Jason Bockman from Strange Donut stops by when Vance is recording as As The Crowe Flies episode- we talk book club, Dante's Inferno and the history of Julius Caesar.
Jason Bockman is the owner of Strange Donuts and BT Furnishings. He is a man that has built a palace to live in now, but he came from a dungeon. An enforcer at a crack house at 14, granted clemency from a 10 year prison sentence, joined a cult and made his way to one of the most prestigious MBA programs in the world, Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri.
Follow Jason on Twitter and Instagram @StrangeDonut
During the introduction I spoke about the South Dakota State University Collegiate "Learn, Grow, Lead Conference;" October 11-13 that I will be giving a talk at. For more information visit their website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/learn-grow-lead-collegiate-midwestern-farm-bureau-conference-tickets-68268357495
Twitter: @VanceCrowe
About The Vance Crowe Podcast:
The Vance Crowe Podcast interviews experts in unexpected fields and gets them to reveal the discoveries that come from having a knowledge of a highly specific discipline. Vance Crowe is the CEO of Articulate Ventures (www.VanceCrowe.com) a communications strategy company- and he is regularly invited to deliver speeches around the U.S. and Canada teaching audiences how to communicate so that others want to listen, understand and value what you have to say.