Value 4 Value

Value 4 Value

What does it mean to give and receive value? Hi I’m Kyrin and this is the weekly podcast for digital content creators who want to connect deeply with their audience & earn a living from their work via their direct support. Within you will find me explaining the philosophy of value 4 value (v4v), how to refine your pitch and the latest technology that can make the experience seamless!


02 September 2021

Giving Value: A Case Study - S1E3

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Giving Value: A Case Study

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In Ep #3 we're going to examine a practical example of giving value?

Before I ever heard of the Value 4 Value model I was reviewing random podcasts and leaving them a nice message. This was influenced by a kind message I received during my first 3 months of podcasting and was an opportunity for me to pay that forward. I eventually turned this into a strategic way to create a community and I ended up receiving rewards for this in totally unexpected manners. So this is an encouragement (and example) from my own story on how to give value to a random person and how this will help make you a better person!

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