Paul English Live

Paul English Live

Live every Thursday at 3pm US eastern, 8pm in the UK. Listen on WBN324, Radio Soapbox and Rumble - all links at:

25 July 2024

PEL 047 The Four Musketeers and the Art of Deception - E47

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PEL 047 The Four Musketeers and the Art of Deception

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Broadcasts live every Thursday at 8:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:

Today, I'm joined by the usual crew: Paul B, Patrick C, and Eric von Essex. We kick off with some hospital anecdotes and the fascinating characters I've met there;  a 106-year-old former Royal Ballet dancer and a 100-year-old woman who survived the firebombing of Hamburg during World War II. We also delve into the importance of human connections and the value of old people as living libraries.

We then shift gears to discuss the concept of deception in various aspects of life, including sports, media, and politics. A clip from Elon Musk's interview with Jordan Peterson sparks a conversation about the woke mind virus and its impact on society. We also touch on the role of the Delphi technique in manipulating public opinion and the importance of humor in countering deceit.

As always, we have some light-hearted moments, including a song request from Warren and a humorous discussion about British TV shows like Captain Pugwash. We also explore the idea of creating alternative narratives and the power of storytelling in shaping society.

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