Value 4 Value

Value 4 Value

What does it mean to give and receive value? Hi I’m Kyrin and this is the weekly podcast for digital content creators who want to connect deeply with their audience & earn a living from their work via their direct support. Within you will find me explaining the philosophy of value 4 value (v4v), how to refine your pitch and the latest technology that can make the experience seamless!


09 September 2021

Free ISN'T Free - S1E4

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Free ISN'T Free

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There is always a cost, so how are you paying it?

In Ep #4 I examine the topic of free, first taking a dive into the definition of the word and how we can get confused about objects/services that appear to be financially ‘free’. There seems to be a problem with scale where a company as it grows larger will inevitably focus upon money as its primary goal (not a great motive) and the cost that a customer pays can get hidden (lack of transparency). To combat any negative effects from this I share how I’m personally trying to change my own mentality and some actions I’m taking to realise that ‘free isn’t free’.

A huge thanks to Aaron from Salonomics for supporting the show!

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