ReConnect My Heart Podcast

ReConnect My Heart Podcast

Although life's problems can break or tear our hearts apart, on ReConnect My Heart Podcast, we'll discuss God's answers to life's problems, to ReConnect our hearts BACK to the way God originally made us! This program will discuss issues such as: Relationship Problems, Divorce, Dating, Love, Insecurities, Low Self-Esteem, Conflicts with Others, Forgiveness (For Yourself & Others), Family Issues & much more.

28 March 2023

Spring Cleaning Your Mind! - S1E401

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Does it seem like you have mind fog? Oftentimes it's because there's so much clutter we have in our minds that it may take a while to get our thought process together. Think about it. Do you have your old clothes you don't use anymore in your closet? You had to get rid of unwearable items to make move for clothing  not only you could wear, but for this particular season. If God would give us the ability to move room for clothes in our closet, He would want us to do the same for our minds. On this show, we will talk about how to clear your thoughts of unnecessary stuff, the benefits of taking inventory of what we take in & much more, in the  episode called Spring Cleaning Your Mind! Live Sunday March 26, 2023 @ 8pm (CST) (516)453-9118

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