Thanks to Perturbed Prejudice for laying the digital cash on the line to make this a possibility.
Thanks to Eric PP for porting a working copy of Dojo and making it real.
Thanks to Otto, Takinbrrr for taking the time to make Dojo and Fulcrum work!
Thanks to Black Coffee, Arthur, Kobie, Max BBB, Colonial & QnA for testing the software on their various devices
Thanks to Max Tannahill & Pavel The Coder for all of their insight.
Thanks to kn0wmad for his Start9 know how 👍
Where to get it:
Download --->
System ---> Sideload Service ---> dojo.s9pk
Optional Download:
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(00:00) Introduction and Overview
(00:27) Barriers to Running a Dojo
(02:33) Strength and Options of Dojo
(04:24) Open Source and Community Contributions
(06:57) Development Journey and Collaborations
(09:17) Technical Details and Future Plans
(11:12) Acknowledgements and Closing Remarks
You weird little cunt. You've been building away in the shadows as per usual, and you've actually done something good. I think we should talk about it. I think we should shout it from the rooftops. I know it wasn't just you. Lots of other people helping, but you've done something good for a change. Where do we start? We've only got ten minutes, you've told me. I'm not allowed yet longer than that. Ten minutes. So I'm gonna set a timer now. Here we are. Timer, ten minutes. Bang. We'll start with it's been tough for a lot of people who have been interested in running Ashigaru to run their own node. They're less technically inclined, and it's something that we've talked about a lot. We want more people to be able to use Ashigaru.
Yes. There is the Dojo Bay, which is a big step up, but, you and others have been working tirelessly for months now to allow people who are running a start nine to easily, one click, run a dojo on their start nine. I give you a lot of shit, and you deserve it. But in this case, you've exceeded my expectations. Very proud of you, mate.
[00:01:14] Unknown:
Oh, thank you. Yeah. Like you said before, there's a lot of, other people behind it as well. And, just following up on what you said. Yeah. Like, a nice easy one click installation kinda deal while also having the infrastructure on the indexer side. So your Fulcrum, your Electris, just at your fingertips is something that Start nine can provide. You know, while we were working on this, Umbrel also updated their samurai server implementation. So yeah. Yeah. So that was also, great to see as well. And I think we'll be having Dojo show up on what'll be called Nirvadi.
It used to be Citadel OS. So Oh, yeah. Aaron Deuce and the crew over there. It's like the fork of yeah. It seems like they just, like, rebuilt everything from the ground up there. Okay. So it's been just been taking them a while. And yeah. So now you're gonna have three options there. I don't think Dojo's ever been stronger when it comes to, like, what implementations can I use and, the selection of, like, hardware and what you can use it on? Having all those options and then also having the Dojo base site, which if you wanna run a node at all and you're fine with those trade offs, you have a big selection of nodes to choose from there. Kinda wanted to comment on the the strength of Dojo at the moment. I'm very, very happy about it. It's a massive step up. The way I see it is, like, Dojo Bay
[00:02:43] Unknown:
is a big step up from just using samurai server. You could just link to their server. Obviously, that isn't the ideal situation, but it allowed people who either weren't able to run a node or weren't technical enough to still use and have the benefit of Whirlpool and the other services that they had. So it was better than not having it, but not as good as what we have now with Dojo Bay, which is you have multiple to choose from. There is always that trade off, that privacy trade off from choosing one of those, but that is an option that people have. And then on top of that now, running your own Dojo has never been as easy as this. Like, this is piss easy.
There's really no reason now for someone not to try Ashigaru wallet without giving too much away. We're gonna be working on some things, on Goverful Misfits to help this along as well material wise. So that'd be interesting to see over the coming months. But, when I compare this to, I don't know, five, six, seven years ago trying to do this kind of stuff and tearing my fucking hair out, but you sort of persevere because you know it's worth it and and how powerful it is. Like, to now, a lot of people do run these start nines and umbrelles and everything else to just be able to pretty much just click a button and have that then be paired with a QR code is fucking unbelievable.
[00:04:12] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. I totally remember, even, like, four years ago and stuff like that. Like, setting some of this stuff up was just such a hassle. So, yeah, come a long way, thankfully, you know, for platforms like Start Nine. I just wanna also, like, take the moment, like, if they weren't open source, I wouldn't have bothered even looking into this. Or even, like, running a Start nine in the first place. So running it, finding out how great it is, to being able to help a little bit getting this Dojo package up. Wouldn't happen if it wasn't open source. And Mhmm. For all the other guys that were on this project, I think they would feel the same way.
Going into how it all came about, this guy, perturbed prejudice, posts in the marketplace community there, and he says, greeting start nine community. I wanna put a bounty out there to get Dojo into start nine. And I'm willing to put up, 5,000,000 sats. And these are the things I want. So right? So he wants the Dojo application. He's Fulcrum in there. And then it has to use existing indexer on start nine as well. Just a laundry list of things. It's good to be clear with your bounties, obviously. And so that kinda gets me going. So I reach out to a guy, Eric PP. And Eric Pee Pee is known in the podcasting two point o space for his work on Helipad.
So he's created this application that goes on to your start nine. And if you're a podcaster, it's great because you can keep track of all your boosts, you can do exports of all that data, and you could see all your boosts coming in from all the different applications. It has a bunch of live features as well. So that's how I knew him. And, obviously, with him having experience with Start nine, I said, hey. Would you mind looking into this? Could you help us get this dojo package out and, you know, then we can facilitate the bounty going to you and call it a day. Bit of time went on, and then all of a sudden, in the January, he just dropped drops, like, this working version. And I'm like, woah.
We got something here. And, it's like, I could install it. It worked. I was able to, like, pair the indexer. We could only use Electris at that point because we hadn't worked on Fulcrum yet. Mhmm. But then that got everything turning. So then once people saw, I think, like, the wheels turning, and I kind of put it out there for a little bit more help, guys like, Takimbo came on, Otto came on, Pavel and Max came in as, like, you know, like I put in the Twitter post, like, the wise old men to guide us. And and then on the testing side, right, you had Black Coffee, Colonial, yourself.
Q and a? Yeah. Q and a was kind of on the side there. I would just, send him the packages. He got to see it and install it, and so I got some good verification from him as well.
[00:06:57] Unknown:
Pretty amazing to see this come together. There was such a lull for a while where I was like, fuck. What are we gonna do now? And then Ashigaru popped up and I was like, oh, that's a big glimmer of hope. And then you guys have worked on this. And I'm like, okay, that's another big step up. Dojo Bay, another big step up. It's just exciting. Like, with all the sort of dreary shit going on to have something like this. I think anyone who's listening to this, like, don't underestimate how important this is and seriously consider going out there and trying it and testing it and using this stuff.
[00:07:35] Unknown:
Yeah. I totally agree with you, mate. And I I think that's what you want. You just I think in one of my posts, I kinda said, like, I I envision a certain ecosystem, and I think the people that I coalesce around, the guys that I named just previously, we all have a similar idea of, like, tools that we want and how we wanna use them. Having this option is great and, just seeing the feedback already, like, guys like Cordic coming out and being like, yeah, I installed it. Works great. Obviously, they have a few feature requests, but we haven't even gotten to the community marketplace yet. So What's the next steps there? Because, obviously, now you can side load it.
[00:08:13] Unknown:
So I did some testing. Alright? So I feel quite cool. Mhmm. I, I did manage to fucking break it, though, and I hope that there was some value that came out of that. I managed to break it, My entire machine, it had to all be taken apart and just typical stuff for me. But the sideloading part was really easy. Oh, it's literally drag and drop. Like, I literally dragged it and dropped it, and it worked. Like, it was piss easy. So, yeah, it'd be great to have it in the community part, but at the same time, presumably, we're gonna have links for a download and all that kind of stuff in this, in this episode. But, yeah, people can just drag and drop it into their start line. Yeah. And so, like, that's the reason why I have the two repos that I do. It's just, like, to cook up those releases
[00:08:57] Unknown:
and just kinda get them out there so that people can download them instead of having to build it on their own machine because they they'd have to, like, compile it themselves otherwise. But, like, AirPP's Dojo repo is the official one, and that's the one that's been submitted to Start nine. And then my Fulcrum repo is the official one, and that's the one that's been submitted to Start nine. So in doing this process with Dojo, we had to get Fulcrum back up to speed because it it was completely deprecated in Start nine. So, you know, updating it to what Caitlin has on the, Bitcoin Cash side for Fulcrum, had to get that done, do a couple other things here and there, instructions, and then just making sure it all works.
Then also having the alerts because we know with Fulcrum, there's a little bit of database instability there. So just making sure that people know this is gonna take up this much space on my, SSD and also there's a potential reality for corruption.
[00:09:54] Unknown:
Now people know, pops up right away. Just a point on that. You can run core with Electrum that's run separately to Fulcrum and Dojo. It doesn't mean that you have to use Fulcrum for both. You have them separate, and you could run it all on the same machine anyway.
[00:10:16] Unknown:
Yeah. So you can, I think are you just getting at, like, using different indexers? Or Yeah. Yeah. What I'm saying is, like, just because you use Fulcrum for Dojo that you're running on your start line, it doesn't mean you need to change your setup. If you're already running Core and Electrum, you can just leave that as it is, is my understanding, and you don't need to make any changes. You just have this in addition on the same machine. Yeah. And well, and the other thing is too, right, is that Start nine already maintains the Electris package, so Electrum Rust Server. That's the other one that we made sure we added some test net support to that. Yeah. Because we just wanted to have it the same all the way across because we think that with Ashigaru and these sorts of projects, it's nice for people to get their, feet wet with maybe just doing some test net stuff. And having that available, I think, is important.
But yeah. So you gotta use Electrum Rust Server, so Electris or Fulcrum. And I think that's a good option base there for people. Very good. Well, we're well over our ten minutes. Is there anything we missed? Anyone we didn't mention? I'm looking through here. Missed a couple testers. Right? So Kobe and Arthur and the Start Nine Whisperer Nomad. So he used to work at Start Nine, and he helped us a lot with, getting the packages ready. So Nice. Yeah. Thanks to everyone. It's been a wonderful experience.
[00:11:33] Unknown:
Hopefully, we can do some more stuff in the future. Nice one, mate. Well, as I say, very proud of you. I know you didn't do all of this alone, but I assume it was a little bit like herding cats and pushing along and getting everyone involved and spending the time you did is awesome, and I very much appreciate it. And, I think a lot of people are gonna benefit from this. Go out and test it. Go out and use it. And free samurai.
[00:12:01] Unknown:
Free samurai.