Hey, y'all! Welcome to another episode of "Shut Up and Sit Down" with your host, Kehlani Morales, coming to you from Eagle Pass, Texas. I'm a proud third-generation Eagle Pass Texan, homeschooling mother, and self-proclaimed conspiracy mom. This podcast is for those who embrace their weirdness, especially the patriotic kind.
In today's episode, we dive into some hot-button issues, starting with a critique of Kamala Harris's stance on immigration and the decriminalization of illegal entry into the U.S. I question the logic behind providing free healthcare, housing, and EBT cards to illegal immigrants while American citizens, including veterans, suffer on the streets.
We also explore the broader implications of these policies on American society, touching on topics like homelessness, drug addiction, and the economy. I express my frustration with the current state of affairs and call for a return to traditional values and patriotism.
Additionally, I discuss the importance of the nuclear family and the role of both men and women in standing up for their rights and land, drawing parallels to an episode of "Little House on the Prairie." I emphasize the strength of femininity and the need for a united front against government overreach.
Finally, I address the controversial topic of gender pronouns and the impact of government policies on our children's education and well-being. I advocate for homeschooling and protecting our kids from confusing and harmful ideologies.
Tune in for a passionate and unfiltered discussion on the issues that matter most to us patriots. Until next time, this is Kehlani Morales, your Latina Trump supporter, signing off.
Shut up and sit down.
[00:00:15] Unknown:
Hey, y'all. Welcome to shut up and sit down. I am Kehlani Morales coming to you from Eagle Pass, Texas where it is hot and the borders are wide open. I'm a born and raised 3rd generation Eagle Pass Texan. I am also a homeschooling mother of 2 beautiful girls. Sourdough is in my lane and conspiracy mom is my name. Contraceptive, controversial, feminine feminist. You name it. This podcast is for people who don't care about being weird. Weird like patriotic weird. This podcast is about anything and everything, but we'll get into that in episodes to come. Folks, what type of weed is Kamala smoking?
Because I think it might be laced. God knows with what. Miss Mann wants to decriminalize illegals from ever being illegal to come into the border here in America. Not only that, but reward these people with free health care, housing, and EBT cards. How nice of her to give these people our tax paying dollars. Right? I mean, why not give them about a big amount in in in food and and and, in in food, money, like, about $5,000, you know, to take out of the ATM, like, if it's nothing. Right? So it shouldn't it should just be given to them because they've had it so hard.
Aw. Who cares about homelessness, big pharma, drug addictions, or, you know, can we get can can we really get get rid of the economy and the war, the big e and the w? Nene nene at this point. We should just be fine with people living, quote, unquote, like savages on the street. It's okay to be addicted to the delusion and not reality. Everybody should just be walking around like if it's nothing. Just leave American citizens out to rot just like America. Half of these people out here are on the streets, Kamala, literally.
She doesn't care about our veterans. She cares more about putting these illegals in hotels so they aren't on these streets. I mean, why not get off your high horse and help American citizens out? Where the hell is borders are Kamala at? Where is his borders are they speak of? Tell me, if you fear your country so much, why in the world are you going to bring your flag and prop it up on US soil? If that's the case, burn it and let it disintegrate. I mean, our own people are doing it to our own flag, which shame on you. People died for you to have the freedom to act like a savage. I thought we were past that. You know, pronouns, everything is subjective truth, yada yada.
You don't get to come into our country and disrespect us Americans, like, if it's funny. What a slap in the face. We have a lot of problems as you can see, but it's okay because we're evolving. You know? Evolution. Do you really believe that these illegals care about a make making America great again as if they cared so much about it at all? Why don't they go back to make their country great again? Right? Why why why do they have to be there? Why do they have to be here? Because it's easier to invade our border than actually go and make a difference in your environment. I mean, in their environment.
Right? A bit of translation there. He says that we're fucking stupid. We're racist. Jealous. And the people of the United States need to change their characters because if they don't, they're gonna change it. Excuse me, sir.
[00:04:16] Unknown:
Shut up and sit down. What the hell are you trying to tell us?
[00:04:19] Unknown:
Who the hell do you think you are? Buddy, shut up and sit down because, I mean, come on. Do you don't think that we don't love God, guns, and games, boy? Come and get it. Really. Like, come and get it. Sounds like this dude needs to get wrecked, folks. What an idiot. Why am I not a man? Because I I probably get in trouble. But then again, women can cut with their mouths if there's no self control, but I digress. If if I were ever to get, like, really hyped up here and I and I probably, you know, I probably do wanna smack the dude, but I'm not going to. Right? Because I'm a woman. I don't do that.
But if I ever get hyped up because it I am who I am. Right? Yeah. Yeah. And who who's they? Who's they? Sir, do you mean the government? Guys, he means the government. Duh. Like, it's right in your ears. Get it? Because you hear it. You can't see me. I'm John Cena. I'm I'm behind the mic. Right? This is not only happening, here in America, but it's happening over in other countries. I I don't know if y'all have seen the Andrew Tate and Pierce Morgan, interview. Like, it was a big eye opener to me because it's not only happening here, but it's happening all over.
Don't you think that's a little bit weird? I mean, the country of of miss America is going to be, just like these other countries. You know? Trying to get all these people under control. Where are the patriots who would fight tooth and nail? Where are we at? Because it reminds me of the episode of Little House in the Prairie. This this episode where, the railroad wants the farmer's land, and of course, they live in America and the wild wild west, wild wild wild west. They'd be wilding out, not rest In Walnut Grove, Minnesota, you know, where they were living it up, cowboys and Indians.
Of course, the railroad wanted to take away things that don't belong to them. I mean, isn't that something we already live? Their livelihood being taken away doesn't make it better. I mean, giving them chump change just for it to be their way and not, care about their hard work and sweat and tears. I mean, at the end of the day, who's gonna end up standing up? Of course, the men. Who else? Right? I mean, because it's a it's it's in y'all's DNA To be territorial and to actually do a good thing. Masculinity is good, especially in the cases. I mean, hello. Yes, babe.
You go you go. Go tell them that they can't have my chickens and my land. Like, they can't have that shit. You you go tell them that. Do you. But what better than to join is a helpmate? Biological women. You know? The ones who can actually get impregnated, the gender who gave birth to you. I mean, yeah. We stand up, and we don't care. They stood up, and they we. Because, I mean, I I I actually categorize myself as one of those. I'm sorry, but come come for me. Come for me. You know? Target me. Who cares? She thought she's she's so feminine.
Yes. I'm a feminine, not a feminist baby. It's okay. But, I mean, they stood close and right next to their husband, a united front. I mean, to be honest with you, it makes me wanna cry because I am a wreck. We don't have this anymore. It kinda sucks.
[00:08:24] Unknown:
What are you women doing here? You'll see. What do you think you're doing?
[00:08:26] Unknown:
Mister Hollingsworth, it's not just our husbands who own this land. We own it too. We've sweated over it every bit as hard as they have. And we're not giving it up to you or anybody else. So if you want it, you're gonna have to take it.
[00:08:48] Unknown:
You know, the scene musters me up with the courage to stick it to the man. All these men who were out here left, the the the strength of femininity is what make is what is what made them think twice about taking their land. A united front scares people away, especially greedy people. I mean, isn't that what the government's, point like, whole, charade is to hit the nuclear family, for them not to be together, for their for the women to be married to the government and leave the man out. You know? I mean, if if if the dude's, piece of crap I mean, don't get me wrong. There are dudes here that are pieces of crap. And I'm sorry for saying that, but I didn't wanna cuss. I'm a Christian, but, hey, it is what it is.
You know? But if the dude is actually trying to be there, why why? Why? If it's better to live in the desert than with a quarrelsome, fretful woman, why do you think these men, wouldn't have run away? I mean, they would have been idiots to think that if they could with a woman like that. I mean, protection from the father and and, you know, your husband and all that stuff, 1,000%. But an angry mother, it's not an it's not only a human thing, but it's it's an animal instinct too. I mean, have y'all seen lionesses? Have y'all ever seen how they protect their cubs?
I saw one time where I I guess the the the the guy lion was trying to hurt 1 of the cubs, and, like, she she pretty much scared him half to death, and he ran away. I mean, imagine us women, we can get pretty mad. They wanna play stupid games. You win big stupid prizes. Play at your expense. You know? Before I get, your overreacting, shut up and sit down. And I'm at this moment, you're telling me to not overreact to the fact that I want my children to have the best of the best unharmed and deprogrammed from your way of thinking. Yeah. Can we can we talk about that? From then now, my kids will be at home and be taught proper English and correct pronouns.
You know? I mean, what is it? What what is all this crap? Do you do you really think that there aren't moms out here who will actually fight for their kids, who are not gonna protect their kids? I mean, I'm not telling you, listener, if you don't homeschool your kids, you don't love your kids because I'm not I'm not calling you out. You know? I know you love your kids, and you're probably doing your your day to day life, and you got a lot of things to do. But the government's pretty much trying to cause chaos in your child's life.
You know? Trying to confuse your child to believe that they're another gender or believe that they can I mean, believe that, they they can transition or be transitioned? I mean, what is that? At 35 years old, they should be learning their colors. Don't you think? At at least looking at, I don't know. But, I mean, I watched Between the Lions and BBS Kids when I was growing up. So, what are we doing? What what are we doing? This is crazy. They're causing problems, I mean, not only in everybody else's life, right, but in my life. It's it's not only the economy, but it's also, your day to day talk, your average Jane Doe life.
I have an average Jane Doe life, but I have a mic. That's it. And I and I like my peace. So when the government tries to come and cause chaos, I mean, I have to talk about it. Right? I care. I am a mother who cares about my children. So I don't wanna confuse my kids. I actually want them to be around others and community and generations to come, you know, like legacy.
[00:13:01] Unknown:
Y'all know that the biggest ship that just set sail was called the icon of the seas recently. It's the bigger than the Titanic. Five times the size. Everybody was worried about it was gonna sink like the Titanic and all this stuff. My biggest question is, you know how the captain says women and children first? I mean, in this day and age, I mean, what are y'all gonna do? Are y'all gonna yell at the captain? Well, I mean, are y'all oh, no. They made my pronouns. Like, I mean, do we have time to, like, split up fairies and them them they's and, like, explain to me how would that go? Well, this is a real question. Oh my god.
[00:13:44] Unknown:
We're done for. If you don't let a mom on a plane with her infant son because, you know, she gets her pronouns wrong and you feel a certain type of way, but she got to she got stuff to do.
[00:13:56] Unknown:
You know? They're gonna let the ship sink.
[00:13:59] Unknown:
They're gonna let that plane crash. Titanic all over again, History does repeat itself. But in other peep you know, people have to do stupid other stupid stuff. And this is stupidity. You know? There's there there you go. Innocent people are gonna die. Right? This is why I want righty tighty screwed noggins and not lefty loosey goosey ones. What kind of morbid game is it to confuse your child or your or or or children? Like, ew. You're disgusting. You shouldn't even exist. I say that and I don't care. Free speech because it's America. Tune in for another episode with yours truly, Kehlani Morales, your Latina, Trump loving, supporter.