Mixing the wild and weird with an amazing all round effort!
In Ep #29 I am covering how Boo-Bury and Lavish run v4v on their show ‘Behind The Sch3m3s’. The unique aspect that they bring is the outstanding adoption of almost all the new P2.0 tags. This brings a variety to the show that I haven’t really seen elsewhere. They also make some decisions (which may or may not be strategic) that I think could have an incentivising effect on how people listen and boost.
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Mixing the wild and weird withan amazing all round effort welcome everyone to anotherepisode of the value for value podcast. I'm your host Kyrin aswell as host of the Mere Mortals podcast and mere mortals bookreviews. And in this podcast I examined the value for valuemodel, how does it compare to the standard advertising modelBU and why it is essentially so much better, as well as wayswhere individual podcasts have implemented the value for valuemodel in their particular shows. And so without any additionalado, let's get into today's one which is behind the schemes. Sothis is actually kind of a hard podcast to find when you'reinitially starting out because the schemes is spelt with threesinstead of E. So if you're searching for the show, that's ahelpful tip right at the start there. I'll read from their ownwebsite as to how they put it so they say welcome to boldly goSAE and put the x back in files behind the schemes delves behindthe obscure memes behind the cryptic screams and behind theconspiracy dreams. distilling our understanding of wizardsbehind the curtain with zero answers guaranteed is certaintruth denying can be just as fun as bullshit subscriptionindisputably, morbidly inclined tell a vision obsessed as aboveor so below grab a towel and don't touch that dial sincerelyCome get some blueberry byo three D slash dash g. And thenthey've got the dictionary definition for podcast meme andconspiracy. So I think that pretty much sums it up. It's adefinitely a unique show where they dive into some real weird,wacky stuff, a couple of episodes that I've listened tohave dived into some cults, a recent one was on the fellowshipof friends, which was pretty fascinating. As well as justsort of more esoteric stuff right at the start of theirepisodes, they generally have a tarot card reading, they alsoput in a lot of effort, which I'll talk about in a littlesecond. As to the things they do in this show. From what I cantell, it's 7:30pm ESD, every Monday, and they're definitelypart of the no agenda world. So if you listen to my last episodeon no agenda, you'll know sort of how they run and the type oftopics and things they're interested in. Now, what they dois, they have a lot of individual sections with theirshow. So right at the start, there's usually a tarot cardreading of some sort. They open up phone lines and voicemessages, they have clips, they have music, they have anintermission, it's kind of like a radio show if I if I had toput it down to something, but it definitely is a podcast. And youcan see that they're, they're more, I would say morepodcasters than then radio people. But you know, that's,that's just my sort of interpretation there. I'll go toplay a little clip here from Episode 100, which theycelebrated not too long ago, only up to 106 at the moment.And this is blammo zap, am I the problem is the title of that.And this will just give you a little bit of a taste of whatthese two fellas alike.
So just so everyone knows. Andthere's some people out there that may not be you know,completely familiar with this whole boost thing that we do.But it's a podcasting 2.0 feature. If you send us a boost,it could be a little Bitcoin or something like that. That'susually people. So they sent Satoshis which is a little bitof Bitcoin. And every time they send that we kill a goat. Yes,very simple, very, very simple business model. We stick by it,we endorse it. And we didn't bother laying downits heart this week. So I just want to keep your shoes off thefloor. Yeah, this is a special episode. So we'regoing to actually because there's so much blood, the tarpwouldn't even matter anyway. So we're just gonna, we're gonnalike basically lacquer the floor with it. Really imbue it withall the juju that we need to go?
Yeah, so these two fellas alittle bit wild a little bit of wacky they've got some uniquesenses of humor. And I would also recommend from this episodeto check out the intro, which was epically done by the dameDeLorean from the ball off the ball, another podcast I'vehighlighted on here. And you'll really get a sense for I supposewhat type of show this is like and whatnot. So let's get intothe value for value implementation. How do theyimplement value for value in their show? Well, one of thethings they do is next level adoption of tags. This isprobably the podcast I've seen, which might have the most interms of things that they do, at least in their technicalcapability. So if you go into it, you'll find chapter not onlychapters but the the chapter images that they put, you know,they've they're one of the people who are putting gifts inwhich is is pretty cool. I haven't seen many The podcastsbeing able to do that, which is also amazing considering thattheir shows are three hours long. They're taking the time toput in Chapter images and things like that. Their ability to golive in every single chapter image, there's also a link forwhatever topic it is that they're talking about. And theyblueberry himself is one of the the boosting maniacs, I hope Imentioned it. So there's blueberry and lavish are the twohosts of that if I forgot to mention that right at the start.And, yeah, that he is also known as the boosting maniac, becausehe was going around and boosting everywhere, all sorts of shows.So they're so deep into the, I suppose, podcasting 2.0 andhence value for value world that they're really trying theirutmost to provide as much things as they can they have a voiceline, you can call in. If I go on to their website, they've gota chat room as well, they've got their own sub stack, which hasextended, highlighted show notes that, yeah, they go, they gocrazy, they put in a lot, a lot of effort. And then in terms ofthe actual value for value implementation, as I mentioned,they've got booster grams set up, so they can receive themfrom this episode here, which is episode 103, they woke up andchose violence around the 27 minute mark is how theygenerally will sort of run this.
And the only reason we can getahead of ourselves is because this is a value for valueproduction, meaning that we do all of this on the Internet forfree, totally accessible, just like the public radio that youalways wanted. We're here. Yeah, that's right, there's nopaywalls if you find value in our show, you can return thatvalue to us in any way, shape, or form that you see fit. And wehave a cornucopia of ways that you can do that. Whether throughemails or phone calls, or through financial contributions,or art, or even conversations and giving us ideas or sharingarticles and information with us. All of that counts as value.And we appreciate all of it very, very much. And the showwouldn't be the show without you. Listeners like you. Andlessness like you. Yeah, it's a nasty scheme. I do make a lot ofgoat sacrifices. Nice.
There we go. So that's a generalindication of it. So they have a quite nice ask that, you know,not highlighting one thing in particular, they give a wholeset of examples. And this is, you know, super helpful, becausesometimes you do want to, to help out someone but there's,it's just like, not the way that you normally used to it's like,oh, how do I do this? Well, okay, here's seven differentways that you can go about it. So the value for valueimplementation, I would say, the most of their show is dedicatedto being an actual show, there's because they go for three hourslong. In generally, there's so much stuff that they cover,which is just outside of it. And you know, they play music, theyhave live voice calls from people calling in, they haveseparate voice messages that other people have sent in. Sothey're quite particular and give just so many different waysfor you to do that. Now what's something unique that they do ontheir own show? Well, the way that they read off boostergrams, I suppose is a little bit different in that I haven't seenthis particular before. So I'll just play this quick example ofof how they do it. This is from season one episode 104missionary where eye contact is prominent. Nice. From around the23 minute mark.
Wow, man that is very, verycharitable and very seen of you. Yes, thank you very much Peter. And he said, he said Yo Yo yoyo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, y'all go well, thank youagain. Pete's are we have a named user, man. We got to get Idon't know. I'm gonna think of something fun to do for him. Yougotta figure it out. We got 2626 from a new face andbrand new freak of hazards. Oh, I love those motherfuckers itwas 2626 sets through curio caster from chip Doug GIMP,gimp, gimp chip, the goop excellent name choice. Another little section here thatI just wanted to highlight was from Episode 103. They woke upand chose violence again around the 16 minute mark and then Satoshis stream came inwith 1000 SATs through fountain saying test 1044 from Jake Hyderfrom the strangest life I've ever known podcast. He said loveyour artwork and really dig the podcast. Oh, thank you. Hellyeah. Oh, just lining them up. Yeah, we've got a wholeranch full of them people.
Yeah. So a couple of things Iwant to highlight from there. One is you'll notice somefamiliar names. So this is Peter and the Jake from the strangersighs I've ever known podcasts, also an episode that I'vehighlighted on here before. And they really try and go out oftheir way to connect with everyone. So like I said,blueberry is a kind of a boosting maniac. And he, youmight think ik, that's him providing value back to theirshows. But I think that can also be a little bit strategic. Andthis is another thing I've noticed, which is, most showstend to really do make demarcate when their value for valuesection is going to be so it's, you know, I, for example, willhave it in the chapter images, the chapter art, you know,Brewster grand rounds that this is where it's at, this is whereyou can go to find it. So if you're boosting into the show,or providing value in that way, it's really nice to hear andfind where that is. What I've noticed they do is, they don'tparticularly demarcate that. So generally, it's in the fronthalf of the show, from what I can tell, I haven't gone throughall 100 episodes, and they obviously, I would say, not havebeen even using booster grounds for that long, because thebooster grams have only been around for about a year. But Ithink that can be like a strategic decision decision ifyou wanted it to be. So if you say wanted to keep your audienceon like tenterhooks, and a little bit if you really wantedthem to maybe listen to more of your show, because some people,I mean, generally, if they're going to be listening in andsending in a booster gram and returning, you know, a value ofSatoshi, whatever the amount, they're probably going to beenjoying the show anyway, so they would listen to it anyway.But I could sort of see it being like, you know, what, I'm notgoing to particularly, really highlight or demarcate wherethis section is. So you'll have to go find it for yourself. Soeither you'll have to listen to it, or perhaps your listener,who doesn't like supporting or doesn't want to support or can'tsupport in that way. That way, you can kind of almost liketrick them into, into listening to that section. I'm not surehow that would work. And I'm not even necessarily saying that'swhat these guys are doing. But it is some thoughts that wasgoing through my head of, you know, generally most shows do itthis way. And is it because that's the way to do it, or isit just because everyone's following sort of the no agendatype example and following their lead. So that was one littlething I wanted to point point out. Another one is theirbooster grams. So they have gone so far and beyond with, Isuppose making it interesting to boost in. So they've created it,I believe this is in the green room, I haven't got to test thisout, because I haven't actually listened in live. But they havethis whole section where you can send in a special boost and itwill have a different sort of connotation meaning behind it.So there's always a little bit of meaning behind things. So ifyou send in Tu, Tu, Tu, tu tu or any number of tours, that's likea row of ducks. Dave Jones likes to do the rush Bruce to 112there's obviously the the triple six double boost and things likethat. So they had this whole section of different boostingamounts related to geometries and things like that. I think itwas like geometrical patterns. I can't remember it for the forthe life of me the everything that was that was connected withthat. But what I noticed was they were generally smallamounts, they weren't in the sort of 10s of 1000s range, theywere all in the kind of hundreds or you know, low 1000s range,which I think could be once again, like a good strategy anda bad strategy in a way. If you just want people coming in andyou you know, you just want to give them like an incentive forlike a cool boost amount. So that's sort of what I did. Inormally don't boost anything less than 1000. But they had atriple six one. And I was like, oh, yeah, screw it, I'll dotriple six. That's kind of funny. That's that's what theyyou know, we're kind of suggesting that I should do. Soit could somewhat limit in a way what what someone mightpotentially send in. But it also could be a good incentive forsomeone who's first coming in and joining to be like, Oh,here's like a suggested boost amount type of thing. Yeah, I'mon the fence with that one. I think it could work both ways.It could limit yourself but it could also incentivize people toto start boosting. So yeah, that's a tough one. But in anycase, I thought it was cool that they they had this sort ofspecial boost.
Tally board, I guess a specialboost suggestion board, which could be fun. Probably it'smaybe more fun when you're doing it live and you can do a bunchof different ones and I think they had some stuff connectedwhere different stuff would happen depending on the theboost amount in their in their chat room and things like thatbecause they've got so much stuff connected I haven't beenable to dive into every single thing that they've done but inany case, very cool show and I have enjoyed this little lastweek tuning into their episodes and just a very differentexperience it's it's I would say not your normal podcast it'skind of like halfway between a podcast and a radio show so tuneinto that if you if you enjoy that now I'll not follow whatthey're doing and do my own way and this is where we're gettinginto the booster Graham lounge.
Welcome to devalue for valuewhich to Graham Okay, so after the hectic week that was lastone after promoting on fountain I've got a little bit of asubdued amount in terms of number of booster grams, but thevalue of Oh, my God, it's, it's going up. So thank you everyone,first of all for jumping in. I'm actually going to try and readthese out in the highest amount that they've been sent in. Socoming in at the top you heard him on just before on the behindthe scheme's booster Graham lounge so while they're boosterGraham section, but once again it is Pete Ah, the slab whosends 47,500 Wow, thank you so much my friend. And he saysJordan atom media experts who have a healthy distrust of thepowers that be their vast experience makes them eminentlyqualified to deconstruct the media messaging and to do it inan entertaining way. No agenda has earned the pedo pod fluencegold stamp of approval. Yeah, I can't argue with any of that.The only thing that that stands in the way of me watching andlistening to this show is I just really, I think I've learned thesame thing I have a healthy distrust of the powers that beand the media and and that makes me just not want to watch it ordo have any connection with that at all. But yes, the no agendashow very entertaining and informative at the same time.Another one here, which was from Chad Farrow, and he says, in themorning, great job covering such a huge so one thing I love aboutNa is that the show changes over time, so much of the contentcomes from the audience. So it really feels like the show has alife of its own. The show does take some getting used to thejingles really put me off at first, but now I'll see you'llhear something in real life and the jingle plays on my head.Thank you for your t y FYC, which is thank you for yourcontribution. Thank you. Oh, sorry. Thank you for yourcourage and a speak for putting in extra effort like Thanks forThanks for clarifying that I would have butchered that lastword there. Yeah, that's that's also a thing that I've kind offound jarring. But I've sort of gotten used to as well. Becauseit's that sort of blend between, I guess you normally hear thosejingles. At least when I was growing up that was solelyconfined to sort of radio land.
I would never hear it in showsor anything like that. And so hearing it on podcast isdefinitely something that does take a little bit of time to getused to and yeah, just enjoying. So once again, Chad Farrow who'syou'll see him around the podcast in 2.0. Well, world aswell. Very, very cool. And thank you very much my friend. Andthank you for the long messages. I really do enjoy those ones. Sohere's another one which is from none other than Adam himself.This is Adam curry and he says I love the series 23,750 Whoa,thank you and then he follows that up with a 9500 boosting forthe lounge which you'll hear his name hear Him speaking over. Sothank you very much, Mr. Adam curry I do appreciate that. AndI really enjoyed jumping into your show. This is one here fromAustin Murray and he says so founder founder of fountain FMor co founder of it and he says really insightful episode thanksKaren great to see all the booths come in from thepromotion to exclamation point even if they are small amountevery one introduces another person to devalue for valueethos and hopefully will grow from there. Yes, agreed Myfriend has been very fun testing out this podcast again after thebreak that I had and diving into other people's shows and yeah,really trying to kick it off the ground I've got some plans inthe future of how I can spread the ethos in a in a more directway I suppose. In more person to person way which I'll I mightshare a little bit later. I I like to do things first before Ireally talk about what I'm going to do. In any case, yes, thespreading the value for value ethos is right up my alley,hence why I have the value for value podcast. Another one herefrom Lyceum and You'll know who this is because says high fivefor the review of our podcast the secular foxhole, so did thatwant to say four or five episodes ago by CO hosts Blairand I are happy to be classified as older gentleman or the bestman lindskog Lyceum para pentose on let me spell that out LyceumNYC, eu um, and then p e r, I P Atos on Twitter, which I'mguessing is Latin sort of sounds has a Latin sounding vibe to it. And yeah, so if youenjoyed that episode, if you want to know more about sort ofan ran philosophy about capitalism about things likethat, there's a they have a great show to go tune into. Sohe sent 5277 SATs Thank you, my friend, very much appreciated.And the last one that I had here was from Steven Stefan, Stevenwith an H Ste p h, a n, and he says returning some value forvalue thumbs up, hey, thank you very much 29 sets muchappreciated, I you know, all these other ones were a lotbigger. But it's still nice to get some just recognition thatsomeone new is tuning into the show. Well, I'm just trying tosee if his name appeared on this massive blast booster gram Lancefrom last week, I'm not particularly seeing him on here.So this might even be a new person. Thank you, Stefan,Stefan very, very much.
Appreciate it. One thing I willjust want to add here, and I'll you know, I'll just save this,this is the value for value pitch that we'll do at the end.And one thing I would recommend is if you have a show, doingsomething like I do, and then also that behind the schemes do,and they do it in a much broader scale than I do, which isincluding splits into your podcasts. So I would highlyrecommend not only for your podcast, but maybe even in yourreal life as well, if you can find ways of of creating asplit, so you can share value with people. Now, obviously,this is much easier with Bitcoin and programmable money. And withpodcasting, which has a lot of the infrastructure behind it.But yeah, just being able to share that value, it is reallyreally heartening to to know, you know, like Martin has justsaid, I reviewed his show. And I included him on the split. Andso 20% of of everything that came in for that show was goingto him whilst it was live, I had a little bit of troubles,actually with the splits on those ones and had to sort ofrejig my splits over the last week or two. But nevertheless,I'm putting in the effort to try and do it. And so one of the thereal, you know, ethos of value for value is making sure thateveryone gets a piece of the pie. And so this is not themodel for for someone who wants to be greedy, I would say, or ifyou are, it's kind of a short term strategy, you're losing outon the long term by by not really, you know, sending thevalue everywhere. Basically, everything that I get fromthese, all of this is just going straight back into sending it toother podcasters. Because I would never have gotten to thepoint where I am without other people, you know, sendingsomething to me first or highlighting something on myshow or sending me a booster gram for the first time. Youknow, Chad Farrow, who popped up here, he was the first one tosend me a booster gram for the memorial show my first ever andthat was the first ever direct contribution of a monetary valuethat someone has sent in to the to the mere mortals. And thatwas amazing. That was such a cool feeling. And, you know,it's hard to it's hard to describe how much that as almostchanged my life in a way and yeah, so value for value. That'sThat's my long pitch for today.
Send it to some other people ifyou can, if you have the ability to split it to share it, do itas much as you can. And not this doesn't only have to be withwith, you know, a monetary payment but it can also be donethrough sharing something can be telling someone that their showwas awesome. Behind the schemes. Your show is awesome, fellas.And yeah, that's that's that's it for today. Thank you everyonefor joining me. I'm starting to ramble. Peace out