Broadcasts live every Wednesday at 7:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:
In this riveting episode, we delve into the controversial theories surrounding the Titanic disaster. We explore the mysterious circumstances involving the crew members who were detained and coerced into signing the Official Secrets Act upon their return to England. The discussion raises questions about whether the Titanic truly hit an iceberg, as only a handful of eyewitnesses were present, and their testimonies were contradictory and seemingly coerced.
We examine the possibility of a conspiracy orchestrated by Captain Edward Smith under the orders of JP Morgan, suggesting that the Titanic was deliberately set on a collision course to collect insurance money and eliminate powerful enemies of the Federal Reserve. The episode highlights the suspicious deaths of key figures like Guggenheim, Strauss, and Astor, and the peculiar lack of attempts to escape.
The conversation shifts to the broader implications of the Federal Reserve's creation, its private ownership, and the ability to print money without backing, which allegedly funded World War I. We also touch on the British government's potential complicity in the Titanic's fate to protect economic interests.
Further intrigue is added with the story of Captain Smith's possible survival and subsequent mysterious sightings, challenging the official narrative of his demise. The episode concludes with reflections on how historical events are often manipulated by those in power, drawing parallels to modern-day events like the COVID-19 pandemic and the 9/11 attacks, urging listeners to question official narratives.
Several of the, of the, the crew members were subpoenaed to appear at the American inquiry once they got to New York and the remaining remaining crew members, surviving ones obviously, arrived back in England 2 weeks afterwards of the, you know, after the event and they were all illegally detained overnight in a holding pen in a damp holding pen in Plymouth Docks without access to legal or union representation and coerced into signing a document that they believed was the Official Secrets Act, and so do I. The Official Secrets Act, for those who are not aware, this was a document that that, came into being very shortly before that in the run up to World War 1.
And basically it protected, secrets. Anybody who was forced to sign that or volunteered to sign it was not allowed to give away any, state secrets, basically. So again, why would they do that? State secrets. Hey. So so yeah. Did the Titanic or Olympic with whichever one you wanna pick, did she really hit an iceberg? Well, I actually don't think so. Oh, there were only 5 eyewitnesses to the the incident. That was William Murdoch who was first officer, the 2 lookouts in the crow's nest, the helmsman, the driver, the pilot, whatever you wanna call him, and one other ordinary seaman. And significantly, in my book, Murdoch, the first officer, he actually committed suicide in the aftermath of the collision, leaving as the only witnesses for working class men.
And in those days, how easy would it have been to keep them quiet through threats to their and their family's future livelihoods? I would suggest very very easy indeed. In fact, what the when you read the the American inquiry transcripts and the English inquiry trans British inquiry transcripts to a lesser extent, it's really really amusing the, the evidence that the lookouts give. They totally contradict each other, and they even contradict each other. And you can see you can tell by the what what they're saying, they get very, very agitated. So they've obviously been told to say things, and it's kind of, you know, making them nervous and and anxious because they're not sure whether they're doing, you know, obeying the orders or not.
So, yeah, that that is quite amusing, just just the transcript of that, dialogue between the the lookouts and the and the guy who was running the inquiry, senator Smith. So yeah. Interesting.
[00:02:51] Unknown:
Yeah. I should say. Yeah.
[00:02:54] Unknown:
Now, you know, this kinda begs the question, was Titanic set up by captain Smith, captain Edward Smith, on the orders of JP Morgan to enter an ice field at high speed against all common sense and rules of the high seas with the intent of ramming her with the yellow funnel steamer, which could well have been an ice breaker or something of that kind, or something with a battering ram, in order to provide a plausible cool cover story. That would mean that they would then kill 2 birds with 1 stone, collect the insurance payout for the wrecked Olympic, and also would rid the Federal Reserve conspirators of their powerful enemies.
There were there were 6 significant deaths. Captain Smith, chief officer Wilde, first officer Murdoch, all of whom I suspect would have been privy to the plot, plus, of course, Guggenheim, Strauss, and Astor. And there is no real eyewitness evidence, as I said before, with the 3, Federal Reserve conspirators. There's no real eyewitness evidence of what happened to them. But according to the official legends surrounding their last moments, none of them attempted to escape. Captain Smith allegedly decided to go down with the ship. Murdoch shot himself, apparently. Why?
Guggenheim, as I said before, allegedly dressed in his best and preferred to go down like a gentleman. Astor apparently just walked away never to be seen again. You know, mentioned this earlier. And, Strauss and his wife retired to the stateroom to await death together peacefully. You would. Oh, right now fit for a an epic store, but not, you know, not very plausible in my view. Yeah. No. It's funny. It's because I think highly significant.
[00:04:53] Unknown:
Yeah. No. Sorry. Carry on. Yep. Go on. No. I was just gonna say so many of us have watched that movie and Yeah. Believe it to be, like, as close to real life as it was. And that part, they sit down at the end and they, like, just sit down, and they decide to go down with the ship or whatever you think. That is a plausible, isn't it?
[00:05:11] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Really. Yeah. Very brave.
[00:05:14] Unknown:
Absolutely. Because you would try, wouldn't you? You would at least try.
[00:05:18] Unknown:
Yeah. Of course you would. Yeah. Of course you would. But there's no record of them. Yeah. I mean, obviously, Astor made a token attempt trying to get into the lifeboat, but it it knew it was gonna be turned back. They were they weren't allowing men on the lifeboats at that point. They did later, but not at that point. So, yeah, Morgan got his insurance payout, and the Federal Reserve came to pass the following year with little to no resistance. The the, the Federal Reserve bill was actually passed on the 23rd December 1913, whilst 95% of congress had gone home for the Christmas holidays.
So yeah. You know, stop me if you've heard this kind of story before. You know, it's, yeah, all very convenient.
[00:06:06] Unknown:
Yeah. Such an important thing as well, just, decided like that. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So they were high highly involved in it all then, really, the Federal Reserve.
[00:06:18] Unknown:
Absolutely. And and the the significant thing about the Federal Reserve is because of the way it works, I e, as all central banks do, a, they're not government organizations. They are private and they're they're owned by private individuals just as the Bank of England is. Despite what the lies in the government tell us, the Bank of England and all other central banks are owned by private individuals, mainly the Rothschilds. K. So they they create this this, myth of of it being a governmental institution, but it absolutely not. And now there is a Federal Reserve. And the thing about, you know, the ability to to to create money out of thin air, which is exactly what central banks do, is that they can just run the printing presses to the heart's content, producing something that's, you know, not even worth the paper it's printed on there. It's it's not backed by anything at all. So, you know, you could ease easily if you're under printing press officially that was allowed you were allowed to print money, you could print, you know, £1,000,000,000 a day or probably even more, and you just, you know, use that however you wanna use it. You know? There's no restrictions on it. At one time, all currencies used to be backed by gold, but not anymore.
You know? That went a long time ago.
[00:07:37] Unknown:
So yeah. Something I've been trying to get my head around because I have been reading these books about our rights and stuff and all about how they how they create inflation and stuff. It's it's fascinating.
[00:07:48] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, just just just just imagine, if you go to borrow money from a bank or a building society for a mortgage, okay, and you and they just let's use simple figures. If you they lend you a £100,000. Okay? They don't actually take that physical £100,000 from their account, their own in house account, and move it into yours. They just create it in your account by typing in a few figures on a computer. That's all they do. So if we had access to our own bank accounts and could key in that money into our account, you know, that is exactly what they do.
So, you know, it it's it's generating money out of thin air. In other words, there's nothing there. It's just it's just, imaginary money, if you like.
[00:08:39] Unknown:
Yeah. I get it. So anybody that gets a bank loan or anything, it's just put there and it's not Yeah. Come from there. It's
[00:08:47] Unknown:
it it's, it's illegal because it's not double entry bookkeeping. Double entry bookkeeping means that you actually debit one side of the ledger and credit the other. Well, they don't debit their side of the ledger. They just put the credit into the other. So it is highly illegal, you know, and they've been taken to task for it many times. But, of course, they're so powerful that, you know, they just, they just twist the law for their own ends, basically. Yeah. So kinda lost my thread now. Sorry. Oh, yeah. No. It's alright. Not your fault. So yeah. So what that enabled them to do, once they got the federal this is this is partly why they wanted the federal reserve, to come to pass. It was obviously about long term, the ability to print money and just make yourself a paper trillionaire if you wanted.
But the other main thing that they wanted it for was to enable the the the powers that be, the cabal, whatever you wanna call them, to begin the next phase of their grand plan because this grand plan has been going on for centuries. And in 1914, the next phase of the plan was to engineer the outbreak of World War 1. World War 1 had been in the planning since around about 18 90, but finance was needed. You know? Armaments cost a lot of money, and the Federal Reserve provided that because it just set the printing presses going, and they use that funny money to fund World War 1. And that's exactly what it was all about.
[00:10:18] Unknown:
Wow. Mhmm. Shocking, really, isn't it? Oh, yeah. The deception then I've what everybody's lives are like now because of all of this.
[00:10:27] Unknown:
Yeah. Mhmm. I absolutely. Yeah. I mean, it is. It's it's it's absolutely appalling, really, what what these people get away with. Now I believe also that the British government of the day, it was a live a liberal government, with a capital l, not not a small l. And the prime minister was a guy called h h Asquith, Herbert Asquith, and I believe that they were fully complicit in this scheme. Why? Because they knew that if Olympic had had to be scrapped, then Harlan and Wolff and White Star Line would have gone. Okay. They would have been obliterated.
And it's almost certain that Morgan, JP Morgan, would have cut his losses and pulled out completely, taking his ships, which were his assets, taking his ships with him. And the damage to the British economy would have been incalculable. The unemployment figures, 30,000 alone at Harlan and Wolff, plus a similar number at White Star, and then all the associated dependent industries, then the Liberals would surely face a humiliation defeat in the next election. So they were definitely com complicit in that. I am absolutely convinced by that. Yeah. I mean, Morgan, as as primary creditor, if, if the shipping line and and the and the shipyard had gone down, then Morgan would definitely have seized his assets. And, of course, one of the other things that that, significant things about them allowing JPMorgan to to buy the White Star Line because in those days, it was illegal for foreign nationals to own a British shipping line. So how did he get around that? Well, I believe he got around it by promising the ships for them if in the event of a war. And, you know, there was a war brewing for many, many years before 1940.
So, yeah, they he would've he would've cut his losses, removed his ships, and that would've been all the troop ships gone.
[00:12:40] Unknown:
So yeah. I've I've got a question for you, from Patrick. What Charles Lindsbury senior, what did he have to do with the Titanic and its passengers?
[00:12:52] Unknown:
Charles Lindbergh, nothing. It it was it was one it was one of the Federal Reserve conspirators along with Astor, Guggenheim, and Strauss. It's just that he he didn't happen to be on on the on the Titanic, on the Olympic.
[00:13:03] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. Right. There's your answer, Patrick.
[00:13:09] Unknown:
Right. Sorry. Yeah. So Okay. Onward, where do you wanna go next with it? Right. Well, there's there's lots of other little points. I mean, that's kind of the end of the the chronological story, but there's lots of other little points that that, you know, that possibly need covering. It is believed that Titanic was carrying approximately £1,000,000,000 in gold bullion. Now there's never been any proof of this, but there's been lots of speculation even in the press. I'm talking about contemporary press, not press today. They wouldn't even touch that idea with the barge pole.
[00:13:45] Unknown:
Gold bullion, did you say? Gold bullion. Yeah. What's that?
[00:13:48] Unknown:
Sorry. It's just gold bars, you know. Oh, right. Okay. Yeah. Gold and it's, you know Okay. Yeah. And, we we know that the British Navy was tracking the ship. There were several sightings of British naval vessels, in the lead up to the, to the disaster. Lots of passengers spotted British navy ships, and we know that they were tracking them. So yeah. I'm just trying to think yeah. Sorry. I've I've just, yeah. Now it was a common scam in those days to switch ships' identities. So it's not, you know, it's not like something that was, a shock, a mystery.
You know, this was this this went on a lot. So it's not as though this was the only instance ever of this happening. In fact, I spoke to a, a couple of, ex, mariners, you know, sailors, and they, yeah, they said that, you know, yeah, it was a common insurance scam even today to switch ships' identities. So again, it's it's not like it was a unique incident. This this is this has been going on for years. Even more so in those days, obviously, because it's probably more difficult to do it now because the insurance companies will be aware of it much more than they were in in those days. Yeah. And, Captain Lord of the Californian was was blamed for the, the disaster.
Of course, it wasn't White Star Line's fault. No. Wasn't, wasn't captain Smith's fault. Wasn't, Howlin and Wolf's fault for building a faulty ship. Yeah. You name it. It wasn't any of those people's fault. It was captain Lord's. And he was the, as I said, he was the captain of the Californian. And both inquiries named him as the culprit, which, you know, as far as I can see, the only thing he was guilty of is not coming to the rescue. He wasn't actually responsible for the accident, you know, or the the incident. You know, he didn't he didn't kinda plan it or anything like that, but of course, none of that got mentioned at all. Captain Lord was at fault, and he tried for the rest of his fairly long life. He died in 1962.
So he tried for the next 50 years to clear his name. But of course, they wouldn't allow him his day in court. Of course, they wouldn't. Why would they allow his day in court? All they would need to do is get any kind of barrister worth his salt, and he would have absolutely destroyed the official story. So that's why they never allowed him the the platform to do that. Wow. Now interestingly, there was there was a I know. There was a, a guy by the name of Lewis Klein, who was a, a white star line seaman, and, he definitely existed.
We know this because his testimony appears in the transcript of the American inquiry. But his name does not ex appear in the crew list, and I can only assume it's been deleted or expunged from the cruelest. But interest he's an interesting guy this. He could actually speak no English, he was Austro Hungarian, in the days when Austria and Hungary were the same political unit. So he was a German speaker. Now he'd actually shouted a warning to the lookouts and to the bridge, but there's no one there apart from one officer, William Murdoch, the guy who committed suicide. And he was lying motionless, and he believed him to be drunk on a bench, in the, in the wheelhouse, in the on the bridge.
And on arrival at New York on, Carpathia, Cline, Lewis Cline, He was placed under house arrest and subpoenaed to appear at the inquiry, but he escaped overnight and failed to show. Now he left his written testimony, which was translated from the German and submitted to the inquiry. And he said, and I quote, there was a ball following a banquet of some kind going on down below when I went upon watch at 9:30. And the captain and the officers were there with many passengers. After the party, the steward sent the champagne and wines that were left over to the crew. I know that many of them were drunk. A passenger standing at the rails or something dead ahead or maybe a little to the starboard. Look. Quick. See the hill over there. I saw it was a big iceberg and ran for the bridge.
The 3rd officer was coming and yelled to me to ask what the matter was. I couldn't stop to answer. I was too excited. So I ran for the spur with the crow's nest on it and shouted to the lookout I knew was up there to give the alarm. Not a word did I hear, so I started up the spa. It was less than a minute after after I left the promenade deck that I got to the top of the spa and found both the lookouts fast asleep. I rang the alarm bell myself. That is, you know, that is, you know, in black and white Yeah. In the Titanic inquiry. But you never hear this guy mentioned. You never hear that mentioned at all. Yeah.
[00:19:15] Unknown:
Wow. I must have said wow about a 100 times. It is just fascinating.
[00:19:19] Unknown:
Fascinating. And and I'm only scratching the surface here, really. You know? It's, there's so much more to it. You know? But, anyway, plow on. So, yeah, I told you about the, the surviving crew members being docked at Plymouth and, detained against the will, blah blah blah, signed the official secrets act. Now let's move on to the insurance scan. Okay. Right. 2 weeks before Titanic sailed or Titanic slash Olympic sailed on a maiden voyage, the insurance was up from 1,800,000 to 2,500,000. No. To 2,700,000. It was up by 50%.
[00:20:06] Unknown:
2 weeks before? 2 weeks before. Yeah.
[00:20:09] Unknown:
And, of course, the badly damaged Olympic had been insurable. So, you know, the in fact yeah. No. Sorry. I beg your pardon. Did I say 2.7 no. It was 3,200,000. It was up to from 1,800,000 to 3,200,000. Yeah. And it was paid out within a week of the disaster. So there you go. And, you know, I mean, if you spill a, you know, a glass of red wine on a white carpet, it'll take you about 6 weeks to get paid, won't it? And they'll come around and put you through, you know, put you through the gorilla. And, you know And they got it within a week. They got it within a week. Yeah. So what is going on there? I do wonder.
[00:20:52] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:20:55] Unknown:
Yeah. So Wow. Yep. Yeah. So the other interesting little snippet of information is that there is suspicion and some evidence to suggest that Captain Smith survived. Okay. This has obviously been suppressed again. Was it possible to prevent his testifying at the inquiries? We don't know. You may say this is ridiculous, it's not possible, but as I say, there is some evidence to back up this premise. There's a newspaper report, which I have a copy of, not an original copy, but a a facsimile copy of, but I know it's real because I've checked it. From 21st July 1912, so, you know, 3 months after the incident.
And this is the Washington Herald of 21st July 1912, and it says, Baltimore, July 20, 1912. Peter Priall, a wealthy retired mariner of the city who was a shipmate of captain Smith of the Titanic for 17 years, declared today that he saw captain Smith in Baltimore yesterday and talked with him. This is 3 months after the event. He said he met him on the street on Thursday and accosted him, but the commander brushed by him angrily. The next day, he declared he saw him again and followed him around the city to a railroad station where the captain bought a ticket for Washington. Just as he was about to pass through the gates, Prial declared, the man turned to him and greeted him by name.
I am on business. Don't worry me, Prial, he said. Be good to yourself, old shipmate, until we meet again. Prial is now under the care of a physician suffering from nervous shock brought on by the experience. His doctor declares he's absolutely sane, he's well known in Baltimore, and an active church member. So, you know, it begs the question what what were to make of that. I mean, firstly, it could hardly have been a mis case of mistaken identity as Prowell actually spoke to Smith, and in return was addressed not only by name, but also a shipmate. And secondly, as a retired and wealthy mariner, you know, you could argue that it wasn't simply a case of Prowell trying to make a fast book out of it out of it. On the contrary, it would seem that he'd have everything to lose and nothing to gain by relating this experience to a newspaper.
It is you know, it appeared to be a normal upstanding church go going member of society. And as I said, he was declared absolutely sane by his doctor. So how else would we explain it? Unless, of course, it's the truth. And then as a further, addendum to that, It's, you know, it's it's all obviously a bit puzzling or unexplainable, but there's also this as well. On I found this on hidden away on page 95 of 12th February 1940 issue of Life Magazine. It was part of my research. There's a letter in there from a Charles Wilson of New York which states as follows. Sirs, 28 years ago, captain EJ Smith of the Titanic disappeared in New York.
3 years later, an unknown penniless man, whom local police called Silent Smith, died in Lima, Ohio. The stranger wouldn't talk except to Mutus Smith when asked his name. Undoubtedly, it was a seaman. The rock of ages was tattooed on his chest. A map of the Pacific was tattooed on his back. His height and weight were the same as the Titanic's captain Smith. Embarmed by a local under undertaker, Silent Smith's body has been kept on display in an effort to identify him. No one has yet been able to do so. And this this appeared in the local newspaper in Lima, Ohio, Thursday, October 14, 1915.
The headline was mysterious stranger's life ends without any relatives being found. And, again, a quote says, a sudden stroke of apoplexy closed forever, the lips of silent Smith, whose real name is Michael McKenna at the county infirmary at, 30 minutes past midnight this morning. McKenna dropped dead, and for a time, it was thought that he'd taken poison or something of the sort. The coroner was called, and he discovered that a slight stroke in the already weakened condition of the man's system caused an easy death. The mysterious stranger will no doubt be buried in the potter field, as absolutely nothing is known of him.
After a night spent in the city prison, Smith was arraigned in probate court and found to be demented. Not dangerous, he was sent to the county infirmary until some other disposable could be made of him. Add it to his idiosyncrasy of not take it talking was that of not eating, and there were days when he scarcely touched food and never would unless someone ate with him. Old, unkempt, white affair, and halt of step. He was a pitiful pitiful figure. The article then went on to state that he claimed his name was Michael McKenna and that he'd been sent to Lima from Fort Wayne, Indiana.
However, the authorities in Fort Wayne denied any knowledge of him at all and refused to take his body after he died. Also, the later report makes no mention of the name McKenna at all, referring to him only by the name Smith. And here's another quote along those lines. Smith died shortly after it created a sensation in Lima. He stayed for a few days and then ran away, being seen at different times standing on a corner for hours gazing at passersby. Again, he was picked up by police and refused to talk or tell what his name was. It was afterwards discovered that his name was Smith, and tattoos on his arm showed that he'd served in the British Navy.
Yeah. Smith actually saved in the ro served in the Royal Navy Reserve. And it was suggested at one time that it might be captain Smith, who after being picked up in one of Titanic's lifeboats and landed in New York, disappeared and has never been heard from since. Armstrong was informed that the order of the commissioners who committed Smith to the air infirmary as soon as it started causing a stir, issued to the under undertaker shortly after Smith's death that the body being turned would have to be complied with. So yeah. Interesting.
You know, it's my you know, they said that he wouldn't eat unless somebody ate with him. I, you know, that kinda consistent with a man who being used to being the guest of honor every night at the dinner table so they're wealthy for a period of, you know, more than 20 years. And in my view, it's absolutely more than possible that Sir Silent Smith was indeed none other than captain Edward Smith, and that he was disposed of by those who had no further use of his services as soon as he'd begun to attract attention to himself. This would mean that Smith would have had to have survived the wreck and was smuggled into New York by a captain who absolutely knew who he was. And he kept the secret with his identity for almost three and a half years before arriving in Lima, Ohio, until either his conscience began to niggle at him or his mental facilities had deteriorated, probably the latter, I would suspect.
So if Smith survived, he must have been on board Carpathia since Californian didn't pick up any survivors at all, and it was far too late arriving on the scene and only turned up when everybody was safely ensconced on, Carpathia. And then on when Carpathia reached New York, captain Rostron of the Carpathia, His priority seemed not to be dis to disembark Titanic's highly traumatized passengers at the first opportunity after that, you know, terrible ordeal, but to unload the sunken vessel's lifeboats at the White Star Line Pier. Mabey Smith, and possibly others, were concealed within those lifeboats, and, you know, could that also be another reason that Rostron maintained a radio silence until they got to New York, which he did.
And, you know, and and this was until the story meant for public consumption have been agreed agreed upon by the perpetrators. We'll, you know, obviously never know for sure, but it is at the very least, an an intriguing possibility. And, you know, that's that's about it really. I think we've In a nutshell, that's about it. Yeah. A very yeah. That about it. In a very tiny nutshell. Obviously, you know, my book goes into far more details about all this stuff, and, you know, there's evidence in there, provides lots of evidence. So, yeah. It's, it's it's, you know, some of some of it, obviously, is conjecture on my part, you know, all the stuff at the end, about, you know, about Smith. It just seemed to fit, but it might it might be coincidence. I don't know.
But most of the stuff, you know, 95% of the stuff in the book, I have researched thoroughly. I spent 3 years researching it, and, you know, I I am convinced that that this version of the story is the true one and not not the,
[00:30:11] Unknown:
and not the night to remember 1 or James Cameron's one. No. Well, when you've revealed, like, all this evidence, I've seen little videos before and stuff, but there's really no no doubt, is there? Not really. Put all of that information in front of somebody. They couldn't say, oh, yeah.
[00:30:27] Unknown:
Oh, people do, to be honest, Shelley. They I mean, you know, I get all I get all sorts of kind of strange people who accuse me of being a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy geek and and all that kind of stuff. But, yeah, people people do, kind of ignore facts and make their own facts up or believe what authority tells them. So, yeah, I think most reasonable
[00:30:50] Unknown:
full research. They but that's the problem. You couldn't even get them to research it, could you? You can say, here, read this and No. Study it. You can say you can. But, you know,
[00:31:01] Unknown:
there, you know, there there seems to be an attitude prevalent and prevalent among people with closed minds that, well, authority has told me this story, so that must be the true one. You know? Who are you to kind of dispute what what is is common knowledge and received knowledge? You know? There's that kind of attitude prevalent. So there's always gonna be people who who, you know, dispute it.
[00:31:26] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, I know you've done a lot of study as well on 911 and Diana. Yeah. And they're they're, like, little places where I started. I think 911 woke so many people up.
[00:31:36] Unknown:
Yes. Yeah. Just It did. Yeah. It was Diana that woke me up. I can't remember whether I said that at the big very beginning of the last one. But, yeah, it was Diana that woke me up. Yeah. Yeah. And we're we're also, like well, back then before we were away, you know, I I would watch the news and, like, 9:11 news,
[00:31:54] Unknown:
they showed a passport that had come out from the plane. And I actually believed it. You know? Because at the time, it was just like, I didn't question it. It's like, this is amazing. But, of course, years on later, we know what's been going on and reason to go to war and stuff like that. It was all planned, and it was just impossible that planes could fly through buildings like that. Yeah. It was on the news. It must be true. Of course, it must be true. It is true. They wouldn't lie to us, would they? No. Not at all. Would they?
[00:32:23] Unknown:
Would they?
[00:32:25] Unknown:
Well, this is it. We don't know, do we? Well, we do know that they they don't tell us the truth. And, I think so many more people are waking up and reaching out. I mean, I always say I think the whole COVID pandemic was the thing that got a lot of people going and got us all together. We all seemed to find each other.
[00:32:43] Unknown:
Yeah. I think what the the the fact that COVID had, it it it it kind of, it set people questioning, and then little groups formed, things like stand in the park, where I am. I'm in Scarborough, it was stand on the beach and, you know, these little groups formed, and then everybody started exchanging information, and it kinda grew from there. I have to say, I think a lot of people have actually gone back to sleep again now. Oh, it's all finished now. It's fine. Yeah. We we will go back to our humdrum daily lives. Everything's fine. Nothing to worry about. So there is an element of that, but it definitely did wake a lot of people up. There's no doubt. Yeah. Yeah. But I know we so, you know, even I used to say to people when I was working at the hospitals, I was like, they're empty, and they would just look at me like I was mad. And, you know, these people that know that, you know, I'm a genuine person. I'm not gonna Yeah. Make shit up. Yeah. Yeah. Well, at the, when it when it first began COVID, I, I was actually living I'd I'd just put up with my wife at that point in time, and, I was living with a friend temporarily in Preston.
And, we went to this this it was it was like during the first lockdown. We went to this cafe one morning in Preston that was supposed to be shut, and this guy was awake. And he said, sorry. I'm not shutting. So he he remained, open. And, he told us this story. He said said, I didn't believe it from the start. I said, what? He said, I used to hear all these ambulance sirens going up and down the street. You know? He said, so I decided to follow 1. He said, and I've so I went and parked outside the hospital gates, waited for an ambulance to come out, and I followed it. He said, and all it did was drove out to the edge of the city, turn around, and come back again, all with its blue lights and siren going.
And, you know, to me, that just, you know, reeks of deception. What they're doing is they're creating fear by doing that. And he did it more than once, and exactly the same thing was happening. So people will be thinking, oh gosh, listen to all those ambulances. We must be in real trouble, you know. Oh my god. Lock all the doors. Close the curtains.
[00:34:48] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, when it was the I imagined, like, bodies would be piling up outside and things. You know, it's gonna be like the black death. Yeah. Well, if you remember, I I remember, back end of 2019, just before it all kicked off,
[00:35:02] Unknown:
in China, they were showing videos on the news of people just dying in the streets. Yeah. Walking and falling over. Yeah. Yeah. Piles above. And then I just think, when I saw that I couldn't I couldn't start laughing actually. I know it's not funny, but I mean, it they were only actors, of course. Yeah. I mean, if there'd been real people dying, I wouldn't have done. But And I never realized that they use, like, the same footage because I would go on, like, rabbit.
[00:35:27] Unknown:
I'm thinking, hang on. They're showing this, but they've showed this you know, these are pictures of supposedly, Spain, but they were showing these pictures 2 weeks ago. Now they're saying they're from somebody somewhere else. Oh, yeah. And you the people interviewing people in the hospitals, nobody could get in there.
[00:35:43] Unknown:
No. I know. Oh, there was a bunch. And that that that was that was funny as well, all the, all the hospital staff making those TikTok dance videos. Because there was no inundated, but yet they found time to
[00:35:56] Unknown:
not only perform these dances, but to choreograph them and film them and all the rest of it. You know? It's good. But they were absolutely rushed off the feet. You know? Yeah. No question about that. Well, people will say to me, well, we're in Cornwall, Shelley. We were a lot quieter. We didn't have it as bad. I'm like, come on. People all over the country have spoken out now and said, you know, we might have had a busy day, flu season, like you do. Yeah. Yeah. But, no. It did, get people asking lots of questions. And interestingly now, I mean, I don't are you on Facebook? No. Alright. K. But No. It shows you your, like, memories every year. And at the moment, it's quite interesting because every day, like 4 years ago, it always says this content cannot be seen right now because they were just deleting everything, weren't they? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. All the crazy stuff going on, and people forget that's only 4 years ago. Yeah. I know. I see. Interestingly, a couple of people that deleted me at the time, they've now added me, and you see them sharing stuff about what's going on. It's like, why Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. You know? There is People are waking up. Yeah. Yeah. I I think this is why they curtail COVID as well because originally, I don't know if you're aware, but it was meant to go until 2025.
[00:37:03] Unknown:
Alright. Nice. Yeah. There's a there's something called the Rockefeller lockstep document, which was written in about 2014, I think, which details the entire plan starting from 2020, and it was going to go until 2025. Well, I I believe that they realized that they've made a mistake, and they were waking people up. And that and they decided that, oh, hang on a minute, guys. We better just curtail this. Because remember, it ended very, very quickly. Yeah. I mean, after they couldn't get everybody to get jabbed, wasn't it? Yeah. Well, yeah, that's right. They they think they they they realized that that, you know, they weren't gonna get any more people jabbed, and, they thought, well, we'll have to make do with this now. And, and it and it and it ended. I mean, you know, that was that. So, yeah, all a complete load of nonsense. Absolutely. From beginning to end. Yeah. Total total nonsense.
[00:37:51] Unknown:
Yeah. But we lift it, and, it'll be part of history, and we can say, yeah. That's what woke us up. Well, more stuff before that. But Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so we've got a roundup, John. It's been lovely, having you on. And Thank you. I'm gonna have to listen to both shows again because so much information. And, I mean, the Titanic's massive here in my family. I've got an 11 year old, and he's always has been Titanic
[00:38:16] Unknown:
obsessed and Yeah. You know? I was when I was a kid as well. So yeah. Well, it's a it's a very dramatic story, isn't it? It's got every element that a story needs to capture people's imagination. And of course it was designed that way. You know, it's got love interest, it's got tragedy. It's got rich versus poor.
[00:38:34] Unknown:
You know, every single element that goes to make up a good story is in there somewhere. Yeah. Yeah. We we just got so much, well, information here, books and things. And we literally, 2 years ago, had to build, well, my son did most of it, a 9,000 piece Lego Titanic. Oh, really? Wow. Okay. Only 9,000 pieces. But, you know, he knows the story, so it's great. And, he will listen to this as well. Yeah.
[00:38:58] Unknown:
Good stuff. Could you send could you do me a favor and send me a link when you when it when it's available? I don't even know the link for the first one if it's already booked. That's fine. Yeah. I'm I'm gonna sort it all out in a minute, and hopefully, you'll get it in the next half an hour or so. Oh, that's brilliant. No rush. But No. No. No. It's great. It's good for you. I'm actually, I'm actually going on holiday on Friday for 2 weeks, and I can't wait. I need a battery recharge. Very nice. Where are you going? Oh, we're going on a med cruise. So Oh, you lucky person. I know. It's, it's great. And, hopefully get some sunshine. Been looking at checking the weather, and it all looks great. So Oh. Yeah. I can't wait. Envious. Yeah. We'll have a lot of
[00:39:36] Unknown:
Right. So and let's have a readout again of your email address. It's, isn't it? That's the, website address. The website. Sorry. Yes. Yeah. And it's got your contact details and stuff on there, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. So anybody can get in touch if they need to. And people can buy books on there as well. It's, to Sell your books. They look really good. Definitely. That's what it's all about. It's my livelihood. Yeah. Definitely. Great stuff. Well, my lovely. Well, I will chat. I'll get that email sent over to you, and we'll chat again in a few weeks' time, and we'll we'll get you on for some more some more conspiracies.
[00:40:10] Unknown:
Yeah. Just just give us a shout. Yeah. I will do. Alright, mate. Make it until, next month, please, because I'm I'm, not only. Well, not only go on a holiday till kind of the middle of the month. I'm, I'm getting married at the end of the month. So Congratulations.
[00:40:26] Unknown:
You. Oh, bless you. Right. Well, we we have to go on that note. There's about 20 seconds left. Oh, well, I so much, Dom. Timing. Good luck. You too. Good luck with the wedding. Enjoy your holiday. Thank you so much. Shelley. Thank you. Bye. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye bye.
The Aftermath of the Titanic Disaster
Questioning the Iceberg Collision
Conspiracy Theories: JP Morgan and the Federal Reserve
The Creation of Money and Central Banks
The Federal Reserve and World War I
British Government's Alleged Complicity
Eyewitness Accounts and Missing Testimonies
Insurance Scams and Captain Smith's Survival
The Mystery of Silent Smith
Public Perception and Media Influence