How can you implement the V4V model if you have a daily podcast?
In Ep #22 we dive into Lifespring! Family Audio Bible with Steve Webb (aka The Godcaster). Due to his daily episodes we see how he structures the feedback portion to be shorter and more related to the episode content or in reference to the feedback itself.
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Nothing is more powerful andmore good than value for value other than perhaps the Almightyhimself. Welcome everyone to anotherepisode of the value for value podcast. My name is Kyrin and Ido these episodes to highlight podcasts that are going deep andusing the value for value model and do a review of them so wecan explore what it is that they're doing well, what perhapsthat they could improve on and some ideas that you can takeaway for your own shows. So today, we're going to jump intoone called Lifespring family Audio Bible and I got this Isuppose suggestion because the man himself Steve Webb sent me abooster gram a show or two ago and I wanted to highlight thatand to go over what he's doing and sort of seen his his namearound in the podcasting 2.0 area for a while. So what's thebest way to describe it? Well, I'm gonna let him do it inhimself. And we can jump in and explore a bit more from there.
Coming to you from Riverside,California, this is the Lifespring family Audio Biblepodcasting since 2004. I'm here Oh g god casters. Steve Webb,welcome. I'm so glad to see you today. This is the daily showwhere we're reading through the entire Bible in a year. Today'spoetry Thursday, and we'll say that we go that's apretty good explanation of what he does the god caster SteveWebb, and he is not joking around. If you go to the Aboutsection on his website, you can really see how, how much efforthe's put into getting into podcasting. And yeah, he hasbeen around since 2004. So he, he does, he does take itseriously. Now, his show the family audio Lifespring familyAudio Bible, it goes for about 20 to 30 minutes, as I'd say therough episode time length. And as he mentioned, it is a dailyreading. So it comes out every day. That is amazing consistencyright there. And this current season, which he talks about isseason 12, where he's going over the whole Bible in a year, Ihave yet to particularly listen to some of his previous seasons,as I've sort of just been jumping into this, this lastsection, but man, I just gotta say amazing consistency forbecause from what I could tell he has been maybe not daily overthe past, you know, decade and a bit. You're getting close to twodecades, I suppose. But he's also been putting videos onYouTube, for example, I saw on how to pronounce, pronouncenames from the Bible. And he's just really into the podcasting2.0 world. So we'll go on to the value fair value implementationsection, I guess and and see what is how is he introducing itinto his shows. So he typically does it right near the end, Isuppose his shows are approximately from the 90%onwards point. And he usually so therefore, it really only lastsfor about five to 10% of of his full podcast. It's not a largepart of the show, I would say so. And that seems to be a realmix of all of his interactions.
So whether this is the treasurevalue for value, so an actual donation coming in, or whetherit be commentary or whatnot. And this sort of makes sense,because it's quite hard to have continuous feedback feedback fora daily show. So I'm not surprised that his value forvalue section is quite short and small, because, you know, doingit for every single day, it's unless you're a super, superhuge show. You're just not going to have that much feedbackcoming in. But here's a small example of how he tends to runit. The top four are Adam curry,James Cridland, who is the host of pod news number three withAdam curry, number four with Adam curry, number five, theLifespring family Audio Bible.
So what he is actually justtalking about here to add some context is this was from anepisode John one, two in the beginning, which was publishedon the second of April. And he was talking about the top fiveshows that were on the podcast and had previouslyread out How about he was I believe number 14 in thefountain rankings itself. And so he does read out booster grams,he has booster gram enabled, he also has the sections to be ableto send in Fiat. So this is through Pay Pal and whatnot. Ifyou go on to his website, there's a big donate button aswell. I'll get onto that shortly. And this is where he'sjust talking about how he's so grateful I guess for foreveryone who's donating and helping to support the show andso we'll continue on.
Couldn't believe that that blewme away when I saw that. And that's all thanks to you guys.You guys are amazing. Saying thank you so very much. I'mspeechless. Truly, thank you. Now think about this, who wouldhave thought that a show where what we do is read the Biblewould be number five, when the pod father, Adam curry is inthree of the top five slots. Amazing. Thank you. All I cansay is keep it up, please. And not just for me, I mean, it'svery cool. I love seeing this ads come in. But the main thingis, this gives the show more visibility, which helps to bringothers into the family to hear the Word of God. So how cool isthat? That's you guys, that's God, that's the Holy Spirit.That's I had very, very little to do with it.
So that you go, I think that'sactually a really good point that he makes, which is, youknow, not focusing on the value amount. Now, I think all of uscan acknowledge that money plays a huge role in our lives, andyou do need to have your money situation sorted. But when, ifpossible, money not being the primary factor, but this sort ofsecond order. And this is what I really like about value forvalue. And, and sort of how I tend to run it on my shows aswell, the the main models and models, book reviews, the theamount doesn't particular matter, although it is relatedto the value that you have gotten from it. So I doencourage you to really think about how much it is. Andobviously, if it's higher, that's, that's a much moreappreciated on my end. But for him, it's sort of like me, whichis, it's the secondary content.
So it's the secondary thing. Soif I'm doing things really well, and I'm producing great content,and I'm putting in the effort, and I am doing everything I canto make the show better for for my audience and filling mylisteners, the that should just naturally sort of take care ofit. So as long as I highlight it, but for him, as he wasmentioning here, you know, it's not the amount that matters,it's sort of the the the the primary thing is like he gets tospread the word of God more, he gets to have greater visibility,because now he's number five on the on the rankings chart. Ithink that's really cool. I think that's a great way oflooking at a value for value.
And it's not being the money,money, money, money and dollar bills go up ching ching ching,ching ching money printer? No, no, it's it's much more aboutthe the other benefits that you can get from that. And this iswhat I almost always constantly highlight. It's the directfeedback, audience interaction that's being able to, to, youknow, get that immediate response, it's to be able toknow that someone is actually out there listening, it's to beable to help improve the show by people sending in comments, it'sto be able to make the show better, because there's commentsand whatnot. So he, I think he's bang on the mark there. Andit's, it's really encouraging to see see things like that. Now, Ishould say also with his value for value implementation thatHe's highly encouraging of comments on the website, or theemail. So I'll just play a little section here, which iswhat what he really tries to, to highlight, I suppose, let other people know about it.Comment on the show at Lifespring 12 e 267.Email me at Steve at Lifespring thanks to the teamKirsty Sean of San Pedro and Denise so one thing I just would sayhere that maybe he could be doing better would be, it mightbe better to really focus on the boosting section. So typically,when he finishes the podcast, he'll will end it in this way,which is, you know, if you want to leave a comment, go to here,season 12, episode 261. Now, this is one of the sectionswhere being in podcasting 2.0 is a bit more helpful, because, youknow, that's it's kind of hard to remember, this is the problemthat I've faced with many times in the past, which isencouraging feedback and how to get it. Because it is extremelytedious. If you're a listener, hearing something like that, oh,you have to remember s two s one, two e 261. Slash add thatto the the end of their website to go to the show notes. By thetime you've done all of that that's that's sort of like twoor three minutes from the actual request for a comment forfeedback. And then you have to deal with all the difficultiesof I guess, am I writing this comment without context? Is hegoing to understand where I'm coming from in which particularsection of the podcast I'm referring to? Et cetera, etcetera, et cetera? So this is where a I would, I would sayencouraging the the comments to be done directly in the app isbetter? Yes, this is still early days. And perhaps he's morefocused on on getting content for a show totally understandthat. But also being able to just include a link to thatperhaps in the chapters section would be so much better becausethat's a Just minutes of time for the minutes of time. Andalso, I would even equivalent that to sort of like hours of,of, of pain points to get through. If there's a simpleclickable link in the actual podcast episode, which you canfind it and find it in, in good podcast apps. So if any of thenew ones are like fountain, for example, where you can justclick the link, and it'll take you directly to those commentssection. So once again, we'll probably be better just havingthe, the request, I guess, to be a comment in the actual app,because you get that direct feedback. But you know, this isa another section where he's obviously highlighting reallyencouraging comments, and so to go to the website, or to hisemail, or etc, etc, etc, I also want to acknowledge just howdeep he is in the final section of this valley for valueimplementation of, of everything that he does. And so if you goto Lifespring,, and in particular, the Donate section,which will be slash support, you can see a myriad of ways of howyou can help them out. So there's a big donate clickablebutton. But he also goes out why your help is needed. And so howthis goes into website hosting fees, media, server fees,computer studio, software, etc, etc. He highlights how hedoesn't do outside advertisers, more on that in the uniquesection coming up, but also in the value section. So he reallygoes over, you know, supporters who donate a one time gift over50, or the equivalent value of Satoshis will receive a specialthanks in the next aptitude episode produced to the livestream family Audio Bible. And then there's there's go uphigher and higher. So he uses a sort of no agenda type namingsystem, which is associate producer, Executive Producer,distinguished producer. I have heard him previously talk abouthow I he will send out a Bible to you as well. So there'sdefinitely incentives that he creates for for people todonate. And this isn't surprising that he uses a lot ofthe no agenda. I suppose lingo and and the way that they framethings because he actually interviewed Adam curry in 2004.He says on his website, how he talked how he first found outabout podcasting via the radio and when Adam Curry was beinginterviewed, and then this sort of makes sense that he would useWell, he's the God caster, he's been doing it since 2004. So,you know, there's probably only a couple of other podcasts thathave been that long. And he would have definitely been inthe no agenda world and knowing about how Adam runs his show,and there's obviously dive right into that as well. So we'll gointo the something unique section. And so this is maybesomething that I think he does that I haven't seen other peopledo particularly and and can just be a small highlight and maybesomething for you to take away to your own show. So here's justa simple section which I will elaborate on in a second. Here'syour cue to boost follow Seattle came in with hisweekly $22.22 cent distinguished producer donation. Thank you,Paulo, Seattle very much appreciate it. God bless you, mybrother, you can support the show too. If you find value init, please go to Lifespring
Now you might think, okay,that's that's just a simple thanking for someone off on theshow for for what they've done and for helping to support. Butthe cool thing is, if you go to the end of his episodes, youreally have no idea what's going to come up because, as Imentioned, he does a daily episode, a daily reading of theBible. And as I mentioned, this can also be kind ofinconsistent, you know, it's really hard to get that sort offeedback on that level, daily and daily. But I would arguethat this can also be termed as a positive point because youdon't know what's going to come so in those sections right atthe end, you know, sometimes he has a message like a thanks likethis for someone, sometimes it can be a booster gram, sometimesit can be an email that's been sent in sometimes it can be aprayer request, sometimes it you know, it goes on, like a littlestory from themselves or from how someone provided value in aunique and different way. And I think that's quite cool, becauseit doesn't make it boring.
You're sort of you don't knowwhat's gonna come up. It could be nothing or it could be a hugesection or it could be him highlighting a podcasting 2.0but it's it's kind of cool that his value section isn'tconsistent in a way because Is it it will leave you likewandering on your toes a little bit? Oh, what's going to come upnext? So I would say keeps it somewhat intriguing. And unlessyou hate V for V and a bored by it, in which case, boo, why areyou even here, then, then it's, it's something a little bitdifferent things that I think that also slightly different,that is unique about his show and related to the concept ofvalue for value is he really highlights that he can't becensored or D platformed, which, as being a Christian is, issomething quite pertinent to, to Christians, if you look at thehistory and whatnot. And he really goes over this in thesection I suppose I suppose about why your help is needed.As I mentioned about no outside advertisers, the onlyadvertising that you will ever hear on any of the shows is forproducts or services that are personally create or provide.And so you know, that's even in a in a section where it's like,that's, that's not particularly advertising the way that mostpeople would think about it, which is a, like a shilling of aproduct on in between the show where it doesn't necessarilymake sense, I think about TV, and you see a wild turkeybourbon ad in the middle of a, I don't know, a crime show orsomething like that. And I think that's a good place to end it ofour examination of the LIVESTRONG family Audio Bibleand we're going to go now into some booster grams in thebooster gram lounge. Welcome to devalue for value was to grab some bad shout out to Adam curryfor creating that jingle A while ago, there was only one roostercram coming in this week. But it was a very special and muchappreciated one. And this was from PETA PE T AR who was wellknown to me first helping support some of my other showslike The mere mortals and mere mortals book reviews. Then hesends through 4750 sets using fountain and says, this podcastreminds me of the time Cosmo Kramer wrote a coffee table bookabout coffee tables. Brilliant.
Thank you. Thank you, Peter. Youknow, it does feel a little bit like that it is getting sort ofmeta in that way. But I think once again, it's it's, it's sortof helpful for me to be to be able to examine myself what I'mdoing, which is a sort of meta in itself, like me thinkingabout me. And yeah, it's man, I really hope other people getenjoyment from this. And, you know, some of the best metapodcasts are those, you know, podcast talking about podcasts,for example, there's a, there's plenty of them out there. So, yaknow, it's much appreciated Peter, and it could be the beststrategy I've ever come up with.
And so value for value, we'llend it off with a my little value value pitch here. And I'mgoing to take a little bit of a piece of advice from Steve Webband what he's doing and make it something different. So onething I would say is, if you enjoyed the show, I do want tojust remind you that I do have two others that I work on quiteconsistently, the main one being the mere mortals. So if you'reinto conversations, these the longer ones typically half anhour to an hour twice a week, sometimes with guests, butusually with my co host my main man one and we go over a deepconversations with the lighthearted touch on there. Soanything related to sort of fitness philosophy, goal settingcryptocurrencies, you know, that's that's way well up ouralley, and some things you'll be hearing about on there. And thenthere's the metal does book reviews channel, which is a oncea week podcast, typically 20 minutes is I'd say, the roughlength where I will want usually me do a book review of whatwe've been reading, and I'm pretty varied with my books aswell. So some weeks it'll be philosophy and then you'll havesomething called like Madame Bovary by Gustavo Flaubert, whichis what I'm reading at the moment. And then you might havea fantasy fiction something to do with the metaverse like NealStephenson's book Snow Crash, you know, there's there's awhole bunch of things that I do in there. So a little bit ofvery, if you're just into books in general, that's another placeI would recommend that you go check out so for all of you whohave tuned in for the full episode, thank you so much. Iwould encourage a booster gram if you want your show as well onhere, send through a booster gram and I will I can check thatout. And I do hope you're having a fantastic day with the Word ofGod and His grace smiling upon you as well and wherever you arein the world. Kyrin out
Nothing is more powerful andmore good than value for value other than perhaps the Almightyhimself. Welcome everyone to anotherepisode of the value for value podcast. My name is Kyrin and Ido these episodes to highlight podcasts that are going deep andusing the value for value model and do a review of them so wecan explore what it is that they're doing well, what perhapsthat they could improve on and some ideas that you can takeaway for your own shows. So today, we're going to jump intoone called Lifespring family Audio Bible and I got this Isuppose suggestion because the man himself Steve Webb sent me abooster gram a show or two ago and I wanted to highlight thatand to go over what he's doing and sort of seen his his namearound in the podcasting 2.0 area for a while. So what's thebest way to describe it? Well, I'm gonna let him do it inhimself. And we can jump in and explore a bit more from there.
Coming to you from Riverside,California, this is the Lifespring family Audio Biblepodcasting since 2004. I'm here Oh g god casters. Steve Webb,welcome. I'm so glad to see you today. This is the daily showwhere we're reading through the entire Bible in a year. Today'spoetry Thursday, and we'll say that we go that's apretty good explanation of what he does the god caster SteveWebb, and he is not joking around. If you go to the Aboutsection on his website, you can really see how, how much efforthe's put into getting into podcasting. And yeah, he hasbeen around since 2004. So he, he does, he does take itseriously. Now, his show the family audio Lifespring familyAudio Bible, it goes for about 20 to 30 minutes, as I'd say therough episode time length. And as he mentioned, it is a dailyreading. So it comes out every day. That is amazing consistencyright there. And this current season, which he talks about isseason 12, where he's going over the whole Bible in a year, Ihave yet to particularly listen to some of his previous seasons,as I've sort of just been jumping into this, this lastsection, but man, I just gotta say amazing consistency forbecause from what I could tell he has been maybe not daily overthe past, you know, decade and a bit. You're getting close to twodecades, I suppose. But he's also been putting videos onYouTube, for example, I saw on how to pronounce, pronouncenames from the Bible. And he's just really into the podcasting2.0 world. So we'll go on to the value fair value implementationsection, I guess and and see what is how is he introducing itinto his shows. So he typically does it right near the end, Isuppose his shows are approximately from the 90%onwards point. And he usually so therefore, it really only lastsfor about five to 10% of of his full podcast. It's not a largepart of the show, I would say so. And that seems to be a realmix of all of his interactions.
So whether this is the treasurevalue for value, so an actual donation coming in, or whetherit be commentary or whatnot. And this sort of makes sense,because it's quite hard to have continuous feedback feedback fora daily show. So I'm not surprised that his value forvalue section is quite short and small, because, you know, doingit for every single day, it's unless you're a super, superhuge show. You're just not going to have that much feedbackcoming in. But here's a small example of how he tends to runit. The top four are Adam curry,James Cridland, who is the host of pod news number three withAdam curry, number four with Adam curry, number five, theLifespring family Audio Bible.
So what he is actually justtalking about here to add some context is this was from anepisode John one, two in the beginning, which was publishedon the second of April. And he was talking about the top fiveshows that were on the podcast and had previouslyread out How about he was I believe number 14 in thefountain rankings itself. And so he does read out booster grams,he has booster gram enabled, he also has the sections to be ableto send in Fiat. So this is through Pay Pal and whatnot. Ifyou go on to his website, there's a big donate button aswell. I'll get onto that shortly. And this is where he'sjust talking about how he's so grateful I guess for foreveryone who's donating and helping to support the show andso we'll continue on.
Couldn't believe that that blewme away when I saw that. And that's all thanks to you guys.You guys are amazing. Saying thank you so very much. I'mspeechless. Truly, thank you. Now think about this, who wouldhave thought that a show where what we do is read the Biblewould be number five, when the pod father, Adam curry is inthree of the top five slots. Amazing. Thank you. All I cansay is keep it up, please. And not just for me, I mean, it'svery cool. I love seeing this ads come in. But the main thingis, this gives the show more visibility, which helps to bringothers into the family to hear the Word of God. So how cool isthat? That's you guys, that's God, that's the Holy Spirit.That's I had very, very little to do with it.
So that you go, I think that'sactually a really good point that he makes, which is, youknow, not focusing on the value amount. Now, I think all of uscan acknowledge that money plays a huge role in our lives, andyou do need to have your money situation sorted. But when, ifpossible, money not being the primary factor, but this sort ofsecond order. And this is what I really like about value forvalue. And, and sort of how I tend to run it on my shows aswell, the the main models and models, book reviews, the theamount doesn't particular matter, although it is relatedto the value that you have gotten from it. So I doencourage you to really think about how much it is. Andobviously, if it's higher, that's, that's a much moreappreciated on my end. But for him, it's sort of like me, whichis, it's the secondary content.
So it's the secondary thing. Soif I'm doing things really well, and I'm producing great content,and I'm putting in the effort, and I am doing everything I canto make the show better for for my audience and filling mylisteners, the that should just naturally sort of take care ofit. So as long as I highlight it, but for him, as he wasmentioning here, you know, it's not the amount that matters,it's sort of the the the the primary thing is like he gets tospread the word of God more, he gets to have greater visibility,because now he's number five on the on the rankings chart. Ithink that's really cool. I think that's a great way oflooking at a value for value.
And it's not being the money,money, money, money and dollar bills go up ching ching ching,ching ching money printer? No, no, it's it's much more aboutthe the other benefits that you can get from that. And this iswhat I almost always constantly highlight. It's the directfeedback, audience interaction that's being able to, to, youknow, get that immediate response, it's to be able toknow that someone is actually out there listening, it's to beable to help improve the show by people sending in comments, it'sto be able to make the show better, because there's commentsand whatnot. So he, I think he's bang on the mark there. Andit's, it's really encouraging to see see things like that. Now, Ishould say also with his value for value implementation thatHe's highly encouraging of comments on the website, or theemail. So I'll just play a little section here, which iswhat what he really tries to, to highlight, I suppose, let other people know about it.Comment on the show at Lifespring 12 e 267.Email me at Steve at Lifespring thanks to the teamKirsty Sean of San Pedro and Denise so one thing I just would sayhere that maybe he could be doing better would be, it mightbe better to really focus on the boosting section. So typically,when he finishes the podcast, he'll will end it in this way,which is, you know, if you want to leave a comment, go to here,season 12, episode 261. Now, this is one of the sectionswhere being in podcasting 2.0 is a bit more helpful, because, youknow, that's it's kind of hard to remember, this is the problemthat I've faced with many times in the past, which isencouraging feedback and how to get it. Because it is extremelytedious. If you're a listener, hearing something like that, oh,you have to remember s two s one, two e 261. Slash add thatto the the end of their website to go to the show notes. By thetime you've done all of that that's that's sort of like twoor three minutes from the actual request for a comment forfeedback. And then you have to deal with all the difficultiesof I guess, am I writing this comment without context? Is hegoing to understand where I'm coming from in which particularsection of the podcast I'm referring to? Et cetera, etcetera, et cetera? So this is where a I would, I would sayencouraging the the comments to be done directly in the app isbetter? Yes, this is still early days. And perhaps he's morefocused on on getting content for a show totally understandthat. But also being able to just include a link to thatperhaps in the chapters section would be so much better becausethat's a Just minutes of time for the minutes of time. Andalso, I would even equivalent that to sort of like hours of,of, of pain points to get through. If there's a simpleclickable link in the actual podcast episode, which you canfind it and find it in, in good podcast apps. So if any of thenew ones are like fountain, for example, where you can justclick the link, and it'll take you directly to those commentssection. So once again, we'll probably be better just havingthe, the request, I guess, to be a comment in the actual app,because you get that direct feedback. But you know, this isa another section where he's obviously highlighting reallyencouraging comments, and so to go to the website, or to hisemail, or etc, etc, etc, I also want to acknowledge just howdeep he is in the final section of this valley for valueimplementation of, of everything that he does. And so if you goto Lifespring,, and in particular, the Donate section,which will be slash support, you can see a myriad of ways of howyou can help them out. So there's a big donate clickablebutton. But he also goes out why your help is needed. And so howthis goes into website hosting fees, media, server fees,computer studio, software, etc, etc. He highlights how hedoesn't do outside advertisers, more on that in the uniquesection coming up, but also in the value section. So he reallygoes over, you know, supporters who donate a one time gift over50, or the equivalent value of Satoshis will receive a specialthanks in the next aptitude episode produced to the livestream family Audio Bible. And then there's there's go uphigher and higher. So he uses a sort of no agenda type namingsystem, which is associate producer, Executive Producer,distinguished producer. I have heard him previously talk abouthow I he will send out a Bible to you as well. So there'sdefinitely incentives that he creates for for people todonate. And this isn't surprising that he uses a lot ofthe no agenda. I suppose lingo and and the way that they framethings because he actually interviewed Adam curry in 2004.He says on his website, how he talked how he first found outabout podcasting via the radio and when Adam Curry was beinginterviewed, and then this sort of makes sense that he would useWell, he's the God caster, he's been doing it since 2004. So,you know, there's probably only a couple of other podcasts thathave been that long. And he would have definitely been inthe no agenda world and knowing about how Adam runs his show,and there's obviously dive right into that as well. So we'll gointo the something unique section. And so this is maybesomething that I think he does that I haven't seen other peopledo particularly and and can just be a small highlight and maybesomething for you to take away to your own show. So here's justa simple section which I will elaborate on in a second. Here'syour cue to boost follow Seattle came in with hisweekly $22.22 cent distinguished producer donation. Thank you,Paulo, Seattle very much appreciate it. God bless you, mybrother, you can support the show too. If you find value init, please go to Lifespring
Now you might think, okay,that's that's just a simple thanking for someone off on theshow for for what they've done and for helping to support. Butthe cool thing is, if you go to the end of his episodes, youreally have no idea what's going to come up because, as Imentioned, he does a daily episode, a daily reading of theBible. And as I mentioned, this can also be kind ofinconsistent, you know, it's really hard to get that sort offeedback on that level, daily and daily. But I would arguethat this can also be termed as a positive point because youdon't know what's going to come so in those sections right atthe end, you know, sometimes he has a message like a thanks likethis for someone, sometimes it can be a booster gram, sometimesit can be an email that's been sent in sometimes it can be aprayer request, sometimes it you know, it goes on, like a littlestory from themselves or from how someone provided value in aunique and different way. And I think that's quite cool, becauseit doesn't make it boring.
You're sort of you don't knowwhat's gonna come up. It could be nothing or it could be a hugesection or it could be him highlighting a podcasting 2.0but it's it's kind of cool that his value section isn'tconsistent in a way because Is it it will leave you likewandering on your toes a little bit? Oh, what's going to come upnext? So I would say keeps it somewhat intriguing. And unlessyou hate V for V and a bored by it, in which case, boo, why areyou even here, then, then it's, it's something a little bitdifferent things that I think that also slightly different,that is unique about his show and related to the concept ofvalue for value is he really highlights that he can't becensored or D platformed, which, as being a Christian is, issomething quite pertinent to, to Christians, if you look at thehistory and whatnot. And he really goes over this in thesection I suppose I suppose about why your help is needed.As I mentioned about no outside advertisers, the onlyadvertising that you will ever hear on any of the shows is forproducts or services that are personally create or provide.And so you know, that's even in a in a section where it's like,that's, that's not particularly advertising the way that mostpeople would think about it, which is a, like a shilling of aproduct on in between the show where it doesn't necessarilymake sense, I think about TV, and you see a wild turkeybourbon ad in the middle of a, I don't know, a crime show orsomething like that. And I think that's a good place to end it ofour examination of the LIVESTRONG family Audio Bibleand we're going to go now into some booster grams in thebooster gram lounge. Welcome to devalue for value was to grab some bad shout out to Adam curryfor creating that jingle A while ago, there was only one roostercram coming in this week. But it was a very special and muchappreciated one. And this was from PETA PE T AR who was wellknown to me first helping support some of my other showslike The mere mortals and mere mortals book reviews. Then hesends through 4750 sets using fountain and says, this podcastreminds me of the time Cosmo Kramer wrote a coffee table bookabout coffee tables. Brilliant.
Thank you. Thank you, Peter. Youknow, it does feel a little bit like that it is getting sort ofmeta in that way. But I think once again, it's it's, it's sortof helpful for me to be to be able to examine myself what I'mdoing, which is a sort of meta in itself, like me thinkingabout me. And yeah, it's man, I really hope other people getenjoyment from this. And, you know, some of the best metapodcasts are those, you know, podcast talking about podcasts,for example, there's a, there's plenty of them out there. So, yaknow, it's much appreciated Peter, and it could be the beststrategy I've ever come up with.
And so value for value, we'llend it off with a my little value value pitch here. And I'mgoing to take a little bit of a piece of advice from Steve Webband what he's doing and make it something different. So onething I would say is, if you enjoyed the show, I do want tojust remind you that I do have two others that I work on quiteconsistently, the main one being the mere mortals. So if you'reinto conversations, these the longer ones typically half anhour to an hour twice a week, sometimes with guests, butusually with my co host my main man one and we go over a deepconversations with the lighthearted touch on there. Soanything related to sort of fitness philosophy, goal settingcryptocurrencies, you know, that's that's way well up ouralley, and some things you'll be hearing about on there. And thenthere's the metal does book reviews channel, which is a oncea week podcast, typically 20 minutes is I'd say, the roughlength where I will want usually me do a book review of whatwe've been reading, and I'm pretty varied with my books aswell. So some weeks it'll be philosophy and then you'll havesomething called like Madame Bovary by Gustavo Flaubert, whichis what I'm reading at the moment. And then you might havea fantasy fiction something to do with the metaverse like NealStephenson's book Snow Crash, you know, there's there's awhole bunch of things that I do in there. So a little bit ofvery, if you're just into books in general, that's another placeI would recommend that you go check out so for all of you whohave tuned in for the full episode, thank you so much. Iwould encourage a booster gram if you want your show as well onhere, send through a booster gram and I will I can check thatout. And I do hope you're having a fantastic day with the Word ofGod and His grace smiling upon you as well and wherever you arein the world. Kyrin out