The Fairly Fun Show

The Fairly Fun Show

Podcast about entertaining facts, jokes and also playing a mix of music.

12 November 2023

sad inspirationalism | FFS 05 (Bitcoin Special)

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Btw i misspoke. I meant to interpret Cash Back to be about the USD or Euro or other Fiat currency, I think i said interpret it to be about bitcoin.. which is incorrect lol.

Featured Songs:

Longy - The Underclass
atomicc - Fiat Matrix
atomicc - Bitcoiner
Sara Jade - Cash Back
Brrreadfan - The Misbits - Die, Die My Dollar
The Doerfels - Heartbreak
Aidan Fine - Pulse
Raymond Hayden - Broken
TIP_NZ - Break The Frame
PlebRap - Money Printer Go - Too Bit to Fail

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