Youthful energy is hitting v4v, but can it sustain itself?
In Ep #32 I am covering how Cole McCormick runs v4v on his show ‘AMERICA+’. The unique aspect that Cole brings is his desire to set himself apart by becoming known as the guy who gave away the most Sats to his audience, as well as a willingness to go out of his way to onboard family and friends into the value for value world.
Huge shoutout to Floydianslips, Sir Lurksalot (especially for the cover art suggestion) and Carl6007. A handsome group to say the least.
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youthful energy is hittingV4V but can it sustain itself? Welcome, dear listener toanother episode of the value for value show. My name is Kyrin,I'm host of the Mere Mortals and Mere Mortals book reviews podcast.But I also do this weekly podcast where I examine howother people are implementing the value for value model. Now,what is the value for value model? Well, it is essentiallyan alternative to the standard ways that people might monetizeor be able to implement a lifestyle through theirpodcasts. So things such as using Patreon create, perhapscreating a paywall, perhaps using the advertising blur, I'mnot a fan of that model. But this is essentially where youcreate a show a piece of digital content or something that iseasily mass producible. And you put a lot of time, time, effortenergy into that a lot of value is created through that. And youask that people return that value in whatever way informedthat they would like to do that.
So there's the three T's time,talent, and treasure. And we're going to examine how otherpeople are asking for that value back so that we can get an ideafor our particular shows maybe how we can implement somethingthat they've done, which is something I've done multipletimes throughout this process of sort of discovery and learningwhat other people are doing. And today we're diving into Americaplus by Cole McCormick. So his tagline is seeking innovationand truth question mark, let's develop narratives to be moreautonomous from large entities a call McCormick experience. Socalls a young American guy believe he's in his mid 20s. Andhe is just investigating different ways that he canimprove himself, I'd say so it's kind of like a, I wouldn'texactly say a self improvement podcast, but you can definitelysee where he's investigating ideas that he's really into,such as the value for value model, such as Bitcoin, as wellas his creative pursuits, like filmmaking, believe he works ina weird store. So he's probably got some interesting storiesand, and things going on there.
And yeah, he's just a veryenergetic young man who's trying to podcast for the first timeand create something for himself. So his rough scheduleis, he's been doing it weekly since January of 2022. So he'sup to about 29 episodes at the moment, the standard length isI'd say, about 35 to 45 minutes, sometimes a little bit oversometimes a little bit under of that. And the format is, there'sno particular format, he goes on long rants, a lot of the time,most of the time, it's just him, I have heard him with anotherguest, at least once. But I believe he's also said that'snot his particular priority. So you're going to be getting amore monologue type deal coming through. But he does have someplans for the future to change that. And that'll sort of tieinto with a couple of comments I have about his podcast ingeneral, but there's no set sections. In particular, I'mgoing to give you a little bit of a dose and you can feel someof this youthful energy coming through. So this is from aboutthe seven minute mark on Episode 24, which is cold due to do SATsand Kobe, we are in a moment where we are evolving. And Ijust believe that man we are evolving man. We are a people onEarth man, we are here. You are listening to me and I am takingyour value in as well. And now we have the ability to sendvalue to each other instantly.
No matter where we are, nomatter where we stand. No matter anything, man. And so I'm over here I'm in LA.I'm working at some Weed Shop. And I got people from around theworld send me Bitcoin. And I'm sending the people from aroundthe world Bitcoin. Like that's incredible. That's incredible. It'sincredible. It's incredible. It's incredible. And we're gonnabe reading the booths today. I'm reading the books, we have somany boosts 1000s of Satoshis 1000sAbsolutely brilliant. So you could see he's definitely gotthe energy there. And is very excited. Very emotional. AndHell yeah, I mean, there's something about that which isinfectious. And I love hearing that. I forgot to mention thisright at the start as well but the show name America plus it iswith a plus symbol, not P L U S, but the actual symbol itself andit's all joined together. So don't make the mistake ofputting a space in because it actually can be harder to find.So American plus all in one thing with no spaces and withthe plus sign itself. I'm going to jump now into his value fairvalue implementation. How does he typically go about this?Well, he comes from the no agenda world So he knows the rough kind ofideas related to this, he's mentioned Adam curry a bunch oftimes before. And I'd say at the moment, because he's young, andmoney is a very important thing, when you're younger, thatthat's, I suppose, a lot more of a driving factor. And also, youknow, when you're young, you don't have as much money. So it definitely dominates the minda little bit more. So a lot of his section is related to themonetary value of sending it back and forth, although he hasalso talked about how you can help out in other ways, butdefinitely, the focus is on that. So I'm going to jump nowon to Episode 27, which is called to do it's called Projectfuture. And this is around the 2720 mark, where you can hearhim talking about value for value, and in particular, someof his booster grams, but for the next five plus years, maybe10 years, you know, that's what we're doing. And this show isgoing to be be built from that, you know, with sounds and music.And so that's value for value.
And with that, with this timethat I'm giving you right now, I am seeking for that value to bereturned. And that's the feedback loopthat I'm seeking. This is not me selling anything. This is me,documenting the development. And I want to hear from you. Please engage the booths thatI'm going to be reading or the comments. I'm only going to bereading the boosts with the comments. So comment somethingin, engage, say anything. Say anything, this is a newtime. This is a new era. This is a new way to engage withcontent. And this is a discussion ofprojecting a loving future. This is a discussion of us have acommunity of high level creative people projecting a loving,full, successful, abundant future.
This can happen. This can happenwith our systems. This can happen with our media. This can happen with our bodies. We can have a better future wecan have a healthier life. And with that the boosts I havethree boosts I'm reading three boosts from the lowest to thehighest at x v underscore Herrera, theysent in five sets. They gave me a thumbs up thumbs up thank you.Thank you Xavi. From Carrie McCormick that's mymom. What up mom? Thank you, mom. You send in 10 SATs. Oh mygod. I think that is your first 10 SATs ever sent mom? You gottatell me that. I didn't know I didn't know you're like all of asudden boosting. G's mom. I don't know you're already onthis.
She comments on on on number 26 good podcast makes me think goodI'm glad mom I'm happy you're thinking I'm happy you're usingyour brain mom at pole star with 190 SATs they said I just boost before Ieven started listening because I know this episode be fire. Hellyeah, you do. Hell yeah, dude, you know exactly what's going onman. I'm bringing truth I'm slinging dope. I'm taking megarich bro like we are here wow man I love that and you knowthere's there's something like I said with the infectious energygetting five sets getting 10 sets man I wish I could I don'tget that excited getting you know 20,000 Or something likethat. So that that that is definitely really really cool Ilove I love to see the the enthusiasm and things of likethis nature so he typically Yeah, we'll get a booster gramread it out on the show. That's kind of the standard behavior asI mentioned before, he doesn't have any particular sections soit's kind of just some time within the show usually towardsthe later part of it but I'm not sure there's any particularstrategic decision on his end but maybe there's not too sureon that a couple of things from that was well obviously theenergy fucking awesome I love I love that shit. But also the thepromises so is he talks a lot about what he's going to do whathe wants as well. And this is I guess, where the the youthfulenergy is, is is cool where it's you've got a lot of time toexplore to do different things to you know, just try somethingout and be like fuck it I'm gonna do it no matter what. Andthen it's also the question okay, but can you deliver onthis so this is the the fun part.
I guess of watching his journey.So he's 29 episodes deep. And I can definitely say, you know, Iusually tune into the first one as well. And I can see the theimprovements and he's definitely is improving, it's got some coolnew stuff, especially in the latest episodes in terms ofsoundboard and stuff, obviously still needs a bit of work on,you know, Mike technique to not be popping those assets andthings like that. But the cool thing I suppose is watching hislittle journey is okay, how much value is he going to be able tocreate for me, because, you know, there is so many differentthings that he can do and so many I guess it's just really cool toto see someone who's, who's a lot younger. So most of thepeople I've, I've done these episodes on before have probablybeen older than myself, I've probably been the youngest, andI'm 30 at this stage in my life.
And it's just really cool tosee, okay, the value for value implementation for him as kindof like a promise almost, it's like, Hey, I'm gonna be there'scool stuff coming down the line, I'm working on it, you know, andI've got time for this, I'm gonna keep being consistent andkudos to him. He has been banging on consistent, weeklyepisodes, which is really, really awesome. And I just likethat is he's got the core fundamentals there. It's, youknow, he understands the value for value system, he understandsthe looping and the feedback, he highlights that, you know, he'sgetting new people on and whatnot. And that'll get mestraight into the something unique section, which he's upto. So obviously, from there, one of the highlights wascalling out the mum what up mom, I wish my mum was was boosted meI've got bloody Lazy, Lazy, lousy family members, that's forsure. But that that is really cool, to be honest. So one ofthe things that I know I'm particularly been doing andobviously he's done here, it's not like his mom just randomlyfound the fountain app, he obviously took the time to tellher about it to say, you know, this is what I'm asking for myaudience. And, you know, if you can help participate in that,that'd be awesome. And she went out on her own and did it. Thecool thing is, I suppose recognizing those points whenkind of forcing things on, it's not too much of a forcing on afamily member and whatnot. I've been hanging around podcasting2.0 year and a bit now. And it would have been impossible forit was so difficult for me to just get, you know, myselfsorted to be able to receive booster grams and whatnot.
Forcing that upon a familymember or a loved one or a friend would just have been notfun, it wouldn't have been fun for me or for them. But the coolthing is, I've actually sort of been doing that myself, I'vegotten a couple of people into the fountain app, in particularfriends, like really good friends. And you know, they'vesent in through some booster grams, and I'm pretty sure someof them, you know, almost at the stage where they will refilltheir wallet to be able to send in more. That's, that's reallycool. So it's knowing I guess, when the technology and that'ssomething unique is, is not only just doing stuff and just, youknow, hoping that someone will will help will, will followalong. And you know, understand if you've never heard of boostergram before, take the hours that it requires to understand thewhole steps but also to go out of your way to get friends andfamily members on. Like he's done with his mum here. I thinkthat's really cool. I think that is definitely something a littlebit unique and, and I had well, from all the other shows I'velistened to, I haven't heard a single person calling out theirmom for being a mad lad and a mad mad deem perhaps is moreappropriate and and boosting their own show. So that's,that's a unique and first that I've seen, I also want tohighlight something probably his most most unique thing is his,his his idea of value for value and one of the things that hewants to accomplish. So I'm just going to let him speak forhimself. This is from Episode 28, which is titled cruisecreate. And it's from about the 43 Minute 40 Mark. What'sexciting though, I do have an announcement that I need tospeak about next week.
If you're one, if you're aregular listener, you're gonna want to be more of a regularlistener, because next week is the last Sunday of the month.And what that means is because it's the last Sunday of themonth, I will be doing a Satoshi giveaway, I'm doing a bigpromotion. This is a concept that I've beenplaying with for a minute. And you know, when I run it bypeople, they really don't know what to think of it. But that'sjust because it's it's a part of a totally new system. But I'mgoing to be doing another promotion I'm giving away 2000SATs per per lesson. So that's the maximum amount of SATs thatyou You can get work, it's going to be a monthlything I'm going to be, I have this idea to do it for a year,I'm going to be doing one promotion a month, for a year.
And so now, next week is goingto be one of 12, one of 12. And that's going to all build ussomething else. Okay? I'm telling you, you're gonna wakeup one day and the show is going to be better. All right, that'show this works. That's how this works. And so with that, it'sgoing to be next week, we're calling it the, the SAT SlingingSlasher episode, one of 12 sat Slinging Slasher, one of 12. Andwe're gonna be giving away SATs and we're going to be doingsounds and we're going to be doing, which can we talk aboutnarratives, man, we're talking about what we're manifesting,we're talking about what we want to do in our lives.
And so I couldn't be any happierabout it, I couldn't be any more excited about it. Man, I likedthat clip, it was kind of the bundling up of everything that Iwas just talking about for lots of energy, lots of um, gunners,and then also the value section that he really is hoping for.And so he has said previously that he wants to be known as theguy who gave away the most sets to his audience. I think that'sa that's a really cool idea. I think that is definitely a wayto distinguish yourself and and make yourself known as, youknow, it's kind of like a highlighting thing. It's like,look, I preach what a fucking practice, I care about this, Icare deeply about this whole value for value system. And I'mwilling not only to put time into creating a podcast, andlook, there's a shit ton of money because you need to buymics, and you need to upload onto hosts, which usuallyyou have to pay for and things like this. So there is that thatmonetary expense, which doesn't actually go to the audience,though. But in his case, he said, No, look, I'm going to doit for you as well, I'm going to incentivize you to to give backto become part of this economy, and I want to be the best at it.I want to be the one doing the most. And kudos to him. Iactually have seen this. So funnily enough, I saw it after Ilistened to the episode, it was on the fountain app, I saw hispromotion and was like, Oh, shit, I missed it. But that wascool. I got to listen to his episode anyway. And you canreally easily see it in the amount of boosts because, youknow, if you're small, like he is at the moment, and like thispodcast is, you'll learn to get out of no three or five, ormaybe even less one or zero booster grams coming in. Butwhen you do propose promoted on fountain, I've experienced thismyself, you'll get maybe 30 or 50. Coming in, which is reallycool. So that's a, I suppose getting into the sort of metathing behind that. What's What's he really trying to do? Well,he's talked about how he wants to build it first, and then kindof sell it. So it's almost like, you know, what, I'll, I'll takethat initial outlay of expenses, you know, it costs money to giveaway sets, what, who'd have thought that, but it's also theaspect of look, I don't necessarily initially want thisto be, from the very get go making money, I'm happy to kindof slog away to build it to make my podcast better to grow thevalue that people can receive from my show. And, you know,eventually that'll catch up to me. It's called kind of like alife philosophy. I personally, believe that myself, I'm more ofthe build first, and then, you know, good things will comekinda later. If you want a contrasting opinion to this andhow it can also work the other way, I would actually recommendchecking out a recent episode I did on the mere mortals withPete Smithson, actually, it'll come out after this. So it'll beabout a week after this comes out. And with him, he talksabout how he was getting a into a new hobby of his which wascollecting rare plants, it rare indoor plants, but immediatelywanted to know how you can transfer that into that outlayof capital to something where he could get it in return. And Ikind of contrasted that with how I spend so much of my days justdoing handstands, which has no benefit. And you know, maybe oneday if I wanted to make money from that by teaching people orjoining Cirque du Soleil or something, I could do that. Butyou know, I don't I don't think about that at this moment. AndCole is very similar. So that's a that's a really cool, uniqueaspect that I think he's doing and with that, we'll we'll wrapit up and get on to my own personal booster Graham lounge.
Welcome to the value for value,Mr. Graham. So for the Those who don't know the boostergram Lounge is where I read out the messages, the boost thebooster grams that have been coming in over this past week.And I thank everyone for their, their support of the show. Andthen also it provides some content because there's somemeaty stuff going on. And in particular, I'm seeing a coupleof new faces, which is very encouraging. And some also bigmessages. So let's not dig around current, let's getstraight into it. So in no particular order, actually inthe order in which they just came in, we have flooding inslips for 3425 SATs. Thank you very much, Mr. floydian. slips.So this is Joshua Dennis of the latest episode, the previousepisode podcasting for value.
And he says, Thanks for thereview of podcasting for values advertising did reach originatefrom my piehole. Okay, they were good, very good. Thanks forclarifying that. I only use it with podcasts I listened to I'mjust fumbling around trying to figure this out. And I reallyappreciate your feedback. I also realized a few crutch phrases Iuse too much just for verbal hotdogs. Man, I'm the same ifwhen I listened to buy my stuff a lot to try and make it better.And it could get depressing how often I say like an M. And arecent one for me has been etc, I say etc, all the time. Thatwill. So thank you very much, Josh, I have another one herefrom I believe this is a new one. So this is at Sur looks alot also on the fountain at 1003 sites. And he said I heard theGodfather shout out your show.
So I checked it out. I like whatyou're doing. I think it's great exclamation mark podcastersprobably need resources like this to show like this show tohelp them with ideas and inspiration. I love to see allthe informal communities developing around the podcastingto point out and value for value initiatives, some around thetech, the techniques and so on. I take that kind of organicgrowth around the ideas and implementation implementationsto be a sign that it is a healthy community developing.And so this was on the value for value episode I did on noagenda. Yeah, mate. Very, very encouraging. Look, I, I like todo my little bit, I stick to my strengths. I'm not a coder. I'malso not the greatest marketer, but I think I'm good at kind ofanalyzing things and getting into the philosophy. And when Iend look, I just really enjoy listening to new shows. I usedto do this before, there was an incentive to do it. When I wasfirst starting out before podcasting 2.0 was even a thingback in 2019 2020, I would just listen to a bunch of new shows.A lot of them would be Ozzie podcasts, and I'd reach out tothem and you know, send some value their way by leaving theman iTunes review and things like this. This is way fuckingbetter. I love this shit way more. So. I 100% agree, Mister,mister sir Alexa lot, all of these cool things going on, andit's just gonna get better and cooler. So thank you very muchfor that. I've got 38. So let's try and bring this fuckingenergy car. You have 38 sites from a new person. This is call6007. They say keep it going exclamation mark. I will callThank you very much my friend. I have another 1003 sets fromhere. So it looks a lot and he says your cover art being takenfrom a show you're reviewing makes it look like an episode ofThe reviewed show. In my podcast player here you have no agendashow graphics. So it looks like an episode of no agenda. Youneed a value for value show logo that you can overlay thereviewed show graphic, maybe a border a banner or badge so thatthe episode is visually recognizable as an episode ofthe value for value podcast, my friends, that is a brilliantidea. I don't know why I didn't think of that a lot. I will dothat.
Maybe not for this episode,because I've got some shit to do today, but definitely for thenext one. And yeah, you're right, I should take that little bit of extraeffort to highlight it and make it look like somethingdifferent. That is a fantastic idea. And then finally, onceagain from Sir looks a lot, he said a big boost to 10,028 Whoa,well, he says I'm not a podcaster but I'm fascinated bythe growth in energy and creativity around podcasting 2.0and especially the value for value model. Listening to yourshow, I've discovered that it gives me value not only asentertainment or to feed my curiosity, but it also serves asa means of discovery of new shows to check out thanks,exclamation mark. Hey, no, thank you mate. That was actually oneof the purposes of this as well it was you know, kind of selfishon my part. I do enjoy getting into these new shows making somenew friends like Cole Cole, actually, if you listen to theprevious episodes and a booster Graham in for encouraging me tocheck out his show, which I have subsequently done. And it's agreat way of making new friends.
It's great way of discoveringnew podcasts of finding some crazy motherfuckers like Colewho are super energetic and I love that shit. So and you know,connecting with people like you getting new ideas, as so manycool different things going on. I'll give you a little sneakpeek here as well. My friends actually you know what Fuck it, this is going to be mymy value for value request for today, I would highly recommendchecking out the last month that goals of the mere mortalspodcast. So this was for August of 2022. And one of the thingsthat I have said that I'm going to do so I'm a little bit likecoal in this respect, which is talking about things that I'mgoing to do before I've, I've actually actually done them. ButI've been going to a lot of crypto meetups here in Brisbane,some of those solely around Bitcoin, some of those, whichare kind of more NFT type ones, others, which are just general,Latina ones as well. And I've had a number of offers just ingeneral for for me to talk about value for value and theLightning Network and how podcasting 2.0 You can make, youknow, an income and, and monetize your podcast, I fuckinghate that word, but monetize your podcast. And one of thethings I'm going to be doing is, is creating a bit of aPowerPoint presentation. I hope those offers are still there. II've been that was sort of been occurring over the last year andthey'll kind of informal ones so not not like hey, booked me infor your, for your for a presentation, but I'mpretty sure most of them still stand. So what I'm planning ondoing is creating a bit of a PowerPoint presentation with thehighlight the main focus being value for value and then thesecondary part is okay, and this is why you can use Bitcoin toenable this, you know, the the premise of programmable moneywell, here it is in fucking full flesh, here's how I'm doing it.And here's how I intend to make a lifestyle and a living fromthis. So that is just one of the things Iwould highlight checking out.
I'd love any input on that. Soif you want more details, go check out that episode of theMere Mortals monthly goals of August 2022. That's available both asvideo on on on YouTube and then also as just in your normalpodcasting players and whatnot. Everyone thank you for joiningI'd also obviously check out Cole show if you're enjoying theenergy and want to get into it. Also, another way of searchingfor his show was called McCourt, Cormac C O L, E, and then MC ceo r m IC k, because it can be kind of hard to find that thethe first guy because there's a kind of like other feed that'sfloating around and whatnot so highly recommend checking outhis show as well and also all of the other shows that havehighlighted on here before and other than that, I do hopeyou're having a fantastic day wherever you are in the worldK K K K Kyrin out