Luke Mulch is an ICU nurse and a brown belt in Jiu Jitsu at BJJ Lifestyle Academy. Luke discusses caring for Coronavirus patients, the challenges with sedating people to go on ventilators, and if they have enough personal protective equipment. Luke is a tough guy, it is surprising that he is a nurse but he is a bad ass, that I would want caring for me.
This is the 40th interview in the ongoing series of Coronavirus perspectives. I believe that society will have the rules re-written when we come out of this global pandemic and it is important to hear how various individuals and industries are handling themselves amidst the crisis.
This series seeks to reveal many perspectives that will otherwise be ignored by both mainstream media and you might not see on your social media channels. I believe that the Overton-Window will be wide open and new rules are going to be created about how we operate in a post Coronavirus world.