Broadcasts live every Wednesday at 7:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:
Chand is a Life Coach, Mentor, Freedom Fighter plus SO MUCH MORE !!
Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Shelley Tasker Show, where we delve into the transformative journey of life coaching and personal growth. This week, I am thrilled to welcome back Chand Shah, a holistic life coach and mentor who has profoundly impacted my life. Chand shares his personal story of overcoming trauma, addiction, and finding his path to spirituality and life coaching. His journey from the brink of despair to becoming a vessel for consciousness and empowerment is truly inspiring.
During our conversation, Chand discusses the importance of human connection, vulnerability, and the power of coaching in helping individuals tap into their inner strength. We explore the significance of spiritual awakening, the role of gratitude, and the impact of belief in oneself. Chand offers insights into creating a life aligned with one's passion and purpose, emphasizing the importance of being detached from outcomes and focusing on service to others.
We also touch on the challenges of staying positive amidst global uncertainties and the importance of personal development in navigating these times. Chand shares practical tips for maintaining a spiritual practice, including setting intentions, visualizing goals, and cultivating gratitude. We discuss the power of creation as a form of intelligence and how it can lead to personal and collective transformation.
Join us as we explore these deep themes and discover how to harness your potential to create a meaningful and fulfilling life. Whether you're seeking inspiration, guidance, or a new perspective, this episode offers valuable insights and encouragement for your journey.
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[00:00:59] Unknown:
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Shelley Tasker Show coming live out of It's good to have your company. Today's date is Wednesday, 9th October, 2024. Happy hump day. I'm also streaming live via rumble. So if you just look at my name, Shelly Tasker, if you'd like to leave any comments, join in the chat, please do so. So I have a great guest lined up this evening. This gentleman has been on the show a couple of years ago. I think it was, but he's been an inspiration to me in my life. And, he's holistic.
He is a coach, a mentor, life coach. There's just so much about him. And, I'm really looking forward, and I know you're gonna get something out of our conversation this evening. So good evening, Shan Shah.
[00:01:49] Unknown:
Good evening, Shelley.
[00:01:51] Unknown:
How are you doing?
[00:01:54] Unknown:
I'm doing very well. Thank you. How are you? I'm bouncing.
[00:02:00] Unknown:
All down to you. So which is good. It's good. Before we get into the whole proper chat and stuff, perhaps it would be good if we can give our listeners a little bit of an insight about how you came to be, a little bit about your story and how you came to be doing what you're doing now.
[00:02:21] Unknown:
Sure. Well, firstly, thank you so much for having me on the show. It's an honor and a privilege. Aw. And, it's, it's just amazing stuff what you're doing with this, radio channel and, all the people that you're serving and everything that you're creating in the universe and the people that you're helping. You know, you're helping so many people. So I just wanted to pass on a bit of gratitude to you first and foremost.
[00:02:46] Unknown:
Oh, bless you. Thank you. Making me blush.
[00:02:52] Unknown:
So, yes. So okay. So where do we start?
[00:02:58] Unknown:
So a little bit about your life. How did you get on this journey of wanting to help people and mentor them?
[00:03:06] Unknown:
Okay. So I I went through a lot of trauma from a young age. I won't go massively sort of, like, into the, sort of nitty gritty and stuff. But, basically, it kind of shaped my life into a life of, drug addiction, gambling, basically using all these destructive mechanisms, these coping mechanisms to, self soothe myself. And obviously, with those mechanisms, you know, come consequences. And I had a spiritual awakening around about 11 years ago, and, it sort of started off slowly. And it started off from a place of being on the brink of suicide, when I wanted to take my life, when my gambling addiction was at its peak.
And then I, basically got into recovery, for gambling addiction and for a couple of other things that I started to work on as well, being cross addicted. And, I started to turn things around, you know, and I started to slowly but surely start awakening, you know, start to awaken to a couple of things. And, the first thing was spirituality. So, as I say, you know, this awakening started off slowly. And then a couple of years couple of years into it, it was just like whoosh. Like, you know, the oven door's open. It's like right. You know? Now I can't unsee this shit.
And so, yeah, things started to really skyrocket from there. I left a job of 7 years that wasn't serving me or serving anyone else. And, I, rolled the dice proverbially, and I, got into life coaching. I, done a diploma in life coaching. I'm also NLP practitioner. And, you know, this is my passion. You know? I wanna serve people, and I want to be a vessel for consciousness to work through me so I can help to empower others. So I can help them find the power within themselves.
[00:05:30] Unknown:
Brilliant stuff. And I ought to tell the listeners quickly as well, how we came across each other's paths. You were my friend on Facebook during the whole lockdown thing and stuff like that. And one day I wrote a post about something and Chan left a really lovely it was probably a couple of paragraphs, but it really empowered me and lifted me. And I was like, I've got to speak to this guy. I've got to speak to him. People don't realize the effects of just a few words, a few compliments, what they can do for people. And, you know, so I hooked up with you last week and I know a few weeks ago. And I said, oh, can you come on and be a guest again? And you had a couple of things to do. You said you were busy for a few weeks anyway. So you messaged me. We set the date, and we had ended up having a life coaching lesson and a really good chat on Friday night that just got me bouncing for the weekend, really.
[00:06:28] Unknown:
Yeah. It's it's awesome, isn't it? It's like this is what it's about. It's human connection. And I think having the space where we can connect with others and we can allow ourselves to be vulnerable and to share our insecurities, to share fears, to share our hopes, to share our dreams, to share what our vision is, and to basically co create with others. And, you know, this is one of the things that coaching presents people and why it's so valuable is it allows this space for people to really tap into their power. And it's not about telling people what to do and all of this stuff. Yeah. There may be a little bit of items and a little bit of, you know, right, you know, let's take one stabilizer off the bike. Now let's take the other one off and boom, you know, you're rocking it on the bike and, you've got that freedom.
But it's, you know, it's coaching is really about helping you find the power within you and find out what makes you tick, what is your passion, what are your goals, where are you headed, you know. And laying everything on the pitch, you know, sharing all of this stuff. Sharing the stuckness. Sharing resistance. Sharing when we're lost sometimes, and just being really authentic. And, and I think there's great power within that when one human being shares with another, and they do it with an open heart as you did. And all of a sudden, you start to see the spiritual defibrillators come out, and all you hear is and magic starts to happen.
[00:08:21] Unknown:
You summed it up in a nutshell. Yeah. It's all started to happen for me. Thank you to you. And what's funny was, I've been for the last few weeks searching because I want to grow this photography business. I've been a professional photography photographer for 23 years, and I got stuck in a rut. And I've got a beautiful studio. And I've been literally scouring Facebook pages, watching marketing videos, listening to marketing podcasts, and everybody's doing courses out there. We can guarantee you, you know, if you spend this amount, we'll help you and bloody blah blah. And of course, I was telling you all of this, so that it's like, right, let's do a session right now. And it was just amazing.
And I think everything happens for a reason because I do think as well, you were a bit low, so to speak, on Friday. You you went your usual bouncing self, and your passion is life coaching. And you can tell because you're good at it. Yeah. And I never knew that you was a business coach as well neither. Never knew. So, yeah, I wasn't expecting that.
[00:09:31] Unknown:
Thank you. Yeah. I think this is what it's about. It's I was I I, a little segue. I put a little post up the other day because I wasn't feeling a 100%. And, yeah, just all of the madness that's going on in the world was, I really felt it. You know? I really feel things a lot. You know? I'm, don't know what you wanna call it. You know, an empath, highly sensitive person perhaps. But I think it's, you know, it's about feeding all these wide array of emotions and and not suppressing this stuff. You know? One thing that recovery has taught me is is not to suppress this stuff and to give it a place to breathe and not to gaslight myself with toxic positivity.
And this is one of the things that I teach, you know, to to my coaches. You know? I I I teach them to allow themselves to just feel, and we can't leapfrog the process, whatever that process is and the journey is for us. Like, we have to one of the things in life coaching is to accept a person's current reality, for them to accept their own reality, And that requires integrity. It requires honesty. It requires being vulnerable. And I think, you know, when we're when we're vulnerable, we give other people the permission to say, hey. Like, you know, it's okay. It's okay to have a down day. It's okay to be a little bit lost and, and all of these things.
But, yeah, I really enjoyed our chat the other day. And, I mean, I think what you're doing with, you know, your photography, venture is absolutely incredible because there's there's a spiritual element to it as well. And I think that spiritual element is to capture, you know, the present moment and the emotions of the present moment and, the joy and, you know, the happiness and just life, you know, bringing you know, literally taking a snapshot of a person or a person's life and bringing that to life and creating those memories. And I think, you know, you're definitely the vessel for that. And I mean, you know, you've been in the photography game for many years, and I think your work is absolutely incredible. I mean, I came across some of your posts a little while back, and I was just absolutely blown away by, you know, the thing that's, that really, you know, sort of stuck out was I found your photography very atmospheric is the word that I'm looking for. Atmospheric and very very bringing things to life and very I had a very authentic look about it. It wasn't any of this fake stuff, you know, and I think you definitely have your, your little, hallmark, your little personal, stamp there, you know, that is, you know, relative to you and stuff that that could, you know, you you you stand out, you know, with the work that you do and stuff. So, I'm very, very excited to see the incredible journey that you've embarked on, and you're gonna you're gonna absolutely ace it.
[00:13:13] Unknown:
I feel that I am. Do you know? It's funny, though. I came downstairs this morning, and there was just a few niggles, though. And it was like, what are you doing? What are you doing? It's like, no. Get on with the next step. Every day, do a little bit of something. And, you know, I think you hit the nail on the head the other day. You've got to follow your passion, but there is that little niggle. You can't do that. Why why should you live your dream? Why isn't that possible? Anything's possible. And you really made me feel like that after our session. And, yeah, you brought the best out of me. You asked the right questions.
You know, when you said, like, what is your passion? And it's like, oh, hang on a minute. What is my passion? You know? And I I love all types of photography, but mainly, I suppose, babies and birth photography. I've thought about for a long time. Birth is massive to me because I had a wonderful birth. I had 3 great births, really. And I had a birth photographer at my birth. And but it just seemed a whole lot of hard work and I didn't think I was capable And I didn't really you really made me hit the nail on the head when, it's like, well, what's stopping you going forward? And actually, it's like, I like my bottle of wine in the evenings, and that's not stopping me producing the work. But I'm thinking, well, I'm not going out at stupid price if, I can't have a drink in the evenings because, obviously, you've gotta be on call 247 those last few weeks.
And but also realizing that by creating this venture, that it will stop that thing that I've wanted to stop doing for a long time. So it's like 2 fold really. Yeah.
[00:15:00] Unknown:
I mean, I think this is the incredible thing about growth. It's, you know, when we tap into growth in a particular area of our life, it is really this pebble in the pond effect where it can really just heighten, you know, other areas of our life. And with this example that you've used, it sort of takes your focus away from, this particular sort of thing and, you know, shifts it into a higher dimension of consciousness, you know. One that, you know, lights you up and one that, you know, really sort of activates your passion and your service to humanity. And I think this is a nice little sort of, you know, segue into, you know, one of the things that I wanted to talk about which is there's a lot of suffering that's happening in the world and being quote unquote awakened or aware to what's happening, with things that are happening right now, things that have been happening, since 2020 and even before that.
And the things that are yet to come that we're currently seeing in this present moment in October 2024 with all this weather, the weaponization of the weather, and all these land grabs, you know, that are happening in the US, and all of these things, and, you know, just stepping up, you know, the next fake pandemic, scandemic, you know, and, financial affairs, you know, and all these wars and, you know, all of these things. It's, it's tough for us. It's tough being aware of what's happening and trying to stay positive and trying to keep level head.
If you're anything like me, yourself, all the viewers that are listening in, you know, this this stuff is heavy. You know? It's heavy, and it's a burden. And, again, if you're anything like me, there's times where I think it would be easier to live in blissful ignorance because no one has prepared us for this shit show that we're in right now and the acceleration of this shit show that's gonna continue. We haven't had any, you know, there's not been any pandemic preparedness, you know, as these clowns, you know, have done with their little simulations and everything. You know, we've been, you know, thrown out of the frying pan into the fire and we have to find our way.
And this is we're at we're at a fork in the road now where we're having to, you know, make tough decisions in our personal lives. And we're having to really sort of, you know, work hard on on our own consciousness and our own personal development. And I think for me, you know, one of one of the realizations that I had in regards to being aware of what's happening to the level of my own perception and my own personal development is I'm left at a choice in respect of what I can energize. Now I can energize all of the darkness or I can energize the limited amount of time that I have in this physical body and to be a vessel for consciousness to work through this, through this physical, this physical body. And, and the bridge to that is my relationship with a higher power. You know? Can I sharpen this relationship with a higher power?
And as we speak, it's 1919, a nice synchronistic number. And, that represents beginnings and endings, and I hope you, the listener, really allow these words to penetrate and to really feel it in your heart space and to allow these words to serve you. So we get to choose what we energize, and I truly believe that everyone has been given a gift assigned to them. When they were born, it was written in the stars, and it's our job to give that gift away. And part of this gift is service. And how we serve others is through creation.
Creation, in my humble opinion, is the highest form of intelligence. It isn't repeating garbage that you learn in the education system. It isn't getting 10,000,000 degrees that don't mean anything. It isn't about learning useless, pointless information that the system has designed for us to be indoctrinated by. How we change this world is tapping into our creative state. What do we wanna see in the world? And what we wanna see in the world, ultimately, is gonna be based on our level of consciousness, our degree of consciousness with our higher power, if you believe in a higher power?
And how do we transmute that in the physical realm? One of these things is to have a spiritual practice. And, some of the things that I do is, I will start my morning with with an intention, and I will visualize how I wanna see my day go and what I wanna create in the world. Then I'll add a feeling to that, and that feeling will be gratitude. So I'll write down 10 things that I'm grateful for. Not a shopping list of 10 things I'm grateful for, proper paragraphs, you know, where I give it some proper thought. And I more importantly, I connect with the feeling of it. So I'm raising my conscious elevated feeling state.
And another element of this, and these are things that I teach in my coaching programs. So I'm very happy, you know, to give this stuff away to you. And I hope you get some stuff from this. And if you wanna pause this, video and take some notes, you know, please feel free to do that if you're listening to this on the replay, of course. Another element of this is belief. And you touched on this before, Shelley, of believing in myself. Because when we generate belief in ourselves, this is a energetic state. You know, it's a state of faith. Because when we believe in ourselves, if we're all fragments of a higher power, we consider this higher power has just dispersed into little fragments and every single human being, animal, plant, anything in nature is all part of this consciousness, then by definition, surely we can tap into that state.
And so this is how we do it. We do it through having a routine where we are aligning ourselves with this energetic sphere of belief, gratitude, visualization, intention, co creation, and we create that energy field. And then a very important thing to do is obviously to take action with it as well, you know, as as you've been doing and you've been keeping yourself accountable with, you know, the TikTok videos and stuff and sort of, you know, you're building that momentum. It's kind of like this energy field is just growing. You know? So I invite you, the listener, to take a moment now and to think about what do you wanna create in your life?
What do you want to create in your life that you are desperate to see in this world? What does this world need? And it's all relative to you because this can be in your personal life. This can be in your personal relationships. You know, if you're a parent, you know, do you wanna have enhanced relationships with your children? Do you wanna have do you wanna, you know, get the sparks out, you know, with your partner again if it's gone a little bit stale? Do you know what I mean? And take things to the next level. Do you want to teach people and lead by example?
Do you wanna do acts of kindness through charity work by helping the homeless or helping less privileged people, people with disabilities, or people that need help but they they don't have that bridge. Do you want to tap into your creativity? What are you into? What lights you up? You know, what is your passion? What are you good at? If there's something that you could do for the rest of your life for free, what would that be? Some something to think about. And how can you serve others? You know, this is a powerful question. If you wanna find your purpose or you wanna connect to your purpose that is greater than you, when I mentor the guys that I mentor, I I I I I share with them, you know, what is your purpose?
You know? What is your purpose? And who can you serve? How can you serve? Who can you serve, and how can you serve? You know, what can what can you bring? What does the world need? So these are all things sort of in alignment with, spiritual principles and things that are gonna raise our consciousness on an individual level, but it's also gonna raise the consciousness of the planet. Because, again, if we think about this pebble in the pond effect, when a single human being raises their consciousness, the energetic field around them is gonna be the beneficiary of that.
[00:27:20] Unknown:
I can totally relate to that. I mean, what was interesting was, like this photography weekend, I had planned the photoshoots, and I didn't have I still haven't got one booked in. Okay. And it's not for a few weeks. And, actually, I've realized if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. It really doesn't matter. There's no shame in trying because, ultimately, that's not what I want to do. That's just a bit of bread and butter money. So I'm not too concerned about that. But because my energy was just bouncing, I got 3 emails in 24 hours just inquiring about photoshoots and things. And they they were inquiring because this was a Christmas photoshoot on location, on a Christmas tree farm with an old truck hired and stuff. And it took a lot of effort to hire the truck, get the models and stuff, and took me, like, 7 hours to learn a program to create a video and stuff. And even if I don't get any bookings for it as such, I've gone through a learning process of and I you know, those skills, they will be used again.
But this was for something that I thought people might like differently, a different kind of Christmas shoot. But all the messages I got were actually requesting, when are you gonna be doing your special offer for your studio Christmas photo shoots, which I thought was interesting because, hang on, this is my Christmas offer, but you guys actually want studio Christmas special offer. So I can do both in the meantime, but there's no no reason to feel like, oh, you failed with that. You failed with that. You tried it. It didn't work. And like I say, ultimately, that's not my plan. That's making a little bit of extra money on the side to enable me to create the bigger vision.
[00:29:16] Unknown:
Absolutely. Yeah. And it's awesome. I love that sort of resilience, and I love that mindset because, you know, this ties in nicely with, with another spiritual principle, which is, you know, be detached from the outcome. And when we're detached from the outcome, we can invite source to come in in that space. And, you know, things like the money will come, you know, as a consequence of doing what you feel passionate about and serving people and things that you're good at. It will come, you know. It's part of, you know, the natural laws of the universe where if you think about it, this is this is not woo woo stuff. You know? Anyone who is left hemisphere brain, I e into numbers, analytics, and all this kind of stuff, I'm speaking to you right now.
And, this is just really about thinking about, you know, what your skill set is, what you're passionate about. I know I'm repeating myself here. How you can serve others. When you do that, you're creating the energetic resonance that is gonna be backed up by God's will for you. Whatever God's will for you is, if you're in alignment with God's will, God is gonna give you the resources. One of those resources is money. Right? Now there's some people that manifest wanna manifest cars and, like, homes and holidays, and that's amazing. Like, absolutely awesome. Like, I don't, you know, knock that, and everyone is different.
I wanna invite you to look at things slightly differently and not you yourself, Shelley. Could be you as well. One one one of the things that I thought about is I think a lot about resources. And I look at money as a resource to serve more people. So I'm taking the attachment away from it when I frame it in that way. And obviously, it's coming from an authentic place because that's what my intention is. Every day when I wake up, it's all about service. How do I serve other people? Whether it's a small thing or a big thing or whatever. And so when so this is something that you can that can be interwoven in your spiritual daily practice, which is you can do some sort of intention or a prayer, whatever way that you wanna frame it, and it can go something like this, which is higher power, please provide me with the resources that I need to serve as many people as I can, to serve better, and tap into my higher self.
Something along those lines. And if you keep repeating this mantra over and over again, it's a little bit like going to the hairdressers. If you keep going to the hairdressers, eventually you're gonna get a haircut. And if you keep repeating this mantra, you're gonna generate that vibrational resonant energy and ask and ye shall receive. Ye shall receive. We must ask and then we get provided for by this higher power. If it's in alignment with God's will, why isn't God gonna help you financially to make your dreams come true or to create what you wanna create in in the world?
So this is what it's about. It's about being in alignment with, you know, what what we wanna see in the world. And once you start to tap into these states of consciousness, we start to fift away from, fighting against the old system because we can either continue to fight against the old system or we can take the bull by the horns and we can start creating in the world this new earth. So these are a couple of, you know, spiritual sort of, you know, spiritual actions. I again, if you're listening to this at home on the replay or live, this is all about action. So think about how this applies in your life.
Take stock, take an inventory, you know, get your journal out, do some meditation, go into solitude, maybe listen to some music, make a nice cuppa, make a nice, you know, herbal tea. I had some lovely lemon balm tea just before I joined this transmission. And, it's very good for the nervous system, and it's very good to get you into that creative state as well because the mind starts to quieten down, and, that's where creation can kick in. But, you know, have a think about the tangible actions that you can put in place. And some of these tangible actions could be by starting off having a spiritual practice. Once you get in the zone of that, you're gonna love it. I promise you. Because you're gonna crave it. You're gonna want more of it.
And you're gonna see some massive changes and, ripple effects in the universe when, when this starts to kick in. I promise you.
[00:35:09] Unknown:
I don't doubt it because literally the last few days, I'm just a different person regarding work. And, you know, seeing it today, like I said to you, birth photography is the ultimate aim. I'm very passionate about birth and what a wonderful job to get paid to photograph that experience to someone. I couldn't be a midwife in a hospital for all the love and all money because I don't believe in so many of our principles. But this is almost made me feel like, do you know, at a later day, maybe I will train to be a doula, and I can coincide the birth photography with the doula stuff.
But that's the ultimate aim of birth photography. But as you said the other night, like, we need our butter bread and butter money. We we worked off that pyramid system going down, and I've started believing and feeling I'm worth more than that. I don't I don't want you as customers. I don't want the £25 customer. You're not for me. No disrespect. But I value myself more. And I'm actually just enjoying the ride because, you know, I work now 3 days a week. I have a granddaughter one day a week. And financially, realistically, I don't go without anything. I have a very good life, and I know that I should be and I'm starting to get feel more comfortable and just always trust. I get a monthly wage, but some of us are a bit we overspend sometimes.
But at the end of the day, our needs are met. You know what I'm saying? But I want the extra money for holidays, and I want I've got a studio out there. There's no point of having that built if I'm not going to use it. That's been the whole purpose for the last 5 years since we've been living here. And if I just hang up my camera now, then what was the point? Because you're scared of a bit of hard work, but actually now the process of reaching that goal, I'm loving it. And it's actually making me think just the marketing side of it and the design element, it's just spurring me on.
[00:37:17] Unknown:
Totally. Yeah. Yeah. And it's I I I think it's incredible how, when you trace back to your own individual journeys and you think about think about every single microaction action or event that led you up to the now moment, to the present moment. And whilst you were speaking, Shelley, thought that I had that I had, you know, that I parked and I'm gonna un park it, is going back to resources. You know, we get presented the resources that we need at any given moment. You mentioned the studio, you know, you mentioned, sort of, you know, the social media channels and stuff. And you mentioned, you know, creating these, you know, potential, you know, clientele, you know, that are looking to work with you, you know, in December. And, you know, all of these things, it's like the resources start to present themselves to us.
And, some of these resources we may have had, you know, already, like, sort of, you know, in the background without us even knowing it. And, you know, we can transform these resources like you're doing with the studio. And, and that becomes a key element of, you know, what you can use and stuff to to to to serve the people that you're gonna serve. So, yeah, you know, this is this is what it's about. This is, I think it's really about pushing ourselves and energizing faith and facing our fears and believing in ourselves. I think there's enough of a stranglehold in respect of fear in the energy field that, you know, we can get, swamped, you know, by fear, by that energetic frequency, fear that is generated within ourselves and the external fear, you know, that that gets pumped by mainstream media and all the controllers and all these psychopaths.
But, you know, when we can tune into faith and we can say, I'm going for this. I'm gonna go for this. I'm gonna throw caution to the wind, and I'm gonna throw pedal to the metal. I don't know if that's the phrase.
[00:39:52] Unknown:
Never heard of that, but hey.
[00:39:56] Unknown:
And I'm really gonna accelerate, and I I'm gonna or good old British phrase. I'm gonna throw the kitchen sink at this. I'm really gonna go for this. And you'll be surprised at how the universe will support you, you know, when you go all in and you don't go in lukewarm. You say, right. Let's have this cold shower, you know, cold therapy, jump into the ice bath. It's like 54321. Nope. There's no thinking this overthinking this stuff is like, boom. Let's do this action. You know? Out of thinking and into action. And, we all have this capability within us. We all have, you know, as I say, you know, gift to give away. So we're in these exciting times where whatever we're working on, whether that is trying to live a purposeful life, whether that's trying to enhance our spiritual practice as we discussed, you know, with having a morning routine.
Or it could be things like doing trauma work, you know, healing your trauma, you know, going back in time and, you know, working on, yeah, working on trauma that you made may have experienced as a child, you know. And there's something really profound and powerful about doing this work, you know, because it's very healing for the soul. And, you know, we go back in time and we have an opportunity to heal this ancestral lineage, you know. Everything every single event that has led us up to this present moment, you know, we can reverse engineer this stuff.
And, we can, you know, do a complete 180 and start to go back in time and start to heal this stuff, you know, start to heal this for our ancestors and, you know, all of this stuff and and gain the power from our ancestors. That's another source of energy that most people maybe perhaps are not aware of, you know. So by doing this trauma work, you know, we're clearing the energy field. We're also relieving that from our body as well. A lot of women tend to suffer from chronic illnesses. And, one of the reasons for this is, you know, dysregulated nervous system and, you know, women are just not designed, you know, to be the breadwinner, you know, to to be the single parent, you know, and, you know, to do this multitude of, like, things, you know, that is just really draining and burning and, you know, can suffer from burnout.
And it's the perfect sort of concoction for physical illness to manifest. And so one of these things is to go back in time and to heal trauma and to work on our nervous systems. And, and we can do this in solitude. You know, if we're constantly on the social media and, you know, we're seeing all of this really, you know, really bad stuff that we see on the social media that's happening in the world. It's draining our energy, our energy supply. And, you know, one of the things, as I say, that we can do is, you know, we can we can work in solitude. We can, you know, maximize our time effectively, and we can say, actually, these next couple of weeks or these next couple of months, you know, I'm gonna have some quiet time to myself, and I'm gonna start doing work on my emotions, work on trauma, do some shadow work. I'm gonna do some work on healing my nervous system.
You know? I'm gonna do all of these things that I've had to park for years upon years upon years because I've had to be because I've been taking care of x, y, and zed. You know? Being a parent, you know, trying to juggle a business, trying to work, trying to pay bills, you know, all of this stuff, you know. So this is another sort of, you know, thing that, that we can do, you know. We can sort of, you know, we can do this kind of work. And, I'll just quickly tie this into another thing, which I don't know if you've noticed this, Shell, but a lot of people are getting into natural medicine.
And, people are really sort of, you know, learning about, you know, healing their body, bodies naturally. And, you know, this is just amazing because it's we are literally starving the beast. We're taking the oxygen supply away from big armor, and, you know, their their little cronies. And, and we're energizing, you know, things that are naturally available to us and things that is the real medicine. Like, this is not alternative medicine. You know? Yeah. This is real medicine. Do you know what I mean? And they've done a psychological number on us, you know, by trying to create this, you know, illusion that, oh, we're in the minutiae, you know, and that's why it's called alternative.
It's no. The garbage that you sell and the poison that you sell is the alternative poison. It's not even medicine. The stuff that you've been pumping for years and you brainwash people with, that's your alternative poison. Ours is the real stuff. And, you know, we can really, you know, do some incredible work on ourselves on personal development with healing our body, and this has, you know, not an effect on healing our spirit. It has an effect on emotions. Everything is all intrinsically linked, you know, it's mind, body, and spirit. And, if you ask me, this is an effective way of using your time, rather than getting swamped, you know, again with, you know, the world affairs and just not having an off button with it and stuff. You know? So there's so many things that we can work on in the personal development sort of field and, you know, tie that into, yeah, just, you know, being awake and sort of, like, you know, own personal journeys.
[00:46:59] Unknown:
Great stuff. Yeah. And I think it's just as simple as, like, realizing what you would like to improve on, isn't it? That first right. I want to fix this. I want to do that. I want to be that. What actions are you gonna take? How much do you want it? And having that belief. And like you say, like, writing your list of gratitude every day, you'll then boost in yourself with what you got.
[00:47:29] Unknown:
Definitely. Definitely. A 100 100%. And that's a very good, point, you know, for for for the listeners because sometimes we can get overwhelmed with this stuff. You know? Personal development can be it it can have a overwhelming sort of effect if, let's say, the individual is going through, you know, a massive awakening, a massive, you know, sort of, you know, what people would term as a midlife crisis, you know, and they're questioning their existence and why why are they here, why they're in the job that they're in, and why do they do what they do, and, you know, and and and all of these things. And, so I love what you've just said there, you know, which is, you know, just for you you can start by just focusing on one thing.
You know? It doesn't have to be this massive earth shattering sort of, you know, shift where, you know, we start changing loads of things at once. Most of the time, it actually doesn't even work like that. You know, it works the opposite. You know, we take small micro actions, and we build the momentum from from there, and we bear the fruits of those micro actions, we start to see growth in a particular area of our life. And then, you know, perhaps we can start to look at other areas. We could start exploring those other things, you know, that we wanna work on. So that's a very good point.
[00:49:07] Unknown:
Thank you. Well, we've got, like, 10 minutes left, Chan. Where would you like to go next?
[00:49:16] Unknown:
Okay. Well, what's happening in the world and this is coming back, you know, to to the present moment and and, you know, some of the stuff that's, that's really accelerating is this is really a battle, of the mind. Because if they wanna connect us all to computers and, you know, they're using the geoengineering, you know, to spray all of this stuff to get it into people's bodies and, you know, you've got the water system, you've got the food supply, it's literally everywhere. This is literally a battle for the mind. And how we win the war of the mind is by having certain spiritual disciplines, by energizing faith, by building communities, by co creation, and by being very aware of what's happening in your mind as well.
Because, you know, some of this stuff is like, you know, it it's it's it's it's nuts, you know, what what they're planning. You know, they wanna plant, you know, thoughts into your head. They're already doing this with people, you know, targeted individuals. And, you know, ultimately, they wanna do this with everyone where they have that level of control over people where they can manipulate your emotions. They've already got the patents for this stuff. They've already been probably even practicing this for years without people knowing it. And I I could really go deep down the rabbit hole.
It's really dark stuff, But we have to prepare ourselves. We have to be absolute troopers, you know, troopers of just building our resilience and our mindset and observing what are my thoughts and what aren't my thoughts. And the thoughts that are really your own thoughts, your higher self thoughts, aren't gonna be centered around all of these things to do with purpose, to do with love, you know, loving one another, you know, compassion, empathy, kindness, service, charity, spirituality, growth, personal development, educating ourselves, trying to be better with our health, and all of these things.
So, yeah, you know, we're we're boxed in. We're in we're in the fight of our lives, but we're not alone, and we're growing in numbers. And we're facing Ivan Drago in Rocky 4. And the odds are stacked against us. You know? And we are that collective consciousness of Rocky Balboa going into the ring and saying, the odds are stacked against me, but I'm gonna give this a go. I'm gonna go for it. And he drowns out, you know, the sound of of, Adrian in the background, you know, where Adrian has an argument with Rocky on the staircase. And she says, you can't win.
And, and and he drowns it out because he believes in himself, and he's got a purpose worth dying for. And we've got a purpose that's worth dying for. You know? We've got a purpose that's worth dying for, and we may not see the fruits of this purpose. It may be the generation after us or the generation after that. Right? But if we really go hammer and tong at working on ourself and trying to raise the collective consciousness, like, we are absolutely gonna win this. Like, you know, it there's no doubt about it. We're gonna win this. So, this is all an illusion anyway.
And once we break free from this illusion and we realize that we are magnificent, powerful beings that we can tap into incredible energy fields and, you know, powerful, you know, sources, you know, we can we can we can do whatever we want in this universe, and that's what they're scared of. You know? This is why they're scrambling. You know? They they they're they're scared. They're scared of us. You know? So, the time is now, our friends, and, keep keep tuning in to the Chevy Tasker Show because this is where it happens. You know? We get great minds that, that come on to Chevy's show and give you different perspectives.
And, I'm just in, you know, a deep state of gratitude, you know, for this space that, you know, you've created. You've done this yourself, Shelley. Right? You've created this. And, you know, we have an opportunity to serve others. And those people that are being served, they're gonna serve other people, and they're gonna serve other people. And this is how this stuff works. This is how we manifest. This is how we go into expansion consciousness.
[00:54:55] Unknown:
Oh, I love it. I love it. Your praise as well. I should have recorded this. I should have recorded well, this is recorded, obviously. I'll, like, set some little bits up just you were amazing, blah blah blah. But, no. I, you know, I'm truly grateful, Chan. It's it's funny how the universe works, isn't it? Because it's like, obviously, we've got our mutual friend, Jo. And I know you chat to Jo now and then as well. I know she's told me before that you've had, like, a 7 hour conversation. She she blew our 2 and a half hour chat out the window, Chan. But when the time's right, like Friday night, like I said to you, I think, oh, I don't I don't know if I'm really feeling like it now. And sometimes just that change of energy. And I think we both helped each other out of it on Friday night.
We got you talking about your passion. And, you know, for a life coach, you would really expect someone to always be fight, fight, fight. I'm good. I'm positive. Blah blah blah. But in reality, you're such an empath. And it's interesting because Jo is as well, and I know that she gets so upset about what's going on in the world. And I don't feel guilty saying that I'm not affected by this. I've managed to step back. I don't spend lots of time. If something, like, really nickels away at me and I'm interested, I'll go down rabbit holes and things. But I know there's all a lot of bad stuff out there, and I'm maybe a little bit selfish thinking, well, well, I wouldn't say selfish, but I'm just not drawn towards that negativity.
It doesn't serve me, and I know if there's something that you think, oh, I won't gonna watch that because it'll upset me. I know quite well how to keep the balance going. And I think it was a lot different in COVID times because we were literally fighting for our freedoms and fighting for our life and, you know, not so much in that position now. But
[00:56:57] Unknown:
well I think I think we're all alchemists, aren't we? You know, we've got an opportunity to, to shift our energy and to and to use things as leverage. Do you know what I mean? And, yeah, I really love that chat that we had because it it lifted both of us, you know. And as you said, the reality is is, you know, we're not always gonna be on a high, you know. We're not always gonna be on cloud 9, you know. So it's definitely about trying to stay grounded when things are not going great and to keep a level head as well, you know, when things are on fire as well and and staying somewhere in the middle. But also enjoying the journey as well, enjoying that we're on this, magnificent, you know, journey together, you know, being awake and aware. And, we're all pieces of this mosaic, you know, we're all this these little pieces, you know, that create this incredible mosaic that shows, you know, what we're about and what we stand for. And, yeah, I've I'm excited about the future. I think there's there's some really good stuff in the pipeline for both of us. And, yeah, it's just it's such a joy to to to serve humanity, isn't it?
[00:58:24] Unknown:
I think it is. I think so. And my job, working with the elderly, I love it. And I go in with that intention. Let's make a difference to someone's life today. Let's just bring a little element of joy, a little bit of happiness. You know, we can all do it. Yeah. Anyway, it's time for us to go. Mr. Chan, thank you so much. And I mean, I know there's loads more that we could talk about and we'll do it again another week. Definitely. Because, yeah, lots of deep themes to talk about. So where can people find you, Chan?
[00:59:01] Unknown:
They can find me on my Facebook page. So it's Chand Shah. So if you think of hand with a c at the beginning, so Chand, c h a n d, and my surname is Shah, s h a h. If you wanna add me, please feel free to add me. I would love to receive your friend request. And, I'm planning to have a workshop next month on 11th November, so 11:11. Nice spiritual number. And, Yeah. You know, if you wanna connect with me on, on Facebook, that would be the main place. And, yeah, ping me a message if there's anything that you wanna work on that you've, drawn inspiration from from this,
[00:59:48] Unknown:
radio show. Yeah.
[00:59:50] Unknown:
Yeah. So, you know, feel free to connect.
[00:59:52] Unknown:
Brilliant stuff. Thank you so much for your time, Chan. It's been lovely. Thank you. And I'll be back the same time next week.
Introduction to the Shelley Tasker Show
Guest Introduction: Shan Shah
Shan's Journey: From Trauma to Awakening
The Power of Human Connection and Coaching
Overcoming Personal Challenges and Finding Passion
Awareness of Global Issues and Personal Growth
Spiritual Practices and Personal Development
Aligning with Higher Purpose and Creation
Facing Fears and Embracing Change
Healing Through Natural Medicine and Solitude
The Battle for the Mind and Spiritual Resilience
Conclusion and Gratitude