Broadcasts live every Wednesday at 7:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:
Looking forward to catching up with Brizer :)
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Shelley Tasker Show. Tonight's episode features a candid conversation with our guest, Brizer. We delve into a range of topics, starting with a reflection on the unpredictable summer weather and its impact on our moods. Brizer shares his personal experiences and frustrations with the changing seasons and the lack of consistent sunshine.
We then transition into a broader discussion about the current state of the world, touching on climate change, media mistrust, and the general sense of disillusionment many people feel. Brizer offers his perspective on the increasing awareness among the public about various issues, including the skepticism towards mainstream narratives and the growing distrust in institutions.
The conversation takes a deeper turn as we explore the psychological and emotional toll of constant negative news and the importance of taking a step back to maintain mental health. Brizer emphasizes the need for individuals to focus on their own well-being and to be cautious of falling into the traps set by those in power.
We also discuss the controversial topic of 5G technology and its potential health impacts. Brizer and I share our observations and concerns about the new 5G towers being erected in our local areas and the mixed reactions from the community.
Finally, we touch on the broader implications of living in a world filled with misinformation and the importance of critical thinking. Brizer shares his journey of awakening and the spiritual experiences that have shaped his worldview. We conclude with a reflection on the need for personal empowerment and the courage to question the status quo.
Thank you for joining us on this thought-provoking episode. We hope it inspires you to think critically and take charge of your own well-being. Until next time, stay strong and stay informed.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Shelley Tasker Show here coming live out of It's good to have your company. I'm also streaming live via Rumble if you want to join in with any chat or ask any questions. Today's date is Wednesday, 4th September 2024. We are well into autumn. So here we are another week, a big round up. And tonight, our guest is Bryza. It's been a while since we've had a chat. Good evening, Bryza. Good evening, Shelley. How are you? Yeah. I'm very well. Thank you. Good. And how was your summer? The global boiling summer. Oh, it's quite depressing, to be fair, isn't it? Right. We have another summer. I don't know about you and I. No. We have. I'm not saying. No. I've realized We have Sorry.
[00:01:46] Unknown:
No. I did say we just have we have, you have 1 or 2 really nice days and then a week where it's crap. And then another 1 or 2 nice days, another week of crap. And that's just the way it's been. We've never had a say, what, 2 weeks even? Not even a week of good weather. Oh, no. Can't sound anything. Gosh. Gosh. Can't wait.
[00:02:05] Unknown:
It does make you miserable, doesn't it? I mean It does. I think it was one day last week. I had a day off, and my other half said, what are you gonna do tomorrow? Yeah. I said, ugh. Probably nothing because it's gonna be grey and miserable. And, you know, woke up grey and miserable, and I actually cried. It's not like me. I think I just get so fed up. I just want some sunshine.
[00:02:24] Unknown:
Yeah. You do. And it's summertime you want it. You know, it makes you feel better. And that time of year, I know we're back into September. Now winter's looming.
[00:02:32] Unknown:
Well, this is it. I would say I always say I'm waiting for summer, and while we're waiting, it's happened, but I think we had our summer probably in spring. See, the seasons are all back to front. That's it. Yeah. Probably climate change,
[00:02:47] Unknown:
Well, that's it. Yeah. Yeah. Global boiling. You know, we're we're freezing our butts off here, but there you go. Yeah. Nothing to do with all the stuff they're spraying in the sky. Nothing to do with that at all. You know? So what we're so you just have to kinda get through it, Shelley, and it's, it is what it is. You know? It is what it is. I love that saying because you can't do anything about it. No. Can't. And, we we keep we keep plugging on. You know? Yeah.
[00:03:18] Unknown:
It's quite I don't know. All the stuff that's going on, and I I do feel a bit withdrawn with it all, to be honest with you.
[00:03:24] Unknown:
Yeah. I thought we'd we'd we'd talk about this or something. It's just, where things are at the moment. You know? I mean, yeah. I mean, there's a lot of positive things happening.
[00:03:34] Unknown:
Is there? Come on. Share some positive stuff with me then.
[00:03:38] Unknown:
Because I mean, I mean, there are people kinda waking up this stuff. I I'm I'm noticing a lot more now. People are more open to talking about things, but they're not they're not really willing to really look into things too much, though. They they just wanna hear your opinion. They might agree with you on certain things, but they're, I I at least it's a start, Chey. You know? I mean, 7, 8 years ago, I mean, I thought we have no hope here because I mean, nobody who is in at least in the slightest bit interested in what I have to say. You know?
And, so and I think the the the the scam then it was was the big one. I think that woke a hell of a lot of people up. And I know people who did have taken the job now regretted it, and never will go near it again. Any kind of job, not just any, you know, sort of COVID job, whatever the hell that is. But you know what I mean? Any of them. Yeah. Yeah. People are not trusting in, you know, trust in doctors now have gone down a bit. People aren't really believing in media anymore. You know, we have this all this, this massive engagement going on now across our countries.
The media aligned to us over that one and people are seeing through that. I mean, that's that's what everyone's talking about over here now is is that big you know, just this, like, invasion, which what which is what it is. And, people are just fed up with this, and the lie is being fed to us by media and government and the whole lot. So that's that's good. You know? That's, it's positive. But I just also think that there's an awful lot of bad actors who've moved in to try and maneuver these people into down over rabbit holes and take them away from the real cause of all of this and who's behind murder and, what you can actually do about it yourself. You know?
They're just saying, oh, get out there and protest maybe or, you know, stand outside migrant centers as if that's really gonna do anything. Yeah. It's not gonna do anything. No. And all it's gonna do is bring attention on you and, you know, any other cops kind of probably following you around and god knows what. You know? It's it's a bit of a it's a bit of a honey trap, I think. So, I think we just have to, look at where we are at this moment, and we we, you know, we are really being seriously psyched at the moment. There's so much information coming out now, you know, all through social media and everything. It's it's hard to keep kinda keep up with with what's going on.
And it's hard to believe it's hard to know whether stuff is true or or false. And then, you know, you can't look into all of it because you just don't have time to do that. And then you kind of you you see people that you know who, you know, who are on the same size as us or awake to what's going on. And then I've seen this a lot, particularly on the social media. People falling out with each other over stupid stuff. You know? And, I I mean, really falling out. They won't talk with each other anymore and stuff. And, you know, this is, and this is exactly where the so called controllers want us to be on each other's throats.
And, then they can sit back and and watch all this play out. You know? Yeah.
[00:07:15] Unknown:
[00:07:17] Unknown:
I think we just have to take matters into our own hands. I mean, we, me and you, we we can't save the world. Okay? We can we can we can talk to people and give them what information, you know, and then it's up to them after that where to go with it. But what we can do is we can kinda change our own world, and we can kind of realize that the world we're living in is pretty much an illusion. We've been lied to about pretty much everything. I think you you're beginning to figure all that out now as well. Yep. And, I mean, everything. You know? History, science, you name it. You know? All all the stuff that we thought was true.
A lot of it now, you know, is probably fake. I mean, we don't we don't know for sure, but I can't believe any of these people anymore. I just can't. The trust I trust whatever little there was, it's now gone. So I just have to go with my gut feeling of what I think is going on. And you go your gut feeling and all, you know, all the old people out there listening. And, do what you need to do to get through this because I think now it's a matter of survival. And because they're coming out as hard and fast and all sorts of psyops and different things, like, you know, the usual stuff that we're hearing about.
It's just constant constant drama. And I just I've actually taken a step back from it. I'm just taking taking a step away from it now because it was just doing my head in. And I was right. I need a break from all of this. And I found out once I had a break, you know, your mind clears. You can think straight again. And you can make good decisions and you're not worrying about stuff. You're not stressing out about stuff anymore, you know. That's a good place to be because then you you can take control of whatever does happen that is real. You can deal with it a lot better, I think. You know?
So that's my take on it. That's your take?
[00:09:20] Unknown:
Yeah. Doom and gloom. I mean, I must admit, I don't I don't really let it get to me. I don't look into a lot of stuff. You know, people are always sending you stuff. I can't be bothered. But something did spark my interest today, and I thought maybe I should really be doing something that I I think we could do something about. In one of our I don't know if you've got them in Ireland. I'm sure you have, but we've got face group, but, groups all over the UK for, like, different towns, and they're called, like, Camborn ChitChat. What's going on? All the town names. You know? And today, somebody has put a post up in Redroof ChitChat. What's going on? Mhmm. And they've mentioned the ringing in their ears, and they believe it's due to the connection of the 5 g tower that's not long gone up next to them. Mhmm. And I haven't checked since this morning, but it had well over a 100 comments.
This was about, like, 10 o'clock in the morning, and people are actually putting these in their local groups now. I mean, you know, I wouldn't have dare put anything down like that. Just spark like you nutters. But, actually, it was more yes in agreeance. You know, you got the the odd few that are calling people tinfoil hat wearers and stuff like that, but people were generally genuinely concerned. And we've got one of these 5 g towers that has been put up probably about quarter of a mile from my house. Mhmm. And I think people well, when it goes live, it's not gone live yet, and I think that you've got up to 10 months to put in complaints. And this is what I think, well, perhaps I should be doing something Mhmm. Mhmm. Because it's something I could do. And I think if enough of us got together, we could, you know, hold that. But, obviously, there's no warning signs that go up. We just drove past one day, and it's like this massive tower's been put up right next to a playing field as well. Mhmm. But when you say about 5 g and stuff like that, people are like, oh, don't be ridiculous. Don't be ridiculous. Nothing wrong with it. Yeah.
[00:11:16] Unknown:
Yeah. And then I mean, I know there's a lot of there's a lot of science that's out there and, evidence to show that it is harmful. But thing is we're we're surrounded by BMFs everywhere.
[00:11:29] Unknown:
[00:11:31] Unknown:
You know, Wi Fi. Pretty much everyone's got Wi Fi in their home now. We got these LED lights all over the place now. Everyone's got a phone very much. Now we're we're still here. And I'm not saying it's not doing damage to people. I I think it probably is because it's we can't see it. So we can't you know, obviously, we can't know what what it's doing. But I do think it's it's probably affecting people, in certain ways. And a lot of people are I heard people who are kind of very sensitive to the whole thing as well. But then I'm also thinking the fact that the 5 g tower has gone up.
The fear level has now been raised, and now you're exhibiting symptoms, if you know what I mean. Yeah. And but yet, nothing's kinda happened. Every but everyone's gone, oh, not 5 g time. Oh, right. People who are who are in the know. And, I you know, you have to kinda think about it that way too. I mean, we're living in a world of fear is the main thing. That's fear of this, fear of that, fear of the other. And we have to be careful. I I think if we get if we get too involved in stuff and we get buy into it, we're we're kind of we're we're kind of pushing this agenda more, I think, instead of trying to just not buy into that fear and kinda go, right. Okay. Well, if at least you can yeah. You can talk to people about it, but don't what what can we actually do if the tower goes up, do you think? What what can happen then? You know?
I think when they will they will they put it down again if people complain? I think they would.
[00:13:31] Unknown:
K. Yeah. As long as it's done within 10 months, apparently. This is what I was looking at. I've I have been looking at. But people are saying that, their symptoms have just been constant ear ringing and stuff like that. Mhmm. Headaches and things, and it's just, you know, perhaps they're putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5, but it just all seems too much of a coincidence.
[00:13:57] Unknown:
Yeah. I said we're we're surrounded by it anyway. We are. We are. You know? And I know a a lot of people who have tinnitus and, migraines that which I never had before and, insomnia, stuff like that. So yeah. I mean, it's it it it is having an effect, I'm sure, but I think once we buy into that into the fear of it as well, that makes things worse too, you know. I think we gotta we gotta kind of look at it in a more, what's the word that we're using here? I don't know what you mean. You know what I'm trying? I'm trying to say in a more proactive way kind of way and say, right.
Right. We're not we're not this is bullshit. We don't want this here. It's like if they put up a a big bloody sign or something which nobody wants and just say, alright. Take that down. We don't want that here. And that's it, you know. Do you think you'll get enough people on board to do it?
[00:15:05] Unknown:
Yeah. I mean, it's only you know, it's the last couple of months it's been there, and I've looked into it a little bit. But today, after seeing all that interest on a local page and not abuse, like, you know, in COVID times when you're pointing things out like that, every you know, you're just a conspiracy theorist and stuff like that. But I think people are reading more into things now. And I was quite surprised because one of these towers, I don't know if it's up and live yet, was supposed to go in Madrid. And I looked at the, I looked at the planning application for it and all the complaints of local people just asking the questions. You know? Is this gonna be detrimental to our health and stuff like this? They were concerned, and these were people that, like, one of them was from my ex's sister who's, well well, doesn't like anything like that, but couldn't believe reading her comments. And if people like that are questioning it, I think, well, you know, we're on the ice.
[00:16:00] Unknown:
Well, that's what I'm saying. Like, as I said at the beginning, you know, people are waking up to things now that we could they are questioning things. You just need And I think, actually a whole lot of the right information. That's all they want.
[00:16:12] Unknown:
I mean, the whole You know? Keir Starmer coming to be our, government now. Obviously, 2 tiers Starmer is what he's called in the UK.
[00:16:23] Unknown:
[00:16:24] Unknown:
But just by him coming in and overturning things that he'd said he'd never do straight away. They're like, wow. He's got his feet in the door. You know, 6 months ago, you hear him saying, I'd never take away the old age pension fuel fund and stuff. And as soon as he's entered government, that's gone.
[00:16:43] Unknown:
Oh, yeah? Yeah. Well, I think, again, this is probably, okay. It's it's not it's not it's not good, you know, in the near term for people. It's not good, you know, having a pension statement way enough. But people are now beginning to realize that all these all these politicians, doesn't matter what side they're on, they're all liars. Every one of them. Every single one of them.
[00:17:08] Unknown:
Because I guarantee Do you think they go in with good intentions?
[00:17:12] Unknown:
I think maybe some of them do go in with good intentions. Yeah. Thinking that they wanna help out their constituents and stuff like that and do the right thing, you know. But once they're in there, that's it. It everything changes, you know. And you've gotta go with, you've gotta go along with the flow. And if you don't, they get home. They'll well, you get kicked out or they'll they'll find some story, a smear story on on you or something like that, you know. Oh, yeah. You know, the party whip. There was I saw something that I think, it was UK column put up about a a party whip and a Tory party back in the seventies under Edward Heath.
And he he said one of his jobs was when the politicians who, you know, they knew, like, they were messing around with children and stuff like that. So the his job was to kind of cover all that up and say, right. We know what you're doing. So now you've now, yeah, this is what you need to do, and and then we'll keep it all hush-hush. You know what I mean? Yeah. So it came to light, and this guy stepped in and says, right. You you know, you've been a naughty boy now. We know what you're doing. We don't want the media getting a hold of that, do we? You're a family hearing about this. No.
So now we need you to do this, this, this, and this. And they do. I like the story of Bill Hicks, the comedian, who was talking about, you know, a presidential election. You know, where the president gets inaugurated and all that. They have the big party and all the rest of it. And then the next day in the White House, you know, a big black limousine comes in the back, the back of the of the house. Anyway, couple of guys, you know, men in black, so to speak, come out, walk in, into the, you know, meet the president's alarm. Mister president, would you come with us, please? And he he, you know, he comes along and, anyway, gets into the back of the car and they drive out to this kind of our industrial area with our warehouses or whatever. And they walk into this place and, it's all dark. And there's a 20 guys in there. It's not smoking cigars or whatever and drinking whiskey. And, We need you to invade Iraq. We need you to do this. We need you to do that. We need you to do that. And he said, oh, I can't be doing that. I can't be doing that.
And then you say, John, will you roll roll the tape there, please? Rolls the tape, and we see Kennedy going through Dallas, and the bullet's going through his head. And then they turn to him. Well, mister president, any questions? Yeah. Crazy. I've not seen that one, actually. Maybe they should look at yeah. Yeah. He's He was amazing. Works. That's that's that's how it works. And, that's how the hell a political system works. You know? You can't go in there with ideas of your own. You know, we've got a hotline to the media, and we can tell them everything that we we want about you. And you'll be a disgrace, and, yeah, they can just destroy someone's life. You know? So yeah. And, you know, again, as far as I'm concerned, the political game now is over.
I've I've deregistered from voting now because it's just it's pointless because there's nobody out there. And anybody who does try to kinda get in, it's just, they never get very far. You know, you get 1 or 2 in here and there, but not there's never any difference made. The it's it's just it's a monopoly between big parties, And you see this in every country. And, they, you know, they both do the same thing. And, slight differences, but it's the same agenda. And they're answering to a force above them. And, you know, we could talk about who they are as well. I mean, but To say that, we just To say that, we just need to say the elites, those at the top. It's still at the top. Yeah. And there's there's all sorts of elites, I think. But there's, you know, certainly, one's there's a book written by, oh, what's his name now? I've got it. I have it now.
Wrote a book called propaganda. He was, Sigmund Freud's, nephew. I'm not trying to think of his name. This is it's on the tip of my tongue. But he wrote about a thing called the invisible government that, you know, we thought that, you know, the government's there just they're they're just there as the the window dressing. And there's people above them who are controlling them. And that was back in the 30s of that. So nothing has changed, you know. And I think it's always been like this, you see. And that's why we have our reality that we live in. It's just been it's been totally created for us. This is the way we gotta live. This is the science you gotta believe in. This is the history you gotta believe in. This is the media you gotta believe in. These are the politicians you gotta believe in.
And, and, of course, you believe in all of that. Well, you know, you're not gonna be around for very long. You know what I mean? Because they don't care about it. And then, of course, if you you go against that, well, they try and, you know, try and label you as whatever. But as far as I'm concerned, I don't care because they're all liars and deceivers. So I'm out of there. I I just I don't want anything to do with these people anymore. I'm done with them. I just do what I need to do to get through this and survive it. And I hope you will. I'll bring a lot of people on. Yeah. I'll bring people on the way, you know. And there are people who will listen and who who, you know. But again, it's not my fault if people don't get what I'm saying. I just have to let them on. Everyone's in their own little bubble. Everyone's in their own little reality sphere. You know? And they have to figure things out for themselves.
We can all we can do is help them along. But if they don't wanna hear it, well, there's not much else we can do. Is there Shelley? I mean, you you tried this as well. I'm sure. And there's people Yeah. Yeah. Interestingly,
[00:24:13] Unknown:
like, I've had a lot to do with the well, not a lot, but I've helped support them and stuff. The farmers, Cornwall what are they called? Cornwall's farmers movement, basically. And, like, I've given out flyers and stuff like that. And I gave one to my local butcher the other day, and I just we were having a conversation about food and where it's coming from and, you know, saying about what will happen in 20 years and stuff. And he said, I'm not worried about that. I won't be here then. And it's like, that's the attitude, you know, but then he's got no children. He's got no worries of what's gonna happen in their time.
[00:24:52] Unknown:
Yeah. And I think he is when he dies, I I I I think reincarnation is real. I think he's gonna come back and have to go through it again.
[00:25:04] Unknown:
Oh, god. I I don't have to.
[00:25:07] Unknown:
No. I think if you go on the right track, then you're waking up. You're you're you're breaking, you know, you're breaking through this matrix. You know?
[00:25:15] Unknown:
Yeah. I do believe in reincarnation. And I kind of think, you know, if you don't get it this time, what you're meant to learn because supposedly as well, you know, we choose our families we go into. Yeah. Sounds a bit mad. I know. But but for whatever learning experiences we need.
[00:25:34] Unknown:
Yeah. We're here for a reason. And the reason I think is to learn and and grow. Sometimes most of the time, people don't. So they have to come back again. And I've had some pretty, amazing deja vu experiences. It's it's been a long time since I had one, but I had one very strange one. It was back in the nineties. I early nineties, actually. I went to Hungary on a holiday. It was just after the iron curtain came down, you know, and we're trying to get tourism into Eastern Europe. Really cheap holidays. Right? So that's that's why I went. I needed to get out. I needed to get away, and and and I went. And, I was in this small town beside this big lake, and there was a big old palace, in the in the town, which was built back in the days of the Austro Hungarian empire, I think, or the Habsburgs or something like that.
And, there was another guy in there. You just went in. You could do a tour of it. And I walked in, and I knew this place inside out.
[00:26:39] Unknown:
[00:26:40] Unknown:
Yeah. I knew every nook and cranny in the place. Wow. On the inside out. The guy just looked at me like, what? How did you know this? I don't know. I I I've been here before. I have to how do I know this? I knew he was going up. I knew he went up this staircase. I know it's up there.
[00:27:00] Unknown:
Yeah. I don't doubt it. Yeah. You know, I get quite a lot of, psychic episodes and I have done over the years and stuff. And just a couple of nights ago, I dreamt about my Nan and she was sat next to me in a pew in the in a church, but it was a younger version of her. And I was just looking at her and, like, trying to realize how she looks so different and what have you. And then I woke up, and quite often I've seen Spirit, and it's always before I wake up or just before I go to sleep. Mhmm. So, you know, and one lady in particular, I haven't seen her for a long time, but I used to work with her.
And I had the actual realization in the dream, and I was like, how can I be talking to you? You're dead. Yeah. And she gave me a massive hug, and I was crying and it but it was just so real. And then I used to regularly but in my dream, it it would never occur to me that she was dead, so to speak. It was just like normal times, but they were real. I know people think I'm a bit mad anyway, but, yeah, I've got a great belief in all that sort of stuff.
[00:28:09] Unknown:
And for 4 or 5 days afterwards, I had a dream where I was obviously in a house. I don't know what house, but I was just in a house, walked into a room, and he was in bed, and he was just reading the paper. And I came in and said, oh, what are you doing here? I thought you were dead. He's I mean, I'm here. I'm here now. So then we just we sat down talking, and and I can't remember what we were talking about. But I remember we were just laughing our heads off. And then the next minute, I wake up because because my cat was jumping on me. And that's what she was trying to do. She was trying to catch a butterfly which was flying over my head.
[00:28:41] Unknown:
[00:28:44] Unknown:
Oh. There you go. I love that. So yeah. We do. We tap into that world. You know? And, I don't think the people who've gone, you know, they've left us. I think they're still here. And maybe just guiding us along our way. And, yeah, listen. We're gonna mess up. We're not we're not gonna make mistakes. We've done that. That's what life is about, making mistakes and learning from them. You know? And, and I'll be ashamed to have made them. Yeah. You might look back. God, I was a fucking idiot back then, you know. Jeez. But then you you won't be doing that again, you know. And if you do yeah. If you do, whatever, you'd be an idiot, you know.
But so that's why, you know, we're we're here for a reason. And, where where we go then, you know, we we probably go to where we should be. You know? Probably, you know, people call that maybe heaven or something like that. Should we yeah. But somewhere certainly better than this. I think that this, realm that we're on, that we're in now is just just, we're here. It's a kind of it's a it's an illusion in many ways. It's a it's a it's, it's it's it's not real, if you know what I mean. It's it's been created for us, and it's like how we deal with that. And then realize that this is bullshit, and I'm getting out of here. Yeah. Did you ever see that from the Truman Show?
[00:30:18] Unknown:
[00:30:19] Unknown:
Yeah. That's just that that's it all in right there, you know, where he he's born into this TV reality show. He doesn't know it, grows up into it. And then when he's older, like, and he's he's married and and he notices things aren't quite right, and the kind of, you know, story continues. And he eventually realizes he's got to get he's got to get out of there. And he does everything to try and get out, fails a few times, but then eventually he does. And he does. He walks out of that TV reality show, and I think that's us. We we're gonna have to we're gonna have to walk out of this because I think we're all on a TV reality show.
[00:30:59] Unknown:
[00:31:00] Unknown:
You know? Our our own one, if you know what I mean. Not that people around us are actors, though there's a lot of them I bet. But, I think it's just that we're, you know, we we buy into whatever we've been told. You know? We believe everything we've been told. We we we you know, a lot of people don't look into stuff and figure things out for themselves. They believe something they hear from somebody else, who heard it from somebody else, who heard it from somebody else. And,
[00:31:32] Unknown:
it just goes on and on and on. It does. Well, we have just been lied to about everything, haven't we? I mean, I've been looking into the whole, like, food system and stuff and raw milk and all the things that we've been told that we shouldn't eat. And, actually, they're all the things that we should be eating.
[00:31:48] Unknown:
[00:31:50] Unknown:
Yep. And why is that? Why is that? Because they want us to get poorly. They want us to die. Yeah.
[00:31:59] Unknown:
I just don't Yeah. Because if we're if we're not healthy, we're easy to control. You know? Yeah. So An an interesting thing I I think they just see this as a kind of as as a farm, they see us as farm farm animals in many ways, you know. Yeah. Yeah. And experimenting with us and doing whatever, you know, with all sorts of drugs and god knows what. Vaccines is a big one, of course. You know? I mean, when when you look at that old agenda and and where is the science behind that? There's nothing. There's nothing. There's no evidence anywhere that vaccines have cured anything anywhere.
[00:32:42] Unknown:
No. Any of them. No. I know. When I went down that rabbit hole and, you know, I really went into it when my son was born, and, I went to see a doctor who gave a talk. And, you know, when she showed you all the charts and everything, like the measles vaccination, I mean, that came in just as measles was dying out, but then that's portrayed that we've killed the virus and, you know, it's all down to this wonderful vaccine.
[00:33:08] Unknown:
Yeah. No. They're very good at polio. I mean, you know, but,
[00:33:15] Unknown:
polio, isn't it? Oh, yeah. And they've given out polio jabs in, Israel, was it? I heard on the news a couple of days ago.
[00:33:25] Unknown:
Yeah. And the thing is when, like, when you look at polio, is it, oh, it was a big problem. The reason why it was a big problem because back then, back in the fifties, forties fifties, they were spraying a lot of, crops and everything with DDT. People were breathing it in and getting sick. And blame they blamed, of course, on the virus. And they said, okay. Let's bring in a vaccine to to to, combat that. But what they also did was to stop the news, DDT that was causing us. So they stopped using DDT. So as soon as that that whole thing ended, the DDT thing ended, people are obviously getting better. And they said, oh, look. It was the vaccine that did it. So Well,
[00:34:14] Unknown:
this is where it comes down to, isn't it? The whole pharmaceutical, big, big money, keeping people poorly. What I did find interesting was, a friend of mine who's having a vasectomy. They do it at the doctors now, but he'd managed to get an appointment to speak to a doctor within a week. And then after speaking to that doctor, his operation is scheduled for a week after. Now, I know it's only like a slight procedure and they do it at the doctor's surgery. But even to get a doctor's appointment, you've got to wait months. So it just kind of got me thinking, they really don't want, if they can stop you producing anymore, they're really on side with it, you know? And then there's the other side of it. If I wanted a baby and I had to go to get help, it would cost me 1,000 of money and it could take years.
[00:35:11] Unknown:
[00:35:12] Unknown:
So I just found it interesting that you could get this appointment and the operation all done at your GPs within a couple of weeks.
[00:35:20] Unknown:
Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, well, and and a big thing, you know, the the reason why they go for health is, you know, because, again, health is important. And if they need they need to control that. You know? So they and they need to control the narrative too where you're gonna if you eat your 5 a day and all that, you'd be you'd be fine. But they they always say, well, isn't it great that we have all these medications now and the scientists, what they've done throughout the years and isn't the the the mortality rates now have gone up higher. Now people are dying or living a lot longer. And, actually, when you when you actually look into that, the reason for example, your grandmother lived to that great old age that she got to in 99.
I think it was probably back in her day. It was very little medications. Everyone lived. They just had very good food. The water was clean. The air was fresh. And, people were looked out for each other, and people were kind of generally happier. And I see that with a lot of older people who were who grew up in that time. That's why they're living long lives. But I guarantee you, a lot of people, younger folks have been born now and say in the seventies eighties. Will they reach 50 or 60 years old? They might be lucky to, you know. Oh, I hope so, Bryce. I've got Well, I hope you I know. But if if you look and said, if, you know, if you look after yourselves and and do the right thing, you know, you should be alright. But a lot of kids are are, like you said, stuck in front of computers and eating junk food all the time and not getting out and exercising even.
[00:37:23] Unknown:
I can hear the police cars going past now. Yeah.
[00:37:28] Unknown:
Oh, wow. Hello.
[00:37:33] Unknown:
Sorry. It was like it's all happening out here. I don't know what's happening. Probably come to knock on my door. No. Yeah. No. It is crazy because there you know, you go to a supermarket and there's probably only 2 shelves, 2 aisles, what I would say, that actually contain food. The rest is just processed junk. Yeah. And it infuriates me seeing all these youngsters going around drinking those bloody monster energy drinks Mhmm. Mhmm. And just stuffing themselves with sweets. And, you know, we had sweets and everything as kids. Course we did. But we had homemade food and stuff, and we didn't have the selection like we've got now.
[00:38:12] Unknown:
No. Yeah.
[00:38:14] Unknown:
There's, like, something bad in everything.
[00:38:18] Unknown:
Well, there is. And, so that's sugar is my main thing, you know, which again is addictive. You know, those energy drinks, I agree, they're they're lethal. I don't know how people can drink those things, you know. Now, you know, I I see it sometimes when I go to the pub, I see people drink this vodka and Red Bull, and and they're knocking them back. That goes like
[00:38:41] Unknown:
I can't walk. They must be going partying all night then because I'm sure that would be just cheeky awake all night.
[00:38:46] Unknown:
Yeah. That was damage is not doing something. You know? I mean, I know. Listen. I know I know we we do we'll be partying sometimes, and we yeah. People drink and smoke and whatever. But I think if I I I just see people kind of going too far with it now, you know. And I say there's a kind of a cocktail rage again. Everyone's drinking cocktails, and it's just a whole big glass of everything. Throw it all in there, sweeten it up a bit, and it's great. And I it sadly, it's a lot of women are drinking this, Shelley. Have you noticed that? I I've noticed that. Men men are still sticking behind, you know, the pints and whatever.
Yeah. Lots of women do I see a lot of women are are into kind of, you know, all these crazy drinks and and and I get Legos as well. And, you know, bad things can happen there.
[00:39:44] Unknown:
I don't see the fun in that, personally. I like, you know, when I go out the ordinary, I like to have a few and get a little bit merry maybe, but that's as far as it goes.
[00:39:52] Unknown:
Wrong. But, yeah, I guess, you know, so I suppose it's the world we live in. And, I said, I can't do anything about that. You can't do anything about it. It's down to the parents, these kids to tell them. You know? And whatever happens will happen. And it's sad. You know? I mean, we we we try to warn we try to warn people about the jobs. I know I I warned at least 30 people. They all took them, Shelly. They all took them. And I know 6 now who are dead because of it. So for now and now, they'll come back to me and say, oh, you're right. You know? They'll be
[00:40:44] Unknown:
Yep. My Facebook status is something like, boy, did I call it or walk the journey down the road.
[00:40:51] Unknown:
Exactly. Yeah. So but as I said, we can we can't control that because people are living in their own little realities and but they they're living according to what they think is right. And and they're loving it, and they're having a great time. I said, well, off you go then. Off you go. Yeah. There's nothing I can do about it. It'd be great if they did, kind of, at least, you know, at least listen, but most of them don't. And, well, that's it's not my problem anymore. I think once you've at least made your point and say, well, you know, you can have a look at this website here or have a look at that or, you know, make up your own mind, do your own research.
And if they don't do that, they don't follow-up on that, what can I do? And I said, I told all those people, like, you know, I sent them different links of websites and videos and whatever to watch. A lot of them I asked, I said, do you watch anything? No. Well, okay. Not gonna beat my head against the wall, like, you know. I've seen that in a lot of, like, with this truthers as well. And they're biting against the wall. Oh, we gotta wake these people up. We gotta wake them up. No. You can't. It's just you're wasting your time. You're wasting your energy. Look after yourself first. That's what you gotta do now. And people wanna know people wanna if they're ready for this information, they will come to us.
Yeah. Because something will you know, we probably would have planted a seed there, and, they'll come back and say, what was what was that you were telling me? You know? And yeah. Do you? Yeah. I know quite a few people again in town here. Well well, not quite a few. I know about 5 people. Again, thought I was nuts, you know, 6 or 7 years ago on different things. Now coming back to me, he says, you know, I think you were right on a lot of things, because they've been looking into things themselves now.
[00:42:57] Unknown:
Yeah. I have seen a few people as well.
[00:43:00] Unknown:
My own journey, I woke up by myself. I did get people, you know, constantly hounding me. Says, you're gonna look you're gonna wake up. You gonna look at Alex Jones. You're gonna look at David. You're gonna no. I I I found these people myself.
[00:43:15] Unknown:
How did you wake up then, Bryza? What was, like, your turning point?
[00:43:22] Unknown:
I think it was, it was after my wife, a year after my wife died. And, again, I'll talk about another spiritual experience where she came back to me now. I didn't see her, but I heard her speaking to me. And basically, she said that she's okay. Where she was, all is good. She says, you're gonna go on a journey now. You're gonna meet interesting people, and you're gonna learn a lot. And, so just keep going down that road. And then the third thing she says, don't be afraid of anything at all. Anything. Then she was gone. I just sat there for about an hour wondering what the what the hell just happened there. You know?
And, it kind of all hit home. And after that, that's when I started looking into everything. Right. And I I just started figuring stuff out and looking at all sorts of different things. And I just had a complete unlearning experience from what we've been told before. You know? I I I had to unlearn everything. And it was great. It was like a cleansing. It was like a spiritual cleansing, and I felt, you know, you you know, you feel like you've got a weight in your shoulders. That's all gone now. You can you can look at things. Yeah, I mean, it's challenging because a lot of it's hard to take.
You know, the truth hurts. And, but, you know, you you kinda stick with it because, you know, this you're on you're on to something here. And as I said, you begin to realize that everything you've been told pretty much is a lie, and you can't live a lie. I can't live a lie. You can't none of us can live a lie. So we that's why we keep doing what we're doing. I don't I don't know very I don't I don't know how many people now who've woken up and have gone back into the matrix. I'd I'd I don't know of any, actually. Do you?
[00:45:21] Unknown:
No. Once you know, you can't unknow, can you?
[00:45:24] Unknown:
Yeah. So that's it. You know? And then everybody has their own story as to when they wake up. I mean,
[00:45:35] Unknown:
I think it was you. You was it through the vaccine stuff that you woke up? Was it? Or Yeah. I think more or less that sort of stuff. But prior to that, I was watching quite I've always been very spiritual anyway and known to me that there's more outside of this realm, so to speak. But for information on this side, yeah, looking into the whole vaccine thing, you know, it never bothered me before when my altitude were jabbed because you just believe what the doctor says. Take them down. Jab them up. Thank you very much. Yeah. But it was yeah. The vaccine's probably and probably to do with what dad was doing as well because he was involved in, like, the local troop action groups and stuff, and, it was exciting, yeah, finding out all these things.
[00:46:23] Unknown:
Well, that's it. I mean, you know what he's been through. You know? God do I. Yeah. From Plato. And, good. I know he he got through that well. You know? And he said, come out the other side now. I know he's had a few health issues and all that, but, you know, he's he's keeping a you know, he he's got a good attitude about everything. You know? And he he knows what's going on. And, so yeah. You know? And you're kinda doing the same thing, but you're, you know, you're you're maybe approaching from a different angle and doing your your way. But as I said, we we all have our own way of how we're gonna deal with this. And, I you know, if I see people out there doing some good stuff, I mean, I might not agree with everything we say, but if they're doing good things, off you go.
Who who am I to tell them they're wrong? You know? Yeah. Yeah. And I yeah. People say, oh, some of these people are shills and some of them are gonna list that. Maybe that's true. But, again, when I look at some of these people, I don't know them personally. So how can I tell them shills? Okay. They might they might say things they'll disagree with, but that doesn't mean too much, really. It's just, you will you just disagree. But you can't just come out and call people a shill, and you don't know them. You have to you have to know somebody first. And, I mean, I've known a couple of people who who were in the old media, and I've met them. I I can tell that, yeah, these people are untrustworthy.
So you just and what all you do then is just move away. You don't have to just, go on radio shows and talk about them as if, oh, you gotta be careful of these people. They're gonna oh, they're gonna you know, you just people, again, have to figure this out for themselves. You know? Like I did. We are like I you know, a lot of us have all have done that. You know? We we meet people, get to know them, blah blah blah. And then all of a sudden, we we find out they're a runner. You know? And then we just move on. But I think a lot of people are just getting caught up and arguing with someone. And then, you know, particularly if they're, an influencer on the Internet, you know, on one alert, it should, or whatever.
And they got a lot of followers. And then you go and might say something against this particular personality, and you'll get attacked. I mean, absolutely, relentlessly attacked by their supporters. And it's kind of like, it's like, again, an a cult kind of situation developing as well. I've seen that a lot in the in the kind of so called truth movement. I don't know if you've noticed that.
[00:49:16] Unknown:
Oh, definitely. Yeah. We've certain truthers in this country. I've only today actually seen a post somebody slating somebody else and, oh, massive threat. But, yeah, it seems to be constant. Who do you believe? Like, so much disinformation, isn't there? Are they a shill And, I mean, the ones that I was really stuck with actually was Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson because I liked both of those. Mhmm. But nowadays, after everything that has happened, I'm not sure about him at all. No? Not at all. But then he see looks like he's done some good stuff as well.
[00:49:52] Unknown:
Again, I'm not an older guy. Never met him. But I just see who he aligns himself with and, like, oh, well, there are there are people I wouldn't align myself with, you know. Yeah. Simple as well. So I said, well, if you go, Tommy. Yeah. Yeah. He's bringing you know, he's he's out there like another pied piper. But, again, in time, people will probably figure him out and say, right, Tommy, we're we're we're getting out of here too. So a lot of people have. A lot of people, when when he came on the scene, thinking, oh, this guy's great, you know. That's how he made a name for himself. That's why he is what he is now because he got popular. He was pushed out there.
And, but an awful lot of people have figured him out, you know, and pro Israel, pro Zionist, pro, you know, very pro Jewish and all that. And, again, he won't you know, that and this is all he focuses on. He doesn't focus on anything else. You know? I'd like to ask Tommy's opinion on the jobs, wouldn't you? Yeah. Never heard about that. No. No. No.
[00:51:06] Unknown:
And I find you've got to be more on x or Twitter to see what's politically going on.
[00:51:13] Unknown:
[00:51:15] Unknown:
Facebook doesn't show me a lot of stuff at all anymore, to be frank.
[00:51:18] Unknown:
No. Doesn't. No. I I'm on Twitter.
[00:51:22] Unknown:
Yeah. But I You've had a recent haven't you?
[00:51:25] Unknown:
Yeah. But I was right back on.
[00:51:30] Unknown:
What did you do?
[00:51:32] Unknown:
I said well, I well, I I What did you post that was so bad? Well, I can't actually remember, but it was something that was deemed kind of, against their standards and stuff. So I just replied to them. They said, you know, you can appeal here, and I just asked what is required. They reinstated my account straight away, but within half an hour. Wow. Well, I won't go into a lot of that. What is required is a that's another.
[00:52:03] Unknown:
Is that a I mean, I know dad goes on about it a lot as well. Is that a common law thing then?
[00:52:10] Unknown:
A common law thing. It's just asking, like, what do it's it's people, everything's by consent. Okay. Everything that's legal is by consent. Okay. Well, actually, everything is. But nobody can tell you what to do against your will. Okay. Government, nobody. Cops, they can't tell you they can't tell you what to do against your will. You have the right to reserve your own permission, as in say yes or no. So when they said, well, we're gonna ban you for you violating our standards and everything, I said, what is required? What they required from me was my permission for them to ban me.
But I didn't give so that's why they didn't ban me. Because I asked them, like, do you have permission to ban me? And they obviously didn't they didn't say no. And they just went right straight away. Oh, and a big apology as well. Sincerely apologize for doing this. Wow. Like, I was smacked by that. I was like, wow. So I'm sure you can do it on other social media as well. Just ask that simple question. But it's, it's, you know, I I need to talk more about that one again, maybe on another show. It's it's, it's not for everyone though, Shelley. You know? A lot of people just kinda think that's
[00:53:40] Unknown:
crazy. Wonder what you're talking about, you know. I do think it's a little bit crazy. I have had this conversation with dad. I I do understand the principle of it Yeah. Basically, but I think if I was to say that in a you know, you can say it in your own power, in your own truth, but I just think police officers and stuff, they're just gonna laugh at you. They're not gonna get it. Surprised. You'll be surprised.
[00:54:04] Unknown:
You know? Well, I'm not gonna go out on Saturday. In a courtroom or anything like that. You know? It's something you can do. You know? Again, you have to get your head around it, and understand what's being what this all means. And once you get it, then you go bing. The light bulb comes on. And I know it's difficult to explain to other people because a lot of people did, you know, say this. They they they don't get it. The guy who explained this to me, it took me about an hour before I got my head around it. Right. Right? Took me an hour to kinda figure it out. But he let me figure it out. I figured it out.
And I said, oh, I see where you're coming from. And, he says, right. You got it. And that's why I'm gonna you know, that's how I deal with everything now. And just simple non consent, you know, no contract, return to sender, that type of thing, you know, and throw in a few little little lines like that. All rights reserved, all permissions reserved, that type of thing. And you'll be surprised, Shelley, because what you're doing is you're just basically telling them to f off politely. And I guarantee their legal team their legal team will get it. They'll understand it. Right.
[00:55:25] Unknown:
Yeah. We'll have to do a more in-depth show about this.
[00:55:29] Unknown:
Yeah. It's,
[00:55:31] Unknown:
But I think it it also takes somebody that's got a lot of guts to talk to on it. You have to have the,
[00:55:38] Unknown:
You have to have balls. Balls. You have to have the balls to do this. Yeah. You have to. A lot of people don't. I've got friends at the moment. I really don't. That's why I don't I don't give a shout about this system anymore. I don't let it bother me. So I I'm quite happy to try this. What the hell?
[00:55:56] Unknown:
It won't be able to lose.
[00:55:59] Unknown:
Yeah. Go for it. You know? Let's see what happens. And then thing that well, it suddenly left me alone. So that's my experience, and, your dad has a similar experience as well.
[00:56:16] Unknown:
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. It does take people. I've got a few friends that don't pay their council tax, and the bailiffs now, after, like, 4 years, they've now taken a different approach. They've now turned up with solicitors at the door saying that they're gonna, make them bankrupt. This is a whole new ball game over here.
[00:56:37] Unknown:
They're just trying to bring you back into the monopoly game.
[00:56:40] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, that's what it is like, monopoly, isn't it? What is
[00:56:44] Unknown:
required? You you need my permission to for me to play the monopoly game. I don't give you. So I'm staying out. Thank you.
[00:56:56] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, credit to you for that. It does take a but, ultimately, as well, without sounding rude, you've not got children living with you and stuff like that, have you? I can't know, but I have a
[00:57:08] Unknown:
a a late friend here and dogs and stuff. So there's a lot of, it it would you know, I have to have to look after that. And, you know, they're here. I've done I gotta kind of make sure they're they're alright. You know what I mean? So it's not Yeah. Definitely. Definitely. So, yeah, when you're on your own, it's it's it is easier. But, but you can still do this as well. And I know it's it's not an easy thing to do, to explain to your spouse what you're trying to do. It's a difficult thing. But from where I'm standing, from where I'm looking at it, I think this is the only way you deal with this because nobody can force you to do anything. And you can you can but you need to be able to tell them that.
Just by asking what is required is they get it. You you know, you might you might think, what the hell does that mean? You know? But I guarantee you, they get it. They get it.
[00:58:09] Unknown:
Well, yeah, we'll have to do another show, and we'll do a deep dive on it, Bryzer. And we'll see if at the end of the hour, if I get it. I kind of have the gist of it, but,
[00:58:20] Unknown:
yeah. Yeah. It takes a yeah. It does. You know? It it takes time. But, and you might even get in an hour show. It might take a you might even think I'm talking complete nonsense, That's alright. You know? At least you listened. That's not something. That's not something. Well, that's something. Yeah.
[00:58:37] Unknown:
Well, sadly, we have come to the end of the hour, Brysa. So Yeah. Thank you for your company, and it's nice to have a catch up, and we will do it again very soon. Okey dokey. Alright, my lovely. Well, you take care of yourself and keep staying strong. Will do. Will do. Alright, Bryce. So you take care, lovely. Bye. Bye.
[00:58:58] Unknown:
Bye bye.
[00:58:59] Unknown:
Oh, I think I cut him off a bit quick then. I always do that, and then I think people think I'm rude. Anyway, I'll be back same time next week, guys. Have an awesome week.
Introduction and Guest Welcome
Summer Reflections and Weather Woes
Current Events and Public Sentiment
Taking Control and Personal Empowerment
Health Concerns and 5G Towers
Political Disillusionment
Spiritual Beliefs and Reincarnation
Diet and Health in Modern Times
Trust Issues and Public Figures
Legal Rights and Non-Consent