Although life's problems can break or tear our hearts apart, on ReConnect My Heart Podcast, we'll discuss God's answers to life's problems, to ReConnect our hearts BACK to the way God originally made us! This program will discuss issues such as: Relationship Problems, Divorce, Dating, Love, Insecurities, Low Self-Esteem, Conflicts with Others, Forgiveness (For Yourself & Others), Family Issues & much more.
Are you a good steward over the things God has given to you? Being a responsible steward (or manager) is not only knowing how to maintain it but not allowing it to be above God. On this show, we're going to talk about the importance of having God as your top priority, the consequences when you don't, steps that will help you how to put Him 1st & much more, in the episode called Keeping 1st Things FIRST. Live Sunday November 11, 2018, @ 8pm (CST) (516)453-9118