What techniques do you need to consider when asking for contribution? In Ep#54 we're going to listen to a compilation of different asks from podcasters and analyse why their audience support puts them at the top of the charts!
Huge thanks to Sam Sethi, Jason & Mitch D for supporting the show (plus everyone streaming as well). Check out their apps!
15% of this episode is going to all the people I took clips from for this episode, go check out their shows!
Handy links:
Fountain/RSS.com Webinar: https://fountainpodcasts.substack.com/p/value-for-value-how-to-build-unbreakable
Get Alby Blog: https://blog.getalby.com/
V4V Blog: https://value4value.info/
Value 4 Value Support:
Boostagram: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/support
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/meremortalspodcast
Connect With Kyrin/Mere Mortals:
Website: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/jjfq9eGReU
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/meremortalspods
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meremortalspodcasts/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@meremortalspodcasts
Huge thanks to Sam Sethi, Jason & Mitch D for supporting the show (plus everyone streaming as well). Check out their apps!
15% of this episode is going to all the people I took clips from for this episode, go check out their shows!
Handy links:
Fountain/RSS.com Webinar: https://fountainpodcasts.substack.com/p/value-for-value-how-to-build-unbreakable
Get Alby Blog: https://blog.getalby.com/
V4V Blog: https://value4value.info/
Value 4 Value Support:
Boostagram: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/support
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/meremortalspodcast
Connect With Kyrin/Mere Mortals:
Website: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/jjfq9eGReU
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/meremortalspods
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meremortalspodcasts/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@meremortalspodcasts
What techniques doyou need to consider when asking for contribution? Welcome everyoneto another episode of the Valuefor Value Podcast. I'm your host, Kyrin Down,host of the Mere Mortals and Mere Mortals bookreviews as well. But this is the podcast for digital contentcreators who want to connect deeperwith their audience and also be able tomonetise at the same time without the use of havingto resort to ads, dynamic ad insertion or host raidsor sponsorships or anything like that. Now this is the waywhere you can do this all directlyfrom your fans, which is an amazing thing.
And there'sa lot of technology and and very cool things that have been happeningin the podcasting 2.0 world which allowall of this to happen. But there is a burningquestion at this, which is you need to ask and this is thebiggest thing to get over. I've talked about thispreviously, but I have had some suggestionsfrom listeners. I think it was Jean Beanand someone else as well, maybe who were askingfor a compilation of values and valuepitches of how okay, how are the bestpeople doing this? What are some tactics,some techniques I need to think aboutwhen I'm doing this?
I have already somewhatcovered this in season two,but I'm going to do another version here. So what I've done isI went to the hot on fountain chartto basically you can kind of seeFountain, one of the podcasting apps. They have their own method of showcasingwhich shows are popular just based onhow much support. And in this case it's satoshis coming infrom from their listeners and they create a littlechart for themselves. So I went to that and I chose four that were basically nearthe top of it, but that I hadn't already covered in season two because you mightjust be hearing the same sort of pitchagain.
So where what we're going to dofor this episode, we'll listento those back to back and then I'll letyou know who they were so you can havea little guesstimate and see if you're if you're aware of what'sgoing on in value for valuein some of these shows. And then I'll do a littlebit analysis of them, some takeaways from thatbefore we get into our own sections here.At the end of support, some tips,some application, some service highlights,and some of all of my own. So I'm going to playthis section here. We're going to listento this for about 5 minutesand then yeah, we'll doa little bit of analysis.
[00:02:25] Unknown:
It wasn't a big supportweek. Now you think about whatthe Dad Pod's doing here, helping you sort out the thingscoming down the pipe and thinking about Bitcoinin the right way. It's a pretty big value. So if you've gottensome value from the show, please considersending it back. You can usea new podcast app. The podcast app WSJ.com Fountain has a 1.0just around the corner. It's really cooking up.Pod fans is coming along. Pod versusdeveloper has now gone full time for at leastthe next three months. They left their day joband they're going all in on podversus.
The apps are really humanthese days. If you haven't checkedthem out in a while. Wait, Pod verse was a parttime project? Yeah, him and his brotherwere there. And then of course,community contributions. So much camefrom the JP community. But yeah, otherwise I know he's been workingon it for years and years and so he'sgoing to really try to to make it sing for a bit. It's just such an excitingtime for those apps. So if you haven't triedthem, it's great cause they got the boost buttonright there. Otherwise get Alby top it off directly,either in the app using the muun pay or you can do on chainor robots ads or lightning,whatever you want.
Just get out. Become the new boostfrom the indexes website or Fountain FM. You can also boostfrom their website. Now we'll havelinks in the show notes. Thank youeverybody who boosted it. And we had seven boostersand we stacked 23,320 $0.02 total. I have to say this feltlike kind of a light week. So a light boost weekdoesn't make me feel guilty,you know, But that's for last week. This week, I knowthis was for last week. If you guys needto give me a get up, you couldpick it out. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, you know, and we maybewe should think about what we should ask peopleto boost in about because,like we talked about Sam, I'd like to know if theyif they'd prefer.
We just don't bothercovering that, you know,this is getting covered. Or do they want to heara take on it? Those types of thingsare always things are welcomefor boost. So here's something the showand you want to hear more of it or less of it send it ingenerally via boost. We take thatvery seriously. It really encourages us and any valuefrom Value podcast
[00:04:08] Unknown:
I was listeningto Living up on. Have you heard the latestLiving Up and Down that. Yeah, they have like the the donationthe notes segment is good. People are sending in great booster grounds,nice free. I can feel how encouragingit is for them. That's good. So that's kind of the unique part of this isyou can press a button in ain a modern podcast app which you can find it,podcast apps dot com try fountain or podverse or custom attic curio casts or podcastguru, podcast addict. There's so many of them and you can send a messagewith it. So it's kind of it'sdouble and you can, you can use numerologywhich people find fun and you can sendlittle pieces of Bitcoin which can even be as lowas, you know, less than a pennyif you want.
We encourage youto send more or it's timetalent and treasure. Yeah, we love our wine. We love whatwhat Brian and T.J. do, what Craig does,All of it contributes to the nation. We appreciate all of that.
[00:04:59] Unknown:
And and the differencewith value for value versus a paywall conceptis this idea is that you putthe information out there because information wantsto be free regardless, and it's going to be free regardless. And it doesn't matterhow much DRM you put on it. People are going to take a screenshotand shared on Tik Tok and Twitterand everything and you putthe information out there and if people wantto give you value, they can send you Bitcoin and you reduce thatfriction to the point where it's convenientfor them to do. It doesn't cost themthat much to do it.
People will actually goand do it. So I think I think the lowhanging fruit, the first step is micropaywalls and we're goingto see that firstbecause New York Times or whatnotare not going to switch to a value for value model and then ultimately whatwe will see is we will see content creators. If that's at the endof the day, New York Times wants to call themselvesa paper record. They're just a glorifiedcontent creator. Content creatorsthat are doing value for value will get more moreBitcoin for it than than if you do paywalls. As always, Freaksstill dispatches supported by viewers like you.
What is this? PBS? We do not have adsor sponsors. We rely on your Bitcoindonations value for value. We just talked about it. You can support the showvia podcasting to point outyou can support the show via our announcedour live stream. You can support the show via our dedicated donationpage, all powered by Bitcoin. All the links are at. citadeldispatch.com
[00:06:22] Unknown:
pivoted into a showwith no donors. Yes, well there there are a couple today,but that's just too We haven't had a showin like a month. So there's a fewthat trickle in which is beautiful.And we appreciate everybodythat supports the show. But I would recommend if you have a podcasting2.0 app, make sure that you aresubscribed to us there. That way,if we are going live, your device should tell you like, Wow, hey,guess what? Theseguys are doing the show and also watchthings like No agenda. So although that's harderto do, catch something offor at the last minute saying we're goinglive in 10 minutes, that's a little harder.
So I would suggest getting a podcasting 2.0app if you can. And then when we can, if we have somethingscheduled enough in advance, we'll let you knowwhen it's going to be. Just don't expectit Wednesdays at 1 p.m. on the regularfor the next bit. Let's thank our valuefor value supporters for this show, especiallysince they haven't said show in a while now. Yeah, I love the show. I mean, sometimes it takes not doing a show for three weeks in orderto get the donations in, but if you want to helpsupport the show and again, we're kind of on hiatus right now, but that doesn't mean we're not doingthe shows you if you missed the wholefront of the show, go backand listen to that.
You can go to grumpy oldbeds dot com slash donate All of the informationis there for this show.
[00:07:39] Unknown:
Okay brilliant. So we had a few shows there in particularwhich I took some snippets fromand I'll just mention I somewhatfor the last two also dida little bit of editing just so I could get their compilationpitches all in one segment because they kind of splitit up. So the first topicthat I have got out from this was fromthe first show there, which washow to get extra value. So that first showthat we were listening to was the BitcoinDad Pod, and that episodein particular was called Trial Gate, and all of these were from their most recentepisodes.
And what I wanted to saywas, you know, many people use Patreon, for example, because it's a wayto store the bonus files and behind the scenes, this is the incentivefor someone who is listening inon to the show. It's like, Oh yeah, come joinyou on Patron, because you getall of these extra things. And so that's whatpatrons business model is. They just hostthose extra things which are relatively easy to and then they get a percentage of the supportthat that is coming in. Now the extraincentive is, is a criticalpiece of that. And what you can kind of see withthat is you pay and thenyou get the extra.
That's how the patronmodel works. You pay you or maybeyou get like a slight, you know, a little taste of of what this personis putting up extra, whether it bean extra episode behind the scenes art. And they you know, this isn'tjust for podcasters, this is for allsorts of creators. This is actually inverted,I think, with podcasting 2.0 in the app. So for example,with POD fans, you get extra just by joining ontoPod fans and recommending you listeners to go there. And then the paying isjust built right there within the app. So if you go to POD fans,for example, for this show, you'regoing to get chapters, you'regoing to get transcripts.
I know Sam is working on alongwith a lot of the apps and working all theseother cool things, like having the boostagram messages shop as chapterswithin the actual in there without me having to do it individuallybased on a timestamp of when they'resending it in. It's so, so like there's so muchcool stuff going on and it's, it's there. So funnily enough,I would argue that the, the patron serviceitself is a, is a downgradedexperience. I've used it myself. I think the app and thethe website are awful. I it, it pains meto have to use them but it was becausethey had that extra stuff from this and in particularit was Andre Antonopoulos who wastalking about Bitcoin.
And I went there just, just for himand I just couldn't do it. So what we saw therewith the Bitcoin Dad podcast, he's highlighting, you know, go over the pod verseand tune in to us here because you will geta better experience there and this is whereyou can also support me. So part of the askis making it easier for your audience,and we'll talk about that in a little bit more. But this is it'sthis essential aspect of, okay, the extra valueyou need, this incentive for for supportingthe show. You know,you get some value, you want a little bitof extra value.
This is the thingthat will tip you over into beingan actual supporter. Go over to this app and you will geta better experience. So that is one of thethe techniques I think that isis very useful. The second showthat we heard there was carryingthe keeper from the episode puffer and what you sawas they list off a lot of namesand recommendations. So one of the thingsthat I detest just inlife is is people who who talk the talkbut don't walk the walk. And so if you don'teat your own dog food, if you don't test these things out,I really don't think that you have the the right to to ask people to goto these different places.
Hence why I've neverset up a patron because I personallyjust find it gross Like I can'tI can't use that service. So what we saw thatwith with Adam and his his wifeTina, was like, how how can they reasonablyask you to donate if I'm not doingthe same thing myself? So this is where it's like the mentalityis that everybody wins. And so you sawhe was recommending a bunchof different podcasts and he was listing out names of peoplewho have contributed. It's not likesomeone contributes in and then you you kind oflike there's this somewhat this mentalitythat I hear of.
You don't want to read outhow much support you're getting in,because if people hear it, then they're going tothink, Oh, they're alreadygetting enough. I don't needto support them. I think that's the wrong mentality to have,because if I don't think that'show it actually happens, I think if someonehe is are getting in a ridiculousamount of support and they decide not to support because of that, they're not the personwho's going to support anyway. So even if you weren't listing outhow much you got, I don't thinkthat the type, because then you couldjust assume all the they're hidinghow much they're they're actually receivingbecause it's so much input or support.
Anyway, you, you get ityou could, you could throw itboth ways. And in either case this person, this hypothetical personyou're imagining is not goingto support you. Now, what I've found in realityis that I get inspired. If I see someone boost in 222,222 to a showthat's like, goddamn, this person wasreally value this show. It makes me it's an incentivefor me to to boost and even more to eitherbest them or to to try and matchthat same level of like, hey, these peopleare supporting like, you know, that there's the support coming in and they deserve morebecause you can see, becausethey're getting a lot.
So this is whyI think it's important to talk about other podcast apps that are great and even peoplewho have helped. You know, this is whileI'll shout out Sam Sethi for for tuning in liveand sending through some some live boostand interacting with me, you know, that is sucha critical part of this. And so what we saw thatwith with Adam Curry and and with Tinais it's important to obviously recognisethe people who are ascending in support,showing that appreciation. But then I think just going thatextra step of being like, you know,this particular person did somethingthat I really enjoyed and it doesn't have to bemonetarily was he was talking aboutpeople who were sending in chapter art or sending in through a bottle of wineor something like that.
You know, it's it's all of theselittle differences and being generous with your like your acknowledgement of that, I think is the way to gorather than trying to nail it all downand be like, secretive about it. Kind of coming backto transparency, which I've talked abouta fair few times before. The next show that we had there was CitadelDispatch. So this was Matt O'Delland he had a guest on. So this was CD 112 LightningNode Security with Kenof the VLS project. And then I thinkthat was even a bit more so with his show. I have heard of himbefore.
I've tuned in a couple of times to the CitadelDispatch. It's a Bitcoin showand he is very much a getting to the heartof like the ethics of it. He's he's not a pricesort of guy. He doesn't care aboutthose sort of things. He's very much of like,this is what I can do to improve the world. And I think what we sawwith his little pitch there was he was talking aboutwhy it's important, why it's going to succeed,this being listener supportrather than the ad models and whyit makes for a better show if people support into it. So you know whythis show in particular needs supportand and this will vary based on the show.
So for example,with no agenda with Adam Curry, he was himand John C Dvorak, they it's a central pitchof the show. It's called No Agenda. They are meant to haveno agenda coming into it. They're not meant to be influencedby outside forces, which is very much what advertisingand sponsorships and things will do of thatnature. So, you know, basically you're trying to explain why this method makes senseand is super important. So I think this is this is wherethe highlighting can also getonto a couple of things I talked about in seasonone of are you you kind ofalmost need to threaten.
It's like, hey, if you're notsupporting the show, the show is going to goaway, you know, like I'm doing this solely through listenersupport. And look, you don't have to do itsolely through that. There are alternativemethods. But as we'retalking about, like in the last show, talking about some statsor the one before that I should say where I was listing outsome stats, the ones the shows that tend to dobetter are ones which go all in on valuefor value, and that's justjust how it works. If you're going all in onit, it makes sense. And so yeah, I think it'simportant to to highlight in your ask why it's important to to donate and why youfor your particular show.
It's it's critical. So for this valuefor value show I'm never going to do ads,no sponsorship, so I'm relyingsolely on your support. I would love to make thismy full time job. At the moment, I'mnot even close to that. And what I am doingthough, is, is at the pointwhere it's covering costs for everything,which is super great. And I'm trying to improve thisby doing live, doingall of these new things, such as being able toto play audio while live. That was a new experiencefor me today. All of thesesorts of things are critical for meto make a better show and and then make the productbetter for you to be able to support back.
And if you don't donate, this show will go awayat some point because I willjust have to eventually find a normal job, I guess, or go backinto the mining industry and and all those sortsof things. So once again,very important that you highlightwhy people need to donate. In the last year we had there was Grumpy Old Benswith their very amusing show titleA Virgin Accountants. And what I took mostfrom that little pitch that they had there wasyou got to make it easy. And so you'llnotice that in many of the the ones that were just listing then, so certainlythe Bitcoin Tide pod and also Citadel Dispatchright at the end, they were sayinglike, Hey, there's this website pageyou can go to.
So for Grumpy old Benders, grumpy old Ben scum slashdonate and going there is whereyou can have basically every mentorunder the sun. So I went to their their websiteand they had multiple QR code links for differentcryptocurrencies to donate and they had a PayPallink. They had a physical address where you could sendsomething in. They had explainersof why it's important to to donate it. And so this is where I think,you know, links to the podcastcost index as well. I know people are workingon buttons to be able to boost on your websiteas well, on any page, on your websiteand to still maintain the splits and thingslike this.
It's importantthat you make it easy for your audienceto be able to donate. So for example,if you had like a link to a Kickstarterand you're like, Okay, to find this link,go onto my Instagram and then I've got a linktree on there. And then in the link tree you'll find the linkto my Kickstarter. That's like five different three steps to to get to. In this case, it's it'simportant to make it easy. So make it easy. If you're don't knowabout understanding all these bootsand things, go to meer portalspodcast dot com. I support I've got to run through there of my guide on the appswhich I did last week that's now YouTubeembed on that site.
I've got the linksto the different apps that you can use. I've got howyou can do it. I've got a littleexplanation of why what a Satoshi is and whyBitcoin is important. And I've also got a PayPallink. It's so it's like I'm doingbasically everything I can tojust make it easy for you and for my audience toto be able to support in. And so I think this isa pretty critical aspect where if you wantsomeone to support, don't don't make themhave to do seven different things.Don't make them have to join up to this place to then be ableto link over to here, to then eventuallyget to your patron, you know, suggest an app,suggest a recommendation.
One of the thingsthat Chris Fischer does on his show is Bitcoindad as well. It's like, hey, you know,try out all of these apps if you want tokeep your app. I get it. It's, you know, it's one of those thingsyou can grow attached to if your app doesn'thave isn't adopting this, which they probably willat some point. But if it isn't oneon the leading edge, then go to the podcastindex and boost in there. Or you could go into Jupiter Broadcastingand there's ways to support that. So just giving lotsof options and the easy a breadth of options going fromeasiest to hardest I think is something that ispretty important to do.
So my last little one hereis, I suppose is just specificity and this is just related to all of them being specific with howpeople can support you. So the common parlance for thisis the call to action. And this is why you hear many new podcasterstalking about leave me a reviewand Apple, it's really important,really helps a lot. It doesn't help a lot. The only reason thatthey say that is because theythey don't actually know what they want. So this is athis does nothing. And it's just not youknow, this is a snapshot, I guess, of of whatI would just recommend.
In general,the specificity is if you go back to episode17 of season one or episode38 of season two, you'll get a full sumup of all the asks and the broad learningsof how you can do this. And so being specific with what you want. And you could hear, for example, on the Bitcoin D&D littleepisode that I played there, he was saying,you know, if do do you care about thisparticular thing, this topicthat we've talked about? I would love to know if you do or don't and if and that was a very specific thingthat he asked for. And so I sent himin a message saying like, you know what,I don't really care for that topic too much.
I'd prefer if you talkedabout these sort of ones that don'thave to do that. But if they're askingfor it, it gives me that option toto donate. And it's a reason to. So, you know, this is where there'sall sorts of other things like numerology and stufflike that. You'rebasically just looking for people are very varied. And I know, for example,for myself, there was this blogger whoI've followed for ages, a long, long time,multiple years, and I'd never supported him. I saw his ask for support,probably hundreds if not thousands of times at the bottomof his of his blog posts.
And then one day that was just a thingthat he said. In particular,it was related to I think he washe had like this shirt and it was just like, hey, you know, by the way,another way you can supportis by buying a shirt. And even though the shirtcost, you know, twice as much as a normalone did, this was the thingthat put me over the edge of being like,you know what? I've gotten so much valuefrom this dude. Like,the very least I can do is buy a shirt from him. And so, you know, he would have madesome money from that more if I'd just donatedthat to him in exact that same amount.
But it wasthat little thing that tipped me overthe edge to got to get there. And so being widewith that, but also specificin terms of like, Hey, you can support meby buying a shirt that was the thingthat got me there. So something to consider as well for when you'retalking to your audiences, making it broad,making them have lots of easy optionsto be able to do it, why it's importantfor them to do it. Being generous with youryour recommendations of of how someone can doit, or particular people who have done something, the waysto get that extra value.
And then also in the midstof all that being specific in terms ofyou can support me by doing thisvery exact thing, if you wanta memorial shirt, which this Value for valuepodcast is under, if you donate100,000 stats, we will send a shirtyour way no matter where you arein the world. We don't even makemoney from it. So this is just one way of of gettingsome support of like, hey, if this is the thing thattipped you over the edge into supporting,please do it. And you know, if you support 100,000to this show, this is that is includedinto into that little offering there.
I suppose soyeah. There we go. That's the little compilationpitch that I've done. Jean BeanI hope you enjoyed that. And yeah, just another little shoutout to Sam Sethi in the Boostagram Lounge for, for tuning in,even though it's 2 a.m. in Turin.Very much appreciated. And speakingof the Boosta gram Lounge,I'm going to go to there. But once again, so this is anothershout out to someone who has helped mein the past. And this is Adam Curry. The jingle musicthat you hear for the BoostaGram Lounge. He created thatmultiple times and he createdmultiple ones from that.
So instead of mymy normal one, I'm going to play youthree of them here. And. Yeah,well will enjoy those. So tune into the intromusic for the BoostaGram Lounge.
[00:25:18] Unknown:
Welcome to the Value for ValueBoostaGram. Lounge. Have a Hookah. Welcome to the. Value for Value. BoostaGram Lounge. Ello is totally insaneis about you for your. BoostaGram Lounge have had.
[00:25:46] Unknown:
Oh my God. There's a reasonwhy I don't play that first and last one. It'stoo much. But yes, that wasthe intro to the Boosta Gram Lounge.Thank you very much. And coming into the liveboost here, we see SamSethi with 8500 SATs and he says want a shirtsent using POD fans. Thank you very much, Sam. So I'll have to go checkon the leaderboard again to to where exactly you are in termsof the 100,000 but 8500, that's putting you,you know, 1/10 of the way there. So just keep that comingthrough and very muchappreciate it. I only do it forthe actual boost messages sent in not not SATpayments with the streaming amountsbecause it's just it would be an absolute nightmareto calculate that.
So little caveat here. It's just for thethe boost amounts there. I'm going to jump backinto this last portion of last week. And we did have threemessages coming in. One of those once againbeing from Sam Sethi, and he says,I love the episode. Great reviewof the new podcast apps. Keep up the great work on educating the world on v4v850 sent using POD fans. Thank you very much. But fans once againa great app would recommendchecking it out. He's on the bleeding edgeand all this cool stuff is happeningand it's becoming part of my regular routineto use pod phone, so definitely recommendchecking Not out, of course. I'mgoing to say that though.
We'vegot midst here though. This is the owner of Podverse. He says, Thanks so muchfor covering pod person. All you contributeto podcasting 2.0. I love hot android autoand seasonal support. Coming soon to pod verse. Of course there are 10,000 songssent using pod verse. Yeah. Oh,thank you very much Mr. Mitch de Yep. Once again,he's going full time on that for, for a bit. And so you're going to see lots of cool stuffcoming out from Pod verse. And then finally we hadJason from Podcast Guru just as great. Episode 9999 sent using podcast GuruThank you.
You know,the app developer is really importantfor my show. The mere Mortals. I've got I think fiveor six of them in the in the splits. And, and it's importantto me that I help contribute to the people who are helping to be ableto contribute back to me a little bit harderfor this show. So I just do it over thereon that one, but it's very muchappreciated. And yeah, once again,the reason I do all of this stuffis because I think value for valueis is going to be just as important as opensources to the world. For example,moving forward. The the main problem,a lot of the problems I see with social media,for example, is driven just by theadvertising models and so I think having a way for people to connect, to peer to peer send money directly,it doesn't matter where they arein the world.
If there's an Iranian and they want to send memoney, that's totally fine. I'm not in the U.S., so I don't know how strictour money controls are, but I've tried to send just, you know, 25 bucks to once againtalking about shirts, try to send $25 to a bankaccount in the U.K. You know that my brethren,Sam Sethi, is but practically related. And sending aa small payment like that just to a bank accountwas an absolute nightmare. Took multiplehours of effort. So doing itthrough Bitcoin, doing it througha podcasting app is so much better, easierand I think is definitely the future, which is why I continue to cover all ofthese sorts of things.
Okay, let's jumpon to the tips section and I've been kind of collecting anotherwe're doing a compilation episode,so let's keep going it on a compilation of tipsthat I've just collected here, my little notes for this past while I was goingto bring them up at some point,but I just never it didn't really fit in. So once again, compilationmakes sense to do it here. So I've got fiveextra tips that I've got for youhere, which we didn't see highlighted in those,some in those that actual clip compilation. So number one, numerology, I think this one'sself-explanatory.
If someone has a numberthat is important to them, it can actually be usefulin saying like, Hey, if you send thisin, this is this is what this means. And it's just it's justa fun way of doing things. I, for example, almost always boostin a row of Ducks 2222 because the number twolooks like a duck. You know, I get it. It doesn'tactually look like a duck, but it's kind of funny. And it's an amount which feels good for me becausewhen I do the math, I'm like, you know,if I listen to this show that's about a, you know, with the amount,I'm streaming in as well and Bruce that I send in, that is equal to aboutan Australian dollar.
When I send that in, you know, I'mgoing to be listening to probably this showweekly, maybeeven more than weekly. That's going to be 50to 100 bucks a year. You know what? That's a that's an amountthat I feel justifieslistening to this show. And so the to 2 to 2 is I don't really meananything. It's justit's a nice amount. But the encouragementto boost in for a special anniversaryfor the Miyamoto's, we had 400 episodes, so people were sendingin a bunch of fours. One had a babyand so we had the baby boost the 3838,which one of our listeners Peter really enjoys,and that's the one that he sends inmost, most nowadays.
All of thesesorts of things I hope toon the one of the git hubs I helped update the boostergrand list, which includes a lot of the reasons that you'll see these numbersin on the Bitcoin tide and a lot of otherChris Fisher's those people sendin the zip code boost. So you know, it'll be like 18 730or something like that. And then it'skind of like, ooh, where are theyin the world? Let'stry and find that out. Oh, they're in Germany.Oh, they're in here. So you can do that wherever you arein the world as well. And it's, it's just finding a numberwhich is important.
So once again, highlightingthe numerology gamification,it's pretty important. Pop fans, you see, Sam is trying to do that and make it fun toexperiment with the app. Oh, I can send in a boostand get some extra stats. Oh, I can try creating a clip,I get some extra stats. That's pretty cool. So doing that withinthe actual app itself. And then as in terms of meas a podcaster, you know, I know Adam Curry on on this showCurry in The Keeper, he was doing double boostfor a certain period. So if you boost two then 3000it would count as 6000. I don't knowif he had a leaderboard, I don't know if that was.
It was morejust to be like, yeah,if you if you donate this, you can getacknowledgement as an executive producer instead ofjust a producer. All of these thingstriggering a gin jingle, getting a shot,you know, leaderboards. There's a leaderboard on Miyamoto's podcast dotcom such support you can see where you rank in terms of peoplethey're in the top five. We we put like an an imagewith the face on it and things like that. So extra extra highlighting of peoplewho are doing it. I know Samis is also in POD fans he's doing like thiskind of pod fan, super fan leaderboard,sort of thing.
There's all sorts of coolstuff going on. So gamificationsuper important. I mentioned this before,but value for value and Bitcoinis not an either or. They can exist,coexist alongside each other alongwith advertising and fiat. There's also the roomfor kind of hard standpointslike myself, which is can bea bit of a differentiator. But the showcasingthe support, it's not like your call to action has to only be, oh,support me via this way. You know, I only enjoyFiat, I only enjoy toys. So you have to do it via PayPal or somethinglike that. Now, you know, include includethose extra options if you don't have a strongreason, not to.
I have a very strongreason why I don't have a patronset up. So so I don't do that,even though I know there are peoplewho have told me they would supportvia Patreon if I had it. That's one of those things you got to makethe decision yourself. Generally, it'sbetter to to have more, but if you want to be a bit more strict on itand have a preference, I certainly havea preference for boostergrams via PayPal, but I do have a PayPal set up andit's in the show notes. If you want to use it,you know, please, please donate via thereand I'll acknowledge you just as much as as Ido for for a booster.
Graham Giving a reason why someone should contribute, even if it'sreally tenuous, I think helps So if you've got a charity drive, ifyou've got a target goal to activate the boost bot, which they do,and behind the schemes, if it's your birthday,if it's an anniversary coming up, just giving people a reason to once again, this is getting intothe kind of specificity, the call to action, themaking it easy portion. If you just make it easy,even if it's there's this great stuff from psychologywhere basically if you have like a lineup, they did this with peopleat uni university studentswaiting to use printer.
So if you've ever beento university, you knowthe printer is always just chocka block full of people wanting to use itin the library. And what they did wasthey'd be this long line upand they'd have someone cut in rightnear the front. And one day they dida couple of options. One would be like if they just cut in one the aisle and without sayinganything, another one would be cutting inwith the excuse of like, Hey, excuse me, I'mrunning a bit late behind. I really need to jump in. Can I just jump in here? And then the third optionwas just saying like, Hey, excuse me,do you mind if I go in front of you?I need to use the printer.
And funnily enough,the one of the the, the big long windedexcuse of, you know, I, I needed to do this,this sort of thing. And the excuse of like,excuse me, I just,I need to use the printer. They workedkind of equally as well in terms of peopleallowing them to come in, which is really funnybecause obviously they need to use printer. It's justself-explanatory, but it's just, it's almost like the magical act of saying, Hey, I need to do thisthing, donate it just there'ssomething in our brains which is like, Oh, okay, yeah, that's okay,that's fine.
I'll help you outwith regards to that. So if I have a targetthat I want to reach to for this episode, so let'sjust say it's 40,000. I'd love to get 40,000coming in for this loss. This episode, even ifthere's no reason in terms of like, obviouslythe more is better. And if I was only gettinglike 3000 before that, there's something aboutjust having a target and saying I want more,which is like people would be like, Oh,okay, I'll send you more. So just having any reasonto be honest can actually help. And then the last oneI had here was share praise and celebratethe big wins.
So, you know,the more boosts that come in, the more peoplealso want to join in. It's this weird cyclewhere if you hear a show with 50 boosts in it, getting closeto like the podcasting 2.0 level of they read outa lot of messages. This is where it it's whatever your intuitionsare in regards that all if they're gettinglots of boost I won't send one inthey don't need it that that's that'sjust wrong it's that's nothow people think it's it's it's more encouraging and the peoplewho do think like that they're not goingto send it in any way. So it's very much you got to have thismentality of like people are generally good, the pie grows and you're not, you know, if I get more boostsin on this show, it's not because I'm stealingthem from another person.
So if if you havethat sort of mentality, that's value for value is not going toreally work out for you. You now, it can be hardat the start when you don't havemany people boosting in. So this iswhen you have to hustle for those familyand friend connections to to jump start it. I know in Americaplus cold McCormack is boostin a fair few times he was getting likehis mum and his girlfriend to boost in you knowthat that is I think super valid and alsonecessary at times so yeah that's that that another littlecompilation section there of some additionalthings to think about when you'rewhen you're doing your ask my apps servicehighlight for today.
Look there's quitea few guides out there on not only how toto boost in and how to receivelistener support. That whole last episodeI did was all around this but on how to ask as well. So I'm just going to givea couple of those. You'll see in the shownotes, some some links for these. So Fountaindid a webinar with Ask.com without talkingabout how you can do this. They also had ChrisFisher on as a as a guest. They're obviously someone who knows how how to do this becausemultiples of his shows are right up therein terms of the the most popular onesgetting lots of support value for value dot info.
This is Adam Curry'swebsite explaining it real nice shotand to the point reasons of how you do it,why you do it, what to expectget Albee has a great blog at its blogdon't get all become which does this and look a lot of the hosting companiesthat are enabling V for they have some sortof guidelines or not only on how to implementit just as a podcast, but alsohow to ask your audience. So you'll find this like eitheron their Twitter accounts Pod fans,I know it has this and it explainswhy it's important. I know Blueberry has their own blog and podcastwhere they've also got very similarthings going on. So if you are wondering, you know,perhaps listening to a valuefor value podcast isn't for you, perhaps you want to do ita different way.
Look, there's there's plentyof other options in terms of video,in terms of text where you can read abouthow to do this as well. But I think a compilationlike I did today was also helpfuljust in terms of setting the tone. And you can also see all of these showswere different. You know, one was two, multiple of them were likeconversational ones. One was like,you know, people to speaking into Mike that the topics could be aboutBitcoin topics could be about,you know, family, religion,God could be talking about just randompolitics and stuff. It doesn't really matterthe show, It's just about how how you askyour audience for value and that of course, that you're providingsomething that is valuable that people want tolisten to.
Okay, nice. We're at our rough cut offminute of the 45 minute mark. So today, my 15% of value for value,I'm going to give to all of the Clippers. So that was aboutfive of them or five main value blocksthat I've seen. So I'm going to give 3%to each of them. And yeah, was ableto split this up roughly on what is in their feeds. Perhaps in the futureI could do value time splits. So for those minute long sections I could createin those chapters, I could havethe value time slot. I'm with Blueberryat the moment, so I'mnot able to do that. But it is kind of funto be able to just create a compilation or have some songsor something like that to be able to to use andthen be able to do this.
So, you know, for this value timesplits in the future, will this turn into likemaybe I'll start to add a little bit of musicinto the show, You know, potentially.Potentially. I got to think about it. It's a it's a lot of work, but I'm really enjoying doing these sortsof things and testingand experimenting. So we'll will have a lookwith that. So you have 15% to them, value for value. This isthe value for value. So andI've run this model. So there's three, I suppose, ways to, to contribute back the time, talentand treasure time share this episodewith the digital creator.
I think that's probably the most important thingyou could do If someone is struggling to realisehow they can do it, send them this episode in particular and say like, Hey, here's here's a compilationof people doing it once again. I would also recommend checking out season twobecause that's where I was really focusingon podcasting and podcastersand creating clips and a very similar thingto what I was doing in today's episode. So going back to seasontwo was also helpful and come join me live. I love having SamSethi here listening in. It's very muchappreciated.
I know Juan, my co-host, was alsolistening in for a while. It's it'sso much fun to have like these little interactions. So I'm live on a ten AustralianEastern Standard Time. Typically it has beenon a Wednesday, so this would be UTCmidnight. I'm going to alwaysbe at this UTC. You see, I would say UTC,you see universal coordinated time midnight. So wherever you arein the world, you know, in the plus or minus just plus or minus thatoff from from midnight and then that's the timethat I'll be going live. So Sam is obviously saidit was 2 a.m. where he wasat, so he was obviously at a negativeto not know sorry plus two plus two from whereverhe is in Italy in Turin.
So yeah, join mein on those schedules. Slightlychanged in the future, but it'll alwaysbe at roughly that time. So check outyour podcasting app for the live nightnotification talent. Is there anything I can do to make this show better? What annoys you? Is thereany topics, things that you really want meto consider? I did this episodein particular because I had someonewho was wanting a compilation,so I created that and I hope that they they got a lot of valuefrom that and I hope you do as well. So that would be great. Just havingsome recommendations where what do you really want meto focus on in terms of the valuefor value?
This is more of an educational showthan anything else. And then finally,treasure. There's three options. Try out one of the newpodcasting apps. Go to the last episodeand pick one of those eight that I listed thereand you know, send me in a boost viathat. You can also go tothe podcast index website type in value,then the number four and or just even typein my name, Kyron K, y, I and, and I'll pop uppretty quickly you can boostand then that acknowledges all the splits as well. And then finally you can do this via at memorials podcast dotcom slash support And then I've gotthe PayPal link there.
I've got all of the other you knowyou're able to boost in via directlyonto there as well. So a lot of things you canyou can do and I just want to thank you for for joining meinto this episode. Two more episodesfor this season and then I will wrapit up. Probably havea little bit of a break, maybe a couple of weeks break and then come backin through season four because I am really having a lot of funwith this show. So we'll leave it there. Thank youeveryone for joining me and chat for nowuntil the next time, Kyrin out.
What techniques doyou need to consider when asking for contribution? Welcome everyoneto another episode of the Valuefor Value Podcast. I'm your host, Kyrin Down,host of the Mere Mortals and Mere Mortals bookreviews as well. But this is the podcast for digital contentcreators who want to connect deeperwith their audience and also be able tomonetise at the same time without the use of havingto resort to ads, dynamic ad insertion or host raidsor sponsorships or anything like that. Now this is the waywhere you can do this all directlyfrom your fans, which is an amazing thing.
And there'sa lot of technology and and very cool things that have been happeningin the podcasting 2.0 world which allowall of this to happen. But there is a burningquestion at this, which is you need to ask and this is thebiggest thing to get over. I've talked about thispreviously, but I have had some suggestionsfrom listeners. I think it was Jean Beanand someone else as well, maybe who were askingfor a compilation of values and valuepitches of how okay, how are the bestpeople doing this? What are some tactics,some techniques I need to think aboutwhen I'm doing this?
I have already somewhatcovered this in season two,but I'm going to do another version here. So what I've done isI went to the hot on fountain chartto basically you can kind of seeFountain, one of the podcasting apps. They have their own method of showcasingwhich shows are popular just based onhow much support. And in this case it's satoshis coming infrom from their listeners and they create a littlechart for themselves. So I went to that and I chose four that were basically nearthe top of it, but that I hadn't already covered in season two because you mightjust be hearing the same sort of pitchagain.
So where what we're going to dofor this episode, we'll listento those back to back and then I'll letyou know who they were so you can havea little guesstimate and see if you're if you're aware of what'sgoing on in value for valuein some of these shows. And then I'll do a littlebit analysis of them, some takeaways from thatbefore we get into our own sections here.At the end of support, some tips,some application, some service highlights,and some of all of my own. So I'm going to playthis section here. We're going to listento this for about 5 minutesand then yeah, we'll doa little bit of analysis.
[00:02:25] Unknown:
It wasn't a big supportweek. Now you think about whatthe Dad Pod's doing here, helping you sort out the thingscoming down the pipe and thinking about Bitcoinin the right way. It's a pretty big value. So if you've gottensome value from the show, please considersending it back. You can usea new podcast app. The podcast app WSJ.com Fountain has a 1.0just around the corner. It's really cooking up.Pod fans is coming along. Pod versusdeveloper has now gone full time for at leastthe next three months. They left their day joband they're going all in on podversus.
The apps are really humanthese days. If you haven't checkedthem out in a while. Wait, Pod verse was a parttime project? Yeah, him and his brotherwere there. And then of course,community contributions. So much camefrom the JP community. But yeah, otherwise I know he's been workingon it for years and years and so he'sgoing to really try to to make it sing for a bit. It's just such an excitingtime for those apps. So if you haven't triedthem, it's great cause they got the boost buttonright there. Otherwise get Alby top it off directly,either in the app using the muun pay or you can do on chainor robots ads or lightning,whatever you want.
Just get out. Become the new boostfrom the indexes website or Fountain FM. You can also boostfrom their website. Now we'll havelinks in the show notes. Thank youeverybody who boosted it. And we had seven boostersand we stacked 23,320 $0.02 total. I have to say this feltlike kind of a light week. So a light boost weekdoesn't make me feel guilty,you know, But that's for last week. This week, I knowthis was for last week. If you guys needto give me a get up, you couldpick it out. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, you know, and we maybewe should think about what we should ask peopleto boost in about because,like we talked about Sam, I'd like to know if theyif they'd prefer.
We just don't bothercovering that, you know,this is getting covered. Or do they want to heara take on it? Those types of thingsare always things are welcomefor boost. So here's something the showand you want to hear more of it or less of it send it ingenerally via boost. We take thatvery seriously. It really encourages us and any valuefrom Value podcast
[00:04:08] Unknown:
I was listeningto Living up on. Have you heard the latestLiving Up and Down that. Yeah, they have like the the donationthe notes segment is good. People are sending in great booster grounds,nice free. I can feel how encouragingit is for them. That's good. So that's kind of the unique part of this isyou can press a button in ain a modern podcast app which you can find it,podcast apps dot com try fountain or podverse or custom attic curio casts or podcastguru, podcast addict. There's so many of them and you can send a messagewith it. So it's kind of it'sdouble and you can, you can use numerologywhich people find fun and you can sendlittle pieces of Bitcoin which can even be as lowas, you know, less than a pennyif you want.
We encourage youto send more or it's timetalent and treasure. Yeah, we love our wine. We love whatwhat Brian and T.J. do, what Craig does,All of it contributes to the nation. We appreciate all of that.
[00:04:59] Unknown:
And and the differencewith value for value versus a paywall conceptis this idea is that you putthe information out there because information wantsto be free regardless, and it's going to be free regardless. And it doesn't matterhow much DRM you put on it. People are going to take a screenshotand shared on Tik Tok and Twitterand everything and you putthe information out there and if people wantto give you value, they can send you Bitcoin and you reduce thatfriction to the point where it's convenientfor them to do. It doesn't cost themthat much to do it.
People will actually goand do it. So I think I think the lowhanging fruit, the first step is micropaywalls and we're goingto see that firstbecause New York Times or whatnotare not going to switch to a value for value model and then ultimately whatwe will see is we will see content creators. If that's at the endof the day, New York Times wants to call themselvesa paper record. They're just a glorifiedcontent creator. Content creatorsthat are doing value for value will get more moreBitcoin for it than than if you do paywalls. As always, Freaksstill dispatches supported by viewers like you.
What is this? PBS? We do not have adsor sponsors. We rely on your Bitcoindonations value for value. We just talked about it. You can support the showvia podcasting to point outyou can support the show via our announcedour live stream. You can support the show via our dedicated donationpage, all powered by Bitcoin. All the links are at. citadeldispatch.com
[00:06:22] Unknown:
pivoted into a showwith no donors. Yes, well there there are a couple today,but that's just too We haven't had a showin like a month. So there's a fewthat trickle in which is beautiful.And we appreciate everybodythat supports the show. But I would recommend if you have a podcasting2.0 app, make sure that you aresubscribed to us there. That way,if we are going live, your device should tell you like, Wow, hey,guess what? Theseguys are doing the show and also watchthings like No agenda. So although that's harderto do, catch something offor at the last minute saying we're goinglive in 10 minutes, that's a little harder.
So I would suggest getting a podcasting 2.0app if you can. And then when we can, if we have somethingscheduled enough in advance, we'll let you knowwhen it's going to be. Just don't expectit Wednesdays at 1 p.m. on the regularfor the next bit. Let's thank our valuefor value supporters for this show, especiallysince they haven't said show in a while now. Yeah, I love the show. I mean, sometimes it takes not doing a show for three weeks in orderto get the donations in, but if you want to helpsupport the show and again, we're kind of on hiatus right now, but that doesn't mean we're not doingthe shows you if you missed the wholefront of the show, go backand listen to that.
You can go to grumpy oldbeds dot com slash donate All of the informationis there for this show.
[00:07:39] Unknown:
Okay brilliant. So we had a few shows there in particularwhich I took some snippets fromand I'll just mention I somewhatfor the last two also dida little bit of editing just so I could get their compilationpitches all in one segment because they kind of splitit up. So the first topicthat I have got out from this was fromthe first show there, which washow to get extra value. So that first showthat we were listening to was the BitcoinDad Pod, and that episodein particular was called Trial Gate, and all of these were from their most recentepisodes.
And what I wanted to saywas, you know, many people use Patreon, for example, because it's a wayto store the bonus files and behind the scenes, this is the incentivefor someone who is listening inon to the show. It's like, Oh yeah, come joinyou on Patron, because you getall of these extra things. And so that's whatpatrons business model is. They just hostthose extra things which are relatively easy to and then they get a percentage of the supportthat that is coming in. Now the extraincentive is, is a criticalpiece of that. And what you can kind of see withthat is you pay and thenyou get the extra.
That's how the patronmodel works. You pay you or maybeyou get like a slight, you know, a little taste of of what this personis putting up extra, whether it bean extra episode behind the scenes art. And they you know, this isn'tjust for podcasters, this is for allsorts of creators. This is actually inverted,I think, with podcasting 2.0 in the app. So for example,with POD fans, you get extra just by joining ontoPod fans and recommending you listeners to go there. And then the paying isjust built right there within the app. So if you go to POD fans,for example, for this show, you'regoing to get chapters, you'regoing to get transcripts.
I know Sam is working on alongwith a lot of the apps and working all theseother cool things, like having the boostagram messages shop as chapterswithin the actual in there without me having to do it individuallybased on a timestamp of when they'resending it in. It's so, so like there's so muchcool stuff going on and it's, it's there. So funnily enough,I would argue that the, the patron serviceitself is a, is a downgradedexperience. I've used it myself. I think the app and thethe website are awful. I it, it pains meto have to use them but it was becausethey had that extra stuff from this and in particularit was Andre Antonopoulos who wastalking about Bitcoin.
And I went there just, just for himand I just couldn't do it. So what we saw therewith the Bitcoin Dad podcast, he's highlighting, you know, go over the pod verseand tune in to us here because you will geta better experience there and this is whereyou can also support me. So part of the askis making it easier for your audience,and we'll talk about that in a little bit more. But this is it'sthis essential aspect of, okay, the extra valueyou need, this incentive for for supportingthe show. You know,you get some value, you want a little bitof extra value.
This is the thingthat will tip you over into beingan actual supporter. Go over to this app and you will geta better experience. So that is one of thethe techniques I think that isis very useful. The second showthat we heard there was carryingthe keeper from the episode puffer and what you sawas they list off a lot of namesand recommendations. So one of the thingsthat I detest just inlife is is people who who talk the talkbut don't walk the walk. And so if you don'teat your own dog food, if you don't test these things out,I really don't think that you have the the right to to ask people to goto these different places.
Hence why I've neverset up a patron because I personallyjust find it gross Like I can'tI can't use that service. So what we saw thatwith with Adam and his his wifeTina, was like, how how can they reasonablyask you to donate if I'm not doingthe same thing myself? So this is where it's like the mentalityis that everybody wins. And so you sawhe was recommending a bunchof different podcasts and he was listing out names of peoplewho have contributed. It's not likesomeone contributes in and then you you kind oflike there's this somewhat this mentalitythat I hear of.
You don't want to read outhow much support you're getting in,because if people hear it, then they're going tothink, Oh, they're alreadygetting enough. I don't needto support them. I think that's the wrong mentality to have,because if I don't think that'show it actually happens, I think if someonehe is are getting in a ridiculousamount of support and they decide not to support because of that, they're not the personwho's going to support anyway. So even if you weren't listing outhow much you got, I don't thinkthat the type, because then you couldjust assume all the they're hidinghow much they're they're actually receivingbecause it's so much input or support.
Anyway, you, you get ityou could, you could throw itboth ways. And in either case this person, this hypothetical personyou're imagining is not goingto support you. Now, what I've found in realityis that I get inspired. If I see someone boost in 222,222 to a showthat's like, goddamn, this person wasreally value this show. It makes me it's an incentivefor me to to boost and even more to eitherbest them or to to try and matchthat same level of like, hey, these peopleare supporting like, you know, that there's the support coming in and they deserve morebecause you can see, becausethey're getting a lot.
So this is whyI think it's important to talk about other podcast apps that are great and even peoplewho have helped. You know, this is whileI'll shout out Sam Sethi for for tuning in liveand sending through some some live boostand interacting with me, you know, that is sucha critical part of this. And so what we saw thatwith with Adam Curry and and with Tinais it's important to obviously recognisethe people who are ascending in support,showing that appreciation. But then I think just going thatextra step of being like, you know,this particular person did somethingthat I really enjoyed and it doesn't have to bemonetarily was he was talking aboutpeople who were sending in chapter art or sending in through a bottle of wineor something like that.
You know, it's it's all of theselittle differences and being generous with your like your acknowledgement of that, I think is the way to gorather than trying to nail it all downand be like, secretive about it. Kind of coming backto transparency, which I've talked abouta fair few times before. The next show that we had there was CitadelDispatch. So this was Matt O'Delland he had a guest on. So this was CD 112 LightningNode Security with Kenof the VLS project. And then I thinkthat was even a bit more so with his show. I have heard of himbefore.
I've tuned in a couple of times to the CitadelDispatch. It's a Bitcoin showand he is very much a getting to the heartof like the ethics of it. He's he's not a pricesort of guy. He doesn't care aboutthose sort of things. He's very much of like,this is what I can do to improve the world. And I think what we sawwith his little pitch there was he was talking aboutwhy it's important, why it's going to succeed,this being listener supportrather than the ad models and whyit makes for a better show if people support into it. So you know whythis show in particular needs supportand and this will vary based on the show.
So for example,with no agenda with Adam Curry, he was himand John C Dvorak, they it's a central pitchof the show. It's called No Agenda. They are meant to haveno agenda coming into it. They're not meant to be influencedby outside forces, which is very much what advertisingand sponsorships and things will do of thatnature. So, you know, basically you're trying to explain why this method makes senseand is super important. So I think this is this is wherethe highlighting can also getonto a couple of things I talked about in seasonone of are you you kind ofalmost need to threaten.
It's like, hey, if you're notsupporting the show, the show is going to goaway, you know, like I'm doing this solely through listenersupport. And look, you don't have to do itsolely through that. There are alternativemethods. But as we'retalking about, like in the last show, talking about some statsor the one before that I should say where I was listing outsome stats, the ones the shows that tend to dobetter are ones which go all in on valuefor value, and that's justjust how it works. If you're going all in onit, it makes sense. And so yeah, I think it'simportant to to highlight in your ask why it's important to to donate and why youfor your particular show.
It's it's critical. So for this valuefor value show I'm never going to do ads,no sponsorship, so I'm relyingsolely on your support. I would love to make thismy full time job. At the moment, I'mnot even close to that. And what I am doingthough, is, is at the pointwhere it's covering costs for everything,which is super great. And I'm trying to improve thisby doing live, doingall of these new things, such as being able toto play audio while live. That was a new experiencefor me today. All of thesesorts of things are critical for meto make a better show and and then make the productbetter for you to be able to support back.
And if you don't donate, this show will go awayat some point because I willjust have to eventually find a normal job, I guess, or go backinto the mining industry and and all those sortsof things. So once again,very important that you highlightwhy people need to donate. In the last year we had there was Grumpy Old Benswith their very amusing show titleA Virgin Accountants. And what I took mostfrom that little pitch that they had there wasyou got to make it easy. And so you'llnotice that in many of the the ones that were just listing then, so certainlythe Bitcoin Tide pod and also Citadel Dispatchright at the end, they were sayinglike, Hey, there's this website pageyou can go to.
So for Grumpy old Benders, grumpy old Ben scum slashdonate and going there is whereyou can have basically every mentorunder the sun. So I went to their their websiteand they had multiple QR code links for differentcryptocurrencies to donate and they had a PayPallink. They had a physical address where you could sendsomething in. They had explainersof why it's important to to donate it. And so this is where I think,you know, links to the podcastcost index as well. I know people are workingon buttons to be able to boost on your websiteas well, on any page, on your websiteand to still maintain the splits and thingslike this.
It's importantthat you make it easy for your audienceto be able to donate. So for example,if you had like a link to a Kickstarterand you're like, Okay, to find this link,go onto my Instagram and then I've got a linktree on there. And then in the link tree you'll find the linkto my Kickstarter. That's like five different three steps to to get to. In this case, it's it'simportant to make it easy. So make it easy. If you're don't knowabout understanding all these bootsand things, go to meer portalspodcast dot com. I support I've got to run through there of my guide on the appswhich I did last week that's now YouTubeembed on that site.
I've got the linksto the different apps that you can use. I've got howyou can do it. I've got a littleexplanation of why what a Satoshi is and whyBitcoin is important. And I've also got a PayPallink. It's so it's like I'm doingbasically everything I can tojust make it easy for you and for my audience toto be able to support in. And so I think this isa pretty critical aspect where if you wantsomeone to support, don't don't make themhave to do seven different things.Don't make them have to join up to this place to then be ableto link over to here, to then eventuallyget to your patron, you know, suggest an app,suggest a recommendation.
One of the thingsthat Chris Fischer does on his show is Bitcoindad as well. It's like, hey, you know,try out all of these apps if you want tokeep your app. I get it. It's, you know, it's one of those thingsyou can grow attached to if your app doesn'thave isn't adopting this, which they probably willat some point. But if it isn't oneon the leading edge, then go to the podcastindex and boost in there. Or you could go into Jupiter Broadcastingand there's ways to support that. So just giving lotsof options and the easy a breadth of options going fromeasiest to hardest I think is something that ispretty important to do.
So my last little one hereis, I suppose is just specificity and this is just related to all of them being specific with howpeople can support you. So the common parlance for thisis the call to action. And this is why you hear many new podcasterstalking about leave me a reviewand Apple, it's really important,really helps a lot. It doesn't help a lot. The only reason thatthey say that is because theythey don't actually know what they want. So this is athis does nothing. And it's just not youknow, this is a snapshot, I guess, of of whatI would just recommend.
In general,the specificity is if you go back to episode17 of season one or episode38 of season two, you'll get a full sumup of all the asks and the broad learningsof how you can do this. And so being specific with what you want. And you could hear, for example, on the Bitcoin D&D littleepisode that I played there, he was saying,you know, if do do you care about thisparticular thing, this topicthat we've talked about? I would love to know if you do or don't and if and that was a very specific thingthat he asked for. And so I sent himin a message saying like, you know what,I don't really care for that topic too much.
I'd prefer if you talkedabout these sort of ones that don'thave to do that. But if they're askingfor it, it gives me that option toto donate. And it's a reason to. So, you know, this is where there'sall sorts of other things like numerology and stufflike that. You'rebasically just looking for people are very varied. And I know, for example,for myself, there was this blogger whoI've followed for ages, a long, long time,multiple years, and I'd never supported him. I saw his ask for support,probably hundreds if not thousands of times at the bottomof his of his blog posts.
And then one day that was just a thingthat he said. In particular,it was related to I think he washe had like this shirt and it was just like, hey, you know, by the way,another way you can supportis by buying a shirt. And even though the shirtcost, you know, twice as much as a normalone did, this was the thingthat put me over the edge of being like,you know what? I've gotten so much valuefrom this dude. Like,the very least I can do is buy a shirt from him. And so, you know, he would have madesome money from that more if I'd just donatedthat to him in exact that same amount.
But it wasthat little thing that tipped me overthe edge to got to get there. And so being widewith that, but also specificin terms of like, Hey, you can support meby buying a shirt that was the thingthat got me there. So something to consider as well for when you'retalking to your audiences, making it broad,making them have lots of easy optionsto be able to do it, why it's importantfor them to do it. Being generous with youryour recommendations of of how someone can doit, or particular people who have done something, the waysto get that extra value.
And then also in the midstof all that being specific in terms ofyou can support me by doing thisvery exact thing, if you wanta memorial shirt, which this Value for valuepodcast is under, if you donate100,000 stats, we will send a shirtyour way no matter where you arein the world. We don't even makemoney from it. So this is just one way of of gettingsome support of like, hey, if this is the thing thattipped you over the edge into supporting,please do it. And you know, if you support 100,000to this show, this is that is includedinto into that little offering there.
I suppose soyeah. There we go. That's the little compilationpitch that I've done. Jean BeanI hope you enjoyed that. And yeah, just another little shoutout to Sam Sethi in the Boostagram Lounge for, for tuning in,even though it's 2 a.m. in Turin.Very much appreciated. And speakingof the Boosta gram Lounge,I'm going to go to there. But once again, so this is anothershout out to someone who has helped mein the past. And this is Adam Curry. The jingle musicthat you hear for the BoostaGram Lounge. He created thatmultiple times and he createdmultiple ones from that.
So instead of mymy normal one, I'm going to play youthree of them here. And. Yeah,well will enjoy those. So tune into the intromusic for the BoostaGram Lounge.
[00:25:18] Unknown:
Welcome to the Value for ValueBoostaGram. Lounge. Have a Hookah. Welcome to the. Value for Value. BoostaGram Lounge. Ello is totally insaneis about you for your. BoostaGram Lounge have had.
[00:25:46] Unknown:
Oh my God. There's a reasonwhy I don't play that first and last one. It'stoo much. But yes, that wasthe intro to the Boosta Gram Lounge.Thank you very much. And coming into the liveboost here, we see SamSethi with 8500 SATs and he says want a shirtsent using POD fans. Thank you very much, Sam. So I'll have to go checkon the leaderboard again to to where exactly you are in termsof the 100,000 but 8500, that's putting you,you know, 1/10 of the way there. So just keep that comingthrough and very muchappreciate it. I only do it forthe actual boost messages sent in not not SATpayments with the streaming amountsbecause it's just it would be an absolute nightmareto calculate that.
So little caveat here. It's just for thethe boost amounts there. I'm going to jump backinto this last portion of last week. And we did have threemessages coming in. One of those once againbeing from Sam Sethi, and he says,I love the episode. Great reviewof the new podcast apps. Keep up the great work on educating the world on v4v850 sent using POD fans. Thank you very much. But fans once againa great app would recommendchecking it out. He's on the bleeding edgeand all this cool stuff is happeningand it's becoming part of my regular routineto use pod phone, so definitely recommendchecking Not out, of course. I'mgoing to say that though.
We'vegot midst here though. This is the owner of Podverse. He says, Thanks so muchfor covering pod person. All you contributeto podcasting 2.0. I love hot android autoand seasonal support. Coming soon to pod verse. Of course there are 10,000 songssent using pod verse. Yeah. Oh,thank you very much Mr. Mitch de Yep. Once again,he's going full time on that for, for a bit. And so you're going to see lots of cool stuffcoming out from Pod verse. And then finally we hadJason from Podcast Guru just as great. Episode 9999 sent using podcast GuruThank you.
You know,the app developer is really importantfor my show. The mere Mortals. I've got I think fiveor six of them in the in the splits. And, and it's importantto me that I help contribute to the people who are helping to be ableto contribute back to me a little bit harderfor this show. So I just do it over thereon that one, but it's very muchappreciated. And yeah, once again,the reason I do all of this stuffis because I think value for valueis is going to be just as important as opensources to the world. For example,moving forward. The the main problem,a lot of the problems I see with social media,for example, is driven just by theadvertising models and so I think having a way for people to connect, to peer to peer send money directly,it doesn't matter where they arein the world.
If there's an Iranian and they want to send memoney, that's totally fine. I'm not in the U.S., so I don't know how strictour money controls are, but I've tried to send just, you know, 25 bucks to once againtalking about shirts, try to send $25 to a bankaccount in the U.K. You know that my brethren,Sam Sethi, is but practically related. And sending aa small payment like that just to a bank accountwas an absolute nightmare. Took multiplehours of effort. So doing itthrough Bitcoin, doing it througha podcasting app is so much better, easierand I think is definitely the future, which is why I continue to cover all ofthese sorts of things.
Okay, let's jumpon to the tips section and I've been kind of collecting anotherwe're doing a compilation episode,so let's keep going it on a compilation of tipsthat I've just collected here, my little notes for this past while I was goingto bring them up at some point,but I just never it didn't really fit in. So once again, compilationmakes sense to do it here. So I've got fiveextra tips that I've got for youhere, which we didn't see highlighted in those,some in those that actual clip compilation. So number one, numerology, I think this one'sself-explanatory.
If someone has a numberthat is important to them, it can actually be usefulin saying like, Hey, if you send thisin, this is this is what this means. And it's just it's justa fun way of doing things. I, for example, almost always boostin a row of Ducks 2222 because the number twolooks like a duck. You know, I get it. It doesn'tactually look like a duck, but it's kind of funny. And it's an amount which feels good for me becausewhen I do the math, I'm like, you know,if I listen to this show that's about a, you know, with the amount,I'm streaming in as well and Bruce that I send in, that is equal to aboutan Australian dollar.
When I send that in, you know, I'mgoing to be listening to probably this showweekly, maybeeven more than weekly. That's going to be 50to 100 bucks a year. You know what? That's a that's an amountthat I feel justifieslistening to this show. And so the to 2 to 2 is I don't really meananything. It's justit's a nice amount. But the encouragementto boost in for a special anniversaryfor the Miyamoto's, we had 400 episodes, so people were sendingin a bunch of fours. One had a babyand so we had the baby boost the 3838,which one of our listeners Peter really enjoys,and that's the one that he sends inmost, most nowadays.
All of thesesorts of things I hope toon the one of the git hubs I helped update the boostergrand list, which includes a lot of the reasons that you'll see these numbersin on the Bitcoin tide and a lot of otherChris Fisher's those people sendin the zip code boost. So you know, it'll be like 18 730or something like that. And then it'skind of like, ooh, where are theyin the world? Let'stry and find that out. Oh, they're in Germany.Oh, they're in here. So you can do that wherever you arein the world as well. And it's, it's just finding a numberwhich is important.
So once again, highlightingthe numerology gamification,it's pretty important. Pop fans, you see, Sam is trying to do that and make it fun toexperiment with the app. Oh, I can send in a boostand get some extra stats. Oh, I can try creating a clip,I get some extra stats. That's pretty cool. So doing that withinthe actual app itself. And then as in terms of meas a podcaster, you know, I know Adam Curry on on this showCurry in The Keeper, he was doing double boostfor a certain period. So if you boost two then 3000it would count as 6000. I don't knowif he had a leaderboard, I don't know if that was.
It was morejust to be like, yeah,if you if you donate this, you can getacknowledgement as an executive producer instead ofjust a producer. All of these thingstriggering a gin jingle, getting a shot,you know, leaderboards. There's a leaderboard on Miyamoto's podcast dotcom such support you can see where you rank in terms of peoplethey're in the top five. We we put like an an imagewith the face on it and things like that. So extra extra highlighting of peoplewho are doing it. I know Samis is also in POD fans he's doing like thiskind of pod fan, super fan leaderboard,sort of thing.
There's all sorts of coolstuff going on. So gamificationsuper important. I mentioned this before,but value for value and Bitcoinis not an either or. They can exist,coexist alongside each other alongwith advertising and fiat. There's also the roomfor kind of hard standpointslike myself, which is can bea bit of a differentiator. But the showcasingthe support, it's not like your call to action has to only be, oh,support me via this way. You know, I only enjoyFiat, I only enjoy toys. So you have to do it via PayPal or somethinglike that. Now, you know, include includethose extra options if you don't have a strongreason, not to.
I have a very strongreason why I don't have a patronset up. So so I don't do that,even though I know there are peoplewho have told me they would supportvia Patreon if I had it. That's one of those things you got to makethe decision yourself. Generally, it'sbetter to to have more, but if you want to be a bit more strict on itand have a preference, I certainly havea preference for boostergrams via PayPal, but I do have a PayPal set up andit's in the show notes. If you want to use it,you know, please, please donate via thereand I'll acknowledge you just as much as as Ido for for a booster.
Graham Giving a reason why someone should contribute, even if it'sreally tenuous, I think helps So if you've got a charity drive, ifyou've got a target goal to activate the boost bot, which they do,and behind the schemes, if it's your birthday,if it's an anniversary coming up, just giving people a reason to once again, this is getting intothe kind of specificity, the call to action, themaking it easy portion. If you just make it easy,even if it's there's this great stuff from psychologywhere basically if you have like a lineup, they did this with peopleat uni university studentswaiting to use printer.
So if you've ever beento university, you knowthe printer is always just chocka block full of people wanting to use itin the library. And what they did wasthey'd be this long line upand they'd have someone cut in rightnear the front. And one day they dida couple of options. One would be like if they just cut in one the aisle and without sayinganything, another one would be cutting inwith the excuse of like, Hey, excuse me, I'mrunning a bit late behind. I really need to jump in. Can I just jump in here? And then the third optionwas just saying like, Hey, excuse me,do you mind if I go in front of you?I need to use the printer.
And funnily enough,the one of the the, the big long windedexcuse of, you know, I, I needed to do this,this sort of thing. And the excuse of like,excuse me, I just,I need to use the printer. They workedkind of equally as well in terms of peopleallowing them to come in, which is really funnybecause obviously they need to use printer. It's justself-explanatory, but it's just, it's almost like the magical act of saying, Hey, I need to do thisthing, donate it just there'ssomething in our brains which is like, Oh, okay, yeah, that's okay,that's fine.
I'll help you outwith regards to that. So if I have a targetthat I want to reach to for this episode, so let'sjust say it's 40,000. I'd love to get 40,000coming in for this loss. This episode, even ifthere's no reason in terms of like, obviouslythe more is better. And if I was only gettinglike 3000 before that, there's something aboutjust having a target and saying I want more,which is like people would be like, Oh,okay, I'll send you more. So just having any reasonto be honest can actually help. And then the last oneI had here was share praise and celebratethe big wins.
So, you know,the more boosts that come in, the more peoplealso want to join in. It's this weird cyclewhere if you hear a show with 50 boosts in it, getting closeto like the podcasting 2.0 level of they read outa lot of messages. This is where it it's whatever your intuitionsare in regards that all if they're gettinglots of boost I won't send one inthey don't need it that that's that'sjust wrong it's that's nothow people think it's it's it's more encouraging and the peoplewho do think like that they're not goingto send it in any way. So it's very much you got to have thismentality of like people are generally good, the pie grows and you're not, you know, if I get more boostsin on this show, it's not because I'm stealingthem from another person.
So if if you havethat sort of mentality, that's value for value is not going toreally work out for you. You now, it can be hardat the start when you don't havemany people boosting in. So this iswhen you have to hustle for those familyand friend connections to to jump start it. I know in Americaplus cold McCormack is boostin a fair few times he was getting likehis mum and his girlfriend to boost in you knowthat that is I think super valid and alsonecessary at times so yeah that's that that another littlecompilation section there of some additionalthings to think about when you'rewhen you're doing your ask my apps servicehighlight for today.
Look there's quitea few guides out there on not only how toto boost in and how to receivelistener support. That whole last episodeI did was all around this but on how to ask as well. So I'm just going to givea couple of those. You'll see in the shownotes, some some links for these. So Fountaindid a webinar with Ask.com without talkingabout how you can do this. They also had ChrisFisher on as a as a guest. They're obviously someone who knows how how to do this becausemultiples of his shows are right up therein terms of the the most popular onesgetting lots of support value for value dot info.
This is Adam Curry'swebsite explaining it real nice shotand to the point reasons of how you do it,why you do it, what to expectget Albee has a great blog at its blogdon't get all become which does this and look a lot of the hosting companiesthat are enabling V for they have some sortof guidelines or not only on how to implementit just as a podcast, but alsohow to ask your audience. So you'll find this like eitheron their Twitter accounts Pod fans,I know it has this and it explainswhy it's important. I know Blueberry has their own blog and podcastwhere they've also got very similarthings going on. So if you are wondering, you know,perhaps listening to a valuefor value podcast isn't for you, perhaps you want to do ita different way.
Look, there's there's plentyof other options in terms of video,in terms of text where you can read abouthow to do this as well. But I think a compilationlike I did today was also helpfuljust in terms of setting the tone. And you can also see all of these showswere different. You know, one was two, multiple of them were likeconversational ones. One was like,you know, people to speaking into Mike that the topics could be aboutBitcoin topics could be about,you know, family, religion,God could be talking about just randompolitics and stuff. It doesn't really matterthe show, It's just about how how you askyour audience for value and that of course, that you're providingsomething that is valuable that people want tolisten to.
Okay, nice. We're at our rough cut offminute of the 45 minute mark. So today, my 15% of value for value,I'm going to give to all of the Clippers. So that was aboutfive of them or five main value blocksthat I've seen. So I'm going to give 3%to each of them. And yeah, was ableto split this up roughly on what is in their feeds. Perhaps in the futureI could do value time splits. So for those minute long sections I could createin those chapters, I could havethe value time slot. I'm with Blueberryat the moment, so I'mnot able to do that. But it is kind of funto be able to just create a compilation or have some songsor something like that to be able to to use andthen be able to do this.
So, you know, for this value timesplits in the future, will this turn into likemaybe I'll start to add a little bit of musicinto the show, You know, potentially.Potentially. I got to think about it. It's a it's a lot of work, but I'm really enjoying doing these sortsof things and testingand experimenting. So we'll will have a lookwith that. So you have 15% to them, value for value. This isthe value for value. So andI've run this model. So there's three, I suppose, ways to, to contribute back the time, talentand treasure time share this episodewith the digital creator.
I think that's probably the most important thingyou could do If someone is struggling to realisehow they can do it, send them this episode in particular and say like, Hey, here's here's a compilationof people doing it once again. I would also recommend checking out season twobecause that's where I was really focusingon podcasting and podcastersand creating clips and a very similar thingto what I was doing in today's episode. So going back to seasontwo was also helpful and come join me live. I love having SamSethi here listening in. It's very muchappreciated.
I know Juan, my co-host, was alsolistening in for a while. It's it'sso much fun to have like these little interactions. So I'm live on a ten AustralianEastern Standard Time. Typically it has beenon a Wednesday, so this would be UTCmidnight. I'm going to alwaysbe at this UTC. You see, I would say UTC,you see universal coordinated time midnight. So wherever you arein the world, you know, in the plus or minus just plus or minus thatoff from from midnight and then that's the timethat I'll be going live. So Sam is obviously saidit was 2 a.m. where he wasat, so he was obviously at a negativeto not know sorry plus two plus two from whereverhe is in Italy in Turin.
So yeah, join mein on those schedules. Slightlychanged in the future, but it'll alwaysbe at roughly that time. So check outyour podcasting app for the live nightnotification talent. Is there anything I can do to make this show better? What annoys you? Is thereany topics, things that you really want meto consider? I did this episodein particular because I had someonewho was wanting a compilation,so I created that and I hope that they they got a lot of valuefrom that and I hope you do as well. So that would be great. Just havingsome recommendations where what do you really want meto focus on in terms of the valuefor value?
This is more of an educational showthan anything else. And then finally,treasure. There's three options. Try out one of the newpodcasting apps. Go to the last episodeand pick one of those eight that I listed thereand you know, send me in a boost viathat. You can also go tothe podcast index website type in value,then the number four and or just even typein my name, Kyron K, y, I and, and I'll pop uppretty quickly you can boostand then that acknowledges all the splits as well. And then finally you can do this via at memorials podcast dotcom slash support And then I've gotthe PayPal link there.
I've got all of the other you knowyou're able to boost in via directlyonto there as well. So a lot of things you canyou can do and I just want to thank you for for joining meinto this episode. Two more episodesfor this season and then I will wrapit up. Probably havea little bit of a break, maybe a couple of weeks break and then come backin through season four because I am really having a lot of funwith this show. So we'll leave it there. Thank youeveryone for joining me and chat for nowuntil the next time, Kyrin out.