Broadcasts live every Wednesday at 7:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:
In this episode, we dive into a fascinating discussion with our guest, Brizer, exploring the concept of the apocalypse and the breaking of the seven seals. We begin with a brief technical hiccup and a shoutout to Shelley's mother, Sonia, who is in hospital. Brizer introduces the idea that we are in the early stages of the apocalypse, marked by the breaking of seals every four years. He references the work of Jason Bashir from, who provides a detailed analysis of these events.
We discuss the first seal, broken in 2020, symbolised by the pale horse and its rider with a crown and a bow, drawing parallels to the COVID-19 pandemic. Brizer explains the Greek translation of 'bow' as 'toxon', linking it to the concept of toxins and vaccines. We then move on to the second seal, expected to break in 2024, which could bring regional wars and social turmoil, particularly in the Western world.
The conversation shifts to the broader implications of these seals, including the potential for increased poverty and the widening gap between the rich and poor. Brizer also touches on the idea of a mathematically constructed simulation, akin to 'The Matrix', and the importance of waking up to the reality of our situation.
We delve into the potential for civil unrest, the impact of immigration, and the role of the media in shaping public perception. Brizer shares his thoughts on the importance of self-awareness and preparedness, emphasising the need to stay informed and vigilant.
As the discussion progresses, we explore the concept of the apocalypse as a time of great revealing, where hidden truths come to light. Brizer encourages listeners to stay grounded, avoid fear, and focus on personal growth and resilience. We conclude with reflections on the importance of living in the present moment and the power of community action in facing future challenges. It's good to have your company. Today's date is Wednesday, 10th January. It's going quick. Yeah. So just just a brief talk before we go. If you, if somebody can hear this, can you, like, leave a message or something? Because it's not showing up in StreamYard. I don't know if it's going out over the radio, and I can't get ahold of anybody. We'll still do live via Facebook and Rumble and stuff. But, if it is connected to the radio, great stuff. If not, you're gonna have an hours of silence. I'm very sorry. Anyway, we've got a great guest this week. Just before I bring him on, I just wanna say after tonight's show, we're gonna have a few weeks off, have a bit of a break, regroup.
So, yeah. So tonight's gonna be the last 1 for a few weeks. So, I'd like to introduce our guest, not that he needs any introducing. It is Bryza. Good evening, Bryza, and welcome to the show.
[00:00:59] Unknown:
Good evening, Shelley. How are you? I'm not bad. Fair enough. Okay? Happy New Year and all that. 1st 2nd weekend. Yeah. Yeah. Happy New Year to yourself. Yeah.
[00:01:09] Unknown:
It's proving to be very happy.
[00:01:12] Unknown:
Well, it's gone off to a pretty interesting start, I have to say. Yeah. Definitely. Definitely. So big shout out to, Sonia Hart if she's listening.
[00:01:20] Unknown:
She's in hospital. That's my mother. Broke her head. Sonia? Yeah. Get well soon. She's resting well. She's looking well. So when shout out to dad, Graham Hart Mhmm. Who's hopefully listening to. Yeah. So, right. Yep. Probably. Yeah. Right. So, my lovely, where are we going? What we're gonna talk about? Well, we had a quick chat just beforehand, but gonna talk about some interesting biblical sort of stuff. Am I right? Well,
[00:01:49] Unknown:
kind of. It's not quite biblical, but it's it's it's part of the whole thing. You know, we we we've all heard this term, the apocalypse, and a lot of people say that we're, you know, we're going through that now. Well, we're not actually in the apocalypse yet, but we have entered into the stages of it as of going into 1. And if you understand the whole concept of what the apocalypse is, there's there's 7 seals which leads up to it. And, it's it's in every 4 years. These these seals are broken. And, I've been looking at the guy. I think you we've talked to Shelley at this guy, Jason Bashir from He's an interesting chap. That's
That's his website, and he's on YouTube. He's got hundreds of videos. I mean, I don't know where to start with him. You're better off going to his website where you can kind of start at the beginning and kind of dip in there. And there's lots of historical stuff, all sorts of stuff in there, you know, so you have to kinda take it in bits and pieces. But, I I you know, and I look quite quite a lot of stuff. I don't look at it all the time, but I look at at a lot of his stuff. And, I'm particularly interested in this what he's been saying about this this apocalypse, you know, because I think I'm sure you've noticed that, in the last 4 years, the amount of people who kind of woken up.
Right? But they don't know everything, I suppose, but they've woken up that something is very, very wrong and, they're talking about it now. I've noticed that. I don't know if you have, but I've certainly noticed it. And I think a lot of other people have as well. And, this is all part of the whole apocalypse means the great revealing. Things are being revealed. So as each seal is broken, more will be revealed. So the first seal was in 20 20. That was broken in 2020. So you gotta, again, understand what the meaning of the seal is like. It's back in the old days. Remember, you know, you send out a message to the king, and you'd you'd write out a scroll. You roll it up, and you'd seal it with wax.
And that seal was not to be broken until it was given to the king. And that was the message here. So it's it's what it is. It's a message which is giving us telling us more about what's going on. And, also, it was warning us a lot of what's happening so we can be kind of prepared for a bit what whatever it may be. So that first 1 was broken in 2020. And which was that? Sorry. That was that was the that was the first seal. So there's 7. It's also called there's the the first 4 of them are known as the 4, horsemen of the apocalypse.
[00:04:25] Unknown:
You might have heard of them. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, because we get spouts.
[00:04:30] Unknown:
And it's just interesting what Jason said about that. You know? Because he he he was talking about this last year, but he wasn't quite on it yet. But he kind of works things out as he goes along, you know. And then he said, you know, in the Bible, you have to you can't go over the English translation because it's the book has been totally usurped, you know, things taken out, other things put in. You have to go back to the original Greek. And there's a kind of there's a thing called the concordances, which is a kind of like a dictionary for the Bible, which kinda so you can translate it back into the Greek and then the Greek back into the English. So when you, you look at the first horseman of the apocalypse. He's on a pale horse. And he's sitting on the horse with a crown, corona.
Okay? Crown. Yeah. He's also holding a bow, and he's got a spear on the other hand. Now the word the Greek word for bow is toxon, t o x o n. Now imagine that 1. And the arrow is used to deliver the toxin, The arrows. That's what a lot of people use arrows back in life. Yeah. And these arrows are the jobs, aren't they? So and, of course, again, the corona, the crown on his head. You know? So, so that was that was the first 1, and it pretty much would affect most the world. And it did, you know, now they they almost succeeded in getting their own call apocalypse with this, but it didn't quite work because there was thankfully enough of us who were awake to it at the time.
And we were able to kinda throw a spanner in the works. Now it's still there. You know, they're still trying to push it, but it's no one's paying much attention to it really now. So we kinda we got through that 1. And, now the second 1 will be, this year, 2024. It's also interesting that the, the the Paris Olympics are on this year, and it's the 33rd Olympiad Olympiad. Right? So that's that's an interesting number, isn't it? 33. We always hear that 1. Yeah. So that could be interesting. And what that what it means is, it's the second beast, and it's like a lot of, we're gonna see a lot of, wars, not and and and, turmoil in the world.
Not not world war, but kind of regional type wars. And we're already seeing that now in Gaza and then Ukraine and different places that might, that might kind of build up more. It's also known as the year of the assassin or the time of the assassin and the the weapon of the assassin is the dagger or the knife. So, we could see some retaliation by immigrants in the who come to our countries, kind of attacking people. Now, again, according to JC records, 25% of the population in the world will be affected by this mainly in the western world. That doesn't mean 25% of people will die. It's just that they will be, 1 way or another, will be affected. But the 75% probably will not be affected. So, again, it's it's about it's not it's not so much, you know, scary stuff. It's about being knowing what's happening and taking in the messages and being ready for it. And then you'll be able to to bypass it. You know? That's that's the whole idea of this.
So, I I, you know, I think we're gonna see that. I think, and then what's gonna happen is more and more people are going to wake up to the immigration scam now. Right? And this will be made to push back on that. And that's why you're going to probably see retaliation from immigrants who are here. Don't wanna go back. You know? That could so it could get nasty. So we, you know, I don't know. We don't have much of space on that 1, but it does seem to be building up to that. Which I've seen it particularly here in Ireland. A lot of people are really getting angry about it now. It's Yeah. I've seen a lot. I've seen lots of stuff, like, where the
[00:08:49] Unknown:
people, where the immigrants are gonna be housed. And before they've arrived, they've been set on fire.
[00:08:54] Unknown:
Yeah. The hotels and stuff. Mhmm. Now Now I don't know if they're they look like false flags to me. But but even still, the local feeling in these in these areas where they put these people into these hotels. You know? And nobody wants it. No 1 was asked about it, and nobody's happy about it. And there's no women no women or children? No. No women or children. No. None. Yeah. So you got the young man. You see? That's our off fighting age. So that's what I'm saying. So the warning would be, I suppose, to stay kind of away from cities, crowded areas because that's where the most of them are gonna be.
Just be kinda careful in that respect, you know, because it could get nasty. And then the fact that the Olympics are happening in Paris, Paris has a lot has huge problems there too.
[00:09:40] Unknown:
Things could kick off there. You know? Well, I suppose if the, the, Paralympics, they have a big opening ceremony, we should, be
[00:09:49] Unknown:
Yeah. Oh, yeah. The the opening ceremony. Yeah. That's really interesting to watch to see what they They will give us a warning. Yeah. Yeah. So, that's that's that 1. That's so that's what's kinda to be kinda ready for, but also not to be afraid of it. Just deal with it. We dealt with the last 1. Okay. We got through that 1. I mean, it was kind of concerning at some points, because we didn't we didn't know where it was gonna go. We didn't know where they're gonna lock us all up or what. You know? So the we didn't know what what was coming down the track, but then it just ended. Remember, it just ended. COVID just ended Yeah. 1 day.
And I was like, what the what the hell is that all about? You know? And
[00:10:31] Unknown:
It's it's crazy to think that it's 4 years ago, isn't it? Nearly.
[00:10:36] Unknown:
Yeah. I know. It is. Yeah. Yeah. It is. Yeah. Yeah. When I think back, it was 4 years ago. I mean, it it does it seem longer or it seem shorter? I I I don't know. It's it's Yeah. It's a weird 1. The whole time frame, it's a weird 1. Yeah. It does seem long a lot a while back, but then again, it doesn't. You know? And it's I don't know. But, yeah. So we we got through that 1, and we'll we'll get through the next 1. Let's see. What's what's revised to the situation? We can bypass it, and this won't affect us. But the people who are not awake to this will be affected. That's the whole message. You know? And that's what these breaking the seals are all about. It's a message to humanity to wake the fuck up. You know?
But, unfortunately, you're gonna have, you know, 85, 90% won't.
[00:11:23] Unknown:
And I think the only way is Yeah. Is like a civil civil war or something. I I think about it a lot when I go to bed. How can we get out of this? And I was sorry. Carry on. No. No. No. You can go ahead, though. No. I was just gonna say, the news yesterday, I mean, I don't know where the statistics apparently, with every 1, 000 people in the UK, there's 3 policemen. So that's a very small percentage. And then I think there's something like 56, 1, 000, 000 people in the UK. I was trying to do the math, but it's too big. But, basically, when you look at 3 in a 1, 000, I mean, obviously, that's not including army, military, or anything like that, but it's a very small number for the people to rebel against.
[00:12:16] Unknown:
Yeah. And you gotta remember a lot of those, policemen and women are from immigrant backgrounds. Mhmm. You know? Particularly in the UK, anyway. They're they're doing that here too. It's not so much here, but it's they they are doing it. But, yeah, I mean, there there will be some kind of, racial type conflict, I reckon, this year. I think we'll also probably see a Muslim backlash because of what's going on in Israel as well. And that could happen in Europe, you know, or or America, probably more because America tends to support Israel more, you know. So so that could be that's what I think could be happening now for the next couple of years till the next CEO is broke. But as these things happen, more and more and more people will wake up. As I said, lots of people have woken up after COVID scam, you know, questioning it now.
Lots more information is coming out on it now. You know, even our government over here, revealed that the excess debts, for the 1st 2 years, so 2020, 21, right. There was no excess debts. It was normal as per previous years. But we were told back then in 2021, that we were 1 of the highest countries in Europe for deaths for so called COVID, you know, Absolute nonsense. We knew we knew we knew them that they were lying because all we had to do was go to the statistics. We could see it for ourselves. But, you know, no 1 was listening to us, but we were getting we're proved right on that 1. So, you know, we we woke up, or, you know, more and more people are waking up to that now and looking back. My god. What do they do? And now they've god knows how many people they've poisoned.
It's hard to know, like, with these jobs, whether they were, placebos, or whether they, you know, were as dangerous as I say, but, you know, but still an awful lot of people are dry or dying. It's up by 20, 25%, the excess death rates. You know?
[00:14:21] Unknown:
I'm just praying there was lots praying that there's lots of placebos.
[00:14:24] Unknown:
Yeah. I think I think that I wanna
[00:14:26] Unknown:
all that have happened.
[00:14:28] Unknown:
Yeah. From what I I heard, it's 1 and 4 was was was the battle. So it's like a game of Russian roulette. Remember the deer hunter. You know? Yeah. Yeah. That that that's what it was. And then so, unfortunately, yeah, there's been a lot of what they call collateral damage. Normally, you know, it's hard to say a lot of people have died, but this is this is just the harsh reality of it. And we're gonna see more and more of this as time goes on. But the people who are awake to things and are questioning things are standing on their own standing their own ground and being, you know, stubborn as just saying no to all of this. And we'll find a way around it like we did the last 4 years. And then we'll get through this 1 as well. And then the next 1, you know, then the next 1 is 2028.
That's gonna be so I just got this thing in front of me here. It's graphic. The third 1. Yeah. It's there's gonna be, and we're kind of beginning we're already seeing this whole gap between rich and poor is gonna get wider and wider. So this the 1% were pretty much running. We own about what 60% of the world's assets will be getting even more and more richer. But we again, so what we're gonna see is more poverty, land grabs, things like that. But, again, as this happens, people will wake up to these these scandals. You know? And there there will be pushback.
So so while all this is going on, there's also pushback. You know? So it's not it's not that we're all doomed. You know? And things will change. I think we will probably you know, the way things are going to go, it's it's very leftist, Everything is all cultural Marxist, lefty politics that we're seeing. That's kind of done its time now. And the pendulum is gonna swing back, and it's gonna go back to the probably the far right. And we keep hearing this far right, but it's kind of extreme right. And all this wokeism and nonsense is all going to be done away with. But it's gonna be hardcore too because it's gonna be very kind of religious orientated, you know, and got nearly going back to the times of the middle ages where you'd be burned at the stake if you don't obey the church type of thing. You know? Yeah. Yeah.
It could go it could go that way. You know? It it's kind of the the pendulum is swinging back that way. So a lot of people will think that, well, yeah, we've beaten them. You've beaten them. But then, you know, it's just a changing of the guard, really. That's all that's gonna happen there. So, Yeah. You know, we're we're already seeing that. I can see that. I've been I've been going through this for the last 10 years. I I I know what's going on with all these these vulture funds and everything. They're buying up land all over the place. Like, we just I saw it there in the in the news yesterday where this investment firm, from from the UK bought up a a whole housing estate in in outside of Dublin.
There's, like, 65 houses in it. Right. And they bought up 60 of them, and they're which they're going to rent out privately for about $3 a pop a month. So
[00:17:53] Unknown:
you see what's happening? Oh, yeah. How how how are young people supposed to get on the housing ladder? They won't they won't get on the ladder. And even those now, I mean, I've got a friend who's living in a mobile home with 4 children and in a tiny little mobile home, you know, having and the thing is, like, they moved them first of all, they were staying in accommodation that was like, holiday lets on a holiday campsite, basically. So they they had a little cottage for about 6 months or so, and they have to be on a list. This list, every week, they have to bid when a property comes up, even if it's nowhere near where, like, they're located, and they don't want to live, like, miles and miles away.
But they're on that list. They've gotta go for it. If they don't go for it, they're taken they're taken out of the queue, basically. They've gotta go but then the council then having to pay to, like, traffic these children to school and back and stuff. So they're not saving any money. But in the meantime, we've got all the immigrants, you know Yeah. Coming over, having a hotel, having a lovely old time.
[00:19:03] Unknown:
Yeah. And then they then then when they apply for social housing, they go straight to. And they get loans straight away, don't they? That there's no no urgency to pay back. Yeah. They got all everything, the mod cons that they need, everything, you know, the brand new kitchen, everything supplied. You know?
[00:19:22] Unknown:
So I think a lot of it has got to do with our councils. I mean, I know you're in Ireland. Do do you have a council in Ireland? Yeah. We have council. The county councils. Yeah. The county council is same as us. Mhmm. And I mean, they're so corrupt. It's untrue, and I'm sure they are everywhere. But just Oh, yeah. Throwing money away and, you know, I I need to do more, freedom of information requests because I've got so many questions to ask them. Yeah. I just haven't had time. Yeah.
[00:19:48] Unknown:
Yeah. You gotta look at it. They're they're all green agenda. That's the 1 that they're really pushing. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, all all these bicycle lanes, and there's no need for them. I I've seen bicycle lanes here where there's hardly any traffic. Hardly shit. I mean, remember when people walking on it. There's no bicycles. There's nothing. There's no way there. There's a bicycle lane there. I see more part where there's a bridge where there's a kind of a narrow bridge. And instead of, like, where you you can see who's coming on the other side, instead of just having a sign saying, you know, give way to oncoming traffic, now there are 4 sets of traffic lights.
And then, you know, if if you break the lights, well, there's there's a camera there to pick up your camera. It's it's nuts. It's just Yeah. Stupidity.
[00:20:29] Unknown:
20 mile an hour zones. You know? You you Yeah. I've seen that. More, I know people ignore them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. May as well.
[00:20:40] Unknown:
Well, this is it. Yeah.
[00:20:42] Unknown:
But that's what they want ultimately, isn't it?
[00:20:45] Unknown:
Yeah. So, yeah, that that's what I'm saying. That's so we're gonna see a much more, a lot a lot of people falling more and more into poverty as well, let's just say, 2028. Right? And, that's the 3rd horseman, and then the last 1 is in 2032. This is when it gets a bit could get quite ugly, you know, because then we could see things like serious food shortages, famine, and all that kind of thing, and natural type disasters happening. You know? So, but, hopefully, by that stage, we'll have enough of us will have opened up to know how to deal with that when it hasn't been it happens, you know. We're not prepared enough, you know. And, and then the the following 3 then are kind of they're not of this world as Jason. It it just gets more esoteric. It kinda goes like, this is what happens after we we kind of get through these 4 horses, horsemen.
We, you know, Christians might call it the rapture or something like that. Now I don't I don't know whether that happens or not, but it's like something like that happens where we become kind of immune to any of this stuff happening around us. So that's if we're still alive. You know? And the people who who do who die, who stood up to all of this, wherever they go after they died, they're not coming back into this this simulation. Again, that's another thing that Jason talks about that we're in this, mathematically constructed simulation, like like in the matrix movie.
[00:22:20] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. And,
[00:22:23] Unknown:
it's a it's a game, but it's, it's real. We're we're real within the game. And, you know, if we play the game, we're gonna get smashed. Right? Because we don't we don't have we don't have the rules of the game. We don't the elite have them, so called elite. So we have to find ways around that and, find you know, you can't beat them in this game, so we have to get out of it. We have to find a way out of this construct. So, you know, when we do die, you know, once we stand up to all of this and lose all that fear, wherever we go afterwards, we're out of that construct, and we're back to where we should have been in the 1st place. You know?
Oh, very interesting. It's esoteric. It's, you know, a lot of people might say that's all nonsense, but I don't know. It kinda rings true to me, particularly on this whole waking up every seal as a waking up process. And, like, I've certainly seen it from 2020, you know, from the last 4 years anyway. I mean, I have you noticed anything yourself?
[00:23:19] Unknown:
I haven't overly anymore. Do you know? I've, like, kind of taken a step back because life's been quite busy, and I kind of think I'm I've gone beyond that stage of trying to wake people up. I just don't care anymore. You know? I do. If anybody rings up COVID or something, I might have something. But what was interesting yesterday was I had to take a patient to the hospital. And 1 of the head sisters was there. She said, oh, hello, Shelley. How are you? And she's lovely. I used to work with her sometimes. She said, we were only talking about you the other day. Somebody was asking if I'd ever worked with you. She said, I can't remember what what it was all about. And I said, oh, you're probably just agreeing that I was right. And she changed the subject.
[00:24:00] Unknown:
Alright, Jo. Yeah. Yeah. But,
[00:24:03] Unknown:
yeah, I'm not see, I'm not seeing too much, and I think lots of people in our so called truth movement
[00:24:08] Unknown:
have all taken a stand back because Yeah. I think that's that's a natural Taking a massive stand back. Yeah. Because it's it is I've realized that it is actually not our job to wake people up. I mean, we can we can help along with it. If we if we, you know, people ask, we can obviously tell people what we what we know or what we think we know. And let them run with it from there. But, it was too many people banging their heads saying, oh, we gotta wake people up. We gotta wake. But that's no. That's not that. That's not our problem. That's their problem. I I woke up for myself. I'm sure you did too, Shelley, and and a lot of listeners here woke up in their own time and started figuring things out for themselves and started researching things for themselves, you know, coming to a conclusion of what's going on.
Yeah. We don't we don't need we don't need to be, you know I I was doing that at the beginning when I woke up. I was, you know, literally, not shouting on people's faces, but, like, getting kinda animated. You know, you got to see you got to look at this, you know. And I wasn't getting anywhere, you know. And then I knew I had to go to step back then because if they don't wanna see it, they don't wanna see it. You can't force it on people. You can't. No. You know? But And, look after yourself, mate. I'm alright. And that's what so many people were like. But I I feel like I've, like, drifted into that bit as well. It's not it's not you you have to you you have to look after yourself, number 1, anyway, because if you don't live without yourself, there's no point. I know you're you're gone. So you have to look after yourself, but all you can do is assist other people. You can't you but not force your opinions on anybody.
No. They're not willing to hear it. They're not willing to hear it. And as I said, you know, I've seen stuff I particularly see it on social media. Well, that's where I've seen a lot of it, Twitter mainly or x as I call it out. A lot of people waking up to the whole virus scam and all of that and whether the virus exists or not and all all that type of stuff. And the all excess death thing and the injuries done by the job the damage the jobs have done. And, and, also, an awful lot of people now have, you know, woken up to what they call the Jewish question. Right? Yes. With myself and and and your dad there, we've been talking about this for years years years, and we we didn't know whether we're making any progress or not, whether we're getting through to people with is kinda just preaching to the choir in many ways.
But now with this Gaza war, they they're just they're doing a good job of exposing themselves. They really are. Because people are waking up to that that they're committing a big genocide over there. And they're waking up now to what to do what the Jews really are all about. And now we found out just yesterday, didn't they found these tunnels in New York? Yes. The solar. Soil mattresses and baby chairs. I mean, what the hell? So, you know, they're doing a good job of exposing themselves. We we don't need you know? We've been banging our heads over a brick wall over this for the last 12 years. Okay. We might have made some kind of a difference, but I think it was quite small.
But it's now in the age of revealing the apocalypse. These things have been revealed.
[00:27:19] Unknown:
Yeah. There we go. Natalie's got a couple of questions here, actually. Hi, Natalie. Oh, she wrote that as we said it. No. That's okay. But going back to the 7 seals, Natalie says, has Bryza read the book of Daniel? And if so, what does he think about the 3 visions?
[00:27:37] Unknown:
No. I haven't. That's Haven't. I haven't looked into that bit. No. No. I know I've heard Jason talk about that, but, again, I just haven't had a chance to look into it. It's just so many recording it. Oh, god. Yeah. There's there's so much to it, you know. I mean, I'll have to look into that too.
[00:27:52] Unknown:
I know enough time, is there? I was actually thinking that I was gonna join a a bible study class because I'm frustrated that so so many people and Natalie in particular, her knowledge on the bible and history and stuff. I've only got into these things. I've always been interested in spirituality and stuff like that. But, you know, the last couple of years, the real questions is what it's all about, reading bits of the bible and, I think, you know, you can do that thing. And I must commit to it, like, read listen to 10 minutes of the bible a day or something in a year. I don't know. But I think lots of people are suddenly very intrigued by the bible. What I'm actually finding interesting is how many people that have become Christians and they're suddenly, I follow Jesus and, you know, that I've seen a lot of that going on in the last 6 or 7 months.
[00:28:46] Unknown:
[00:28:47] Unknown:
People who've been who fell away and are coming back to us. Is that what you're saying? Well, no. No. I think people that have found it for the first time, and some of these people I know are awake as well. Right. Whether it be personal problems or what. But, yeah. Yeah. Well, so much to know and so little time.
[00:29:06] Unknown:
We're always brought up with the whole fact of god's salvation and Jesus and all that that, you know, I was. Anyway, I'm sure you were too. You know? I was, but I never really listened. Pray. Yeah. I never no. You know, I never but then as you kinda get older, you might think, well, maybe there's something to this. And so you go back and Yeah. Yeah. I've never been in the eyes of my brain. I I'm not I'm not I still don't know the whole, like, religious side of things. I again, I don't know how true a lot of stuff in the Bible is even because there's so many books that have been taken out. It's been written rewritten, retranslated so many times.
I don't know how true a lot of it is. You know? As I said, the original bible was written in, I think, Greek and Hebrew. And what you know, I'd like to see the, the the translations of those, because I believe it's a completely different book to what we know. You know?
[00:30:01] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. So,
[00:30:04] Unknown:
and I can't remember There's all there's other, yeah, well, I noticed a guy I noticed a guy that we interviewed once, Clint Richardson. He's over in the in the states. He he actually translated the bible back, the King James bible back from English to Greek to Hebrew and then back into English again. He says completely different book. Yeah. And there's also a lot of these other, ancient scriptures, like the Vedic scriptures, India, and then there's the the Norse Germanic kind of scriptures as well called the Eddas. They all have very profound knowledge, and it it all ties up. They're all very they're all similar. You know? They're just looking at it from different perspective.
But it's all ancient knowledge, and it's a lot of that has been hidden for us from us. And that's what they call the occult. You know, when you look at the word, oh, comes with beans. Oh, devil worship demons and stuff. That's not that at all. It's just hidden knowledge. That's why they don't want us looking there. You know? Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. It it would it is interesting to look at that because, again, to kind of understand the whole, concept of the, apocalypse. Yeah. I definitely have to look at that book of Daniel. I know I know Jason saw the few, Shaw was on that, so I might have to go back and look at them. You know?
But I said, there's so much to this. You know? He also talks about the Egyptian pyramids and that the capstone is when the when the capstone is popped back. That's when the whole construct comes down. You know? And they and every 138 years as a reset. So the last reset was in 1902. Now they're not they don't have to be major resets, but they they're big enough that people know about them. In the 19 o 2, a lot of weird things happened. I actually checked this out for myself. It was a there was very strange weather. There was mud falling out of the sky that's that's recorded. Was that give to like, to these mud floods that the Tartarian people are talking about? Yep. Yep. Who knows?
What else? A lot of the corporations that we know now, after in 1901, there was no sign of them. In 1902, they were they were just there. Big companies like, General Electric, Some of the oil companies that just all of a sudden just appeared in 1902. And they're just still the biggest companies around at the moment. A lot of the weapons matter a lot of the, you know, the the tech you know, I don't want I wonder why the technology that we have now, how we got it so quickly. Like, even for the last 40 years, how it's come on, you know, like, here we are talking over here on the can see each other. I mean, so that 20 years ago, we'd laughed.
That's that's never happened.
[00:33:00] Unknown:
I remember seeing the newspaper. I remember seeing a newspaper. There's an old newspaper clipping about somebody saying 1 day, we'll be able to, carry a device around in a pocket. Oh, it's about a 100 years ago, but it's so true. Yeah. Yeah. But and, you know, over a 100 years ago, we had electric cars and everything. You know? So it's not Well, that's a new thing. Yeah. That's not it's not that technology was all was was there.
[00:33:23] Unknown:
It was just hidden, but now they just brought it back out again. You know? Yeah.
[00:33:28] Unknown:
So Just waiting for them to bring out the free energy that's been Yeah. All along. And that you know, so
[00:33:35] Unknown:
yeah. So these people are looking for their reset in 2030, but, you know, when you think it ties in 2032 as the last the the 4th seal for the 4th horsemen, that's when, I think things are gonna get, you know, bumpy. Let's say it's it's gonna be bumpy up to then, but it's gonna get very, very bumpy then. Let's say, you know. Yeah. I don't think they I don't think they'll get what they want. They you know? And the in 2040, this is when Jason reckons that the this whole, the whole elite and everything are gonna go down. You know, that the whole system Is that the time of the phoenix? The phoenix. Yeah. Yeah.
And then there's gonna be what he calls a nemesis event in 2046 where it was gonna be huge, natural phenomenon's happening around the world like earthquakes, volcanoes, and god knows what. And it's gonna be like the great flood of, the bible. You know? So we gotta be on that arc.
[00:34:45] Unknown:
Yeah. Could do.
[00:34:46] Unknown:
Yeah. I could do. But it's, no. I I mean, we don't know if that's gonna happen, but, you know, as I said, he's gone back every 138 years from 190 2. And there's always something very significant happened in those years. So the next 1 was 2040. So Well, that's not far away. I got you a bit. It's not that far away, actually. No. No. It's only about 16 years.
[00:35:10] Unknown:
And I actually think that time is going quicker. Yeah. I don't know if we spoke about this before. It's like I I just can't believe it's January 10th already. I don't know where the days are going, the hours. Perhaps my life is just more full, but it's just it just feels like it's going at such a faster pace.
[00:35:28] Unknown:
I noticed as well. Every day, I it's, you know, it's morning. And then next time, it's 7, 8 o'clock in the evening. I said, where's that day go? You know? You're back in bed, it's the next day, and it's just it's just flying by. It's it's incredible how fast. And, you know, I remember as a kid, you know, particularly the summer holidays, they lasted forever. You know? Yeah. They did. They did. Yeah. To the point that I was actually bored and looking forward to going back to school. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. Even the Christmas holidays. Yeah. I know. And now and now it's like, it's gone. So I think I don't know if that's something. It probably has got something to do with that too. So, yeah, we, very strange times. It's interesting times, though. I think, you know, it's it's gonna be a real test for us all, How we how we how we got through this. And I I think the first test we passed out with flying honors, I think, all of us who who saw through this nonsense the last 4 years. We, we came through it. You know?
And I, you know, I mean, I told you before, it shows I didn't go along with any of it. None of it. And, I got no hardly any hassle at all from anybody. And it just shows that when you do when you have that attitude, that's what happens, you know. Just, I think you just give off that energy that people go, oh, don't don't leave him alone. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Leave him alone. Yeah. Well, he might get angry at you.
[00:36:59] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. And and to be honest with you, I can I can live without that now? It's it's such a strange time when we do look back 4 years ago because I feel like I was just a different person then. And I I just couldn't imagine being that wound up again about stuff. You know? I suppose it's just gonna, you know, when something happens. I don't know. It's like, Well, I kinda it kinda took I think most people by surprise. I mean, I
[00:37:24] Unknown:
I had a feeling they could pull something like this off because they tried to do swine flu back in 2, 009. And then I think it was a SARS or bird flu. I think it was that was 2002 or 3, I think. So, but that it didn't work then. And, I think the reason why it didn't work then, it was that they haven't really got the media on the side. And there was no social media really then either, like like what we have now, where the news just spreads like wildfire. You know? And I think that's the reason why they were able to get away with it the way they did. They just pushed the propaganda constantly 247, and, people it's built for it, you know, and, and for a lot of people.
Like, so when I when I saw them talking about this whole thing in China and and and they were building it up on the top. Oh, here we go. Here we go. And, Yeah. That's exactly what happened. And, so I knew I was ready. You know? I said, I'm not gonna go along with this because I know it's happening. I know they're gonna push the jobs. That's what they're going to do. They've been trying to do that for years before that anyway to get you vaccinated for practically anything. Yeah. Yeah. I I knew that's what the agenda was, and also about controlling people, their movements and travel restrictions and all of that kind of thing.
And, how that all kind of ties into the green agenda and their 15 minutes city that you'll be able to live in and all that kind of stuff. You know, It all became clearer, you know, over these last few years. You know, we could see their what their agenda was. And it was like, as far as I'm concerned, like, over my dead body. That's the only attitude I could take.
[00:39:11] Unknown:
And I think that's the attitude we all gotta take going in into the future, like, open minded body. You know? I'm not And there are things. Along with it. Yeah. Yeah. We should be doing you know, we've got a 5 g tower put in, look, what, probably quarter of a mile down the road. Yeah. And I mean, I don't know what I probably would have found the time because it wasn't working 4 years ago. But that is something really I should be on because I know from reading books and stuff. You know? I know people say, mommy, my other half. Oh, great. Faster Wi Fi. But I'm like, no. You're not thinking of the sickness and stuff that's gonna come with it. Yeah. You know? Right next to a playing field as well. Yeah.
So we should all be doing bits, really. But and that's the way they've got us working so hard because we need to. That's it. We haven't got time to do anything else.
[00:40:01] Unknown:
Yeah. They they that's how they do it. Yeah. It it's hard to focus on on things like that. You know?
[00:40:09] Unknown:
[00:40:10] Unknown:
Because it does take a bit of time. You know? But, again, those work, you know, when people put their put their minds with it that it can work. People power does work. But I think, I think the biggest thing for us all is too is is fear. You know? We gotta lose that fear of what may happen in the future. We we don't know. We can have a good guess, but we don't know. The reason why people are afraid is because they're worried. You know, they're worried. I can understand why they're worried, but, you know, it's still the future, and you just don't know what it's what it's gonna bring. And you just have to take it 1 day at a time and deal with things as they happen 1 step at a time.
Because if you start worrying about stuff, then you're gonna get anxious and you're gonna get sick and, you know, then you're gonna you know, that's no use to anybody.
[00:41:00] Unknown:
No. No.
[00:41:01] Unknown:
Like, if you look at you know, they talk about mental illness as a big thing now. You notice they're they're always talking about mental illness. We have to do some kind of mental health and all that. And, you know, all that is is depression and anxiety, really. That's it. And depression, you know, it's not a nice thing, but it's it's a it's pretty much people looking back into the past and
[00:41:26] Unknown:
looking back future.
[00:41:28] Unknown:
Well, that's a mainly mainly into the past because they looked at things that they did. They they have maybe it was traumatic, that was bad, and they haven't let it go. They have to just let that go. And then keep themselves occupied so they don't have time to get depressed. You know? That's it. It's not about chemistry and brain or anything. I think that's a lot of nonsense. That's just that gives them the excuse to give you antidepressants, you know, to rewire your brain. I think it's just a matter of saying, okay. All that stuff that happened in the past, it's done. I gotta start now in the in the moment and move on from there. And then anxiety and worry all comes from what may happen in the future. And, again, I of course, you could get depressed about that too, but it's more it's more worry, I think. And, I'm not worried. I don't care. I mean, I'm ready to whatever.
Yeah. Yeah. You know? I've I've been I've been through enough. I've been through enough. You know? I I I've, like, I've started I've stood up to these things before. I'll do it again. You know? And we're only here for a short period of time, so we might as well go. We don't know when we're going to go anyway. I mean, we could walk out tomorrow and we can walk down by a bus. So yeah.
[00:42:34] Unknown:
Yeah. We we just don't know, do we? Just before we started the show, I had heartburn and I'm like, oh god. Am I gonna have a heart attack? I'll start thinking about how old dad was when he had his first heart attack. It's like coming to me. And then it's like, there's no quitting worrying about, Shelley. You just if it happens, it happens. But I was expecting for some people, it's easier said than done. I've learned a lot more to just live in the now. You know? And I think that's how I get through my days. Yeah. You have to. That's the only way to do it. I would always be at work and like you're looking at looking at the clock. What time can I go home? And then it's like, just be present. Live in the now. You're here, so make the most of it. You know? And I can do that and be quite mindful with lots of things now. So Yeah.
[00:43:14] Unknown:
Yeah. And then by doing that, you actually shape your own future, your own destiny by living in that moment because what you do know is going to reflect in the future at some point. You know? There there's not a lot
[00:43:26] Unknown:
that fazes me or shocks me, if anything, anymore. It's very rare. Very, very rare. And I'm very much like, it is what it is. I love that saying because it is. You can't change it.
[00:43:39] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:43:41] Unknown:
So, So,
[00:43:44] Unknown:
yeah, it's, yeah, it's it's it's, it's interesting times, and it's, you know, I suppose, would you have it any other way? You know? No. No. No. Yeah. You you imagine us all being happy and,
[00:44:00] Unknown:
you know, I I've I've been having some really deep dreams lately as well. We you know, and I remember them the next happening. And that's not usually me because I'm, like I say, I'm quite laid back these happening. And that's not usually me because I'm, like I said, I'm quite laid back these days. But just trying to explain to them how how it was because I had some really vital information for them, but nobody would listen to me. Nobody. But it was all about trying to make them understand that we can't have a democracy if we're living under a dictatorship.
Mhmm. You know? I know some people say we don't live in a dictatorship. I I think kind of think we do. We certainly don't have a democracy.
[00:44:43] Unknown:
Well, democracy, that's another word that's doesn't really mean, you know, it's, like, if you look at the, the Democratic Republic of Korea, that's North Korea. That's a democracy. Right. Yeah. East Germany, the former East Germany, that was called the German Democratic Republic. It was communist country. Democracy can mean anything they want it to mean. And it's when you think of it's a mob rule because 51% could tell the other 49% what to do with it. So we split there, you know?
[00:45:15] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:45:16] Unknown:
So, what we live in really is, well, you live in a constitutional monarchy, but we live in a constitutional republic here. That's America's the same as well. That's that's what it should be called. But that word democracy is flowing around all the time, and I think it's it's, let's say it's a word that's put out there to confuse people, you know, to think that this is everyone's got to say, you know, you've got a right to vote. But when you think about, you know, who are you voting for? Dumber, dumber. You know?
[00:45:52] Unknown:
Well, they say there's supposed to be a general election in this country this year, and it's like Yeah. Already I've seen arguments on Twitter and stuff of people saying your vote is just wasted. And then you got the other side. Well, if if you don't vote, you can't have an opinion. And, you know, they're voting just to keep the other side out, but they don't want them. I don't know. It's so bloody confusing. Yeah. And I I think the worst thing is seeing 2 sides of everything now, and there's, like you say, so much propaganda when you watch something, and then you watch the inflict inside it conflict inside of it. And you're like, I just don't know who to believe sometimes, and I think, do you know what? Just have a few weeks off. I'm done with it. Yeah.
[00:46:33] Unknown:
You know? You know, just to to what you think yourself, you know, you don't have to take everybody else's award. No. But I'm I'm just trying power like knowledge. You know? Yeah. Wait. Wait. Wait. Hold on. Hold on. And then make your own decision. Make a decision. Yeah. Yeah. Go by your gut feeling. Yeah. I myself, I don't think voting, works. It's, I think it was Mark Twain said it way back. He said that if voting meant anything, they would have made it illegal. I thought that's that's an interesting thing to say. You know?
[00:47:06] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. So,
[00:47:10] Unknown:
I I just I think you're participating in the game, this construct that Jason talks about by voting because this is the this is the game, and they want you to participate, to play your part, you know, to vote for a or b. Nothing's going to really change because it's a system. It's not the governments or politicians. It's it's a system that needs that's running everything, which has been in place for 1000 of years. That's what has to come down. It's just got bigger and bigger. It's got bigger and bigger. Yeah. And it's they've they've got they're controlling everything. They got up pretty much all bases covered. If you can put in sorry, like, the best example of that was Donald Trump, you know, when they, you know, everyone thought, oh, Trump is gonna make America great again. They're gonna build the wall and bring back jobs and all that kind of stuff. Well, what happened to him? It's going to drain the swamp, the swamp drained him.
See, so he didn't, you know, you got this woman in Italy. She was elected Prime Minister. Last year. She was gonna cut that got down on on immigration and all this woke stuff and all the rest. Just no. Nothing's changed. No. More more migrants have landed in Italy than I was before she came into power. So I mean, that's your voting for for so for people who think that politicians are going to change anything. Listen, they might have good intentions. But once they get into the system, that's it. They're they're in it. And, they they have to, follow the rules in there or else, you know, they get compromised and blackmailed, and god knows what happens to them.
So I've, I've lost my confidence in in politics a long time ago. I haven't voted in a long time, I'll keep it that way. Now you can I think there's ways of deregistering? It's it's, if if people are want to look at that. Or probably an easier way of doing it is is just spoiling your ballot because at least you're making you're making a statement there, right, that you're not you're not complying or consenting to this. So at least you're telling them that. So that's that's the other way of doing it. You know? Yeah. That's interesting.
That's that's my opinion. You know? But if, you know, peep if you wanna people wanna go out and vote, off you go. I mean, I know it's not new. That's that's Well, Well, no. It's it's I think it's an interesting 1 because it's like, I've often thought, shall I go for council, councilor? And I know other people as well. And I think lots of people, they
[00:49:38] Unknown:
genuinely do it because they want to bring about change in their
[00:49:41] Unknown:
town. Yeah. Well, probably the best place to do it is the council.
[00:49:45] Unknown:
And the John Jonathan Tilt, who's the Freedom Alliance, he believes that if we can get 3 independent counselors within 1 town, then we'd start to see real progress. You know? So I can see it. Most things, I always see both sides, and I find it hard to think, well, I don't know what to do, actually, so I'll just sit back and do nothing. Just keep weighing up the knowledge. Yeah.
[00:50:12] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, councilors, if if you were to go into it, would probably be the best place to do it because it's it's all local. It's local politics. And that's what counts. Yeah. For your town and stuff like that. And,
[00:50:23] Unknown:
I think we've we've all got a voice, and it's interesting seeing how many people that know so much that's going on, but they don't they don't get involved, so to speak, but they knew what's going on. Yeah. You know, we've had a massive building in Cornwall. It was called Heartlands, built, I think it was 12 years ago, and it was lottery funded. And it's a big outdoor space, and it was originally for live entertainment, and it's got a park and everything like that. Anyway, look loads of people use it. I mean, fair enough. The cafe is perhaps not used all the time, but there's a soft play area. But they've now decided, the council, that they're not gonna fund it anymore.
Yeah. So, you know and so within 2 years of being at Build, a big housing development went there. I mean, it's in its intended use was always gonna be for property. But, again, this is something taken away from the people, you know, big, plain place, and there's more businesses closing down. They're just doing it to everybody.
[00:51:20] Unknown:
Yeah. That's it. Let's say it's it's a land grant. You know? You look what's going on with farmers. Farmers will find it more and more difficult now to stay on the land, to work the land. Yeah. All the food stuffs, everything that they need for the cattle and all, you know, the the equipment and everything, prices, it goes to the roof. They're, you know, a farmer's son who doesn't wanna carry on because it's it's it's a 7 day a week job, and you're working your butt off, and you're just not getting anything back from it. No. And so as you can't can't blame them in a way, but then it's you know, they when they sell their land, what, to a green energy company so they can put these horrendous wind turbines on them. You know?
[00:52:05] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:52:07] Unknown:
It was Bill Gates moving and just buy them all up. This is this is you can see this is what's happening because then they can control, the food production. And and if you don't have land, really, you don't have wealth because that that's where the wealth comes from with the land. And, they these people want complete control of it and, to do whatever they want with it. And the whole concept of private property, that's all part of this, somehow great reset, Communitarian idea that, you know, private property will be done away with. And, we'll be all pretty much tenant surfs, like, back in the old middle ages again. You know?
[00:52:54] Unknown:
But that's what they want. See, that's their plan. That's what they want. Yeah. That's what I can mean it will happen. You know? No. No. I can see an edge in that way, though, with the fact that people people's wages aren't going up, but the bills are going up. And, you know, the price, the reason why, like, my friend can't rent privately, she could probably get a deposit together, but they now cap the housing benefit. So you were looking at £1400 a month for a property. It's gone up like, it's gone up about £700 in 18 months.
Mhmm. You know, No way. No one's wages. They've already got 2 people out working in the family home. You know? Mhmm. It's, they're gonna make it impossible when people, you know, people are using food banks like they've never used before. They'll have us all living in these little pods like, like they do for the homeless. You know? Yeah. Yeah. That's the aim. Yeah.
[00:53:49] Unknown:
Yeah. Like, I'm seeing, like, the white people in South Africa are taking things into our hands as well because they're they have what they call, load shedding, which is, like, power cuts constantly 3 or 4 times a day. Right. And, so a lot of them take, you know, they they're all kind of invested. The commutes would invest in a big generator so they can generate electricity for the whole town. They've also set up their own private security so they everyone takes a turn, like, you know. Oh, right. And I'd said that the police are useless. You know? So, anyway, that's it. We're coming to an end. Yeah. Right. Thank you so much, Brymer.
[00:54:35] Unknown:
And just to be clear as always. Thank you. And I'll be back in a few weeks, guys. Beginning of February off for a long long break only in sunny Cornwall. Have a nice day. But you look after yourself, my lovely, and, we'll catch up again soon. Thanks, Rosa. Thank you. See you soon. Bye. Bye bye.
Introduction and Technical Issues
Guest Introduction: Bryza
Discussion on Biblical Themes and Apocalypse
The First Seal and the Pandemic
Future Predictions and the Second Seal
Economic Disparities and the Third Seal
Potential Future Crises and the Fourth Seal
Religious and Historical Contexts
Technological Advancements and Historical Resets
Mental Health and Coping Mechanisms
Political Systems and Voting
Local Politics and Community Issues
Conclusion and Farewell