coupleof the podcast apps. Just then I will mention a couple more on podcastGuru. You can sendin a boost on. Let me just bring up my,my full list of apps here. If you go to podcastindex dot org slash apps,you will see the full suite of them there. So we also have podcast addicts,which has the chapters and the funding. The havepodfriend curiocaster disctopia. It's one actually I haven't usedthat much fountain. Obviously castamaticCan't forget castamatic That's so good BreezeI know some bitcoiners use breezeany time podcast player.
You know many of these don't have all of them, but many of themdo have a lot. So you will geta better experience going to some of these apps because you will see the chaptersappearing in your in your app and you will seeimages appearing, you will see the transcripts appearing, you will seelinks in the chapters to different thingsthat I'm talking about. So I will just recommend trying outone of these apps and then sendingin a boost and a boost as a message. A boostagram is when there is a message attached to anamount of satoshis. So this is a portionof Bitcoin that you chooseessentially money.
Bitcoin is money. So it's just sending moneythrough to me directlywithin the app itself. And I read outall of these messages at the end of each episode thanking everyonefrom the previous week so that you know that I have received thesupport and, and I know obviously thatyou are enjoying the show. So this is pretty muchhow I want to really emphasise to people.There is a PayPal. So if you go on tomeremortalspodcast dot com slash supportand you will see a way to, to support that,I will also have that in the funding tag. So if you seethe dollar sign within your actualapp itself, you can support the showvia that way.
And I will read outany messages or any, any fiat money that issent in via that way. But definitely the thing that I'm emphasising isthe, the value for value. Now you might be asking, okay, but why,Why should I do that? It's yeah, sure,maybe it's a little bit easier in the app once I gothrough the process of getting some bitcoin, putting iton the Lightning Network and funding my walletand things like that. But that's the hard part. The point ofthis is the splits. Thesethe splits are a really, really powerful featurebecause that lets me thank peopleand send money to people who are reallyhelping me out.
So for example, this episode, I'm going to put ToddCochrane in as a 15% split because he helped me a lot in finding out while usingthe blueberry service, sending me some emails,allowing me to connect to a streamthat he'd already set up, kind ofhandholding me in the in the in thea way of actually being ableto use and going live. So I'm going to put him inas a split server for every Satoshi,every 100 Satoshis that you go you send in 15%,15 of them will go to him and then 1% is going to the podcastindex, which helps encourage the ecosystem,which helps make sure that podcasting stays openand decentralised.
And 4% is also going tofountain because they are the ones who I useto manage my wallet, to manage the splits to enable me to dothese really cool things. So this is also the reason why I very much encouragepeople to, to send in some supportusing these apps because you can useany of them. They all acknowledgethat, okay, this is what Kyrin wants,he wants this portion of moneyto go to here, to Todd, this portionto go to the index, this portionand go to Fountain. And I will be changingthat in the future. So I will also havesuggestions is that anyone that you think is doingreally cool things, Is there an appthat you use a lot?
I'm really open toand I want to encourage the applications people,everyone doing really cool work and enabling valuefor value to work. So if youif you know anyone who you think is deserving or is doing somethingbehind the scenes that helpsmake all of this work, please once againsend me a message. Send me a boost. But you can also send mea message via any of the the contact links downin the in the show notes. And I will very much once againconsider them and yeah, this is a a collab,a collaborative effort and I really just want values for valueto assist, to succeed, because then it's exceedsfor everyone and it'snot just for myself.
So thank youeveryone for joining in. I'm going to quickly join check out the mastodon to see if anyone has leftany notes or anything. John Spurlock Once again,I'll probably include him on the boostsome time because he's doing a lot of cool thingswith popping and whatnot. Yeah, yeah, there's lotsof cool stuff going on. So I'm going to leave itin your hands. The Value for Valuepodcast will be coming backnext week at this time, and I really dowant to encourage support. I really dowant to encourage people to, to help and by support, I'm not necessarilymeaning monetary support.
I mean, encouraging peopleto understand more about the value for value lifestyleand how this can change your lifeas it has changed mine. And you will hear about thisin the upcoming season. So that is itfor today, Kyrin Here from the Mere Mortalsand until the next time Chao for now