Paul English Live

Paul English Live

Live every Thursday at 3pm US eastern, 8pm in the UK. Listen on WBN324, Radio Soapbox and Rumble - all links at:

16 November 2023

PEL 011 Reviving Tradition: The Power of Art and Culture with PAL - E11

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PEL 011 Reviving Tradition: The Power of Art and Culture with PAL

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Broadcasts live every Thursday at 8:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:

With guests Donald Kent and Paul Patriot from Patriotic Art Live (PAL). We explore the importance of art and culture in maintaining and revitalizing our heritage, touching on the impact of architecture, traditional art forms, and the power of storytelling. Donald and Paul share insights into their respective backgrounds and the mission of PAL to create and promote white-positive content.

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