We're getting LIT .. and I'm not just talking about the Live Item Tag.
In Ep #23 we are covering how Sir Spencer and Dame DuhLaurien use v4v on their show Bowl After Bowl. The unique aspect they bring is that they translate a concept their listeners would understand (in this case 'passing the bowl') and how this is an integral part of their show.
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It is time to get lit. And I'mnot just talking about the live item tag. Welcome, everyone toanother value for value episode. My name is Kyrin. And this isthe podcast where we dive deep into the value fair value modelwhere we look at how you can jump on to this new way ofmonetizing of earning of being able to create and sustain alifestyle without having to resort to the advertising model,which is boo not so fun. In this episode, Episode 23 We're goingto be looking at another example of how a cool podcasterpodcasters creating this for themselves how they'reintroducing this in a unique way to suit their own podcast. Andwe're just gonna dive right into it. We are going to look at bowlafter bowl so bowl after bowl is hosted by Spencer and DameDeLorean. So just from the titles you know that also fromthe no agenda world they have, I'm going to once again just dothis in their own words because that's a little bit easier. Soalthough bowl after bowl is a bigger dream for Lauren andSpencer the podcast started in 2014 out of Colombia, I believethey did about 25 ish episodes ranging through 2014 to 2015.Columbia Missouri as a as an outlet to share updates on thedrug war and other items of interest and local and regionalnews show material included their adventures lobbying fornormal and no RML and show me cannabis traveling to the SoCalHigh Times Cannabis Cup after winning free tickets on Twitter.Very cool. And interviewing interviewing Jeff marizanne skifrom prison after a five year hiatus, so they started in 2020.Now, kicking the podcast off again, the dude got the showback up and running after a gracious guest appearance in thesmoker on hogs story, the trendiest podcast in theuniverse, universe. And then there's just a couple of extradetails here about how to connect with them. So they'vebeen on them on my radar a little while, especiallysuspensive, because I've been diving, sort of communicatingwith him in the value for value world and also some cool stuffthat he is doing with bringing, making the music industrybetter, which is a huge, a huge task in itself. And if you wantto know more, I will be chatting with Spencer on the Mere Mortalspodcast. So there'll be a link when that is out in the shownotes here. So these these two, basically, they get together,they'll have a chat. They're up to I think 100 And something 165episodes now. Yeah, 165. And they do a mix. So from what Ican tell, there's cuz I haven't gone through each one of theirepisodes, I've got really two different formats, there's thetwo of them together, where they'll usually discuss sort ofweed news, they'll talk about cool things that are happeningin their life, just interesting things. So sort of like a littlebit of everything. And these shows typically, typically gofor hours. So two hours, three hours is a pretty standard timelength, from what I can tell.
And then they have bowls withbuds. And this is where they'll get on a guest. And they'llusually talk about weed related things, the marijuana, but alsoalso, you know, it's not necessarily just related to thatthere'll be a lot of podcasting 2.0 News and things like that aswell. So, meetups I've written, I've written here, meetups pig,but the fediverse Spencer's hole in his pants, that all sorts ofthings get thrown in on this. So let's go into the value forvalue implementation, what are some things that they're doingwhich not not that unique section yet, but just, you knowthe core principles of how to run value for value. And sotypically what they do is, because their shows are so longthey are and once again, I have yet to you know, go throughhours and hours and hours of of multiple shows. So it's it'skind of hard to know exactly how they run it. But typically, fromwhat I can tell around the half an hour mark, they will do theirfirst real value for value section. So this is wherethey'll start with the treasurer. So in particular PayPal or the booster grams. And they will play a little cliphere from one of the things that they do. And you can sort of seehow they like to kick off this area and, and how they run it.
We do feel obligated to name andthank people who go a step further than passing the balland since some sort of value in the form of time, talent andtreasure, and we'd like to start the show off with the treasureand thank people and you know just kind of talk about what'scoming in so that further ado I know that the Pay Pal this weekwe had one. So once again, nothing wrongwith using PayPal especially Lately, in this world wherehopefully, you know, in the future Bitcoin and the, thesealternative currency payment systems will will become moredominant, especially with the use of the online culture andthings like that, you know, like the standard, the standardsystem just seems to be very slow and sluggish. It'd be niceif we could do micro payments in Australian dollars, but that isnot possible. So that's, that's fine. But obviously, you stillneed to recognize, yep, we're still going through thattransition. And so Pay Pal, things like that, you know,whatever method you want to use.
That's, that's totally fine. Buller slide in. And that is a333. Spot. Or buddy a one selves. Yeah, thanks, a one sauce. So thankyou, sir. Yeah, and check out his podcast, the spoken word atthe source.io. I will have a link in the show notes. Thereyou have where we have such great ISOs from his show. So once again, this is a kind ofcool thing where it's, you might just think, oh, you know, howshould I thank them? What should I do? This is where it's,they've created obviously a connection with this, this guy,I think it was a one south and he is not only just provided thebooster ground, but it's also like a little bit of a plug forhis own show, even though he didn't say anything that was asorry, that wasn't even a booster ground. That was just aPayPal. And yet, there's this sort of linking feedback whereit's every everyone's the more you jump into this community,the the deeper you start to go.
So that can almost be a warningsign. Like if you don't, if you don't have, if you're on a tightschedule, perhaps not looking at the value for value is the bestoption. Because you're you tend to get sucked in kind of deep, we also have been big proponentswith running out front with the scissors. And what I mean bythat is podcasting 2.0, the cutting edge of how you can inreal time share value with your favorite shows us your favoritepodcasts that are value enabled, all you got to do is take offall your clothes and go to nude podcast apps.com. And all of thepodcast apps there that support the value tag are what you'relooking for, click Apps at the top and click value. And you'llget a list of all these different apps that you can tryout, try several of them out, you know, see which one youliked the best.
This is helpful, because this issomething that I'm perhaps a little bit guilty of where Iforget how many steps are required still to really get anew person who's listening into to be able to do all of this. Sothis is, you know, a fairly decent explanation. And if youreally wanted to, you could probably break that down intolike another 10 steps, because there are so many areas alongthe way where someone can get lost, typically it gets to thepoint of I've made for me personally, it was not thedownloading of the apps not choosing one. Because mostpeople know how to download an app and whatnot, it's thegetting money from your bank account converted into bitcoinon the Lightning Network, which is just excruciatingly painful.Now, that was excruciatingly painful for me. When I was firstdoing this about a year ago, I'm it's gotten a little bit betterfrom what I can tell, but it is still still many steps. And it'sstill very dependent on where you are in the world. Here inAustralia, it's very different than the recommended way thatyou can do it in, for example, America where suspension andDame DeLorean. And this is where you have to find that mix, Iguess between how much advice you want to give and how much isis not going to be useful because they could say thingslike use the cash, app use, et cetera, et cetera. And then I'mover here in Australia going I can't do any of that. So youknow, I think at the moment, everyone's still trying to findtheir, their general I guess like method of how much detailedinfo to give and, and how much hand holding and things likethat. To be honest, I think if anyone reached out to any of us,it's like, I'll show you how to send me through through thehistograms and Satoshis like I'll spend the time to do that.But yet doing that in a clean polished manner on your show ishard and I think they did a pretty good job that of that ofjust, you know, the basic steps here's the first step you haveto do is just get a get a good podcast app just you know, getget one way you can see chapters in it or transcripts or the youknow, the ability to link and have the you're the person tagso you can click on the link down below, down below and it'llsend you places all of these sorts of things. That's it. It'salmost like just getting that first step is is, is, is useful.And so I do a very similar thing, which is go to thiswebsite and just get a new app and try it out pod verse just added boostingabilities. I haven't got into try the boost part of it yet. SoI'll try to do some of that this week, had my hands so full withwork stuff lately, but getting back on that horse, and riding,but the beautiful thing about this is you can send tiny littlepieces of Bitcoin, and you can attach a message to them. Andthat's what we call booster grams. And that's what theseboosters here did that I'm about to read starting off with acouple that came in after we signed off with the Ben roses.And the first over that weekend section was a 1337 Delete boostfrom mere mortals podcast. Oh, he was boost in Episode 163, theboss battle and he's asking, Is there somewhere that we can seethis infamous jeans hole with winky face or withoutdisappointed face as attached.
So I totally forgot to that Idid take a picture of the jeans. So this is just a reference towhen I was listening to that show. And he was giving us apretty funny story about how he ended up having this massivehole in his jeans and could have potentially been walking aroundout in public, showing his bare ass cheek off without realizingit. And then beautiful enough in the show notes, if you go tothat episode of this episode, he's he's attached a picture of,of, of the genes with the retina and it's a pretty decent sizedhome as well. So that's, I suppose just a fairly emblematicexample of how they'll implement the value for value. They do awhole lot of other things as well. There are constant peprings through their show of other podcasters it's sort oflike the informal network, there's no, there's no likeboard meetings of Yeah, I'm going to promote your show,you're going to promote mine.
This is how we do it, which Ifind distasteful when it's when it's, you know, a straight cutfor an ad read or like an other podcast host read me personally,I don't like that. But when it goes and flows in with a showlike this does. And that's that's a, you know, another wayof providing value in almost like the ecosystem in a way it'ssort of, you know, it's not even all scratch your back, youscratch mine, it's, it's just sort of human courtesy. And, andniceness just rises to the forefront. There's no, there'sno implicit like, it has to be value for value. It's like, Oh,I'll provide some value. And not man, these people are coolerdoing cool things over there. I like that podcast, I'll talkabout it on my show. So yeah, that's a couple of ways there ofhow they do it. Now what's something unique as well, whichSpencer and Lauren to, I'm going to play a little section here,which I think is is something I haven't seen before and which Ifind quite intriguing.
You can go to ball africa.com,click on Listen Live, to get to the stream, you get to the bowl,the IRC chat, all the lovely bowlers in there, andeverybody's produced everybody's given value energy, even ifyou're out there listening and you just pass the ball to thenext guy. Like it's not peer pressure, it's just your turn,you know, yeah, that's perhaps thesimplest form of value, we always open it up becauseit's important we open the show up with it. And some people inthe past have been like man, maybe don't do that. But wetried a couple of ways. And you know, we'd like to soft openwith like catching people up on the happenings. But before weget into a meat and potatoes of our content, we really like tothank the people that brought it to you, you know, it just seemsappropriate to do and that's why we do it that way.
So what the unique thing thereis that they really link it to the the concept of this show aswell. So bowl after bowl you know it's a it's a show aboutweed marijuana smoking, etc etc. And but that's a you know, acommon parlance and those terms, you know, pass the ball. Andapplying that to the concept of value for value I think makes alot of sense in the for that show because you know, who wasnaturally going to get drawn to a show called bowl after bowlwhere the cover art image is a picture of like a mouth withsome lips smoke coming out and a green marijuana leaf. It'sprobably people who will be involved in that culture of somesort. And so it's one of the hardest things about value forvalue is the explanation of it.
You know why? Well one as wellbeing confident enough to saying like, Hey, I am providing valuehere and I'm requesting it in return. That's that's pretty bighurdle to overcome. But once you've done that, it starts toget into the area of okay strategy. How can I explain thisIn the simplest, or maybe the funniest, or the mostinteresting way possible, and their way of doing it, whereit's linking to a concept, which their audience would alreadyknow, realm, you know, really well, that is being the sort ofsharing of of a joint and passing it from one person tothe next that the the feelings that are evoked by doing that.And then, you know, putting that to the concept of value forvalue and saying, okay, you know, this is the similar sortof thing, this is what we do, and how we request that you showthat show, that sort of spirit that you do when you're withyour friends and smoking and sharing a joint, you know, applythat here to my podcast. So I think that's really cool. Andthey I didn't include it in this section here. And I can'tremember exactly where it was.
But they've, they've, they'vetalked about this in many other ways, like not caring about thenumbers of downloads, because you wouldn't pass the ball aswell to someone who is not cool. So once again, this is anotherconcept where, you know, if you're at a party or something,having a joint with friends, you might not pass it to the dudewho's been an asshole across the room. And this is sort ofsimilar to their show, which is like, they don't care. Theydon't want everyone because, you know, there's a lot of assholeswhen you get everyone. So the emphasis is really on thesharing within their communities, which is very cool.Now another thing that they do and if you're checking out theimage at the moment, you'll you'll see this which is theyput in their show notes. Right at the front, it just says valuefor value. Thank you to ball after ball episode 165 ExecutiveProducers, Justin a one source current down, hey, hey, half hatlavish Phoenix Burberry Thor, the one that hammer, see Dubs.The list goes on people who they used for tonight's intro music.And that's something that I've sort of done in my answer in myown show in Mere Mortals. Once again, the executive producers,this is a concept they've taken from no agenda. But one of thecoolest things was if you go to the website, where they've gottheir this particular episode on, there's a link on my name.And that link goes directly to my my website, which was justlike, Whoa, what the fuck? How cool is that? So not only is ityou know, here's, here's just a, you know, a shout out to Thanksfor for appearing on the show, you know, they've gone to theextra effort of directing someone who would, you know, theone in a million person who would want to see like, oh,Carindale What's this, click on that name, and it takes itdirectly to my website, which I find so, so cool that that's,you know, that that little extra effort that they've put inthere, I really do appreciate that really do think that'ssuper cool. And, you know, this is sort of something that I do alot of my own show as well, which is I will go to the extraeffort of including a funny name for the location of where thepodcast was taken. So if I do an episode on how to know, the topic of like, the pinnacleof success or something like that, I would maybe list MountEverest as the location or something like that. So, youknow, I think one person has commented that in the two and ahalf years that I've done podcasting, and I feel likethey're doing something similar there. So that's that's justlike a personal thing for me and you know, that that really, Ithink stands out as being something a little bit unique. Ireally, really enjoy that I think that's super super coolthat they've done that. So now that we've had a look at balloff the ball, what they've done how they've done some coolthings I think we'll go on to my own value for value section andthe booster Graham lounge.
Welcome to the value for valuegoes to Graham central every time I love it, so we've got acouple of booster grams here but to get through last week, I hadto record a date earlier unfortunately so I missed one ofthese that should have gotten the show. And who was it it wasnone other than Spencer so he sends through 5227 sets usingfountain he says love that you're resurrecting the for theshow here would love to chat sometime about it keep up thegreat work card. Hey, thank you, Mr. Spencer. And yes, we'lldefinitely get that chat going on once again I would justrecommend you if you're if you're interested in ball afterball and especially Spencer and some of the cool things he'sdoing with music and podcasting and graphical design andpodcasts like a I think it was a graphic novel and and using thatin the value for value model. He is so deep into With that it'sdefinitely worth checking out that episode so thank you soSpencer we have Peter again so we have the pod father the podsage the god caster we need a clever nickname for the ozcaster card down under you know the first time I read that I waslike That's so stupid but reading it out actually voicingit on my you know what the odds caster that kind of. So that was2083 sets and using fans and thank you so much Peter. Hey,man, I've had much, much worse nicknames than that as well. SoI will 100% Take that one. But yeah, it needs to I won't driveit so other people need to use it for it to catch on. But asfar as a first go, man, I love it. I think that's really cool.And then the last one we have here is brand I sell is onceagain using fountain 2500 SATs Oh, thank you my friend. And hesays really love what you're doing with his show crier andgreat job. And so thank you, Brenda, he has the sleekpodcast, s L I E k, which is strangest life I've ever knownthat the strangest life I've ever known with Brando and HaidaI'll definitely become a like covering them on the value forvalue podcast at some point.
Once I get my ass in gear andstart doing more, so thank you, everyone who's sent in throughhistograms. Like I was mentioning just before the inthe value for value words, it's hard. It's it's the beginningnascent stage, it's not well established, there's only onereal guideline, I suppose you could look to, which has noagenda, and, and how they have run their show there for Geezlike a decade, or, and more using this model. And I thinkeveryone is, you know, we needed that Trailblazer, the pioneerand Adam curry and John John C. Dvorak to do that. And now it'sjust about how everyone else is, is trying to implement it, howthey're trying to spread the word and whatnot. And, yeah, Iwould just say, like I was, I was mentioning with, with whatSpencer was doing, and just giving a, a not the full stackof how you do everything, go to a new podcast app.com and get anew one. And in particular, if you're listening to this show,and you're on somewhere, which doesn't have all of thepodcasting 2.0 capabilities, you're missing out on thingslike chapter art, to the images.
So, you know, I'll have an imageof the whole and Spencer's jeans in, in here. And, you know,links to things that I'm talking about all of these sorts ofgreat and wonderful tools, you're missing out on that ifyou're if you're not there. So not only am I not requestingvalue for this in in this stage, I'm just saying, there's tons ofvalue you're missing out on just by not using one of these betterapps. So go to your new podcast apps.com or new to podcasts. Nude podcast apps.com and andchoose one of one of the ones from that list. And you're morethan likely not all of them have all these capabilities. So likeSpencer mentioned, maybe it's better to pick three or four,try out a whole bunch of different ones. That's that'swhat I've been doing. I've got three or four on my phone andthree or four on my saved on my bookmarks on on my laptop. Andso yeah, just playing around with all of these ones and, andusing them as is the best way of getting on the value for valuewagon, which is not even the full value section, just thestraight up value that I'm providing to you. So that thatwould be my recommendation for today. And I really do thank youfor the time that you've spent here. Once again, I'm open tofeedback of any sort. Whether it be show recommendations, whetherit be how I can maybe ramble a little bit less, make it a bittighter. Get rid of the clicking noises, get rid of the arms andORs if there's those little verbal things, which are thoseverbal tics which I don't particularly notice because Ijust talk like that day on day on day. Any of those sorts ofthings are supremely helpful and I do really appreciate itwhether it be via Instagram, or if you reach out through theMere Mortals channels here you'll you'll get me so that's it fortoday. I hope you're having a fantastic wonderful bowling day.Wherever you are in the world Kyrin out
It is time to get lit. And I'mnot just talking about the live item tag. Welcome, everyone toanother value for value episode. My name is Kyrin. And this isthe podcast where we dive deep into the value fair value modelwhere we look at how you can jump on to this new way ofmonetizing of earning of being able to create and sustain alifestyle without having to resort to the advertising model,which is boo not so fun. In this episode, Episode 23 We're goingto be looking at another example of how a cool podcasterpodcasters creating this for themselves how they'reintroducing this in a unique way to suit their own podcast. Andwe're just gonna dive right into it. We are going to look at bowlafter bowl so bowl after bowl is hosted by Spencer and DameDeLorean. So just from the titles you know that also fromthe no agenda world they have, I'm going to once again just dothis in their own words because that's a little bit easier. Soalthough bowl after bowl is a bigger dream for Lauren andSpencer the podcast started in 2014 out of Colombia, I believethey did about 25 ish episodes ranging through 2014 to 2015.Columbia Missouri as a as an outlet to share updates on thedrug war and other items of interest and local and regionalnews show material included their adventures lobbying fornormal and no RML and show me cannabis traveling to the SoCalHigh Times Cannabis Cup after winning free tickets on Twitter.Very cool. And interviewing interviewing Jeff marizanne skifrom prison after a five year hiatus, so they started in 2020.Now, kicking the podcast off again, the dude got the showback up and running after a gracious guest appearance in thesmoker on hogs story, the trendiest podcast in theuniverse, universe. And then there's just a couple of extradetails here about how to connect with them. So they'vebeen on them on my radar a little while, especiallysuspensive, because I've been diving, sort of communicatingwith him in the value for value world and also some cool stuffthat he is doing with bringing, making the music industrybetter, which is a huge, a huge task in itself. And if you wantto know more, I will be chatting with Spencer on the Mere Mortalspodcast. So there'll be a link when that is out in the shownotes here. So these these two, basically, they get together,they'll have a chat. They're up to I think 100 And something 165episodes now. Yeah, 165. And they do a mix. So from what Ican tell, there's cuz I haven't gone through each one of theirepisodes, I've got really two different formats, there's thetwo of them together, where they'll usually discuss sort ofweed news, they'll talk about cool things that are happeningin their life, just interesting things. So sort of like a littlebit of everything. And these shows typically, typically gofor hours. So two hours, three hours is a pretty standard timelength, from what I can tell.
And then they have bowls withbuds. And this is where they'll get on a guest. And they'llusually talk about weed related things, the marijuana, but alsoalso, you know, it's not necessarily just related to thatthere'll be a lot of podcasting 2.0 News and things like that aswell. So, meetups I've written, I've written here, meetups pig,but the fediverse Spencer's hole in his pants, that all sorts ofthings get thrown in on this. So let's go into the value forvalue implementation, what are some things that they're doingwhich not not that unique section yet, but just, you knowthe core principles of how to run value for value. And sotypically what they do is, because their shows are so longthey are and once again, I have yet to you know, go throughhours and hours and hours of of multiple shows. So it's it'skind of hard to know exactly how they run it. But typically, fromwhat I can tell around the half an hour mark, they will do theirfirst real value for value section. So this is wherethey'll start with the treasurer. So in particular PayPal or the booster grams. And they will play a little cliphere from one of the things that they do. And you can sort of seehow they like to kick off this area and, and how they run it.
We do feel obligated to name andthank people who go a step further than passing the balland since some sort of value in the form of time, talent andtreasure, and we'd like to start the show off with the treasureand thank people and you know just kind of talk about what'scoming in so that further ado I know that the Pay Pal this weekwe had one. So once again, nothing wrongwith using PayPal especially Lately, in this world wherehopefully, you know, in the future Bitcoin and the, thesealternative currency payment systems will will become moredominant, especially with the use of the online culture andthings like that, you know, like the standard, the standardsystem just seems to be very slow and sluggish. It'd be niceif we could do micro payments in Australian dollars, but that isnot possible. So that's, that's fine. But obviously, you stillneed to recognize, yep, we're still going through thattransition. And so Pay Pal, things like that, you know,whatever method you want to use.
That's, that's totally fine. Buller slide in. And that is a333. Spot. Or buddy a one selves. Yeah, thanks, a one sauce. So thankyou, sir. Yeah, and check out his podcast, the spoken word atthe source.io. I will have a link in the show notes. Thereyou have where we have such great ISOs from his show. So once again, this is a kind ofcool thing where it's, you might just think, oh, you know, howshould I thank them? What should I do? This is where it's,they've created obviously a connection with this, this guy,I think it was a one south and he is not only just provided thebooster ground, but it's also like a little bit of a plug forhis own show, even though he didn't say anything that was asorry, that wasn't even a booster ground. That was just aPayPal. And yet, there's this sort of linking feedback whereit's every everyone's the more you jump into this community,the the deeper you start to go.
So that can almost be a warningsign. Like if you don't, if you don't have, if you're on a tightschedule, perhaps not looking at the value for value is the bestoption. Because you're you tend to get sucked in kind of deep, we also have been big proponentswith running out front with the scissors. And what I mean bythat is podcasting 2.0, the cutting edge of how you can inreal time share value with your favorite shows us your favoritepodcasts that are value enabled, all you got to do is take offall your clothes and go to nude podcast apps.com. And all of thepodcast apps there that support the value tag are what you'relooking for, click Apps at the top and click value. And you'llget a list of all these different apps that you can tryout, try several of them out, you know, see which one youliked the best.
This is helpful, because this issomething that I'm perhaps a little bit guilty of where Iforget how many steps are required still to really get anew person who's listening into to be able to do all of this. Sothis is, you know, a fairly decent explanation. And if youreally wanted to, you could probably break that down intolike another 10 steps, because there are so many areas alongthe way where someone can get lost, typically it gets to thepoint of I've made for me personally, it was not thedownloading of the apps not choosing one. Because mostpeople know how to download an app and whatnot, it's thegetting money from your bank account converted into bitcoinon the Lightning Network, which is just excruciatingly painful.Now, that was excruciatingly painful for me. When I was firstdoing this about a year ago, I'm it's gotten a little bit betterfrom what I can tell, but it is still still many steps. And it'sstill very dependent on where you are in the world. Here inAustralia, it's very different than the recommended way thatyou can do it in, for example, America where suspension andDame DeLorean. And this is where you have to find that mix, Iguess between how much advice you want to give and how much isis not going to be useful because they could say thingslike use the cash, app use, et cetera, et cetera. And then I'mover here in Australia going I can't do any of that. So youknow, I think at the moment, everyone's still trying to findtheir, their general I guess like method of how much detailedinfo to give and, and how much hand holding and things likethat. To be honest, I think if anyone reached out to any of us,it's like, I'll show you how to send me through through thehistograms and Satoshis like I'll spend the time to do that.But yet doing that in a clean polished manner on your show ishard and I think they did a pretty good job that of that ofjust, you know, the basic steps here's the first step you haveto do is just get a get a good podcast app just you know, getget one way you can see chapters in it or transcripts or the youknow, the ability to link and have the you're the person tagso you can click on the link down below, down below and it'llsend you places all of these sorts of things. That's it. It'salmost like just getting that first step is is, is, is useful.And so I do a very similar thing, which is go to thiswebsite and just get a new app and try it out pod verse just added boostingabilities. I haven't got into try the boost part of it yet. SoI'll try to do some of that this week, had my hands so full withwork stuff lately, but getting back on that horse, and riding,but the beautiful thing about this is you can send tiny littlepieces of Bitcoin, and you can attach a message to them. Andthat's what we call booster grams. And that's what theseboosters here did that I'm about to read starting off with acouple that came in after we signed off with the Ben roses.And the first over that weekend section was a 1337 Delete boostfrom mere mortals podcast. Oh, he was boost in Episode 163, theboss battle and he's asking, Is there somewhere that we can seethis infamous jeans hole with winky face or withoutdisappointed face as attached.
So I totally forgot to that Idid take a picture of the jeans. So this is just a reference towhen I was listening to that show. And he was giving us apretty funny story about how he ended up having this massivehole in his jeans and could have potentially been walking aroundout in public, showing his bare ass cheek off without realizingit. And then beautiful enough in the show notes, if you go tothat episode of this episode, he's he's attached a picture of,of, of the genes with the retina and it's a pretty decent sizedhome as well. So that's, I suppose just a fairly emblematicexample of how they'll implement the value for value. They do awhole lot of other things as well. There are constant peprings through their show of other podcasters it's sort oflike the informal network, there's no, there's no likeboard meetings of Yeah, I'm going to promote your show,you're going to promote mine.
This is how we do it, which Ifind distasteful when it's when it's, you know, a straight cutfor an ad read or like an other podcast host read me personally,I don't like that. But when it goes and flows in with a showlike this does. And that's that's a, you know, another wayof providing value in almost like the ecosystem in a way it'ssort of, you know, it's not even all scratch your back, youscratch mine, it's, it's just sort of human courtesy. And, andniceness just rises to the forefront. There's no, there'sno implicit like, it has to be value for value. It's like, Oh,I'll provide some value. And not man, these people are coolerdoing cool things over there. I like that podcast, I'll talkabout it on my show. So yeah, that's a couple of ways there ofhow they do it. Now what's something unique as well, whichSpencer and Lauren to, I'm going to play a little section here,which I think is is something I haven't seen before and which Ifind quite intriguing.
You can go to ball africa.com,click on Listen Live, to get to the stream, you get to the bowl,the IRC chat, all the lovely bowlers in there, andeverybody's produced everybody's given value energy, even ifyou're out there listening and you just pass the ball to thenext guy. Like it's not peer pressure, it's just your turn,you know, yeah, that's perhaps thesimplest form of value, we always open it up becauseit's important we open the show up with it. And some people inthe past have been like man, maybe don't do that. But wetried a couple of ways. And you know, we'd like to soft openwith like catching people up on the happenings. But before weget into a meat and potatoes of our content, we really like tothank the people that brought it to you, you know, it just seemsappropriate to do and that's why we do it that way.
So what the unique thing thereis that they really link it to the the concept of this show aswell. So bowl after bowl you know it's a it's a show aboutweed marijuana smoking, etc etc. And but that's a you know, acommon parlance and those terms, you know, pass the ball. Andapplying that to the concept of value for value I think makes alot of sense in the for that show because you know, who wasnaturally going to get drawn to a show called bowl after bowlwhere the cover art image is a picture of like a mouth withsome lips smoke coming out and a green marijuana leaf. It'sprobably people who will be involved in that culture of somesort. And so it's one of the hardest things about value forvalue is the explanation of it.
You know why? Well one as wellbeing confident enough to saying like, Hey, I am providing valuehere and I'm requesting it in return. That's that's pretty bighurdle to overcome. But once you've done that, it starts toget into the area of okay strategy. How can I explain thisIn the simplest, or maybe the funniest, or the mostinteresting way possible, and their way of doing it, whereit's linking to a concept, which their audience would alreadyknow, realm, you know, really well, that is being the sort ofsharing of of a joint and passing it from one person tothe next that the the feelings that are evoked by doing that.And then, you know, putting that to the concept of value forvalue and saying, okay, you know, this is the similar sortof thing, this is what we do, and how we request that you showthat show, that sort of spirit that you do when you're withyour friends and smoking and sharing a joint, you know, applythat here to my podcast. So I think that's really cool. Andthey I didn't include it in this section here. And I can'tremember exactly where it was.
But they've, they've, they'vetalked about this in many other ways, like not caring about thenumbers of downloads, because you wouldn't pass the ball aswell to someone who is not cool. So once again, this is anotherconcept where, you know, if you're at a party or something,having a joint with friends, you might not pass it to the dudewho's been an asshole across the room. And this is sort ofsimilar to their show, which is like, they don't care. Theydon't want everyone because, you know, there's a lot of assholeswhen you get everyone. So the emphasis is really on thesharing within their communities, which is very cool.Now another thing that they do and if you're checking out theimage at the moment, you'll you'll see this which is theyput in their show notes. Right at the front, it just says valuefor value. Thank you to ball after ball episode 165 ExecutiveProducers, Justin a one source current down, hey, hey, half hatlavish Phoenix Burberry Thor, the one that hammer, see Dubs.The list goes on people who they used for tonight's intro music.And that's something that I've sort of done in my answer in myown show in Mere Mortals. Once again, the executive producers,this is a concept they've taken from no agenda. But one of thecoolest things was if you go to the website, where they've gottheir this particular episode on, there's a link on my name.And that link goes directly to my my website, which was justlike, Whoa, what the fuck? How cool is that? So not only is ityou know, here's, here's just a, you know, a shout out to Thanksfor for appearing on the show, you know, they've gone to theextra effort of directing someone who would, you know, theone in a million person who would want to see like, oh,Carindale What's this, click on that name, and it takes itdirectly to my website, which I find so, so cool that that's,you know, that that little extra effort that they've put inthere, I really do appreciate that really do think that'ssuper cool. And, you know, this is sort of something that I do alot of my own show as well, which is I will go to the extraeffort of including a funny name for the location of where thepodcast was taken. So if I do an episode on how to know, the topic of like, the pinnacleof success or something like that, I would maybe list MountEverest as the location or something like that. So, youknow, I think one person has commented that in the two and ahalf years that I've done podcasting, and I feel likethey're doing something similar there. So that's that's justlike a personal thing for me and you know, that that really, Ithink stands out as being something a little bit unique. Ireally, really enjoy that I think that's super super coolthat they've done that. So now that we've had a look at balloff the ball, what they've done how they've done some coolthings I think we'll go on to my own value for value section andthe booster Graham lounge.
Welcome to the value for valuegoes to Graham central every time I love it, so we've got acouple of booster grams here but to get through last week, I hadto record a date earlier unfortunately so I missed one ofthese that should have gotten the show. And who was it it wasnone other than Spencer so he sends through 5227 sets usingfountain he says love that you're resurrecting the for theshow here would love to chat sometime about it keep up thegreat work card. Hey, thank you, Mr. Spencer. And yes, we'lldefinitely get that chat going on once again I would justrecommend you if you're if you're interested in ball afterball and especially Spencer and some of the cool things he'sdoing with music and podcasting and graphical design andpodcasts like a I think it was a graphic novel and and using thatin the value for value model. He is so deep into With that it'sdefinitely worth checking out that episode so thank you soSpencer we have Peter again so we have the pod father the podsage the god caster we need a clever nickname for the ozcaster card down under you know the first time I read that I waslike That's so stupid but reading it out actually voicingit on my you know what the odds caster that kind of. So that was2083 sets and using fans and thank you so much Peter. Hey,man, I've had much, much worse nicknames than that as well. SoI will 100% Take that one. But yeah, it needs to I won't driveit so other people need to use it for it to catch on. But asfar as a first go, man, I love it. I think that's really cool.And then the last one we have here is brand I sell is onceagain using fountain 2500 SATs Oh, thank you my friend. And hesays really love what you're doing with his show crier andgreat job. And so thank you, Brenda, he has the sleekpodcast, s L I E k, which is strangest life I've ever knownthat the strangest life I've ever known with Brando and HaidaI'll definitely become a like covering them on the value forvalue podcast at some point.
Once I get my ass in gear andstart doing more, so thank you, everyone who's sent in throughhistograms. Like I was mentioning just before the inthe value for value words, it's hard. It's it's the beginningnascent stage, it's not well established, there's only onereal guideline, I suppose you could look to, which has noagenda, and, and how they have run their show there for Geezlike a decade, or, and more using this model. And I thinkeveryone is, you know, we needed that Trailblazer, the pioneerand Adam curry and John John C. Dvorak to do that. And now it'sjust about how everyone else is, is trying to implement it, howthey're trying to spread the word and whatnot. And, yeah, Iwould just say, like I was, I was mentioning with, with whatSpencer was doing, and just giving a, a not the full stackof how you do everything, go to a new podcast app.com and get anew one. And in particular, if you're listening to this show,and you're on somewhere, which doesn't have all of thepodcasting 2.0 capabilities, you're missing out on thingslike chapter art, to the images.
So, you know, I'll have an imageof the whole and Spencer's jeans in, in here. And, you know,links to things that I'm talking about all of these sorts ofgreat and wonderful tools, you're missing out on that ifyou're if you're not there. So not only am I not requestingvalue for this in in this stage, I'm just saying, there's tons ofvalue you're missing out on just by not using one of these betterapps. So go to your new podcast apps.com or new to podcasts. Nude podcast apps.com and andchoose one of one of the ones from that list. And you're morethan likely not all of them have all these capabilities. So likeSpencer mentioned, maybe it's better to pick three or four,try out a whole bunch of different ones. That's that'swhat I've been doing. I've got three or four on my phone andthree or four on my saved on my bookmarks on on my laptop. Andso yeah, just playing around with all of these ones and, andusing them as is the best way of getting on the value for valuewagon, which is not even the full value section, just thestraight up value that I'm providing to you. So that thatwould be my recommendation for today. And I really do thank youfor the time that you've spent here. Once again, I'm open tofeedback of any sort. Whether it be show recommendations, whetherit be how I can maybe ramble a little bit less, make it a bittighter. Get rid of the clicking noises, get rid of the arms andORs if there's those little verbal things, which are thoseverbal tics which I don't particularly notice because Ijust talk like that day on day on day. Any of those sorts ofthings are supremely helpful and I do really appreciate itwhether it be via Instagram, or if you reach out through theMere Mortals channels here you'll you'll get me so that's it fortoday. I hope you're having a fantastic wonderful bowling day.Wherever you are in the world Kyrin out