What is the clearest signal you can get in a spammy world? In Ep#44 we're going to examine why a boostagram is the best feedback you can get from your audience and feels good for everyone involved.
Huge thanks to ChadF & Robert Sasuke for supporting the show whilst it was live. Absolute legends! Also a shoutout to @[email protected] for the interview he had with Ainsley Costello on America+, really helped to showcase why the power of a boostagram lies mostly in the connection, not solely on the money.
15% of this episode is going to Moritz for building Alby and helping more Podcast 2.0 apps to enable the functionality of boosts. So don't forget to send one in!
Handy Links:
Cole's Interview: https://fountain.fm/episode/r2f3eNvTSAzOiPQQWzL1
Value 4 Value Support:
Boostagram: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/support
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/meremortalspodcast
Connect with Mere Mortals:
Website: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/jjfq9eGReU
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/meremortalspod
What is the clearest signal you can get in a spammy world. Welcome everyoneto another episode of the Valuefor Value podcast. My name is Kyrin, hostof the Mere Mortals podcast, but also this onefrom Diving deeper into the Valuefor Value World. This is the podcast for those digital contentcreators who want to learn moreabout how they can deeply connectwith their audience and also receive supportfrom them with a direct peerto peer payment rather than having to gothrough financial intermediaries,through doing things like the advertisingmodel, through paywallsand all of those things, which I don't think helpedcontribute to the growth of the showand to forming a real deeperconnection.
Now, I just want toreiterate, this is a live show thatI do on Wednesday 10 a.m. UTC plus ten,which is the equivalent of on the Tuesday, Wednesdaymidnight at UTC zero. So just take off or add whatever timezoneyou're in from that midnight timeand you will find if you couldjoin me in live. I really do appreciate it. I know there's a couple of peoplelistening in right now and so yeah, I would justrecommend that. So let'sget into the topic for this week's episodeand this is Boostagrams messageswith money. So last weekwe were talking about these streamingmicropayments.
They actually workand this is kind of a continuation of thistheme, which is, yeah, being ableto actually get support directlyfrom your audience. But this time it's going to be slightly different than the micropaymentsaspect and this is somethingthat is called a boostagram So what is a boost?What is a boostagram? Well, this is somethingthat you can do within your podcasting app if you have a decent one. And I would recommend that because if you're listening to this show,for example, you'll get things liketranscripts. You get things likechapter out, you'll get thingslike links popping up on your screen, you get a betterexperience on these apps.
And you can alsodo something by helping support medirectly in the show, which is called a boostand a boostagram. So this is usually aindividual one off payment that is typically largerthan something you will seewith the micropayments. And it can occur usually due to a callto action from the host. So for example, myself saying,Hey, send in a boostagram if you want tojust highlight something on the episodeor if you want to, I guess treat itas kind of a comment. And some of these apps will show it as a commentthat can be posted underneaththe actual episode.
So if you go to Fountain, for example, in the activity tab, which is the first thingthat pops up, you will see peoplethat their comments, if you want to put itthat way or that boostagramsthat have come in. And the differencewith this between something like a YouTubeis that there is actual some money attached to it,a portion of Bitcoin. So the cool thing withthis is it can be somewhat automatedfor recurring ones if, if you want to do thisand I should just explain. So a boostagram is when it hasan actual message attached to itso you can have your name and it says, you knowthis is from Harry and your commentyour thing that you want to writeand you can send that in and it will show up onthe episode for, I think about half of the apps.
It shows up on the actualepisode somewhere. And then for the restof them, it's kind of hiddenat the moment. It's kind of hidden Miss, which app you choosethat does that. And you can also do itwithout sending a message, withoutsending your name in. If you want to, you can do thisanonymously and you can just send in what is called a boost,which is just an individualtap of your phone. Oh, I really like whathe said there. I'm just going to hitthe button and send in and payment of money. Now, this canbe automated, for example. And this could perhaps and I suppose I shouldjust one back a bit.
If you look at somethinglike the no agenda show, the waythat they have done value for value over these pastten plus years is they've done itthrough the PayPal model, which allows forsimilar functionalities. You can send in money to the show and you canattach a message to that and you can have your name attached to that as well. And so they will do this and they'll call itout in the show. One of the great things with PayPal isyou can automate it so you can have a monthlyone coming in. So every monthof the month there's a monthly donationto no agenda.
Here's $5 or $10 orwhatever amount that it is that you choose. So this is kind of lacking a little bit,I would say, at the moment in thein the podcasting world. So there area couple of ways this can be automated for recurring a support,even if you're irregular in listening. So this is just, hey, I don't know if I'm going to be able to get to thisshow this week or it's just easier for me. I don't want to continuallyhaving to do this Every time I press,I listen to the show. I would just rather knowin my my mind,in my heart of hearts that I'msupporting by this way.
And so there is aa service called Oak, which is moreof a Bitcoin thing. So you have to kind of be a bit onto the lingoand know how to do it. I suppose a bit more aboutthe Bitcoin Lightning Network to be ableto use that one. But if you typein Bitcoin, you should show that up and it will show youhow to do that. And there is a very another very nicheone called Cron. So this is being ableto a cron job. I honestly have no ideahow, how this works. It's a veryprogramming thing. So if you're a programmer you can actually getinto the weeds and do thisand automate it yourself.
And one coming upis called Podfans, which is aa podcasting app. It's on the desktopat the moment. And one of the featuresthey have in there is to be ableto have a budget and this can go outthrough the month. You sayI have a monthly budget and I want to spendonly this amount. I have this. This is I suppose there'svariations of this. You can have very different waysof doing this. But I thinkone of the ways that some might be doing itis that if you want to, every timean episode drops, you automaticallyautomatically send in an amountto that show.
So a very similar conceptthat's going on there. Now, whyis this important? Why are boostagramscritical? Why that? Why do they help? And this attached message can provide the showextra content and is valuablefeedback as well. And it's kind of solvingthe black box problem for creatorsand for producers of of this content. So based on Graham, you want to help supportthe show. You send in aan amount of money and a message attached to that fits perfectlyand with value for value because you get tochoose the amount. And this is typicallymeasured in Satoshis, which is a portionof Bitcoin.
As I mentionedin the previous episode on streaming of sets. Now let's get into the feedback loopand I suppose why this is importantwith value for value. So and why this is actually providing extra contentand is helping out your your producer as you're,you know, helping out the showas you're doing it. Adam Curry likes to say and this is the hostof the No Agenda show, the kind of create or the valuefor value model. He likes to sayhe has producers and these are people who are helping to producethe show. They are providingcontent, they are actually fundingand supporting the show.
And so they're not just a listener,they are actually in a producer of the show. And if you go on to embed, you can actually see thatpeople are listed as producersfor this show. And so it's kind ofis a legit claim to be able to make,which is what that servicesthat website is used for. I believe it's to be able to show, yeah,I worked on this show, I helped contributeto this. So the feedback loopI suppose is the biggest portion of this and this is why this is important, whythis ability to do this easily, quickly withinyour app is so cool. I mentioned Paypal before and you couldjust be going, Well, I could just do itlike that.
And it's like, yeah,you can, you can do that. But it's an extrafive steps. If you'relistening on a podcast, you're a new listenerand you hear someone say, Oh, go to PayPal, okay,got to find the link. Then you got toclick on it, then you got to log in. And if you don'thave one yet, you've got to sign in and you'vegot to choose the amount, then you've got to, yeah, there's an extra six steps and this is just trying to condenseall of this down into maybethree steps or two steps or hopefully evenone step in the future. So the feedback loopis, is critical in this.
And sorry,this is addressed mostly this sectionnow to content creators, the people actuallydoing this, how, how can I incentivisemy audience to, to send me an a boostand a boostagram and this is where you haveto go. Okay. Well they need to knowabout the the benefits of this. They need to feel like they're actuallydoing something. And so the feedbackloop is critical. If I send in somethingto a show, I kind ofwant to know that that showis actually receiving it, that it'sactually going somewhere. And so the worst way for this is,is to ignore them. So if you if you know that they're coming in, if you don't ask peopleto send them in, they're notgoing to do it.
And the second worst way is to unintentionallynot know about them. So this is going ontoa little story I like to repeat every nowand then. When I first startedpodcasting and was putting my showout, no one listening. And rightly so.Because rightly so. Because it wasn'ta good product. I was testing the waters. I was doing somethingfor the first time. As I startedto get better, I was going, Oh, okay,I'd really like to connect with peopleand I would like to kind of let people knowthat I was doing a show but not,not do it in a spammy way. And so one ofthe things I was doing was I would find newpodcasts on Instagram.
I would add them, I would listento an episode or two. I would then leave them a commentor a review on Apple. And I would always give five stars because I was justlike being positive. And I would say something nice that I enjoyedabout the show. It's something that I thought was unique,something that I thought they did well, and then I'd reach out to them on Instagramafterwards with a with a direct message. And I usually do itas a as an audio, and probably only abouthalf of them, I think, responded to me. And this really wasa feeling of, okay, well, I don't think,you know, all that effort I just put intowas kind of worthless.
Even if they saw it. I mean,if they just ignored it, then it's kind of like,well, I'm not going to put in more effort again, I'm not going to bother toto do this. And a very similar thinghappened to me when boostagrams I found about themfor the first time. I was like, Ohmy God, this is so cool. Now, this was right aroundwhen they were first happeningfor the first time. And I'm talkingin the kind of first, I don't know,3 to 6 months, something like that. And so not many showswere doing this because it was so new. But the ones that wereI think I tried to go to almost every show.
So it was only 500 to 1000 of them,something like that. And I would send themin a boost, a boostagram And what happenedwas a lot of shows actually didn't knowthat this was a functionalitythat you could see the messagesthat were popping up. And so I remember tryingto send one into the What is Money Show, whichis a Bitcoin podcast, and quite a few of themactually. And I remember listening to episodesafterwards to see, okay, did they acknowledge it? Did they do that? Are they goingto read out my message or anything like that? And they didn't.
And that was,I think mostly because they didn'tactually know that was a thing. It thatthose boosts coming in could be a boostagram and actuallyhave a message attached. And so they werejust assuming, okay this is just someonesomeone supporting the show who doesn'twant or need or doesn't want or needany acknowledgement for doing that. They just enjoyed the showfor its own sake, which is,you know, in an ideal world, well, not even inan ideal world it is. I think thatsome people do, but I think a lot ofpeople like myself, they like to know that youat the very least receive the messagethat is seen.
I'm not going to put in, you know, write outa huge email to someone or anddo something which is requiring a bunchof my time and energy just to have it just go into the intothe black box, too. You don't knowif it's been seen or not. I mean, hell,if you just look at the amount of messaging appswhich now have a function which show that it's beena received and to read it so I'm thinking thingslike WhatsApp, I'm thinking thingslike Telegram, I'm thinking thingslike Facebook Messenger. You can seethis is an important thing for people to do when it's when it comesto messaging.
And Instagramdoes the same thing. I'm not sure if Twitter and Twitter doesn'thave that function, but you canyou can see, okay, it's importantfor people to know if they're sending someonea message that is, one been receivedand two, that they can respondto it. If they choose to. And so if we're going into, I suppose,more of the feedback loop, you might say, okay,well that's, that's great client. But you know, DMSmessages, emails, a lot of itspam, a lot of it's just kind of junk that people are sending inand they don't, they don't care.
And you're on the receiving end of this,you're just feeling like I'm just getting so muchtrash. Well, unlikedirect messages or spam or things like this,the signal is way higher. No one can afford to spamwith legit money. If youare sending in money to a show or to someone, youcan't do that indefinitely and you can't do itat the scale of a automated bot. Just sending in these sorts of thingsand just going and sending it outto, you know, 100 different podcasters. I get emails like thisall the time of, Hey, I've seen your showon Instagram or I've seen your podcaston YouTube or whatever, I can create shorts,I can do this for you, I can do that for you,and you can tell it's spam because they don't include your nameat the top or they they type in hateme and models, which is obviouslynot my name.
And if you just look downbelow you, it's not too hard to find myname in there somewhere. So this is, I suppose, justthe signal side of things. So once again,if you're the content creator, it'ssuch a genuine feedback in comparisonto the YouTube comments, which can be they can be good,but a lot of times they can be crap tothe emails you get. Sometimesthey can be good, but a lot of timesit's crap when it comes to this. When money is attached, it is pretty muchalways good. And I don't mean good in the sense of you're going to get positivefeedback.
I've seen boosts being sent in by peoplewho were critical of who was saying thatthe audio was not great. How we got onejust the other day saying the audio was a bit patchy and I mean that is justamazing feedback to receive and they can justbe straight up hateful. But even then it's like, okay,well you're sending me money, so I'm kind ofokay with this. So it's a very differentexperience from, I suppose, the typicalways that you will receive messagesas a as a podcaster. And so you might bethinking, okay, well, how can I helpto incentivise my audience to do this?
How can I make thiseasier? How can I close the feedback loop so that they know they areactually being received? And so here's a coupleof suggestions of shows that you can maybecheck out and see if you like, the waythat they're doing this. And if you go backto season two, you probably seea lot of it in there because I talked abouthow they were doing this with their boostagram section. So I would definitelyjust recommend going to season twoand checking that out. But a quick one here isyou can do a quick acknowledgement like the floodingwith Bitcoin people.
They just say thanks to,you know, memorials to Harry to Johnto use the for supporting the showthis week. Just real quick brief one. They don't actually talkabout the messages at all. I didn't particularlyenjoy that one. I didn't find itincentivising. So I'm probably not goingto send in another one to that show. I also just the showwas not my cup of tea, so I probably wouldn'tlisten to it much more. Anyway, there's another one TFTCwhich used to be Tales from the Crypt. I actually have forgottenthat. Change the name becausethat is trademarked. And what they do is they read out the topfive each week, which is something that you, you, you might have to doif you start getting a lot of messages in.
And so yeah,they just do it. Top five here's this week and thank you they thankthose five directly there is the orderingfrom small to the smallest the largest like onthe America Plus podcast all of his oneswhen he gets them in, he reads them out fromthe smallest to largest. And Cole’s excitementgoes from already pretty excitedto very excited when he getsto the top one. So that's a nice way. On my own show,for example, the mere mortals, we kind of just do it as they come in, soin a chronological format. So I guess that'sincentivising to, to sendone in earlier in a way.
But we give bigdetailed answers to it. So we do like to respond to it and use itas content for our show. And so if someone sends insomething, yeah, it's a it'sa big message that we what we evenif it's a small message, we try and drag it outinto a larger theme, which is whatwe enjoy doing. Or you can mix itwith the PayPal, like podcasting2.0 where they have justa big section. So I would just recommendyour show format. Probably will have to change a little bitif you want to lean into this. I have seen shows where they get a lot of commentsfrom people, a lot of boostagrams coming in and they don't even acknowledge itin their show itself.
People are just contentto say, you know, I'm going tojust put this here. And the benefitis for myself. And knowing that I helpcontribute to the show, you don't need to receivethat support, that that recognitionthat that's fine. I'm sure that works. I would just say if you want it to workthe best, you do need to have a, a closingof that feedback loop so that people know,oh, hey, I'm not just sending moneyto nowhere and it'snot doing anything. So I would justdefinitely recommend that. Let's talk about the listener side of things so that you can helpdirect your listeners to orif you're just a listener yourselfand wanting to know more, this is probably the easiest way to get started off thisbecause you might be saying,okay, like, well, how do I do this?
I've found out whata boostagram is, but you know, bitcoin'sattached. It's kind of hard.It's difficult. So this is mymy easiest steps that I would sayat the moment. So the first thing to dois you're going to need to acquire some satoshis,which is a portion of Bitcoin. Now, the easiest waythat I would say to do this is a combination of either using if you're on the desktopof using Alby, which is a Chromeextension. So if you go to getalbydot com, it will get you through the process of how to downloadthat extension. Most of uswould probably download an extension before.
So assumingyou're capable of that and then within the actualextension itself there is a button which says you buy bitcoin,you can do that and then you can usea debit card to be able to do that. So that's a relatively easy way ofof getting your first. That's another way is probably if you're on your mobileis to use the Fountain app and this is where it's a podcasting appwhich pays you to listen to podcastsa very small amount. And so it's not likeyou're, you're going to acquire a whole tonunless you're and they cap it at a certain amountper day. I can't rememberhow much it is.
I think it'sa couple of hundred SATs. So over the course of a week of listeningyou might get $0.50 worth of, of, of moneyinto your little fountain wallet there. But once again,this is an easy way where you don't have to doanything yourself. You just haveto listen to stuff and then you can passthat on if you choose to. And so this is gettingto the next section, choosingwhere to boost from. At the moment, I believethere's about eight podcasting in 2.0 appswhich can do this. So this would be fountain,it would be Castamatic, it would be podverse,it would be podcast guru on your phone,on the desktop.
It would be curiocaster It would be pod fans,it would be podverse again because they've gota desktop version and there is another oneholds, I should have brought thisup, um, as I was doing thisin freehand. So let me justjump on to here quickly. Go down, down,down to here, go down to thefilters, go down to value. And so the other one pod friend,of course, pod friend. I was justforgetting about that. You can also do iton Breeze on your on your mobile as well. So there we go. There's quite a few optionsthere for you to to be able to do thatand to send in some value.
So you need to chooseone of them. They all have differentfunctionalities. As I mentioned,Fountain is probably my, my dailygo to one that I use. I use pod versepretty regularly as well. And they all have different integrations. So Fountain has their ownwallet set up. The thing with Alby,which is really cool, is they've had actually gota lot of integrations with these apps. So in particularwith podcast Guru with Pod verse, and I'm not actuallytoo sure about castamatic because I don't have an iPhone, so I'm not exactly surehow they they do it. But you can use thisAlby thing, this Alby Alby thing,this I'll be wallet to be ableto connect with them.
So if you set it up on the desktop, then you can actually have this kind of integrationwith your mobile phone. So you have some moneysitting in there. Then you say, Oh cool, that money is now sitting on my podcast app. Once again, you probably only want to be using smallish amounts,which you would be okay losing. So I don't know, $20 worth, $40 worth,something like that. And then just toppingthat up as as you want a couple of otherways of doing this is on thepodcast index website. So if you go to podcast index dot org and you choose a show thatyou like listening to, you'll see on your littlebrowser extension, the the Alby a buttonwill turn green on.
In my case, on if I'musing the brave browser and then I think it might turn blueif I'm using the chrome. And this is just a wayof being able to do that of boostingdirectly from the from the desktoppage itself and some future functionalitiesthat I see coming. There's a service calledMash. I've been meaningto integrate it to my website for ages. I just haven't got aroundto it. It's a very, very similar concept where people, no matter what pagethey are on your website, they can help boostthat in. So this isfor the podcasters or content creators.If they want to do that.
There is a thing called the boost bot,which is okay, you can actually addfunctionalities to this because you can now haveanyone who gets a boost message coming in. This message can be integratedto Mastodon, for example, and it will show up as aas a, as a post. I, for example, have these showing up on my telegram and onmy desktop on discord, which is an easy wayfor me to collate them so I can actually see where all of the messages that I want to read outfor the incoming week. And this is where I'd use a servicelike Satoshis Stream, which is really good forthat Satoshis dot stream.
As I mentionedwith the cron job, as I mentioned with the streaming of statsin in the previous episode, this doesn't have tojust be done with Bitcoin. This can actually change two different currencies if there's developmenton this. So if you are an Ethereum developer, if you are on one of theother cryptocurrencies, you can actually do thisyourself. Is it going to happen? I don't know. We'vewe've been doing this for a couple of years nowand there hasn't been much interest frompeople trying to do that. So it seems like thisis the way at the moment. And then if you want to goreal crazy, go check out a show like Behind the Schemeswhere they have every timea boost comes in, they and ofcertain amounts they have it so that a audioand a jingle will play of, you know, a goat being slaughteredor a random noise popping up if you do the boobdonation for example. 8008 there's allthese kind of funny ways that you can really createa dynamic, interesting showif you want to do use this.
And once again,this is all being kind of connected with money. So it's kind of incentivising peopleto do certain actions, which is, you know, justthe way the world works. If you're incentivisedto do something, then then you'regoing to do it. So there's a lot of very, very coolthings happening with with all of these boostsand boostagrams. And I would just say thatjust on a personal note, the first timethat I got one in was it was kind of like a revelation to mebecause that one was just a signal of of recognition,I guess that someone was willing to value the show and actually do itwith some money.
And it didn't even matterto me. The amount, to be honest. In the future it will. I wantto be able to create a a lifestyle,an income from this. So yes,the amounts will now, but for meit's always been the most important thingis just okay people actuallylistening to the show and then valuing itand giving me feedback, which is just the blackbox of podcasting I mentioned right at the start, the first six months,the first year when you were justabsolutely getting nothing. There's nothing in returnthat no one cares. And it's just it justfeels so demoralising. It's justreally, really sucks.
And so having thismechanism available and and being ableto direct people to it, I feelis much more valuable than directing themto leave you an Apple reviewor leaving a comment on YouTube because one, all of thosethings can go away if, if you get, you know, deplatformed or even if there's just technical errorson a glitch and everything gets wiped. And this actually,you know, it does have some real lifeuse case. It does have some real tangible, valuable moneyattached to it. And the other great thingswith two grams is, you know,people can choose whatever amount they want.
I talked about the boob onthe men on this podcast. We've kind of cultivatedor started one, which is the babyboost, the 3838. And this was becauseone had a baby recently. And so yeah, it's kind of just a way of someonebeing able to just send in a baby boost, you know,it's kind of funny. So very, very cool,very exciting. And I would just say,Bruce, two grams are, I believe, the the waythe future there's so many other additional technicalthings behind the scenes that that really make them powerful. You know,they using Bitcoin, which I think is a really solidmoney and allows anyoneto support you no matter where they arein the world in a easy, quick,cheap manner.
Um, because the thing withPayPal, for example, is they take a, you know, minimum,I think it's like minimum 50 cent fee. And so if someone wantsto send you in $0.51, you know you're not gettingany of that, you're getting $0.01,whereas if you're using boostagrams essentiallyall of it goes in plus all of the other additional benefits of being able to usesplits and new hosting it yourself. So, so many benefits, so very, very coolon, on that aspect. I'm now going to go intomy own boostagram Lounge and to be able to show you guyshow all of this works. So takeit away. Adam Curry Welcome to the Value for Value Boostagram Lounge And of coursethe irony of this is that the very episode whereI want to demonstrate how these boostagramswork, how you can completethe feedback loop.
I get none in this week. Oh, the irony,The irony of it all. So if you want to see how it did work,go out to the any of the previousepisodes and probably to future episodes because I'm going to usethe most powerful tool that I had in this. I didn't want to do itthis season. I was really hoping to avoid it, but I'm going to have tobring it out. Indeedit is the sad puppy. If you're lookingon your screen right now, there is a very,very sad puppy and that's becauseI didn't get any boost agrams in this week. So please,I would just recommend if you want to help support the showand if you do want to make it not as ironicalfor next week's episode, if you can sendin a boost, I would really appreciatethat.
And look all of thisas well as I was having some troubles withthe set up that I have, I'm pretty surethat none came in, but I can't be 100%guaranteed. So once again, if there were anymistakes, if there was, if you didsend something in and I didn'tacknowledge it, please reach out to mein another manner and I will definitelycome back and and acknowledgeyou for that once. Because like I said, there's nothing more suckythan sending out a messageand it just going nowhere. So, yeah, just,just reiterating that. So. All right. Well,we'll jump on to something a bit more fun, a bitmore exciting rather than an emptyboostagram lounge Let's get ontomy tips section.
So the most powerfulbit in this is the actualconnection. As I mentioned, the money is is great,but it's not the most powerful thing. And so I really my my tipfor this week is to go check out the ColeMcCormick interview that he had with AinsleyCostello on America Plus. And Ainsley is an artistwho a musician, I should say, who recentlyput up her music as anyone could,could download it for free,could listen to it for freeif they wanted to. But if you wanted to helpsupport her as well, she had a lightningaddress and attached to to that feed to that musicso that if someone wanted to they and they wanted toplay her music, you could include her into your show and then you couldchange it so that when people arelistening, they're micropayments,which I was talking about last episodewould go directly to her and any boostthat they sent in would alsogo directly to her.
And she's had a reallyamazing experience this last two weekswhere once again with Adam Curry he's always popping up, was doingthis really cool thing with valuefor value music. And that's a little hint,a primer for next week's episode. She was receivingsome of these messages in. And you can hear in that interviewthat she had with Cole, you know, her storiesand as an artist and not about I earn this much money this weekor I did this thing and then I got this amountnote. They're all about howshe did a concert and she she went to thisand the kids at at her kind of concertat this performance she did knewthe lyrics to a song.
They were singing italone. You know what awhat a rush, what an amazing feeling. That must bewhere people have listened to your music,learnt the words, and then physicallyshow up to to a performancethat you do. And so, yes, you know, v4 V can get you paid,but not all paymentsare equal as well. And she talksabout how she has earned, you know, money from Spotifyand from I can't remember how manyother streaming services she's just puther music on a lot of them and shecan earn money from that. But it doesn't havethe same feeling of a boost,different message coming inwith someone saying, I really like this song.
You know,this made my week. I preferred this one. This one was awesome in comparisonto something like Spotify, which is just, you know,you maybe get 100,000 listens and a very,very small paycheque in the mail or,you know, I don't know howthey actually do it. I probably imagine they send it to a bankaccount somewhere. So once again,the powerful bit, it's in the message,the value attached to it is very handy, It'svery helpful. Moneyis a very useful thing, but the the way that it comesand is delivered to you, I would certainly preferand I do prefer because I could have put advertising onany of my shows previously and earn moneythrough that.
I won't becauseI don't like the way that that moneyis coming to me. I like the way that it'sgot a message attached. I like the waythat someone is doing it voluntary.They don't have to do it. They just do it out of the kind of goodness and goodnessof the heart and of, I suppose, a feeling ofof value transfer. They got valuefrom the show. They wantedto send it back to me. So I would just yetrecommend checking that outAmerica plus with ColeMcCormick and had Ainsley Costello on and thatwas some from last week an app or serviceI want to highlight. I've alreadytalked about it but I'll I think they are prettycritical and not only for this function ofof boosting and messages, but I'm actually startingto use it quite a bit in my everydaylife for various things.
So you do have to startwith the desktop would just letyou know that upfront. And because they don't have the functionalityto start on your phone, absolutely integrating itinto their own platform, as I mentioned withpodcasts and podcast guru. But you can see,okay, this you do need to startfrom there. And I yeah,so there are multiple use cases for thisand I utilise it for various things. So as a testerfor podcasting apps, for example, I, I use different walletsto try and tune in to see if, I guess to see if I don't want to haveall my money in one place. I do want to be slightlycareful about that.
And so it is useful to, to be ableto have a smaller wallet, which I can go, okay,this one is if I'm connectingto a new website, if I'm connectingto a new place, I I'm going to be careful with this,I suppose. And so not, not get toodeep into the weeds and not have, you know,$300 sitting somewhere. So it is somewhere and I'm just connecting itrandomly. So I do liketo separate it. And so I have threewallets for myself or threethree ones that I use. One is kind of my ownlittle personal savings. One, one is a jointone that I have with one and oneis my tester wallet.
And so they they vary from the amountsthat I store in them and what Iactually use them for. So another is I go toa local Bitcoin, meet up and there's a guy therewho brings Beef skewers along and he does the valuefor value thing and he, he says, you know, just send meand how much you want. And, and this is a case where I'll beis really great because he puts intelegram chat, this is my lightningaddress I can just type that intoI'll be it'll connect it and then I can just goYeah I want to send him 21,000 sets. You know about four or $5worth or maybe even more. And that'll just instantly go, It's super,super quick.
Um, as I mentioned, it'sa place that I kind of store my earningsfrom some of the shows. I'm not comfortable,comfortable keepinglarge amounts on there. But yeah, up to a coupleof hundred dollars. I'm kind ofokay with that. And then there'sanother thing called NOSTRwhich you can integrate with directlyfrom there. So I want to yeah, just want to sayAlbi is, is a really useful place,so get our bitcoin out. So it's an easy place to get startedwith all of the stuff. I'm going to jump intothe final section here. The value for value. And speaking of I'll be for this week,I'm going to send 15% to either it's going to bedirectly to the I suppose, like companyaccount if they have one.
If not, I'm going to send it to Moritz,who is one of the the guys who helpedcreate it. And he's actuallyhelped me a fair bit in the pastwith integrating it with things,with chatting with me, with letting me know howthis all works. So I do want to thank him and the servicethat he's providing to the podcasting communityby doing all of this. And so, yeah, 15% of this week's episodeis going to go to him. And finally,I'm going to give a recommendationto send in a boost. And now I can see actually here on the mastodon that Robert Sasukehas sent me in a boost.
Yep, herewe go. I just got it. And I've actually got to. He had to leave oncewhen they weren't showing up as quicklyas I wanted them to, but I can read them out now, so delayed Boostagram Lounge So I've got two here. One is from Chad Fand he just said just got my podversenotification and then the the what's that? The celebration emoji 3333sent using pod verse. Thank you very muchmy friend and the other onethat I have here and he wasactually our mysterious streamer from therefrom the last episode. So a big thanks to Chadfor listening in live. And then the other onethat I got here was from Robert Sasuke,and he says, Hey Kyrin, thanks for your excellentpodcast, ahi te mando un Boost.
Greetings, Robert Suzuki, a thousand SATsand using podcast guru. So this is really awesome. We've got a couple of differentapps showing up there and ahi te mando un Boost means like I'm sending youa boost here in Spanish because Robert Sasuke is fromthe Dominican Republic and he does a few showsin Spanish. One is called Esto eS Podcast 2.0, I believe that'swhat it's still called. He has another one called Oh jeez, I'm going to haveto look this up as well. So forgotten is showing timeshow embarrassing that was. More model. I'm just going to lookthis up.
This will be the wayof doing it. Ten Vito on Cafe,which is about personal development, psychologyand mental health, and he's got another onehere to Tech reflects your daily reflectionsabout technology and its impacton human behaviour. Uh, man, he'sgot so many models solopreneur, which isI guess like the, uh, the way of being an, a solo entrepreneurand employment, thoughhe negotiates online, which is likebasically business online, and he's got another oneabout videos, He's got another one about, I guessthis is looking about being apartner in a relationship with I'mguessing this is his fiancee or his wifeor his partner.
And yeah, he'sgot a whole lot of shows. And I've actually learned a lot from him becauseI speak decent Spanish. And so listening intohis shows has been great. So, yes, Robert,I do see that. Thank you very muchfor sending that in. And thank you, Chadand and Robert, for for doing that for for filling out my showso I didn't have to I'm still goingto leave the section that I had thereand for the the sad puppy. But I'll put a little message in saying butbut wait till the end because it comes good. So. Oh, big episode as usual. Thank you, everyone, forjoining in, for tuning in.
I hope this has helped you to learn more about whata boostagram is and and how it can help youfor your for your own podcastor as a listener, what these things are that people are asking youto do. As I mentioned, you know, send in a boostfor the next episode. I would reallyappreciate that. So I don't have to usethe sad puppy. I only in there. Chapter art and yeah,all of this that you are helping toto send in is, you know, I'm basicallysending all of this back out to other podcastersso I'm not accumulating a whole bunch myself at this stage.
But your messages are very, very,very much appreciated and yeah, I might clarifya little bit more about just how much this podcastcost to create, and maybe we can set atarget for for this season or for the next season of, of how much it would benice to get in So many lotsof recommendations, lots of thingsto check out their links in the chapterart in the images. And so if you don't havea decent podcasting app, I would recommend going out to any of thewhat I ate that I listed. They're trying them out because they all have different features, different functionalitiesand but you know, they've all got the core aspectof one playing audio quite nicely and toof adding in features and showing that they're actuallyimproving their app unlike something like Spotify or Applewhich are very closed and if they do make improvementsit's only to benefit themselves,not necessarily the listener or thepodcast app themselves.
So lots of things toto talk about. I'm really excitedto talk about value for value music next week. I've actually brought thisforward a bit because I, I was planning on talking about it later, but there's been some really excitingdevelopments and I want to highlightthat a bit more. So that's going to be itfor this week. Thank you very muchfor tuning in. And until the next oneChao for now, Kyrin out!