ReConnect My Heart Podcast

ReConnect My Heart Podcast

Although life's problems can break or tear our hearts apart, on ReConnect My Heart Podcast, we'll discuss God's answers to life's problems, to ReConnect our hearts BACK to the way God originally made us! This program will discuss issues such as: Relationship Problems, Divorce, Dating, Love, Insecurities, Low Self-Esteem, Conflicts with Others, Forgiveness (For Yourself & Others), Family Issues & much more.

29 October 2018

Is this God Talking or My Emotions - S1E131

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Have you ever prayed, then you heard an answer but you were not sure if it was God's voice or your emotions talking? Sometimes the devil or our own desires will play with our emotions to confuse us into thinking that we heard from God. Once you follow "That Voice", you later find out that you made a huge mistake & you question if that was really God or not! On the show, we're going to talk about learning the difference between hearing God's Voice versus your emotions in the episode called- Is this God Talking or My Emotions. Live Sunday 10/28/18, at 8pm (Central Standard Time) (516)453-9118 or

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