Chris Oliver is founder of Go Rails an online computer programming teaching program that teaches developers how to create new website features. Chris Oliver is an extraordinary thinker, a person that can imagine entirely novel solutions to very complex problems.
Find Chris on Twitter @Excid3
Find Vance of Twitter @VanceCrowe
Chris Oliver's Go Rails program is used by more than 22,000 people and Oliver is considered an expert in his field, being regularly invited to deliver talks at software developer conferences.
Chris, along with Square founder Jim McKelvey, founded Launch Code a nationally recognized pair-programming school that teaches people to code. Chris uses the mantra "Do things that scare you" which has led him to programming at companies in New York City, Saint Louis, Germany and be regularly recruited by Silicon Valley companies. Chris Oliver hosts two podcasts "Business Time" a podcast about what it is like to start a business from the perspective of two software developers, and "Remote Ruby" a podcast for Ruby developers.