The Vance Crowe Podcast is a thought-provoking and engaging show where Vance Crowe, a former Director of Millennial Engagement for Monsanto, and X-World Banker, interviews a variety of experts and thought leaders from diverse fields.
Vance prompts his guests to think about their work in novel ways, exploring how their expertise applies to regular people and sharing stories and experiences.
The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including agriculture, technology, social issues, and more. It aims to provide listeners with new perspectives and insights into the world around them.
05 June 2019
Jerry Hayes: International Honey Bee Expert talks Colony Collapse Disorder, Africanized Bees and Bee Behavior - E6
Jerry Hayes is an internationally recognized honey bee expert and columnist for the American Bee Journal. In this interview, Hayes discusses the causes of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the first time he saw Africanized Honey Bees during the autopsy of a 900 lbs. horse, and the fascinating behavior of honey bees.
Hayes has been featured on the cover of Wired Magazine, featured in books about bees and at one point worked for Monsanto to try to stop the deadly bee parasite: the Varroa Mite.