Broadcasts live every Wednesday at 7:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Shelley Tasker Show on Today's date is Wednesday, 31st July 2024. We are also streaming on Rumble for the first time, so feel free to join the chat. Our guest tonight is Howard Koolman, a friend of the show, astrologer, and researcher. We discuss a range of topics including astrology, minerals and health, America, Trump, and Q.
Howard starts by explaining the significance of Pluto's transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, highlighting its impact on power structures and community dynamics. He also touches on the role of artificial intelligence, specifically mentioning the launch of ChatGPT coinciding with Pluto's entry into Aquarius.
We then delve into the current political climate in the US, discussing the upcoming election, the role of mainstream media, and the potential for significant changes. Howard shares his insights on the deep state, the old guard, and the new energy pushing for transformation.
Switching gears, we explore health and nutrition. Howard shares his journey from prediabetes to better health through exercise and diet. He discusses the importance of minerals, the pitfalls of certain foods like spinach due to oxalates, and his daily routine of taking various supplements.
We also touch on the fascinating world of mushrooms, both for their nutritional benefits and their potential in mental health treatment. Howard shares his experiences with microdosing and the broader implications for health and well-being.
Finally, we discuss the enigmatic Q movement and its connections to current events. Howard deciphers some recent Q posts and their relevance to the ongoing political and social changes.
Thank you for joining us. We hope you found this episode as enlightening as we did. Stay tuned for more engaging discussions on the Shelley Tasker Show.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Shelley Tasker Show coming live out of It's good to have your company. Today's date is Wednesday, 31st July 2024. I am also streaming on Rumble. So if you wanna get involved in any questions or add any chat, I will try to check on it. I'm not sure if it's working. This is the first time. Anyway, without further ado, I've got an awesome guest. It is the awesome Howard Coleman who's been on my show several times. He's a friend of the show, and he is an astrologer, a researcher.
He knows his stuff about Hugh and Trump. He knows a lot about everything. Good evening, Howard, and welcome to the show. Oh, good evening. Thank you. That's alright. How are you doing, my lovely?
[00:02:05] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm good. I'm good. I'm kind of, like, trying to keep, enjoy the peacefulness in, in the countryside while watching not exactly watching the UK burn, but it's kind of feels quite a bit like that at the moment, doesn't it, with all the, demonstrations and stuff going off? Yeah. Tensions are running high, and there's a lot that I need to look into and, well, time time, but you're the researcher. You know what's going on.
[00:02:29] Unknown:
So Yeah. So we're gonna chat a little bit tonight about astrology, minerals and health, America, Trump, and q. Where do you wanna start, my lovely?
[00:02:39] Unknown:
I think actually, let's start with the astrology, and then we'll move on to all the other stuff because, so I wouldn't normally start with the astrology, but, yeah, we'll do that because light hearted. We'll start light hearted as such. Yeah. It's a good one. So the really big thing in astrology over the last, year, and this year, and next year is Pluto. So Pluto has been going through Capricorn for about the last 20 years, 15, 20 years. And Capricorn is very business orientated, very much about rules, quite reserved, structures.
And you can kind of, also see it as kind of like the deep state in some ways, because they're quite a bit controlling. So there's an element to that with it. And Pluto is about power, power and transformation, where the power is. So we've often thought of Pluto in Capricorn as, like, power is with large corporations. It's the globalism, it's all that kind of thing. But, of course, it's moving, it's just about moving into Aquarius, which is very different sign. It's about community, friendship, it's also about, the rules by which we live together in community.
Yeah. It's quite scientific. It's very, ideas focused. It's quite cool and detached as well. So we're making we're in the middle of this shift. And it went and, of course, the the other aspect of, of Aquarius could be artificial intelligence, because it's, Aquarius rules the mind, higher mind. So so Pluto, basically in fact, the week Pluto went into Aquarius the first time, which was last year, I think it was in March, We had ChatJiPT, literally opened its doors and had the biggest, I think, was a user sign up in history with over, you know, a 100,000,000 people all signing up to chat GBT. And that was the week that Pluto went into Aquarius. I mean, it was just you could have predicted it better, really. I mean, it was absolutely timed to perfection. I mean, you always think that, Chat GPT had an astrologer behind them when they when they launched it. It was just amazing timing.
So that happened. And then so now, Pluto is about to go backwards because so there's this thing. All the planets go around the sun. The planets don't go backwards with regards to the sun. But from the Earth's point of view, because the Earth is going around once a year, and these outer planets are going very slowly, they appear to wobble in the sky. They're called wandering stars, that's what the Greeks called them, because they go forwards, then it goes backwards, and they go forwards again. So it's like, 3 steps forward, 1 step back, 3 steps forward, 1 step back. So that's what the planets do from Earth's point of view.
And so Pluto went into Aquarius, but then it cost it's done its, one step back, and it's about to go back into Capricorn. So it's going back into the old energy again. It does this on the 1st September, and then it will goes it will station and around 11th October, and then it'll go forwards again back into Aquarius on the 20th November. So it's really interesting. It's the last time that Capricorn's gonna be in Capricorn for about 250 years. Wow. So it doesn't happen happen very often. It takes a long time for Pluto to go right around. So this is Pluto in Capricorn's last shout, and it's basically 2 what was it? September, October, and half of November.
And it feels to me like we're pushing into this new energy, which is what Pluto's been doing for the last year, being in Aquarius, but then we get this last kind of fleeting, bit from the old guard, the deep state and everything, trying to hang on, and they've got two and a half months where Pluto is gonna be behind them. And it's interesting that it just coincides with the US election, which will be on the 5th November. So I'm really feeling that kind of pull at the moment. The, the energy coming in, people wanna change, people know the whole system's corrupt, or there's, you know, the majority are now really getting it.
And we've got and the old guard, of course, are hanging on by their fingernails, and they can't afford to let go. They're gonna hang on until the very, very end, because, you know, they're toast, basically, and they they know it. So, yeah, so come 20th November, it goes back into Aquarius, and then that's it. It's in Aquarius for the next 20 years. So So are we in the age of Aquarius then, or are we in that now? Yes. So we're kind of moving into it slowly. So the age of Aquarius comes from the precession of the equinoxes, which is an even slower cycle. So there's lots and lots of cycles in astrology. The Pluto cycle is 250 years.
The precession of the equinoxes is, 26000 years, so it's a lot longer. There's a lot of debate about when we're in the age of Aquarius, but, definitely, Pluto pushing into Aquarius as well is definitely gonna push us, I think, push us in. There's some debate about the fact that Aquarius rules electricity and that we may have started to move into it in the 7 late 1700 even. But that is a very slow process, and it's a bit uncertain, but the Pluto thing is really defined. We know when it's going in, and yeah. So, yes, we could say that Pluto into Aquarius, and especially 20th November onwards, we're in Aquarius. So, yeah, you could say that.
[00:08:34] Unknown:
So So exciting times ahead.
[00:08:37] Unknown:
Very exciting times. But, also, you can just feel the tension, oh my gosh, of the old guard holding on and the new energy pushing in. And, you know, they can't hold the tide back. You know, the the tide is coming in, so there's nothing they can do. They can just they can try a few things to delay it, but it isn't gonna work. It's not gonna work. There's so much. And they can all this is reflected, obviously, in the UK, all the tensions in the UK, but more in the US. The US is the ground 0 of this whole big shift, and then it will ripple around the world, the the change that is gonna happen there.
And and the big one that has to be dislodged is the mainstream media. The mainstream media, obviously, are the brainwashing operation for the entire planet, keeping everybody asleep, and misinforming everybody, and that massive engine has got to be dismantled and exposed. But you've how do you expose somebody who's lying to you? You know, it's really if you've spent all your life with them, you know, and trusted them. So we're in a process where people have been hypnotized, or if you like, they've been they're in a cult. The whole world has been in a brainwashed mainstream media cult, and you have to get the whole world out of it.
And it's extremely difficult to do that, on an individual basis. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people have had experience of this when you're talking to friends who have just they live their lives by the BBC or whatever, and it's just almost impossible to Break through. Yeah. Break through. It's so difficult. So at the end of the day, what we really need is we need a big event, which, completely destroys the mainstream media narrative. And we have those. They're all lined up to go. We're just we're just waiting for the event, the, you know, the pen is to drop, basically, in America. It's gonna happen in America, and it will be three things. It's gonna be January 6th. You know, the invasion of Capitol Hill was a red a false flag by the Democrats. You know, it's one of them. We've got the staining of the election by Biden in 2020. That's another one that's gonna gonna go.
So so those are 2 big ones. And then we've also got COVID, and we've got, you know, loads of other things. So with those those three things and and we've now got the assassination attempt on Trump as well, which is almost, you know, like a mainstream media are not gonna survive this when all this information comes out. It's the mainstream media are not gonna survive this when all this information comes out. They aren't they are they are toast. They're gone. Good. And then everybody can then we can all breathe a sigh of relief, and then people can open their eyes and start to really question what's going on, all the all the all the Normies who are, yeah, who have been brainwashed. So I'm kind of just can't wait for that to happen. But, those are the things that are going to absolutely change the world.
And we can only we're we're just waiting for the US election to happen and for Trump to get in, for for the FBI to be unblocked so all the information can pour out. So we're still heavily dependent on Trump then?
[00:11:47] Unknown:
Massively. Massively. I've I've mean, I've watched snippets of American news, and, oh god. Her name's just gone right out of my head. Who's this new, Kamala? That's it. Kamala? Harrison, is it? Yeah. Kamala Harris. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:12:01] Unknown:
And I I don't have been hearing, like, she's gonna walk it, but I don't believe everything I hear anyway. But No. So the mainstream media at the moment are doing a massive job at the moment in promoting Kamala Harris as, going to beat Trump and everything, but it's all all the polls are being faked. All the, talking heads are out there, you know, bigging her up. But when she attended 1000000 miles away from what the mainstream media and the yeah, all those people are pushing. So what happens with her is an interesting one. I'm not quite sure. Obviously, Obama and various others are putting her forward as the as the next candidate, But there's a lot of question marks, a lot of people. She's so unpopular.
She came last in the the Democrat primaries when when it was, when they were deciding who was gonna go against Trump in 2020. She came last out of about 20. He was absolutely so unpopular. But, yeah, that's that's all they've got to go with, because they had to they had choose her, because Biden it was Biden's VP. And then you can't bypass, you know, a brown woman, you know, woman of color. So, you know, they had to pick her. You know? They were completely yeah. They had nowhere to go with that one. So but who the who her VP is? Now that's a good question. Could could be all sorts of people. My god. That's a really interesting one. Yeah. And I'm just thinking back. You know, we were in this conversation, really, 4 years ago as well, Howard. Yes. Do you remember when Yeah. All of this, the upcoming election and stuff, but, go where have 4 years gone? I know. It's amazing. I didn't think we'd survive 4 years of Biden, but I thought we might survive 2 years, and then they might kick him out. But, actually, he's been in there for 4 years.
But, again, there's a lot of evidence to suggest that, Trump and the military are working together, and they've been in the background just making sure nothing goes too far awry. And yeah. And Biden, I mean, crikey, he's just being fabulous, isn't he? He's just been such so many clangers.
[00:14:21] Unknown:
Well, we could see 4 years ago that there was a problem with, I don't know, dementia or some something was amiss, wasn't it? Yeah. And, I mean, yeah, the the things that I've seen, I could kind of feel a little bit sorry for him, actually.
[00:14:35] Unknown:
Yeah. But, yeah, He's And the timing of it. You know, how perfect is it that, you know, Biden is really starting to lose it just, you know, 3 months before the election? I mean, you couldn't have timed that better, really. No. No. So you you might say that that's deliberate, that, actually, there are people behind the strings who are, making sure that Biden falls apart at the right moment, that Kamal Harris Kamal Harris comes in at the right moments. It's all kind of, like, engineered. This whole thing is being engineered to try and wake everybody up in the background. There's a thing called devolution, which was quite a big thing about 3 years ago. A guy called Patel Patriot made some amazing observations about some of Trump's executive orders showing that he was forming an underground government in the background, while Biden was in, so so that things could be controlled to a degree.
So, yeah, so that's an interesting one. That might come back up again at some point, who knows? But, yeah, so, yeah, Pluto is doing its shift. The election's gonna be in the time zone when Pluto is behind the corrupt people. So, again, we're obviously looking at another corrupt election. It may even be that they managed to cheat in the election again. The they still haven't banned all the elect electronic voting machines. They haven't banned the, mail in ballots. That's I'm not seeing that yet. I mean, it'd be great if they do that, but, it may be that they want the the election to be stolen for another time and then to expose it a few months later and and then kick them out. It's very difficult to know what's gonna happen.
[00:16:16] Unknown:
Interesting. Exciting times. I will say that when I'm chatting to you because you're what's
[00:16:21] Unknown:
going on out there. Yeah. Oh my goodness. So, yeah, so Pluto is one of the big big things that's shifting at the moment. There's another, couple of planets which are changing sign, kind of having quite a big impact at the moment, Neptune and Saturn. Saturn rules structures, and I think I mean, everybody's kind of aware that things are shaky at the moment. You know, a lot of people are not paying their TV license fee. A lot of people are in debt, and people are just not paying bills. And and so as as a again, I get a sense that there's, the structures are kind of starting to crack a little bit. There was inflation, which is causing a lot of problems. Things are getting very expensive, and if more and more people just stop paying their bills, which they could just do, you can just stop paying your bills, you're not gonna get cut off, in this country anyway. Your water and electric won't get cut off because they're not allowed to do that.
So you can just stop paying them those bills entirely, and you'll, you know, you'll have a CCJ against you, but, hey, what, you know, what difference does that make to a lot of people? It's not gonna make a lot of difference, really. A lot of people are not paying their council tax. Yeah. It's interesting. So there's a lot of,
[00:17:38] Unknown:
political background. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:17:41] Unknown:
And of course yeah. So what's what's gonna happen with all the debt as well? The mountains of debt. So there's this thing about Saturn. It's in Pisces at the moment, and Pisces tends to dissolve things. It's also coming up to Neptune, which also dissolves things. We've got our it also rules borders. So the borders are very permeable at the moment. We've got all the immigrants, and, yeah, they're not asylum seekers, are they? They're economic migrants pushing in and everything. So that's the our borders are very porous. All our boundaries are very porous at the moment, and that's going to get even worse over the next year.
And it's not until October 2025 when we're gonna see a shift in the borders, in the way the, the our boundaries, change overrun by then, aren't we? If we go in for 18 months. Oh, my goodness. What's the same? Where it's gonna go. Yeah. So, yes. So from an astrological point of view, I would say that the border issue is gonna continue to be an issue for another 18 months. And at which point, people will be absolutely beside themselves, and that's probably what maybe it's what we need, you know. We need people to be get off their settees and actually said, right, I've actually had enough of this, you know. So, yeah, that'll be interesting. So 23rd October 2025 is when Neptune goes into Aries, very different energy, very more defined. Saturn goes in 1st September 2025, and then the energy then is gonna be completely different. Oh, my goodness. Completely different.
But we've got 18 months to go, so it's kind of so I'm kind of pacing myself, I'm kind of looking at these timescales, And then the other really big aspect I'm looking at is July 2026, which is when I think there's going to be a peaceful revolution, worldwide. And then, yeah, things are gonna get a lot better very quickly from July 2026. So we got 2 years? We got 2 years. Yeah. 2 years. And it's it's gonna probably gonna be the most exciting. Well, it's gonna frustrating and exciting 2 years, I think. Yeah. Certainly for me, anyway. I just yeah. It's just gonna be popcorn time for the next 2 years. Like, oh my god. This is just getting insane. But there is this light at the end into the tunnel, astrologically, July 2026, looks a beautiful beautiful energy, really lovely.
So it can I can only think that, you know, all those troubles are kind of, like, dealt with? All the people that are blocking everything have been removed. Things should be really rocking by then. Yeah. So that's my kind of time scale. Okay. 2 years. Yeah. Got 2 years, hold on to your hats, popcorn, pace yourself, try to relax. Don't get too wound up by what's in the news. Take a break if you need it. Yeah.
[00:20:46] Unknown:
Oh, cool. Great stuff.
[00:20:47] Unknown:
Okay. Yeah. Cool. So that's that's my astrological take on it. Astrological
[00:20:53] Unknown:
astrological take on things. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's hit health. I love it. What what are you up to now? Because every time I speak to you, you're trying something new, some new herbs, tablets, supplements, or doing some weird sort of exercise plan.
[00:21:08] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I kind of I guess to fill people in, I kind of, so about, at the beginning of COVID, COVID, I was not exercise I kind of stopped exercising. And I was absolutely exhausted all the time. Every time I had a meal, I had to go down to sleep, and I realized I started researching my symptoms and realized I was on the edges of prediabetes while I was prediabetic, and I thought I've got to exercise, so that's I started wearing a weighted vest and going out for walks. That's how I started. And then I started getting into diets, and I really went into researching all the health stuff really, really as deeply as I could.
And where I am now with it, so I went down, a route of of looking at nutrition. I found some very interesting things around plants. So plants don't want to be eaten, just like animals don't want. Nobody wants to be eaten. Plants don't wanna be eaten either. And they have,
[00:22:15] Unknown:
Well, even tomatoes.
[00:22:17] Unknown:
Even tomatoes. Problem well, tomatoes are not too bad, although they're part of the daily nightshade family. But some people have to watch tomatoes, but may they must be alright. But, yeah, the the ones that you really have to watch out for, and I think it's just the story of the plant, is just amazing, and that's spinach. So spinach was like it's it's this superfood. You know, it's like massive iron supplement. You must have your spinach, and you get iron. There's all this pot pie stuff and everything. But it's interesting how that kind of started. So it start this is just a little example of how the food has completely screwed us all up.
In 18/70, there was a guy called Eric Von Wolf, and he got into testing a lot of the foods, for minerals. And so you can imagine, you just do a test. You get your spinach leaf or you get your or whatever it happens to be, and then you just break it down into its chemical constituents, and then you just separate out the minerals, and then you work out how much minerals is in in there. Now that's that's got its issues as well. That's that's not brilliant, because this as I'll get into them in a minute. But for spinach, he did his calculation, and then he wrote it down, and he put the decimal point in the wrong place.
Right. Mind blowing for for iron. So he actually had it written down that there was 10 times more iron in spinach than there actually was, and it was a a mistake. The the mistake didn't get found out, though, for about 30 years, 30, 40 years. When it was found out, it was published, but nobody really paid much attention to it. And the mistake kind of continued in the, you know, general minds of the of, all the public and everything. And then we had Popeye. So the whole Popeye thing, you know, where he squeezes the can of spinach, you know, and that's and his mussels, you know, and everything, that was made after they had already found out that the decimal point had been put in the wrong place.
[00:24:25] Unknown:
Oh, right. Insane.
[00:24:29] Unknown:
So then so so spinach had this whole thing. Now there's other things with spinach. So there people really, really need to know this. Oxalates. If you haven't heard or looked into oxalates, you must look into oxalates. That's o x a l a t e s, oxalates. Plants don't wanna be eaten. They also want minerals themselves. And so the oxalates, these chemicals, basically, the plants use them to get the minerals out of the soil and into the plant. And you can think of them a bit like, a very grabby thing. It's like a hand, you know, it goes in, grabs the mineral, pulls it into the plant, and then the plant has it. So the plants, like, for instance, spinach now the spinach has the highest amount of oxalates almost out of any plant. The only other 2, which which are very very similar, are chard and spinach.
They are all super high in oxalates. I mean, about 10 times more oxalates than most other plants. So they've got lots of these grabby hands grabbing these minerals, especially iron, and pulling them up into the plant. So the plant has got a huge amount of iron in it. And it has got a lot, but not 10 times the amount, you know. So so, you know, you you eat spinach expecting to be able to get those minerals, because they're in the plant, because the grabby hand went and got it. But actually, that isn't what happens. The grabby hand's got that mineral so tightly, it's not gonna let go. And it can go through your entire digestive system, and it will actually go straight out. So you won't get the iron from the spinach, and you won't get the other minerals from the spinach.
And not only that, but there are an excess of of oxalates in the spinach and chard and rhubarb, and in other plants as well, so that when you eat them, the free oxalates in them, and they're soluble and non soluble forms of it, they will go through your body, they will go through the food that's going through your system, and they will grab the minerals and then bind to those minerals, and then make them unavailable. So you can so you can have a fabulous meal with lots of nutrition, you know, mineral nutrition in it. If you eat it with spinach, a lot of that nutrition will will be unavailable to you. The spinach will the the, you know, the oxalates will go through that meal, and then they'll grab onto all the minerals, and they will just be flushed out the toilet. You won't be able to absorb them. So it more or less does the opposite of what we've been led to believe. That's right. It's almost exactly the opposite.
And the soluble oxalates will even go into your go through your digestive system into your body, bind to minerals, and then you flush them out. So you you lose you lose the minerals inside your body or lose the minerals in the meal that you had. And because a lot of people are doing smoothies with even, you know, with raw spinach, chard, you know, expecting it to be a superfood, because you're getting all the spirulina or greens or whatever, and they're actually immediately removing all the minerals from from from the smoothie or from the meal. And of course, they end up being mineral deficient.
[00:27:42] Unknown:
absolutely crazy. So don't eat spinach.
[00:27:46] Unknown:
Yeah. So Wow. Nobody should be eating spinach, chard, or rhubarb. Those are the big 3. Yep. Oh, okay. Yeah. Now there's so you will find so there's books on this now, and you can also go online, and you can look up, what are high oxalate foods, medium oxalate foods, and low oxalate foods. So, absolutely, you should stay away from those 3. They are the worst culprits. If you've got an oxalate problem, if you've been ingesting a lot of oxalates, like a lot of spinach and stuff over the years or whatever, you you've probably got these oxalates in your bones, you know, in your body, and you've got to kind of get rid of them. You've got to get them out of your system, so that you can actually retain and use the minerals. So there's a lot of talk about, clearing the oxalates out of your system. And to do that, you need to go on a low oxalate diet, and you need to ingest calcium, because calcium is one of the things that the oxalates will bind to most easily.
And if you feed the oxalates calcium, then you kind of stop them from taking other minerals like magnesium and and, yeah, potassium and other things. So one of the recommendations is that if you and so, for instance, let's pick another one. How about chocolate? So chocolate is another it's not a high oxalate. It's a medium oxalate food. So if you have, like, hot chocolate, but you chuck in, like, calcium citrate, which is a good calcium supplement, The calcium I leave it for 20 minutes. The calcium will bind to all the oxalates in the chocolate. And then when you drink the chocolate, it will go through. The oxalates have already been fed. They will take the calcium and go out, but you will get the other minerals. You'll get all the other minerals and nutrients from the chocolate.
[00:29:31] Unknown:
Right. I'm just trying to get my head around this. Oh, it's fascinating, isn't it? I'm really into all this nutrition stuff and yeah.
[00:29:40] Unknown:
Yeah. So that so the oxalates is really, really important. And if you stop taking oxalates and you start to go on lower or lower oxalates, or you take those calcium, you'll start to increase the minerals within your body, and, that's what we all are. We're mineral deficient. Every almost everybody on the planet's mineral deficient. And so what I've so what I've been doing most recently, you're talking about what am I doing. What am I doing? I am Every morning, I take a, a drink, which has got packed with minerals. So I take calcium citrate, and I buy that as a powder. I buy a kilo of it at a time.
And I might have, like, half a teaspoon calcium citrate. I have a, magnesium complex. I have a, potassium biocarbonate to get potassium. I take Lugol's iodine, 50 15 percent solution. I take 4 drops of that to get iodine. I take a selenium tablet and I take a pinch of borox powder, which is a cleaner, but it's got it's a very good source of boron. And that covers 6 of the major minerals that your body needs. The other mineral is iron. It's not recommended you take an iron supplement. So the way I take iron is I usually have it in 1 or 2 ways. I either have liver. You only need a tiny amount, or you can have eat black pudding, which is which is base which is basically blood.
[00:31:06] Unknown:
Yeah. I know. Stuff in it. Yeah.
[00:31:09] Unknown:
But I really like it now. Actually, it's funny how you get used to stuff. I kind of, you know, you kind of like, that's pretty horrible, but I tell you, take a slice of black Sorry. Are you still, like, on the carnival diet then? No. No. No. No. I do eat other stuff as well. I I got a whole mixture of stuff. But I am really strange things. Yeah. I do eat a lot of strange things. Yeah. I but I do start every day with this mineral really mineral rich drink. And you can mix juice with it or whatever. You know? And I also have glyinac. I think we spoke about that Yeah. Yeah. For the show. I still have glyinac, glycine, and n l cetyl n l cetylcysteine, which, really boosts the body's glutathione levels, antioxidant levels.
So that's that's very proven to have longevity effects. Yeah. It's really and taurine, I have a bit of taurine as well. That's very good. They even feed that to cats. It's in cat food. Cat xenia, cat food, they put taurine in there. But for some reason, they don't think to give it to humans. I don't know why. But, you know, we want our cats to live longer, but when we don't give it to ourselves, why is that? I don't know. So, yeah. So I've got all these powders lined up in the kitchen in pots, basically. And my morning routine is, like, half a spoon of this, half a spoon of that, spoon of this, spoon of that, bit of juice, you know, and then slug it back. And then I wait half an hour for that all to go down, and then I have my breakfast, which is, you know, boy poached eggs and toast and a bit of bread pudding and blood pudding. I mean, you know, black pudding. Yeah. So that's that's how I start my day.
[00:32:40] Unknown:
Oh, wow. I, you know, I usually know what I should be eating to a certain degree, but there's lots of things I just don't fancy. Even taking supplements, I think, oh, I'll take that later. I'll take that later. Just, but, yeah, you've got a good headspace for it.
[00:32:57] Unknown:
Yeah. And I kinda get a very I mean, I'm I'm quite I was maybe I'm maybe I'm slightly autistic or something, but I kinda do I do get routine.
[00:33:04] Unknown:
I always tell you that anyway. Sorry. It's really rude, isn't it? But
[00:33:08] Unknown:
Oh, dear. So I've got my pots. You know, the you know, you know, when old people get loads and loads of drugs and everything, they have to take absolutely. So I I take loads and loads of vitamins and minerals. I don't take a load, actually, but I I take a fair amount. But, you know, so I buy the pots that have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and in the days of the week, and I fill my pots, with my and and the other things I take, people are interested, I also take 2 grams of krill oil, which is very good for the brain. I also take a very high potency vitamin d with k 2, MK 7, which distributes the calcium. Very important to take vitamin k 2.
And then I so I have that. I have I also try to find something with, trace minerals in it, and one of the good sources for that is kelp. So you can buy kelp tablets, That's a good way of getting, trace minerals.
[00:34:02] Unknown:
Kelp, as in, is that seaweed?
[00:34:05] Unknown:
Yes. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's about it. Yeah. I can't think of anything else. That's enough. That's a lot. And try getting it into a routine with it. You know? Yeah. I think everything's about routine, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And if you're gonna do it properly, you know, buy a kilo. So I buy a kilo of calcium citrate, a kilo of magnesium, a kilo of potassium, and then that lasts you a year, you know, and it might cost you it might cost you, you know, like, a £120 or a £100 or something. But then once you spent it, you know, it's a year's supply of calcium. And you know that if you've got hot chocolate, stick a tea you know, half a teaspoon of calcium citrate in there, and you know you're not gonna be robbed of minerals, and you're gonna get all the nice stuff from the with the chocolate. I've never thought of it before as food like stealing your minerals.
This is the thing. So oxalates, Have a little research into oxalates. And the other thing to research into while you're at it with with things that rob you of of nutrients, Tea. Tea is terrible. Oh, I love tea. Tea's got tannins in it, which rob you of vitamin b. And I've got an amazing story of tea. I've got, my first girlfriend, she had period pains, which was so painful that she was bedridden for 3 days every month. The only weird thing she did was she had these pint mugs of builder's tea. So I just suggested to her, how about just cut out the and see what happens? It's the only weird thing that you do. Anyway, so she did. And the next time her period was due, she didn't even know she had it.
[00:35:39] Unknown:
Wow. The thing is all of these things that we like is having to give up, isn't it? Because I quite often I can only drink a couple of cups tea a day. If I get onto that third one, I can suddenly feel sick, and I relate it to the tea. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just gonna have to not not eat, not drink.
[00:35:57] Unknown:
Or know what to offset. So if you do drink tea, make sure you take a vitamin b supplement every day, because, you know, it basically will destroy your vitamin b absorption. Yeah. Black tea does that. And and the other thing so you've got so you've got oxalates to look out to do some research on. You've got tannins to do research on, and you've got and the other one is there's, digestive enzyme inhibitors. So they're plants that stop you from digesting stuff. So for instance, flaxseed or flax seeds. If you if you when you put water in them, they swell up and they're supposed to be good for omega threes and other stuff, but nobody tells you that the gel that they produce is inhibits, you know, absorption of vitamins and minerals.
So this is a thing that's been overlooked, I think, is the inhibiting of absorption of minerals and the stealing of minerals by plants.
[00:36:58] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. So when you say plants don't want to be eaten then, what's their purpose?
[00:37:04] Unknown:
Well, their purpose is to thrive and grow and, and to use up all the lovely carbon dioxide. They love carbon dioxide. So, you know, the more carbon dioxide we get them, the better, and the more they'll grow. Right. Yeah. So that's that's their purpose. And then they're trying not to be eaten. That's right. Yeah. So they produce this stuff so that they we don't get any health benefits, and we won't touch them again. But, they didn't take into account the mainstream media and humans and, yeah, and lying and, yeah. Oh, dear. Suppressing information. As per usual.
[00:37:44] Unknown:
I know we talked ages ago. Can we can we chat a little bit about mushrooms, Howard? Yes. Because I don't know you I'm sure you've probably seen it. Is it Fantastic Fungi, a documentary that was on Netflix? Oh, gorgeous. Yeah. I love that. Oh. Really good. I think it's just come off, and I watched it over 3 nights last week because I was just trying to maintain all of the information and the, the mycelonius. Have I said no. Have I said that wrong? My mycelium? That's it. Mycelium. Wow.
[00:38:13] Unknown:
Amazing, isn't it? It's like a brain. Yeah.
[00:38:16] Unknown:
That just stalks off everywhere.
[00:38:19] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yes. That's right. Oh, it's incredible, all the communications between different plants. I mean, what they're learning to do with communication is amazing and how the fungi sort of are like the nervous system, aren't they, underneath the ground linking the whole forest together? Yeah. Incredible. And and they help also they help the plants also, get the minerals. So there's, like, also, yes, synergistic effect or, yeah, symbiotic effect.
[00:38:46] Unknown:
Because you've delved into mushrooms before, haven't you? You were taking a A little bit. Yes. You were microdosing at one time.
[00:38:52] Unknown:
Yes. That's right. I think I think they are I mean, they're fabulous in minerals. So there is also a thing. So there's 2 things to do, and they are extremely good with with minerals as well, generally. So and there's a there's a thing I really love, actually. 7 Seas, which is a company that sells, powders. They sell a 7 mushroom mix, which has got 7 different mushrooms all powdered and mixed up. And, oh my god. Fabulous. Amazing. Just half a teaspoon of that and a cup of hot chocolate. You won't even notice it's there, but you'll get so much from it. As long as you stick in yeah. As long as you put in half a teaspoon of calcium citrate to get rid of those oxalates, then oh my goodness. Fabulous. Yeah. Yeah. You should do a little recipe
[00:39:36] Unknown:
book. Yes.
[00:39:38] Unknown:
How about I'm really hoping, actually. I mean, oh, god. If I was more of, savvy in terms of business, but I'm really not. But may I've got ideas anyway. So somebody out there needs to do, chocolate bars where the chocolate has been mixed with calcium citrate. Okay. That would be healthy chocolate. Chocolate with calcium citrate mixed in, so the oxalates have already been fed. Yeah. Wow. That would that would be brilliant. Somebody could do that, I'll definitely buy their chocolate. But the the other the other mushroom one, the really big one though isn't it is, the psilocybin, mushrooms, some, magic mushrooms, and microdosing them and and the all the stuff to do with, lifting depression and rewiring the brain.
Absolutely amazing. Huge.
[00:40:29] Unknown:
Huge, huge, huge. So is the magic mushrooms they use for that? Yeah. But you wouldn't be tripping because you'd be taking such small doses.
[00:40:38] Unknown:
Tiny, tiny doses. Yeah. I did try it for a while. And and, also, the the important thing is to always leave a gap between every dose. So because you will build up, tolerance to it. Yes. So you need to leave it every 2 days. So every take them every 3rd day with peep and some of the people that do it take them every 3rd day, and they might take, like, 3 or 4 mushrooms, which is tiny, tiny amount. But people have said, as loads of, people saying on YouTube, that they've chucked their antidepressants away, don't need them anymore, which is amazing. Yeah.
[00:41:12] Unknown:
Not just I don't know if it's the magic mushrooms they use for that, but the man that was doing the documentary, he was saying that his mother had, like, stage 4 breast cancer. Right. And they started giving her the mushrooms, and it's just gone.
[00:41:26] Unknown:
Right. Yep. Yeah. And that could be I mean, that could be the mushroom. I'm sure there's there's lots and lots of things in mushrooms, but, obviously, there's all the minerals in there as well. So maybe the minerals remineralizing, his mother might have, might have played a big part in that. So my mom's 82. A big shout out to my mom. And I have bought her all these powders.
[00:41:50] Unknown:
She's she's a fantastic.
[00:41:53] Unknown:
She's a real brick. She's brilliant. So she's been, taking all these minerals and everything along with me. And I think, you know, with a being 82, I'm kind of fascinated to see how well she does. And she says her mind is a lot clearer. You know? Mind's clearer. And, you know, the boron from the borax helps you build strong bones. You know? Both begin with b, the letter b, you know, bends and borax. So borax, the Lugol's iodine is used in so many bodily processes. It's not just the thyroid, you know, which is one of the things they say, but it's used in lots of other different systems in the body. And, again, the doses that they all tell you are ridiculously small. You know, if you would go to hospitals or doctors and when they talk recommended daily amount, they're absolutely ludicrous. You know, you need to take more a lot more than what they're talking about to get the best health benefits, you know. So I take a pinch, you know, a big best health benefits, you know. So I take a pinch, you know, a big pinch of borax powder and I take that every day.
That's what I'm doing, which puts me near the upper limit of your tolerance. But then if you, you know, you do the research, go on chat gbt or one of the artificial intelligence, you know, systems like Claude, and ask it, what are the symptoms of overdosing on borax, you know, or boron? Then you just you just watch for those symptoms. You know, you just take you can take more and more until you start to notice you're feeling a bit queasy, and then then just pull back a bit. You know?
[00:43:18] Unknown:
What do you think of colloidal silver, Howard? Have you ever taken that?
[00:43:22] Unknown:
Yeah. I've taken that a bit. Yeah. Colloidal silver is very, very good in some ways. There's a very funny anecdote with it who's of somebody who overdosed on it. And they went silver color, I saw. They went blue. Yeah. The Smurf man. Yeah. Oh, the poor guy. But I think that was also partly had a genetic, predisposition to to that. I don't think everybody turns blue when they take huge amounts. But he did. And he's a bit of celebrity now. So,
[00:43:51] Unknown:
yeah, good on him. Well, I was looking into that because my son's had whooping cough. And Yes. You know, when he was struggling, and it was recommended, and I looked into it a little bit, and we've got a very diluted batch of it. You can actually see in the nebulizer like, a few days, my son said, what is that? Uh-huh. And it's like, you know, it looks like pencil lead. So he know it's only a small bit, and he obviously hasn't inhaled that No. Which has been collected in the nebulizer. Wow. Right. But Yeah. Yep. Even though it's heavily diluted. I don't know if it made much of of a difference, to be fair. Probably not not kept up with it long enough, but Yeah. I do have lots of remedies like you.
[00:44:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Right. So I was going to try them. You know? We'd be quite interested. Yeah. And then they're all they're all useful. There's so many as well, isn't there? And, you know, it's antibacterial. It's antifungal. Oh, and one other thing on anti so everybody is mineral deficient. That's one of the things. One of the things also almost a lot of people are obviously prediabetic, so everybody needs to cut down on sugar. And if you take taurine, that will help. There's various things will help, buffer that, but people really need to cut down. Don't eat cereals in the morning. Don't eat porridge. Try and stay away from those because they basically spike your insulin.
And also really important, you know, when you eat, if I I I've never done this, but I I started to well, just few days, I did my blood test every 2 hours with a blood test strip, you know? Yeah. And it's amazing. You eat a meal, and your blood sugar in an hour will go up, and it should be under 7, but if you're diabetic, it will go higher than that. And then after 3 hours, it will start to come down. 3 to 4 hours will start to come down. If you eat a meal every 3 hours, your insulin will be high all day long, and your blood sugar will be high all day long. And those sugars get attached to the blood cells, and stop them functioning so well, and then you will get all sorts of problems. Your pancreas is gonna get exhausted from producing all this insulin all day long.
So it's really good. If you're gonna do sugar, the best way is to do it hard. You do a large amount of sugar in a small amount of time, and then don't give your body a break from the sugar and the carbohydrates. And that allows your blood sugar to come back down, and then your body to, you know, to find its baseline again. So a lot of people, they just graze, you know, like you might eat a chocolate every hour, you know, and your insulin is constantly being pushed up all the time. So that's why intermittent fasting is so good. So so good.
[00:46:21] Unknown:
Are you still doing that?
[00:46:24] Unknown:
I do that occasionally. Yep. And I don't do the short, fasting anymore. I what I tend to do is I tend to save up at a bit of time every few weeks, a month maybe, I'll try and do a 1, 2, or 3 day fast, with my minerals. So I still take the minerals, but, it it what it what it what a 2 and a 3 day fast does, it massively cleans out your body. You know, people talk about detoxing on, you know, like vegetable juices and various things. It's absolute ridiculously. It's nothing. You do you do a 2 day fast, 3 day fast. That is a detox.
[00:47:03] Unknown:
And, presumably, you can drink water.
[00:47:05] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because some people call it people call it water fasting now, don't they? Right. That's right. You can have fruit tea. Yeah. And you can also do all the all the minerals. You can do the calcium citrates and get all the minerals into your body, but you're not doing protein. You're not doing carbohydrates. Those are the 2 big things. And what will If you don't do protein, then your body goes into a state called autophagy, which is autophagy, means eating yourself. The body wants protein, and it you're not feeding it protein, so the body has to find the protein from somewhere.
So where does it where can it find protein in the body? You know? And in the body, there's lots and lots of rubbish lying around in various cells and, you know, fluids and, you know, lymphatic system all over the place. You've got you've got bits of rubbish from all the food you've been eating. And, of course, you've never fasted. It's never had a chance to clear it all out. So it's all flowing around through your body. So when you do a fast, and you go into autophagy, the body will go around looking for any bits of protein it can find to build new proteins. And and even what about spike proteins?
[00:48:14] Unknown:
Oh, yeah.
[00:48:15] Unknown:
They'll get munched up. So the body will munch up and find all the spike proteins it can and actually build new proteins from them. And I do believe that 3 day water fast is probably one of the most powerful ways of getting rid of the spike proteins from vaccines and from COVID. Yeah. I think this is super, super powerful way of doing it. It doesn't cost you anything, but you save money doing it.
[00:48:43] Unknown:
How do you feel, though, like, 3 day well, 2 days in?
[00:48:47] Unknown:
How do how do you cope with the hunger pangs? With the hunger pangs. So you there's different ways you can do. So you can drink more water. You can have psyllium husks, which is like, it gels up in the body. It's a fiber, and that will fill you up. You can have tiny amounts of things. So you could have, like, a tiny amount of juice with psyllium husks, like 10 grams, maybe with, like, a pint of water and a tiny bit of juice. I mean, really tiny. Just a bit of flavoring, you know. And that will fill you up. You'll be full. But there's no there's very, very few calories in it, and you will stay in autophagy. What else could you do? And and also, if you take minerals, absolutely. I mean, if you go on Amazon and search fasting salts, you will find lots of little sachets of salts that you can take while you're fasting, and that will completely make your, hunger disappear.
[00:49:42] Unknown:
Oh, okay. Oh, that's interesting because it's I mean, I can eat a meal at 6 o'clock, and 4 hours later, I'm like, ravenous. I am. It's awful. That's when the munchies hit him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's when you want to have your
[00:49:55] Unknown:
psyllium husks, pint of water, and some fasting salts. And in there's magnesium, potassium, calcium, blah blah blah.
[00:50:03] Unknown:
But do you find that you sleep alright when you're fasting?
[00:50:07] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. I do. Yeah. Yeah. And after 2 days, my mind starts to really sharpen up. And after 3 days, you know, I'm I'm ready to do a, you know, like a crossword puzzle or meant, you know, entrance exam or whatever. It really sharpens the mind. You'd be amazed how it yeah. It clears the mind so much. It's incredible. Sounds it. And one of the little thing little trick that I've recently discovered is if you, take, caprylic acid, it will massively boost your energy as well. It it boosts what's known as ketones, which is the alternative energy source, to glucose.
C 8, so you can actually buy so coconut oil is brilliant. Coconut oil is a really, really good oil. It's much better than and you should get rid of all the seed oils. All the seed oils, throw them in the bin. Yeah. I've recently heard that. The last couple of months, I've stopped buying it. You should only fry with coconut oil, and then the only other oil really one should be having is olive oil. Olive oil, coconut oil, and get rid of everything else. Don't fry with olive oil, though. Olive oils, you know, is good for other things, but fry with coconut. Now there's a thing whereby you they separate out the coconut oil into what's called MCT oil, and it's got the smaller chains, the fatty chains in there. There's 4 types, c c6, c8, c10, c12, and the c8 in there is special.
It's called propylic acid, and it will attack Candida. And it will raise your ketones. It does two fabulous things. So when I'm fasting now, and it, I I try to take about a teaspoon of that every day now, and then it works really really well when you're fasting. Really well.
[00:52:03] Unknown:
Yeah. Great stuff. Well, do you know, Howard? We've got about another 5 minutes left before we wrap up. Yeah. So do do you wanna head down the queue route?
[00:52:13] Unknown:
Oh, yes. So, yeah, one of the things I'm I noticed. I mean, often, keeps being quiet. Trump doesn't necessarily there's not that many things out that references to it. You know, when there is, it's very kind of tenuous, isn't it? Yeah. But I was noticing when he was when that assassination attempt had, happened, he really insisted he went back and got his shoes, which I thought was interesting. But it gave him an excuse to say fight, fight, fight. 3 fights. And that's very special because there are 2 cue posts out of the 5,000 that have fight, fight, fight in them.
And they're quite interesting. So and I'm absolutely certain that he was sending out a message. Those 2 cue posts were a message. So, basically, they are about so I'll just I'll just quickly read them. They're quite not not that long. I'll read bit bits of them. Says, are you awake? Do you see your for yourself the MSN, the propaganda to, tool of the left? Do you see the Twitter, Google, censorship? Do you see corruption? Do you see evil? Are you a slave? Are you controlled? Are you a sheep? Are you awake? Do you think for yourself? Do you learn learn the truth, facts, history, the great awakening? They are losing control, respect opinion, or attack those who dare challenge the narrative.
It's right in front of you. Who are the fascists? Who are the true racists and the fascists? Who why does the Antifa flag mimic that of the Nazis? Confidence for humanity, fight. Where we go 1, we go all queue. And the other the other one is kind of on a similar sort of vein. So it's all about really, talking to the, your friends and trying to drop little pebbles in there to wake them up and and and follow both sides. I always tell people, you know, it's very important to all to follow articulate people on both sides of a debate. Even if you don't, you know, even for us, it's good to find articulate articulate people on the left to listen to as well as finding articulate people on the right to listen to. We should always, always do that.
And that's how we find out what the truth is. Definitely. Great idea. Somebody's put a question
[00:54:36] Unknown:
in the chat, Howard. What are those Amazon salts called?
[00:54:42] Unknown:
They're called fasting. So Just fasting salts. Just fasting salts. But I would really advise people, to go online, look for calcium citrate, magnesium complex, potassium bicarbonate, Lugol's iodine 15%, selenium, get a selenium supplement, and borax powder, pinch of borax powder. It's amazing. It it will save, you know, save lives, and it will make you feel so much better.
[00:55:08] Unknown:
Yeah. And another question by Joe. It's not Joe Wood, or is it Joe Gerald Wood? It could be. Could be. What about what about avocado oil?
[00:55:21] Unknown:
Great. Yeah. Avocados are lovely. They've got a lot of potassium in them, so that's good. Better than bananas. The the potassium in bananas is mostly in the skin. Oh, wow. Again, there's another another myth. Bananas are not brilliant for potassium, but avocados are.
[00:55:36] Unknown:
Right. Okay. Yeah. Well, we've just got a few minutes left, Howard, to round up. Yes. Yeah. We should be Where where can people find you? Are are you doing anything online? Because I know you've talked about it. You said you're gonna self stream.
[00:55:52] Unknown:
Hopeless. I am on Twitter now, and I think everybody should be on Twitter because since it's a free speech platform, we should be supporting all these. So I'm on Twitter as, liqht4067.
[00:56:06] Unknown:
Easy one to remember. Oh, no.
[00:56:09] Unknown:
Or just just look up Howard Coolman. I might be on how come I'm on Facebook as Howard Coolman 5, howard.coolman.5. Yes. That's probably the best way to find me. Howard q sometimes on Telegram. Yep. But, yes, I You are everywhere, really. I am everywhere. And I have a website, which I is, and I will promise I will put all this information up on
[00:56:39] Unknown:
Yes. Do that. And, I'll get some of these notes off you, Howard, and I can add them to the link. Great. Or, yeah. So we'll round it up there. Thank you so much, my lovely. Oh, thank you very much. Lovely. It's been ages, and, we need to do it again because I know we've run out of time, and, you've always got great information to go over. Thank you very much. No. That's all. It's alright. Great times. Fascinating times. Yep. Yeah. They are. Well, I'm looking forward to, yeah, 2 years, you say.
[00:57:06] Unknown:
Yeah. 2 years, we're all gonna be we're all gonna be dancing through the trees.
[00:57:10] Unknown:
Well, I really hope so. Alright, my friend. Well, nice to speak to you, and, we'll catch up again soon, and I've I'll learn all about what else is going on in your private life.
[00:57:21] Unknown:
Oh, right.
[00:57:22] Unknown:
No. What you were talking about earlier, I need to know more. Yeah. I love it. I love it. Alright, my darling. Well, you take care, and I'll speak to you soon. Okay. Great. Thanks, Howard. Bye. Bye. Bye bye. Right. How do I let me just un plug that. There we are. Wow. That was interesting. I'm gonna have to go back and write loads of these notes. So, actually, I have to probably just wait for Howard because I do need to take start taking some sort of supplements. What I really need is some bloody motivation, to be honest with you. I wanna stop drinking wine. I wanna stop drinking tea now, but I love them both.
And I wanna be healthy, and I wanna be slim. We've all got these silly little things, haven't we, that we want. Anyway, motivation. I think that's gotta be a good one, and we gotta chat to somebody, that can motivate us all and give us a hack. I've read so many books on these things, and, I still haven't really got anywhere. But I'm gonna blame it on my time in life. Okay? Anyway, thank you for listening. I think this has worked on Rumble, so that's the first first time for everything. I have done several tests on it over the last week. So, and I actually figured it out by myself. I'm quite proud. Quite proud.
Anyway, it's time to wrap up. So we will be back same time next week, via radio and also rumble, and go live on pothomedot com, which is where all of these shows are uploaded and saved. So I'm up next with the awesome Malefica Scott, with the connection. And I think this week, it better be this week. It's his turn. Maleficus is giving gonna give us a bit of history about Cornwall. I'm gonna have a great chat. So until next week, my lovelies. Have an awesome week.