A glimpse into the world of end-to-end Shiny app testing with shinytest2, and an important look at the spectrum of reproducibility within R using container technology and services.
Episode Links
- This week's curator: Batool Almarzouq - @batool664 (Twitter)
- End-to-end testing with shinytest2 Part 2
- MRAN is getting shutdown - what else is there for reproducibility with R, or why reproducibility is on a continuum?
- Entire issue available at rweekly.org/2023-W02
Supplement Resources
: Code generator for lean and robust Shiny applications https://leprechaun.opifex.org- Bruno's excitement for our episode on Twitter and Mastodon
- Looking to the future for R in Azure SQL and SQL Server https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2021/06/30/looking-to-the-future-for-r-in-azure-sql-and-sql-server/
Reproducible R Scripts Via Date Controlled Installing & Loading of CRAN & Git Packages https://groundhogr.com- Toward practical transparent verifiable and long-term reproducible research using Guix: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-022-01720-9#Abs1
- {scenes} demo app
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- A new way to think about value: https://value4value.info
- Get in touch with us on social media
- Eric Nantz: @theRcast (Twitter) and @[email protected] (Mastodon)
- Mike Thomas: @mike_ketchbrook (Twitter) and @[email protected] (Mastodon)