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19 September 2024

PEL 055 DIY, Tucker Carlson, Churchill, WWII and Raw Milk - E55

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PEL 055 DIY, Tucker Carlson, Churchill, WWII and Raw Milk

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Broadcasts live every Thursday at 8:00p.m. uk time on Radio Soapbox:

A variety of topics with our usual crew; DIY adventures, local politics,, council tax, the influence of national politics on local governance, the recent interview by Tucker Carlson with historian Daryl Cooper, the role of Winston Churchill in World War II, contrasting views from established historians and alternative perspectives from authors like David Irving and Patrick Buchanan. This leads to a broader conversation about the nature of historical narratives and the importance of questioning established history.

The episode also touches on lighter topics, such as culinary delights like HP sauce and the joys of raw milk, with listeners sharing their experiences and preferences. And when is a rutabaga not a swede ?

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