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07 December 2023

PEL 014 Unveiling the French Revolution and Napoleon - E14

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PEL 014 Unveiling the French Revolution and Napoleon

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Broadcasts live every Thursday at 8:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:

In  tonight's show we delve into the French Revolution and the much-talked-about Napoleon film. Joining me is an old colleague, Mallificus Scott. We discuss the film, its historical accuracy, and the broader context of Napoleon's life.

We explore the portrayal of Napoleon's relationship with Josephine, his military campaigns, and the logistical nightmares of moving large armies across Europe. We also touch on the French Revolution's impact on France and the world, drawing parallels with modern-day events.

In the film, we see scenes from the Battle of Toulon, the Egyptian campaign, and the Battle of Austerlitz. We critique the film's focus on Napoleon's personal life at the expense of his military and political achievements. We also discuss the film's depiction of the Battle of Waterloo and the retreat from Moscow.

We look at the historical context of the French Revolution, the role of the Jacobin clubs, and the influence of the Illuminati. We also touch on Napoleon's interactions with the Sanhedrin and his efforts to modernize France through the Code Napoleon.

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