Motivate the Math

Motivate the Math

What is the math that enables cryptography?

19 February 2025

MTM05: Elliptic Curves and.Fermat's Little Theorem - E5

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2^173(mod5) = (2^4)^43 * 2^1 = 1^43 * 2^1 = 1 * 2 = 2
 2^4(mod5) = 1 because 16(mod5) = 1
Fermat's Little Theorem
Euler's Function's_totient_function
Elliptic Curves: Point Addition
Diffie-Hellman Illustration
In this episode, we dive deep into the fascinating world of elliptic curves and their significance in cryptography. We start by discussing the basics of elliptic curves, particularly focusing on the polynomial equation y² = x³ + 7, which is crucial for Bitcoiners. We explore how operations on these curves, like adding points, form a group and why this concept is important.
We then delve into the textbook by Neil Koblitz, which highlights the importance of elliptic curves in cryptography. The discussion transitions into the axioms of groups, such as closure, associativity, identity, and inverses, and how these relate to elliptic curves.
Our conversation takes a turn towards Fermat's Little Theorem and its application in cryptography, particularly in computing inverses in finite fields. We explore how this theorem simplifies calculations with large numbers and its implications for public key cryptography.
We also touch on the Diffie-Hellman key exchange, explaining how it enables secure communication over the internet by deriving a shared secret without exposing private keys.
Throughout the episode, we emphasize the importance of understanding these mathematical concepts to grasp the underpinnings of cryptographic systems, especially in the context of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

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