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21 December 2023

PEL 016 Communitarianism: with Lark and Joss - E16

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PEL 016 Communitarianism: with Lark and Joss

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Broadcasts live every Thursday at 8:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:

The first 40 minutes of this show are of poor (echo) audio quality. Joining me are my two guests, Lark in, Texas, and Joss from WTFR. We delve into various topics, including the concept of communitarianism, its historical roots, and its implications on modern society.

We discuss the importance of understanding communitarianism, a term not often heard but deeply influential in shaping political and social policies. Lark provides insights into its origins and development, tracing it back to figures like Amittai Ezioni and its connections to Talmudic law and Kabbalah. 

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