Joscha Bach is an artificial intelligence researcher that has worked at MIT, Harvard, and Singularity University. I have quoted his work for more than 7 years. He sounded the Coronavirus alarm in January of 2020 and I thought he was losing his mind- so I wrote to tell him. I was wrong. Joscha talks about why nerds can see things coming, predicts how the virus will run its course, illustrates how Westerners were lied to about masks and make the case for how to prepare to help your neighbors. This is by far the most important interview I have ever been a part of. You will likely hear things in this interview that are scary, I know because what Joscha is saying scared me. But it is worth it for how much I learned.
Joscha is the author of the article that could be described as "flattening the curve is a deadly lie" that refuted Vox's graphic that was inaccurately describing the measures needed to contain the virus. Anyone that has seen me give a speech in the last 7 years has heard me mention Joscha as a person that I deeply respect and have learned a great deal from.
Follow Josha Bach on Twitter: @Plinz
Follow Vance Crowe on Twitter @VanceCrowe
This is the ninth interview in the ongoing series of Coronavirus perspectives. I believe that society will have the rules re-written when we come out of this global pandemic and it is important to hear how various individuals and industries are handling themselves amidst the crisis.
This series seeks to reveal many perspectives that will otherwise be ignored by both mainstream media and you might not see on your social media channels.