The Vance Crowe Podcast is a thought-provoking and engaging show where Vance Crowe, a former Director of Millennial Engagement for Monsanto, and X-World Banker, interviews a variety of experts and thought leaders from diverse fields.
Vance prompts his guests to think about their work in novel ways, exploring how their expertise applies to regular people and sharing stories and experiences.
The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including agriculture, technology, social issues, and more. It aims to provide listeners with new perspectives and insights into the world around them.
17 July 2020
Samuel Maondu: From Kenyan Villager to Nurse Living in Oklahoma - E67
Samuel Maondu was a teenager when I met him while living in Kenya in the Peace Corps. He went from being a barefoot adolescent living without electricity or running water to becoming a nurse in the United States. This is a phenomenal story of living the dream.
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