I said BRRR! It’s Cold in here, there must be some Pleb Miners in the atmosphere!!
Winter is HERE! Gear up with the Pleb Miner Hoodie
Intro Hash Sluts Gentleman’s Club – Where your Layer2, will make you wanna Lay Her Too!
Show Notes
- Pleb Miner Fishing Trip, The State of the Meshtadel is STRONG!!!
- Statistics
- Dorsey is a Globalist rat, stop cucking for him. startsmall
- Bassload’s Info YO!!!
- Trump to Appoint YouTube Sensation WhistlinDiesel As Governor of Canada - by Richard Greaser
- Altair Update – Tariffs and Loki Rigs Experimentation with S21s
- Words of encouragement from Joe Lively of Abundant Mines
- Atlas Mined – Mining as an expression of Ayn Rand’s Objectivism: rational self-interest, voluntary exchange, and an unapologetic pursuit of profit.
We begin this episode as we do all shows, by communicating with all of you via podcasting 2.0 boosts. Be sure to Boost on the podcasting 2.0 app of your choice. At Ungovernable Misfits we offer a feature rich podcasting 2.0 experience.
Lincoin Mining
Altair Bitcoin Mining Solutions use promo code: UNGOVERNABLE
Lake Satoshi Bitcoin Beach Retreat Fuck The System and come to Lake Satoshi
Honorable Mentions:
ASIC Miner Academy
Evie & Park Candles
Outro: The Exploited – Fuck The System
See you next time! … F@%CKERS!!!
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(00:06:29) The Rundown
(00:11:23) BOOSTS BY Otis Bitmeyer Coffee and Evie & Park
(00:40:41) STATISTICS: Global Hashrate
(00:42:54) STATISTICS: Hash Value & Hash Price
(00:44:47) ACTION NEWS!!!
(00:45:52) ACTION NEWS!!!: Pleb Miner Fishing Trip
(00:56:17) ACTION NEWS!!!: The Start Small Investigation
(01:13:12) ACTION NEWS!!!: Bassload on Reliability
(01:22:44) ACTION NEWS!!!: The Bugle
(01:32:10) ACTION NEWS!!!: The Altair Report
(01:36:27) Joe Lively on Hosting Machines
(01:42:36) PSA: Clothing Will Be Back ASAP
(01:58:25) Real Connections
(02:01:30) OUTRO
Don't start don't start with that shit already. Everybody's got something to say. Oh, the show was good, except for hearing Max hack and cough and clear his throat the whole time. That's the ones you don't mute. Mhmm. Mhmm. Indeed. Hey. Before we start the show, I just want to to read notes that we'd sent each other from November of twenty twenty two about what we wanted our mining show to look like and see if we've, if we've met the stand that we set for ourself. Yeah. I I wrote to you. Certainly not. I'm thinking short. A hard hour cap. Okay. Witty, quick, and punchy. Alright.
I'm thinking about what worked with pleb minor month and what didn't work. I really enjoyed the update show we had. I thought it was funny. I don't want to be a goofball the entire time. As as I think we have impactful things to cover, but you and I do banter well. So open with a little banter, a little. This is what we've prescribed for ourselves. A smidge. A a smidge. Just a tad. And we cover some mining related happenings over the previous month. As we spoke on before, I don't want to rattle off the same stories of institutional miners and their happenings. I think we did doing good with that. But I would like to cover real world statistics for the home miner, like various cost to mine metrics from across the globe, minor prices from the hardware market, prices from a potential hardware dealer sponsor. Oh, we got that. Okay. Yeah. ROI for various machines and easily understood mining metrics.
[00:01:43] Unknown:
Do you know what? I think short of the hard cap of one hour, which we completely laugh in the face of Oh, yeah. And often these things are, like, fucking three hours long. Outside of that, I think we're not doing bad there. I think we should give ourselves a pat on our strong masculine
[00:02:04] Unknown:
muscular backs. There we go. Pat. Pat. Pat. Yeah. I hope you're doing the same. I can't reach. I'm so So swole.
[00:02:12] Unknown:
So swole. Mhmm. I can barely touch my back. I believe it. I heard that about you. Incredible specimen. Indeed.
[00:02:21] Unknown:
We are. I'm I'm very proud of us. Way to go. Yeah. Well done, us. Well, Well, we should probably begin the show and to open up this episode of Ungovernable Misfits. Action news is sponsored by your friends at HashSluts.
[00:02:41] Unknown:
For your pleasure, Undonevertible Misfits presents the world's only Bitcoin mining here at the strip club. HashSluts, gentlemen's club.
[00:02:52] Unknown:
HashSluts. Hashluts.
[00:02:54] Unknown:
Hashluts. Oh, yeah. Hashluts. Where our ladies are hot. But our hashmores are even hotter. Cranking out 85 degrees.
[00:03:02] Unknown:
They're in hot.
[00:03:03] Unknown:
No way, Val. Celsius.
[00:03:06] Unknown:
85 degrees C. Overclocking? More like overclocking.
[00:03:11] Unknown:
If you think the last difficulty adjustment was hard, check out the Hashlutz Rockin' Bonds. And speaking of difficulty adjustment, it's not the only thing that'll be going up. Going up?
[00:03:24] Unknown:
How about going down?
[00:03:26] Unknown:
Going down? Going down on our famous all you can eat buffet, that is. Try out our signature nacho dish, guac and Asic chips. How many can you fit on your board? You got some on your chin. Let me get that. Thanks, Debbie. We've got racks full of servers and girls with full racks.
[00:03:45] Unknown:
We'll keep you running at peak efficiency all night.
[00:03:49] Unknown:
-So come on down to HashlucksGentlemen's Club, the only place where your layer two will make you wanna layer
[00:03:57] Unknown:
two. HashlucksGentlemen's Club.
[00:04:02] Unknown:
-Woo! -Excellent because TikTok blocks don't stop and neither do we. Thank you, HashSluts, for sponsoring this episode of Ungovernable Misfits action news. Who pays for that exactly from the out of the HashSluts budget?
[00:04:19] Unknown:
It's sort of like one of those meme coin things where you don't know where the money comes in and where it goes out exactly because we own HashSluts, but we're sponsoring ourselves. Yeah.
[00:04:31] Unknown:
I don't know. It's an it's called an arm's length transaction.
[00:04:35] Unknown:
Either way, it's great to be sponsored by such an incredible place. Yeah. What a business.
[00:04:41] Unknown:
Indeed. Guac and ASIC chips.
[00:04:46] Unknown:
You don't eat the ASIC chips. You see the chips are just, like, cut out in a square as opposed to a triangle. Nice. And then you're supposed to, well, you know, imagine that you're eating the ASIC chips.
[00:04:57] Unknown:
And you take one little chip
[00:05:00] Unknown:
by itself, just one little chip, and then you make a little bit tax with it. You plug it in the corner. Yeah. That's essentially it. If you eat a whole bowl, it's like a real minor. If you just have one, it's a it's a bit ax. Yeah. That's the size. They don't come in small, medium, and large. It's like bit ax size or, you know, s twenty one. Mhmm. But we should think of other menu items. Can't just sell. What's it's a it's a it's a bar. It's a buffet. People yeah. People don't go really go there to eat.
[00:05:30] Unknown:
Don't they? Wednesday is wings night. I love wings. We don't really do enough wings here. Don't you? No. I imagine that's well, not even imagine. I know it's more of an American thing that you go and you get, like, a fuck load of wings. Like, we do it here, but it's just there'll be, like, a couple of little wing places, and they just charge such stupid money that you think, no. This is pointless. Like, there's a place called, like, Wingstop, and you'll get, like, you'll be like, oh, you'll get 10 wings with whatever flavor and sauce and whatever. And they sound great or whatever, but it's, like, £18 for, like, 10 fucking wings. And I'm like, no. No. No. No. No. No. No. That just won't do. You need to have, like, a lot of a lot of wings. You'd be able to sit there with a whole, like, bucket of wings. Yeah. Bucket of wings. Well, don't you worry. You come over to Hash Sluts ten cent wing night on Wednesdays.
[00:06:28] Unknown:
Amazing. Up on this episode of Ungovernable Bisfits action news. You can ask me about the Pledmoner Fishing Trip. We'll talk about it. We'll go over some statistics. Jack Dorsey is a globalist rat. Stop cucking for him. He's a piece of shit. To me or or listen? I'm tell I'm saying it to everybody, but, you know, you can listen. Well, hey. Listen, mate. Take my advice. No. No. No. No. You don't understand because he's Satoshi apparently. So Yeah. Yeah.
[00:06:59] Unknown:
Listen. He could be he wears the shirt. He does everywhere. He does all the things that Satoshi would have done, you know, really for freedom and freedom of speech and Mhmm. That. So Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, we'll see.
[00:07:14] Unknown:
I've seen some of the Satoshi stuff over the past couple weeks, and it was it was interesting that I was working on this anyhow. And, as I'm reading through some of the I know. I thought every time I saw it I'm thinking, oh, fuck these motherfuckers up. We're doing our own investigative journalism here at at, Ungovernable Misfits.
[00:07:33] Unknown:
Non credentialed. If we do a good enough job, will we get credentials? No. No. No. We can never be.
[00:07:41] Unknown:
No. It it's not about merit. It's about Mhmm. Checking the boxes of the system. So if we haven't attended, collegiate level journalism program,
[00:07:51] Unknown:
then Mhmm. Then we're nothing. Not even if you're, like, good mates with, like, someone like Greaser, you still can't sort of wait. Okay. Fair enough. Yeah. Unfortunately,
[00:08:01] Unknown:
even though he's credentialed, I don't think he can just will it upon somebody else. Okay. Unfortunately. Speaking of Richard Greaser, we'll read an article from him from the Bitcoin Bugle. We'll go over, Baseload's most recent substack, his infoyos. Question for everybody. We can just answer it right now instead of going over in the section part of the show. The Pleb Miner and the Wild segment. We only did a few of them, and we didn't keep doing them because they were so long in the tooth. Because I I can't stop talking to these people. They're very interesting. But if we were to get a few of our buddies just to do, like, fifteen minute hard segments that we can review in the show or maybe post separately? Would that be something that you're interested in or looking for feedback on that? Yeah. Let us know. Fifteen minute hard stop timer.
[00:08:47] Unknown:
If the buzzer goes off, they cut mid flow. There's no extension on it, and then we can cover a little bit more in these shows what was discussed. I think it'd be good. I think, like you said, it was just hard because we were trying to do them short. Mhmm. They'd then run, like, an hour, an hour and a half, and then it's like its own pod. And it's their own pod. Yeah. Yeah. That was an issue. But I think fifteen minutes, there's so many people out there with interesting bills and doing cool stuff, and they're not getting covered for a variety of different reasons. And I think it'd be cool that we do that. That's where we that's where we started. Take it back to the streets. Back to the streets.
[00:09:26] Unknown:
Yeah. You know, they're not covered because they're not shameless self promoters.
[00:09:31] Unknown:
The people you hear from in this space are shameless self promoters, and I happen to know a fuck ton of people that don't talk about what they do. Point of don't is actually cool. Yeah. They're busy building cool stuff, not talking about stuff that isn't cool. That's the difference. That's where the time is spent. I think if we can let people know what's possible, shine a bit of a light on it, and it's almost like a counterculture
[00:09:55] Unknown:
to the bullshit that you Mhmm. Sort of see everywhere else. I think it's important. Or or or, you know and I don't I don't mind seeing the other stuff. I mean, listen. If you're good at writing guides and getting yourself out there, there, then then great for you. God bless you.
[00:10:08] Unknown:
But some people just build the stuff and then don't talk about it. It's like, just do. Well, let us know. We'll be able to understand a lot better if they're big boosts as well. If you let us know with a big boost, we'll be like, oh, we really understand Really good. Your needs. Yeah. We understand your needs and your wants and your desires.
[00:10:25] Unknown:
[00:10:26] Unknown:
Oh my. Oh, yeah.
[00:10:30] Unknown:
Hot. To finish up the show, we'll read some words of encouragement from a Pleb minor guy we know named Joe Lively of Abundant Minds. He wrote something in the Pleb minor chat that I just thought was really nice. And I said, can I read that, Michelle? And he said, sure. And we'll finish off with my final thoughts. Ayn Rand's objectivism versus social justice phony altruism.
[00:10:53] Unknown:
You excited you excited about that one? I thought you would be, Max. She's a gangster. She's a total gangster blowing smoke up in your face. Yeah. I'd have loved to have met her and be in, like, an uncomfortably small room and her blow cigarette smoke into my face while just dumping knowledge on me. That's not all she'd be dumping on you. I don't know whether that's really what I want out of it.
[00:11:16] Unknown:
Maybe not from her. Give it a shot. I mean, you don't know. You don't know till it happens. Don't knock it till you tried it. Yeah. Alright. Let's get to some boosts while we're slurping down some Modus Bittmeyer coffee.
[00:11:31] Unknown:
I've gone for real peasant coffee today. I bet you have. Worse than Aldi. It is actually worse than Aldi. Yeah. Because Aldi's coffee is not that bad. It's pretty decent Mhmm. For the price anyway. It's pretty decent. But my missus, her mom works at some, like, fucking big corporate gay place, and she manages to nick us, like, all their coffee. Ah. Dishwasher tabs as well, which is really nice. Mhmm. She's like, oh, is the coffee is the coffee good? I was like, well, it's free, and that's the best type of coffee. I'm sorry this happened to you. Quality. Listen. Yeah. You can hear the quality in your voice. Yeah. It's tacky.
Tell me about Otis'.
[00:12:12] Unknown:
Otis' is smooth, delicious, non acidic. I took some to the fishing trip and, brought my own grinder there in the fishing trip. Got up every morning, made some delicious coffee. Aaron said, boy, that's smooth. And in the other house, there were two houses on this fishing trip. Aaron Hall and his son and I stayed in one house, which had, like, 10 beds. Anybody could have stayed over in the chill house where we pretty much just came in and went to sleep. And then there was the party house where everybody else was staying. And at the party house, they had lightning coffee. Yucky.
Nothing compared to Otis Bittmeyer coffee.
[00:12:50] Unknown:
Get this stuff in your hands, guys. Did you try both back to back? No. Or you wouldn't even touch it. You just say
[00:12:57] Unknown:
I've had I've had it before. It's terribly acidic. No offense to whoever's behind lightning coffee. I think I've met the guy before, but it No offense to to you lightning coffee, but your coffee is subpar. It's your coffee is not as good as Otis Spitmeyer's coffee. Though. Straight up. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. One day, I'll taste it. Though the Spitmeyer coffee is delish. And I've got a little candle burning here from, our friends at EV and Park. EV and Park candles. Yeah. Has it got a scent? It does have a scent. It's like a whiskey barrel scent. Oh.
Yeah. That's nice. It's very manly. That is manly. But check out EVM Park's website. I think it's evnpark.com. They've got all kinds of, like, cute little names for all of their candles. They've got one called w a p. What's that? Wap. Wap. Wap. Wap. Well, it means, you know, something very, very disgusting and dirty. Oh, that sounds like my soapbox. Look it up. Look up EVMpark.com. Anyway, let's get to the boosts for the show. Maximilian von Bittenstein, I'm up first. Our first booster is Renekman with 100,000 sats in total.
Damn. He he gave a huge but he's gonna be a Balder booster soon, I think. We'll have to check up on his his progress. I'll be very happy to send him a that is fine. Thank you very much, Peter. More than fine. Yeah. More more than fine. His voice is so easy to do. That's fine. It is. And you're right. Thank you. So, okay. That's fine. I agree. KYC is fine. So is Ledger.
[00:14:34] Unknown:
Yeah. So is every other company. Oh, right. Listen. We're gonna give you loads of money to shill our absolute fucking bottom of the barrel garbage bullshit.
[00:14:45] Unknown:
That's fine. I'll take your money.
[00:14:49] Unknown:
That's fine. Buy a football club. That's fine. Football club with it.
[00:14:53] Unknown:
Man United. I don't know what it is. What is it? What's the football club? Fuck it. I don't know. Don't care. Yeah. So Anyway, let's let's not piss all over Renickman's Sorry, Renickman. Baller boost here with There is a baller boost. Peter Peter McCutman. Charge. He says, goddamn this fountain app. Have to split payments, motherfucker. Thanks for the episode. You're quite welcome, sir. Oscar Mary take note. He says, you guys killed it with this one. I can't stop laughing. I'm sitting here at the hospital waiting for my second baby to come to this world, and you guys helped me a lot to calm down and to stay cool. And what the fuck is Gabago.
L m a o, laughing laughing. On a more serious note, I think I'm going to Lake Satoshi this year. I hope you do, buddy. Want to definitely hang out with the best people in the space. Thanks again for the show. Four more years. Happy New Year. And, Max, don't be sad. US is the same as UK without guns. Totally wrong. This stupid thing to say, Ray. Dumb. Thanks for the sats. And then he finished it off with, don't spend those sats on adult entertainment.
[00:16:08] Unknown:
We won't. We actually won't. You get it free. You don't need to pay for that shit. That's right. Gabagool. I think you said it was a sauce, some sort of sauce. No. It's not fucking sauce. It's Gabagool. It's the meat. It's like the Meats. The cured meats.
[00:16:21] Unknown:
Gabagool. Now you it's spelled Capicola. Oh. Yeah. Interesting. These these Jersey mongrel Italians. Yeah. You know, gotta mispronounce things to sound more Italian even though that's not how the actual Italians say it. They're gonna say Gabago.
[00:16:40] Unknown:
Well, congratulations, Renickman, having your second baby. Yep. I think Gabigool's a lovely name.
[00:16:48] Unknown:
Why did you name him name him Gabigool? Yeah. That's what it did. Because he looked delicious. Ray posted up pictures of, of the hospital and his his new son, and this looks like a a wonderful, beautiful family. Man, I I'd say that was the best boost. I mean, he he could've boosted it with one sat just to know that we were we were there with him in the hospital Yes. Acting like goof calls, doing our show, and, you know, gave him a laugh or two, take his his mind off the stress.
[00:17:18] Unknown:
That's cool. We touched someone's life there. Makes it all worth it. It's nice, isn't it? Take a second to think about it. You're like, that's really nice. So thank you for the message, mate. Bugle news. Great show as always. Awesome Wayne Kerr debut. Yeah. Good article by Wayne Kerr. Rod Palmer from the Bitcoin Bugle. Did Wayne Kerr imply Saylor is gay? I believe so. Yeah. He certainly is. He's gotta be gay, hasn't he? Yeah. Yeah. I think so. But do you know what though? I think that he is more of a giver. No. I'll give him that. I'll give him that. Yeah. He's at least he's at least the top. Yeah. Because there are so many little, faggy type fucks in Bitcoin.
Desperate on the end. Oh, day. He walks into one of these conferences with, like, a 50 security guards all ready with lube, and there's people just fucking waiting. Oh, sailor. Sailor.
[00:18:18] Unknown:
Dang, Max. Is it not? I guess I'll take that one. That one looks good.
[00:18:30] Unknown:
That one looks thermodynamically secure.
[00:18:33] Unknown:
That's his way of saying he's hot.
[00:18:35] Unknown:
Fundamentals says action news is the greatest news team money can't buy. Also, best theme song in the podcast. Thank you, mate. Thanks, buddy. Yeah.
[00:18:50] Unknown:
Appreciate it. We can be bought, though. We can be. Yeah. I I guess it's something Everyone has a price. It doesn't have to be money. Up next is our man, Pies of the Pleb. Rip through them. Good morning, you wild motherfucking, ungovernable misfits. Let's fucking go. Cheers. Mushrooms. Strong-arm. US is number one. UK, Britain, this shit as we know. And he says, I would be honored to have a few of my goons run security for you still. I can spot a troublemaker from a mile away. Bro, I used to move hella coke at strip clubs back in the day. That was my bread and butter. I paid the price for my crimes when I did my prison bid for getting popped at one. I even was given an apartment above one by the owner so I could have threesomes with strippers because I was the house dealer there.
[00:19:43] Unknown:
Specifically for that reason. Yes. The owner goes, right, Pies. This is what I need you to do. Alright? I'm gonna give you an apartment on the one condition that you have threesomes. Don't be fucking one girl. Don't be fucking four. It's threesomes and threesomes only. Okay. Hey. No no problem.
[00:20:03] Unknown:
Oh, what a He says, I've been waiting for an opportunity to quit my union gig. Don't be playing with my emotions. My only request is that I can hire my best childhood friend when he gets out of prison in two to three years and that I'm paid in Bitcoin. Let's fucking go. Yeah. Let's do that. Yeah. Sure. Makes sense to me. Timeline's good as well. Two to three years is roughly when Hashlutz will be expanded, I think. So It'll be the next halving. Mhmm. Perfect. Sounds good. Yeah. Let's do it. He also says New Jersey is the only Jersey that matters. Fuck that faggy British island.
We survive on land of toxic sewage way hotter than those country Brits.
[00:20:45] Unknown:
[00:20:46] Unknown:
Dirty Jersey. A lot of good old school Italian spots in New York, New Jersey closed their doors since the lockdowns, but I will love to smoke a blunt and hit some good food spots in the dirty Jersey with used to cunts. An American badass, and an English hooligan. Fine dining with psycho Jersey kid? Throw a few beers and blunts in the mix, and what could possibly go wrong? Oh, nothing. Nothing. It'll just be breezy. Let's do it. Then he says, love the outro song. Well, thank you very much, buys it a pleb. Here's another one for you. Chet.
[00:21:29] Unknown:
Yo. Why didn't compute north spend some money at Hashluts? Great question. Question mark. Excellent. That's a great question. Mhmm. Miners do like to party, though. Laugh my fucking ass off. Can't hate the player. Gotta hate the game. Nah. Fuck that. I love the game. He do. He does. He's always in hash sluts.
[00:21:53] Unknown:
[00:21:54] Unknown:
Late stage huddle. Sorry, but I bought Otis coffee, and then we ground it up in an American basics oh, my in an Amazon basics grinder. Ridiculous. What a cunt. Rebound. In a reusable k cup and stuff and still enjoyed it. It's so good. Okay. Don't let perfection be the enemy of good. Max, I was just about to send 25,000 and the Derry? Mhmm. Derry? Derry? Don't know what that is. Derry called me a dumbass, so I cut it down to 10. My dumbass boy.
[00:22:37] Unknown:
His wife called him a dumbass for sending 25000¢?
[00:22:40] Unknown:
Maybe. Fair enough. Thank you for the 10. Back to boost again just because of that Hash Sluts commercial.
[00:22:48] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. It was a good commercial that. Thank you. How about that Hash slut in there? She sound hot. All of them. They all sound hot. All
[00:22:56] Unknown:
all of them. You can tell they're naughty. They just got that some some sort of twang in the voice. You're like, well Oh, there's a twang there alright. Yeah. Yeah. Damn it. Back again for another boost. Feel compelled to chime in the base load does give good hugs. Of course, he does. I knew he would do. Yeah. Very nice. I can imagine. And then fundamentals was very jealous, so I went for a full bear hug for him after he complained. Not sure if he wanted the full bear hug, but he got it from my fat ass. I had to stop halfway through typing this boost to laugh at this fucking Avaron ad read.
[00:23:36] Unknown:
Oh, thank you very much. I hope you're right, dude.
[00:23:42] Unknown:
Thank you later stage. And, yeah, I mean, it's pretty disgusting how you treated Oasis coffee there, but he did buy it. So True. He lived it that way. Yeah. He bought he do what the fuck he want. You're ungovernable. Yeah. Hashsluts strip bar needs to happen. It already is, mate. Don't worry about that. I'll send you an invite. I'll DM you. Black coffee, wrecked. Why wrecked, black coffee? Well, you're wrecked, mate. What does that even mean? I don't know, mate. Let's see that. Come on. You made me laugh. Soul exporter.
Love l s love. Don't know what that means either. Lake Satoshi,
[00:24:21] Unknown:
homeboy. Oh,
[00:24:23] Unknown:
Lake Satoshi love. Get with me. We love you, Soul Lakes. I was speaking to Soul Lakes today, just so you know. You were? Yeah. I had a lovely conversation with them this morning. First person I spoke to today. Oh, that's that's a good way to start the day. Yeah. Yeah. It was. It was really nice. It really set me up for the day. It was really nice. My favorite dude. What about me?
[00:24:43] Unknown:
You're my second favorite dude. Sorry. That's fair. Well, listen. Look at your competition. You know? You're no Solex. I'll tell you that much. He gives me something to aspire to. That's right. There you go. Yeah. Up next on the boost is Bubba, and we're gonna rip through the rest of these because we're already half hour in. Mhmm. It's not short and sharp. Bubba, will KYC matter in ten years? I don't know. Anyways, talk amongst yourselves. Just keep entertaining me. I'm a selfish bastard. You cunts are so lovable in a nongay way and and a gay way. Both.
I love how your show makes me feel diverse. And please say faggot faggot faggot over and over and over. It's the best word next to fuck. Okay. I've said nothing, and everything kinda sounds like a Bitcoin conference. Indeed. Hey, Teddy boy and Johnny. Teddy. I like that people are gonna start calling you Teddy now. Entertained as usual while rejecting all that I could have learned. Old men just wanna have fun, cowboy, cowboy. Call out cowboy on a scooter in the desert. Teddy, piece of advice, eat a fucking sandwich and be a man pile it up high. Are you off your carnivore now? I am actually. Yeah. Mhmm. Oh, hope that sandwich was delicious. Next up, he says, no stripper was ever named Debbie. Destiny, Desire, etcetera, etcetera. But Debbie? Hashlets could be a profitable business, especially in a circle jerk economy. And by the way, it wasn't Debbie. It was Tammy.
No. It was Debbie. Thanks. It wasn't you said Debbie. Nah. I didn't. Go ahead and listen to it again. Well, I've listened to them a 50. To sleep listening to it. It's Tammy. Trust me. That's what I said. Fuck off. He also says, I'm building while y'all prattle on. I rolled the dough from the night before, baked a lovely looking loaf of bread, drank coffee, and smoked some fags, ate my wife's lovely breakfast of beef, avocado, egg, and a pancake. If you'd shut the fuck up, I'd roll the scoot up on the lift and change the fork seals. It's a lovely sunny morning in the desert. I thought about a wank thinking about hash sluts.
Woah. TMI. But then I thought, fuck. That's a lot of work. See, it's hard work doing nothing. Oh, man. There's only one Bubba. Next up is Zwartwitt, and he says get this. He says, get this. Thank you, Tammy. Smiley face. Can fucking hear. Thank you. And he says, buying John a letter h one step at a time. Thank you. We'll get me that h someday. Up next is Ankh Morpock. Great show, Teddy and Daryl. I got my knots badge, but got my beard stuck in the knot. It was forty five minutes of pain, but the teacher was very impressed because he thought it was the strongest knot he'd ever seen. Had to cut my beard in the end, No longer feeling the Gandalf vibe, but proud of my knot. Tell me a bit more about your train sets. Oh, maybe in Christmastime, I'll tell you about my train sets.
FOMO chronic. This show is the tits. A minus. Thank you, Fomochronic. Someday, we'll get that a plus. Believe in us. John Gold says, great show, you little cunts. Twenty twenty five, let's fucking go. Cyberpunk two BEE says, check out my favorite podcast group, Razzle Con, LAFFS, Otis Bittmeyer, Coffee, Barn Miner Jerky, Bitch Emni, Sex Robots, Hash Sluts, Mining Strip Clubs, Love Advice, Boost Readouts, Stats, Minors, Voiceovers, Bit Axe Love, Not that much. And the list goes on and on. What more could one ask for? Absolutely love you guys. Man, he really summed up our show. He really did. Great. We love you too. Hey, cyberpunk.
[00:28:24] Unknown:
To be To be.
[00:28:26] Unknown:
To be. To be
[00:28:28] Unknown:
or not to be. Definitely b. Great grand man. Used to's are my favorite old farts to listen to. I also weave in a small house. John is a funny fucker.
[00:28:43] Unknown:
Thank you very much. Sent I sent great grand man some coffee, some Otis Bittmeyer coffee. Oh, you're a good man. He gets that in a few weeks and, lets us know how much he enjoys that coffee. I'm not gonna tell you where he lives, but it's far away from me. Okay.
[00:28:56] Unknown:
Rog at SC Bitcoin UK. Your podcast is great, but it uses up about five hours of my time. I record and edit out all the swearing, especially the c word. My editing skills are poor. Then I'm not embarrassed to listen to it with my fifteen year old granddaughter. The final version runs for about ten minutes.
[00:29:21] Unknown:
Oh, come on.
[00:29:22] Unknown:
Come on now, Rog. I'd love to know if Rog actually does download and edit out the swearing so that he can listen with the family. I can't imagine because the thing is the way that we weave it in, it would be very difficult to edit. And then even if you edit out the, like, curse words, the actual subject matter is disgusting. It's still yeah. It's absolutely disgraceful. You'd have to just delete the whole show. And maybe you said ten minutes. Maybe that's it. It's just literally intro music, outro music.
[00:29:57] Unknown:
We know no other way. And in this case, our intro music was the HashSluts ad. So Oh, Oh, that's true. Throw it all out.
[00:30:04] Unknown:
And I fucking hate you is the usual one. So even then Right. Okay. Hashlutet, hashtag free samurai,
[00:30:15] Unknown:
and then a link No. No. So that's back to the episode. Motherfucker. Come on. Come on. Alright. Mistake. Made a mistake. I knew it. I just I I get this on the edge of my seat. I said, I bet you he's gonna fucking read https.com. Oh, guarantee you.
[00:30:34] Unknown:
I thought it might be a link to that free samurai.
[00:30:37] Unknown:
It's not. For some reason, these keep coming up. Like, if you do it on Noster, it Yeah. Yeah. Tags back to the show. So I had to erase all that stuff. Okay. Alright. Well, yeah. I agree.
[00:30:48] Unknown:
Hashtag free samurai. Quiet out there. I would like to see more chat about it, please. Yeah. Sats Misfit. So I almost did stab a teddy. Cannot, that's aggressive. Can concur. They are fuckwits. My choice of weapon was an aluminum wrench from my garage. Gotcha. He gotcha. Yeah. Stab a teddy. Yeah. War time.
[00:31:19] Unknown:
[00:31:21] Unknown:
Yeah. Jack Crispy or Jack Crispy. Sure. Or jar Crispy. I think Jar Crispy. Let's go with that. Love it. Jar Crispy. What a time to be alive. Guys, I haven't been this optimistic about the world in quite a while, little praying thing. Heart, best wishes to all of you. May 2025 be your year for you, body, mind, and soul. Well, thank you. It's very nice.
[00:31:51] Unknown:
Beautiful. I love it. Yeah. Look at through here. We didn't get a boost from, brother Abel. I wonder if we if it was too dirty of a show from the booth. He's like, half sluts Maybe. Bust nuts at half sluts? I'm sorry. I I can't do it, guys. I can't I can't boost a show with a a naughty title like that. I saw something the other day that made me think of him. It was like a little as I was scrolling through Twitter, it was like
[00:32:15] Unknown:
some girl saying the bible, it means basic instructions before leaving Earth. And then someone was like, no, you stupid bitch. It doesn't mean that. That's a song from, can't remember who it was, but apparently, it was, like, in some rap song. It was like, that's not actually what it is, you idiot. Now now we've we went a little bit deeper. Asic instructions. Man, he he's creative. Yeah. Pretty cool. Pretty cool, man. Was it? Give me a second. Well, you give me a second because I'm gonna Google it now. Basic instructions before leaving It was Wu Tang.
[00:33:00] Unknown:
Wu Tang?
[00:33:02] Unknown:
Yeah. Basic instructions before leaving Earth.
[00:33:06] Unknown:
Thank you, Wu. Appreciate them, boys. Well, speaking of appreciation, appreciate all of our boosters, our value for value podcasting two point o supporters. What a great community. A great community not unlike the Lake Satoshi. The Coin Beach Retreat Crew. That's right. Lake Satoshi Bitcoin Beach retreat, August second twenty twenty five. Community, friendship, food, family, fun. It's fabulous. You're gonna love it. Please show up. More and more people are telling me every day, you know what? You've been talking about that Lake Satoshi Bitcoin beach retreat for two and a half years now. It must really be something. I think I'm gonna show up. I wanna spend time with people. I wanna give big old bear hugs to fundamentals and break his little back and get some cuddly hugs from people like Baseload even though I don't think he's gonna be there. It's just about hugs, love, community, sharing. I mean, I I can't say enough wonderful things about this event. Is it your favorite event you've ever been to?
[00:34:34] Unknown:
It feels like it probably is.
[00:34:36] Unknown:
Well, you know, it it's up there. I've I've lived a long life. Lots of different experiences. Mhmm. But it's it's certainly up there. Yes. That's right. I wouldn't call it my favorite. Mhmm. But then then again, like, you know, the kids ask me, oh, are you excited about your fishing trip? And I go, yeah. You're not excited about anything. You know, we'll be going on vacation. You excited to go on vacation? Yeah. Yeah. I'm I'm looking forward to it. I just don't, like, get excited
[00:35:02] Unknown:
Mhmm. About anything anymore. Quite flat.
[00:35:06] Unknown:
[00:35:07] Unknown:
Yeah. It's a good way to be because you have no ups. You have no downs. You sort of it's it's never like, oh, yeah. I'm having a really bad down day. I had a real great time last night, and now I'm all down. It's just like, how are you? Average. Always average. Standard. No joy. Even Steven.
[00:35:27] Unknown:
Yeah. Mhmm. Good. That's the way I like it. And you'll like it too. 08/02/2025, Langsburg, Michigan. Langsburg, Michigan. So if you're flying in, I think, probably the best thing to do would be to fly into Detroit. That's the largest airport there. Mhmm. And drive on over. Maybe take you, like, an hour from Detroit, maybe less. CC. We rent a car. Yeah. Not not a big deal. Not a big deal at all. I'll be driving. I think it takes us about five hours to get there. Bubba will be driving his motorcycle from Arizona. So if Bubba, an old crusty, broken down old man, can drive a motorcycle from Arizona to Michigan, I think you can hop in your car and get there for a couple hours.
[00:36:18] Unknown:
Is it a little sports story, Scott?
[00:36:22] Unknown:
No. No? No? I thought it was. It's a hardtail Springer. You know? I don't know I don't know what was modded on it. I don't think it was a Sportster. Okay. It's not built like a Sportster now. No. No. I it looks like a Springer, but I guess his back is getting used to it. It's tough. So, anyway, if this broken down old man can ride a motorcycle with no rear suspension, the only suspension on the back of that fucking thing is the springs on the seat, You can get in your car. Oh, my wife doesn't wanna she doesn't like Bitcoin. This is it's not it's not a fucking Bitcoin conference. Mhmm. Your wife doesn't wanna hear about all this bullshit because you're talking about it all the time at home. Okay. Great. Go sit her ass on the beach there and get a suntan.
Go swim in the water. Go paddle boarding. Hop up on a jet ski. Grill some hot dogs. Whatever. It's a camping beach vacation with really cool people. Recently, Otis and Fundamentals was talking to them about coffee or doing something with the with the meshconomy, mesh to del marketplace thing. And, Otis is a Lake Satoshi guy, like an OG Lake Satoshi guy, and was talking about, man, it'd be nice to, like, set up a set up a tent there and, just be like a coffee house there at Lake Satoshi. Maybe play a little bit of music, have a guitar there, drink some coffee, just a coffee house type vibe. Sounds pleasant. Why don't we extend that along, like, have another tent over there for for shops so Carl can sell his wares, other people can sell some things, and Jackie's got, like, three d printed stuff that he sells. Like, this is the little marketplace up there. So I haven't yet, but we're gonna talk to the the Lake Satoshi crew and and see what we can't set up to have a little coffee shop for those guys. But that's the cool thing about it. It isn't like, oh, I wanna set up a coffee shop. Okay. That'll be $15,000 for your little coffee shop table. Yeah. Literally. Just show up. Do it. Bitcoin magazine,
[00:38:15] Unknown:
reached out to me for that. Yeah. We love what you're doing. Yeah. Maybe you can have, like, a little stand for fucking, like, $30,000. Eat shit. Do you have any fucking idea
[00:38:29] Unknown:
how many hoodies we'd have to sell for that? Fucking hell. Ridiculous. Money back. No problem. But but it's about awareness. People will will be aware of your own government.
[00:38:38] Unknown:
Aware that you're a fucking idiot.
[00:38:40] Unknown:
Yeah. Because you spent $30 on a poop.
[00:38:45] Unknown:
Not spend $30.
[00:38:46] Unknown:
Spend $21. Yeah. Come to Lake Satoshi. Set up a tent. Set up a table somewhere. It doesn't matter. You got you got free reign to do whatever the hell you like. Attend the meetings about Bitcoin. Talk to people about Bitcoin. Don't talk to people about Bitcoin. Talk about hot dogs. I don't know. Whatever the fuck you want. Do whatever you want. That's right. Right now, we're gonna do whatever we want, and what I want to do next is get on to our statistics segment.
[00:39:24] Unknown:
Statistics. Statistics. And we'll tell you the basics for hashing with basics, Bitcoin mining statistics. Statistics. Statistics. I'm a tell you the basics for hashing with ASICs, Bitcoin mining statistics.
[00:39:55] Unknown:
Statistics. Statistics still brought to you by the LinkCoin mining platform. LinkCoin device management, reboot, adjust power, monitor temperature, site map, PDU management, PLC management, rails automation, batch troubleshoot, inventory management, profit and loss statements, not to mention the functions that load performs, real time energy pricing, demand response, and energy cost management. Schedule a consultation with them. Contact them at Lincoin Mining on the Twitters. Hit up Nima Amir, n I m z I l, or medinaseri, m e d I n a s e r I, to learn more about their ASIC energy and energy plus energy trading packages bundle and save. That was a quick one. Statistics in general is going to be a quick one today because there's really nothing to say about statistics. It's quite an unremarkable month of statistics besides hash rate going up. We're on a thirty day moving average. It is now at 815 exahash. It was 787 on our last show. Seven day moving average is eight fifty four, was seven sixty four. One day highs for the past month have been as much as 997, almost to that zeta hash on January 31, and as low as 674 exahash the day before that.
Interesting to get that one day spike like that. I'll never quite understand how how this is all counted up. It's kinda confusing. Mining pools of note, their hash rate. Foundry, two hundred thirty three. That's actually down from 277. All the decentralization bros are really making a hit, Foundry. They've convinced, you know, 44 x hash, worth of mining to leave and, put their hash rate towards bid access, I guess. Antpool. Antpool alone is a 48 exahash, but with its proxies added being this time, Binance, Rawpool, and Cloverpool.
Antpool's actually more near 216 Exahash still still behind foundry. Via BTC, a 18, f two eighty six. Marathon stayed at 53, just the exact same hash rate they had before, so no upgrades for them. SBI Crypto was down to 7.92. Ocean's hash rate, took a little bit of a dip recently, 3.14 exahash. And our friends at Link Coin, which I have been mining with for many years now, was at 2.31 exahash. Hash value? It's gone down again, as it pretty much will forever. You're running one petahash worth of machines. You're only going to get 55,643 sats per day. That's right, Renickman. You would have to mine with a petahash for two days in order to boost our show 100,000 sats. So that just goes to show you how, meaningful and impactful the boosts are when you when you get them from pleb miners who have put a lot of work in to get those sats.
A lot of proof of work.
[00:42:51] Unknown:
Yeah. Okay.
[00:42:55] Unknown:
You wanted more. Yeah. I don't want more, but just a thought thought maybe the give me as much as you wanna give, pal. Okay. It was just a quickie. Oh, I like that. Go to sleep now. Hash price hit $61, but has been more in the 53 to $54 region for the past ten days or so, and that's where we are right now. Network difficulty is at 114,000,000,000,000. That means it's 114,000,000,000,000 times harder to find a block than it was when Bitcoin was first created, when we had a difficulty of one. Transaction fees as a percentage of block reward, ratchet, bougie, nasty.
The highest was January 19 at 1.37%, and now they are as low as they've been in the past year at point 39%. Nobody's ain't nobody paying to exchange this Bitcoin stuff from one wallet address to another. You ain't gotta pay for it. It's fucking free. Mhmm. Worry about it. Fee market. Fuck your fee market. Get the fucking out of here. Get the fuck out of here.
[00:43:59] Unknown:
We are not altruistic here as as Bitcoin miners. We want the money. Give me your money. I want all of it. You're gonna pay me all kinds of money to do your mining for you. Give me more. Give me more fees.
[00:44:17] Unknown:
No. No. That's a new one.
[00:44:21] Unknown:
I'm just so hungry for your feet. Squared it all over me. Oh, yeah. Point 37%? Uh-uh. I'm not giving it up for that little baby. I want four, five, 15, 20 percent. Oh, yeah.
[00:44:43] Unknown:
Vile. Totally vile. And now x now up next on Ungovernable Misfits action news, we have the part of the show that's actually action news.
[00:44:55] Unknown:
This is Ungovernable Misfits action news, your trusted source for news in the Bitcoin mining scene. Our pool of journalists are dedicated to uncovering the stories that matter most. What's that in the sky? Why it's all tear with minor news. Turn up the bass with bass load. Contributing maverick journalist Dick Greaser from the Bitcoin Bugle and the ever present bear maker. And now, uncover the mystery.
[00:45:27] Unknown:
Action, dude. My sweet, sweet, lovable boy. I take him and I clean his little beer so there's no pee pee in there. No. No. And I take all the oil
[00:45:39] Unknown:
and spread it all over his hooves. So they are soft and supple and they go flip, flip, flip, flip. Talking of soft, you saw that little goat, didn't you? I did see that little goat. Yes. I did. Little goat. How, how were his hooves in the cold?
[00:45:57] Unknown:
Well, it would behoove him not to go back to North Dakota. Did he moan and whinge? No. He was very good. Was he? He was very good. Even, you know, like, I I have to get out of the snow bear, you know, the vehicle that you're in when you're fishing. Mhmm. Just gonna I can't be all cooped up. So I'm walking around outside and visiting people and going to their snow bears and such, and he came outside with me for a little bit, and he seemed alright. He wasn't dying. He survived. It was negative 20. That's cold. That's very cold. Yeah. Negative 20. You'd have to convert that to Celsius. I've no idea. Like, negative. Maybe just the other day. It was, like, negative 35.
Was it the same as Celsius? I can't remember. What whatever it is, it's it's very fucking cold. Very fucking cold. Yeah. The Southern boys, b rocket miner. I forget what his name is on the Twitters. B rocket miner, I think, or b t c speedboat or something like that. Anyway, I don't wanna say his real name, but he's a southern boy too. And, he was fine. They lived. Alright. These are tough guys. These are pleb miners, man. Mhmm. Tough motherfucker, tough sons of bitches. As long as they've got their mittens, they can get through anything. Yeah. Yep. And then here comes here comes Jordan from the Great White North. He's, like, in a jean jet fur lined jean jacket. Yeah. He's fine. It's no big deal. Oh, that's so Canadian. A fur lined jean jacket. I'm telling you, man. He showed up, and one guy was like, who the fuck is that guy? What the fuck is he wearing?
They're like, that's Jordan. No. No. No. He's Canadian. It's alright. It's alright. Your retarded little brother shows up. Canadian. You you know, I think I think you asked me, like, oh, how's Jordan in real life? I was like, he is the exact same person. He's just nice and has, like, the biggest smile and, like, a the perfect black print beard. You know? And and and he's just, like, put he's put together. He's, like, slim and put together. Like, he might he might even, like, iron his jeans or something. I'm not sure. Really? He's put together. Yeah. Nice. I don't know if I,
[00:47:57] Unknown:
thought that he would be, like, perfectly manicured beard and stuff like that. I was thinking, like perfect. He might be a bit more rough and ready
[00:48:06] Unknown:
with the sort of, like, the work that he does and stuff. And then was to say he's not rough and ready? I don't you can't take that away from him. No. I'm not taking it away No. In in appearance. You know, like I see. I see. Not so manicured. No. No. Just just, like, maybe not quite so manicured, not quite so picture perfect. But then, you know, everything else he does is perfect. So Right. I don't know why he does that. And he You know what I mean? So it's a it's all around thing. The the work he does, you know, the Perfect. Plaster work, based contracting work, perfect, put together. His look, perfect, put together. He's now building dojos on Start 9 or Ashgrove. I don't know what he's building on these Start Nines.
[00:48:46] Unknown:
Perfect, put together. Yep. His guide's perfect. Everything about him. The guy's polished. What's he doing hanging out with us? I ask myself the same thing every day. What are you doing? He's too good for us. Certainly. Maybe he's trying to bring us up to his level. Maybe Maybe. You know, if you're sort of, like, the kids in the playground, they're like, oh, look at that mongrel kid. Like, they could be cool. You know what I mean? Like, they could they could be alright. They just need a bit of guidance. He saw something in us. Yeah.
[00:49:13] Unknown:
I'm gonna help these guys out. He was great. My little band was great. Sass Mitzvah was great. Jamie Bergen, great. Aaron, great. Aaron's son, little goofball. Just fun to hang out with. Be Rocket Miner, great. I don't think I'm missing anybody. Oh, one a a a new guy, Alex Hayes. I'll just do his mention right now. Alex Hayes. Let me scroll down to see what the name of his website is. I just recently met him. Fuck. ASIC minor academy or something like that. Shit. Okay. I'm not used to scrolling. ASIC Miner Academy dot AI. I'm gonna give Alex Hayes a little bit of a, yeah, advertising boost for free.
ASIC Miner Academy dot AI. They do repair and mining operations training, improve your in house operations. If you have a mid to large scale mine and you're sick of stacking all your machines up on a pallet to send away, to be thrown away or not repaired on warranty and sent back and all this fucking rigmarole. Mhmm. Why don't you just train your staff to repair some machines there? Well, Alex Hayes and ASIC minor academy dot a I can come over and, teach your guys how to, do some basic repairs on machines or even go further. So met him. Really, really nice guy. Super, super cool dude. Got five kids. Homeschools them all. You know? It's like he and his wife, they're they're hustling.
So if you you think you could use something like that, please contact Alex Hayes at ASIC Miner Academy dot a I. Good dude.
[00:50:48] Unknown:
Did you catch any fish on this fishing trip? Was it mainly just drinking and
[00:50:54] Unknown:
chat? Yeah. I know. Not a lot of drinking. Not at least in in the snow bear. Because then you gotta pee every you gotta go out in negative 20 degree weather and pee. Yeah. Don't be doing that. No. We did not catch a lot of fish. Not like last year. We caught a hundred and something fish. This year, I think we caught, like, 30, which seems like a lot, but it's not. I mean, these fish are little their perch. But it's about the camaraderie. It was good. We found out the last day why the fish weren't biting because somebody dropped their phone in the water. Mhmm. And it went down to the bottom of the lake.
You know, you're drilling a three foot hole in ice. Mhmm. And so if you drop your phone down there, you're not getting the whole phone back. Let's go. Yeah. Yeah. But one of the guys had a camera, so he shoved the camera down in the hole to the bottom of the lake. And you could see the phone, but you could also see a whole sea of freshwater shrimp down at the bottom. So the fish were just totally full of shrimp. They had zero interest in our stupid little minnows. They would come up. You could see it on the radar. They would come up, sniff at you a little bit, maybe a little tiny nibble. Meh. I'm done. There was no motivation to really bite.
[00:52:03] Unknown:
And you wouldn't catch the shrimp?
[00:52:05] Unknown:
No. They're extremely small. Oh, okay. It's not like prawns. No shrimp catching on a hook. No. I mean, when when and you when you're really getting the fish, these are things that are, like, puking out shrimp. That's how much fucking shrimp they've eaten. So it's on the table when when you're filleting the fish, and they're just little tiny tiny shrimps like, I don't know, like a pinhead.
[00:52:25] Unknown:
Okay. So you could see the phone, but you couldn't get it. You could have done a good game, like, you know, the those arcade games where you have, like, the grabber, you know, like, the arm that comes down. It could have been good.
[00:52:37] Unknown:
It could have been good. You would have we had to move like, go outside and drill more holes to get directly on it, you know, because when it floated down, it it shifted a a few feet. It was about the worst scenario that could have possibly happened to the guy Yeah. Who dropped his phone, you know, for the slow motion.
[00:52:52] Unknown:
No. So there's just, like, one hole in the ice, and he somehow
[00:52:58] Unknown:
Yeah. Bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bangs.
[00:53:01] Unknown:
Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Awesome. And then me and Jamie Bergen were in the snow bear together, and this guy comes up and said, well, drop my fucking phone on the ice. And then he leaves. We're like, fuck. That sucks. Fuck, dude. And I I have I had my phone in in my bibs, and I just kept, like, holding on to it the whole time. Now I have my phone in my bibs like that all winter long working. It's never fallen out, but that would be my luck. The one time, I would lean over in just the right way and fucking fall out. Was it by chance
[00:53:28] Unknown:
Barnliner? Because I worry about him operating a phone with hooves. He hasn't got the dexterity to hold the phone to start with, and then he's got olive oil all over them. It's Slippery, slippery. It wasn't him.
[00:53:42] Unknown:
No. It wasn't Barn Miner. Impressive. He's a responsible boy.
[00:53:46] Unknown:
He's a good boy. He's my good boy. I love him.
[00:53:51] Unknown:
He was able to bring up some barn jerky. Oh. And, we used, you know, Canadian friend as a mule to smuggle meat across the border. Nice. Fucking ungovernable
[00:54:03] Unknown:
is that? That's good. Mule.
[00:54:06] Unknown:
We'll talk more about the mule concept on our, next episode of PMM. Yeah. Mesh economies. Circular pleb economies.
[00:54:18] Unknown:
Oh my god. What the fuck? Can you hear that? No. My phone is now talking to my headset, which has never done before because Jordan is calling me. Oh, boy. This is the third recording in a row. Right? I'm gonna turn my phone off. The third record oh, it's because I've now got signal on my laptop. I didn't used to. Let me get rid of that. Let me close it down. I'm gonna write to you in that middle of recording. Mid record
[00:54:45] Unknown:
with John. What you can even currently
[00:54:49] Unknown:
calling you a Canadian
[00:54:54] Unknown:
cunt. I didn't see that. No. But that's not true. You lied to him. Quit signal. No. He can't call me. No. He is one because right. Last three recordings.
[00:55:05] Unknown:
Right. So I was recording this to Spencer, middle of recording, messaging me. Where is it? I need the recording. I need the recording. Like, getting all assy with me. I'm like, in the middle of fucking recording, mate. He's never been assy with anyone in his life, in in life. Middle of recording. Right? Next recording, recording with q. I'm getting messages, just GIFs of someone throwing their arms up and huffing, like, like that. Like, I haven't got the fucking thing yet. I'm supposed to have it. I haven't got it yet. Again, mid recording. And now strike three.
Recording with you. Fucking interrupting. Unbelievable.
[00:55:44] Unknown:
I'm because I you know, now I know what he looks like. I can see that that beautiful smiling face and the perfectly manicured beard, and he just wants to know what's up. He's just trying to get work done. Yeah. That's true. He just sent me a a laughing, smiling emoji in response to, my message. Not everybody is a miserable British bastard like you are. That's true. That's true. Right? Sister, don't put that upon him. He's a happy Canadian. Okay. No. He's not saucy. Sassy. He is sassy. I like that about him. You know what we're doing here on Un Guerrilla Misfits is now we're doing our own investigative journalism.
Mhmm. I'm not credentialed and never will be, but I can look at a spreadsheet. And I can tell you that Jack Dorsey is a social justice warrior cunt.
[00:56:37] Unknown:
Hey. Hey. Hey. I wanted a big key sponsorship. Don't fucking
[00:56:42] Unknown:
you put a spanner in the works there, you cunt. Well, they they only gave him a million dollars, so I don't think we have enough to give to you. Okay. So far, Jack Dorsey's Start Small LLC has funded social justice organizations, COVID relief organizations, child trafficking organizations, oh, but also open source and Bitcoin development for the tune of 634,681,561 Sats. Dollars. American dollars. Not loonies, not pounds, not sats, million dollars. Wow. Yeah. And now he's given a lot to the Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund, one point five million. Okay. 1,000,000 to Brink to strengthen the Bitcoin developer community. 10,000,000 to OpenSats, and OpenSats goes and spreads their money around everywhere. Mhmm. Even gave a little bit of money to, other sort of, plebby kinds of things.
Tor project gets a million dollars. The nostril thing got $5,500,000. That's a big chunk of change. Yeah. He loves the nostril, doesn't he? Does love the nostrils. Yeah. Mhmm. Signal got $1,000,000 from him. Mastodon, everybody was hot on that mastodon for about five minutes. Mhmm. That got $500,000, and Proton got a million. So we spread that around. You know, what are we looking at here? 10,000,000 open sets, a 12 and a half million, 13 About 20,000,000. Another 5.5. Another $20,000,000. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool. He also led the funding of Ocean, the Mummalin Group, to the tune of $6,200,000.
That wasn't him by himself, though. He did that with, organization called Accomplice, Barefoot Mining, MoonKite, couldn't find any information about them, New Layer Capital, couldn't really find much information about them, and the Bitcoin Opportunity Fund. Okay. So that's cool. It's a lot of money. I don't know. What are what are we up to here? 26,000,000
[00:58:43] Unknown:
Ish. Yeah. Yeah. Out of 634,000,000?
[00:58:46] Unknown:
Yep. I definitely can see that Bitcoin and open source stuff is a huge priority of his. Well, let's Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Let's just be let's just be fair.
[00:58:58] Unknown:
Okay. When did this start the counter for this $634,000,000? Is it ever? Is it Ever. In the last ever? Okay. This is since 2020.
[00:59:11] Unknown:
Oh, since 2020. That's Mhmm. Not ever then. Twenty twenty. Okay. Ever as far as start small LLC.
[00:59:17] Unknown:
Fine. So five years. Yeah. I was trying to be the reasonable side and go, this could be before he found Bitcoin and could be Twitter day. Well, I mean, he found Bitcoin in in 02/2008
[00:59:31] Unknown:
when he it, mate. So he's white paper. Yeah. Yeah. So he's known. Where else has his money gone then? Well, the Start Small LLC, you can look this all up in a spreadsheet. It's publicly available information. He's given $25,000,000, so pretty much as all of his, you know, Bitcoin open source, plebby kind of stuff to resolve to save lives. That's a public health initiative working to prevent epidemics and cardiovascular disease led by former CDC director Tom Frieden. It focuses on pandemic preparedness, hypertension control, and global health systems. It's good. Mhmm. No problem. These Jack Dorsey is definitely not the USAID of progressive tech bro philanthropists.
No way. He's also given $25,000,000 to the Clara Lionel Foundation. This is a foundation founded by Rihanna, focuses on climate resilience, energy prepared oh, no. Not energy preparedness. No. I don't care about that. Emergency preparedness and global education initiatives for underserved communities. That sounds great, doesn't it, Max? It sounds great. I like Rihanna. Oh, she's wonderful. She's she's not a demon possessed creature whatsoever, and she is wonderful and sweet. And, you know, look at last year's, Super Bowl performance. I'd look at her and I say, I want my children to emulate that woman. Mhmm. I think she's fantastic.
Well, let's go a little bit deeper into these donations by the Clara Lionel Foundation. Sounds pretty good. You got the investment in climate justice initiatives in The US and Caribbean. Well, who could argue with that? You're gonna hear some q and a type clicking as I go through this this spreadsheet, so I hope that's okay. You should be That's acceptable. Actually, I haven't heard a lot of clicking from q and a. I I think all of our, our poking at him about the clicking. He's finally gotten himself something a little bit more quiet. How about the Black Feminist Fund That's related to the Clara Lionel Foundation.
It's serving as the first global hub for black feminist philanthropy led by activists from across Africa and the Caribbean diaspora. Black Feminist Fund significantly increases the resources available to black feminist movements. Excellent. Who who couldn't yeah. Everybody likes that. How about Black Visions? It's a collective of black led, queer, and trans centering organizations whose mission is to organize powerful, connected black communities. They got $1,500,000. Dorsey cares just as much about queer and trans blacks as he does Bitcoin legal defense fund. Mhmm. What else is Dorsey doing with this money? Why, he's got the Caribbean Youth Environment Network. I'm sure this isn't a child trafficking ring dedicated to improving the quality of life of Caribbean young people by facilitating their personal development and full involvement in environment and sustainable development.
Because that's certainly the only way that you can help out youth in The Caribbean, just turn them into social justice warriors. Mhmm. How about the Center for Popular Democracy? This sounds like a good one. They champion equity, opportunity, and a dynamic democracy in partnership with high impact base building organizations, like the Environment Justice Campaign. Very good. They got $2,500,000. Should shall shall I go on, sir? This goes on for 65 more entries, and trust me, they're all about the same. Climate Justice Alliance, Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Girls Care. Who knows what the hell that is?
[01:03:13] Unknown:
Is there some reason that could be financially motivated to do these type of charitable things where you get some type of kickback or you pay less taxes or you get some extra deal or whatever it is. Presumably, there's some sort of reason that the money is always sort of funneled into these, like, whatever, like a charity to make sure that, you know, people who have one leg and they happen to be gay and they're worried about climate change and they are emotionally concerned, and so they need some sort of therapy using DMT.
And it's gonna cost $10,000,000 per per that kind of, like, wacky shit. Is there a reason a financial reason that could explain it, or does he actually really care about that shit? Or is it like a organized crime? You know, I'm sure there are tax benefits,
[01:04:14] Unknown:
but it's part of the whole global progressive money laundering campaign. I mean, if you were to spend this much money, if if you were given 5,000,000 for your local community, what could you possibly do with $5,000,000? A lot. You look at yeah. A a lot. And some of these go into small Caribbean islands that don't seem to be any better off. For instance, if you start I don't know if you've dug deep into this USAID thing that, Elon Musk is no. Yeah. You're hearing a lot about it. And then when you dive into, you think, man, they gave $55,000,000 to this or that, you know, the with the Clinton Foundation and their relief efforts in Haiti since the nineties, and Haiti is still a giant disgusting cesspool shithole country.
And somehow Chelsea Clinton, Bill and Hillary Clinton's daughter is a She paid for a wedding. A million millionaire paid for a wedding. Right. So this gives me the exact same vibes as that USAID thing. That's why I said Jack Dorsey is the progressive tech bro equivalent of USAID.
[01:05:22] Unknown:
I get you. That's fair. What we're saying is the money could be much better spent, obviously, and that most of these organizations are almost certainly schemes to look like you're doing something useful, but actually enriching people who shouldn't be enriched and paying for $5,000,000
[01:05:41] Unknown:
weddings and Mhmm. All sorts of nefarious bullshit. It's a celebrity circle jerk. So I'll go on here. We're done with the Rihanna stuff. That was a tune of $25,000,000 distributed in, you know, 72 or 60 something different, programs like what I mentioned. Something to do with race, something to do with sexuality,
[01:06:02] Unknown:
social justice. If you can combine them all, that's perfection. Yeah. If you can get the combo, that's a fucking that's a kill shot. You've got every benefit you could possibly want.
[01:06:15] Unknown:
The World Central Kitchen got $15,000,000. This is founded by chef Jose Andree. I guess maybe he's famous. And this nonprofit provides food relief in disaster zones. It was active in COVID nineteen response. Did you get COVID nineteen food? Oh, here we go. Haiti and Ukraine. Oh, boy. Interesting. The National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls got $10,000. Social justice group. 10 million dollars. They got 10 mil. Yeah. I've not even had 1 mil. What the fuck? Well, I I you know, Somebody look this up for me. I know you will. There's gotta be some Dorsey cucks in here. They're gonna be like, well, he's a really good guy. How much of the Bitcoin legal defense fund give to p2prights.org?
These are real, people trying to empower somebody, power Bitcoin users with privacy that are still being persecuted by the United States government. Mhmm. Did the Bitcoin legal defense fund donate to p2prights.org and how much? Maybe I can look that up in the start small. Please excuse the clicks. Nope. Put in p two p and no entries
[01:07:22] Unknown:
there. What about through OpenSats? Because you gave 10,000,000 to OpenSats. Did they fund it?
[01:07:29] Unknown:
But it would be broken down. So, like, the Rihanna thing, that $25,000,000, that's broken down on all these smaller increments. It'll say, like, through Clara Yeah. Yeah. Yonel Foundation. So that would have that would have said through Bitcoin legal defense fund, through OpenSats,
[01:07:44] Unknown:
possibly. So basically, out of the $634,000,000, it seems he's given fuck all to help free samurai.
[01:07:53] Unknown:
Yeah. I got 20 1 point 5. Ocean funding wasn't through Start Small LLC. So just just the philanthropic things in Bitcoin and open source, you know, to include signal and nostr and such, 21.5. Okay. He also donated $5,000,000 to the Black Feminist Fund, one million dollars to the LeBron James Family Foundation, Vital Strategies, resolve to save lives, thirty eight million dollars. The core community organized relief effort, $30,000,000. That's another public health initiative under the resolve to save lives focusing on digital health solutions, epidemiological monitoring, and public health infrastructure.
So when I was looking deeper into this in the COVID nineteen response, there was a lot of money funneled to universal basic income, and there was a lot of money funneled into what did they call it? Oh, contact tracing. Oh, yeah. That was good. These Jack Dorsey groups so you're all about Bitcoin and open source and privacy, yet you funded a shitload of money towards contact tracing for COVID nineteen, a global surveillance network. Get the fuck out of here.
[01:09:08] Unknown:
Yeah. That is comfy.
[01:09:10] Unknown:
So this core community organized relief effort was founded by Sean Penn. I don't know if you're familiar with him. He's a b list actor who Mhmm. Happened to be married to Madonna and is a social justice warrior. So I wanted to make this comparison at the beginning. I was like, oh, man. I really gotta dig in and find some USAID funding overlapped with Jack Dorsey's Start Small LLC, and this was probably the best one I could find. So he gives $30,000,000 to Sean Penn's organization, and Sean Penn was funded by USAID along with other celebrities to go over there and meet with Zelensky and and do a photo op and, you know, Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz and and, Angelina
[01:09:56] Unknown:
Jolie. To go there and sort of Hate to go. Mhmm. Yeah. Amazing. With Zelensky,
[01:10:02] Unknown:
give me more money. Give me money. I'm going to kill Russian. Going to kill Ukraine boys in mid grinders. Give me money. I need more for this war. Putin is bad. Give me more money. Pay you. I want to kill Ukrainian Russian boys. Give me money to do this. Take picture with me, Sean Penn. Come. Stand next to me, bean stealer.
[01:10:30] Unknown:
This is your hero, people. Please be aware. Please understand who these fucking people are. Jack Norris is not your fucking friend. He doesn't love Bitcoin and open source more than you do. He's just spreading it around. Where was he when the FBI and CIA and censorship groups in in the country squashed the Hunter Biden laptop stories that was Russian disinformation? Where was he when we all wanted to tell you how bad COVID nineteen vaccines were? Mhmm. To tell everybody about the lie of COVID, the global organized lie of it? Where was he?
[01:11:09] Unknown:
Helping little retarded children somewhere.
[01:11:13] Unknown:
Mhmm. Yeah. He was too busy helping retarded one legged trans black children in The Caribbean.
[01:11:22] Unknown:
Helping them by walking past them with a big bag of money.
[01:11:27] Unknown:
He was helping them buy solar panels. Yeah.
[01:11:33] Unknown:
It's so tough with all this stuff because it's like Yeah. It's so confusing and runs so deep that you sort of look at it and you go, yeah. There's obviously some bullshit going on here, and there's definitely some money being filed off. And there's this and there's that. You know? So it was all this stuff going on, but it's like, it's very hard to actually really pinpoint it down and be like, I know for a fact that you've paid this, and that's gone directly to child trafficking or that's gone to this thing that's particularly bad. Even have to in infer the stuff. Just read just read parts of what I read.
[01:12:11] Unknown:
You can fill in the lines. Fill in the blanks, I mean. Read between the lines.
[01:12:16] Unknown:
Yeah. Get it.
[01:12:19] Unknown:
There ain't no saviors.
[01:12:21] Unknown:
Suffolk key sponsorship gone, mate.
[01:12:24] Unknown:
Thanks for that. Oh, well, I'm not worried about it. Just saying, you you guys put this fucking guy up on a pedestal. You'll take his money. You'll dance his dance, and you're worried about Bitmain and Antpool destroying Bitcoin? I I mean, they just make gear and have a pool. This guy's a progressive social justice warrior handing money out for things you probably don't believe in, and he gave them a hell of a lot more money than he gave Bitcoin in open source.
[01:12:52] Unknown:
I think contact tracing was good. I mean, that was
[01:12:55] Unknown:
I wanna know. I wanna know where you've been. Anyway, we'll talk more about the motivations of people who are in Bitcoin mining for altruistic reasons or self serving objectivist reasons, like just making some money. But in the meantime, we've got a little bit more action news. And up next is Bitcoin baseloads info you. What's up, y'all? The next is update. Folks don't know nothing about Bitcoin and energy. I'll mix this one. Two.
[01:13:36] Unknown:
I love it.
[01:13:38] Unknown:
They do. I should I should've kept playing it. What's up? I wonder why it was so long. Yeah. Bitcoin and electricity, they're soulmates. Reading from Baseload Substack. That's, Bitcoin Baseload, b a s s l o a d. Don't forget how to spell baseload.substack.com. It starts out with a quote from Thomas Edison. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time by Thomas Edison. And what Thomas Edison means by that is steal everyone's invention that works for you. That's what he means by just one more invention to steal. Baselow goes on. An extremely hot topic is the term reliability.
Yeah. That's very important in electricity. You gotta provide them electrons. You gotta provide reliability and affordability. Reliability is defined by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as the provision of an adequate, secure, and stable flow of electricity as consumers may need it. Grid reliability is based on two key elements, reliable operation, the ability to withstand sudden electric systems to services that can lead to blackouts, and resource adequacy, the ability of the electric system to meet the energy needs of electric consumers, having sufficient generation to meet projected electric demand.
He says a friend of of his sent him an article titled America's electric grid is at risk, and we need coal to save it. Yeah. I can get behind that one. It goes on to say, NERC, that's the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, believes that the grid is unreliable, and we are in a dangerous situation. The retirement of consistent electric generation is just terrible. We see time and time again when grids hit the fan and when volatile periods happen. Coal and natural gas come to the rescue because physics say when you burn something, that energy exchange actually happens.
Imagine that. Burn wood, get heat. Burn coal, get BTUs.
[01:15:57] Unknown:
Amazing. It is amazing. What a concept.
[01:16:00] Unknown:
It turns out. Unfortunately, you cannot fully control what happens with renewables. As we always say, the don't know when the wind's gonna blow or the sun's gonna shine. Base says we all want stuff to work. He believes that all types of energy have a place in the game. Whether one works better than the other, the humans will need to come to a consensus, or eventually things will break. Let's remember it was exactly four years ago to the day that winter storm Yuri sent a shockwave through the energy industry financially and physically. Another note here in his info. Yo. Recently, ERCOT released their updated capacity demand and reserves report. It says that interconnection queue in ERCOT has roughly 389,318 megawatts, pretty much all wind, solar, and batteries. Now the interconnection queue means it is it is ready to be connected up to the larger grid.
And Base thinks that this situation will correct itself, not not by someone waving a magic wand. It will be smart folks that make the necessary changes to make the grid affordable and reliable. And I have to imagine that 389,000 megawatts being connected up to the grid is going to make it, a lot more energy available, but you just won't know when. That much renewables gets connected up. I think it opens up the door for a lot more demand response type programs. If you would like to hear more about energy from mister Baseload, please come and see him at PubKey, March tenth of this year. It'll be like a afternoon and evening type event, all things energy from mister Baseload, and, I will be there. Baseload nine will be up on stage rapping about energy. So if you'd like him to address something specifically, just let us know. What a panel.
Yeah. That'll that'll be something.
[01:17:51] Unknown:
I would like to fly
[01:17:53] Unknown:
just for that. Would you? Yeah. Well, someday when you're rich, when when Dorsey gives you a payout Come on, Dorsey. Be able to do stuff like that. You can be on every podcast. You can fly places.
[01:18:06] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, you know, 634,000,000. Yeah. And not even one has come to us. That's when you know someone doesn't care about Bitcoin. You look at that. You go, you haven't given it to ungovernable misfits. You clearly don't care.
[01:18:23] Unknown:
I agree. No. Max, you don't have to wait for Jack Dorsey to give you money. You can just get sats from value for value, time, talent, and treasure from the people that support the show.
[01:18:49] Unknown:
That's right. That's right. That's right, Jack Dorsey. Stop dropping boots right now. Send us a zap on a nostrils. Yeah. Nostrilus. Give us some nostril. Delicious. Give me that nice strudel. I'll take another serving, please.
[01:19:08] Unknown:
He's definitely gonna be sending some. Hey, guys. Loved the show.
[01:19:13] Unknown:
Hey, guys. It's me Satoshi.
[01:19:15] Unknown:
Love the show. Thanks for exposing my scams.
[01:19:23] Unknown:
Hey. Just send some sass. You like this show? You think we're funny? We make you laugh. We make you think.
[01:19:30] Unknown:
Look down at your phone right now. Press that boost button whether you're listening on fountain or all the other ones that I can never remember. Give me some of the other ones. You're better at this stuff. Actually, my brain's gone. Jordan's gonna get so angry with this. Oh, he sure as fuck is. He's gonna be I did I had them on the tip of my tongue the other day because I was listing them off, and, honestly, my brain is so Chad Farrow is gonna be really disappointed as well. Mhmm. Yeah. Chad Farrow is also gonna be disappointed. He's gonna be angry. Fuck.
[01:20:00] Unknown:
I can't even think of one. Something about our brains. Breeze. Breeze. Breeze. Okay. Okay. Is there something about a a radar or
[01:20:09] Unknown:
something like that? Oh, we're gonna be in so much trouble. Should we Google it so we sound less comfy? I don't know, but everybody's gonna know we Googled it. Yeah. I know. But We're we're country. It's even more country. No. It's not good at all. Because at least we're trying. Unless you unless you edit it out. To no. I'm not You could trick them. I could trick them, but we're not here to trick people. We're not. Let's have a look. Podcasting two point o apps. Let's just see what comes up. Podbean?
[01:20:35] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Podverse. Podverse. I thought it won. Podverse. Yep. Yes.
[01:20:40] Unknown:
Well done. Pod news. I I can't see any others. Fuck. It's gonna be mad. Top five podcast apps. I know that's just podcast. Oh.
[01:20:54] Unknown:
Hey. You know what you should do? Is that when Jordan does the tweets for new episodes, it's like, listen now or listen here. What's that link that he sends out? That's got all the pictures of everything on it. That's true. Yeah. It does. Oh, he's gonna be so mad. He's gonna be so mad. Podcasting
[01:21:09] Unknown:
to Orb. But he'll yell at us, but but still smiling. Here we are. Look at this. Okay. True fans, Podverse, podcast guru, Fountain, CurioCaster, Steno.fm, Pod LP, PodFriend, Podcast Addict, Desktopia, Vudio, Digilore Anytime Podcast Player, MetaMask, Customatic, Pine Pods, Pod Station, Antenna no. Hold on a minute. This is bullshit. I don't think Antenna Pod has it. I don't think Antenna Pod has the the two point o thing. Alright. You just stop while you're ahead. You named a lot of them. I named a lot. Sphinx chat, that definitely was one. Apple Podcasts, that's a lie. Obviously, a lie. They don't do it. Sure. Yeah. Apple Podcasts does do a lot of the the podcasting two point o features. You just can't boost. You just can't boost. Yeah.
[01:22:04] Unknown:
Okay. Sorry, Chad Farrow. Very well. I'm really sorry. Anyway, you could support us that way. Mhmm. Podcasting two point o. Value for value. Or donate time, talent, and treasure if you'd like to, write an article for the newly revamped Ungovernable Misfits website. Happy to have you aboard. Join us with you. If you'd like to, make art for us, for our chapters, we'd be happy to take that. Or just,
[01:22:28] Unknown:
you know, post up on the Noster's that you love ungovernable misfits. Or just tell someone. Just find someone that you really like, and you say, I think you'd really like this show. It's one of my favorite shows. I'm gonna share a link with you. Share it. That's helpful.
[01:22:43] Unknown:
Thank you, everybody. One of our, longest time contributors to Ungovernable Misfits, our, fellow traveler on the intellectual Silk Road, the Bitcoin Bugle. This is an article by, Richard Grieser. Says Donald Trump announced Tuesday morning that once Canada's surrender to The United States is finalized, and it probably won't be long. We talked to Jordan about that while he was, at the fishing trip. I think he's glad to be joining The United States. He would be appointing YouTuber Whistlin Diesel, Cody Dettweiler, as a regional governor until government elections could be reorganized in order to ensure the likes of Justin Trudeau would never get into power again.
[01:23:24] Unknown:
Canada will be so based so based. I know so many Canadians who are based, but, unfortunately, they have had bad leadership, really bad leaders. It was so bad. It was like things would have been if Crooked Hillary had won in 2016. I couldn't have got that bad here if Kamala
[01:23:44] Unknown:
Kamala had won.
[01:23:46] Unknown:
But if we won, we won big. Now we are gonna win big in Canada. The president rambled.
[01:23:52] Unknown:
Experts have questioned the president's cognitive awareness due to the absence of his chief henchman's intelligence gathering platform. His absence has been causing general confusion amongst American citizens and government officials who are struggling to discern reality in immediate environment that is reeling from losing their incomes to the pausing of USAID. Some claim that Trump is playing a game of four d chess unlike ever before. His announcement of negotiations with Canada for their formal surrender as well as his commitment towards making Whistlin' Diesel the governor appear to be a move to crush the morale of The US political class currently bewailing constitutional overreach and arguing for citizen data privacy. With contentious confirmations of RFK Junior and Tulsi Gabbard, Trump seems to be pushing the envelope significantly further with his appointment of Whistlin' Diesel. When the bugle reached out for Whistlin' Diesel's comment, his team responded by stating that taxes will be slashed, gun laws will be eliminated, there will be tax credits for driving monster trucks or kill dozers. Oh. You'll be able to splash people on jet skis without getting arrested, and he'll be redirecting government funds from the Eskimos to buying the citizens Canada Alcolo. Alcolo is Whistlin' Diesel's brand of alcoholic drink that he sells and promotes.
Donald Trump is currently eviscerating the Democrat party, HR departments, and, unlike the bureaucracy, Whistlin' Diesel's appointment appears to be to many as only rubbing salt in their wounds. All parties across two sides of the political aisle likely agree that they cannot wait to see Elizabeth Warren go full Karen over there. Have you watched the Whistling Diesels videos? I have not. They're pretty good. For some reason, everybody at at the the party house on the fishing trip was watching the Whistling Diesel video where he beats the shit out of a Tesla Cybertruck and a Ford f two fifty.
Okay. And just, like, absolutely rips this Cybertruck apart. It's ridiculous. Blows it up, slams the doors Mhmm. You know, rips the batteries out of the thing, almost breaks his finger on the automatic closing door. He's wild. He's a wild man. Has it made you want to cancel your order? My order for a Cybertruck? Yeah. The fuck out of here. Sticking with my two fifty. Up next on On the Gomorrah Misfits action news, we've got our friend Altair stopping by. Not bitch emmy. It's pronounced bit chimney. You can get yourself a bit chimney or a bitch imni, whatever you like, at alter tech dot I o. The bit chimney is a 20 to 240 volt plug and play, low noise. They go like this.
Can can you hear that? Max, can you hear me? Barely. Barely. It sounds quite nice. It is. It is. It's like one of those noise machines that you put on when you go to bed. I have one of those. I do too. I have the crashing of waves is what I quite like. I got a whole fucking house full of them.
[01:27:14] Unknown:
What do you go for? Do you go for, like, the wind? Oh, okay. You go for s nineteens. You betcha, pal. Yeah. I'm not such a fan of that. It's really like the crashing of the waves that I particularly like. It's just nice. It's just and what I do is I, like, get into bed in the night, imagine myself lying by the water going to sleep and just, like, imagine I'm there and the waves are just lapping by my feet. And I'm just it's very nice.
[01:27:48] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, I prefer fans. Only fans. You know, in in this house, you don't hear the Asic fan whine. That's all silenced. It's more of these, eight inch duct fans that you hear. So they have kinda like a they're like a little lower. Nice. It's it's a nice in the house and the voice and heartbeat of the home. If you would like a heartbeat in your home, I think the, BitChimmy is a good place to start. They've got two different versions. The, Kaypro version, 750 watts, thirty one thirty one terahash, 24 joules per terahash, or high power mode, 38 terahash, 25 joules per terahash. An s 21 version that gets 18 joules per terahash, 750 watts gives you 42 terahash, and a thousand watts gives you 55 terahash.
Recently, Avril has been playing around with different configurations from the s 21 XP and the s 21 plus with one board builds, two board builds. He managed to get a build out the other day, and this is this is why we love altertech.io. This is why we love having Avril as a sponsor because he's fucking around with Pleb Miner stuff all the time. Mhmm. Nobody has taken the Loki rig build, the the two forty to one twenty conversion. We had Zach Baumstah on from Pivotal Plebtech a long, long time ago. Avril has really taken off with that kind of stuff and new configurations, testing. He managed to get a s 21 XP board. It may have been two boards, but he he got one of these bit chimney builds to hash at a hundred terahash at 1,300 watts.
That's 13 joules per terahash for one of his bit chimney builds. Now this machine would be extremely expensive, but someday, when these start to become used machines, you'll be able to, repurpose them for bit chimneys.
[01:29:37] Unknown:
Does he just love building this stuff? Like, it seems as though you've got to, haven't you, to, like, run a business and do everything else, and then with whatever spare time you have, go, I'm gonna build some cool shit. You've got to you've gotta be enjoying it to then sit down on the little time you have and create.
[01:29:58] Unknown:
Mhmm. He doesn't rest on his laurels. You know? There's lots of people you can buy a miner from, you can buy parts from. I mean, I think that's really how he started the business was just parts. Mhmm. Hey. I can't find somebody honest to sell me individual parts. And then imagine that could be pretty boring, and you want to you want to do something creative. It's like I'm a I'm a creative person. I mean, Avril's got a PhD in chemistry or something like that. So, obviously, he's he likes experimentation and science and and doing things.
[01:30:28] Unknown:
Should've, worked on selling meth instead. I hear that's quite profitable. Fuck. I Wonder if he knows that. We should tell him. Yeah. If you're listening, mate, there's this thing there's a show called Breaking Bad. If you watch that, it will give you the sort of rundown of the idea that we're talking about. You've got the skills to do it. You've already got the distribution network set up. You've already got employees that definitely would be down for that sort of stuff. And,
[01:30:55] Unknown:
[01:30:57] Unknown:
all me and John Man. Is a very small cut. We call it 5%. Just something like that and just for putting the idea out there and some guidance where needed. But it sounds like you got the skills, and I think there's a missed opportunity. No. Altertech.io
[01:31:12] Unknown:
definitely has the website that would be able to track his meth sales and, give us a a little bump, if you will, for referring people over if they use promo code
[01:31:22] Unknown:
[01:31:26] Unknown:
That's right. Promo code meth, m e t h. For 5% off of your meth order.
[01:31:36] Unknown:
Or if you still want mining gear, which is still their main business at this point at least. Yes. It's promo code ungovernable.
[01:31:44] Unknown:
That's only 1% off. Yeah. That's 1% off. You get 5% off meth, one percent off minors. Don't try to use promo code meth if you're just ordering here. Yeah. No. No. No. Don't do that. You know, Avril has several patents for chemistry type stuff, maybe. I don't know. Four. No. So it it just he he's used to creating unique things. He's gotta put his spin on it. We also have an update from Altair. We get the the scoop on the Bitcoin mining scene from him because he sees things in a way that nobody else does. He says the new Chinese tariffs are closing the de minimis loophole and stacking an extra 10% on top of the already steep 27%.
That's a heavy hit for US Miners, big and small. While larger operations can sometimes sidestep these through limited manufacturing capacity in Malaysia and Thailand, most retail buyers are stuck with Chinese made miners and the full brunt of the tariffs. The de minimis loophole, if anybody doesn't know, refers to a US trade rule that allows low value inputs under $800 per shipment to enter the country duty free with minimal customs scrutiny. This rule was originally intended to ease the burdens on customs authority and encourage small email e email.
Ecommerce purchases. I guess that would be all of your you wouldn't want to order from Timoo a pack of pencils and get charged with duty. However, Chinese manufacturers and exporters have exploited this loophole by breaking up large shipments into smaller ones, each valued under $800. Yeah. Sure. Do what you gotta do to avoid tariffs and import duties. This has allowed Chinese goods, including ASIC miners and other hardware, to enter The US at a much lower cost than if they were imported in bulk under standard tariff regulations. With the new Chinese tariffs closing this loophole, all shipments, regardless of size, will now face an additional 10 tariff on top of the existing 27% import duty for miners.
This is a major hit for US Miners who rely on Chinese made equipment, and they will now have to pay significantly more for new hardware. For now, there's a one month tariff suspension running until March 8. If you're looking to buy, this might be the window before uncertainty takes over. That's info you can only get from Ungovernable Misfits alter tech.i0 update. You like that? I really like that. He also says, on the hardware front, we're working on several different 100 terahash home miner configurations, which we spoke about before. Both single and dual board builds, nothing finalized yet, but the goal is to strike the right balance between hash power efficiency and price. Who else is doing that besides alter tech.i0 promo code ungovernable?
He also says the b m thirteen seventy chip, when underclock, runs at about 13 joules per terash efficiency, pulling 1,300 watts for 100 terahashes. That's well within the limits of a standard 15 amp circuit and works with most power supplies like the APW three plus plus and the APW seven. If those that listen to the show religiously remember a while back, I had mentioned about these circuits that you plug the 120 volt units into. Just be sure it's not some kind of light circuit where it's, you know, 15 gauge wire, it's something thicker, 12 gauge wire. Be sure you got the right breaker in your panel for that particular circuit that you're plugging into. Altertech.io also says, meanwhile, Bitmain is flooding the market with the s 21 plus. Looks like a play to lock in market share in the 3,000 to $5,000 range. Previously, they had the s 19 k under 2,000 and the s 21 pro and s 21 XP above 5,000.
The gap between those two generations of machines is now narrowing. He also says I expect the s 21 plus prices to settle in in the 3,500 to $4,000 range by next week as China fully ramps up production and logistics post New Year. Alright? That's interesting, Tim. For those looking to upgrade, the latest gen Antminer brings bigger fans, sub 18 joules per terra hash efficiency, and solid performance. It's definitely one to keep an eye on. Do you think then
[01:36:05] Unknown:
with all this, like, import duties and bits and pieces that the used machines that already sit in America could potentially be slightly more valuable. Yeah. Yeah. It's
[01:36:18] Unknown:
it's certainly possible.
[01:36:19] Unknown:
Okay. I hope so. Me too.
[01:36:24] Unknown:
Yeah. Sitting in my garage, taking up space. Yep. Up next on on government action news, we had a guy named Joe Lively from Abundant Mind. He's in our our Telegram group. And somebody was asking about his hosting rates. He had posted, Abundant Minds had posted something about their hosting rates, and it seemed like a lot. You know? So, somebody in the group said, hey, Abundant Minds. This is really your hosting rate? And he's like, yes. That's but that's kind of a misrepresentation. That's not our hosting rate. If you get machines through us, that's our hosting rate. If you bring your machines in, and the reason that we have that higher hosting rate is because a lot of times people will bring in used machines, and they're, like, full of fucking bugs and half broken and shit. Mhmm. And I'm not gonna be responsible for your machine, this janky ass machine that you dropped off, and then it breaks. That's like then that's labor that we have to go out and and exchange it and so on and so forth. So he he was glad to have an opportunity to clear that up. And then he goes on and and, you know, he's he says in there, like, hey. Thanks to few of the guys in the group, Aaron, Baselow, Viral, you know, a couple guys that that have helped him out along the way. And then he gave a really motivating bunch of text after that that I thought was great. And I said, can I share this with with our listeners? Because and I know, really, this is about a lot of people. Their goal is to build a mine. Mhmm. It's not easy, and it's hard. And a lot of people are are building businesses in other ways, and I think this is good advice. I mean, whether you're trying to build a podcast and entertainment network like Ungovernable Misfits or you're trying to build a off grid natural gas mine, you need some encouragement sometimes. And Joe Lively gave everybody some really great encouragement here.
He says, that's why I really love this industry. There are not a lot of times in our lives where new sectors are being born in real time. Back in 1995 to February time frame, with some dedication and perseverance, you could really become an industry leader in a short time. Heck, Michael Dell was 19 when he formed his company. Even back as far as nineteen o three when Henry Ford started his company, it only took him five years until he was using assembly lines, and he, because the only name in mass production of automobiles. We are there right now. The space is wide open. Bitcoin tailwinds have never been stronger, and we are surrounded by a community of awesome psychopaths who have an opportunity to change the world. Don't let the fiat job stand in your way to doing what you love. Ask for advice.
Do uncomfortable stuff. Move fast. Break things. Oh, no problem there. I'm loving the progress in the mining heating space. Abundant Mines is looking at a project right now that would put us in the forefront of that use case. Heat reuse is often overlooked because it can't be easily transported. But using it direct on-site for growing vegetables for local communities isn't something that most mines ever pencil into their business plan. Well, they do if they listen to ungovernable misfits, sir. He says, when I was trying to host my ASICs in 2021, the best feature I could hope for was they didn't steal my shit. And sure enough, they did. My miners from back then are probably to this day still making some Russian oligarchs sats.
The bar has been low for far too long. As the industry matures, it is up to us to raise the bar and our expectations and get more plebs mining. If you love this stuff and you wanna do more, just don't stop. Build, teach, learn, and share. The next opportunity of this magnitude might not come again in our lifetime. And that's from Joe Lively of Love that. Minds. Yeah. That's nice.
[01:39:54] Unknown:
It's inspiring.
[01:39:55] Unknown:
Well, get up there and do it, Max. Build ungovernable misfits. Make us money.
[01:40:00] Unknown:
Oh, I'm trying. It's only been fucking eight years. I know you are, buddy. I know. We have got some cool stuff in the pipelines. We just got, a little bit sidetracked with all the clothing problems and few other Yeah. Problems in Fiat land, but we got some cool stuff coming. Soon. We'll we'll get the clothing back soon. We we promise. And some more different stuff as well. This is gonna be, like, one or two steps backwards and then four or five steps forward is what it's gonna be.
[01:40:34] Unknown:
Two step forward. I take one step back. We come together because opposites attract and you know it ain't fiction, just a natural fact. We come together because
[01:40:46] Unknown:
was since attract Hey. ASMR. ASMR.
[01:40:50] Unknown:
ASMR. ASMR. What are you eating?
[01:40:52] Unknown:
A little sandwich or something. Those are sticker packs. Oh. ASMR. ASMR. I've got some lovely stickers here from Ungovernable Misfits. New designs from Mhmm. MR Crowns. If you've seen some of his cartoon designs where it's like, you know, the hash rate highway miner and the, you know, the dollar stepping on the bear trap thing. We've got a bunch of stickers like that. Some of Crown's new designs, they're like industrial warning stickers. One says, warning, a free mind can't be governed. Oh, you like that? You get another one that says, batch number one, stop waiting for politicians to fix your life. They won't build, grow, learn, connect. Freedom is something you create, not something you vote for. Oh. Oh, crap. Another one that says, caution.
Taxation is theft. That's facts. Totes facts. That is a true fact. So we will be doing, sticker packs Mhmm. That you can order from Ungovernable Misfits. We'll get them out. We will. Ship them out to you. You got nothing to say about that?
[01:42:04] Unknown:
Well, I was thinking about saying some stuff, and then I was like, I don't really wanna say this stuff because, you know, I don't wanna, like, announce that something's gonna happen, and then it doesn't actually end up happening or it takes longer because I kind of did that recently with something, and now I'm like, for fuck's sake. We don't wanna be those guys, so I'm not gonna say anything. But just I'm just telling you cool stuff is coming. Well, the stickers are here. I'm I ASMR'd them. Okay? Yeah. So Yep. They're there, and they'll soon be up for sale.
[01:42:34] Unknown:
Check them out. Alright. Before I do this last piece, I have to get a drink of water because this is all it's a long Okay. Well, I have to go and do a wee, so Oh. That's fine.
[01:42:45] Unknown:
Ta ta.
[01:42:52] Unknown:
People love it. The fans love it. Love your throat clearing. Even though at Uncomfortable Misfits, we have the finest clothing in the world. Mhmm. The finest t shirts, the finest hoodies that you cannot find anywhere else because they are proprietary. But, unfortunately, our clothing store has been paused for a short period of time, and I have a an addiction to ordering plebby type clothing. So I ordered myself a, forty hours per week hoodie from PodConf. Nice. Because that's what I have on now. I've got a, a PodConf patch sewn into, the arm, the PodConf red circle with the PodConf logo logo. That's a registered trademark. The US government will keep you compliant for not stealing the PodConf logo.
It is white on the front. I've got the 40 HPW, forty hours per week of podcast listening that I that I don't have to do because I am a credentialed podcaster myself.
[01:44:05] Unknown:
Mhmm. That's true. So recording
[01:44:07] Unknown:
two hours of podcast is equivalent to, like, forty hours of listening. Is that the exchange rate? Yeah. Okay. My understanding. Sounds about right. At the back of this hoodie, there's a the big, forty hours per week logo with the headphones. It's very fetching. Check them out. We've just done our forty hours, like, now. Nailed it. Mhmm. Well, let's finish up here. Well, we shit on Dorsey. Yep. Don't like him. I don't like his type. I don't like progressives. I don't like, rich Hollywood demonic child trafficking liberals.
[01:44:43] Unknown:
I remember the fucking frogs, gay.
[01:44:46] Unknown:
I don't. I don't like him. Your your phony altruism, you can go fuck yourself. Mhmm. I'm, I'm more of an Ayn Rand fan, an objectivist type, where if I operate with my own interests in mind, that the world is, is better off. So I had to write an article about it. Can we hear it? Well, you wanna hear it? I would like nothing
[01:45:09] Unknown:
more than to hear you read Atlas mined.
[01:45:14] Unknown:
Yes. That's the kind of enthusiasm I was looking for. Bitcoin mining is not a political movement, not a cause, not an act of charity, not a bunch of cypherpunk woah. Hold on a second. What's going on? Why do you think I want a software update right now? I don't.
[01:45:31] Unknown:
If you don't mind, we're trying to get on with the show.
[01:45:35] Unknown:
It's good. Alright. Here we go. Bitcoin mining is not a political movement, not a cause, not an act of charity, not a bunch of cyberpunk altruists securing the network without regard to financial self interest. It is work. It is proof of work, both literally and philosophically. And in that, I think it's a perfect expression of Ayn Rand's objectivism. Rational self interest, voluntary exchange, and an unapologetic pursuit of profit. Bitcoin's early adopters came from many different directions drawn in for a variety of reasons. Some were Ron Paul and the Fed sound money types who saw Bitcoin as hard money alternative to fiat, a tool for self sovereignty, and a way to opt out of government control.
Others came from the cypherpunk movement focused on privacy, open source technology, resistance to state surveillance. There were also those from the Occupy Wall Street, mister Robot crowd who viewed Bitcoin as a weapon against corporate banks and financial elites. Some progressive tech entrepreneurs saw it as an experiment in decentralization, financial inclusion, or even a means to disrupt capitalism itself. Each of these groups approached Bitcoin with their own vision, but over time, many tried to reshape it to fit their own ideological goals, whether through governance models, regulatory compliance, or social justice narratives. Meanwhile, those who understood Bitcoin's true power as a free market system of incentives built on proof of work stayed focused on sovereignty, self reliance, and economic reality.
[01:47:10] Unknown:
I like that. Economic reality. It's just a nice thing to say, isn't it?
[01:47:15] Unknown:
It is. It seems obvious. Mhmm. Out of all of these groups, I think I associate most with the Ron Paul types. How about you, Max? When I was reading that off, where did you feel that you laid in there?
[01:47:27] Unknown:
Initially, when I came in, I was really obsessed with cash. I didn't like the idea of the control. Mhmm. And I didn't like the idea of taxation or government or anything like that. That's why I was introduced to it. Yeah. So it was definitely that. And I didn't really give too much thought about, like, the cypherpunky privacy ethos Okay. Like, tech stuff. I was quite private in my life, but I wasn't, like, a techie guy. But as I've got more into the Bitcoin scene, the Bitcoin mining scene, I've sort of maybe shifted a bit more towards that. So I don't know. A bit of both. Mhmm. You know? And the Fed
[01:48:07] Unknown:
sound money Mhmm. Revolution kind of thing.
[01:48:09] Unknown:
Do you know what? I just think fuck the fed would be a much better It is. It's better, isn't it? Because it's it's the two f's, like, end the fed doesn't ring as well. Only if somebody put that on a sticker. I'm looking at, Crown's sticker packs here. Has he? Oh, is he? He put on there?
[01:48:28] Unknown:
The American Debt Express. It says fuck the banks. I thought it said fuck the bank. Either way Okay. It's got the word fuck in it. So you reenoid. ASMR. I am one who sees Bitcoin as a self sovereignty alternative to fiat. We all found our niche in space regardless of why we came to it in the first place. My favorite niche is that of a community organizer. Those that know me in the Pleb Miner and Masjidl group, I do a lot of community organizer. A community organizer, much different than one like my most hated political figure, mister Barry Sartoro. But, alas, unless you have ties to political bundlers like Jeffrey Katzenberg,
[01:49:10] Unknown:
Andy Spahn, Penny Pritzker, George Soros,
[01:49:13] Unknown:
and Oprah Winfrey, or pro government collusion and censorship progressive tech bro money like Jack Dorsey's Start Small LLC, Bitcoin and self sovereignty pleb community organizing can't buy you more than a coffee, maybe a bag of Otis Bittmeyer coffee. And it sure as hell can't buy you a 6,400 square foot mansion in Hyde Park, Chicago. But it does earn you a lot of good friends, very wealthy and good friends like you, Max. Good friend. Good friend. Not so wealthy, but good friend. No. Not at all. I mean, I do I do place a high value on social, cultural, and spiritual capital just as much as I do financial Mhmm. Which brings me to the next point of this article.
Accumulation of financial capital via Bitcoin mining sorry. Accumulation of financial capital via Bitcoin mining as the primary, not the only motivation to participate in mining. I had to put not only because everybody's gonna go too far with this art.
[01:50:16] Unknown:
You really think you're just like the the Chinese and bit bit mean and you're and you're.
[01:50:23] Unknown:
Shut the fuck up. You get my fucking points. Braced. As much as I love the fact that I heat my home with Bitcoin mining and that we at Ungovernable Misfits have a fantastic community of Bitcoin miners who have built and innovated so many great things in mining from off grid to solutions to fantastic uses for waste heat like dehydrating foodstuffs or even crazy Carl in his immersion lamb sous vide. My main motivation in Bitcoin mining is financial. I don't mind to support the network.
[01:50:58] Unknown:
Give me the money.
[01:51:00] Unknown:
I don't mind to support the network or out of duty nor to make the world a better place. I mind because it is in my rational self interest to do so, but only if I achieve a financial gain. I'm mine to acquire Bitcoin. I'm mine to acquire the Bitcoins, generate eventual profit. Whether I find stranded and wasted sources of energy, my motivation is to turn it into hard money. Whether I use excess or stranded natural gas, hydro, wind, solar, capture industrial heat to mine efficiency efficiently, turning waste heat into wealth with a landfill mine, I'm doing it to make money.
My mining operations are designed to appease decentralized hash rate enthusiasts, climate hysterics, or Twitter influencers. It's designed to acquire Bitcoin at the lowest possible cost without KYC and without asking permission from both bureaucratic or virtual regulators.
[01:52:01] Unknown:
[01:52:05] Unknown:
I'm okay with that. This is the opposite of the Dorsey funded open source virtue signaling Bitcoin projects that pretend to care about decentralization while focusing the miner's incentive towards virtue rather than profit. Their incentives push mining towards collectivist, progressive, horse shit, mining your nose off to spite your face for the sake of the cause. You like that one, Pretty much. Mining is wrought with those who manipulate the market, from regulatory captured public miners to hardware manufacturers that are in bed with nation state interests, cantillionaire cronies who seem to have an unlimited fucking capacity to borrow money, funding project after project, only to run it into the ground at strip clubs well below the quality of establishments like hash sluts.
We've already fought against those bitch ass motherfuckers at Ungovernable Misfits.
[01:53:06] Unknown:
They bring out the bitch in me.
[01:53:09] Unknown:
Yo. But recently, the altruistic mining for the cause progressives has been the louder voice in the room. I'm neither, I guess. I'm just some weirdo trying to make a profit at this, trying to do it well Mhmm. Not do it for the right reasons. I mine because I intend to benefit me.
[01:53:29] Unknown:
And your family?
[01:53:30] Unknown:
Well, sure. Shit rolls downhill. Mhmm. And not that not that I'm for some kind of purity test, but I do think that is the purest form of mining. I'm of the mind that me first, not hashtag me first, but me first, for profit mining is the most objectivist economic system ever built. It is pure capitalism. The most efficient miners thrive, and the least efficient perish. It is voluntary. No one is forced to mine, yet those who do are rewarded by the network. It is real value creation. A miner must expend energy and capital to produce tashes just as a pizza shop owner must expend capital and labor to create a good piece of pie. Of course, he's from New Jersey.
Back to Ayn Rand and Objectivism. I'm working on it here, Max. I'd like to eventually make the point that mining is best approached through the lens of objectivism. Ayn Rand despised the idea of the unearned in Francisco D'Anconio's money speech in Atlas Shrugged, which is, you know if if you're not like, Ben Gunn and go back and read Atlas Shrugged twice a year, whatever the hell he does. At least go back and read the Francisco d'Anconio money speech. It's a good speech. It's only about 300 pages long. I get out of here. In that, Ayn Rand wrote, run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil.
That sentence is the leopard's bell of an approaching looter. Or may I say, run for your life from any man who tells you that mining for profit is evil. That sentence is the leper's bell of an approaching cuckold. Oh, yeah. Miners don't you're right. You got a little,
[01:55:18] Unknown:
little too excited about that one. There's a lot of them out there, mate. I just get very excited about calling these cunts out. And you'll like this episode of Uncoverable Misfits Action News.
[01:55:30] Unknown:
Miners who don't hit blocks aren't paid for block subsidies and transaction fees. If they are paid, it's not out of charity or goodwill. They've received them because they proved their work, provided real energy, and competed in an open market. And that sure as hell doesn't make them evil. Mining doesn't need a moral narrative. Miners don't need to justify the choices they make in their operations. The profit motive is the narrative. There is no moral obligation to support the network. If mining isn't profitable, it's not worth doing.
Miners have a hard time enough surviving. It's challenging enough to chase efficiency, to arbitrage energy markets, fight the nanny state, placate neighborhood Karens who complain that your miners are giving their chihuahuas panic attacks besides competing for blocks against larger operations with deep pockets so deep, so deep, put her ass to sleep. Ayn Rand understood this. And if she were alive today, I have to think she would see Bitcoin as the ultimate individualist technology, the final rejection of collectivism in money. She'd blow copious amounts of smoke right in the faces of those who mine for ideology and praise over those who mine for profit.
We're competing against progressive soy boys yapping about decentralization while cashing checks from progressive philanthropists, while also competing against corporate miners gargling the balls of the banking class. Ultimately, mine for whatever reason, you mine. I don't fucking care. Also, when Atlas shrugged during John Galt's oath of the men of Galt's Gulch speech, he says, I swear by my life and my love for it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. Let me rephrase that.
I swear by my life and my love for it that I will never mine for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to mine for the sake of mine. There's only one true test of mining success. Are you still standing? Are you still hashing? That's it. Everything else is noise.
[01:57:40] Unknown:
I love that, mate. Your writing skills have, been improving, I would say, over time.
[01:57:46] Unknown:
No. Thanks, buddy. It's very good. I think it's, I think it's just a matter of not writing because I feel like I have to. Mhmm. Like, sometimes we don't even do these these end of things, these editorials. Yep. But, like, this popped into my head in conversations with Kaboomrax Alex because he's he's very Randian in his ways ways of thinking. He's Randy. He is Randy. Yeah, baby. So I don't know. I was inspired to write this article, so I don't think I'm getting any better. It's just motivation.
[01:58:19] Unknown:
Do you feel like it's, is it cathartic? Is that the word? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I guess so.
[01:58:25] Unknown:
I mean, I'll give people a little bit of insight. You and I discussed the other day, and I even said this to Jordan on Saturday, like, I don't sometimes I don't know how much passion I have for the action news show. You know, they always turn out good when it's time to do it. I'm excited to, you know, do it with you, and and we have lots of fun, and I think we cover great things. But it isn't a show that I think about the rest of the the month. Mhmm. But I'm always thinking about the.
[01:58:53] Unknown:
Well, because that's real connections. Like, that's what you like is, like, real connections, real people, like, more wholesome stuff rather than, like, covering I don't know. Like, some of the stuff is like, oh, this massive miner's just got some more hash rate on board or, like Yeah. Yeah. And we don't really do a lot of that reporting. We don't really. But I get it. Like, some of that stuff isn't so interesting. But that's, I think, why, like, doing these conversations with Clubminers again would be really cool Mhmm. Because for me as well, like, that's the stuff that's much more interesting.
You know, shitting on Dorsey or other people is always fun and, like, there's elements that are fun, but I think a lot of the news type stuff maybe isn't so interesting to either of us. We much more like to hear, you know, someone that we know who suddenly built out a system for their house to heat a pool is much more interesting. So I'd like to lean into that more. Well, let's do it. Let's do it. Let us know in in the boosts what you think about that.
[01:59:59] Unknown:
Pay us money. Give me more money. Give me boost money. I think Zelensky has joined the the crew of of people. Fuck off. He can fuck the rights off. He let me into your show. I can tell you. I'm I used to be a comedian. I can tell joke. Here's a joke for you. Piano with his dick as well.
[02:00:21] Unknown:
It's quite impressive. That's I mean, to be fair, that's pretty impressive stuff. If you can play the piano with your dick, you're doing well.
[02:00:28] Unknown:
Not as impressive as dropping grenade on top of Russian boy with with drone. That's my favorite pace time now. Give me more money to drop grenade on with drone on a Russian boy who's scared. We shouldn't laugh. Have Jack Dorsey pay Sean Penn to come over and take picture with me.
[02:01:03] Unknown:
It's a fucking weird show. What a fucking weird show this is. Jeez. It really is.
[02:01:09] Unknown:
Do you know what, though? People do seem to enjoy it, and we have fun, and that's all that matters. You damn straight.
[02:01:17] Unknown:
Well, if you've made it this far in the episode, congratulations.
[02:01:22] Unknown:
Well done. You wasted two and a half hours of your life. You should. You sure did.
[02:01:28] Unknown:
And we thank you. We do thank you. And since you made it all this way, you get rewarded with a little punk rock song. This is dead Kennedy's kill the poor. Because if you're not virtue mining, that's basically what you're doing, killing poor people. Oh, what a great show. We're great.