The Railroad Hour was a delightful radio series that aired musical dramas and comedies from the late 1940s to the mid-1950s. Sponsored by the Association of American Railroads, the show condensed beloved musicals and operettas into shorter formats, focusing on works written before 1943.
Here are some highlights:
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Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
In this episode, we dive into a delightful and humorous tale set in the picturesque suburbs of Paris. Our story begins with Lucien, who is planning a romantic rendezvous with Claudine, despite being engaged to another woman. The plot thickens as Lucien's fiancée, Michelle, unexpectedly returns from Saskatchewan, leading to a series of comedic misunderstandings and quick thinking.
As Lucien and Claudine navigate their way through a web of lies, they enlist the help of Monsieur Dandidier, an antique shop owner, to maintain their ruse. The situation escalates when Michelle arrives at the shop, and Dandidier is forced to play along, resulting in a hilarious sequence of events involving mistaken identities and impromptu kisses.
The episode is filled with witty dialogue, charming characters, and a touch of romance, all set against the backdrop of a beautiful Parisian garden and an antique shop. Join us for a lighthearted and entertaining story that will leave you smiling and perhaps even longing for a trip to Paris.
Here are some highlights:
- Host and Leading Man: The talented Gordon MacRae hosted each episode and played the leading male roles. His leading ladies came from both radio and the Metropolitan Opera.
- Musical Selections: The show featured excerpts from classic musicals such as:
- No, No, Nanette (with co-star Doris Day)
- Brigadoon (with co-star Jane Powell)
- The Desert Song
- Holiday Inn
- The Merry Widow
- The Mikado
- Naughty Marietta
- Show Boat
- Song of Norway
- State Fair
- The Student Prince
- The Vagabond King
- Musical Director: Carmen Dragon led the musical direction, and the show’s theme song was the familiar tune, “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.”
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio
Entertainment Radio | Broadcasting Classic Radio Shows | Patreon
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
In this episode, we dive into a delightful and humorous tale set in the picturesque suburbs of Paris. Our story begins with Lucien, who is planning a romantic rendezvous with Claudine, despite being engaged to another woman. The plot thickens as Lucien's fiancée, Michelle, unexpectedly returns from Saskatchewan, leading to a series of comedic misunderstandings and quick thinking.
As Lucien and Claudine navigate their way through a web of lies, they enlist the help of Monsieur Dandidier, an antique shop owner, to maintain their ruse. The situation escalates when Michelle arrives at the shop, and Dandidier is forced to play along, resulting in a hilarious sequence of events involving mistaken identities and impromptu kisses.
The episode is filled with witty dialogue, charming characters, and a touch of romance, all set against the backdrop of a beautiful Parisian garden and an antique shop. Join us for a lighthearted and entertaining story that will leave you smiling and perhaps even longing for a trip to Paris.
Wake County Public School System is hiring bus drivers and bus mechanics. Experience what it's like to be inspired every day as you help our students get to school safely by driving or maintaining our yellow buses. We offer competitive salary including bonus potential and great benefits in a positive, welcoming environment. Apply now at and explore an exciting new role with us.
[00:00:33] Unknown:
Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered
[00:00:38] Unknown:
It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby. Mama's bringing home the bacon. Woah. Take it easy, Judy. Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch chumba. The Chumba life is for everybody. So go to and play over a 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary. We were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms applies. See website for details.
[00:01:19] Unknown:
Right now, we're off for a little outdoor restaurant in the forest of Compaigne in the suburbs of Paris. Hello? Corinne? Corinne. Waiter? Yes, monsieur. Waiter, have you seen a a beautiful woman? To a Frenchman, all women are beautiful except his wife. Well, that's a fine thing to say, waiter, to a man who's about to get married. Well, I'm sorry, sir. I haven't seen your future wife. Well, of course you haven't. She's not the girl I'm meeting. Oh? Now, we want to eat here in the garden, just the 2 of us, the most romantic spot you have. You are planning a romantic rendezvous, monsieur, but not with your fiance?
Of course not. Oh, don't. You don't seem to get the idea at all.
[00:02:12] Unknown:
You see, I'm going to be married in June. It's now the beginning of May, and so I'm still free to commune with a life that is single and gay. I'm free, but it's almost a sin. Already, I ought to be true. I ought to sit down and begin to behave as sedate husbands do. Was not just yet. Just yet. Just yet. I've got about 6 weeks more. That I must forget forget forget all the joys I have known before. Claudine must become a mere dream of the past, And I reconvene, you know, a hobby at last,
[00:04:37] Unknown:
monsieur, there is the young lady coming down the path right now.
[00:04:41] Unknown:
A vision in pink. Claudine.
[00:04:47] Unknown:
[00:04:47] Unknown:
I'm sorry to be late. Young ladies should never be on time. Especially beautiful young ladies in pink. Lucien. Now you take the girl I'm about to marry. She's always on time. You never told me you were engaged. Oh, well, I was but, she went away to, Saskatchewan.
[00:05:07] Unknown:
[00:05:08] Unknown:
Yes. That's in Canada. It's a river. How sweet. Well, now really, Claudine, when a man's fiance runs off to Saskatchewan, you can't expect him to go on acting as if he were still engaged. No, captain.
[00:05:22] Unknown:
By the banks of the Seine with a girl so beautiful, it gives one pain to remain quite beautiful. And yet I swore by the stars above throughout my life to reserve my love. For a girl by the sass Katuan. For a girl, by the sass Katuan.
[00:05:48] Unknown:
On the banks of the same, there's
[00:07:21] Unknown:
hard to be. Monsieur.
[00:07:48] Unknown:
Oh, monsieur. There is another young lady coming down the path looking for you. My fiance. Back from Saskatchewan? Oh, you you've got to hide, Claudine. She's very jealous. So am I. Well, you can be jealous in in back of the tree. Now quick hide. Hide.
[00:08:01] Unknown:
Do you lose
[00:08:03] Unknown:
Wow. Michelle, my darling, what a glorious surprise.
[00:08:07] Unknown:
I thought I might surprise you having a secret rendezvous with another woman.
[00:08:12] Unknown:
Gail, I've been sitting here lonesome, longing for you.
[00:08:16] Unknown:
Then how does it happen the table is set for 2?
[00:08:20] Unknown:
I was hungry. Alright, sweet story.
[00:08:24] Unknown:
Where is the little hussy you've been dining with? Behind the tree, I suppose. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Oh, I'm mad with El Saskatchewan. Oh.
[00:08:33] Unknown:
Oh. Did you hear what she called me? No. No. No. Please. Please, Please, ladies, listen to me. Listen. I assure you, Angel, my sweet, your future husband is not dining with an unmarried woman. Allow me to present this lady in pink, Madame Dandidier.
[00:08:49] Unknown:
You're welcome, my dearest friend. You never told me you had a friend named Dom Didier? Oh, yes. He's a wild man. Goes around kissing women that he's never even seen before. I don't believe a word you're saying. Where does this dandidier live?
[00:09:03] Unknown:
Oh, 72
[00:09:05] Unknown:
Ruta De Pae. I'm going straight to that address and check up on your story. Oh, no. No. No. No. I I I wouldn't do that. And why not? Oh. My husband's not at home. He's gone to see a doctor about his,
[00:09:17] Unknown:
[00:09:19] Unknown:
Lumbago? Yes. He has the lumbago? We think it's the cause of his trouble. You mean he goes around kissing every girl he meets because he has the lumbago.
[00:09:30] Unknown:
Isn't it curious?
[00:09:32] Unknown:
Yes, Diane. I am going back to Paris, to your friend's house. And if you aren't telling me the truth, oh, I feel sorry for you.
[00:09:40] Unknown:
I didn't like the way she said that.
[00:09:43] Unknown:
You're a dreadful liar. I always thought I was rather good at it. Well, what will happen when she gets to that address and finds there's nobody there named Don Didier? But there is. I remember the sign.
[00:09:55] Unknown:
Don Didier, Antiques. Do you know the man? I never saw him in my life. Well, what do we do? We'll get to Don Didier before my fiance does. And we'll make him play along with us. Will he do it? If he buy enough antiques, he will. Will you come with me, Claudine? Of course, I will. Come on. We've got to beat Angel back to
[00:10:19] Unknown:
[00:10:23] Unknown:
What is it pumpkin? What are you doing? I'm dusting the snuff boxes pumpkin.
[00:10:29] Unknown:
Well, come up here and put on your best shirt. Madame La Pouste will be here any moment. Now she's the richest woman in Perth. And if you impress her properly, she'll buy out the whole shop. Just a moment pumpkin. I see 2 customers coming.
[00:10:41] Unknown:
And may I help you, mister?
[00:10:43] Unknown:
Are you monsieur dandidier?
[00:10:46] Unknown:
Yes. Has a woman been here asking about your lumbago?
[00:10:50] Unknown:
Of course, I don't have lumbagos. Well, you've got it now. I do? Now listen to me. I am Lucienne Gardel, your best friend. Uh-huh. And I am Claudine, your wife. My wife is upstairs. Well, you've got 2 of them now. You've been to the doctor this morning. Yes. You're a wild man. Basement. You kiss every girl you meet. You are both out of your minds. Look it out of my shop. Go on. Get out of your mouth. Now wait a minute. How much is this snuff box? A 1,000 phong. I'll give you 2,000 if you'll do as we say. Wow.
What must I do? Good. When a woman walks in that door, kiss her, but I don't know how. You don't know how to kiss, but you're married, aren't you? What's that got to do with me? Don't you kiss your wife? What a revolting idea. Claudine, we will demonstrate how to guess. Now, miss Sharon, observe. One arm about the girl's shoulder. Another about the waist. The head, thus.
[00:12:04] Unknown:
The lips Oh, and loosen.
[00:14:35] Unknown:
We'll return for the second act of the pink lady in just a minute. Now here is act 2 of the Lawrence and Lee version of the Pink Lady starring Gordon MacRae as Lucien and his guest star Lucille Norman as Claudine the pink lady. Claudine, what do you suppose is happening in that antique shop? We couldn't very well stay and watch the show. Hardly. My fiance found us with donde d d. She'd know it was a put up job. If you don't mind my saying so, I think your fiance is a prune. I agree with you.
[00:15:36] Unknown:
Then why did you propose to her?
[00:15:39] Unknown:
Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. But you don't love her. Love?
[00:15:45] Unknown:
I hate love. How can you say such a thing? I love love.
[00:16:23] Unknown:
Rhapsody him for yourself and only considers himself. Why a baby will cry. And love became bored with child, grew tired of being divine and leaving a sweet and the wild wood, he came up to Paris to dine.
[00:17:48] Unknown:
I wonder what's happening in the antique shop. Don't you wish we could hide in the snuff box and listen?
[00:18:00] Unknown:
Now let me see. I I got a pink dress. I'm married to the lumbago, and I've gotta kiss the doctor. Oh, no. That's not right. Let us be the woman now. Alright, grandege. Get ready to be naughty.
[00:18:13] Unknown:
How do you do? Are you monsieur Grand Didier?
[00:18:17] Unknown:
I am. A beautiful lady, did you ever have the lumbago? I beg your pardon. You think your future husband has lied about me? What? But when it's all true, that I'm gonna kiss you. I'm going to make violent love to you. I'm going now. I'm going after No. It's all me. It's not me. Yes, pumpkin?
[00:18:40] Unknown:
What did you do to the contest?
[00:18:43] Unknown:
That was the contest? Who else? I have just insulted the richest woman in Paris. I'll never do anybody a favor again.
[00:18:55] Unknown:
I'm looking for mister Dombier.
[00:18:57] Unknown:
I don't have the lumbago. I haven't been to the doctor. Lucian Caridell is no friend of mine.
[00:19:02] Unknown:
That proves that you know him. He wasn't lying after all. Now kiss me and I'll know that everything he said was true. You kiss her and I'll bounce a snuff box off your head.
[00:19:15] Unknown:
I'll kiss her if I please.
[00:19:24] Unknown:
My old friend, dandidier.
[00:19:26] Unknown:
Up to your old tricks again, I see. We're just in time. You. You. You. Kissing my fiancee. Why you should be ashamed of yourself. Lucy and I'm sorry that I doubted you and please forgive me Madame d'Andidier. She's not Madame d'Andidier. I'm Madame d'Andidier.
[00:19:41] Unknown:
If she says she's my wife, I'm going to kiss her.
[00:19:51] Unknown:
Now, just one moment. I'm gonna kiss everybody.
[00:19:56] Unknown:
But why? Because I like
[00:19:59] Unknown:
it. You like it? I like it.
[00:20:03] Unknown:
So do I. And half past 2 this afternoon, he was a moral man. And half past 3 a bold buffoon started a deadly plan. You wrecked his life on the rocks of sin to break the door of his frugal sin and push him over the brink. Blink like a brink where the glass is pink. Blink like a brink where the glass is pink. Blink like a. And the worst of it is he likes it. He likes it. He likes it. His head goes round like a t toed thumb. His heart goes thump like a big bass drum. Thip, tip, with a zip. Thip, tip, with a zip. Thumb, and make things come. The worst of it is he likes it. He likes it. He likes it. And the worst of it is he likes it. He likes it. Yes. He does. And the worst of it is he likes it. He likes it. He likes it. He likes it. He
[00:20:53] Unknown:
lost his feet and he left
[00:21:12] Unknown:
Now will you believe me, Ashelle? I love you and only you. The pink lady doesn't mean a thing to me. Oh, thank you, Lucien. I love you too. But but but I I was talking to Anja. I know.
[00:21:27] Unknown:
But I also know that you're the worst liar in the world. So if you say you love her, you must be madly in love with me.
[00:21:34] Unknown:
Well, then I'll tell you the truth, big lady. You're as smart as you are, beautiful.
[00:22:45] Unknown:
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
[00:22:47] Unknown:
Lucille Morman will be back in just one moment. And meanwhile, our thanks to Hans Conried, who played Papa d'Andidier, Lee Benedara, who played Madame d'Andidier, Betty Lou Gerson, who played Angel, Eleanor Audley, who was the comtes, and to our entire company. The Pink Lady with book and lyrics by CMS McClellan and music by Ivan Caroll was dramatized for the railroad hour by Lawrence and Lee. The railroad hour is brought to you each week at the same time by the American Railroads. Marvin? This year, all America turns its eyes to the Midwest and the centennial celebrations that mark the founding of the Nebraska Kansas territories and the city of Omaha.
Omaha's centennial celebration is attracting particular attention by its festive year long program of special events, parades, pageants, and exhibits. And America's railroads take particular pleasure in saluting these centennials. For not only is Omaha today one of the country's vital rail centers, but the Nebraska Kansas territories were actually established with the idea of making possible the transcontinental railroad system that forged the missing link between east and west, populated the land, and made the dream of a United States come true. Thank you, Marvin. And now here again is our delightful guest, Lucille Norman.
[00:24:09] Unknown:
Thank you, Gordon. I have only one thing to say about tonight's show. I liked it. I liked it. I wonder how the orchestra felt.
[00:24:17] Unknown:
We liked it. Crazy. Well, it seems to be unanimous. But what's on the show train next week? Well, Lucy, you and me and some beautiful music. Listen. The new moon. Mhmm. Real springtime music by Romberg and Hammerstein. And the delightful operator. I'll be here, Gordon. Good night. Good night, Lucy. See you next week. All aboard. Well, dear friends, it looks as though we're ready to pull out. So until next Monday night and the new moon, on behalf of the other members of the cast and of the American Railroads, this is your friend, Jordan McRae, saying Good
[00:25:09] Unknown:
[00:25:16] Unknown:
The Pink Lady was presented by special arrangement with the Tams Whitmark music library. Our choir was under the direction of Norman Luboff, and our music was prepared and conducted by Carmen Dragon. This is Marvin Miller saying good night for the American Railroad and reminding you a stronger national guard means a stronger America. Young men and veterans are urged to go to their nearest national guard unit now and find out the many advantages to themselves and to their country of joining the National Guard. Now stay tuned for your Monday night of music on NBC.
The preceding was transcribed. Keep tuned for the telephone hour with Igor Goran on the NBC radio network.
[00:26:16] Unknown:
Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered jumbo It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby. Mama's com and play over a 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes.
Wake County Public School System is hiring bus drivers and bus mechanics. Experience what it's like to be inspired every day as you help our students get to school safely by driving or maintaining our yellow buses. We offer competitive salary including bonus potential and great benefits in a positive, welcoming environment. Apply now at and explore an exciting new role with us.
[00:00:33] Unknown:
Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered
[00:00:38] Unknown:
It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby. Mama's bringing home the bacon. Woah. Take it easy, Judy. Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch chumba. The Chumba life is for everybody. So go to and play over a 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary. We were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms applies. See website for details.
[00:01:19] Unknown:
Right now, we're off for a little outdoor restaurant in the forest of Compaigne in the suburbs of Paris. Hello? Corinne? Corinne. Waiter? Yes, monsieur. Waiter, have you seen a a beautiful woman? To a Frenchman, all women are beautiful except his wife. Well, that's a fine thing to say, waiter, to a man who's about to get married. Well, I'm sorry, sir. I haven't seen your future wife. Well, of course you haven't. She's not the girl I'm meeting. Oh? Now, we want to eat here in the garden, just the 2 of us, the most romantic spot you have. You are planning a romantic rendezvous, monsieur, but not with your fiance?
Of course not. Oh, don't. You don't seem to get the idea at all.
[00:02:12] Unknown:
You see, I'm going to be married in June. It's now the beginning of May, and so I'm still free to commune with a life that is single and gay. I'm free, but it's almost a sin. Already, I ought to be true. I ought to sit down and begin to behave as sedate husbands do. Was not just yet. Just yet. Just yet. I've got about 6 weeks more. That I must forget forget forget all the joys I have known before. Claudine must become a mere dream of the past, And I reconvene, you know, a hobby at last,
[00:04:37] Unknown:
monsieur, there is the young lady coming down the path right now.
[00:04:41] Unknown:
A vision in pink. Claudine.
[00:04:47] Unknown:
[00:04:47] Unknown:
I'm sorry to be late. Young ladies should never be on time. Especially beautiful young ladies in pink. Lucien. Now you take the girl I'm about to marry. She's always on time. You never told me you were engaged. Oh, well, I was but, she went away to, Saskatchewan.
[00:05:07] Unknown:
[00:05:08] Unknown:
Yes. That's in Canada. It's a river. How sweet. Well, now really, Claudine, when a man's fiance runs off to Saskatchewan, you can't expect him to go on acting as if he were still engaged. No, captain.
[00:05:22] Unknown:
By the banks of the Seine with a girl so beautiful, it gives one pain to remain quite beautiful. And yet I swore by the stars above throughout my life to reserve my love. For a girl by the sass Katuan. For a girl, by the sass Katuan.
[00:05:48] Unknown:
On the banks of the same, there's
[00:07:21] Unknown:
hard to be. Monsieur.
[00:07:48] Unknown:
Oh, monsieur. There is another young lady coming down the path looking for you. My fiance. Back from Saskatchewan? Oh, you you've got to hide, Claudine. She's very jealous. So am I. Well, you can be jealous in in back of the tree. Now quick hide. Hide.
[00:08:01] Unknown:
Do you lose
[00:08:03] Unknown:
Wow. Michelle, my darling, what a glorious surprise.
[00:08:07] Unknown:
I thought I might surprise you having a secret rendezvous with another woman.
[00:08:12] Unknown:
Gail, I've been sitting here lonesome, longing for you.
[00:08:16] Unknown:
Then how does it happen the table is set for 2?
[00:08:20] Unknown:
I was hungry. Alright, sweet story.
[00:08:24] Unknown:
Where is the little hussy you've been dining with? Behind the tree, I suppose. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Oh, I'm mad with El Saskatchewan. Oh.
[00:08:33] Unknown:
Oh. Did you hear what she called me? No. No. No. Please. Please, Please, ladies, listen to me. Listen. I assure you, Angel, my sweet, your future husband is not dining with an unmarried woman. Allow me to present this lady in pink, Madame Dandidier.
[00:08:49] Unknown:
You're welcome, my dearest friend. You never told me you had a friend named Dom Didier? Oh, yes. He's a wild man. Goes around kissing women that he's never even seen before. I don't believe a word you're saying. Where does this dandidier live?
[00:09:03] Unknown:
Oh, 72
[00:09:05] Unknown:
Ruta De Pae. I'm going straight to that address and check up on your story. Oh, no. No. No. No. I I I wouldn't do that. And why not? Oh. My husband's not at home. He's gone to see a doctor about his,
[00:09:17] Unknown:
[00:09:19] Unknown:
Lumbago? Yes. He has the lumbago? We think it's the cause of his trouble. You mean he goes around kissing every girl he meets because he has the lumbago.
[00:09:30] Unknown:
Isn't it curious?
[00:09:32] Unknown:
Yes, Diane. I am going back to Paris, to your friend's house. And if you aren't telling me the truth, oh, I feel sorry for you.
[00:09:40] Unknown:
I didn't like the way she said that.
[00:09:43] Unknown:
You're a dreadful liar. I always thought I was rather good at it. Well, what will happen when she gets to that address and finds there's nobody there named Don Didier? But there is. I remember the sign.
[00:09:55] Unknown:
Don Didier, Antiques. Do you know the man? I never saw him in my life. Well, what do we do? We'll get to Don Didier before my fiance does. And we'll make him play along with us. Will he do it? If he buy enough antiques, he will. Will you come with me, Claudine? Of course, I will. Come on. We've got to beat Angel back to
[00:10:19] Unknown:
[00:10:23] Unknown:
What is it pumpkin? What are you doing? I'm dusting the snuff boxes pumpkin.
[00:10:29] Unknown:
Well, come up here and put on your best shirt. Madame La Pouste will be here any moment. Now she's the richest woman in Perth. And if you impress her properly, she'll buy out the whole shop. Just a moment pumpkin. I see 2 customers coming.
[00:10:41] Unknown:
And may I help you, mister?
[00:10:43] Unknown:
Are you monsieur dandidier?
[00:10:46] Unknown:
Yes. Has a woman been here asking about your lumbago?
[00:10:50] Unknown:
Of course, I don't have lumbagos. Well, you've got it now. I do? Now listen to me. I am Lucienne Gardel, your best friend. Uh-huh. And I am Claudine, your wife. My wife is upstairs. Well, you've got 2 of them now. You've been to the doctor this morning. Yes. You're a wild man. Basement. You kiss every girl you meet. You are both out of your minds. Look it out of my shop. Go on. Get out of your mouth. Now wait a minute. How much is this snuff box? A 1,000 phong. I'll give you 2,000 if you'll do as we say. Wow.
What must I do? Good. When a woman walks in that door, kiss her, but I don't know how. You don't know how to kiss, but you're married, aren't you? What's that got to do with me? Don't you kiss your wife? What a revolting idea. Claudine, we will demonstrate how to guess. Now, miss Sharon, observe. One arm about the girl's shoulder. Another about the waist. The head, thus.
[00:12:04] Unknown:
The lips Oh, and loosen.
[00:14:35] Unknown:
We'll return for the second act of the pink lady in just a minute. Now here is act 2 of the Lawrence and Lee version of the Pink Lady starring Gordon MacRae as Lucien and his guest star Lucille Norman as Claudine the pink lady. Claudine, what do you suppose is happening in that antique shop? We couldn't very well stay and watch the show. Hardly. My fiance found us with donde d d. She'd know it was a put up job. If you don't mind my saying so, I think your fiance is a prune. I agree with you.
[00:15:36] Unknown:
Then why did you propose to her?
[00:15:39] Unknown:
Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. But you don't love her. Love?
[00:15:45] Unknown:
I hate love. How can you say such a thing? I love love.
[00:16:23] Unknown:
Rhapsody him for yourself and only considers himself. Why a baby will cry. And love became bored with child, grew tired of being divine and leaving a sweet and the wild wood, he came up to Paris to dine.
[00:17:48] Unknown:
I wonder what's happening in the antique shop. Don't you wish we could hide in the snuff box and listen?
[00:18:00] Unknown:
Now let me see. I I got a pink dress. I'm married to the lumbago, and I've gotta kiss the doctor. Oh, no. That's not right. Let us be the woman now. Alright, grandege. Get ready to be naughty.
[00:18:13] Unknown:
How do you do? Are you monsieur Grand Didier?
[00:18:17] Unknown:
I am. A beautiful lady, did you ever have the lumbago? I beg your pardon. You think your future husband has lied about me? What? But when it's all true, that I'm gonna kiss you. I'm going to make violent love to you. I'm going now. I'm going after No. It's all me. It's not me. Yes, pumpkin?
[00:18:40] Unknown:
What did you do to the contest?
[00:18:43] Unknown:
That was the contest? Who else? I have just insulted the richest woman in Paris. I'll never do anybody a favor again.
[00:18:55] Unknown:
I'm looking for mister Dombier.
[00:18:57] Unknown:
I don't have the lumbago. I haven't been to the doctor. Lucian Caridell is no friend of mine.
[00:19:02] Unknown:
That proves that you know him. He wasn't lying after all. Now kiss me and I'll know that everything he said was true. You kiss her and I'll bounce a snuff box off your head.
[00:19:15] Unknown:
I'll kiss her if I please.
[00:19:24] Unknown:
My old friend, dandidier.
[00:19:26] Unknown:
Up to your old tricks again, I see. We're just in time. You. You. You. Kissing my fiancee. Why you should be ashamed of yourself. Lucy and I'm sorry that I doubted you and please forgive me Madame d'Andidier. She's not Madame d'Andidier. I'm Madame d'Andidier.
[00:19:41] Unknown:
If she says she's my wife, I'm going to kiss her.
[00:19:51] Unknown:
Now, just one moment. I'm gonna kiss everybody.
[00:19:56] Unknown:
But why? Because I like
[00:19:59] Unknown:
it. You like it? I like it.
[00:20:03] Unknown:
So do I. And half past 2 this afternoon, he was a moral man. And half past 3 a bold buffoon started a deadly plan. You wrecked his life on the rocks of sin to break the door of his frugal sin and push him over the brink. Blink like a brink where the glass is pink. Blink like a brink where the glass is pink. Blink like a. And the worst of it is he likes it. He likes it. He likes it. His head goes round like a t toed thumb. His heart goes thump like a big bass drum. Thip, tip, with a zip. Thip, tip, with a zip. Thumb, and make things come. The worst of it is he likes it. He likes it. He likes it. And the worst of it is he likes it. He likes it. Yes. He does. And the worst of it is he likes it. He likes it. He likes it. He likes it. He
[00:20:53] Unknown:
lost his feet and he left
[00:21:12] Unknown:
Now will you believe me, Ashelle? I love you and only you. The pink lady doesn't mean a thing to me. Oh, thank you, Lucien. I love you too. But but but I I was talking to Anja. I know.
[00:21:27] Unknown:
But I also know that you're the worst liar in the world. So if you say you love her, you must be madly in love with me.
[00:21:34] Unknown:
Well, then I'll tell you the truth, big lady. You're as smart as you are, beautiful.
[00:22:45] Unknown:
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
[00:22:47] Unknown:
Lucille Morman will be back in just one moment. And meanwhile, our thanks to Hans Conried, who played Papa d'Andidier, Lee Benedara, who played Madame d'Andidier, Betty Lou Gerson, who played Angel, Eleanor Audley, who was the comtes, and to our entire company. The Pink Lady with book and lyrics by CMS McClellan and music by Ivan Caroll was dramatized for the railroad hour by Lawrence and Lee. The railroad hour is brought to you each week at the same time by the American Railroads. Marvin? This year, all America turns its eyes to the Midwest and the centennial celebrations that mark the founding of the Nebraska Kansas territories and the city of Omaha.
Omaha's centennial celebration is attracting particular attention by its festive year long program of special events, parades, pageants, and exhibits. And America's railroads take particular pleasure in saluting these centennials. For not only is Omaha today one of the country's vital rail centers, but the Nebraska Kansas territories were actually established with the idea of making possible the transcontinental railroad system that forged the missing link between east and west, populated the land, and made the dream of a United States come true. Thank you, Marvin. And now here again is our delightful guest, Lucille Norman.
[00:24:09] Unknown:
Thank you, Gordon. I have only one thing to say about tonight's show. I liked it. I liked it. I wonder how the orchestra felt.
[00:24:17] Unknown:
We liked it. Crazy. Well, it seems to be unanimous. But what's on the show train next week? Well, Lucy, you and me and some beautiful music. Listen. The new moon. Mhmm. Real springtime music by Romberg and Hammerstein. And the delightful operator. I'll be here, Gordon. Good night. Good night, Lucy. See you next week. All aboard. Well, dear friends, it looks as though we're ready to pull out. So until next Monday night and the new moon, on behalf of the other members of the cast and of the American Railroads, this is your friend, Jordan McRae, saying Good
[00:25:09] Unknown:
[00:25:16] Unknown:
The Pink Lady was presented by special arrangement with the Tams Whitmark music library. Our choir was under the direction of Norman Luboff, and our music was prepared and conducted by Carmen Dragon. This is Marvin Miller saying good night for the American Railroad and reminding you a stronger national guard means a stronger America. Young men and veterans are urged to go to their nearest national guard unit now and find out the many advantages to themselves and to their country of joining the National Guard. Now stay tuned for your Monday night of music on NBC.
The preceding was transcribed. Keep tuned for the telephone hour with Igor Goran on the NBC radio network.
[00:26:16] Unknown:
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