Paul English Live

Paul English Live

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08 August 2024

PEL 049 Reclaiming Sovereignty: Fighting Legal Fraud with Peter Hughes - E49

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PEL 049 Reclaiming Sovereignty: Fighting Legal Fraud with Peter Hughes

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Broadcasts live every Thursday at 8:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:

Peter Hughes is part of Rapid Response, an organisation dedicated to exposing and combating the fraud in the UK court system. We look at the unlawful nature of many court proceedings and the importance of reclaiming our true identity as living beings rather than corporate entities.

Peter explains how Rapid Response is helping people fight against fraudulent bailiff actions and unlawful court orders, often causing magistrates to abandon their courts. The conversation touches on the historical context of legal fraud, the role of Freemasons in the judicial system, and the necessity of living in alignment with God's law.

Listeners are encouraged to join local Rapid Response groups (search for them on Telegram) and reclaim their sovereignty. The episode also features engaging discussions with callers, including insights into council tax issues and the importance of community and cultural restoration.

Throughout the episode, Paul and his guests emphasize the need for a return to true law and justice, advocating for peaceful and lawful action against the corrupt systems in place. The show wraps up with a call to action for listeners to get involved and make a difference in their communities.

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