Ungovernable Misfits

Ungovernable Misfits

Sick of being spied on, stolen from, and lied to? Ungovernable Misfits aim to ignite a rebellious spark in every listener. We explore ways to regain privacy and freedom using Bitcoin and open source software. Freedoms are not granted, they are taken and defended. We are rebels with a cause. Join us and become Ungovernable.

11 March 2025

Buying Monero P2P | MONERO MONTHLY 03

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Buying Monero P2P | MONERO MONTHLY 03

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Welcome back to Monero Monthly, where Max and Seth dive into the past month in the world of Monero. They cover key topics, exciting updates, and questions from the community, delivering top-notch information with a touch of misfit flair.

P2P Exchanges

Mediated swaps:
  • LocalMonero (may it RIP, will see if something takes it's place)
  • Haveno via RetoSwap (fiat <> XMR and crypto <> XMR)
  • Bisq (BTC <> XMR)
  • Robosats (BTC <> XMR)
  • AMMs
    • Serai (coming soonTM)
Atomic Swaps
  • BasicSwap
  • UnstoppableSwap

At current Monero ring size of 16, the theoretical minimum attack success through completely random guessing would be 1/16 = 6.25%. According to preliminary estimates, an adversary could take advantage of the divergence between the real spend age distribution and the status quo decoy distribution to achieve an attack success probability of 23.5%, on average, since the August 2022 hard fork. This corresponds to an effective ring size of 4.2. The attack success probability prior to August 2022 may be higher, but this was not measured due to time constraints.
Software updates
Links From the Episode



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Cake Wallet is an open-source, non-custodial wallet available on Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux.

- Built-in Exchange: Swap easily between Bitcoin and Monero.
- User-Friendly: Simple interface for all users.

Monero Users:
- Batch Transactions: Send multiple payments at once.
- Faster Syncing: Optimized syncing via specified restore heights
- Proxy Support: Enhance privacy with proxy node options.

Bitcoin Users:
- Coin Control: Manage your transactions effectively.
- Silent Payments: Static bitcoin addresses
- Batch Transactions: Streamline your payment process.

Thank you Cake Wallet for sponsoring the show!



Foundation builds Bitcoin-centric tools that empower you to reclaim your digital sovereignty.

As a sovereign computing company, Foundation is the antithesis of today’s tech conglomerates. Returning to cypherpunk principles, they build open source technology that “can’t be evil”.

Thank you Foundation Devices for sponsoring the show!

Use code: Ungovernable for $10 off of your purchase

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