A collection of tips for spreading the good word about your awesome R package, how spring cleaning a package codebase doesn't have to be a dreadful experience thanks to usethis, and the culmination of a learning journey to bootstrap node JS projects powered by webR.
Episode Links
- This week's curator: Colin Fay - [@_ColinFay]](https://twitter.com/_ColinFay) (Twitter)
- Marketing Ideas For Your Package
- Spring clean your R packages
- webrcli & spidyr: A starter pack for building NodeJS projects with webR inside
- Entire issue available at rweekly.org/2024-W11
Supplement Resources
- rOpenSci software review process: Aims and scope https://devguide.ropensci.org/softwarereview_policies.html#aims-and-scope
- Colin Fay's hexmake Shiny app https://github.com/ColinFay/hexmake
- No installation required: How WebAssembly is changing scientific computing https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00725-1
- tryr - Client/Server Error Handling for HTTP APIs https://github.com/analythium/tryr
Supporting the show
- Use the contact page at https://rweekly.fireside.fm/contact to send us your feedback
- R-Weekly Highlights on the Podcastindex.org - You can send a boost into the show directly in the Podcast Index. First, top-up with Alby, and then head over to the R-Weekly Highlights podcast entry on the index.
- A new way to think about value: https://value4value.info
- Get in touch with us on social media
- Eric Nantz: @theRcast (Twitter) and @[email protected] (Mastodon)
- Mike Thomas: @mike_ketchbrook (Twitter) and @[email protected] (Mastodon)
Music credits powered by OCRemix
- Vivid Orbis - Marble Madness - Gaspode - https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR04555
- Black Genesis (Floating Continent) - Final Fantasy VI Balance & Ruin - Brandon Stradery, Rexy - https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02796