Vance tells the story of a vigilante mob he saw turn their fear into action and how that relates to fears of Coronovirus.
Click here to watch a highly engaging video about how Coronovirus impacts the body this one by medical doctor and YouTube sensation @ChuubyEmu
With the flood of information about Coronavirus I have found the following people to be putting forward some interesting ideas and information:
Max Roser Founder of Our World in Data
Lord Matt Ridley - author ("The Rational Optimist," "The Red Queen") ornithologist and member of the House of Lords
If you are responsible for putting together a conference and know you can't bring people together in real life- you may find the technology from GenieCast valuable. They handle the technology and I am told it is a lot more stable than a Google Hangout or Skype. I've never actually worked with them- but I know a lot of event planners are struggling to find a plan B.
Be safe out there.