Broadcasts live every Wednesday at 7:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:
Chatting to the awesome Frederick C. Blackburn, AKA Blackbird9
Blackbird9 is the host of "Saturday Snack Shack" .
We will be discussing his story on unveiling certain truths whilst working for the NSA (National Security Agency)
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Shelley Tasker Show on Today, we have an intriguing conversation with Frederick C. Blackburn, also known as Blackbird 9. Frederick shares his journey from being a tech support expert for major British institutions to becoming a radio host and whistleblower. He discusses his experiences with censorship and blacklisting after questioning the official narratives of significant events like 9/11. Frederick delves into his background, his family's history, and his transformation from a mainstream believer to a critical thinker. He also talks about the challenges of finding like-minded individuals and the importance of building networks to share resources and support each other in these trying times. This episode is a deep dive into the complexities of free speech, censorship, and the quest for truth in a world that often seems determined to suppress it.
Frederick recounts his early life, growing up in the Appalachian mountains, and his initial career in international telecommunications. He explains how the events of 9/11 were a turning point for him, leading to his blacklisting and eventual homelessness. Despite these challenges, Frederick found a new community of truth-seekers and started his own radio shows, including the Breakfast Club and the Saturday Snack Shack on the Republic Broadcasting Network. He shares his insights on the importance of free speech, the dangers of censorship, and the need for critical thinking in today's world.
We also touch on the broader implications of these issues, including the impact of wokeness and diversity quotas on local communities and the role of the internet in both spreading and suppressing information. Frederick's story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of standing up for one's beliefs, even in the face of overwhelming opposition. Join us for this enlightening conversation and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the fight for truth and free speech.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Shelley Tasker Show here coming out of It's good to have your company. I'm also streaming live via Rumble. So if you've got any chat conversation questions, please join in. It's under my Rumble channel is Shelly Tasker, and today's date is Wednesday, 28th August 2024. Happy hump day. Well, I've got a great guest lined up this evening. I'm going to be talking to Blackbird 9, also known. I've got it back to front. Fred Frederick c Blackburn, also known as Blackbird 9.
Blackbird 9 is also a radio host on RBN for his Saturday night snack shop, and he's got a good following, and he's got a fascinating story. Good evening, Blackbird.
[00:01:48] Unknown:
Greetings. Happy wacky Wednesday. So glad to be here on the show and on Radio Soapbox. So yay.
[00:01:56] Unknown:
Brilliant stuff. It's great to have you. And, like I said, so you're you're hard in this country to, like, try and do any research on you've put shadow banned.
[00:02:06] Unknown:
Funny how that works. And after all I did for British Telecom and all those British banks and stock exchanges back when I was the fix it guy who would fly in in the wee hours with my bag of tricks and come work miracles on their stuff that was losing 1,000,000 of pounds every minute because they were down. Like what I used to do, you know, all that kind of, electronic support, you know, international scene tech support. So, yeah. Yeah. To be treated so badly when they no longer need you, you know, and, especially, hurt my feelings, you know, as a son of a World War 2 veteran that supposedly fought the great war to keep England free of things like free speech, you know, that I would get censored, you know, and things like the Cornwall Live and the BBC when I was just, you know, sharing my hate facts as I called them.
Anyway. But I appreciate the effort of trying to find out, information, but it is difficult. And it seems every time I put something up, they slap it down. So, it's Yeah. Yeah. Been fun. Yeah.
[00:03:18] Unknown:
Well, we got a hold of you, and we we're gonna have a great conversation. And, you know, I didn't realize I know I was a guest on your show a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't realize obviously, I've heard of you who hasn't on, alternative radio. And I was told things that you were you know, that you've done in your life and stuff, and it's like, wow. Wow. Wow. So I'd love it if you can kind of start at the beginning, Frederick, and, you know, tell us how you got on this journey of, kind of finding out what's right and wrong.
[00:03:48] Unknown:
Use the old joke. I was born a poor black child. No. Yeah. I feel all the seventies kids will remember the Steve Martin movie. But, anyway, the jerk. But, yeah, Appalachian She traces her, you know, lineage back to early exploration there from that mysterious land known as New Iberian. For people who like weird southern history, look up the history of New Iberia because it's completely different from every other part of Louisiana, and that's where my mother's family is from. Curious history there, that kinda goes back to the Pyrenees mountain history. If you know about that space, you know, place between France and Spain, the Pyrenees mountains, lots of weird history there. So that's where my mysterious mother comes from.
But, yeah. So, went to, you know, grew up in these mountains, did, honors to yeah. That was the thing I was, you know, in all those honor classes, which you realize now were just the worst of the worst psychological warfare and propaganda. That whole garbage in garbage out thing of American government schools, they're not public schools anymore that you just grow up with this bad information set, a bad data set, so you're, you know, reaching the conclusions that your programmers want you to reach. So as such, I came out of, yeah, system as, you know, the probably the most insufferable libtard to ever come out of North Cackalacky, you know, that I believed in all of that, you know, kumbaya diversity, equality, blah blah blah. And, then, of course, 9 11, I always say 9 11 changed everything for me. I had to really reassess all of the lies and lying by omission that made up my worldview.
And that was the big, you know, moment where, you know, you're one day, you're on the top of the world. I had a very successful business. I had a home, a farm, doing the international telecommunications gig at the peak of the Internet booms. And next thing I know, I'm living out of my car in a tent for the high crime of telling the NSA, what you're doing is completely illegal. Not only does it violate the FISA Act, but it also is just shredding the 1st and fourth amendments, especially. And we're going into the war on terror after 9/11, and I'm like, oh, yeah. By the way, that official story of 911 is physically impossible, especially the part about w t c 7 and the magic cell phone calls. And at the time, you know, I was training all of the telecommunication industry people on cell phone technologies and what we could do with, you know, airline phones versus cell phone technologies at the time of 2,001, and that when we were doing what that was called 3rd generation telephony, merging the phone networks and the computer networks and the cell phone networks into one that was 3 gs, now we're up to 5 gs.
And I'm like, that is physically impossible. And suddenly, my phone stops ringing the company that I was working for to develop this series of classes for the NSA and the telcos, just, you know, cancel my contract and say we'll outlast you in court. And I'm like, fine, I'll go to your competition. And funny thing, suddenly the competition that had been trying to always recruit me, oh, yeah, that's one of the things about that industry, you're working with 1 group under contract and everybody else is trying to get you to come work for them. Well, suddenly I find that I can't get work anywhere. Nobody wants my services, and they definitely don't want my help with their war of terror.
And, you know, so like I said, next thing I know, I am living out of my car in a tent and trying to, you know, get the truth out about what happened, what I saw being backstage on 911. And it wasn't until, like, 2015 when we were talking before the show, a gentleman by the name of Dennis Fetchow, otherwise known as the Fetch, has a long running show called Inside the Eye Live. And he had me on his show back in 2015, and that was a very successful show where I basically just told the whole story of my political career, my professional career, etcetera, and what happened. And that launched, me having my own show, and, you know, people like the Fetch, you know, were just, you know, great on helping me get my own show going, and that was called the breakfast club.
And the breakfast club series ran for 7 years, and we did over 3 50 episodes. And the first hour was, you know, current news analysis, and then the second hour was a long term look at all of history of noticing patterns throughout history. And it was an homage to one of the people here in the United States. I don't know if many Brits would be familiar with him, but his name was Paul Harvey. And he used to do this radio syndicated radio show called the rest of the story, where he would tell you all the pieces that were left out of your history books. Right? And so with the breakfast club, you know, the idea was to put in all those missing data dots that are left out of, you know, western history now.
And that ran for 7 years. And then I was approached by RBN of doing a show on their network, a dial in show, and that's called the Saturday Snack Shack, and we're having a lot of fun with it. It's on at 7 pm to 8 pm EST on the Republic Broadcasting Network. And so that's going I think we're almost into year 3 maybe or year 2, maybe year 2 there. So, you know, having a lot of success for that, so we're very happy with that. So back to you.
[00:10:39] Unknown:
Well, I was just gonna say, actually, RBN is is a show, a station. But, again, over in the UK, you struggle unless somebody sends you a link. If you Google that station, you can't find it anywhere. I've got an old link that someone shared to me for a show from years ago, and I always have to click on that. But I don't know how up to date you know, I can listen live, but I don't think the station's up to date for hosts and things like that,
[00:11:05] Unknown:
but just can't access it. That's fascinating. A lot of people say, especially in, Europe proper, that they have to use VPNs to get to my shows because I'm blocked throughout the normal channels. And I'm like, what is it about my hate facts that people don't like that they have to shut me down? They never, you know, can say, yeah, well, that's wrong. It's just shut it down.
[00:11:31] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. What can you do? What can you do exactly in this day and age as well? You know, it won't be long. I don't think before it's all shut down over here. I mean, you still got free speech over there at the moment, haven't you?
[00:11:43] Unknown:
It's they're working on it. It's interesting how much, you have the campaign against antisemitism there in the UK. We have the Anti Defamation League. And it's interesting that the Anti Defamation League actually had a contest a few years back of who could make the best legal arguments for imposing hate speech laws that would trump First Amendment rights here in the United States. Right? And so that kinda tells you where their head is that, you know, we want to make a legal argument about, you know, imposing hate speech laws. And the winner of that actually, you know, is the foundation for all the arguments here now about, you know, hate speech laws and disinformation.
That's the big one of, oh, we'll just brand that hate fact as disinformation and then say you can't, you know, put it out there. Right? And it goes against our community standards and our terms of service. So all these ways of getting around your god given rights to express yourself. This is a magic piece of paper in Washington, DC that gives people the right of free speech. It's, you know, you have the right of free speech. And anybody who tries to take that away from you is not your friend. So
[00:13:07] Unknown:
that's kinda where we are. Crazy. So I wanted to delve in with you on a bit of a dive about 911, Blackbird, because I think 911 is one of the things that woke a lot of people up as to what was going on. Something that people just won't forget that day. And, I mean, you're in America anyway, but even in the UK, it's like we knew where we were when it happened. We can remember it vividly. And then I don't know why a few years later, I started going to true faction groups and stuff, and people were talking that it's impossible. What happened? You know? What were your thoughts like when when it first occurred?
[00:13:46] Unknown:
I became a 911 truther on 9 11. I was at home on my farm back in the good old days, you know, when I was living the dream. And I got a phone call from a friend, yeah, right after the first we're we're told the first plane hitting the towers. Right? And so immediately turned on CNN back when I still trusted CNN, if you could believe that because they were, you know, a good truth source back then. And, you know, watching it throughout the day and noticing the stories that would hit and then disappear, and then the stories that, you know, just kept getting repeated.
Right? And it was, you know, when the, WTC 7 collapsed that I was just you know, I had my doubts when I saw the towers collapse in, you know, in that free fall polarization. And I'm like, it doesn't happen that way. I was trying to figure out how the fire crews had gotten in to use percussive charges to maybe blow out the fires. And so when I saw the first squibs come out, I thought, oh, wow. They're, you know, actually using percussive, you know, charges to blow out the fire extinguish it that way versus using traditional, you know, water and, you know, chemical extinguishers on a jet fuel fire. Right?
You know, and then you saw the whole thing just coming down, and, you know, it this is high school physics. It just doesn't happen that way. And so I'm suddenly remembering all of my statics and dynamics classes and chemistry classes and physics classes and calculus classes from university and college, and I'm going, it that doesn't happen that way. And then they showed us w t c 7, and it wasn't hit by anything, but it managed to collapse into its home footprint at free fall with the penthouse collapsing first. And then we find out later that the BBC was announcing it 20 some minutes before it actually happened. They call it the Solomon building, but it's WTC 7. And, you know, you've got the BBC reporter standing in front of the building and suddenly the signal is lost. Right?
And then, you know, what really got me was when they were talking about the magic cell phone calls from the airplanes of all the heroes, and we're fed the story of these people calling on their cell phones to loved ones, and they happen to record them all, and they immediately got played on the air. All the media had these phone calls. And people like me are saying, where did these come from? That you can't have that. There's no way in 2,001 technology you could have a cell phone call being set up from that altitude above the cell phone towers and moving at that velocity, because you would have basically, by the time the call would set up with the state the multistage process of how those phones connected, you know, by the time it got connected on one tower, the plane would already be over the next tower, so you would just have the series of it trying to hand off to the next tower, you would never get the call established.
And then for old people like me, you remember in the early days of cell phone calls, you'd be driving down the road. And if you lost your cell phone tower, you would have to hang up and call again on the next cell phone tower because it could not hand off to the next cell phone tower. This is where the technology was. So those were the 2 big things. And so I'm, like, at that point with the Sherlock Holmes mystery mindset with, you know, the famous line of, you know, when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how probable, has to be the truth.
Right? So you're sitting there going, okay. This is an event. What's gonna happen? You know, that whole thing of, you know, anytime there's a crime, you ask for who had the motive, who had the means, who had the opportunity, and most importantly, who benefits from this event? Right? And then this is followed up, of course, by the anthrax. The big anthrax scares here that had people more paranoid than during COVID 9:11, I always call it. And, you know, we finally traced that COVID or that, anthrax back to not any lab in the Middle East or Iraq or anything like that. It came from Fort Detrick.
And one of the things about the so called FBI non investigation was they never investigated the prime suspect, who was doctor Philip Zack, who was caught on surveillance tape entering the facility that stored that strain of anthrax, every strain of anthrax has a fingerprint just like, you know, any ways of, you know, biometrics, they can tell exactly where it came from, which lab, what year, etcetera. He's caught on videotape in the nineties after being fired for racist attacks against Arab co workers. He's caught on video being let in by a Jewish female co worker, who's a high ranking doctor on the same project, and that was the anthrax that was used, instead they went after people like Hatfield, etcetera.
And then finally the guy they went after, they say he committed suicide by an overdose of Tylenol or some such foolishness, and the case is closed. Right? But that was key of, you know, bonding this idea of its US and Israel bonded together against this global terrorist network of radical Islam. So that's how it's shaking out here in the US, and the letters that went with the anthrax, both the real anthrax and the fake anthrax, you know, was all this death to America, death to Israel. So, you know, Philip Kazak, you know, most likely put that in to bond that just like on 911.
No investigation has taken place yet. The towers haven't even fallen yet, and you have Jewish supremacist, Jerome Howard, on all the US networks like CNN and MSNBC, etcetera, saying it's obviously this is the work of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, this radical Muslim group operating after out of Afghanistan. Right? And so that becomes the official narrative. At the same time, Ehud Barak, former prime minister of Israel and head former head of unit 269 of the Mossad Special Forces, he is at the BBC saying it was obviously Osama bin Laden. It was obviously Al Qaeda, and we're now in this war of terror, and the Israelis and the Americans are united in this global battle.
And that became locked in that, you know, American Israel were, you know, simultaneously attacked versus it being just another in a long series of false flags attacks by the usual suspects to get people to fight their wars for them. And so, yeah, that's basically where I was. And one of the things I was trying to prove in 2003 when I got blacklisted, because if you remember, in 2003 was when they went into Iraq based on false cooked evidence, and this was agreed upon, if you remember the Downing Street minutes where Tony Blair's administration had secret meetings with the Bush administration, where they were going to cook the evidence to make the case to go to war with Iraq as part of this rollout of, you know, global terror, you know, fighting global terror. Right?
And part of that was the anthrax scare that was coming out of Iraq and the weapons of mass destruction with the yellow cake, Niger uranium. Right? That was the famous 16 words that justified that attack, and this is just, again, false flag. And so I was trying to prove that behind the US, you know, all the telephone companies, all the Internet service providers were, you know, drawing up every piece of data, and not only was it going to the NSA for analysis, but there was a backdoor going from the NSA to unit 8200 in Israel. And this is what I was trying to prove when I got blacklisted, and Edward Snowden would finally prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt in 2013 with his evidence. So, yeah, yes, indeed.
And, you know, all even the Mockingbird BBC had to concede that, yes, there was a secret pipeline that gave Israel all the raw data of everything that was being swept up in the US. And so that was, you know, me, you know, it's like, we're going to war based on lies, and they don't want me to help, you know, the American war effort. And I'm like, okay. I'm the son of a, you know, World War 2 veteran who did his full career 20 some odd years in the air force, highly decorated. And I'm already vetted inside the system. You know, I work with all the military intelligence agencies, you know, naval intelligence, CIA, NSA, I was trained on FBI, totally vetted, and suddenly, it's my services aren't required anymore because I wasn't going along with the big lie. So, anyway, so how's that? So you were a whistleblower,
[00:24:53] Unknown:
basically. Yes. And how did they do did they just, like, push you out then? That's it? I mean, how do they manage to, like, legally stop you, like, from doing your job and things?
[00:25:05] Unknown:
Right. That was the thing that, you know, you realize that there is a campaign against you, you have been blacklisted. And when I was a young man, and I thought being a Shriner in the United States was something to aspire to, I got affiliated with the Freemasons and all of that, and they are the people who basically normalize the idea of blackballing. And so this idea of, you know, you are being blackballed, and that was part of what they wrote into the infamous Patriot Act, which was written before 9/11 by people like Michael Chertoff. Michael Chertoff was the person who not only destroyed all the evidence from ground 0 by shipping it to China illegally, but also got all the 200 plus Israelis that were arrested right before on and right after 9/11 that were in vans with explosives, And one of the things that the Stasi implemented was and the the darn Schaeffer kids are gonna kill me for mispronouncing this, but but it's Zersetson.
And it's basically this idea of targeting the individual, and it's basically a modern high-tech twist on the old evil eye systems of, you know, the banishment of your being shunned, but from, you know, the black box. You have this, you know, this black box mentality of this this nebulous big brother whatever has basically put your name on a list, and you're going to be prohibited from having employment. These type of things, and this is what the Stasi developed as a way to run psychological operations on a large population based solely on information that they were gathering and creating these profiles. And so it's basically identifying a problem person and legally destroying them or making them to a point where they are no longer a threat. You are neutralizing the threat without having to actually kill someone. You're just making them, you know, inoperable person that, you know, now I've got to focus on this, so I can't be out fighting the system. And so this was, you know, written into the Patriot acts, and this part was the classified parts that go slowly through, you know, the goes slowly through, you know, the Freedom of Information Act request, we've been able to piece together more and more of what was in the Patriot acts and also the military commission acts that were justified by 9/11.
And so it's just a very interesting campaign that they raised. And also, you had the whisper campaigns. This was the other thing is just suddenly you realize that none of your friends like you anymore because you're a wrong thinking person. You're one of those crazy people that think it wasn't, you know, Muslim 19 Muslims with box cutters on airplanes that did 911, you know, and that was, you know, really hard to you know, you're trying to friends you've friends and family, that you've known for years years, and you're trying to say to them, you are being lied to, And they're just like, well, you just you know, we don't know what your problem is, but you are just you're not welcome here anymore. We don't wanna hear it. You know? You're just crazy now. And so this type of, you know, targeting of the individual to isolate them away.
And he is very, very effective. And to see this playing out in the United States, supposedly that was, you know, not communist, and suddenly you have this, you know, totally communist psychological warfare system, and you feel like you're, you know, in the trial by Kafka, you're in Alexander Zolgzonitzen books, you know, this is like, oh my God, this is actually happening. And so then you just go back to, you know, what is the game here? You know, what we're being told is obviously wrong, so what's the real story? And I always go back to that quote from Mark Twain, Samuel Clemens, that it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled.
And the other one that came to mind as I was trying to approach every level of journalists to say I was backstage before, on and after 9:11, I've got a story to tell, at the CNN, New York Times, Raleigh News and Observer, Charlotte Observer, you know, Wilmington Star, you name it, all those newspapers, even down to the local Watauga Democrat, you know, all these Adams publishing papers, you know, I've got a story to tell and just to get completely shut down, they don't wanna hear it. And you're also banned from posting your story on our platform. Right?
And so there's that level of censorship, no matter how good your facts are, and so that was think of the old quote from but basically, it's hard to it's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon him not understanding it. Right? So it's like these people are, you know, being paid to shut the truth down. They don't wanna hear the truth because they've got to go with the official story, the, you know, the standard quo type of thing. And yeah. So that was just the maddening part of, you know, okay. You're outside the Overton window now in your communities.
And, you know, how do you continue to try to shift the Overton window so people can see the truth about what they've been lied to, and it's, you know, the series of nonstop wars that we've been in ever since. And that was when I just started looking into, okay, what was Israel's strategy on this, and discovering things like the Odin Yen plan and the various other strategies that they had come up with that needed a new Pearl Harbor to launch them. This was the catastrophic terrorism of Cas Stunstein and people like that, that and Philip Zalikov, who did the catastrophic terrorism, but in the PNAC paper project for the new American century, you know, they talk about needing a new Pearl Harbor to set up this thing of taking out 7 countries in the Middle East, starting with Iraq, ending with Iran, and this would herald in greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates. And this was Theodore Herzl's dream, and it's like, oh my god, it's all right here. This is the Odin Yennin plan that got launched by the project for the New American Century through BushCo.
And, you know, this we're being played yet again to go fight wars for other people. So that's kinda where I was.
[00:33:04] Unknown:
And how did you go then about seeking out, like, like minded people? Like you say, you lost your friends, you lost some family members because you're crazy, basically. And I've I've found you know, I was a whistleblower myself in the COVID times, and I actually think thank god for COVID because I found my tribe. You know, I found all those other people that were suspicious of everything and knew what was going on. And, actually, I'm very glad for it because, obviously, I've well, I've got a complete new set of friends now.
[00:33:33] Unknown:
Well, that's just it. If it had not been for the lives of 911, I would have never met some of the most wonderful people I've ever met in my life, both in IRL and real life here on Blackjack Mountain and, you know, coming back to these mountains. And the people that, you know, took me in, brushed me off, and found me work and etcetera, etcetera, Even though the, they apparently passed a law up here in Western North Carolina that local white men need not apply for any employment of any significant right? Oh, yeah. It's just well, you're the most qualified person for the job, but we need diversity quotas because we're confer completely, you know, committed to DEI now. Right? And so this idea of, I've come home with the golden resume, and I can't get employment anywhere through official channels. And so I basically had to set up the trading post as an alternative, you know, currency type situation to, you know, do any type of employment, so I could survive. Because I was not going to get a job anywhere.
And, yeah, that's just the other aspect of this. It's very hard. But, you know, with the Internet, though, it was amazing how I would find, you know, the truth community of people that were question in the official narrative. And back in the early days, I think many of us, you know, met each other through derivative channels of Alex Jones and people like Alex Jones. And then, from there, you know, I've met, people like Michael Rivera's show and all the people that were, you know, in the chat rooms of his show. And then through that, I found people like Dennis Fatsho. And from the Dennis Fatsho, the people that would come on his show, people like Brys are from Ireland, Graham Hart from the Cornwall, Malefika Scott, Paul English, you know, all these really great people that were, yeah, we're seeing it too.
What are we gonna do about this? You know, that kind of, you know, and, you know, Sean Surplus down in Australia. You know, the list goes on and on, and it's just, you know, there are people out there that are seeing it as well and are creating really good content on this new thing called the Internet. And, so that has been the godsend of just being able to talk in real time like this. I mean, when I sit her down and actually map out how my voice gets to your ears and your voice gets to my ears, I'm just, you know, based at, you know, the magic of what, you know, this type of communications is. Right?
And I wonder if that was the thing they left out because every perfect crime, they always make a significant mistake. Right? And I'm thinking when they were designing, yeah, the 911 rollout to the great reset, because I think this feeds into the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and all that, you know, the great reset where we're going to rule the world's economy out of our temples of finance in Greater Israel. I think that was the plan. And they took control of every book company, every newspaper, every magazine, every radio station, every television station, every cable network, every Internet service, Internet service provider. But I don't think they really calculated on the power the Internet would have in just peer to peer communications. So I think they were focused on how they were gonna use the Internet to basically spy on everybody and profile everybody, but they didn't really calculate in, you know, what would happen if those uppity goyim started talking to each other around the world and comparing notes. And so after 9/11, you just see all of these damage control measures that were put in place from the Hasbro program in Israel. You know, we you need people out there, you know, explaining our side and censoring everybody else's side. So this this is where we came up with the idea of the megaphonies. They actually had a tool called megaphone that if somebody like myself or Dennis Fetchell and my old crew, you know, got a tip of the hat to, you know, mister Nick Donnan, Den Mason, Jim Feier, mister Von Hash, you know, when that was the days of the troll wars when somebody would be out in a room and getting attacked by trolls, we would come swarming and swarm them back.
And it was just very, very effective type of information warfare that we were doing back in the day. And so they were basically in damage control mode. And then Cass Sunstein, you know, his big idea was cognitive infiltration. We have to start infiltrating these truth groups and tear them apart using Marxist tactics. Right? So this is when you really saw all the big fights starting, you know, in the standard chat rooms, where you always had somebody that was wanting to get into a knife fight over something. Right? And so you just saw these tactics to try to shut down this flow of information, and then you saw them, you know, Google and YouTube completely taking over everything and starting this widespread, you know, censorship of, you know, my YouTube channels that we started for The Breakfast Club Show. I had 3 YouTube channels.
2 of them got completely shut down. 1 is allows me to basically still log in, but I'm not allowed to comment on anybody's YouTube. I'm not allowed to post any more videos. I'm not allowed to, you know, like anything. So that's basically how bad I was shut down by these tech companies. And, you know, I'm sitting there going, you know, I'd laid the foundations of, you know, what your company is working on now. And you have the audacity to ban me. Yes. To me, it's just the same amount of hotspot and disrespect as I get from our so called local newspaper that thinks they have a right to ban me across their entire platforms. Every Adams publishing newspaper, I am banned from commenting.
You know, they have blocked me on all the social media accounts. You know, I can't even comment on their propaganda. And I'm like, you know, you can't get any more North Carolina mountain than me and my family line, and you have the audacity to say, I can't speak my mind. You know? And this is what kills me about people like Sylvia Stoles and Allison Chablot, mister Graham Hart. You know, these are people are just speaking their minds. You know, Ursula Haberbeck. I am saying what I live through, and they're saying we can't allow that. You have to be shut down because you're breaking the spell, you're breaking that propaganda spell.
And this is, you know, we're looking at group conformity here, and this is like the Solomon Asch group conformity experiments. So yeah, this is kinda where we are, but like you said, I have met the most wonderful people, because of the misfortunes of 911. So it's it's just kind of a Every cloud. Wonderful journey. Yes. Yeah. The silver lining cloud.
[00:41:40] Unknown:
Yeah. And and I mean, your journey now, long may it continue. I mean, you've got a very successful radio show each week. It must be amazing to get to speak to all these different guests. I presume it's easy for you to get guests as well because you're well known.
[00:41:55] Unknown:
Yeah. It's amazing that they are the, level of people that have come on the both The Breakfast Club Show and The Snack Shack. And, when I was first starting, it's like, right. I'm gonna have a call in show and I'm supposed to get a guest every week for. And it's like, who's gonna come on my show? And it's it's just amazing. It was like, I'll come on your show. I'd love to come on your show. Russell, really? Okay. It might put you on a list, but, you know, hey. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Got the curse and all. You know, that's what I always joke about is, you know, having the curse.
[00:42:32] Unknown:
Yeah. I don't doubt for 1 minute that it's not being listened to now from our country. You know? If they get wind of, who you're talking to and stuff and, you know, interestingly, obviously, stuff that's going on with my dad. And he's, you know, supposed to be, like, kind of out of bail now and stuff, but he's received a letter saying that they're concerned about things that he's been looking at on his on his computer. So they're still monitoring him.
[00:42:57] Unknown:
Oh, I know. And, you know, to me, that's one of the most 1984 things they can do to us because I don't have that many friends. If you could believe, I don't have that many friends and it's pretty bad when you have a legal system that says, okay. You're out of prison. You served your time for writing that song and going on Frederick's Christmas show of all things and Dennis Fetchoe's Christmas show of all things, that that was actually used in a Cornwall court of law. And when I tried to contact the both the solicitor and the bail the oh, his I was whole legal team, the solicitor up to the barrister.
You know? And the barrister's office wouldn't talk to me at all. They just, you know, referred me to the solicitors. And this is you know, I'd had I didn't even know that the first trial had happened. And so at the sentencing trial, I'm just like, you know, I should be able to, you know, somehow defend this evidence that's being used against my friend that they're trying to send to prison. And the barrister would not speak to me at all. The solicitor's office said, well, you can send us an email.
[00:44:15] Unknown:
Oh, great.
[00:44:16] Unknown:
Right? And I'm like, you know, I'm sitting here, you know, trying to figure out if I can fly on a plane. I might be on one of those no flight list that you're not allowed to know about until you try to get on a plane, and then suddenly TSS or TSA is arresting you, and you find out that you're on the no fly list. Well, I'm trying to decide if I'm going to fly to the UK to try to crash this hearing, the sentencing hearing, and like I said, not getting any support from the legal team at all that, yeah, my presence would be a detriment, not any type of asset in the eyes of the court.
And, you know, I'm like, okay. Well, yeah, it sounded like they had this. He was just gonna get a slap on the wrist, can be a time serve type thing. But, no, he they just make an example of him, And then, you know, insult injury after he finally gets out, it's like, oh, yeah. And you can't hang out with your old friends anymore. Yeah. But Ted is And that just kills me because I just, you know, think the world of him and, you know, he and I had some good times over the year and then suddenly, you can't be friends anymore. You know? And it's like, oh, welcome to 1984.
This is, you know, really nice. And all in the name of, you know, tolerance, you know, and brotherly love and, you know, all those other wonderful things we're told that this
[00:45:43] Unknown:
rainbow world's going to bring us. Look at that. Oh, this rainbow world. And I I love it. I mean, what's it like with the wokeness going on where you're at?
[00:45:53] Unknown:
Oh, Appalachian State University and our new health care system and our new education system are the poster childs for the Calarity plan and the Cloward Piven plan. You basically had a little mountain community put here, you know, long ago by, you know, white Europeans for a high trust, you know, Christian community and these harsh mountains. And it was basically Mayberry. You know, when I was growing up in these mountains, it was Mayberry. It was the safe, high trust community. And you after 911, you had all these chicken swinger carpetbaggers come in with all their ill gotten gains, and they started flooding the county with philanthropy money.
And all that philanthropy money had these little bitty caveats attached like, oh, you know, if you get this money, then we'll wanna take control of the media here. And, oh, if you take the money, then we want to be, you know, this to happen. And suddenly, you have the university announced that their prime goal is to increase its diversity standing because it's basically too white and too Christian. Because this was the university that people would send their children to in the University of North Carolina system that didn't have a bar district right across the street from it, because Watauga County used, when I was growing up here, was a dry county. So this is where people that didn't want their kids going to college to learn how to party, they sent them up here. Well, they said, that's got to change. So the first thing they did was change all the alcohol laws in the county by buying up all the local elections, and then started setting up all of these so called microbreweries, and you know, independent bars, etcetera, that were basically NGO recruiting grounds. And they were basically luring the college kids in and bringing them into these Marxist groups that were waging war on the local community.
Same thing with the hospital system, you know, for last 3 months, we're going to basically take the public system that our grandparents paid taxes to build a public hospital set up. We had 4 hospitals in the county. And we're now going to sell that and privatize it. And now our medical centers here, they reduced everything down to 1 central big old hospital, and it's run out of Florida. So, you know, we've got this NGO group out of Florida, who now is in charge of the healthcare system and the county, and they're fully committed to diversity quotas, etcetera, etcetera. So you're basically replacing all of the indigenous population leadership for diversity leadership, and everybody's saying this is great. This is progress.
And all the, you know, heritage Appalachian people are saying, our way of life is being completely destroyed by this, and nobody seems to care. And if you speak about it, then suddenly you're the bad guy. You're a racist. You're the racist, intolerant, bigoted, homophobe, orc a phobe. It's just, one of the running jokes. I don't know if you get the daily gondor. No. They're on social media. The daily gondor. Please check out the daily gondor. This, it's up there with Murdoch, Murdoch, and me me me me, just classic newspaper headlines and photos where it basically tells The Hobbit Lord of the Rings story from a woke perspective.
Right? And I'm convinced that it's owned by the same people who are our local Watauga democrat, because it's just the same type of mentality. We have to be diverse. We have to destroy what was there, because the age of the good old boys is over and the age of the orcs has begun here, you know. And they're constantly telling me how great it is that Watauga County has a vibrant Muslim community now, and we have a vibrant Indian community now, and we have a vibrant homosexual community now. And any of the, you know, indigenous heritage Appalachian people, if we say, we want to have our space. It's like, no. You can't do that. That's racist.
Yes. It's identity politics for everybody but the people who built this place. Right?
[00:50:41] Unknown:
Well well, they're now saying I I think I read it yesterday that they're gonna change the word in the UK of churches to community.
[00:50:50] Unknown:
Right. And this is just how insane they are of changing the language, you change the people. And, yeah, they write about this for years as how we are going to convince the goyim to accept their way through gradualism. And, you know, always think of, you know, Winston Smith's job in 1984 was an editor. You know, his job was destroy all those pesky hate facts of history, so that it wouldn't contradict the current story, whatever that story may be. And, yeah, that's where we are and what is happening there in the UK. It just breaks my heart because, yeah, I got to see all of the European countries when they were still homogeneous cultures. Like, I got to experience, you know, Cornwall when it was still Cornwall. I got to experience, you know, London when it was still London, Paris when it was still Paris, you know, Amsterdam when it's still Amsterdam, etcetera. You know, just to see them now and it's like and then go to any major American city as and even, you know, the cities in North Carolina, Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham, Wilmington, they are now jungles.
And I remember as a kid going to all those cities and how beautiful they were and how clean they were and that, yeah, my mother could yeah, throw the kids in the car, drive for 2 hours, go shopping, come back, and yet nothing was thought about it that that might be dangerous. There's no way I would recommend for a single mother to take small children to any of those cities now,
[00:52:30] Unknown:
without an armed escort. I mean, this is how insane it is here now. Well, that's what it's getting like in Cornwall as well. I mean, in our local town, we're seeing a lot of it because of immigrants and drunks and things like that that people aren't happy to take their children into the town because it's everywhere.
[00:52:48] Unknown:
Right. And if you complain, you're the intolerant bigot that's not rape, you know, welcoming the refugees and accepting their culture. That's the one that gets me. This is just part of their culture. You have to be a little bit more understanding to the newcomers. It's now against the law in the town of New Boone to ask somebody where they're from because that is a microaggression and a, tool of hate speech. Oh, that's funny. Yeah. Where are you from? The level of wokeness that has invaded this community here. And it's it's a fascinating study if it wasn't happening to my home, But, you know, as I learned about things like the Cloward Piven plan, and you just see them rolling it out and all these Marxist carpetbagger community organizers came in with infinite funds and started recruiting the students and weaponizing them against the locals.
And this is all fine and good according to all the media. And, you know, we have law enforcement out there taking a knee for Black Lives Matter and George Floyd. That I know that those policemen are not going to back me up if there is an altercation in this town with a newcomer. I am going to immediately be seen as the bad guy, that somehow it's my fault. You know, this is the madness, and I see it in the UK. I see it in the police in France, you know, all over. It's the same model that the police are doing the bidding of whoever's paying them, basically. This is what Trotsky talked about. This, know, governments come and go, but the police remain and the police know this. They're gonna be there to enforce the law, whatever the laws are.
[00:54:45] Unknown:
Unless it's against somebody that's not a white English person. Right. I've seen seen videos. I don't know if you've seen anything on Twitter of, like, the carnival that took place, over the weekend. And you've got police officers stood there while, people are, like, almost raping them. You know? And they just stood there. They're not doing anything. And it's just if that was me, I'd be arrested straight away.
[00:55:11] Unknown:
And getting on the bus stops and, you know, dancing and twerking on the bus stops since I had so much weight that they collapsed. And, you know, that that's that's fine. Yeah. There's no destruction or property there.
[00:55:24] Unknown:
No. It's crazy. Well, we need to round up, Blackbird 9 because we've just got a few minutes left. That has been great. Well, what are your, like, final thoughts? What should we be, like, doing to, you know, stay sane? How would you stay sane?
[00:55:39] Unknown:
Right. Well, first, thank you so much for having me on the show. This has been a pleasure. I can't believe that hour flew by so quickly.
[00:55:48] Unknown:
No. Thank you. It's been great.
[00:55:50] Unknown:
You know, at the Trading Post, we talk about wake up, level up, party up. You know? It's just you, you know, you've got to wake up to the fact that you're being lied to, and you have to go and find all those things you haven't been told, you know, line by omission, and that's the leveling up part. You know, you got to get your worldview, your cognitive dissidents, all that, you know, sorted out, and then party up, find like minded individuals, and share resources. And this is all about a resource where we got to create networks, both locally, regionally, and globally.
And there's a big difference between an internationalist and a globalist. I am an internationalist. I like the idea of all these unique nations with ways of doing things and unique peoples. I don't want a globalist, everybody's the same except for the ruling class, which is this that's a homogeneous system, and people like us are, you know, basically eliminated. There's no place in the new world order for us. That's what you gotta get your mind around, and then get out there and, you know, help other people. If you have resource, there's somebody that's at a sticking point. They're in a hole. And this is where, you know, you basically learn to stabilize the situation, orient the situations, and navigate the situations. And, you know, you think about life saving. You're out there trying to save yourself, your family, your communities, your way of life.
We are in a war, but it's a different kind of war. It's an existential war, and surviving is resistance. And so you get out there, and as we say, you know, reach, throw, row, and go. You know, you've got to get active. You've got to fight smart. That's the big thing is fighting smart in this type of 4th, 5th generation warfare. And shows like this are a wonderful way to get started. I have enjoyed this so much.
[00:57:52] Unknown:
Oh, bless you. No. It's been lovely. Where can people find you or try and find you, Blackburn? If you're from the UK, perhaps don't even bother.
[00:58:01] Unknown:
Right. Yeah. I'm there, but whether or not the powers that be will let you find me is another story, but I'm on all the social media. I'm on Gab. I'm on x Twitter. I'm on Mines. I'm on let's see here. What's the other one? Sovereign and, also on Skype. And basically, if you look for Blackbird 9, like the Blackbird with the number 9, most search engines will send you to my accounts unless they're being blocked by the provider, and that's the problem you have in the UK. So I recommend, if you can't find me, try VPN and see if you can find me that way. And also do a search on snack shackorgbreakfastclub, And, of course, every Saturday night on,
[00:58:51] Unknown:
I have the Saturday Snack Shack. Wonderful. Great stuff. Well, thank you for your time, my lovely, and I look forward to speaking to you again. It's been great. Yes. Thank you so much. Thank you. Take care. Bye bye. Bye. Well, that was different. Wow. Right. And that's it. Onwards and upwards. I'll be back the same time next week, and my guest next week is Bryza. Have an awesome week, everybody.
Introduction and Guest Announcement
Meet Blackbird 9: Background and Career
Early Life and Education
9/11: A Turning Point
Living Out of a Car: Aftermath of Whistleblowing
The Breakfast Club and Saturday Snack Shack
Deep Dive into 9/11
Blacklisting and Legal Challenges
Finding Like-Minded People
Censorship and Free Speech
Wokeness and Cultural Changes
Final Thoughts and Staying Sane