Broadcasts live every Wednesday at 7:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:
In this episode, we decided to take our usual weekly catch-up into a live radio show, turning our casual conversations into a podcast episode. We started off with some technical difficulties, trying to get everyone on the call, including our elusive friend Paul, who eventually joined us. Technology isn't always the best !! The conversation was light-hearted and nonchalant, as we discussed everything from the meaning of the word 'nonchalant' to the mystery of what some of us look like, given that we often chat without video.
We delved into a variety of topics, including gardening tips, the benefits of copper sulfate, and the intriguing concept of growing electric vegetables. Paul shared his dream of building a greenhouse and growing oversized vegetables, inspired by a farmer using electricity to enhance plant growth. We also touched on the idea of free energy and innovative ways to harness it, like using sidewalks to generate power.
The conversation took a humorous turn as we discussed the peculiarities of raw milk, the benefits of drinking one's own urine for health, and the cultural taboos surrounding these practices. We also reminisced about the joys of having a real fire at home and the nostalgia of childhood memories associated with it.
As the evening progressed, we shared laughs over the absurdities of political campaigns, the hilarity of reading YouTube comments, and the comedic genius of Randy Newman. We wrapped up with a light-hearted discussion on the importance of saying "yes" in various contexts, inspired by a comedic clip from "Toast of London."
Overall, it was an evening filled with laughter, random musings, and the joy of connecting with friends over shared interests and quirky topics.
Right. I believe we're live, so let's get these boys on the call. Right. Start call to the soap box says. That's what we called ourself. Just, yeah, let's ring the group. We quite often have a catch up, and we always say, this would have made a good little chat on the radio. So we thought tonight, let's just stay live and, let's just do it. Might be interesting. That's if it's gonna work. Maleficus, are you there? Patrick, are you there? I am. Can you hear me? I can hear you. Good evening, mister Scott. Okay. Great. Oh, look. You're on camera. Yes. Oh, I'm not meant to be on camera. I can switch off. Is, is mister Paul English with us?
[00:00:58] Unknown:
I don't know. He's supposed to be back at Right. Oh, but Patrick is. That's good. He he should be here in a little bit.
[00:01:06] Unknown:
Cheers. Maleficar is holding up a drink. I'll tell you what. I'm just gonna have to text Darren and ask him to bring me in a glass of wine because usually there would be some intro music and something, and, I would quickly, run and get my glass of wine. I'm gonna text him because I can't watch you there with a glass of beer, maleficus.
[00:01:29] Unknown:
So You're gonna have to sit there and watch me with a joint as well, I'm afraid. No. No.
[00:01:35] Unknown:
So how are you boys doing?
[00:01:39] Unknown:
Oh, quite good. Quite good myself. Yeah. This is all just kinda nonchalant. I don't mind it a bit. We'll we'll just, go
[00:01:50] Unknown:
with it, I guess. It's a little bit what? Non
[00:01:52] Unknown:
[00:01:53] Unknown:
I've not heard of that word before.
[00:01:56] Unknown:
Means that it's informal. Yep. Random. Nonchalant. Nonchalant as in, you know, not a care in the world. I'm quite nonchalant about it.
[00:02:05] Unknown:
Yeah. Good. I think sometimes doing things like this is just good, isn't it? Just no you know, like I've said to the listeners, we'd like tend to have a weekly catch up, and quite often we think that would have made a good listen for other people. So, it was like, hey. Why the hell not? Let's just have a live conversation. So, nice to see you with your glasses on, Maleficus. Never seen you with glasses before.
[00:02:30] Unknown:
I can't see the strings very well nowadays. Oh, bless you. And, Patrick, I'm still waiting the big thick ones, but not the thin ones. Not the thick ones. Not when it's like low light like this. I'm I'm long sighted. So
[00:02:44] Unknown:
yeah. No, they suit you. They suit you, Patrick. I'm still waiting for the day that we're gonna get to see your face on camera. You're very mysterious, like Paul.
[00:02:53] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Well, one of these days. I know what Patrick looks like though. Do you? How do you know what he looks like? Because his photo's on WhatsApp.
[00:03:02] Unknown:
Right. Well, I'm gonna Yep. Patrick Yep. Get me put me on WhatsApp. Isn't it funny how we're just like, I don't know why why it matters what you look like? It's just intrigued that you talk to these people like Paul. Been speaking to Paul for, like, couple of years now, and I haven't got a clue what he looks like. I I imagine him to look like Freddy Krueger or something.
[00:03:22] Unknown:
To see I'm gonna give Paul a ring. He's trying to get in, but he couldn't he's somehow not in the in the soap radio soapbox group, so let's see if he answers this call. Hopefully, he does. Looks like he's away from it. Some reason, he's he writes me on Telegram. For some reason I reason I am no longer in the Soapbox Skype Skype group.
[00:03:45] Unknown:
Oh, we've kicked him out of his own radio station.
[00:03:48] Unknown:
[00:03:50] Unknown:
calling you, Skype.
[00:03:54] Unknown:
And you're only allowed in the call and if we can see your face.
[00:03:59] Unknown:
Yeah. Right.
[00:04:01] Unknown:
You've changed your hair, Shelley. I have, Maleficar. Good grief. It looks very nice. Oh. Well done you. Thank you. Yeah. I had to pay hairdresser this time because I couldn't trust Joe with all the cutting and stuff like that. But yes. And I'm sure you just shave your hair. Have you got hair, Patrick?
[00:04:20] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. Full head? Oh, yeah. Full head of hair. Yep.
[00:04:24] Unknown:
Have you like right. But why don't you just, like, draw us a cartoon of why don't you just get a cartoon picture or something?
[00:04:33] Unknown:
Yeah. I I I might have something somewhere. Ah. I'm trying to get Paul in here, and he Is he online? Having trouble.
[00:04:44] Unknown:
I Should we just start a new call? That's what I was just thinking.
[00:04:48] Unknown:
Now Now he's gonna reboot Skype, he says. Okeydoke. Probably on his end.
[00:04:54] Unknown:
There's quite a delay between my camera and, everything else. It's probably Internet. I don't know. Or it's just a slow computer because it's been working hard today. I've been doing lots of music. So
[00:05:07] Unknown:
Oh, you are dedicated at the moment, aren't you? You're committed. Oh, Paul's here. Alright. Let's get him in here.
[00:05:14] Unknown:
If I can get him in the call. Come on, Paul. Up in the call, Paul. Just give it a second.
[00:05:29] Unknown:
Yep. No worries.
[00:05:33] Unknown:
There we go. There you go.
[00:05:35] Unknown:
Good evening, mister English.
[00:05:38] Unknown:
Hi. Hello.
[00:05:40] Unknown:
Nice that you could make it.
[00:05:42] Unknown:
Is it? I'll soon change your opinion of that particular remark. Yeah. No. Hi. I don't know what was going on there, really. Oh, very odd and queer. I've just thrashed back from from my domestic, duties. Got in, just eaten, trying to sort something else out, find out about this. Actually, Patrick did intimate about it a little bit earlier in the day. And, yes, I still have a full head of hair. Just it's it's slowly waving goodbye.
[00:06:14] Unknown:
I'm making up for both of you then.
[00:06:17] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm a bit yeah. I think it's all the stress recently. So anyway, whatever. But there we go. Yes. I do. I have an enormous beard as well, Shelley. It's absolutely vast and very really? Yes. No. It's not. It's very tight and, Hassuit. Is that the right word? Maybe it's not. Hassuit. I'm gonna go and look it up now. I've just used a word, and I don't know what I said,
[00:06:41] Unknown:
which is really ridiculous. Let's hope it's not detrimental.
[00:06:44] Unknown:
Oh my god. It means I'm covered in moles. Well, that's like today I learned an well, I thought I'd be in the word. I I knew it was. It says covered with hair. Hirsute, definition of meaning. They h I r s u t e. So there you go. I've already thrown a boomerang into the conversation. So there we go. Hirsute. Yes. Marvelous. Or it's Are you with plants or their parts covered with long but not stiff hairs? So there you go. So I'm a fuzzball. Lambs ears. So like Paul's like lambs ears.
[00:07:13] Unknown:
[00:07:15] Unknown:
Well, you just don't have to send us a picture, and we can stop with our imagination, can't we? I'll come down. I'll come down one day. You'll actually see me in the flesh.
[00:07:25] Unknown:
Really? I'm I'm I'm sat actually in your abode, Paul. If you do come down, there's there's a bed behind me. And You're sat down in my abode. I've already got my own gaff down there, have I? Yeah. You have. You have. And you might have to put up with a little bit of musical equipment, but I will move the drum kit.
[00:07:41] Unknown:
[00:07:42] Unknown:
[00:07:44] Unknown:
Cool. Cool. So how are you, mister English?
[00:07:49] Unknown:
Well, life's a bit stressy, but I don't wanna go into all that. But it is for reasons which you're probably aware of, so it's quite but there's been it's not been a bad week, and it's been quite positive in many ways. And, today was very odd, nom, nom, nom, nom, here. And, not much not much wind, but that's not a personal, condition. It was just not much wind in the air, which was good. So, we set fire to the garden, which was great. Ah, that was awesome. Yeah. We did the autumn things. Lots of leaves. And my next door neighbor, bless his cotton socks, he's putting up a new fence, and he's done a bloody good job of it so far, and it's great. And, and in the process, he's been hacking off parts of our trees that were basically leaning into his garden space, and I'm really glad he did that. And, so we've been burning all that as well, and, I've got huge amount and and we can see the size of the garden, and it's very, very big. It is for it is. It's pretty big, actually.
And I'm I'm keen to learn how to build a greenhouse. So, apparently, there's some kind of video series out there where you can build your own greenhouse, you know, from scratch just by getting the materials and all that kind of stuff and measuring it up. I quite fancy the idea of that. And then I want to grow electric vegetables. That's really the idea if you can do it. We want to get some electric vegetables.
[00:09:12] Unknown:
Just the I know it's, a little bit of an outlay, but a polytunnel is so much more effective than a greenhouse. Is it? Oh, it's just easy. A polytunnel is just easier to put up. You you you have, you know, you have as many rings as you require for the length that you require, and then you, just pull the plastic tight over the top of it and fix it all in. It's much easier than constructing loads of different panes of glass and blah blah blah. Just just for ease, I'm just saying, would save you hell of a task.
[00:09:45] Unknown:
Yes. In English, it sounds to me like you've got a bit too much time on your hands at the moment. If you've got time to build a greenhouse.
[00:09:53] Unknown:
I haven't got time to build a greenhouse. It's probably gonna be next year. Inspired him with the blast furnace. That's what it is. And he's thinking, how can I beat this? How can I do I'm gonna have to build a greenhouse?
[00:10:02] Unknown:
Well, it's not. I've been thinking about it for some time, since about 11 o'clock this morning, which is quite a long time, isn't it? And, the thing about the greenhouse I I understand what you say from a gardening efficiency point of view, Malefika Scott, what you say, but I've got this ridiculously quaint picture in my head of having a pretty large greenhouse, with all these electric vegetables growing way beyond their natural size. And, sitting in there, on a rocking chair or even a a very nice comfy chair, of a Sunday morning listening to classical music, and probably even with a barrel of port by my side or something like that, and reading a book and just generally, you know, practicing to become the curmudgeon that I really want to be when I'm 70 80. So, there's something about it that seems to be quite appealing. I haven't got a green finger in my body. I I'm I'm completely alien, as it were, to the idea of growing things that I don't eat.
But we will may if I can get up to this thing that, is happening in Suffolk a week today, I might not be able to, but there's, I think you've had him on, Shelley. In fact, he's one of your guests, the bola hatted farmer, Mike. Oh, yes. Yeah. You have him on? Mhmm. Okay. So the the bola hatted farmer, whose farm is up in Suffolk, and you may know this secret squirrel and all that, This coming Sunday, a week today, at 11 AM to 3 PM, he's he's having a barbecue. But it's a special barbecue because, Italian electric vegetable growers are turning up.
And to give a demonstration of how you grow vegetables with electricity. And, I'm very interested in this. In the ground. That's right. Yeah. It's galvanized steel into the ether and copper rods in the ground, and you draw the energy out of existence, the ether, just like Tesla did. I've I've heard of that. You grow these vegetables way beyond their natural size, and that's what you do.
[00:12:05] Unknown:
I keep saying it like that. There's a whole load of YouTube videos on it, actually. Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah. There are. There used to be. I don't know whether there still is. Are you suggesting I don't go and just sit around and watch YouTube all day instead? No. No. I don't think they I think they censored according to what I heard on Eric's show when we were on there. Oh, okay. Because I I watched it a few of my gosh. Gotta be 2, 3 years ago now. I was and I was thinking, this has gotta be bullshit. And then there were so many other videos sort of collaborating. And I thought, well, maybe maybe that is the case. So, yeah. It's quite a popular thing in in the States, isn't it?
[00:12:40] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, maybe.
[00:12:42] Unknown:
Yeah. I heard about it on another show on, b b nine show. He had somebody on talking about it. It wasn't bowler hat farmer, but someone somebody else here that's doing it. And I haven't looked on YouTube, so I don't know. I was just told that by him that they don't really promote
[00:12:59] Unknown:
it on YouTube. It's one of those things. Well, that's where I saw the video, but that it was a couple of years ago. It's gotta be a couple of years ago.
[00:13:07] Unknown:
So what is it? I mean, what what did you see? What are they doing? Basically, they just have these these
[00:13:12] Unknown:
basically, just have these rods stuck in the ground, around all their veg. And you think, well, how can that make any blooming difference? Do you know what I mean? But, yeah, it it does, apparently.
[00:13:26] Unknown:
Interesting. I do love it when you find things out like this. I saw a video that somebody shared today of, I think it was Hong Kong. They created energy by systems underneath the sidewalk and underneath the roads. So every time people were all walking, they're accumulating energy basically in all the cars. Oh, it was amazing. Free energy.
[00:13:52] Unknown:
But Wow. Yeah. Something weird. We have all these people conking out on the sidewalk because their batteries run out.
[00:14:00] Unknown:
Oh, no. I'll have to send send you the video. It's fascinating to watch and, you know, just see the idea behind it.
[00:14:07] Unknown:
Yes. I've seen those crowd dispersal, electronic weapons. You ever
[00:14:12] Unknown:
looked into any of that? Yeah. I've heard, not seen, but I've heard about that. And, you know, what was the other thing as well? The whole cold fusion thing. What's that about? Well, cold fusion. So, they can basically, rather like heating something up from a distance, you can use cold fusion to to cool something down. Oh, okay. A a distance. And, you know, are used on things like tanks and stuff. It's devastating, apparently.
[00:14:45] Unknown:
I'd imagine if you could do that.
[00:14:51] Unknown:
Well, everyone should be so chatty, so come on. Oh, no. Yeah. I'm I'm good. I was sort of waiting for everyone else to sort of I'm I'm just throwing in my 2 bits worth of of, yeah, anything that I've heard before that would corroborate what's what's being said. But the the the vegetable growing with the rods I've or the plant growing, should I say, with the rods I've seen. So but that was a couple of years ago. Yeah. I never tried it myself.
[00:15:17] Unknown:
We we had horses a year or so ago, and, the guy that that brought the horses that that sold them said, to prevent LG from growing in the the stock tank, the watering tank of the horse, to put copper in there. Yeah.
[00:15:34] Unknown:
Yeah. Copper copper's got some amazing properties, actually really has. So one of the things that when I was when I was restoring this guitar, in fact, underneath all that used to be a whole load of copper tape, and you can buy this tape for basically, it it's 3 mil across. You buy it in meter rolls, and I think it took me about 3 rolls, believe it or not, to fill the cavity in that guitar with this tape layering it up. And what it does is, if you earth it, it acts as a shield so that the amplifier can't see the workings of the guitar and you don't get any or feed, you know, buzzing and that kind of thing. I actually when I first looked into it, I was looking for guitar copper guitar insulation tape, or instrument guitar insulation tape, you know, whatever.
And, it's coming up like £11 a roll for a meter roll at 3 mil across. As soon as I put in slug tape, Gardener's slug tape, it came up with exactly the same product. Exactly the same product slugs? For £1.50 a roll. And it was, let's say, exactly the same product. If you put a ring of copper tape around your plant pots, the slugs won't cross over it.
[00:16:54] Unknown:
Oh, tip of the day. Maleficus There you go. Should do, like, a a gardening cooling once a week or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I get asked loads of questions about plants, and my plant knowledge is shit.
[00:17:09] Unknown:
Maleficus the sphinx. S the sphinx, the the mystery. You know? I'm I'm gonna be rude. The mystery.
[00:17:16] Unknown:
Rude. I'm I'm running to the Lou quickly, guys. Alright? Did he not bring you? You you got my text message. I've text him. I've sent him a message. Let's check. Going on camera in there with those bastards. I'm thinking. I'll be one second. I it I've it's nearly 20 past 8. I need a glass of wine.
[00:17:34] Unknown:
That's fair enough.
[00:17:37] Unknown:
Well, so so I think I think it has something to do with, preventing algae growth, which will will, starve the oxygen to the plants.
[00:17:47] Unknown:
That's that's my hypothesis. That's not a bad hypothesis. So when I was doing the green keeping, we used to use to to feed the greens, because it was expensive stuff in liquid form. We used to use this stuff called essential, and it was basically all the essential nutrients you can possibly think of that plants need and and yada yada. But we used to use it on the greens. We used to spray it on the greens. But we also used to use a thing called companion. And companion was a bacterial thing. It was kind of like, the best way I can describe it is how I used to describe it to the management because they were too stupid for me to really explain what it did. But it's like yogurt for greens.
What you do is you spray in, and it's all the healthy fungus around the root areas of the of the plant. So this companion stuff, if you mixed it with nitrogen, became exceptionally volatile. It just so I used to make up a mix of stuff and take it to the other site. And, one day I poured in some essential, and I put in a good glug of companion. And then I thought, well, I'll do you know what? I'll top it up with some nitrogen. So I've poured in some nitrogen. What did you do? The whole 2 liter bottle just went off like a fountain. So I had to start again and take the nitrogen separate.
[00:19:13] Unknown:
So have you ever heard of using co copper sulfate on plants? Like, like Copper sulfate copper sulfate is basically,
[00:19:21] Unknown:
copper sulfate and iron sulfate. Anything ferrous, basically, works very well against, moss and funguses.
[00:19:31] Unknown:
So And pests, I hear.
[00:19:33] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Funguses. Yeah. Well, they'll do and But but but particularly moss. Moss cannot abide anything ferrous. So if you've got a load of you've got a load of, moss on your lawn, and if you've got like a workshop where you're like, you know, creating a lot of iron filings, just sprinkle them on your lawn. It'll kill all the moss. Might blunt your mower a little bit when you go through. Well, if you go barefoot, yeah, you can make a Yeah. You wouldn't wanna do that. But but what I'm saying is is that anything ferrous will kill moss and and a lot of algaes because it it just messes with the pH, basically. That's really that's really what it does. You can get some weed killers that are basically based on, lemon juice.
Because it messes with the pH that much that yeah. And it's a completely natural, safe way to weed kill your lawns, or weed kill your your your paths and that kind of thing, because it won't affect animals or anything like that.
[00:20:28] Unknown:
That. It's just lemon. We used to get a lot of mildew and and molds on the grapes that we would grow, and, we we put the copper sulfite on the plants before they grew the fruit. And that seemed to prevent a lot of that from happening, so that makes sense. And it also prevented bugs from eating the leaves away. Yeah. Well, years ago, we had a big fish pond in the back garden.
[00:20:51] Unknown:
And a lot of the fish got this sort of, like, furring on the gills, the white furring. I can't remember what it's called. My dad would would know. But my dad literally because my dad's a bit of an engineer. Did you know what I mean? He he worked on he he he was an engineer in the RAF. So he's he's quite good with sort of metal makeups and chemicals and and and stuff like that. And, he measured out the water, you know, knew the sort of, volume of the water and put in just enough copper sulfate to kill off the fungus, but not kill the fish. And the fish whizzed round for a couple of days because it didn't like it very much, but it they all survived and it killed off all this weird fungus that they had on their gills. So they go. Another use for copper sulfate.
[00:21:37] Unknown:
Have you ever done any electroplating where you take,
[00:21:41] Unknown:
No. But Von Kurt
[00:21:43] Unknown:
Von Kurt makes his own, colloidal silver using the same sort of Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's how you do it. Yeah. A a lot of a lot of the process is that way. Yeah. I've taken I've taken things like nitric acid and then and then put in copper into it, and it turns the liquid in, like, this bluish color. This is a really blue looking thing. It reminded me of the copper sulfate.
[00:22:10] Unknown:
And I did that. Yeah. So, yeah. If you're inflating. If you've got, I mean, obviously, if you've got concrete driveway, don't do it. But if you've got, if you've got, like, tarmac pathways or chipping pathways and stuff, literally, you can buy a bag of iron sulfate off of Amazon or someone like 2 kilos of it for about 8 quid. You just dribble a little bit of a few of the granules into a watering can and water it over the moss and it'll just kill it all and turn black instantly almost.
[00:22:39] Unknown:
Is that the same stuff they use for stump remover?
[00:22:42] Unknown:
Is that like a sulfate sulfur stump remover? I don't know. Because most of the most of if if you want a stump removed down here, you just get in a tree surgeon with a stump grinder, and they come in and make noise for a morning, and that's it. You end up with a big pile of sawdust. It's just basically a big motorized cheese grater that they put on top of the stump. Do you know what I mean? Yeah.
[00:23:04] Unknown:
Well, garden conversation it is. I love it. Do you know why he didn't get my messages to bring me in a glass of wine?
[00:23:11] Unknown:
He's asleep.
[00:23:12] Unknown:
No. He's doing all the dishes and reloading the dishwasher.
[00:23:17] Unknown:
He's a keeper. I keep telling you. I know. I keep telling you he's a keeper. We've had everyone around for dinner tonight, and I just love,
[00:23:24] Unknown:
you know, my son and his girlfriend, my daughter, her partner, grandchildren. I just love everyone around the table. It was Christmassy, actually, and we've had a really good giggle because we all like to take the piss. You get to have a good chin wave, don't you? And, actually, to the point that we were crying with laughter, which is lovely. So, it's been a really nice bit of family time.
[00:23:49] Unknown:
Oh, that's awesome.
[00:23:50] Unknown:
Yeah. Because I I'm part of a new group on Facebook I've joined, and it's it's a rude group. I can't say the name of it because it's got a nasty swear word in the title, but it's called the bleep page or group. And, basically, people put pictures on themselves, and people roast them. And just it is the comments. Oh my goodness. Have you ever visited Shelley? So now we know what you get up to. I see. Oh, I tell you what, I was miserable yesterday afternoon, and I found that page, and I was like, get back on it. I was laughing my head off because people are so cruel, but I've got a very sick sense of humor.
You know? Other people would be highly offended.
[00:24:35] Unknown:
Have you ever frequented Cunt's Corner on the Internet?
[00:24:39] Unknown:
Well, I will just go now. That last week.
[00:24:42] Unknown:
Cunt's Corner on the Internet has been going for a long, long, long time. It's a forum where everyone is basically tries to be as much of a cunt as they possibly can.
[00:24:51] Unknown:
Well, it's a bit like that. Yeah. It's cool. That that title is in the page, the group.
[00:24:57] Unknown:
It's probably something. Have I done my, have I ever done my exposition on on the true definition of that word? Yes. You do. I mentioned it the other night. I'm gonna go get a cider, and I want you to regale it again. Lucas is bored with it. He's off. Well, I've heard it before. Times already, Paul, you ass. Okay. Yes. Well, I've still got this streaming live on Rumble under my lovely Women's Hour show that just, you know, ended up being a big attack. Yeah. I know. Well, it's still going out over Soapbox Radio, but I'm just getting loads and loads of complaints from people,
[00:25:28] Unknown:
saying, you know serious, though. If anybody wants to chat, my Rumble channel was Shelley Tasker, and it is running live through there as well. So Is anybody actually saying anything right now? They're in there. I don't think they're in there. No. No. But it's there. It's just an option. Like I said, it's running live. My my lovely followers for Women's Hour will be horrified hearing that
[00:25:49] Unknown:
word. Well, actually, first of all, wait. Before you go, Paul, I I I've looked so there's a Dutch word that that's that's the word krant, and it means an ass, you know, somebody who's an ass, you know, silly. Right. And so so anyway, I think that's where you get it because it's just across the channel there, and that's probably where it came from. Well, I'm gonna go in with some rye malarkey.
[00:26:13] Unknown:
Mine's much more torturously complex but interesting. Also, it circles back I can't stop using that freeze freeze phrase, to our conversation of a few moments ago when we're talking about vegetables. It does. So my pitch goes something like this. Of course, that word is associated, wrongly when one thinks about it with a certain part of a lady's anatomy. It's meant to be an insult, which never struck me as making any sense because, it's not viewed with disfavor. Let's put it that way. It's a very odd thing to to hurl that as an insult at someone. It just seemed a bit ridiculous. But this explanation makes it crystal clear, even though I can't prove a word of this Am I in time? You are. Yeah. You're in time. You can hear it for the 34th time.
And, so, it's to do with the farming of England, specifically in the Middle Ages, or maybe a bit earlier than that. So, you've got people out with plows and things, which we all know of, even if we haven't used one ourselves, although Patrick probably uses them even to this day. I don't know. But you've got people out in fields having the plow pulled, you know, by cows and donkeys, maybe even the wife and the children, I suppose, if you can afford things like that or whatever. And, there were certain areas of land that were particularly difficult to plow. They could be a very strange shape, which made it very awkward to turn the plow around at the end of the field or for the horse to move or whatever.
Then there were also other bits of, obstructions like a river in the wrong place or a big boulder or a rock. You know, as they were slowly clearing those things off the field. So were it not for those, problems with the land, they would have been able to yield up quite a bit of fruit, as it were, or barley, or whatever it is that you were doing. So because it was a orchard to do it, on these pieces of land, which could have been fruitful but weren't, they were useless. And if you abbreviate the word country, it's a small part of the country that's absolutely useless.
That's what it means. Now I love this because it makes complete sense. So when you call someone that, you are saying you are a non fruit bearing useless piece of rubbish, of no value to anybody
[00:28:43] Unknown:
because you're a pain in the whatever. So they It's still a curse. It's still a curse. So so you're you're more hassle than you're worth is basically the long and the short of it.
[00:28:53] Unknown:
It is. Yeah. Can I play something about vegetables now? Sure. I hope I can play something about vegetables. Tell me if you can hear this. You should be able to hear this. Hang on. Here we go. It's only about a minute long. Protect and nourish the frail and the weak, oh lord.
[00:29:10] Unknown:
Let them grow big and strong under thy loving care. In fact, let them grow bigger and stronger than anyone else's so that the first prize might be my the harvest offering to bind the deal?
[00:29:36] Unknown:
And that's the vicar from curse of the were rabbit who was very keen to grow the biggest vegetables in town. Yes. And I do like the vicar very, very much. He's actually one of my favorite characters in the whole of cinema. I absolutely love that vicar. He's great. He's tremendous.
[00:29:55] Unknown:
So sorry about that. Anyway I'd like to see your desktop. I bet it's full of all random things like that, isn't it? You quite know, is it? Aren't you Shelley? I am. I am. Put your bloody camera on.
[00:30:07] Unknown:
I can't I can't see your face. Let me see your desktop.
[00:30:10] Unknown:
You can have a look at my desktop. No. It's just that because we were talking about electric vegetables, and, of course, because the were rabbit has got a very strong vegetable growing theme to it. It has a huge vegetable growing theme to it. It is. It's one of the probably one of the best vegetable films I could think of, really. So I think he's excellent. And I was trying to find the other bit where I did like Day of the Triffids, mate. I know it wasn't a film per se, but Day of the Triffids. You know, you have to admit, Attack of the Killer Plants. I mean,
[00:30:40] Unknown:
how could you go wrong?
[00:30:42] Unknown:
I know. I know.
[00:30:44] Unknown:
There's a bit there's I couldn't find the scene I was looking for, but I haven't found it, where they're all gathered after the the were rabbit is attacked for the first time. And the vicar's saying something like, you know, that, basically, they incurred the wrath of god for trying to grow vegetables way beyond their natural size or something like that. It's absolutely wonderful that they've, they've been cursed because they've been obsessed with the size of their vegetables. And, anyway, it's very English, all of this vegetable growing malarkey, which I quite like, really. So there we go. Anyway, he's not an Italian vicar, but maybe an Italian vicar will be there next week with the bola hatted farmer showing us how to make vegetables of an immense and unnaturally huge size.
So that's why I wanted a greenhouse. Sorry. I brought it all the way back to greenhouses again, haven't I? But I'm a bit like that.
[00:31:34] Unknown:
Yeah. I suppose sitting in a chair in a in a polytunnel doesn't really have the same ring to it. Didn't didn't sort of look didn't throw up a particularly warm and encouraging picture in my mind. Oh, no. No. It would be warm, just a bit hazy. Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah. Wouldn't be as much fun.
[00:31:52] Unknown:
Well, speaking of warmth and sunlight, I've got a a massive video to watch. Actually, I've I've extracted the sound out of it because it's, Yeah. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Stop that. It's called Exiled Brain Surgeon, DARPA Mind Control, Quantum Biology, and Sunlight Medicine by doctor Jack Kruse, spelled k r u s e. And it was it came out 5 days ago, and there's 360,000 people who watched this monstrous thing. It's just over 4 hours. I don't think you need to necessarily watch it. You can, of course, listen to it, which is the good thing. However, somebody who is pestering me a lot, to watch it, so I will, says that this guy, by the way, this doctor Jack Crews, amongst many things, is also a guy that performs open heart surgery.
And, he's also an exile brain surgeon. Feet, is it? No. It's not bad. He just I'll I'll do that. And, and when he does the surgery, he does it in sunlight. Oh. And it he does it in sunlight, and they recover almost instantly because of the sunlight. Wow. So and he's saying that 90% of all the energy that you receive, you get through the sun, and that you should be wearing orange glasses to push away all the blue light, which is wearing us out. It's quite fascinating. You see, I'm immediately I was very, very intrigued, but I've just not been able to find time yet to watch it. So there you go. I mean, we could play it now and just stay up for 4 hours and drive everybody crazy, but 4 hours As long as you share screen share, Paul, at least at least Shelley will get something. So you're saying we should go on a fast and just live on sunlight?
I'm not saying Oh, no. Patrick, what I'm saying is I haven't watched this. That's why it's so good. Because apparently there are instances of that happening.
[00:33:42] Unknown:
People not eating and relying on sunlight for their energy and but I don't know whether I I I wouldn't wanna bloody try it. I've gotta be honest.
[00:33:49] Unknown:
There's a Russian woman who didn't eat any food for 25 years.
[00:33:54] Unknown:
Yeah. I've heard of the Breatherians,
[00:33:57] Unknown:
they call them, where they just Breatherians. Yeah. It might I also think it might have something to do with the pineal gland being jolly healthy and good, and it's just absorbing lots of energy from the ether. I mean, you know, Tesla figured it out. Obviously, we're just swimming in a field of energy and coming through with the sun. And if these vegetables, coming back to them again, are becoming immense because of the presence of galvanized steel aerials and copper wire running through the ground, maybe there's hope for us too. It would save an awful lot on the bloody washing up, wouldn't it, which is an absolute pain in the ass. It really is. My I always it's the one thing that my mom used to bang on about. She's like, I don't mind eating the food, and I don't mind cooking it. But washing up, I've been doing it for 35 years.
Wow. Yeah. You've kinda got a point, really. And I've had people say, get a get a washing, you know, a dishwasher. No. I would never have one of those monstrous because I've got Jersey.
[00:34:48] Unknown:
Sorry. Yeah. Shelly's got Darren.
[00:34:51] Unknown:
No. But we've got a dishwasher. But because Mhmm. It was already half full and because there were so many of us, all the pots and pans and all, it had to go on twice.
[00:35:01] Unknown:
I said, I'll do it all tomorrow. We we got rid of ours. We don't need you don't need a dishwasher. What what what That saves me about 8 hours a week.
[00:35:10] Unknown:
Oh. Mister God. 8 hours and a bad back. So, yes, I've been without 1 for 3 months. I'll tell you what, Shelley. Maybe loading the thing, surely.
[00:35:18] Unknown:
Maybe if you don't mind, I could wrap my dishes up in a big box and post them down to you to be washed, and you could you could send them back. It might be a bit cumbersome. I don't know, but I won't mind. It's not a bad service to provide, to be fair. No. As long as people were prepared to pay for it. Dishwashing by post. Amazon. Yes. Yeah. Absolutely. Well, no. But I mean, what are your dishes? I'm not. I love it. Send them to me, and I'll clean them up.
[00:35:46] Unknown:
But it's more expensive. Go the Amazon route, you may as well just rent your dishes for an evening. Just throw away your dishes. Just get your plates. Every every week. Paper plates. Exactly. Think of the trees, Shelley. Think of the trees.
[00:35:59] Unknown:
Well, it will be recycled.
[00:36:01] Unknown:
Well, my grandpa always used to say fingers were made before forks, so they just
[00:36:06] Unknown:
throw away the utensils. What do you need them for? And that's why he never got invited out on a dinner date. Is that what you're saying?
[00:36:14] Unknown:
I love that. Yeah. Of living living in a civilized society. We need crockery and cutlery, unfortunately.
[00:36:21] Unknown:
It's just the What did you say? Living in a civilized society. What's that? I just completely what, Naomi?
[00:36:27] Unknown:
I was I was brought up to believe that there was one. Don't give me that.
[00:36:31] Unknown:
No. No. It's true. You you should have seen it in our believe it too. In our house tonight. Like, I've got, like, 6 matching plates, so there was enough for everybody, for the grown ups. And then when the dessert came out, there was a Pyrex dish, a tea plate, a green bowl. It was all the mismatches. And then they've got my granddaughter there eating mushy peas with her finger. Fingers just yeah. No cutlery needed there. That's the way to go. Filthy child. I know. She's only 1. She should've been beaten senseless.
[00:37:00] Unknown:
If you're gonna eat mushy peas Introduce some Victorian discipline into your affairs, Shelley. It's the wretchards scene. Oh, bloody hell. Mushy peas on their fingers. Whatever next oh, yeah. And, of course, they're sticking their fingers up the nose and saying, look, I've pulled out a bogey. I'd be doing that because you're green, wouldn't it? But I'm sure she will. Oh, well, you don't need to talk to do that. You can just sort of reenact it. Everybody would have got the joke.
[00:37:26] Unknown:
[00:37:27] Unknown:
See? Back to vegetables again. Can't get away from them tonight. Actually, yeah. Yeah. It's funny, ain't it? It's funny.
[00:37:35] Unknown:
Well, I'm on a vegetable group. I'm on my mushroom hunt.
[00:37:40] Unknown:
That's that's not a vegetable. That's not a root vegetable, Shelley. Does it
[00:37:43] Unknown:
matter? Oh. Oh. You said you're Oh, they're in my fridge.
[00:37:48] Unknown:
I was just twisting what you said. You said you're on a vegetable root. I said that's not a root vegetable. It's a fungus. So Oh my. It's a fungus, but it so when you buy mushrooms, is that what category does that come under?
[00:38:00] Unknown:
Fruits and vegetables. They don't do a fungus section.
[00:38:06] Unknown:
Fungal Oh. Produce. It's called produce.
[00:38:10] Unknown:
Well, interestingly, I've noticed today shopping because I've heard you talk about raw milk, Paul as well, and I'm heavily into that for all the good bacteria and stuff. And Yeah. I sourced a guy, and it's like, you know, dangerous stuff. He's very in his shop, and I knew he was in the right place because I could see a pile of the light newspapers piled up. But he's he's he's very, like, you know, worried, who knows and everything like that. But I noticed today Is it like going and visiting the butcher out of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? I haven't seen that. But, yeah,
[00:38:43] Unknown:
it is gotta you know? Does he have unregistered chickens?
[00:38:46] Unknown:
Do you know? I'll have to ask him that next week when I go. I will ask him, actually. Have you got a license for these chickens? Yes. I know.
[00:38:54] Unknown:
I think people are writing to me. They were sending out the chicken police to you. Yeah. Writing in with all the chicken. About raw milk? Do you want to hear something about raw milk? Because I've always got clips, you see. Let's have a look. Have we got this one too? Or is this one gonna play?
[00:39:08] Unknown:
No. No. Raw milk category.
[00:39:11] Unknown:
Can you hear that? Yeah.
[00:39:13] Unknown:
Greetings, agent. Word of you came to me as a man of means, a man of reliability, a man who knows what it takes to bring true health back into our world. Zog or Zionist occupied governments continue to push away raw milk away from our kids, our children. You are the last stand. You're the last generation before they have agent. It's time to take back our future by dollar sign milk.
[00:39:55] Unknown:
So, hey, I'm
[00:39:57] Unknown:
for me to me. Yeah. It's good people like advertising. It was I think it was a yeah. Psycho. Robert Kennedy, that Kennedy bloke with a funny voice and everything doing it. But your mission, should you accept it, is to start consuming vast quantities of raw milk. Yeah? We have got a dairy near us called sweets dairy, and they do pasteurize the milk, but not like it's only very gently pasteurized. No. It's no good. You're just mucking about there. It's really halfway house mincing around the issue again. Get right in there. Oh, that's When we say something wrong the other way well, so apparently, in your neck of the woods, it's ludicrously expensive. Although, Shelley, you might contradict that. We mean the thing a couple of weeks ago, and everybody was calling in or sending messages about the price they were paying for raw milk. Wales won by miles, a pound, a liter. I'm paying £1.80 a liter around here. In fact, I'm going over to dairy tomorrow to get, 10 liters, actually.
And, if I got it. But Cornwall or Devon was wretchedly expensive. £3.50, someone was saying on the show. I don't know what you're paying for. £5.80
[00:41:04] Unknown:
for 3, like, 2 pint things. So that's don't really know liters very well. It's about 6 pints.
[00:41:10] Unknown:
Well, that's pretty good. Yeah. It's good. That's good. No. That's okay.
[00:41:14] Unknown:
I'm not gonna quibble about that, but what I was gonna say was I've been in Tesco's earlier. And looking at their milk shelves, they've now started bringing in, like, under Tesco's finest, Jersey cow milk from the real Jersey cows and pasteurized only a tiny bit. And there's also a Portuguese one as well. I don't know. I don't think it's Portuguese. Sorry. A different language, anyway. Some sort of milk. But it's I'm just interested in it because, obviously, the raw milk people, they're trying to branch out more and give people the option of having better milk. And I was explaining to the guy on the till about the whole raw milk and the pasteurization and stuff. And, yeah, it was quite interesting to see the superstores trying to bring in they're not gonna get raw milk, but a better milk for people. You know?
It's my useless tip of the week. Well,
[00:42:04] Unknown:
I'm sure there'll be milk wars coming up, because we'll be told very soon that we're not supposed to have it. But, I think it's fantastic. And my son was reading some the other day, and he said, I don't get bloated with this. I said, no. It's just great. And it's like milk I remember as a kid, even though I guess it was pasteurized back then, but it's much closer to it. So,
[00:42:25] Unknown:
Well, because my son has such a limited diet and he would eat a cereal, I thought, well, if he has raw milk with it, then it's getting something in him. But I'm suffering with horrendous reflux and heartburn at the moment, and I need to start buying it again for me because, well, I'm just going through bottles of Gaviscon.
[00:42:43] Unknown:
But do you or you drink your own wee, Shelley?
[00:42:46] Unknown:
I have done that once. I have done that once. And I took a video of me doing it, and I'll send it to my dad. I should think you do. You can't have Darren drinking it. Is that outrageous? No. No. No. Send it to my dad because he this was years ago when I really looked into, like, your own therapy and stuff like that. But I wonder if that might be helped, but I don't fancy it. But then nothing's tasty. You You know, apple cider vinegar I've been drinking. But it's not, is it? Apple cider vinegar, wee. They're both horrendous.
[00:43:16] Unknown:
If you're gonna stop it, I'll drink it. I couldn't think we tasted it all that much. It it's sorry. It's it's the cure to acid reflux. So if you got problems, you you just do it, because otherwise, you're just gonna suffer. Really? What? Why suffer? Really? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm serious. How upset? If you're you're are you gonna suffer, you know, you could either suffer or you could do it and it's cure it. It it it it it sounds disgusting, of course, because that's the culture. Right. Okay. No. 1st week of the day, last week of the day, most of the best week. You should get a if you wanna read a a very interesting book on the topic, get this book by John w Armstrong called Water of Life, and it was written in 1939, I believe, just before World War 2.
And and it was just before the cancer law that you had over there because he was a British doctor. And it was just before the cancer law went into effect where you couldn't advertise a cure for cancer.
[00:44:16] Unknown:
The Cancer Act, 1939.
[00:44:19] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. And then the second of the book, he had revised a disclaimer. He's got a disclaimer at the beginning of the book. I've got the book. I actually my brother-in-law suffers from ulcerative colitis. And, he's really, like, on the verge of developing Crohn's disease, which is, you know, that's not nice. That's I mean, ulcerative colitis is not nice. But, yeah, if it develops into Crohn's disease, that's really nasty. And a year ago, I bought the book for him, really. Yeah. I don't I don't think he ever bothered reading it. So I just sort of I'd like to find a first edition, if only because it was written before the cancer law came into effect. I wanna see Is this the not one archive?
[00:45:06] Unknown:
Not a first edition. No. It's it's a rare book. I've I've got a second edition from, like, 41 or 40, and it was after the cancer law and they had to revise it. So either way, it's still it's still a good book to look at. If if you're gonna suffer, you know, why suffer? If you if you know there's a cure to something, why suffer? Yeah. Definitely. That's why I look at it. And it's, you know, obviously, taboo,
[00:45:32] Unknown:
you know, but it's not But there are the things that work. Yeah.
[00:45:35] Unknown:
Well, it's like it's like the whole allopathic medical system is set up so that you're buying drugs and you just sit in them. You're buying these things because you have no idea what's in them and you're still taking them. I mean, that's foolish as far as I'm concerned. Yeah. Most people do it, and they think, well, it's got a cure. The doctor wouldn't lie to me. Yeah. It's gotta help somehow. These doctors are like priests. Right? You can't question the priests. Yeah. You just gotta go with what they say. Yeah. And same with the vaccines. Get jabbed.
This is gonna cure you, and it's like you don't even do any research. You're not allowed to do any research. They
[00:46:10] Unknown:
any of these things. They just it's no. Not to the point, Patrick. More to the point. You will know it's a culted. You're right. Nothing's put in front of you. Nothing's like you know, this is look. See, look. This is how it works.
[00:46:23] Unknown:
You know, nothing's put in front of you, so people are not informed. It's as simple as Well, you think you think, like, raw milk. If it's such so good for you, you wouldn't they be just advertising it up and down, like, come and get this farm fresh raw milk that that's came from the farm. It's beautiful. Farmer straight from the farm. Yeah. But they they they banned raw milk on the basis that a few people suffered allergic reactions. A very small percentage of people. It was TB, I think. Wasn't it? And was it not bertrulosis
[00:46:51] Unknown:
or something like that?
[00:46:53] Unknown:
Well, I think they said that cows had TB. So,
[00:46:57] Unknown:
that's the reason. Here again, it's it's some invisible force that you can't see and you can't disprove it. It's like, well, like, it doesn't exist. And it's like, well, then show us that it doesn't exist. It's like, well, I can't prove a negative. So Yeah. That's very clever the way it's done. These these things like that, like, what the justifications for these laws that you can't get raw milk or or you're gonna die because of botulism or some, you know, some strange fiction that they create scare you and not Well, the other thing was was bertrulosis,
[00:47:30] Unknown:
wasn't it? Because, you know, bertrulosis causes spontaneous abortion in cattle and can do the same for human cattle. For raw milk? Well, if if the cattle are infected with bertrulosis, yes.
[00:47:45] Unknown:
Okay. Well, yeah. But then again, I guess it's all a matter of getting at these regulatory bodies together that, supposedly have authority and and and it's a a means of taxing the farmers more than anything and keeping an eye on what they're doing and who they're selling to. I mean, I'm just It's like this chicken registry you guys are have. You're suddenly getting
[00:48:13] Unknown:
Shit. Ridiculous. Register your frozen chicken Sorry, Shelley. What were you gonna say? I think it's gone. I was gonna say, like, the
[00:48:24] Unknown:
the the raw milk. The raw milk, you should just get a goat. Oh, no. That's what I was gonna say. You can get raw milk, from goats, obviously legal. That the closest to us is Liskeard. And I spoke to the woman, and she said that you would arrange delivery, but I don't fancy goat's milk. I don't know. Sheep? Have you ever had sheep's milk? I I had sheep's cheese. I think It's actually quite good. Why don't you just have some breast milk, you could say, couldn't you, really? No. No. Come on, Shirley. No. No. No. I'm not no. You know I'm joking, but it is the same thing, isn't it? No. There are people that actually do that kind of thing. I know. And that you know? I'm thinking about it. I'm not I mean, come on, people send photos with their feet, don't they?
[00:49:09] Unknown:
We we have a lady, a family that used to go to our church. I don't know if they still do, but, they used to raise they still raise sheep, and they have, like, this world award winning, sheep's cheese. They make from, you know, sheep sheep's milk. It's excellent. It's, like, better than the stuff you can buy in the store Well, if you like, I mean, Shelly, if you've ever had feta cheese, that's goat's cheese, but it's particular it's it's,
[00:49:34] Unknown:
native to Greece. Yeah. Really. It shouldn't No. I just don't fancy things like that. I think I'm one of these people. What I've grown up on is, like, realistically, if I'm gonna have baked beans, I need to have Heinz baked beans. No. No. I have cow's milk, and I don't want freaking goat's milk. Milk. Before I remember when I went for a coffee at someone's house once, and they, oh, here's the milk, and I'm halfway through drinking it. And she said it was goat's milk, and I'm like, oh, but I couldn't drink anymore. Don't know why it's a psychological thing. But, yeah, if you were to give me sheep's milk. Have you not eaten pepper cheese then? Yeah. I think I've eaten it a couple of times in, like, little peppery things.
Better cheese than a salad is good. Yeah. Well, it's cottage cheese. I mean, cottage cheese seems to be in everything. I don't really know what that is, but I just don't fancy it. It looks horrible. I don't like I no. Cottage cheese is horrible.
[00:50:23] Unknown:
I don't I don't like cottage. That horrible watery yeah. No. That's not cheese. Well, it is cheese, but no. It turns my stomach. It turns my stomach ever since I was a kid. And my dad, for once, said that he'd make dinner because mom was fed up. Yeah. They didn't they only lasted till I was 12 anyway. So this could be one of the reasons. He decided he'd make dinner and prove prove his culinary worth. And, we all sat down for dinner, and he'd made a whole load of different dishes of stuff. And we're like, what's that? In the middle, he said, well, that's potato surprise. And we thought it was potato salad. It wasn't. It was potato mixed with cottage cheese. I mean, oh, it was awful. So I've never touched it ever since, ever.
I just What? Cottage cheese? Yes.
[00:51:15] Unknown:
Oh, I eat lashings of it. Do you?
[00:51:18] Unknown:
By the bold on crackers.
[00:51:20] Unknown:
Lashings. Lashings. I was just of cottage cheese on crackers. I love crackers. Pool, aren't you? So posh. What? With your Is cottage cheese posh?
[00:51:28] Unknown:
No. Just you you you and your words. I'm I'm quite envious, to be honest with you. Which words? Shoe? To any shoe. Well, you can make anything sound interesting, I think, anyway. But yeah. Dashing's just yeah. It's just you, isn't it? I imagine you're sat there with a shirt or a cardigan.
[00:51:47] Unknown:
Well, this hey. This morning, I used the word white Well, you're having a great time. You're just imagining things. Sorry, Patrick. I'm talking earlier. It's okay. I've actually sat in my underpants covered in barbed wire
[00:51:57] Unknown:
playing with a tin of treacle. How about that? So so I use the word a fucking image. Listen. Listen.
[00:52:04] Unknown:
You know how you use a word and you don't know if it's the correct word? Like, earlier, Paul, you used the word. You didn't you you thought it was the right word, then it ended up being the right word. I I said to turn the to someone to turn the vol volume down a titch. And what's a titch? Smoke. In British A little. A little. Yeah. I looked it up. It's a little it means a little person. I don't I you know, maybe a little little person. Turn the volume down a little person. That's exactly what you said. Yeah. Exactly. And we all kind of knew what you were
[00:52:32] Unknown:
That's discrimination. Reaching for.
[00:52:35] Unknown:
What's the Of course it is. Then Actually, I was listening to your I was listening to your radio show. Was it your radio show? I think I was listening to Windmill the other day, Patrick. And Short People by Randy Newman came on, I think. Oh. And, it's a great I love that song. I think it's fantastic. Yeah.
[00:52:53] Unknown:
All memories of Randy Newman because of the Toy Story. My son loved it,
[00:52:58] Unknown:
and he loved it. We used to watch this show called Monk, and he did the theme song to that about this detective in San Francisco who's got, obsessive compulsive disorder and has to Right. You know, has to do everything meticulously a certain way or else it's kinda like a superstition. You ever seen that? It's a it's a good one to watch. No. I'm so sorry. That's what Randy Newman does this thing. The song, it's, jungle out there. Like, a disorder and chaos everywhere.
[00:53:33] Unknown:
My my son used to just love the the song You've Got A Friend in Me from Toy Story. Toy Story? Yeah. That was like that was his when he was a little little boy, that was his he loved that song. When when he was a teenager, I stuck it on a randomized disc to stick it in the car, and he went, oh my god. I love this song.
[00:53:51] Unknown:
[00:53:52] Unknown:
I looked up he's he's got the song about Vladimir Putin you should look up sometime.
[00:53:57] Unknown:
Do you want me to play you a song of I, Randy Newman, right now that you all never heard before? It's 2 minutes long. You ready? Do it. Yeah. Ready. And I'm gonna give you the back. It's a this is a brilliant song. Well, I I liked it. It's very it's very Randy Newman very early on.
[00:55:17] Unknown:
And if you need someone to lean on, you can lean on him. He gives us all his love. He's smiling down on us. Up above, he's giving us all his love.
[00:56:06] Unknown:
Short story for you.
[00:56:07] Unknown:
No. Great tune. Great You did a song for me. Is lovely. It is lovely. I gotta get you. The backstory is that there's a film in which that is the music and it's it runs through and I always remember because I saw the film when, I was about 13 or 14 on TV. It's got Dick Van Dyke in it. You remember him? The man who did the worst cockney accent ever. The worst cockney accent ever. However I love to hear it. But you wanna you might wanna look at it. It's a fan I I've got very fond memories of it, although it may have aged and not be quite the sort of vivid wonderful thing, but I remember it. But Dick Van Dyke plays the role of a pastor in a village, or a small American town, I should say.
And they come up with some kind of bet like, that can they get the whole village to stop smoking for a week? And if they do, they win a lot of money, or they get a new church bill, or something like that. I can't remember the plot. Right? But that's the whole thing. And Dick Van Dyke, as the pastor, is running around like mad, trying to stop everybody smoking. And he's the one that's giving every in part, he's he's representative of somebody who's giving the rest of the town all his love. Anyway, the film's called Cold Turkey, and I do remember it very fondly. But I I it's a long time since I saw it. It's early seventies, 19 seventies.
And that's when Newman probably was just getting going in the Newman dynasty of, you know, movie music, because his father was that way. Isn't it? It's very hip. Yeah. It's it's totally hip. You can hear echoes of all that spare, simple, you know, gentle melody shifting with a kind of slightly melancholy sort of flavor to it. And it's I know you could say it's a bit schmaltzy, but I think he pulls I always think he does it well. I quite like Yeah. I think he does it well. He's he's always, I I just
[00:57:54] Unknown:
he's he's got a lovely temperament in in the way he like writes his lyrics. That's for me, I just think the way he writes the lyrics are just you look at the Toy Story, theme tunes that he writes, You know, well, I don't know. I suppose I've got I've got little warm cockles because of because of how my son feels about those sort of things. But, you know, I I think he has got a really sort of warm way of writing.
[00:58:21] Unknown:
Yeah. He does. Yes. There's a care. Here, let let me read you some of the comments on the YouTube video. They're quite interesting, actually. Someone just said, first heard this as the theme song for the great, but now obscure movie, Cold Turkey, starring Dick Van Dyke. Excellent. And someone else says, that's how I heard it too. I just watched it a few hours ago, says the next person. It's brilliant. It's on Amazon Prime. Buy it now. So that was quite good. And the other one, I like this. It was very short and sweet. Being old and having good taste in music brought me here. That's great. And he doesn't even know what we're talking about. You wrote that. Yeah.
I did, and it's called it's Raytheon Gaming, whatever that means. So, you know, it's just that's isn't that sweet? Yeah. That's really good. Someone writes, god bless Randy Newman. Well, why not? Yeah. We used to sing this song every morning before class at Martin De Porres, Holy Rosary Catholic School in Brooklyn. 33 years later, I'm getting teary eyed thinking about those days once more. Isn't that wonderful? You remember the song mama told me not to Listen to the response to that. The the response to that previous comment is sounds like you miss it. I just go, just like your teachers missed the satire in the song. Well, maybe. I know there's a bit. That's quite scathing, but I don't mind. You know? Fuck. You're a little bit hard. And then the next guy says, sounds like you actually need Jesus, you I added I added the sarcastic git bit in it. You've got to do a bit of a, hey, you know what? This is maybe a good idea for a show. You just dig up YouTube videos and then read out the comments, and it just really spark, isn't it? Some great stuff to to do. There is some good stuff. Gallery.
[01:00:05] Unknown:
We call it the peanut gallery. Everybody's interested in what every other twat down the road is thinking you say. You can't help it. It's compulsive stuff. That's part of the the whole thing with radio, isn't it? I think most people listening to radio, listen to radio because it they like the shows that confirm the world that they live in, you know, very much
[01:00:27] Unknown:
so. Do you not think Yeah. It it reminds me of, okay, this girl I went to school with, her uncle had had a, TV show on public access at first, and then it just went viral all over the country before the Internet was big in YouTube. It was called Mystery Science Theater 3000, and it was him in silhouette with a couple robot android looking characters, and they just did comedy a comedy, commentary on, old b movie horror movies, like the
[01:00:55] Unknown:
the swamp thing and and the creature from the black lagoon. Oh, there's there's a program a bit like that, called Creature Features on,
[01:01:04] Unknown:
on YouTube. You could do something like that with the YouTube videos. Just, like, randomly explore YouTube. But, hey, the Randy Newman, have you do you do you know the song mama told me not to come? I think the animals did it in the 3 dog night. Tom Jones. Did Tom Jones do it? Mama told me not to come. That ain't no way to have fun.
[01:01:25] Unknown:
Yep. Tom Jones did it. Tom Jones did it as well. He actually did a storming version of it, I have to say.
[01:01:33] Unknown:
It's a Randy Newman song. Yeah. It's kind of his humor. Yeah.
[01:01:38] Unknown:
He wrote the lyrics anyway. Oh, he probably did the melody too. That's interesting, isn't it? Cause that that was a quite a big hit over here in the UK, wasn't it, Shelley?
[01:01:46] Unknown:
Yeah, it was. Yeah. It was. Yeah. That's Randy Newman.
[01:01:50] Unknown:
Wow. That's really that
[01:01:52] Unknown:
yeah. I It's his style. It's his style, you know. At a party, it's going. Everybody else is, you know, acting crazy, and he's he's the guy that's the sober sober minded person that's like, this is this isn't right.
[01:02:07] Unknown:
Have you ever seen look at me all clip here. I'm feeling all clip here. I've gotta go soon, actually, by the way. So, I do have Yeah. We can wrap it up here. So Can I play you another clip though before we do that, seeing as how this is all have you seen Malefic, this is probably you won't have seen this, Patrick, I don't think, because this is what I've got to the States? But have you ever seen any of Toast of London with Matt Berry? Right. I've heard of it. You've talked about it before. Okay. Well, some of it is sort of obnoxiously vulgar, in a way. It's sort of ridiculous. But it's also very funny. You have to wait. It's one of those sort of hit and miss things.
[01:02:41] Unknown:
Anyway, he's a voice over artist. Hello. And you know the one that's that that on Rumble, the person was saying you sounded like?
[01:02:49] Unknown:
That's right. Yes. Yeah. Okay. So now you can tell. Because he's actually he just say there was a TV series where he's going around. He goes to LA because he's got a new part. He says it, yes. This is all about my new part in the Star Wars movie. And that's how he talks. So anyway, this is him from this series called Toast of London. It's a minute and 35 seconds. You you don't have to see it. He's in a recording booth about to do some recording work, and the clip is called Yes. That's all this clip is called. Right? And, I'm just gonna play it to you because it's it's really rather I think it's quite rather amusing. Here we go.
Is that it? Just that one word? Yeah. Okay. Yes.
[01:03:38] Unknown:
Hey, Steven. That was really good. Feeling is here that you could be a bit more positive. More positive?
[01:03:44] Unknown:
Yeah. You know, really go for it. You want me to go for it? Yeah. Alright. Yes.
[01:03:57] Unknown:
Very, very good. Let's just try without the script. Might just loosen you up a little bit. Yeah. I mean, it's, what is it, one word? You don't really need it, do you? I probably don't need the script. It's just a word. Yeah. Okay. Let's do it again.
[01:04:11] Unknown:
[01:04:14] Unknown:
Is that it? Yes. Right.
[01:04:18] Unknown:
Hi, Steven. Yes? This is Clem Fandango. Yes.
[01:04:23] Unknown:
Can you hear me? Yes. I can hear you, Clem Fandango. Honestly, this is going so great, but I just think there was a little loss of energy in that last take. Let me try one more.
[01:04:33] Unknown:
K. Ready to go? Yep. What? Yes.
[01:04:36] Unknown:
K. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
[01:04:58] Unknown:
Love it.
[01:05:02] Unknown:
It's just great. It's really good. You we could throw away the script. It's it's a what? It's only one word. Yeah. I don't need the script. Yeah. I don't need the script.
[01:05:10] Unknown:
It's ridiculous. I love that I love that so much because you know what I used to do to telesales people that phoned up or people that used to phone up and say, excuse me, sir. Do you have problem with your Windows computer? I would say, literally, I would say yes to everything they said. It was a trick I learned off of a YouTuber.
[01:05:28] Unknown:
[01:05:30] Unknown:
Exactly. Because it's a positive reinforcement each time. Yes. Do you understand what I'm saying to you? Yes. Yes. I do. Say at the bottom of your screen?
[01:05:39] Unknown:
[01:05:40] Unknown:
It was great. I had so much fun. I got blacklisted.
[01:05:44] Unknown:
I got blacklisted. Yes. Well, you would. Yes. We're all gonna be saying yes a lot more now after you've heard that. It's come right in. I'm telling you. Yes.
[01:05:53] Unknown:
Yes. Yes. Yes. See? Yes.
[01:05:57] Unknown:
Yes. Yes. See? Yes. Yes.
[01:06:03] Unknown:
Yeah. Only took one word. Well, do you know what? Do you know what? It was funny as well. Because I at one point, my mate came to I we used to get a lot of calls at work at the the crematorium when I used to work there. And, we just got a load of calls there because it was a business line. And my mate, Rob, came downstairs. And he could see me there, like, yes. Yes. And he could see I was desperately trying to hold it together. And I just, like, went, can you take over? Can you take over? Like, I I handed the phone to him, and I went outside and I was like that. I came back in, and I just heard him going, yes. I was just like, oh my god. I have to go back out again.
[01:06:46] Unknown:
Well, you got to say it like Leslie Phillips. You got to say it in a Number Leslie Phillips. Ways as
[01:06:53] Unknown:
[01:06:55] Unknown:
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
[01:06:58] Unknown:
Yes. Yes. It's funny because we say yeah a lot, though, don't we? Yeah.
[01:07:03] Unknown:
Yes. Yeah. We do. Yes. You do. But I say yes a lot more than I say.
[01:07:09] Unknown:
Yes. You're right. I I don't know. I think I don't know. I think when I'm, like, doing radio and stuff, I I do, like, use my telephone voice.
[01:07:21] Unknown:
Have you got one? You got a telephone voice? Yep. Do you where where do you get that from? Hello.
[01:07:27] Unknown:
Wilmington Police Station. Yeah. Things like that. Is isn't there a Jim Carrey movie that's called Yes, Man? And it you can't say no? Yeah. That's right. I've never I've never seen it. Liar liar over here. No. No. No. No. Not the liar liar. It's called Yes, Man. Oh, is it? Yeah. There's a movie. See, one of one of the things that we've lost as well, you know, with mobile phones,
[01:07:49] Unknown:
if you see them, obviously, it tells you who's calling, doesn't it? Yeah. Which is really, really it takes all the fun out of it. Yeah. It's terrible. Because I used to, at certain points, answer the phone, just pick up and go, who is it? Like that. It's like, hello. Me asking a phone. Settling at the other end. I just it might be my mom or something. Who is it? It's me, Paul. Oh, sorry, mom. I was just trying it out to see what kind of reaction you get the other end. Maybe I could just do it anyway. You know, you could say, who is it? And they say, well, you've got your phone. I mean, you could say, well, I'm not looking. It's only your business whether I look at my phone or not. Anyway I like speech Should we call it I think I better call this to a close. You can see I'm actually, just to let you know, whilst the whilst this little extended bit of gay banter was taking place, my son came out to me and told me, he said, dad, a very large cat has been in the kitchen trying to eat the cheese. Seriously, I thought I this is my closing comment, potentially. I thought I'd really drop the big one in here. So there is this enormous cat around here. Of course, I I don't by cat standards, it's really rather large.
Fat bastard. And, it'd been in. It'd been in. And, apparently, well, it was having a Tom was a bit disconcerted because we like the cheese with the apple crumble, which is what's calling me back in because I only got to eat half my supper. I love you all that much. But there's an apple crumble that was actually steaming hot so that the ice cream would have melted all over it, but now it's just a coagulated cold clunky mess. Right. The microwave. No. We don't. That one I got we don't have a microwave. The ice cream. You don't? No. No. We don't have a microwave. We don't use that anymore. No. We just, we heat things by candles and laughter, the hot air, dripping stuff like this. Yeah. I'm going back to all the old fashioned I am did I mention, I am planning to build a reading station, as it were, that runs on candles? Yeah. Sounds bizarre. I don't Candle So I do want that. I want to start reading books in my greenhouse, Maleficus, in the dark, in the winter months when it's finally built so that I'm down there with candles. We've got the alcove. Marathon poisoning.
[01:09:49] Unknown:
We've got an alcove that Darren's built and finally finished after, like, 4 years. And I was finally able to bring all my books down from the loft, and I've been shopping about little candles and stuff. And my plan is to put a little chair there and make that the reading corner.
[01:10:04] Unknown:
Lovely. Do you have a real fire, Shelley? No. Do you have a proper fire? No. I wish I did. Wish I did. I think every home needs them. I think they're actually massively important. I want one back. The I remember more than anything else the happy hours spent with my mom and dad when I was, you know, just sat in front of the fire just looking at the embers, not wanting to do anything. It's just absolutely brilliant. Nobody did. You just sit there completely chilled. It's fabulous. Here's a heads up for you, Paul. As of 2025,
[01:10:31] Unknown:
all new builds will not allow to be install, to install any kind of fossil fuel heating. So log burners after 2025 are a no go in any new build. That's not counting old builds, but how long will it take before they bring that in for old builds as well? Probably a couple of years. So get it done. I I don't have a contract with those people, Mila, because they they are to be just dismissed and sent off You had a window tax
[01:11:00] Unknown:
in your country. You couldn't have windows. Otherwise, you'd get taxed. So people would rent out the windows. Yeah. That's right. It's the same mentality.
[01:11:08] Unknown:
Of course it is. Yeah. Well, it it of course it is. It's all the same thing. It's all the same people doing the same bloody things to try and constrict everything.
[01:11:16] Unknown:
We're not here to interact with these pathetic,
[01:11:19] Unknown:
sniveling bastards. No. You're right. I'm sorry.
[01:11:23] Unknown:
No. It's alright. I think you thought you were on Andy's show then, Maleficos, doing your little ending of the week, what you used to do each week.
[01:11:33] Unknown:
Oh, look at you and your perceptive comments, Shelley. Yeah. That's true. What about the band? You were, Maleficas. What was you used to do a final bit. What was it? I can't remember.
[01:11:43] Unknown:
The great distraction. The great distraction. Well Oh, no. That was the first bit. You've just had the That was the that was the Oh, is it the final thought? I used to wait for I I had I had, I had literally, I used to just let Andy waffle until until The Great Distraction came about. And then I had another set of things, but the rest of it was all Andy. Literally, I only had 2 sections on that show. But you do the end bit as well, don't you?
[01:12:07] Unknown:
Near the end. You did the spread the news shanks and the green traction. A news roundup. A news roundup. Yes. Alright. Anyway, yeah. You got us confused. We're not on that show. Well, it was only one comment. I didn't I didn't have a series of articles. Oh, I'm just being sarcastic.
[01:12:24] Unknown:
Should we just leave the mic open and just leave the show going for anybody who wanna come and get on the show or something? How do we pull them in? That's what we wanna do. Just make it 24 hours live, and then everybody can just do it. For the person that, like, runs the website and stuff to put in a call now button.
[01:12:40] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. They're But he's too busy building a greenhouse. Garbage.
[01:12:46] Unknown:
A dream house. Priority.
[01:12:48] Unknown:
A greenhouse.
[01:12:50] Unknown:
[01:12:53] Unknown:
A dream house. Maybe they'll come up with something that if you can't burn fossil fuels, maybe with something something that can burn politicians. They must have quite a few. Oh, so it can burn. Heat. Yeah. I mean, they might have they probably don't even burn that well either, are they? My my car is converted to run off for that. Politician burners. Yeah. Politician fuel.
[01:13:15] Unknown:
Actually, hey. The the let me tell you this little thing. Friday, I I'm at work, and I've got my headphones in, which block out a lot of the sound. And suddenly, I hear this noise from outside of just like it sounded like somebody screaming, ready to kill somebody. I go I'm like I I take my headphones out and I go to the door to listen to what's going on, and I hear this somebody it sounds like somebody yelling from a distance. And I'm like, what in the world is this? They're they're screaming. It sounded like somebody was get getting ready to get in a fight.
And then I didn't think anything of it. And then, after work, I went to this the, our IS the Internet service provider because there's something wrong with my phone, and and then I went to the nearby town, and then suddenly I'm in the office talking to the to the technician, and I hear hear coming down the road the same same voice on a loudspeaker. And apparently, it's a bus and it's got all these politicians names on it and Trump and all this stuff. Here, it's a it's a political slogan thing. It sounded just like it just it sounded just like Adolf Hitler, the voice did from a distance. You couldn't make the same energy, same everything. It was just like it was ridiculous. Vote
[01:14:30] Unknown:
Trump. Vote Trump for world peace. Trump. Oh, man. It's probably good. In it. Anyway, you're gonna be doing some you're gonna be doing some voting soon, possibly, Patty. You're gonna get out there and really vote harder than you did last time or maybe You better vote harder because you did a shit job last time. Honestly It's all your fault. It's all your fault that we got that manner in charge. You can't blame me. I didn't I didn't elect anybody. We can. We can blame you. Patrick Might have been right, but we can still do it. Unvote harder.
[01:15:00] Unknown:
Un yeah. Well Or your one vote could have, like, swung the whole election. No. No. No. No. He needs to get other people to unvote as well, and that would help his unvoting harder, I think.
[01:15:13] Unknown:
Maybe they've got to go cold turkey. Not on smoking, but on voting. Give it up. Give it up right now. If you can all not vote for one day
[01:15:22] Unknown:
Yeah. There you go. Yeah. We get Randy Newman involved. He can he can write our theme song. He could get everybody crying, couldn't he? He could get everybody weeping with that emotional
[01:15:33] Unknown:
subtext all this. What month is the vote? Is it this is it October?
[01:15:36] Unknown:
Remember, remember It's November 5th, Melissa. It's always the 1st Tuesday of November. It's always the 1st Tuesday of November. What about what about what about Novotember?
[01:15:47] Unknown:
Nope. No. Oh. Yeah. There you go. Novotember. You've got no fact November. Give up, give up. Never mind. We won't talk about that.
[01:15:59] Unknown:
Another time. Another time. No. There's time. Well, we all we hope I I hope Because we're just wasting your habits. I just think, as long as it gets rigged, I'll be happy. I mean, I'm just used to rigged elections now. And I don't want you coming out with an honest one. That'd be terrible. So You're used to having a problem now, wouldn't it? We don't have honest ones over here. They're all rubbish in cities. So I hope you have a really wonky, useless, rigged one. That'd be great. I do as well. I do. Yeah. Yeah. It's gotta be it's gotta be rubbish. If if somebody should really hang up fat on the fire. Let's be honest. It's just fat on the fire if we have another rigged election. If it if suddenly it all goes right, I'm gonna start worrying that my worldview is wrong. Well, hopefully, we're gonna hear reports coming out afterwards that this election was not rigged enough. That's what I want to see. It needed to be more rigged. We we we need more rigging. Anyway, on that chirping, I've got to go, really. Yes. I do have to go. In a ridiculously stupid time of 16 minutes past 9 here in jolly old England. No time to be ending a radio gig, is it? But there you go. It is. It is today. So
[01:16:59] Unknown:
Well, it's nice to speak to all you guys. Honestly, I I'm about Well, I wish I could say the same thing, Olivia. Faster. I can't help that. But, you know, you're stuck with me. So there we go.
[01:17:09] Unknown:
I'll tell you, the other disconcerting thing is this, is that this show has been going out under the title of women's hour whilst we've been on it.
[01:17:18] Unknown:
Yes. We have very cool excellent Not on radio windmiller. I switched it. It's the it's the round it's the soapbox round table. Oh, you are such an ambitious person, Patrick. That's actually ridiculous. Well, I I have an ending song when we're all done. Or that's not really a song. You've got you
[01:17:35] Unknown:
on you've got me on the radio. I'm supposed to be semi retired for the moment, you bastards.
[01:17:40] Unknown:
Nobody's nobody's got you on. Yeah. You'll be back. You can't I mean, it's like a bloody boomerang. Nobody ever leaves, right? No one. No. I won't. I won't. I won't. Ever. I I'm just enjoying a break, and and You can check on any time you want. Music. Can never leave. Yeah. Absolutely. That's right. You're doomed, man. This is it for life. Every time you see a microphone, you'll be swanning up to it wanting to start doing the show. There'll be nothing. You're able to stop it. You know? Right. Well, with that, no. I think we should have.
[01:18:11] Unknown:
Okay. Well, this is this is a recording of Trump and Kemp Harris right here from 1958. And,
[01:18:20] Unknown:
yeah. Thanks for the show, everybody. Yep. You too. Thanks for the chat and everything. Thanks. And you can you know, I'll tell you what, Shelley, you can do this anytime you like. Well, I think you should do it next Sunday, even if it's 2 Wait. Make it 3 hours then. You go from 7 till 10 and start to put in a proper shift. And,
[01:18:38] Unknown:
there we yeah. Come on. It's not well, we do our cat shots, don't we? So why not do it live, Anyway Yeah. That's good. Bugger off all of you lot. I've got a son to shower, and I hate to say that he's at 11 and I have to shower him. But if I don't stand there, he won't wash. He'll just walk in and walk out again. So The dirty little Dirty little dirty little I I like him even more. That's excellent. That's really good. So he's like one of those Dickensian little tykes running around himself. With his hair dry.
[01:19:05] Unknown:
Chocolate on the space. Put his mushy peas up his nose. Yeah. Oh, he say he sounds a fine figure of a young lad. Grand. How it should be. Yeah. But Absolutely. Won't be doing this till 15.
[01:19:17] Unknown:
Right. Okay. See you all soon, guys. Thanks very much. Bye. Love, guys. Bye. Bye.
[01:19:23] Unknown:
Bye bye. Yeah.
[01:19:26] Unknown:
Oh, we're gonna have fun. It's a cozy table, isn't it?
[01:19:49] Unknown:
And champagne, my dear.
[01:20:04] Unknown:
[01:20:12] Unknown:
You like it?
[01:20:16] Unknown:
Mhmm. Maybe.
[01:20:24] Unknown:
[01:20:32] Unknown:
I like it too. Yes. I do like it.
[01:20:42] Unknown:
[01:20:46] Unknown:
Yes. You want some more? Delicious.
[01:21:01] Unknown:
I knew you'd like it. You've always Delicious. I'll have some more. Get the waiter and oh,
Introduction and Setting Up the Call
Casual Conversations and Catching Up
Garden Talk and Electric Vegetables
Humour and Social Media
Raw Milk and Health Discussions
Music and Randy Newman
Comedy Clips and Voice Acting
Political Satire and Closing Remarks