Nicole Williams is 22 and working at a venture capital firm. She has dropped out of 2 attempts at college, is well respected in the tech community and has a sense of fashion that makes the grey clothes wearing Vance Crowe want to try out some new styles. During this conversation we spoke about Artificial Intelligence, what it means to be radicalized, how she utilizes Twitter and her thoughts on the place of fashion.
This is the 57th interview in the ongoing series of Coronavirus perspectives. I believe that society will have the rules re-written when we come out of this global pandemic and it is important to hear how various individuals and industries are handling themselves amidst the crisis.
To find Nicole on Twitter @nwilliams030
Nicole works for Compound Venture Capital @CompoundVC
This will be the last week of Coronavirus focused podcasts. Going forward, anything about Coronavirus is as a result of it being a part of our lives.