Broadcasts live every Wednesday at 7:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:
It will no doubt be a compelling conversation as always !!
Welcome to another episode of the Shelley Tasker Show, broadcasting live from In this episode, Shelley is joined by Lance L Murdoch, an activist, digital creator, and researcher, for an in-depth discussion on the current civil unrest in the UK. Lance shares his analysis on the complexities of the situation, drawing parallels to the events of 2020 and exploring the deeper socio-political dynamics at play.
Lance delves into the historical context, referencing predictions from Jason Brashears and the controversial letter by Albert Pike, which allegedly outlines plans for three world wars. The conversation touches on the orchestrated nature of the unrest, the role of mass immigration, and the socio-economic implications of the Cloward-Piven strategy.
The episode also addresses the impact of uncontrolled immigration on society, the rise of violent crime, and the potential for increased surveillance and control measures. Shelley and Lance urge listeners to stay informed and avoid falling into the trap of binary oppositions, advocating for a more nuanced understanding of the issues.
Don't miss this thought-provoking episode as Shelley and Lance navigate the complexities of the current socio-political landscape, offering insights and perspectives that challenge mainstream narratives.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Shelley Tasker Show here coming live out of It's good to have your company. Today's date is Wednesday, 7th August 2024, and we have an awesome guest lined up this week. It's been a while. Introducing activist, digital creator, researcher,
[00:01:37] Unknown:
the man with many talents, mister Lance l Murdoch. Good evening, Lance. Good evening, Shelley. How's it going? Yeah. It's going really good. Thank you. I'm not so much of an activist, by the way. Well, you used to be. I started yeah. That was that was in 2020. A lot's changed since then. But, yeah, listen. It's great to be back. I I like having these chats with you periodically, and and you always seem to invite me on a, like, a really,
[00:02:00] Unknown:
opportune moment, which is good. Good. We got lots to to talk about. And, if anybody wants to join in the live chat, we should be on rumble streaming. I hope it's working. If anybody is on rumble and watching or listening, please leave a comment. Yeah. So, Lance, where are we going? We're we're living in interesting times at the moment.
[00:02:23] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Like I just said to you all fair before we started, Shelley. Right? I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say about what's going on, at the moment, what I wanted to say today. Because I've made a couple of Facebook posts that have tried to sort of, not inflame anything, but still tell the truth, which is always a tough balance. Right? Because before I even start talking about what's happening at the moment, one thing I am gonna say is although in many ways, the last couple of weeks has felt like a little bit like we've rewind rewind to 2020 again. Did you feel a little bit like this with all the It does seem a little bit like
[00:03:01] Unknown:
all at once. Yeah. Yeah. Now,
[00:03:03] Unknown:
back in 2020, when all that happens, for me anyway, and for many people of our ilk, it was very obvious which side of the clear divide that was presented you wanted to take. And and many of us went down hard on that side, you know, we stuck our sword in the dirt, and we sort of died on that hill. No way are we doing this? No way are we gonna follow any of that. Everyone needs to have a real hard, long, think about this, etcetera, etcetera. It was very easy to pick a side is what I'm trying to say. Now the problem is with what's going on in the dirt, and we saw is it is actually far more complicated. Although it although in in many ways, it's glaringly simple, it's also much, much more complicated. It's not as easy as saying, I stand for freedom. That's not going in my arm. I'm not I'm not doing any of that.
This situation is a little more complex, and that's why I've I've I've sort of been a little bit more skeptical about to rush in on things. I wanted to really observe what was going on. And, yeah, I wanted to come with something that was truthful, because at the end of the day, this is my analysis. I'm Lance Murdoch, double LMC. I'm from Rise Above TV, and this is my analysis. And and I and I would I would say, yeah, the Rise Above team stand behind me on this. You know, we've we've spoke about this. Now where should we start? So we're obviously talking about the civil unrest that we're currently experiencing in the UK, which believe it or not is, it seems pretty widespread at the moment. Okay?
Now the first thing I'm gonna say is for anyone that's probably been paying attention, they shouldn't be surprised that this is happening. Are you surprised, Shelley? No. It's been waiting.
[00:04:48] Unknown:
To me, it's like the catalyst.
[00:04:49] Unknown:
It's Yeah. No. Yeah. It's been building. Now if you're falling on one side of this divide, whichever side of the divide it is, many of those people who are one-sided on this will will say, yes, it's terrible. It's been building for ages. Whether you're talking about the problems of mass uncontrolled immigration, or you're on the other side and you're talking about the rise of the far right, Both of those people can make the same argument. This has been brewing for ages. And us guys who are trying to take an elevated approach, the 3rd option, as we like to call it on the show, where you certainly don't get caught in this binary opposites that seems to be driving the energy harvesting from time memorial. You actually try to take an elevator position.
We can say the same thing too. Pay attention and you'll see that this has been on the cards for a long time. So I guess the next question to ask, right, is what is actually happening? Is it organic? Or is it completely orchestrated and planned? And here's another binary opposition where people are gonna argue and and take one side of the divide very hard. And there you've got another conflict, probably happening online in hundreds of thousands of places now, people arguing whether this is a real genuine peasant uprising or is this a controlled part of the script playing out to bring something in which we can all postulate what it is. Now we've been at Rise Above, we talked to many other researchers, authors, visionaries, creators, content creators. Right? One guy who we've been collaborating with quite a lot over the last year or so, maybe 2 years now, is a guy called Jason Brashears from, Oh, amazing guy. Yes. Okay.
Now when we now I don't mind saying it myself, but when we get Jason on the show, we always get feedback that, wow, no one's got that out of him before. This is the best Jason interview I've seen because we go a lot deeper. We're no holds barred on the show. We don't have any restrictive thought process to come from. Yeah. We there's no no one's safe at Rise Above. There's no thought process which is safe. We can we can tear it all apart. Now Jason came on the show, just before Christmas in 2023, and I wanted to get him on because he had been making some predictions, based on the book of Revelation and the original Greek interpretation of it, and the breaking of the 7 seals of the apocalypse, which he believes we're living through right now. In a nutshell, he thinks the first seal was broken in 2020 when the white toxin arrow of Apollo's pharmakeia was fired into the arms of all the peasants and created sickness across the world. Okay? I'm not gonna start talking verbatim about what it says in the Greek translation of the book of Revelation, but this is the the the gist of it. Yeah. So that was the first break breaking of the first seal of the apocalypse.
What happened in 2020 when the the medical establishment wearing their white coat, someone we should trust actually poisoned people. Right? Well, he said this last year, and he's very, very detailed. He's got hours worth of videos. He said that the second seal of the apocalypse will be broken in 2024. Why 2024 is the first thing? Well, remember what I said earlier on, it feels a little bit like we're back in 2020. There could be a good reason for that. Jason says that the controllers, the, the priest class of the black cube organization, whatever you wanna call them, they're they're actually working on a 4 year calendar, the Olympiad calendar, and that this is part of his isometric projection. And what he said was in his interpretation of the original Greek text that the second seal of the of the apocalypse will be broken in 2024, and he said these exact words during the start or the 1st week of the Olympics he didn't say at the Olympics, he said during, there will be happenings in Europe that will spark conflict between the indigenous population and the migrant population, namely Muslims.
And what the breaking of the second seal says is something like peace will be taken from the earth with small arms fighting. Short that it was like a long night and a short dagger. This is some of the the snippets I took from it. No. Shiver me timbers. Right? But literally, as as soon as the the Olympics happened and that crazy weird debauched ceremony happened, which is a whole another conversation. What happened? We we started we started having we started off with the riots in Leeds, hair heels, where a huge crowd of basically totally all Asian people were blazing buses, police cars, very brazenly.
Okay? Then we had the Manchester Airport attack where I say it's attack. It was an incident where we saw a snippet of the policeman stamping on the Asian gentleman's head, but we didn't see the fight up up until that until 6 days later, which showed 2 Asian gentlemen viciously beating a female police officer and apparently tried to de weapon her and broke her nose. So, you know, again, there's there's bait in there. And then we had a number a number of other incidents leading up to the terrible thing that happened in Southport. Now it it does it not seem to to anyone else that it like a a switch has been turned on in the last 2 weeks in the UK?
Does this seem like oh, yeah. And obviously, it also coincides with Labour getting into power, which all of all of the right wingers were, you know, having a good laugh in the year about it. Does it not feel like everything's happening all at once? Like, you know, potentially, this could be something that's planned, something that's scripted.
[00:10:38] Unknown:
What are you saying, Shelley? Yeah. I I think so. It's been the plan. Too too many things. Just just like last week, all of the prisons being emptied, but they've let loose people that, you know, in serving time for manslaughter, they're clearing out the prisons to make examples of these people that have been arrested in the last few days. So we're now potentially gonna have a prison full of people that have done a mild bit of crime or depends what you call hate crime and stuff. But, you know, people that have, well, caused murder and stuff are being let out early. Or maybe they're letting out a load of new recruits for the next round of riots. I never thought about that.
[00:11:17] Unknown:
Because, you know, the the pro the prison's process is a circular operation. So if you're planning to fill the prisons with loads of newly integrated people into the prison industrial complex, you need to create some room, first of all, to get some new inmates in. Well, what you might as well make some use out of the inmates that are that are exiting as well. You know, we'll get them back in on the next cycle to keep it going. Well, anyway, well, I'm jumping ahead. So my first question, right, was is this organic, or is it planned?
So we've talked about it being orchestrated and planned. We've talked about I've I've just said that, you know, Jason Arcades pre started predicting this this year last year, and right down to the day, he was essentially completely accurate. Right? So I don't really think you needed JasonRkX's prediction to know that something like this was on the cards because the other thing is that, and it's something that I'm gonna talk about a little bit later, there is a problem with uncontrolled mass immigration in Europe. Anyone with eyes can see that.
And there's also a way that it's being dealt with and being described in the media, which is yeah. Alright. I'm gonna come back to that. So there's something else that I'd like to bring to everyone's attention. Right? Now this is, let me just find it. I've got a copy of it here. I'm just gonna read it out. This is officially, you know, a right wing conspiracy theory, but I'll I'll just let everybody, everyone decide. Maybe everyone's heard of this very famous letter that was written, by Albert Pike, who was a leading 33rd degree freemason, and he wrote this letter to, to Giuseppe Mazzini, in 18/71.
Now this letter is officially a hoax. It, is officially a right wing conspiracy theory according to Wikipedia. However, this letter was said to be actually displayed in the British Library until 1925, and there were actually there were written accounts of sourceable people saying that letter was in the British Library until 1925 although now it officially doesn't exist. Now this letter talks about agents of the Illuminati. Now for anyone that's, you know, not properly versed, when you hear the word Illuminati, many people think, oh, that that's a bit of a day 1 week 1 word.
Well, people don't describe the cabal as the Illuminati anymore, someone that hasn't done their homework here. Well, I hate to I hate to correct you. There was a real secret society called the Bavarian Illuminati, which was formed in 17/76, by Adam Weishaupt and other conspirators. It's it's a very documented thing, so, you know, a 100 years later that's who they're talking about here. They're talking about, the progenitors of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and and and bloodlines that are still involved with them as well who actually created something called the Bavarian Illuminati. Now this letter from Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini, it talks about fomenting 3 world wars.
I'm not gonna read out the one for the 1st world war and the 2nd world war, but it it it properly absolutely nails it. The 3rd World War, this is what it says in this letter. The 3rd World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agenda of the Illuminati between political Zionists, political Zionists, and lead leaders of the Islamic world. The wars must be conducted in such a way that Islam, the Muslim Arabic world, and its political Zionism, the state of Israel, mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile other nations, once more divided on this issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economic exhaustion.
We shall unleash the nihilist and the atheist. We will provoke a a formidable social cataclysm, which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effects of absolute atheism, origin of savagery, and the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere the citizens obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries will exterminate those destroyed of civilization, and the multitude disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal but without knowing where to render its adoration, they will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
Wow. Okay. Now I'm also gonna point out that while all this has been going on in the in the last 2 weeks, in the UK, and things have been going on in Europe as well, including some alleged beheadings in Spain. There's been a massive influx of migrants into some small islands in Italy. There's one particular island. I forget the name. The original population of the island was 5,000 people, and almost all in one go or in a very short period of time 18,000 migrants were brought to this island. So they they they that's that's more than 3 migrants to every original person that lived there.
Right. So while all of that is happening in Europe, in the last 2 weeks, has anybody been watching what's happening in the Middle East? I haven't watched too much. No. The the leader of Hamas has been executed has been assassinated by Israel. Oh. Yeah. So for anyone that doesn't know, that's quite a big deal. Iran have said they will are going to officially punish Israel. You've got Hezbollah, basically all of the Muslim states around Israel are now in the last week, making serious moves, ganging up together and saying it is time to basically wage proper war on Israel. Now, if you just remember what I've just read out here in this letter that was allegedly written in 18/71 by Albert Pike.
What it says here, between political Zionist and the leaders of the Islamic world. I would like to point out to everybody that political Zionist does not just mean the state of Israel, in my opinion. What political Zionists also refers to is every single West Western, allegedly Christian country that is subservient to Israel. That is sending 1,000,000,000 of dollars every year to Israel. Okay? And the but just by coincidence those are the same countries, so it's the it's the developed European West, America, sending all the money to Israel, while also accepting migrants from the Islamic world that they have been sponsoring to blow up. I'd like to just point that out because that's gonna be important to what I'm gonna say later on.
So when they're saying here that political Zion and the leaders of the Islamic world are going to be set in a bloody battle to the death that decimates the entire world. They are not just talking about Israel versus the Middle East. They're talking about the whole of Europe, political Zion, because guess what, everyone? 9 out of 10 of our politicians are all Zionists. Yeah. So so the whole of the whole of the developed West and obviously America is completely aligned with Israel and has been also, in my opinion, deliberately destabilizing said Middle Eastern countries, deliberately working with human trafficking gangs to fill as many boats of people from that part of the world, which is getting destroyed and bringing them to the developed west to fulfill the contents of the letter right here.
So that, you know, this this is just this is just the start of my talk this evening. Oh, we're going down a rabbit hole of it. So, yeah. Listen, I'm sure anyone that's that's listening that's done their 10 k, that's 10000 hours, has has come across this letter before, the Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini letter. It's, you know, if Google it, check what it says about World War 1 and World War 2, and bear in mind that this was in the British library, the British Museum Library, sorry, until until 1925. I just need a sip of gin and tonic after that. Do it. Do it.
Okay. So when we talk about is this plan or is it orchestrated? There are certainly plenty of, prerequisite texts that show that what's going on at the moment has been planned for not just a couple of years, it's been planned for 100 of years. 100 of years. Okay? So where did I get to? Now let's talk about the migrants. Because when we talk about immigration, immigration is not just not just one thing. And that's where a lot of people that aren't properly thinking and aren't properly paying attention are getting caught up in the Versus thing, and they're tearing each other apart online. Anyone, any good citizen of the UK can can know that proper proper immigration through the right channels of the right people is an absolute asset to our country.
Over the last, let's say, 100 years, on numerous occasions, because at pre World War 2, other other pivotal points in the 20th century, we have welcomed skilled, valuable migrants to come from different parts of the world. You know, Windrush generation is is the probably the the shining example of that. Also, the Gurkhas, you know, there there are Nepali there are generations of Nepalese people that have lived in this country fighting for the British Army, as as same as, you know, there are 4th or 5th generation Indian people here. There are 3 generations of their family have fought for the British army. They are literally as British as fish and chips. Right? Now no one in their right mind can say that those type of immigrants aren't an asset to our country.
But what's happened, and this is gonna annoy some people and upset some people, what's happened in the last, let's say, it's especially 10 to 15 years, basically started by Tony Blair, who won a prize called the Clergy Prize. I'm just I'll come back to that in a minute. Yeah. What's happened is basically the the floodgates have been opened to a whole lot of people that maybe weren't really looking forward to coming to Britain. Pre Tony Blair, when you came to Britain, you wanted to come here. You maybe you were coming from a country that was a little bit too extreme, a little bit too religious for your liking, or not very managed properly, and you wanted the opportunity to come to a to a developed Western nation and make benefit of all of the advantages of being in said developed Western nation. Right? So when you get here, you act a certain way. You know, everyone gets the idea of what I'm saying.
But the problem is, when you have another element that might not even be your government, it could be, you know, a shady international group of people that are actually intent on fulfilling the the contents of the letter, which I read out a minute ago. And they are basically aiding and abetting what can only be described as human trafficking, into said European nations. I'm talking about the young men on boats right now. There is a huge difference between those young men turning up on boats and the the controlled, invited, and welcomed, and plus beneficial immigration that we'd seen in decades previously. We are not talking about the same thing here.
Do you see that? Do you see the the distinction I'm making? Oh, absolutely. Because this is a very important point. You can't talk about these things and just say and someone's complaining about immigration without actually defining what you're talking about. Because that's when people starts slinging around the word racist or bigger or far right. Because the problem is, and I don't want to skip ahead because I've written notes to say this all in the right order, the problem is some of the spokespeople of describing the actual real problems are not the right people to be describing said actual real problems, because they don't frame them properly, and they don't explain it in the way that I just explained it.
So yeah, these men in boats coming over, And I'm just gonna refer to my notes here because I wanna tick things off one thing at a time.
[00:24:10] Unknown:
Yeah. And I say you say men in boats, not women and children.
[00:24:15] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. These are not families of people. Now this is essentially human trafficking. Guess who's involved? It's Serco. I believe it. Amazing. It's just amazing, isn't it? Yeah. Serco operate the skiffs that are picking them up out of the channel when the boats capsize. They're also running the migrant hotels. They they they're the third party for a lot of these contracts and the RNLI, as we know, were involved as well. It was great, you know, as you know, Shelley, I live right by the seaside. For anyone that doesn't know, my family business is is is a boatyard. I'm involved in the marine trade. My granddad started this in 19 64. He and he was always very critical of the RNI. He said, don't ever give money to the RNI because they're absolutely loaded. They've got so much money. They don't need anyone else's money. Don't leave money to him. He always said that to me. And and someone down the street the other day was collecting money for the RNLI, and I said, listen. I would never give money to the RNLI anyway, and then you started aiding and abetting human trafficking in the human channel with Serco, so I'm definitely not gonna give any money to them. Seeing the look on this person's face.
So, yeah, the point I'm getting to is these young men in the boats are essentially victims of victims of human trafficking. Now imagine that you have managed to scrape together 2, €3,000, which might be everything you own in the world and probably some money from your family as well. You're escaping one of these said, countries that has been a victim of western imperialism, is probably a failed state, could be a war zone. You've scraped together your 2 or 3 grand, and you've and you've given it to a human trafficking gang, and they've pushed you into a rubber dinghy. Yeah? And then you've got to somewhere else, maybe you stopped off in France, you lived in that jungle place that kept getting set on fire, and then eventually, you get to England.
And then when you get to England, you just get put in a hotel. Some of these men now have been in hotels for almost 2 years. Nice. Yeah. Now on the on the face of it, on the face of it, we might, you know, there there is obviously the argument, right, That while there is a single person that's that was born in the UK paying their taxes here, that's down and out, that's been made homeless, whatever happened to them, and there's no safety net for them, and they're sleeping on the streets. There isn't, obviously, the argument streets, there should not be a single person from another country staying in a hotel while that person is on the street.
So you can see how inflammatory this situation is.
[00:26:56] Unknown:
Yeah. I've got a friend living in a mobile home. She's been moved four times. She's got 4 children under the age of 10, shipped around all the time. And she always says to me, if I arrived in a dinghy, it'd be a different matter.
[00:27:10] Unknown:
So the reason I started talking about the the men in boats, and I was gonna say that till later, I there are 2 other, alleged conspiracy theories that could explain why why all this is going on. 1 is called the Clergy Plan. Now if you Google or Wikipedia what the Clergy Plan is, Clergy with a k, it literally says it is the most disgusting, nonsensical, white supremacist, right wing conspiracy theory. Now there is a real guy called Baron von Kallerji, who was mixed race. He was half Japanese, half Austro Hungarian, I believe. And he was a pan Europeanist. He was one of the progenitors of the EU. And he basically did believe in, you know, everyone being multicultural move, you know, into moving to anywhere in the world, basically, no nation states. That's what he believed.
And there is something called the clergy plan that gets given out to particular people over the years. Guess who won it? Who? Tony Blair. Oh, I can't remember what know that. Right. But you can Google it and find a list of all the people that won the clergy the clergy property. About it. Yeah. But I didn't know who, well Yeah. Brought it to fruition. I I I'm just putting these things on the table Yeah. Because, you know, we could ask why why is why are the governments doing this? It's it's definitely not because they care about people from war zones. You know, if you were sat there balancing the books of a country, importing loads of people with very low job prospects into a country where there's already unemployment, it doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense financially, and and let's face it. They're not doing it out of the good of their own heart. So why is it happening?
Now the other one, which is an even more far right racist conspiracy theory, is called the great replacement, where it just talks about evil international globalists wanting to, basically, replace the people in Europe with people from Sub Saharan Africa and the Middle East. Now if you Google that one, that's got an even worse write up. Now I would just like to put one other option on the table that could be why this is happening, and it's actually it's actually much more to do with economics. Where where's where's it gone? I just need to find it. It's called the Cloward Piven strategy.
Made up by 2 socialist Russian refugee people from, yeah, from Russia. They were fleeing persecution and they came over to America in the sixties. Like many of them did, all of the people of the Frankfurt School, the ones that came up with the whole queer theory, all of the rainbow stuff, they were of this this ilk as well. They came over from, you know, communist countries, to to flee them, and then they wanted to bring their communism with them. Now the Cloward Piven strategy basically says this, there are 4 steps in the Cloward Piven strategy of welfare resolution. Welfare resolution. Wow. Number 1, drastically increase welfare recipients.
Number 2, triggering an eruption of chaos as the welfare program begins to fail. 3, shifting the responsibility for welfare programmes from local governments to the federal administration. And number 4, supplying everyone with a government provided guaranteed income. Does that ring a bell? Does that sound a bit like universal basic income? Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Isn't that one of Lord Schwab's favorite plans? Like, isn't that part of the great reset? Yes.
[00:30:39] Unknown:
Right. That's better.
[00:30:42] Unknown:
The 3 sixes instead of b's. Yeah. Right. Now the Cloward Piven end game, the ultimate purpose of the Cloward Piven strategy strategy was 2 fold, to end poverty and to install socialism. Cloward and Piven believed that the welfare programs existing at the time were simply a way for capitalists to oppress the poor under the guise of assisting them. Socialism in their eyes was the only way to help every member of American society. Now this, like I say, was written in the sixties, And it's sort of like it. Have you heard of Saul Alinsky, which is another very famous subversive Jewish socialist who inspired, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton.
This is right out of his playbook as well. I'm pretty sure Cloward and Piven actually knew Saul Alinsky or studied under him or something like that because these two were actually husband and wife. Now, so what I'm saying here is, this strategy is a way to actually crash capitalism. Now what other plan or massive overarching evil strategy have we come across in the last couple of years that also needs to get rid of capitalism? It's called the great reset. Yeah. So I'm suggesting that without needing to bring race, white supremacy, far right bigotry, or anything into the equation, There could be a very, very simple reason why the west is being deliberately flooded with people that are going straight onto the benefit scheme or being paid to stay in a hotel for 2 years, you know, which seems it just seems like there's little even effort try and integrate them into society, you know, what are they doing there?
Well, maybe they are literally there to help crash the welfare system. And and obviously, that doesn't just mean, like, the, the welfare system itself. It also means, like, the health system. It also means infrastructure. It also means, you know, the police, the ambulances. So in my opinion, I think that, you know, if you wanna talk about this with people and and and actually get down to the nuts and bolts of why this is happening without bringing things up like the collergy plan and stuff like that, which is gonna obviously turn people you know, they're gonna Google it straight away. No. Right wing, racist.
We talk about this. This is purely economics, and and this is real. It's not as conspiracy theory. It's not tinfoil stuff. You can probably you can probably buy a paperback book about this. So, yeah, the Cloward Pivens strategy, that's cloward p I v e n. I thought it's quite funny how it also almost sounds like clown pivot. Like here's a load of clown world. And now we're gonna pivot you out of your social service check or whatever. I don't know. I often like to look at some of the words of things and see how it relates to their actual their implementation, should we say.
So, yeah, I I came across this a couple of weeks ago and I thought it was I thought it was quite fitting as a way to explain why we would have this mass uncontrolled immigration, and, you know, why why would they be doing it? Right. So we we've talked this is this is really some background stuff. So what's happened in the last couple of weeks in the UK is that, obviously, the final the straw that allegedly broke the camel's back was the the the murder of those 3 young girls in Southport, which is now hey. I don't know if it is as described.
I don't know if it really happened. I don't know if it's a hoax. So I'm certainly not gonna,
[00:34:29] Unknown:
Think maybe red flag. Excuse me.
[00:34:34] Unknown:
Well, listen. With the amount of emotion going on at the moment, I think for me myself, without having spent an awful long time looking at it, and really looking under the surface, I wouldn't really like to come out and start saying anything about that. We all know that there have been false flag attacks in the past. We all know there have been hoaxes, but often most people don't realize that even if something is planned, even if there's an MK control, MK mind control, Patsy, doing it, even with all that concern, there can still be people that die. It's like it's like 911. Everyone knows that 911 is is definitely not as described, but those buildings definitely came down.
There's definitely people that died as a result of it. You know, even if it even if it was a SIOP, a hoax, a stage managed event, it doesn't mean that it doesn't that all sort of happened as well. Now since the since the stabbing, we've had over all over the UK, according to the media, we've had far right protests, and we've had some counter protests from anti racist, and some groups of Muslims defending themselves. That's what the media has told us. Right?
[00:35:52] Unknown:
Far right thuggery, they call in it, aren't they?
[00:35:55] Unknown:
I'm gonna say this. And I thought really hard about what I'm gonna say about this, in my humble opinion, on both sides of the people fighting in the street, there are extremists, just a load of underclass people that actually just want to burn stuff down. Yeah. There are adjunct provocateurs on both sides. And there were genuine people that are very angry, and they don't know how to not to do. And here's the problem. When you allow a riot like Hare Hills to happen and to people bare face burning police cars, filming it, filming their faces setting fire to buses, and there's no talk.
The police basically ran away. There's no talk about really arrests at Hare Hills. But as soon as soon as the protests happened and the rioting started happening after Southport, all you heard about was the far right and how and and obviously the police are there in riot gear. Dogs are munching on people. So it's not it's not out of the question to say, yeah, there is 2 tier policing. There is there really is. Yeah. There really is. And it's being done deliberately to gaslight people. It's being done deliberately to annoy people.
[00:37:20] Unknown:
I've seen lots of videos on x, you know, the things that they're not gonna show. And the amount of stuff that I've seen that is, like, the counterargument group and the police just standing back and doing nothing. I totally see it.
[00:37:35] Unknown:
And and and I see I see on on online, a lot of people who should know better are falling hard onto one side of this. You can be you can actually be very upset about the uncontrolled mass immigration. You if you want if you think that Southport is out of the scribe, you can obviously be very upset about that as well. But going out and and and and falling into a massive trap, in my opinion, is not the way to solve the problem. So a lot of people are doing this online as well. They're either getting very anti immigrant and anti Muslim on one side or on the other side, they're just they're just labeling everyone as a knuckle dragging, far right, skinned loser who is control is protesting on the other side. And I said this, I made a post something along the lines of, labeling every protester of mass uncontrolled immigration and dead children as far right is exactly the same exactly the same as labeling every Muslim immigrant as a rapist or terrorist.
There's absolutely no difference in in in what you're doing there. If if you're gonna if people are ready to to to boil this down to something so simply as Muslim immigrants, terrorists, get them out, and far right racist, then the the obviously this dichotomy has been planned and it and it's playing out exactly how they want it to. It's just it's just perfect the way it the way it's playing out because it what it's doing is it's totally neutering the middle ground for sensible discussion where people can actually get their their concerns about about what's going on. Do you see where I'm coming from? Yeah. Definitely. Definitely.
[00:39:29] Unknown:
I hadn't really thought about it like that. I can actually see it now. You know, I've been looking on both sides because I I want to see what's going on, learn as much as I can about it. But like you say, if if you support the both sides that you just gave gave the 2, ideas, then,
[00:39:47] Unknown:
you're a racist no matter what side you take. Let me let me say something that's gonna be quite inflammatory, but it's also gonna be balanced and hopefully bring to the two sides together. They've been talking about the underclass of white Britain going out and setting fire to Gregs and stuff like that. Right? Well, I'm gonna point out that the other side has exactly the same problem, and that's what we saw in Hell in Hell in Hells in Leeds. That protest where people were literally just burning shit, chucking bricks at police cars, was allegedly because some children got removed from a very notorious, Roma family.
You've only got to see what the house looked like to see what type of family it was. Their their kids had had, some sort of terrible injury. They're already on the social services watch list for abusing their kids or mistreating them, and the police have gone around there to investigate why this kid has gone to school injured, and the parents have started fist fighting with the police. The parents have got arrested, the kids have been taken away, And that was allegedly what the, I've seen the video of it, and there were loads of people around. But even so, sometimes the police do need to take kids away from kids, kids away from people that might be abusing them. Okay?
Not every time kids get taken away from their parents, it's the evil police. Believe it or not, when it's the evil parents, it's actually the police we need to step in. And people don't like to don't like to think about that because they're so anti police. Yeah? Well, when someone when someone gets murdered or when someone gets raped, who are you gonna call? You call the police. Whether you get the response you want or not, that's the people you call. So I'm just pointing out that that's what happened in hair hill in in hair hills in Leeds was literally a butt let's burn shit down protest. Yeah. So so you can't for all these people taking making these memes and stuff, taking the piss out of white working class British people, saying that, you know, they're just a bunch of knuckle dragging far right idiots.
Well, I'm, you know, the the other side has exactly the same element in it. It's called society. There are people like that in every single society. Yeah. And but and here's another thing I'm gonna say, we've already got enough people have enough domestic people type of those people in this country already. The problem in the last 10 years is we've been importing from the other parts of the world to No one wants to say that, but I'm gonna say it. Now Tristan Tate, who is obviously a very divisive character, he said something like this. He goes, this isn't a skin color thing, because it's not even a race thing, it's not a Muslim thing, it's a class thing.
He said, if you imported a 100,000 people into the UK sorry. A 1000 people from the u, from the United Arab Emirates into the UK, who are staunch Muslims with brown skin. He goes, guess what would happen? The the GDP would increase, and per capita, the crime rate would go down. So he's saying it's not about Asians. It's not about Muslims. What it is about actually importing the underclass from other parts of the world into this country. The what the people who probably don't really wanna, make anything of themselves, and they're quite happy to burn shit down. We've got plenty of people like that already domestically in this country. There are people in this country that haven't had a job the whole the whole idea of importing other people from other parts of the world of the same ilk, well, we've got a healthy domesticated under peasant class here already.
So what what what did you think was gonna happen? So that you know? And and I and and and I'm not saying that to have a go at people. I'm I'm also saying that to point out that this this first, second, third, 4th generation immigrants in this country, those who are paying attention are probably equally as upset or cautious about the people that have been coming in uncontrolled in the last 10 years. Apart from that, it's also a massive insult to those people who have come here correctly, that have tried very hard to get to this country. I've got my sister-in-law is is an African immigrant.
Although she's married to my brother and got a child with him, she still doesn't get a full passport. She still doesn't even get NHS. She has to pay for the NHS.
[00:44:08] Unknown:
[00:44:09] Unknown:
So pea and she worked in this country for, like, 15 years in in care services looking after old people, and she still doesn't get. So, you know, in many ways, people are absolutely absolutely justified to be annoyed, upset, and disgusted about what's happened with mass uncontrolled immigration. Anyone that isn't living in la la land with, you know, with their rainbow in Ukraine flag on their profile picture can see that. Anyone can see that.
[00:44:39] Unknown:
Yeah. And it was an eye opener. I still get text messages from the hospital. And last year, when, the hotel in Newquay was housing some 200 immigrants, they they were asking for a health care assistant to go with the doctor every Friday to visit all the inmates in the hotels. And that's just like, wow. We can't even get a doctor's appointment, but at least once a week, they know. And it's not that these people aren't entitled to help if they're unwell and stuff like that, but it's the way that they come before our people. And we haven't got the space. We haven't got well, we just haven't got any of it, have we? I'm going to point out another problem.
[00:45:18] Unknown:
I like I like to talk about solutions, and I like to do the analysis. But there's another problem that which many people don't wanna talk about. Now when you import lots of young men into a place, there are there are there are very long established anthropological studies that talk about the gender ratio. And, basically, men are born a 104 to a 105 to every 100 females that are born. That's just genetics. So that's so in a normal society where male and female are treated equally, like in the West, you know, nothing like communist China, you generally have that throughout the population, a 105 males to 100 females.
Now if you start to have too many males in the population for whatever reason, and it doesn't take much, things can go very bad. And and I've I've looked at the studies, and the studies say that if you went up to as many as 110 males to 100 females, that's when you start to get problems. If you get to 114, that's 1.14 to 1, you can actually tip the balance in a society, and this is the reason why. Basically, when too many males are there there are compared to females, you start to have an inequity between males and the ones at the bottom of the pile who can't compete with the ones at the top, basically find it hard to get a mate, because the good women will go to the more successful males. This happens also in a lot in polyamorous and polyamorous societies where men can have more than one wife, because what happens? The richest, most powerful men have multiple wives, and if you have loads of men with 4 or 5 wives, that simply means there are less wives for everyone else.
And when you have a society like that with many men at the bottom, who find it much harder to compete, then you get big societal problems. And guess what goes up? The first thing that goes up is violent crime, including sexual violent crime. These are statistics, okay, and statistics don't care about anyone's feelings So what's happening when you keep importing young men into said European countries? Now not just you're importing young men, what you're doing is you're importing young men from war zones, from failed states, who are predominantly, anti west because we know what the west has been doing there. So they're coming into these countries, and not only that, they may have poor language skills, they have little or no chance of employment, basically zero chance of employment. So I'm just gonna ask the question, what kind of can that guy can those guys from the hotel, can they go to a a pub or a nightclub on a Friday night and buy a drink a girl drinks and compete with the men there? No. They can't.
Because for social, economic, and for cultural reasons, they've they've sort of been dumped here like a fish out of water. So I'm I'm sorry for anyone that's gonna get offended by this, but it's not racist to say that when you have a situation like that, you are going to see an increase in in violence and sexual and sexual crime against women. And that's why in some countries where in in like in Germany, in Italy, you can actually look at the increase in immigration and look at the increase in sexual violence on the graph and it and it completely it does correlate people don't want to talk about this, they don't want to hear it it's it's actually nothing to do with skin color. It's nothing even to do with race or Islam. It's literally to do with the the nature of anthropology, the nature of mankind.
You put too many men in a place with with less women, and if these men are already at a serious disadvantage with the native population because of language, cultural barriers, they can't get jobs because they're living in the hotel, they're on a small allowance, You know, it the these things are gonna happen, and and and that's why and these things have been happening.
[00:49:14] Unknown:
And the thing is is culture as well, isn't it? I mean, where lots of these people have come from, their, you know, their women are fully covered with just their eyes showing. They get onto the boat over here, and, woah, everything is exposed, isn't it? Well, they're not just coming to a regular,
[00:49:29] Unknown:
modest western country. They're basically coming to the center of Babylon, where young girls are walking around wearing absolutely nothing because they've been exposed to all the negative cultural mass Marxist slut culture in the media for their whole lives. Again, I'm speaking very freely here because this isn't my show, and we're not on YouTube. So, you know, the in my opinion, these are just facts, you know, you're not you're not going to like, I'm just trying to think of a much more conservative country, which would be a good example where women are bit dressed more modestly. You you can name anywhere outside of the developed west.
So, yeah, a load of young men that that that are now to in some places, tipping the population towards 1.05, 1.06, in favor of men and also can't compete. What do you what did they think was gonna happen? Well, they knew the the the social engineers from the Black Cube Organization, they knew exactly what was gonna happen. That's why this is this has been happening. You know, if I really had my tinfoil emperor's crown on, some people would say that the entire creation of the state of Israel and the said conflicts that ensued all around the Middle East was to fulfill this goal, was to destabilize Europe.
Many, you know, people have said that, that that's how far back these guys could be planning this. Yeah. Part one of the ancillary, sort of advantages of creating an absolute shit show in the Middle East with this hives nest, around Israel, and all these asylum seekers and refugees. You know? They they knew what they were doing. So, yeah, that that's the situation that we're in. But I'm gonna say now, anyone that's listening, you won't if you if you if you resonate with what I said so far, if you watch Rise Above, Rise Above's official position is you don't wanna be going anywhere near any of these protests. As much as you might be upset with some of the things that I've just talked about, as much as you have, like, very valid concerns and worries about where things are heading, if this carries on with x amount of undocumented people, mainly young men, coming into the country.
That's fine to be concerned with it, but just, you know, just don't go near these protests because it is a trap. Does anyone remember the speech that, I almost said our nickname for him, queer Stalin. Keir Starmer said on his first day in office, he he he did this big speech, and he said, basically, we need a bigger reset. Did did anyone catch that? I didn't. But Yeah. We talked about it on the show. So we talked about and that was in his very first speech, a bigger reset. Now since this has all kicked off in the last couple of weeks, I think they're on the second second COBRA meeting now, already speaking about implementing much higher levels of facial recognition. He's talking about having a standing army to combat ongoing riots.
Tonight, I've got word that there are over 100 planned protests all over the UK. The the word being planned. You know, we know how difficult it is to get people together, Shelley. Like planning 100 protests all around the UK tonight. So if you're listening, guys, don't go and get involved. Everyone's having their not just their face scanned, every movement of your body is being scanned by these cameras now. So even if you wear a mask, it doesn't matter. They can get you on the gate, which means the way you walk and you're gonna strive from left to right as you walk along. The the the the facial recognition cameras are not just facial, they are much more sophisticated than most people understand. They're already installed all over the UK so don't become part of the bait.
That that is don't go for the trap that is being set right now. Nothing good is gonna come of it. Whether you think that you're going out to stop the racists, whether you're going out to protest the dead kids, whatever, I I seriously suggest that you don't. Because if you're not if you're not involved, then you're not playing into what is quite clearly, an orchestrated trap in my opinion.
[00:53:49] Unknown:
Well, I was listening to something the other day, and they were saying that Telegram people are actually messaging. I mean, Telegram seems to be pretty unsafe if you're organizing things like that. And, apparently, in summer, they had attachments of telling people how to make certain petrol bombs and things like that. I mean, would you really be that stupid to put that down and put that into a Telegram group?
[00:54:14] Unknown:
Telegram is is is it can be surveilled. I'm sure the guy that started Telegram is a member of the World Economic Forum. Right? Listen, it's not what none of those platforms are safe. And yeah, a lot of people are baiting themselves up really badly, I think. So I would suggest, that you don't go out and become part of a mob.
[00:54:36] Unknown:
No. Well, interestingly, I went about a year ago to the one in Newquay, and of course, Antifa were there and something, but it was totally different then. We people were people were riled, and there was a there was another counter protest as well. But it was all about for the reasons of no health care and stuff like that. At not one point was there any violence.
[00:54:57] Unknown:
Yeah. This this is it seems to be 0 to a 100 straight away, straight to violence. And anyway, if you want to, if people wanted to go and smash something up, they should be going smashing up the Tavistock Institute. They should be going smashing up other administrative buildings in London. Yeah. Not not not going to the mosque. Not go, you know, not go into a migrant hotel, which which might actually have women and children in it. Because apparently the one in Rotherham did that they, the people stormed into and tried to set on fire. Whether that's true or not, I don't know. But that's the word on the street. I saw someone had raised £1800 for the children to give them toys because they were so scared or something like that.
But, yeah, facial recognition tech is the answer to far right riots. I'm just reading that headline here that someone sent me. We can we anyone that's paying attention can see that this this is another massive case of problem reaction solution.
[00:55:53] Unknown:
Yeah. And this was all planned as well in Keir Starmer, this he wanted to bring this in, didn't he? Digital ID and stuff, and this is the perfect excuse. Yep. Everyone Everyone feels safe.
[00:56:05] Unknown:
You know, we talk about the Chinese social credit score and things that's something coming in the future. But heads up, guys. Everyone has already got their credit score just because you haven't been told what it is yet, or you haven't been given the the the means of accepting a credit score doesn't mean that you don't already have a credit score somewhere. So, yeah, anyone that's anyone that's that's pictured at, you know, a flash point is probably gonna have 33 taken off their credit score straight away, I would say.
[00:56:33] Unknown:
Brilliant. Well, final thoughts, Lance, because we're coming to a close.
[00:56:38] Unknown:
Final thoughts, don't if there's a very clear option, a or b, always try to choose option c because, don't don't get pulled into the binary narrative. Yeah. Keep cool, rise above, tune into us guys on a Friday night, rise above live is on YouTube. The website is rise above dot tv. It's much more than a podcast. It's a whole it's a whole, new organic media thing.
[00:57:03] Unknown:
It's amazing, and I'm sorry I forgot to mention that in your bloody introduction. And I got it written down here. That's alright. Your main thing. Talking about it, to be honest. No. No. It's a great show. Great show. Well, it's been, great catching up with you, and, we'll see how it all unfolds.
[00:57:21] Unknown:
Yep. Yep. We'll be keeping a close eye. Yeah. Definitely.
[00:57:24] Unknown:
Well Alright. Thanks, Shelley. Thank you for your time, Lance, and, I'll speak to you soon. You take care, my lovely. Take care. Rise above. Bye bye. Rise above. Great stuff. Always an honor to speak to Lance. And for those that don't know, I was actually at court with Lance for about 3 years ago now. We were both facing a £10,000 fine for, organizing a rally in COVID times. And, you know, if we well, we we were sent the charge. If we didn't fight it, we would have been charged straightaway £10,000. So we crowdfunded, and we reached £3,000, which is what it costs to get legal fees and stuff like that.
And we set the president, and, we won. It was a pretty amazing day. Yeah. We had an amazing barrister, this young woman. I should remember her name, really. But, yeah, we won. And it's funny, isn't it, how time goes? I mean, I'm just looking at my advert here as I'm chatting since, the Shelley Tasker show since September 2020. It's nearly 4 years, and it's crazy where 4 years have gone and where we are at now. And this does, to me, feel it does feel a little bit like COVID times. You know, this stuff is going on. We don't know what's gonna happen. It's like the the shit is really gonna hit the fan. Excuse my language, but that's how I would put it.
Anyway, I'm gonna be back same time next week, but I am on on radio with, my good, partner in crime, Malefika Scott. We host the connection, 8 o'clock UK time. Little bit of Cornish history every week and a nice gentle relaxing show, really. So, yeah, if you're not on radio soapbox dotcom, tune in. Some great hosts and great shows. All keeping it real. Right, guys. I'll be back same time next week. Have an awesome week.
Introduction and Guest Welcome
Current Events and Social Media
Civil Unrest in the UK
Predictions and Theories
Historical Context and Conspiracy Theories
Immigration and Social Impact
Recent Protests and Media Coverage
Anthropological Insights and Social Dynamics
Advice and Final Thoughts
Closing Remarks and Future Shows