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Chase and Sanborn
In this episode of "Good Morning FayetteNam," we dive into a whirlwind of topics ranging from personal anecdotes to societal observations. We kick off with a humorous take on the infamous "first blood" quote and segue into a poetic reflection on finding joy amidst life's struggles. Joined by Jeremy and Phil, we explore the intricacies of small-town life, touching on everything from library mishaps to the peculiarities of local characters.
We delve into the world of podcasts, discussing the dynamics between popular shows like "No Agenda" and libertarian voices such as Scott Horton and Dave Smith. The conversation takes a turn towards political ideologies, examining the evolution of the Republican and Libertarian parties, and the impact of figures like Donald Trump.
Our discussion also covers the controversial topic of COVID-19 vaccines and their alleged side effects, particularly focusing on the rise of heart attacks among young people. We question the narratives being pushed by mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry, advocating for a more critical examination of these issues.
Amidst the serious topics, we share light-hearted stories about personal experiences, including humorous encounters with local establishments and the quirks of everyday life. From the challenges of managing personal finances to the peculiarities of fashion choices, we offer a candid glimpse into the lives of our hosts and their community.
Join us for a rollercoaster of a conversation that blends humor, critique, and genuine curiosity about the world around us.
They drew first blood, not me. Look, Johnny.
[00:00:05] Unknown:
Let me come in and get you the hell out of there.
[00:00:09] Unknown:
They drew first blood.
[00:00:22] Unknown:
Morning, Vietnam. In the crossroads of despair where the dollar stores and Walgreens line the empty squares. Gas station gamblers scurry from Jumanville's light as these distilled spirits warm us for the coming night. Even if the best days are fading in the rear view, you'll find the joy in the struggle, in the broken broken and the few. Good morning, Faye. Now let's laugh through the pain. We're still here, still fighting. Our strength still remain. Good morning, Phaidonam. Let's get started. Good morning, Phaidonam. Alright. This this incoherent rambling is for entertainment purposes only. Do not take the views on gambling, health, beauty investments, current events, or legal advice as anything more than just opinion.
In this episode, once again joined by Jeremy and Phil. It's actually the first part of the last episode. So it's the Rosetta Stone to all the the jokes, if you will. If you like to give me some feedback, please text (724) 562-3523 or email me at good morning [email protected]. Join us on x at fietnam pod. Listen on any of your favorite podcast apps, Amazon Music, Spotify, or get a new podcast app at Any show criticism, ideas for guests, you wanna be on, reviews, anything. Send me a message. We'll mention you on the show. Seriously, write a review.
We'll make some comments about it. We'll mention on the podcast. Alright. Let's get started. Not anymore. Used to. Blairsville did. Blairsville.
[00:02:35] Unknown:
Didn't they do something to you there? They fucked with you during COVID or No. The Blairsville Library was pretty legit. Nah, there was something bad happened. I don't remember that. Oh, no. I know I I know that's a bro not the brothers. That wasn't you. That was Wally.
[00:02:51] Unknown:
But doesn't Wally think everybody fucks with him? Yeah. Okay. But, you know, it wasn't you. Now I got the what's it called? Crime and Punishment from the Buttersville Library.
[00:03:03] Unknown:
Russian. Right?
[00:03:05] Unknown:
Yeah. And, well, Dostoevsky. And, that's a that's a pretty heavy book. Never read it. Well, I got the Blair's Oil Library copy if you want it.
[00:03:17] Unknown:
I gotta I can't go back to the Lake Trobe Library now because I rented a book. Never took a bank. Which I knew I'd fucking never take it. They sent me a bunch of emails, like, ignored all of them. Yeah. So what do you do in that case?
[00:03:27] Unknown:
I don't know. I say one day just return it and be like, hey. I'm sorry.
[00:03:31] Unknown:
Just arguing back. I fucking returned that book six years ago. I don't why are you with the library, though? I mean Well, what you gotta hope for is it just changes hands and then the new person's not gonna know.
[00:03:45] Unknown:
Did you hear about that? Somebody called into the No Agenda Show and and was talking about audiobooks. Like, I guess they were they were talking about audiobooks on Which show? No Agenda. Who's that? Adam Curry and John Dvorak. Oh, yeah. It's, like, it's probably one of the best podcasts there is. Well, I just heard them.
[00:04:07] Unknown:
Dave Smith tore into them because they bad mouthed Scott Horton?
[00:04:11] Unknown:
That is true. They did badmouth Scott Horton. They shouldn't have badmouth. Scott Horton's the best. They I'm not sure they were aware of what they were talking about. They definitely shouldn't have tore into him, but I just don't think they're you know, what the fuck they were talking about in that case, Which there's a lot of things they don't know what they're talking about, and people will call in and correct them, which is what makes it good. Well, it sounded like they got around like, they agreed with everything Horton was saying. I don't know. It made no sense why they were, you know, after I think what they were saying was like, okay. You wrote a huge book about this subject, but nobody cares. Like, we've summed it up
[00:04:46] Unknown:
plenty of times, you know, over the years of our podcast. They're like, we sum it up every podcast. See, but you think they would just support it. Be like, go read this That's what I thought. Extremely comprehensive book because you guarantee Scott Horns is better than anything anyone else has provided.
[00:05:02] Unknown:
Right. Yes. My friend has his theory. He says he thinks the no agenda guys are he thinks Adam Curry is a spook and that because he's been, I guess, analyzing episodes and saying that there are certain things that he will talk about and then certain things that, like, he just complete he tries to get away from it and the other guy doesn't because, you know, the other guy's not clued in. Yeah. Or like you'll see Adam Curry continually veering away from, like, certain subjects. I bet he's a spook. He's convinced he's a spook. Well, he's an MTV guy, right? Yeah. Yeah. And he talks about how his uncles were part of the CIA and stuff like that, family members. I mean, it's it's a good theory, but they put out a lot of great news. I think what they were doing is they were just thinking they were too good, and they were like, this Scott Orrin guy, like, you know, he can't even put he can't put together a good podcast.
And that's only because there's, like, ranges over, like, a whole, you know, the whole gambit of subjects. And Scott Horton pretty much focuses on non aggression and libertarian
[00:06:03] Unknown:
principles and values. Does Scott Horton have a podcast? Yeah. I never listened to it. It's pretty good. I'm sure it is. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Dave Smith's whole point was if you're gonna go after Scott Horton, at least do a little bit of research,
[00:06:17] Unknown:
which they didn't do. No. They just they blew him off right away. Just for his presentation of Yeah. They're like, this guy's, you know, just yelling into a microphone about something that everybody knows about. It's like, well, maybe he's trying to, you know, really educate some people about what's been going on. Yeah. I mean, these
[00:06:36] Unknown:
they should come together and be supportive
[00:06:40] Unknown:
of of that message. I'm surprised Dave Smith was talking about it because I heard the episode and I thought, oh, this doesn't sound good. And then about it's been it was like three episodes ago and now all I did and I'm hearing stuff about it, but I didn't know Dave Smith was talking about it. Well, Dave Smith and Scott Horner are like real close friends. Tight.
[00:06:57] Unknown:
I think Dave Smith's podcast is great. I still like it.
[00:07:01] Unknown:
I like it too. There was a time when, you know, he was talking more about ideas and now he's basically just
[00:07:11] Unknown:
fielding comments from That is true. Other podcasts,
[00:07:15] Unknown:
you know, either criticism of him or whatever, and he, you know, he likes to do that. And it's entertaining because he's extremely smart. Yeah. Well and I think it's probably
[00:07:24] Unknown:
lucrative at this point. I mean Yeah. Wonder how much money he makes for these debates. Like, he just did one at Princeton, apparently. I didn't listen to it. Not sure.
[00:07:36] Unknown:
If you know your subject material as a libertarian, I don't think there's anybody that can debate you. Well, that's his whole point.
[00:07:41] Unknown:
He's like, he never loses. So, yeah, it is it's hard to talk about this with people because you just sound arrogant. But, unfortunately, those types are are always right. Like, whatever, what is it, the Mises caucus? Mhmm. That is obviously what I would fall under because I agree with everything Dave Smith and Scott Horton say. Like, I can't think of one thing I haven't thought was correct. But the Libertarian Party is a mess. They need to get that under control.
[00:08:20] Unknown:
Well, if you listen to the the things that the Mises Caucus has been saying, there are more rational libertarians than what people know of the Libertarian Party. You know what I mean? These people are, you know, they're talking their arguments are grounded in fact instead of just saying, well, people can just do whatever the fuck they want and I can fuck whoever I want and I can take as many drugs as I want, which is the old Well, that's what that's the whole that was the Adam Curry thing. He's like, oh, these libertarians are just idiots.
[00:08:49] Unknown:
He has no idea what
[00:08:51] Unknown:
what they even are. He's not he doesn't understand the new libertarian
[00:08:55] Unknown:
party, which Dave Smith basically took over. Yeah. Which is good. It's too bad he didn't run for president. Yeah. I know. He he always I don't know the whole story, but he hints that, you know, he dropped out for whatever reason. Yeah. He was going to.
[00:09:10] Unknown:
And then I guess what's his name was? Clint Russell? The other guy? Don't know. Yeah. Well, it doesn't matter.
[00:09:21] Unknown:
But, I mean, Dave Smith hits everything on the head as far as the the influence they've had on Trump, and a lot of what he's doing is straight from that playbook. I mean, it's like huge gains that they made. The only problem is, like, the average Trump voter isn't gonna understand where these ideas came from.
[00:09:45] Unknown:
Right? Yeah. It's nice that they've been listening to to at least what the libertarians had to say and the, it's it's
[00:09:55] Unknown:
it's the most wins the Libertarian party has ever got. Yeah. I mean, even Doge is like, this is all all the libertarians have wanted was to dismantle government spending and all this, and it's finally happening. It doesn't seem real. Like, I just keep thinking when's this gonna stop? Like, it can't be it can't be true, but it seems like it is.
[00:10:24] Unknown:
It's funny that you said that. I actually woke up Friday morning, like, out of a dead sleep, like, just eyes came open. I was having a dream that all of this, I guess what they call winning right now, you know, all of this, it was all leading up to, and I had figured out in the dream, you know, which we you know, we talk about it now. It sounds crazy. But I had all the details before I woke up. And Elon Musk is basically ruining the economy. This whole Doge thing is just a part you know, it's like a front. We were talking about it last time. Like, it's good PR and it's all this stuff. But what he's doing is this is all going to culminate in our economy being totally ruined, all the dollars coming home from overseas, inflation going sky high, and they're gonna institute a CBDC, and x is going to be the the the payment platform for this.
And, like, I I'm serious. Like, I sat up and, and I was like, oh my god. Like, it was terrifying. And, like, this is maybe five minutes before the alarm went off or Trisha's alarm went off. I don't think I had to get up. And she woke up, and I was like I, like, told her this right away. I was like, this is this is what's gonna happen. Like, I gotta figure it out. But it was a really frightening dream because the whole purpose of it all was CBDC. And I was like, this is the worst thing that could happen. What is that?
[00:12:04] Unknown:
Central bank digital currency. Oh, do you think that's the case?
[00:12:10] Unknown:
No. But it's a possibility. I mean, you interrupt it. I mean, I don't yeah. Well, of course. Like I said, I had all the details before I woke up. But See, I don't think that's
[00:12:19] Unknown:
Central Bank seems like the last thing that Trump would want.
[00:12:24] Unknown:
I know, but it's like maybe he's maybe he's being led by the nose.
[00:12:31] Unknown:
Oh, man. See, this is where I think Dave Smith is right again about this. Anyone who who thinks Trump's being, you know, played at this point, I don't think he is, man. Like, I haven't seen one single thing, even this whole Gaza thing, Like, there has to be more to it than us really taking over Gaza. I just don't believe that that's I don't I don't believe he believed the word of that shit he was saying. It's not because I'm some Trump lover who wants to not believe something he said that I don't agree with at all. It's just
[00:13:10] Unknown:
Trump derangement syndrome, but in the opposite way. Yeah. Where you just believe everything he says. Right.
[00:13:17] Unknown:
I can't wait to see what happens with that. I hope I hope what he said isn't really what he is planning. I missed
[00:13:25] Unknown:
I missed a lot of it. I don't think I saw the clips, you know, the actual the speech he made. Maybe maybe I heard a little bit on Tim Dillon or something, but I don't really know the ins and outs of it. All I know is that it sounds like probably the worst, betrayal that Trump has pulled on his on his on the people that put him in office.
[00:13:48] Unknown:
Well, he's been supportive of, you know, Israel
[00:13:53] Unknown:
Yeah. The whole time. Yeah. He's never said that he was gonna go against them. Uh-huh. But this move sounds bananas.
[00:13:59] Unknown:
Yeah. I mean, the big bullet points are the surrounding Arab nations will take in all these refugees and build them beautiful communities, and they'll be happy. The United States takes Gaza forever and turns it into something great that's gonna make jobs for everyone in The Middle East. I mean, just at face value, it's so fucking dumb. I mean, how big is Gaza? Smallest, right? It's like Manhattan, right? It's not very big. Yeah. So how many jobs are you gonna cram into Gaza?
[00:14:37] Unknown:
What's is this is this theory like that theory where you if you give people security and money, that that takes away their their, their desire to fight each other?
[00:14:50] Unknown:
Yeah, I don't know. I mean, a lot of people still think it's because they're Jews and Muslims that they're fighting. It has nothing to do with that. And I mean, if that were the case, then they'd be fighting every country that surrounds them, Israel. Right? Yeah. But they're not. And the only time they do is when they attack first. So, I don't know. Everyone's just so wrong about everything that happens over there. It makes no sense. Even Donald Trump's
[00:15:29] Unknown:
solution, you know, at face value sounds sounds insane.
[00:15:34] Unknown:
Yeah. What are we gonna do? We're gonna get a larger footprint now in The Middle East because that's worked out every time we've done it. And then what? Send people there to protect it? Yeah. Especially once you build infrastructure, you're gonna send American troops there to protect it? And, of course, the neocons are like, no. We'll just go over, fix it, then leave. And I'm like, where has the US military gone that it that it's left? Anywhere? We're still in fucking Korea, Japan, Germany Philippines. Philippines.
Everywhere. Yeah. It's an empire. It is an empire. I was talking to my buddy Jared today and, like, yeah, it's just it's a bummer when you realize that The United States is essentially at fault for everything bad in the world. Yeah. I mean, we're way worse than Russia. Like, who is Russia? I mean, they went to war with Ukraine. Right? Yeah, but but they had to. I mean, they were forced into that.
[00:16:36] Unknown:
Ukraine is Russia. I mean, basically, at least the sections that they wanted to take over, You know, they wanted they wanted it back. Then the dumbass arguments like,
[00:16:47] Unknown:
well, when we promised them we wouldn't move NATO towards Russia, that was with the Soviet Union, not the current Russia. So that's null and void.
[00:17:01] Unknown:
Oh, no. Actually, I think I think it actually was. The USSR was disbanded when they were making those promises.
[00:17:08] Unknown:
Right. But they don't apply at all anymore? I mean, I think that's crazy. What doesn't apply? Our promise to not move to NATO. Yeah. Well, you know, we're we're
[00:17:20] Unknown:
you know, how our our diplomats and government are gonna play it. They're gonna say that it was it was you know, they they tried to say it was a handshake deal. You know, nothing was ever written down. But there's a lot of receipts that say you know, and and there was a lot of turmoil at the time, obviously, and but there's a lot of receipts saying that we weren't we promised them that we were not going to, push any further. Actually, we weren't even supposed to reunify Germany, I guess, but we they instantly did that. Right. And then what? Instantly started the war in the not the Balkans, but Croatia, Serbia no. Not Slovenia, Bosnia, Herzegovina.
Like, that broke out instantly. So, I mean, there was a lot lost at the time because they were they were trying to, like, keep the Russians at a distance. And the Russians were like, hey. We want to join NATO. And American government was like, no. No. No. No. You're gonna be we're gonna we're gonna push you know, we're gonna try to get all these countries and NATO before you. Yeah. I think I think Russia actually wanted to they wanted to be a democracy, and they wanted in on the world, all the money that that could be made in the world. You know, they wanted in to it, and we just kept them at arm's length. Who knows why? I don't I don't know why.
[00:18:47] Unknown:
I mean, and see, I don't know enough about it, but I don't either, but Did they want that? I mean, because the flip side is Russia at that time was absolutely evil. I mean, they just starved people out and and everything. And that's the worst part because you're talking about I mean, the Soviet Union was brutal and awful.
[00:19:10] Unknown:
That's true. Yeah. Well, yeah. Under communism, it was it was brutal. But by the by the time it fell, I think they were ready to join in on the world stage. They were tired of they were tired of communism.
[00:19:22] Unknown:
Yeah. And this is why, like, I used to love Reagan and I don't anymore at all. I mean, he was a major spook. Right? And I don't know. Like when he was governor in California, he authorized all kinds of government ops on college campuses and all that type of bullshit. Huge violator of, you know, individual rights, all that. Then the argument that he ended communism is so fucking dumb. I mean, communism crashed because that's what happens when you try it. Right? Yeah. Like, they exhausted their resources through a shit system of government that, you know,
[00:20:07] Unknown:
crippled the economy for Yeah. Fifty years. And that's We helped by encouraging the war in Afghanistan that they were fighting. Yeah. And that bled them completely dry. But to pretend that, you know,
[00:20:21] Unknown:
Reagan is the reason the Soviet Union fell was just wild.
[00:20:26] Unknown:
It's it's just not. Well, he got all the optics for it. Sure. Reagan said a lot of great stuff while he was president, but, I mean, he was talking on the side of his face. Well, he did, but, I mean, I I look at him as, like, the precurse
[00:20:39] Unknown:
like, he wasn't a small government guy. I mean, this is a problem with the conservatives is they will separate, you know, small government from massive militaries and fucking around in foreign affairs and all the national security stuff it brings in. That's all big government stuff. So I don't see how they've never they won't even acknowledge that, let alone reconcile it with their claims that they're small government.
[00:21:15] Unknown:
I mean, if you're an empire and you're spreading around the world, you're not a small government. No. It's just Well, we've always played the part of saying we're not building an empire. Yeah. But just because we don't have just because we don't call them colonies doesn't mean it's not an empire. We've built bases, you know, countless places around the world. So, you know, it's basically an empire under everyone's nose. Now now the secret's out of the bag. We we know everybody knows it. Well, not everybody, but people who at least have some semblance of what's going on know that we are clearly an empire and that empire is propped up by things like USAID.
[00:21:56] Unknown:
Yeah. And a good indication of this, this is gonna be a hard one for me to present concisely. Like, the Republicans always said the Democrats and the Liberals, Progressives, whatever, wanted big government. Right? Well, the truth is really the biggest government came from the republicans starting all these wars and shit, right, forever. And what better indication that they were the big party that now it's swapped when the democrats have lost support for all these massive social programs. Now they're all of a sudden the party of war. I mean, they can see that's where all the power is. So, you know, they want that power.
They want to be the big government. I mean, that why else would it have have swapped? I mean, both parties want the power, and they can see the power lies in all this national security bullshit.
[00:22:56] Unknown:
Yeah. But that's still thinking about that there's two parties. You know? Right. I still, now I think back and I say, well, it was clearly one party all the time. Like, one just has to play the foil, like we were talking about last time. Yeah. I One one has to play the foil. So it was always the same thing. It doesn't matter if they swap back and forth. Right?
[00:23:19] Unknown:
Yeah. I don't know. I just think the Republicans should share in the blame. I mean, I think they're worse. It's just weird because my whole life, I grew up thinking, you know, conservatives and Republicans were the individual liberty people when they very much weren't. You know, that was all, what's the word, ostensible on the outside only.
[00:23:41] Unknown:
You grew up believing that the conservative, that the Republican party was individual liberty. Oh, yeah. Really? I mean, keep in mind I was young. No, yeah, you're right. Yeah, I'd never thought of that until just now. You're right. Because to you, it they would have been.
[00:23:56] Unknown:
Yeah. So for me to go through this process of falling out with that was Oh, okay. Not easy. Yeah.
[00:24:03] Unknown:
See. When I was growing up, it was you know, obviously, it's the Democrats for the for individual liberty. You know? That's why they're called liberals. You know? Obviously, because they were classic liberalism is basically for individual freedom. Yeah. Some of the time been perverted.
[00:24:20] Unknown:
I was in seventh grade when, the towers got hit. So in 09/11, I was in seventh grade. So, obviously, everything after that was the Republicans and conservatives were the Yeah. Party of freedom and yeah. Yes. That's strange. They did rebrand themselves like that. It's yeah. So that's why I could see the Yeah. Difference in thought here. Yeah. I never thought of that till now. Because it never made sense to me when they were like, well, the democrats have always been the party of, you know, freedom. I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? That's never what I thought.
[00:24:58] Unknown:
Yeah. They're always they were always the one about, you know, individual liberty and and everything. And the conservatives are always known to be basically heavy handed. That's where like the dead Kennedys and all that stuff comes from. Yeah. You know, Jell O'Beauf was singing against Ronald Reagan because Ronald Reagan was extremely heavy handed in all the things he did because Republicans were never known for promoting individual
[00:25:20] Unknown:
liberty. Yeah. So, when I was a kid, probably the same age that you were It was like fiscal,
[00:25:25] Unknown:
always. Yeah. You know? So, yeah, I guess that's a funny Yeah. That is weird. I never thought about that to know. That's pretty cool. Different times.
[00:25:34] Unknown:
Yeah. But, yeah. So I'd have my falling out with the conservatives to realize what the truth is. So I've always hated the liberals, and now I hate the conservatives even more. Yeah. Well Here we stand. Hopefully, we have
[00:25:52] Unknown:
hopefully, we have a new kind of party.
[00:25:55] Unknown:
I think we do, man. You just gotta wonder what happens, like, who wins next time? Will this continue? I mean, a lot has happened in, Jesus, like a month. It's not even been a month. There's so much shit happening. I wish I had a number on how much money Doge has cut now. And they were just talking about that, like, they're just gonna bring it down. It was sad to hear that their goal was to bring it to, like, pre pandemic spending levels, which is still way too much. That
[00:26:29] Unknown:
doesn't seem like a good goal to me. I would say you need to whack it way more than that. No, that's,
[00:26:35] Unknown:
I think that's what Who said that? I'd well, this is second hand knowledge, but Dave Smith was saying that was kind of like the stated goal. Pre COVID spending. Yeah. That is not nearly enough. No. Not nearly enough. It is unacceptable. No. I mean, it should be I don't know how far back they need to take it, but way. I mean, you're talking
[00:26:58] Unknown:
we're talking coming I would say coming out of World War two.
[00:27:03] Unknown:
Well, yeah. I mean, that's not gonna happen. I mean, at least, like, pre Bush wars, like like George Bush spent way more money. I think he spent more money than every president prior to him combined. I believe that is correct. For inflation? I think so. Yeah. Because the wars were so expensive, you know? And all the huge government programs he started,
[00:27:38] Unknown:
and the whole national I think George Bush, yeah, he probably did expand the spending because, like I said, they were, they were trying to, for some reason, shut the Russians out. So you had you know, our typical thing where we we say we can't allow communism to prosper anywhere in the world. We have to we have to go in and change whatever communist government's in charge and switch them to something that we like. So I think they spent a lot of money on those operations all come all around the world.
[00:28:08] Unknown:
Well, not to mention that, but how many how many national security type agencies were there prior to Bush? Like, after nine eleven, that's where Homeland Security came from. Right? Was the NSA around? Or was that born out of all that? Like, isn't there something like 26 different agencies? I think there is. Yeah. What was before that? There's FBI, CIA. Was there anything else? I'm sure there's a
[00:28:34] Unknown:
couple of three letter agencies that we're just not familiar with because they probably changed names. Sure. But NSA is probably a newer, I think, a newer, version of something that had been around since after World War two ended. They just called it something else and gave them more power. There's so many things that have happened. Like, I was I was thinking about this when I was trying to think about what we're gonna talk about today besides the Harold Stander. And
[00:29:06] Unknown:
Go ahead and talk. I need a beer. You need one? Yeah. It's
[00:29:09] Unknown:
I'm not gonna continue talking. I'm just gonna let it roll. I need a break.
[00:29:16] Unknown:
He ran around with my uncle, Jerry Yeager, and Jerry Yeager was a huge piece of shit. You know when you went up out of town in Blairsville, past the cemetery? There was that Yeah. House with all the weird stuffed animals and shit hanging? Yeah. That was Jerry. Oh. And he did that to keep his, Yeah. Disability up from Vietnam. Yeah. Yeah. Well, anyways, him and I know this story. Him and Bruce were good friends, so we were making prank calls one night in high school and got, we called Bruce Heiberger, and we're just like, dad, dad.
And, or I don't know I don't know what the fuck we were saying. And Bruce thought it was someone who was all fucked up, so he was like, Jerry, is that you? Mhmm. And then we we kept saying shit, and then at the end we just go, Dad, it's Jared! Help! And hung up. And I just, I've always thought, like, I wonder what poor cooked up Bruce thought getting that phone call. Yeah, that's fucking terrible. Then, remember Sharon's bar in Booresville? Burnt down? Which one was Sharon's? Right uptown there by, right across from Tractor Supply in Booresville.
Sharon's. Sharon's. Real shithole bar. Talking about the Mexican joint? No. It was, Sharon's. I can't remember Sharon's. You know where the No. I probably wasn't there whenever it was there. You may not have been there. It burnt down. Okay. But, before it was Sharon's, it was Sal's. Remember Sal's out on 22?
[00:30:58] Unknown:
[00:30:59] Unknown:
Yeah. That used to be the place sucks. So we would just call all the time, be like, Sharon, baby. It's me, Sal. That was before that was before cell phones. But even when I had a cell phone, it was like a not even a flip phone in high school, you know? Yeah. Just a fucking block. Just a block. Yeah. With an antenna. Could You can take it it didn't take long for naked pictures of me to start floating around after the advent of cell phones. Of you? Oh yeah, this girl, Amy, took a bunch of naked pictures of me. Jesus. My buddy Ferg's basement. Everybody had them.
Why? Because I was drunk and on drugs all the time.
[00:31:39] Unknown:
Is this when you were a hundred pounds overweight? No. No. No. I was fucking solid man in high school. I know. I'm just kidding. I know you used to tell that story all the time when you were a kid. I was. Super fat.
[00:31:50] Unknown:
Super fat. But
[00:31:53] Unknown:
where are we starting, man? I don't know. You said you found a good one. Mhmm. We should give a I got a lot of suggestions this week. Oh, fact check. The story about Gandhi, fact checked by my nephew who is 15 years old, Jackson. He says that it is true, Gandhi was known for incest and sleeping with underage children.
[00:32:20] Unknown:
So, Gandhi's a piece of shit. On record. Great. I knew that. I knew that. And what was he, a fucking Buddhist or something? Yeah. Buddhist. All these religious freaks. At least the Jews just want money. That's fine. Yeah. They weren't. Like it's Epstein's. What's the Epstein lady's name? Giselle. Yeah. Maxine Giselle. She's fine, man. I have to agree. Goddamn.
[00:32:48] Unknown:
Seen a few pictures of her.
[00:32:50] Unknown:
I mean, why do you need those young girls if you have Giselle?
[00:32:55] Unknown:
I don't know, man. She was fine then. Yeah. Still is. Yeah. She's probably hitting the gym every day. She's in prison. Right? White collar prison. Mhmm. Oh, she's escaped. She's in some other country now in a fucking villa. She's not in prison. Well, here we go. This is I'd probably fly her in to take a picture occasionally and be like, look, she's in prison. She ain't prison.
[00:33:23] Unknown:
Yeah. I mean, well, Jizzling, if you're out there, you can come. Can't live with me. That'd be a problem. But My brother-in-law disagrees with you and,
[00:33:33] Unknown:
Kamala Harris. You and I. Oh, Kamala Harris. About her being fine. Fine. Yeah. What's he? He's racist. Yeah. He just he clearly just doesn't like Indians and blacks.
[00:33:45] Unknown:
Is she Indian?
[00:33:47] Unknown:
Yeah. She claimed to be. What kind of Indian? The the kind from India. Her parents. Her I think her mother was Indian. Does she stink like shit? I would assume. Is there even a question?
[00:34:06] Unknown:
Sorry to our Indian viewers, but they do, who was remember that guy came? Craig? Well, I gotta call Craig back, I've been fucking him over because I brought him into work. Because I like him, he does a good job, but he's just a nice guy. So give him the business. I left that last job, so now I have no need for him anymore. Then I kinda stiffed him. I got You stiffed him? I gotta get back to him. But why? I mean, he can still come in and do the work. Well, someone else has gotta walk him around now. So? Yeah. I just gotta I feel bad. Craig's a nice guy. Yeah. Craig likes the work. If you need any, infrared imaging done or corona imaging or ultrasonic Call Absolute Infrared.
Yes. Don't have his number on me, but, where are we starting, Johnny? I got a good one here.
[00:35:04] Unknown:
You got a good one? I don't have a good one. Maybe we should read through before we read out loud.
[00:35:11] Unknown:
No. Negative because I got one here. K. Zach Petrov. Zach Petrov. Stuart Township man accused of making dozens of fake 911 calls. Man who has a history of making phony 911 calls is being held with held without bond for allegedly making at least a hundred nonemergency calls. On Saturday, '62 year old Frank Bowers was arraigned on 100 counts of intentionally making non emergency calls down 911, cited him for a hundred counts of harassment. Sounds like he's just lonely.
[00:35:50] Unknown:
You guys 62?
[00:35:52] Unknown:
60 2. He looks
[00:35:54] Unknown:
They have a photo? Unwell. Yeah.
[00:35:56] Unknown:
[00:35:58] Unknown:
So they're charge what are they charging him with? This this man is he's got an issue. Yeah. He he This is not doing this for fun. He's got a problem.
[00:36:07] Unknown:
I mean, what if the call about the guy naked from the waist down was made by him?
[00:36:13] Unknown:
No. That that that gentleman had a dispute with the local daycare. What happened? I don't know. We may come across it in this week's paper.
[00:36:23] Unknown:
I did want to know what his issue was. So do I. I mean, there are people that have asked me. He said to resort to that.
[00:36:32] Unknown:
I wanna know how that was how he's gonna solve the problem.
[00:36:36] Unknown:
Yeah. I'm still sticking with the fact that or the idea that they refused to look at his dick, and that was his issue.
[00:36:44] Unknown:
I'll show you. Yeah. Look. Look. I'll show you. Look.
[00:36:50] Unknown:
But continuing on, according to the complaint, Bowers has a history of calling 911 for emergency services from his house. We wanna dox the man in Stuart Township. Well, Zac Petrov already said this in the first paragraph, so redundant. An emergency dispatch call log showed Bowers allegedly made a 43 calls between December 31 and January 12. Goddamn. Wow. 36 for fire rescue, forty six for medical, sixty one other calls. Well, this is a bit of a problem. I mean, if someone who needs help gets fucked over because this asshole's
[00:37:33] Unknown:
making prank phone calls. Well, he it definitely needs a there needs to be a stop put to it, but are why is he being charged with something? This man should probably be in a home or taken care of. Yeah, it seems like he needs help. Like, he's not just doing, I mean, I could see if he was drinking beers and just like sitting on the porch going, Hey, let's call 911 today. And, you know, then, yeah. Lock him up. But if he's if he's Well if he's just calling every ten seconds because, you know, he's he's rocking back and forth, you know, he doesn't know anything else. That's so makes sense. Mental disorder, then this this gentleman, he needs, he doesn't need it rain.
[00:38:13] Unknown:
Yeah. They're just gonna throw his ass in jail. It's like the boy who cried wolf. Do you ever hear that story?
[00:38:22] Unknown:
No. I don't think so.
[00:38:24] Unknown:
What's the Jewish version called that you would have heard? The boy who cried coin. How's that one, Ed?
[00:38:37] Unknown:
I did I can guarantee Palestinian. Guarantee the Jew wins. Palestinian creeps in and steals your coin. You know who doesn't win? Palestinians. That's right.
[00:38:49] Unknown:
The boy who cried coin.
[00:38:51] Unknown:
The boy who called 911.
[00:38:54] Unknown:
Is there anything else in that story worth note? It goes to a 5. Not really, but I'm gonna flip there in the interim. We'll come back to it if,
[00:39:02] Unknown:
Yeah. Come back around to how about this? This will be Tuesday, February 11. Harold Stander, want wanting paid back by Zac Petrov, former executive sentenced to jail for stealing nearly 50 k from Blind Nonprofit. Oh. Right under their noses.
[00:39:28] Unknown:
Was the man Jewish?
[00:39:29] Unknown:
Judge Nancy Vernon asked those representing the Fayette County Association for the Blind in court on Monday if they preferred the man who stole $47,949 and $29.21 cents from the nonprofit pay restitution or go to jail. We wanna be paid back for everything he took from us.
[00:39:46] Unknown:
How much did he take?
[00:39:49] Unknown:
Close to $50. 50 grand. Okay. $47,949.21. Okay. So they asked what they wanted, and they said we want paid back. And then Vernon imposed both penalties. Dolphy, forty three Smithfield, sentenced to one to four years in a correctional facility, ordered to pay full restitution to the nonprofit.
[00:40:10] Unknown:
What was the nonprofit
[00:40:12] Unknown:
for? For the blind. Fayette County Association for the Blind. How many blind people are there? I don't know.
[00:40:20] Unknown:
Maybe it says here. I thought these rednecks down here just killed the blind immediately. They let them live? What What do you mean you can't see, boy?
[00:40:36] Unknown:
Oh, listen to this. Okay. So okay. Well, that's that's pretty typical. Guilty of 494 counts of theft, two counts each dealing in the proceeds of unlawful activities. Between January 2020 and July 2021, Dolphy transferred a total of 17,000, whatever, from the association's PayPal account to his personal PayPal account. Man, what's the fuck? Idiot. He's like, they'll never see this. How
[00:41:03] Unknown:
can I make this untraceable? I think he uses incognito mode to
[00:41:08] Unknown:
this man. I'll tell you what. Okay. So, anyway, where's it at on a three? Okay. Still hasn't recovered from the carnage Dolphy did to the organization. He demolished the association's reputation within community by alienating many of the associates associations' vendors and donors, Kiefer said. Before Dolphy's tenure, Kiefer told the court a nonprofit would average monthly donations about $1,500. Now they are lucky to receive 300 a month. That's pretty bad. Oh, that is bad. They're better off putting a can out front and just letting people do the work. Is he could've just taken the money right in front of these people. They would've never known. I know. He had to use PayPal. I just wouldn't.
[00:41:51] Unknown:
Not the smartest criminal killer. Together.
[00:41:54] Unknown:
Testifying on behalf of Dolphy was his friend and employer, Bill Higgins, who said that despite having knowledge of Dolphy's past, he would trust the man with keys of my business, my kids, and my life. Damn. I have the utmost trust in him as a person, Higgins said. 400 and What is this guy doing? Hypnotizing
[00:42:17] Unknown:
people? 490 some Counts. Counts, which means that's like individual thefts Yeah. I take it. Right? Yeah.
[00:42:27] Unknown:
In transactions, I'm guessing. Right? God damn. He was like, as long as it's small enough, they'll never know.
[00:42:35] Unknown:
Oh, man. Who who would back him up? Yeah. You gotta be a dipshit. Oh, okay. Now he's in the paper.
[00:42:41] Unknown:
Yeah. No. Wait a minute. Bill That guy's in on it too. Bill Higgins? Yo. Bill Higgins is definitely getting kickbacks. Well, I can't say that's alright. I can't say that for sure. That's that's just, me running my mouth. Okay. He said during the time he stole the funds he he said during the time he stole the funds, he was going through a divorce and had developed an addiction to medical marijuana.
[00:43:06] Unknown:
Oh, addiction.
[00:43:08] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, long as you bring in an addiction, I I guess you can get out on the sand. Yeah.
[00:43:13] Unknown:
At least don't do weed. He needs to get together with that, What was their name?
[00:43:20] Unknown:
Oh, the, the attorney. The meth head attorney. The meth head attorney. Yeah. From North Strava. Carrying around all the stuff in her car. Yeah.
[00:43:27] Unknown:
37 counts of paraphernalia or something. I wonder if You know that's just a cop who smashed a pipe and then counted all the pieces. I'm surprised that's not his lawyer.
[00:43:39] Unknown:
I completely vouch for this guy.
[00:43:41] Unknown:
Well, John, I can tell you if you ever do some shit like this, I'm just gonna trash you bad and distance myself. I wouldn't blame you a bit. But I know you know better ways to embezzled money than PayPal. Did they have some PayPal name on there by chance?
[00:44:03] Unknown:
No. That would be great, though. They did. I would send him some money.
[00:44:12] Unknown:
Got anything else in there? Well, yeah, let me look here. Jeb Bush is 72. Jeb Bush. Didn't what was Trump's nickname for him?
[00:44:23] Unknown:
Something hilarious. Oh, something real good. Oh, man. I can't remember. Man, he's come up with some good stuff. Oh. Hey, Sheryl Crow sixty three. I'd still. All you wanna do?
[00:44:38] Unknown:
[00:44:41] Unknown:
Turn off the radio so that more Sheryl Crow could come on.
[00:44:45] Unknown:
[00:44:47] Unknown:
Yeah. So when was she born? I can't even Do you remember the story that she was a CIA plant? No. But I believe it. Like, somebody they made that whole album for her, that Tuesday night music club because, like, she just burst on a scene out of nowhere.
[00:45:02] Unknown:
No. I don't know what What was the point of it?
[00:45:05] Unknown:
Caho, it's lost history. I don't know. That's that's that USAID money going going to keep Sheryl Crow's music on the radio. Whatever happened to VH one? Remember VH one? Yeah. I think I think VH one's probably still a station. They're probably cruising on, behind the music episodes.
[00:45:23] Unknown:
What was the point of VH1? It was like an answer to MTV or?
[00:45:28] Unknown:
Yeah. Alright. I probably would have known this more back when I used to watch this. But, I think VH1 was I think VH1 was sticking more with a Music, right? Like a music, program, channel type thing and MTV was veering more into game shows and other types of television where VH1 was still just playing videos twenty four hours a day.
[00:45:54] Unknown:
[00:45:56] Unknown:
they used to play It may even have been like more like stuff that was less controversial. Like, MTV may have had more, like, controversial pop stars, and VH1 was sticking with classics.
[00:46:11] Unknown:
Who was that girl, Natalie and Bruglie? Oh, yeah. She sang that song Torn? Yeah. Torn. It's a good song. Yeah. I think it's a fantastic song. It is. You know who else is a great band? It's ABBA.
[00:46:25] Unknown:
You like ABBA? Yeah. ABBA's great. Yeah. Well, the music's good. Do you ever listen to it? I have been forced to listen to ABBA quite a few times. It's a disco band, right? Yeah. I don't turn it on, but when I when it is on, it's not bad. Well, sometimes I
[00:46:42] Unknown:
tuck my dick and balls back between my legs and listen to Abba. When? It's the only way when no one else is around.
[00:46:52] Unknown:
No wonder you don't you don't do prep for this.
[00:46:56] Unknown:
What are you prepping? You're
[00:46:58] Unknown:
looking at it, buddy. Back to,
[00:47:01] Unknown:
Frank Bowers. See, that sounds like another fake name. So what do we got so far? Bob Baker. Right?
[00:47:09] Unknown:
Tim Tanner? Tom Tanner? These all sound like superhero names, comic book names. Bill Higgins. Peter Parker.
[00:47:17] Unknown:
Peter Parker. Now we got Frank Bowers. It says here, he threatened to burn down neighbors' homes and and historical landmarks. When asked by police if Bowers had ever called in a credible threat, they said, not one time in fifteen years. Yeah. It sounds like they're just, sick of his shit. That guy got away with this for fifteen years? Yeah. Then it says, Powers is currently awaiting trial for another incident related to making false 911 calls and for an unrelated DUI charge. So he's just a drunk. Truth comes out. Yeah. I mean, you thinking court will hold up, he doesn't remember making any of these phone calls? I was in. I'd say it was addicted to alcohol. Yeah.
[00:48:03] Unknown:
Maybe he was testing the system.
[00:48:07] Unknown:
Yeah. He ought to tie it back to, like, a workplace injury or something like that. Now he has to drink.
[00:48:14] Unknown:
I think people people pay good money for that kind of thing these days to train AI, you know, to filter you know, he's training the system to filter out bogus calls. Who's doing this? Him. You're talking about this guy that called 911 a million times. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's training he's training the system for over the past fifteen years. He's training those people down in the 911 to filter out bogus calls. Yeah. It's like they recognized it. Fifteen years, they they must have I'm guessing at some point, they had to realize, that these weren't
[00:48:46] Unknown:
true calls. Do you think the guy who figured it out it was like a movie where
[00:48:52] Unknown:
he's like, something ain't right here. Like, very dramatic. Oh, like he's sweating, pouring over a cup of coffee. He's got a pencil in his hand. He's like, I got it.
[00:49:01] Unknown:
It's fucking Frank Bowers.
[00:49:04] Unknown:
We've received a hundred calls in the past two weeks.
[00:49:07] Unknown:
Didn't someone say to read the obituaries?
[00:49:12] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. We did get some,
[00:49:14] Unknown:
some of that. Why don't these families send in nicer pictures? I'm not reading this. God damn it, they're long.
[00:49:23] Unknown:
I just read the read the name and
[00:49:27] Unknown:
Alright, so, Michael Joseph Bell of Dunbar, Eighty Six, passed away. He was a veteran of the US Army, having served in Vietnam and was stationed in Fort Knox. Looks like a nice guy. Rhonda j Randall. That's me. Rhonda j Randall.
[00:49:55] Unknown:
Okay. Go ahead.
[00:49:58] Unknown:
Rhonda j Randall, 71 of Uniontown, slept in to the arms of her loving savior, Jesus, Friday, February seventh in UPMC Presby. Born in 11/28/1953, the last of six children born to late Daniel and Alberta Goodford in in Uniontown. Yeah, looks like a beautiful woman. Betsy Ann Kegg Lisa, sixty seven, passed away peacefully Sunday, February 9. She's born in '57 in Uniontown, so peace be with her. And lastly, Terry l Williams senior, sixty six, passed away February 7, Uniontown Hospital. Born, 07/01/1958 in Uniontown, PA. A son of the late Herman Williams and Charlotte Deeds Williams.
Oh, I got Hellowee's tonight, Johnny. Dusting off the table for mealtimes. Dear Heloise, I was raised to keep a tidy table whether we're dining or having breakfast. This always included brushing dust and tiny crumbs off the table or table cloth, but I don't have the space or patience to keep a little brush and tray near the goddamn table for this. My new and very effective way to dust off the table is to wrap a fabric, not vinyl, bandage around the top part of my index finger, another around my middle finger, then sweep my hand in strokes across the tabletop and over the edge of the table.
The crumbs and dust disappear with one or two swipes per area. It's easy and frustration free. What the fuck are these people talking about? I don't even get it. Let's let's, let's go back over this real quick. My new and very effective way to dust off the table is to wrap a fabric, not vinyl, bandage around the top part of my index finger and another around my middle finger. This is how I used to finger girls in middle school, because my dad told me I would get venereal disease. Where were we? Then I sweep my hand in strokes across the tabletop and over the edge of the table. Where do the crumbs go? The crumbs and dust disappear with one or two swipes per area.
Alright. How has Heloise not blown her fucking head off yet reading this shit?
[00:52:53] Unknown:
It's not real.
[00:52:55] Unknown:
Bamboo floors. Dear Heloise, while repairs are being made to our house, we're living in a rental house, but both are near the recent Southern California fires. The rental house has blonde bamboo floors made of approximately four inch by four foot slats. They appear to have a polished coating similar to our hickory hardwood floors at home. The owner made a point of telling us that the bamboo is soft and she uses oil soap to clean the floors. I told her that I use a pH neutral non abrasive surface cleaner and got her okay. Goddamn it. Now, the floors had some shallow scratches and small divots when we moved in, but now hold dark debris.
Surface cleaning won't get it out. Since the debris is dark and the floors are light, it's easily noticed. Don't you wish this is what you worried about in your life? I guess superpowers. Johnny just said, have you ever met anyone who knows how to clean everything? And no, I have not. Mostly because we're dirt people, garbage people at our house. Let's continue on here. I was gonna try to or I was going to try oil soap, but some research showed that it's not recommended for bamboo floors because it can damage the floor's protective coating. I was thinking of using a brush, maybe a toothbrush, some kind of cleaner to clean out the debris, but I don't wanna use anything that will further damage the floors. Who gives a fuck? Oh, I can't read any more of this.
The next one, alarm clocks. If you can no longer hear alarm clocks because they're high frequency level, oh my god, get a clock radio. They have a deeper tone so you can adjust the volume and enjoy waking up to music. Margaret s in La Mirada, California. Well, Margaret, thanks for the fucking advice.
[00:54:47] Unknown:
Never had a problem waking up with a normal alarm. Listen, this person thinks that you can buy an alarm clock in the store right now that doesn't sound worse than a cell phone. I mean, they're not going to have any body to it. There's not a real fucking speaker in that thing. No. It's going to be worse than a cell phone. And it's made in China. The tariffs will keep this shit up there. No. If you could have bought one of those, you know, alarm clocks like this, you know, 12 by 12 with a with an eight by eight eight inch fucking speaker and a thing, and that would go off, yeah, you get your ass out of bed.
[00:55:20] Unknown:
Absolutely. I I do have to set four or five alarms about five minutes apart.
[00:55:26] Unknown:
So do I, but I use inspiring music to wake me up. I just use the old school,
[00:55:33] Unknown:
something like that. Margaret's, what a lovely way to wake up in the morning. I have a clock radio, and it plays great music, gives me the weather of the day, and forces me to get my lazy bones out of bed. Thanks for your hint. Gives you a weather of the day. That's that's what Hellowee said. Hey, Margaret. Get up. Fucking sun is out. I can't believe all the hell You gotta finger your furniture. Yeah. Maybe she gets up and wraps her hand in fabric, not vinyl. I mean, have have you ever seen these weird fucking people who don't use toilet paper? They they use, like, a rag that they wash.
Are you making a joke on me? No. No. No. No. This is a real thing. These people just have rags that they wipe their shit with and then they put it through the washing machine. That's what I did. That's what you do? Yeah. Well You're joking with me? No, I'm not joking with you. You fucker. I don't believe that you do this.
[00:56:30] Unknown:
You've heard me say this. I have not.
[00:56:33] Unknown:
You have too. You use a rag.
[00:56:37] Unknown:
I said I have when the situation's called for it. Well Like during COVID when people were buying toilet paper and worrying about a fucking toilet paper, and I was like, why don't you just use a fucking rag? Well, I can understand if it's not available, but this is normally what you do.
[00:56:53] Unknown:
This is gonna be end of this goddamn podcast.
[00:56:56] Unknown:
I'm making fun of you. No. I need toilet paper for my employer.
[00:57:00] Unknown:
Well, okay. Good. I mean, you think it would be normal
[00:57:07] Unknown:
to do this. If you think about it, if you think about it There's no convincing me, but go ahead. Think about this. What's more normal? Wiping your ass with a rag and washing them Or buying fucking boatloads of toilet paper as a family? And everybody in The US is doing this. Toilet paper? Yeah. Is more normal. You think that's more normal? Yeah. No. It's more accepted.
[00:57:38] Unknown:
I mean, it just seems,
[00:57:40] Unknown:
It's crazy if you think about it. Why is it crazy?
[00:57:44] Unknown:
It works just fine.
[00:57:47] Unknown:
Do you know how much fucking shipping and and, we're talking oil and diesel burnt to get it across oceans? Fucking trees cut down?
[00:58:00] Unknown:
You don't care about this. Plastic.
[00:58:02] Unknown:
It's this fucking big for 12 by 12 fucking four rolls. Like, this stuff doesn't crush down and then you're eating the fucking paper right now.
[00:58:11] Unknown:
That's wasteful. Back to Halloweys. Alright. Well, Johnny and I disagree on, having shit rags in our home. Rubber band reminder, dear Heloise, whether it is spare ketchup bottle, a garlic powder spice container, or a box of crackers, everyone usually has an extra something in their pantry that is waiting to be used and gets moved to the front of their kitchen cabinet. What the what are they talking about?
[00:58:38] Unknown:
I don't understand. Maybe maybe they're talking about recycling they're probably talking about recycling product, like you buy something and you're left over with a jar. Is that what they're talking about? Let me consider And then there's another way to use it? I
[00:58:51] Unknown:
this is where we're gonna start to diverge. I you probably just dump you got extra spices, you dump them all in one can. That's you cheap fuck. Got
[00:59:03] Unknown:
garlic powder and all the other powder mix. I called super spice. Super spice. Super spice. Just put it all in one. Don't you get everything runs out of the this is why I just dump it all in one called super spice. So you never had my super ketchup? What's your super ketchup? We take all the ketchups you have in the refrigerator, squirt them all in one bottle, and then Well, that's fine. There's that all over there. Vinegar, and then hot sauce, and then you add super ketchup. Well, that sounds good. I do it with mustard too.
[00:59:28] Unknown:
Dude, you You don't know shit about mustard. We've already learned this. No. Woah. Woah. Woah. Hang on. That was just I was questioning which one had more vinegar. So far shit about mustard. So far, you've been a % wrong about mustard on this podcast, but here's your chance to redeem yourself.
[00:59:45] Unknown:
What's a super mustard? Same thing. You take all the mustards that you have in the fridge, and you squirt them all in one bottle. I got a lot of different mustards. That's the thing about mustard. Super mustard is way better than super ketchup. Oh, I bet. Because super mustard takes into account all the mustards. Now, the thing with super mustard is, you've got to make sure that whatever bottle you're putting it in has the largest opening in it, because mustard has a tendency to have different consistencies across the spectrum. Or you've got to shake it up for use, right? So you've got to make sure that whatever bottle you're putting it in, finally, you know, the last one, will actually dispense like mustard seeds, pepper chunks.
So you gotta use like a You've dipped in that restaurant mustard ramekin that you poured in there? What's
[01:00:31] Unknown:
Like an old chicken finger? Who makes the best mustard spout? All the best mustard spout? You could just stick a razor blade in there and spin it around much times. Make the hole bigger, right?
[01:00:44] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, I like, buying the picnic, you know, like the picnic, squeeze bottles. Isn't it Gold's brown mustard? Is that Oh, that's terrible. If we're talking about the best dispenser, you buy the picnic dispenser. You know, the one that Oh, yeah. And just cut that down. Diners and stuff and you just cut that top off.
[01:01:01] Unknown:
You can just put that right in a caulking gun.
[01:01:05] Unknown:
Now we're thinking. Yeah. You put in one of those beef jerky, squirt guns, beef jerky guns. What's a beef jerky gun? You ever see it that you mash up a bunch of meat and you stick it in, like, a caulking gun, and then you dispense it, and then you cook it? I don't I don't Yeah. Somebody told me there's two kinds of jerky. You can make the kind where you
[01:01:23] Unknown:
Yeah. It's like the ground jerky. Or if you just cut
[01:01:26] Unknown:
meat up and dry it, which I thought was jerky. Strips of meat. Yeah. Strips of meat. Yeah. You're talking like the
[01:01:32] Unknown:
fucking shitty, What's it called? The Sasquatch?
[01:01:37] Unknown:
Who's the Pemmican. Is it Pemmican? No. Pelican? Oh, you're trying you're thinking of the brand.
[01:01:44] Unknown:
Jackslinks. Jackslinks. Yeah. You were thinking of Pelican Brief, the movie. Pemmican. Who was in Pelican Brief? I don't know. I've never seen it. Julia Roberts. Yes. I've never seen it. Has a huge mouth. Yes. Who's the other one who looks like Julia? Sandra Bullock? Yeah. Sandra Bullock. Who who do you think is more attractive with it to? Sandra Bullock. I think Julia Roberts is.
[01:02:12] Unknown:
Yeah. I don't know. I I like Sandra Bullock.
[01:02:16] Unknown:
You know who a guy asked me at work the other day, who do you think the most attractive woman of all time is? I said, Helen Moran.
[01:02:25] Unknown:
Who's that?
[01:02:26] Unknown:
Old actress lady.
[01:02:29] Unknown:
How old? Silent films? No. Not silent films. Not from here. Helen Moran. I can't name a single. Is that the woman from the Newhart Show?
[01:02:38] Unknown:
I don't know. What about Susan Sarandon?
[01:02:42] Unknown:
Never. Never. Never thought much of her.
[01:02:47] Unknown:
Who else?
[01:02:48] Unknown:
Oh, I don't know. A lot of beautiful women out there. There are. Lots.
[01:02:54] Unknown:
Like, Heloise.
[01:02:56] Unknown:
A lot of ugly women these days, though. There are a lot of ugly women these days. You ever see those women they have on, like in Hollywood, on the red carpet and all that, and they now that everything's in HD, you can see how ugly they are? It's terrible. Like, I like the more natural looking women. Oh, me too.
[01:03:16] Unknown:
Like, I prefer no makeup and stuff like that. Yeah. I mean, Hollywood women have never really done it for me that much. I prefer the amateur, normal woman. The mom next door kind of,
[01:03:30] Unknown:
you know. The one with cleaning tips and, ways to clean your bamboo floor?
[01:03:39] Unknown:
Like, Blaze Foley talked about in that clay pigeon, so Yeah. That kind of bitch. That's
[01:03:47] Unknown:
a great song. Down on our luck. That's a good song. Well, back to the story here, where was that? Back to Heloise.
[01:03:54] Unknown:
Let's see. When I buy more than one of something, I put a rubber band around the item that is in use. That's actually not a bad idea because I find garlic powder all the time at six years old. Give it to the kids. Can you see yourself
[01:04:09] Unknown:
going and grabbing a rubber band No. At the moment where you're like, wait a minute. Let me that tip from dear Hellowise. Let me go get a rubber band. No. You got screaming children at your feet. I haven't paid a fucking bill, dude.
[01:04:22] Unknown:
I don't know how we have power, water. Are you the one in charge of paying bills? Supposed to be. I I'm sorry. I don't wanna derail your story. Go ahead. No. I mean, I just I don't know how we haven't and then I got a credit check, and it was, like, 800 something. So I don't know what the fuck's going on. You know what it is. That's the great thing about millennials is they don't give a fuck. So it's some millennial on the other end of that company that's like, this guy hasn't paid his bill
[01:04:52] Unknown:
in six years. And they're like, oh, good. For him. Yeah. They just Welcome. Yeah. Yeah. He's supposed to send out the the shutoff notice. He's like, now let him go. Yeah. Who gives a fuck? This guy's clearly got more problems than I do. But, yeah, fuck him. Whatever. So Wait. Wait. Hang on a minute. You're talking about your credit score. Yeah. So recently, I decided to just apply for, like, a whole bunch of credit cards. For what?
[01:05:18] Unknown:
Well For the podcast?
[01:05:20] Unknown:
[01:05:21] Unknown:
Well, okay. Hold on. Oh, yeah. Do it for the podcast. You can write it off then, Johnny. So I What the fuck's wrong with you? I've I've had, you know, like one credit card,
[01:05:29] Unknown:
you know, at a time for my entire life almost, you know, and I have debit cards and everything. My credit has not gone up from $7.50 in, like, ten years, You know? Mine's gotta be bad now because we're really bad. It hasn't gone up at all. And, like, I never have balances. I'm always paying everything off. They don't give a shit. So I recently, and this is not why, but I decided to just apply for every credit card I can. So I got approved for, like, eight credit cards within five days. My credit score I got a you know, an update on my credit score the other day. It went from 750 to, like, 820.
[01:06:07] Unknown:
Hell, yeah. Like,
[01:06:08] Unknown:
just by applying for credit cards.
[01:06:11] Unknown:
Well, didn't the credit score become a thing like late eighties or something? I don't think it was ever around. I don't know. I didn't need my credit back then. I don't really use credit cards. I have a PNC one that, I pay off monthly. Here's the thing. If a bill is online, we it pay it. No problem. The shit they send in the mail, I don't fucking look at the mail. I don't think Sarah does either. It's got a huge pile of mail. I go through it. If you send me a letter to get paid, you're not getting paid. Pretty goddamn simple. Anyways, continuing on. I actually do like this tip. This is a good tip.
She didn't have to drone on about it, but yourself. When I run out of said ketchup see, I don't like when people say said. That really makes me angry. You know what I mean? Yeah. I know what you mean. What how did that happen? I don't understand. I don't like it. It's usually a dumb fucking person who says
[01:07:12] Unknown:
Leftover from leftover from the nineties, maybe, you know, when people are trying to look smart. But it's like, do you recall what I said in the last paragraph?
[01:07:21] Unknown:
Yeah. That's all it is. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Like, if I were a judge and someone spoke like that in the court, I'd just immediately the other side went instantly. Doesn't matter what it is. Like, they were like, mister Rogers fucked said kid, and be like, well, mister Rogers looks like you're set free. Good man. Anyways, when I run out of the ketchup, I know not to put it on my grocery list and instead use the spare one from the pantry that will be expiring later on in the year. Ketchup does not expire. I've used this new system of mine for over five years now.
It has come in handy so much, I just wanted to share it. I've never had this sketchup expire. I was going to go dark with this, but I won't do it. I don't want to offend too many people here. Oh, what's this?
[01:08:16] Unknown:
Oh, I think we're gonna have a guest.
[01:08:21] Unknown:
Jordan's King says his country opposes displacing Palestinians in Gaza. Oh, I agree. Pause him. What's +1 057?
[01:08:38] Unknown:
Alright. Talk a little bit, Jeremy. Jesus Christ. I'm talking.
[01:08:43] Unknown:
Do you hear me? Man, we need a technical guy now.
[01:08:50] Unknown:
Alright. No. You just gotta fucking set the level, goddamn it. Otherwise, you sound like you're in the next room. I'll get on my level. Get on my level. We're on your level.
[01:09:02] Unknown:
Nobody's on my level. You have to tell them the story about your uncle.
[01:09:07] Unknown:
Or that you need to tell the story about your uncle. I mean, I'll tell the story if you already know. I'd rather you have the article. I mean Does anybody still own that article?
[01:09:16] Unknown:
Yes. Somebody owns the article. Doesn't Herald Standard it was a Herald Standard piece, so they should have an archive. I don't know. I don't know anything about archives.
[01:09:26] Unknown:
We'll figure this out. I get it. It it delivered.
[01:09:29] Unknown:
Well, I don't think they'll deliver the archive, but I mean, we can I know? I mean, I'm sure there's we have the technology. We can find this article.
[01:09:37] Unknown:
Does this involve microfiche? Micro what? Microfiche. What the fuck is that? I have to go down to the library and look this up.
[01:09:44] Unknown:
I think I'll just go to, like, Mike's house. I think it's it's in, like, one of them albums. I think they're in the house. Okay. One of, like, you know what I mean? My mom's wedding album or whatever. Yeah.
[01:09:54] Unknown:
Well, do you wanna tell it, or you just want or you wanna find the article? I mean, we can You don't have to tell it. I could tell it thirty minutes. It's a fucking hilarious fucking story. If if you read this article, Phil, it's the fucking funniest shit anyway to put. There's a crime story in the article. No. Just so I had I had an uncle
[01:10:15] Unknown:
it's a shame that my uncle that was he was retarded, but and mongoloid. My uncle Ray, and he was the article basically reads that he was graduating high school because back then he could graduate high school. So he's graduating high school and, like, this guy's, like, doing an oracle because he was in the Special Olympics, had all these medals, and my grandma was proud of him, so he stuck. And then this guy goes on, he's again, Avail O'Lucky also had two other sons that were semi retarded and Mongoloids themselves.
It's like they almost had the gene to be, but they were they were also retarded. I mean, that's just basically they were they were retards too. So it's that and Mongoloids themselves. Yeah. Jesus. I think Mongoloid's a bad word now too. It is.
[01:10:51] Unknown:
Themselves. Yeah. Jesus. I think Mongoloid's a bad word now, too. It is. I can't say Mongoloid. I believe Mongoloid is a bad word when that article came out. No. And I also said retarded a bunch of times, but, man. It wasn't the fifties. It was the eighties. I'm semi retired. I think retarget was okay in the eighties, but Mongolia was long past. I
[01:11:10] Unknown:
mean, Mongoloid's a scientific term, ain't it, though? Yes. Well, then how is that a bad term?
[01:11:16] Unknown:
Well, just because it's a scientific term doesn't mean it's I mean, Pluto was a planet. I mean, retar is a scientific term. Pluto still is a planet. I don't care anyone. No. It's a dwarf planet, ain't it? I know. I read some bullshit articles. Oh, fuck this. This fucking article. Or this this, argument that Pluto is not a fucking planet. Well, so I read it was the whole thing
[01:11:35] Unknown:
was Pluto never even completed one revolution of the sun between the time it was caught a planet and then not caught a planet again. Wasn't Pluto, like, mostly ice too? So if it would get if you if you change Pluto
[01:11:50] Unknown:
and some other planet, it would, like, melt, like, extremely fast and then mess up all the other planets or something. Probably. It's if you believe in space, which
[01:12:00] Unknown:
bad question, anyways.
[01:12:02] Unknown:
You don't think the sun's real? No. I think it's real. I do believe in space. I think they found an angel buried somewhere too, if you can go look up.
[01:12:13] Unknown:
Shroud of Turan.
[01:12:14] Unknown:
The Shroud of what?
[01:12:17] Unknown:
Shroud of Turan. Nothing is Gee shit. Doesn't you know, you need to get on there, Jesse's man, Jesse, because I think he believes in that angel buried. And I think he also thinks the sun's fake.
[01:12:30] Unknown:
The sun is fake. You're you're talking about your cousin Jesse's man Jesse? Yes. The Jesse Jessies. The Jess the Jessies.
[01:12:41] Unknown:
What do you what do you think of the Italian people? The Italian people? Just generally. Buongiorno. Have you ever been to the Italian oven in Connellsville?
[01:12:51] Unknown:
Oh, it's terrible. Well, the one that was used to be up there at AvenueX, he used to, like, waitress there and stuff. And I remember we're going there, and I I don't I don't like to eat. I'm not a foodie. I have stomach issues, so I'm always sick. But Yeah. IBS. I got IBS real bad. Yeah. But you weren't always like that. I shit if the wind blows, so it don't matter. You weren't always like that, though. So you've eaten at the Italian other? Yes. Where was the one in Uniontown? I couldn't remember. By Gabe's, where the gas station is.
[01:13:16] Unknown:
Yeah. That's right. That's where I thought it was. Is Gabe still there?
[01:13:20] Unknown:
Yeah. Gabe's will always be there. I was trying to place it, and Also, there's a Dollar General up the street. Of course, it's the Dollar General. Just so you know, you need to know where is the Dollar General at.
[01:13:29] Unknown:
There's like a thousand hundred million Dollar Generals in America. There's so many. On this side of town, there's like I'm gonna be the first American going on Mars. Is there five on this side of town? Like this side of town. Yeah. There's a lot of Dollar Generals. We worked with that guy who built Dollar Generals. Remember? Yeah. I can't remember his name. The guy that ends it? No. He used to build them. He's used to build them. Mister General.
[01:13:52] Unknown:
Mister General. Didn't him and the, who's the car insurance general?
[01:14:00] Unknown:
Car insurance general? Yeah. The general dog. Yeah. Yeah. No. That guy built steel buildings.
[01:14:05] Unknown:
Why won't if they ever had it out in the court? I feel like I'm in a fight, Gilbert Dowd. What's the what do you wish you you would do before you die? Go to Dollar General.
[01:14:16] Unknown:
Paint a painting. Build a Dollar General.
[01:14:20] Unknown:
Get dick sucked down at the Dollar General.
[01:14:23] Unknown:
What's that?
[01:14:26] Unknown:
You know, Dollar General has, a lot of their stuff delivered by Amazon? Isn't that crazy? That is crazy. That's even Amazon and a Hemestron truck will pull up and start unloading Dollar General crates.
[01:14:41] Unknown:
Is this a fact or Yeah. It's a fact. Have you witnessed this firsthand? Yes. I need to see the data. This surveillance photos.
[01:14:50] Unknown:
We don't fact check on this
[01:14:52] Unknown:
podcast. No. What kind of where where did I walk into? You ain't fact checking. I gotta get the fuck out of here. Sorry, buddy. It's not CNN.
[01:14:59] Unknown:
Did you listen to the last podcast? I listened to all of them. He's my boy. About mister Rogers?
[01:15:05] Unknown:
Well, yeah. I mean He didn't get to that one. No. No. Well, I listen to some of it. I listen to all of it. I mean, I I do have a light. He's like, I got other shit to do, sit around listening to you talk bullshit. No. No. I listen to it at work a little bit, and, no. No. I love mister Rogers. I didn't really watch Mister Rogers, but I love the idea of Mister Rogers. Yeah. Did you ever get close to him? Real close.
[01:15:30] Unknown:
Here we go. We used
[01:15:32] Unknown:
to exchange sweaters. It is really
[01:15:34] Unknown:
cool that Mister Rogers is like from our area. That's fucking awesome. Actually, we're good friends. He's world famous. You're good friends with mister Rogers? He ain't dead? No, no, we're good friends with the people who live in his actual house.
[01:15:47] Unknown:
You're like a celebrity now? Big old house. So you know when I knew a guy that knew a guy that knew a guy that shook his hand once? Can you ride that train into
[01:15:56] Unknown:
fucking make believe land? Oh, yeah. And it's in the house?
[01:16:00] Unknown:
Oh, no. That that You got a train there. Does he look like a guy riding in the fish tank?
[01:16:05] Unknown:
No fish tank. Oh, no. There are, axolotls at the Trojan Ave.
[01:16:12] Unknown:
What's that?
[01:16:13] Unknown:
Axolotl. What's that? It's like a salamander that are only found in Mexico City, I believe. No worries. What kind of dirt fucking animal you gotta be to survive in Mexico City?
[01:16:25] Unknown:
So they have just a set of rats?
[01:16:27] Unknown:
Yeah. Interesting. We talked about the rats of Latrobe. Yeah. We did.
[01:16:35] Unknown:
So what are we talking about today? Nothing. We're just rambling.
[01:16:39] Unknown:
Wanna read an article? No, I can't read it. Just setting the levels.
[01:16:43] Unknown:
UPFC requiring masks as respiratory viruses surge, so here we go again. See you, man. I'm glad you're here.
[01:16:51] Unknown:
I appreciate y'all. Phil's I've been listening to Phil read the paper for an hour. Like I said, I I went to Norm's, and Norm attended a wedding today, so he was slurring when I got there. And then, like, I'm drinking a couple of beers with him. I was like, and he's so drinking. And, like, God loved Norm. He wanted to he wanted to hang in there, bro. I was like, you know what? I'm gonna go and, I'll catch you later. He's like, you said, I'll catch you later. He's like, oh, I've been just 12 pounders. I was like, alright, man. Love it. 12 pounders. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad you kept an eye on him. No. He's at his house. Yeah. I love Norman, man. He he cracks me up, bro, because, like, he just he's that one more guy that, like, is, like, that one more, and you gotta tell him, like, I'll go to the bathroom if we go to the bar. And I'll be like, he'll be like, oh, you wanna have one more? I'm like, no.
I'm like, I'm gonna go piss, and I'm you know, we get the tab, and then we come back out. And he's like, I'll order you one more. I'm like, goddamn it. Like, I don't want one more. He's like, well, I ordered it. Oh, you do sometimes. He'll do it too, though.
[01:17:49] Unknown:
Your brother Mike does it too. Yeah. He does it too. Well, the thing is is we all get to a point where we don't want a good time to end. Oh, he's like kinda like he got that superhero power. He's like a ghost
[01:17:59] Unknown:
in the wind.
[01:18:00] Unknown:
Mike? Yeah. Mike. Oh, yeah. Remember when he used to just like leave, disappear from a party? You'd find him five miles away walking down the road? That's what I always did. Yeah. He went through a long time where like, you'd be standing there talking to him at a fire or something, and he turned over, like, where's he pounding the beers then, man?
[01:18:18] Unknown:
What do they call that? The triple point of water? Right? Explain. Isn't that where water, like, freezes, boils, and evaporates all at the same time? There's like a triple point of booze and drugs where you just have to fucking leave. Oh, yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, you you feel it well enough while you're
[01:18:40] Unknown:
you know, you'll be talking to someone and you're like, wait a minute. You start thinking, you know what? I can't say goodbye to anybody at this place. I I just have to disappear. Would you ever get
[01:18:49] Unknown:
do you ever come full circle being so fucked up that you felt completely sober for, like, fifteen seconds? No. Yeah. You know, I I can remember one time that happened to me. It was very surreal. I was standing in I was in Indiana, Pennsylvania, my buddy's apartment, and, just was so fucked up that for, like, fifteen seconds, I felt completely sober. I remember that. It's the only thing I remember from the night, and I just I just fucking left.
[01:19:14] Unknown:
This has never happened to me. Yep. I'll just skip progressively worse until it's over. Well, yeah. I got real messed up one time, and then Lauren, like, called me, and she was like, hey. She's like, what are you doing? I'm like, oh, I'm just drinking. You know, I mean, whatever. And she's like, oh, I wish you were down here. And I'm like, oh, yeah. She's ready. So I drive down 51. You're good. Yeah. So I go all the way down 51. I mean, I'm hamstrung. I should not be driving. But I look at it this way, like, I mean, truck driving is kind of like, you know, you get better with everything at practice, so I made it pretty good. Oh, yeah. I mean, I'm not condoning it, but, yeah. Yeah. I think I'd do pretty good at it. So I got it down there. Well, it's a difference. Well, we If you're a responsible drunk driver like you acknowledge your boss, I think that's kind of, Well, there I think there is. You're a responsible drunk driver?
[01:19:58] Unknown:
I don't know. I mean, I agree. I don't condone drunk driving, but I've done.
[01:20:03] Unknown:
Yeah. Everybody has, but buzz driving is drunk driving. PSHA kids. But so we go down there, do our thing, and then we're laying there, whatever we're doing sitting there. Well, I think I'm laying there for like two minutes. I get up, I'm like, all right, well, I gotta get home, love you, whatever, and go. And then I'm going home, I'm like, how the fuck am I gonna get home? Like, I'm driving just straight down 51. I'm like, holy fuck, I should not have came down here. This is a mistake. So I'm going down, I get home, like she's like, well you took a nice nap for twenty minutes. I said, that's not a nap, I passed out, and you let me just sleep?
[01:20:42] Unknown:
That wasn't a nap, I've never powered a nap. You ever sleep off a drunk in twenty minutes? Yeah.
[01:20:49] Unknown:
Yeah. I said, you took a nap. I'm like, I've never powered a nap in my life. One time I woke up in my jeep
[01:20:56] Unknown:
on with my head down at the pedals, feet up over the driver's seat, just the door wide open, and fucking way out in the middle of the country, rolled out onto the road, got back in, and fucking just drove away. That is not responsible for driving. Another time in the middle of the summer, I slept in my Jeep, and I, for some reason, had a hoodie on. This is at night, but I must have been cold, got in, turned the fucking jeep on, full fucking heat, windows up, woke up like six hours later, dude, just like,
[01:21:32] Unknown:
thought I was going to fucking die. I gotta do this because we keep saying it this one time at Bandcamp. Just gotta do it. Just gotta do it. I used to fall asleep driving home from Pittsburgh at every light I stopped at. Oh yeah. You fall asleep. Hey, I'm gonna switch your seats, why? I gotta sit there, so don't see me because I'm gonna fall asleep. They're gonna kick me out. Kick me out of the bar if they see me sleeping, so I gotta switch seats. That was my principal reason to have a beard for a long time was I'd fall asleep driving home from Uniontown
[01:22:00] Unknown:
back to West Virginia every night, so I would just yank on my mustache to keep myself awake. I pulled my nose hairs.
[01:22:07] Unknown:
My nose hairs are a fucking nightmare. I grab them and yank them out as I drive. It doesn't help,
[01:22:13] Unknown:
but I like doing it. That's the other 50% of my reason for having a mustache, because my nose hairs would just hang out. Now you can't see them. Oh, yeah. They just blend right in.
[01:22:23] Unknown:
You remember when, we started at the power plant where we where I work now, and my and our boss had that fucking nose hair because I was like, oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Like, this long, and he every time he talked to me, I just thought, why doesn't your wife tell you that that thing is hanging out of your nose? Well, you saw her. Right? I don't remember her at all. She was she a wreck? Yeah. She was a wreck of a woman?
[01:22:51] Unknown:
Like, six of him. Six or seven of him. You wanna talk a wreck of a woman? Remember that party at Eddie's house? Yeah. Goddamn it. Yeah. That was everyone there was fucked up.
[01:23:04] Unknown:
We all stayed sober and they were all fucked up. Yeah. How do we all end up being the ones that were, like, responsible? Because my wife was so fucked up, I had to drive her ass home. Remember, Wimberly's or Josh, fucking Josh Wimberley's wife Hell. Was pouring drinks and throwing people's ice away? And she's like, you don't need that. That's what destroyed
[01:23:24] Unknown:
Sarah. They were fucked. Yeah. It's Ben. Yeah. As soon as
[01:23:30] Unknown:
as soon as AJ's wife fucking got a few in her, I think she started telling one story. He was like, we're fucking going. You don't remember? I don't remember what she looked like.
[01:23:43] Unknown:
You look like these goddamn blind kids got all their money stolen.
[01:23:47] Unknown:
Dude, I don't remember anything. My mind is going. I have holes in my brain.
[01:23:52] Unknown:
I'm a get another beer. You need another beer?
[01:23:55] Unknown:
I still have one.
[01:23:57] Unknown:
I'm in a tank, and I'm not eating another beer.
[01:24:01] Unknown:
You want four zero?
[01:24:03] Unknown:
No. I got taste buds.
[01:24:07] Unknown:
Hey, Brent. Hey. Can you bring me over one of those box?
[01:24:10] Unknown:
Yes, sir. You got the trash can around here? And he's like, yeah.
[01:24:15] Unknown:
I like the fully committed one there. You got fucking Everybody fucking everybody has to come here and make fun of me.
[01:24:21] Unknown:
You know I told you, this fits you perfectly. If I was a chick, I'd say they'd come back to your garage.
[01:24:28] Unknown:
I'd say not to come back, but you probably won't anyway.
[01:24:33] Unknown:
And just be right outside.
[01:24:40] Unknown:
You put them in there upside down. Dude, I tell you what, if I was on acid, that fucking picture right there would be fucking with me. You reading an article or me? No. I'm a I gotta find something here. I gotta read something. We can't just fucking talk shit all the time.
[01:25:00] Unknown:
Well, is it rolling?
[01:25:01] Unknown:
[01:25:03] Unknown:
What's your take on the reinstitution of masks at UPMC?
[01:25:10] Unknown:
What? Masks. You mean, Masks. Service. Masks. Masks. What's the reason? The reason is, substantial levels of respiratory illness. Subs you're talking about substantial levels of normal everyday sickness. Yeah. Flu,
[01:25:29] Unknown:
RSV. I don't see any mention of COVID. You know where else I didn't see a mention of COVID? The article I read recently that said, why are so many young kids having heart attacks?
[01:25:41] Unknown:
Dude, let's let's talk about the heart attack thing. Fuck yeah. Let's talk about it. See, this is why we can't get to the Herald Center. There's just too much going on in the world today. Hey, there's an article for you there on the ground. I want you to read that one. It's about IBS. I got bad IBS too. Now, the fuck are you handing me this for? Gotta open it?
[01:26:04] Unknown:
Hey, I could tell you how to fix your IBS. I just figured it out. What's that? You gotta fast. Just eat once a day. That's it. Yeah. I've been doing that for the last month and a half or so. My fucking stomach problems have gone away. That's that's, like,
[01:26:19] Unknown:
twenty five years of dealing with some problems. No. Because we stomach problems society. It ain't gonna go away.
[01:26:26] Unknown:
Well, we got a short society. I'm just going to eat a whole bunch of cheese. I think it's just all the people surrounding you.
[01:26:32] Unknown:
That's the kind of society, right? No. I'm talking about just directly, right? Oh, currently.
[01:26:37] Unknown:
No, I've been doing alright. Been going out more. Doing No. I mean, but you got a lot of you got a lot of people, like, causing me because I didn't see strippers with him. He's he's, bailed. Dude, that was fucking gonna be a good time if you'd have gone home. But I went out and drank, so Where'd you go? You went to the strip club? For shit. No. They Goddamn, we're getting sidetracked here.
[01:26:57] Unknown:
What were we going to talk about?
[01:26:59] Unknown:
There's a bar down there, like in, not in Lemont, but the next like shitty patch town. It's basically Lemont, but they're uppity, so they call themselves Youngstown. It's a strip club? No. It's a bar. But once every six months, they bust strippers in from Pittsburgh, and the whole fucking bar goes bananas. And I can't get anybody to go with me. I'll go with you. Yeah. Everybody says they'll go with you. What the fuck, Johnny? I'll definitely go with you. Until the day it's time to go. Well, call me. Jimmy was going with me. He said the same thing. He's like, fucking Johnny. I'll go with you. Johnny's going to it. And it's not very deep, and then I'm tired. I wanna go to bed now. See, and that's what you'll say at six months, you'll say. I've come down here every goddamn week.
[01:27:38] Unknown:
You've come down here for the last three weeks to your podcast. I'll come to the straight part again. Four episodes deep. No. Three episodes deep. Phil, have you come down here the last three weeks for the podcast? Well, you came to my house once. That's right. Well, I just said three you did four episodes. I said three episodes. You're getting real close to me bailing on this whole goddamn thing. Twice. You're fucking shit talking. He don't shit talk. He's shit talking right now?
[01:28:00] Unknown:
No. Okay. So down with the What is Fu Manchu mustache on? Stop fighting. So, yeah, they have strippers at the bar. It's great. The only person I could get to go with me was Trisha, and she did not go with you. She went in. Have a good time. I don't know. They'll they'll they'll post it like I'm This fucking beer is not good. Yeah. I know. I don't like it either. I I thought you were drinking Coors original. Actually, you know what ain't too bad? I tried one of these.
[01:28:24] Unknown:
Johnny brought some G. Beer on me. This was the cheapest beer there, I take it?
[01:28:32] Unknown:
No. Costa lager was the cheapest beer there. 30 pack, $12.99.
[01:28:38] Unknown:
How much was this?
[01:28:40] Unknown:
Oh, this is $15 for for 12. 15 bucks. Cranks some old German.
[01:28:45] Unknown:
Old German carnival lager? What's or festival lager?
[01:28:49] Unknown:
I can't believe I drank that old case.
[01:28:51] Unknown:
Disgusting. What are you drinking?
[01:28:53] Unknown:
This is I don't know. This is new Yingling beer called Bach. German style Bach. Yeah. It's not bad. Anyway, yeah, strippers at the Youngstown Hotel. It was a good time. I'll go with you. Okay. Cool. They they sent out, like, a Facebook post, like, two months before.
[01:29:11] Unknown:
Well, send me that, and I'll make plans to go. Yeah.
[01:29:15] Unknown:
What happened was I I saw it. It was, like, during an outage. I was like, man. I'm a go down here, check it out, and then leave. You know? It's gonna be shitty. There's gonna be a bunch of ugly you know, like, three ugly broads here. Right? Deal went down. At 10:30, the place exploded with Sherpa from Pittsburgh just everywhere. I mean, the table, the bars, the pinball machines. It went from a normal bar where, like, they sit seriously sit and watch movies on weekdays to just bananas to fucking every person in town down there. Just legal people pissing on the bartender. He's not.
[01:29:52] Unknown:
Yeah. Joyce says, nobody came out with me.
[01:29:57] Unknown:
I was passing out $2 bills like it's my job. I saw them $2 bills in there. What's up with that? I like $2 bills. Why?
[01:30:05] Unknown:
Well, number one, it's got Jefferson on it. Number two, it's got the signing of the Declaration of Independence on the back. I don't like Jefferson.
[01:30:12] Unknown:
[01:30:13] Unknown:
He has a right to not like Jefferson.
[01:30:15] Unknown:
Well, he's just a liar. That's like everything he wrote, but he's just such a cunt about everything else. That's my problem with him.
[01:30:25] Unknown:
Well, he makes a hell of a bill.
[01:30:27] Unknown:
$2. 2 dollar bill. Where do you get them? You go to the bank. You say, give me $2 bills. I hope Trump takes him away.
[01:30:34] Unknown:
They won't take them away. They won't take them away. You know why? Did that happen? Did the pennies go bye bye? Well, they didn't go bye bye, but they stopped. We stopped making pennies right now. Hell, yeah, dude. No. They didn't. That was just proposed, wasn't it? No. They stopped doing pennies now. They put us it was, Jesus Christ, how do I know this? Yeah. They they stopped. They put a hole on pennies. Was it Doge? Are they replacing the penny with a Doge coin? They're not they're not replacing I don't know about all that. I just know that we're not minting any new pennies, because they said it's just it's not the the metal. It's not worth It costs more than $8 a penny. It costs 3¢ to make a penny or something. And they're like, no. Well, that definitely isn't smart
[01:31:14] Unknown:
to fucking
[01:31:15] Unknown:
spend 3¢ to make a penny. Making pennies right now. I mean, they didn't, like, cancel the penny. You told me, but they didn't make a penny.
[01:31:22] Unknown:
[01:31:24] Unknown:
I had to dream. A, b, c, d, f, g. They start with a penny. Next thing you know, no money.
[01:31:31] Unknown:
No. I knew a guy that had pennies once. Two months later, bam, herpes.
[01:31:39] Unknown:
Is that true?
[01:31:40] Unknown:
I don't know. He's put hey, have you ever heard of ass pennies? He's putting them in his iced tea, right? Ass pennies? Yeah. What's ass pennies? Did you stick pennies up your ass and then pass them out to people just like Oh, fuck, yeah. I've been using quarters all the time. I didn't know I could use pennies. Goddamn it. Is that why I keep hearing chains fall out? Right? I wish I had quarters in my ass. No. Johnny Johnny had his fingers up your ass. Tony got two hour bills up his ass.
[01:32:06] Unknown:
Whole roll. What? Oh. Did you ever tell him about the coins used to collect at Homer City Power Plant? No. Me and Johnny had lockers by each other. I tell you what, just keep making fun of hold John here. Two lockers. This is a great opportunity. And I would just throw maybe nickels and pennies and shit on the floor every day. And I noticed I don't know Clark. She's a penny on the floor. Johnny would come around and pick them up, so I just started a couple cents every day I'd throw on the shop floor, and Johnny would pick them up every day. I let them do it for, like, a year and a half before I told them, oh, look at you. You're definitely gonna pick them up away. Those are some of the the change you probably dropped off. You know exactly how how much money you just dropped.
Yeah. It's 6¢.
[01:32:50] Unknown:
You just dropped and So I was see him bend over. You're like, oh, yeah. I was, I was telling I was telling Tricia about this,
[01:32:56] Unknown:
recently. The Homer City money? No. But this it relates. She has money everywhere. Like, she's got money in coat pockets, pants pockets, purses, on in drawers, like, in the car, everywhere. Like, has no idea. She'll, like, she has hundreds of dollars in places. Doesn't know. Like, I know that I have a dollar 50 and a pair of pants and the hamper in there. Like, I know where every dollar that I have is at every moment. Where's that hamper at? See, I do it. Remember remember Eddie's I got it. But what I'm saying is is, like, I know like, there are people that pay absolutely no attention to where they have money. That's how I am. I serious I know that's how you are. I I know that I have $20, like, in a shirt pocket somewhere.
[01:33:45] Unknown:
You know? I'm I'm never the guy that, like, gets in my, like, summer shorts or whatever from last year and go Yeah. Yeah. Oh, oh, look, man. A $10 bill. Like, I fucking know that $10 bill is in there, and, like, I get it out. Are you this has nothing, but you said summer shorts. Are you one of those guys that, like, put away your summer clothes and get out your winter clothes? I hate that. Like, Lauren does that just a couple. No. I better put away my winter clothes and get summer stuff out. It's like, what do you need? Well, my my mother used to do that. I wear pants all year long. I just got lighter ones and heavier ones. And sometimes I wear the heavier ones and sweat my balls off because the other ones are dirty.
[01:34:20] Unknown:
I have very few clothes. I wear my FR work clothes everywhere now.
[01:34:27] Unknown:
So I've quit so many jobs that I have just, like, a thousand sets of work clothes. He had to throw the FR in there. He's made the money, ladies and gentlemen. It's all free. It's all free. You don't pay $30 for his jeans. He pays $69.95 f four, baby. Fire resistant. He prides himself on,
[01:34:43] Unknown:
on looking like he's, dirty, but really, he's got He's wearing he's wearing the most expensive clothing that a man he can buy is FR.
[01:34:52] Unknown:
Yeah. Hey. So sir. I got this Koror on and, Johnny should be praising me because it's all free clothes. I'm not made. I'm over one of their brands. When you called me and asked me to go get your uniforms?
[01:35:03] Unknown:
[01:35:04] Unknown:
That's because they fucked me once there. Not the Koror brand. What's the other popular brand that everybody
[01:35:09] Unknown:
wears? Not Korhort. Oh,
[01:35:12] Unknown:
Bork. Bork. Mulwort. Yeah. No. It's not that. Yeah. It is that's one of them. Well, I mean, that's a that's it. Rich people shit. Yeah. Ariot. Like, I got my Ariot. Dude, Ariot is probably the most expensive one for me. I wouldn't wear Ariot at all. You got Ariat right now. They can't say no Ariat.
[01:35:27] Unknown:
Dude, Ariat has gotta be the most expensive FR clothing imaginable. I'm actually wearing corduroys right now.
[01:35:34] Unknown:
I actually got back in this. I just got a couple pair. I'm trying to cheap listen. I bought a pair of quarter row pants for, like, $2.
[01:35:40] Unknown:
From where? From now?
[01:35:43] Unknown:
No. It wasn't Salvation Army. I think it was Walmart. It was my mother. I went I was like, oh, it's $2 quarter of pants. But Johnny was like, lift up your shirt. I don't wanna lift up my shirt. He said, lift it up. I was at my cousin's. He's like, oh, they're pleated or where it's called. He's like, fucking pleats. Yeah. I was like, fuck you, man. Yeah. It was like, there's $2. I tell you right now, $2 ain't buying you a pair of corduroys that don't have pleats in it. Yeah. But I bought some badass corduroys pants there for $7.
[01:36:05] Unknown:
No pleats. Why late? No. Fuck yeah. No. Fuck yeah. Quarterrows are awesome. Dude, are those corduroys? That's a tight weave. I couldn't even tell. These are, I don't know what these are. These are cheap. Dude, is that FR corduroys?
[01:36:17] Unknown:
They don't make FR quarters already. You don't. What do you know why? What's cheap for America? We need them to the price you pay for them pants. Listen. Your cheap is not like In all seriousness,
[01:36:25] Unknown:
and even my wife who hates me would back me up on this. I have, like, don't talk about your wife. I don't wanna edit this podcast all day. You don't have to edit that, I have, like, four pairs of pants to my name that aren't work pants. I wear the same shit for months at a time. I got nothing.
[01:36:43] Unknown:
I have no nice clothes. Like, when somebody fucking dies, I got nothing to wear. No. Just Yeah. I mean, either I go and buy it, and then, like, I wash it and it shrinks, so I'm like, I ain't wearing more skin. No. I'm wearing Airwok pants right now. Health. Airwok? Airwok, baby. Sweet. No, it's like and they got pockets, but the pockets ain't open. Why do they do that with the pants? That really makes me angry. That's another another thing to make me feel What do you mean? You're not supposed to have shit in your pockets when you skate. Back pockets, but they sewed the back pocket shut. Where do you put your wallet? In my front pocket. I've never put my wallet in. And what really irritates me is I got a chain wallet. So now I got a chain wallet in my front pocket, which makes me uncomfortable. I've never put anything in my back pockets.
[01:37:24] Unknown:
Not wallet. I never understood that. Really? It's always gone in my front pocket. Well, how the fuck do you you have bad back. How do you sit? I do have a bad back. Yeah. Well, you ain't
[01:37:33] Unknown:
wearing that Ariat shit all rich and shit, and then Walt's got shit. I'm pretty sure that if you wear Ariat, you're going up in flames instantly. I hate Ariat. There's no fucking way that stuff's FR. Well, that FR shit don't matter. You wash it one time, it's done. Like, you know that FR stuff don't last. Well, I've caught plenty of FR on fire with grinders and shit. I mean, it's easy. I work Smolders. I got set on fire the other day. It does save you. I could set on fire. Where do you work? I can't give the name of my company, but it's terrible. But, I work in the oil field. Oil field. So somebody was using a weed burner, and it lit me on fire.
And my arm caught on fire from the grease and, like, the solvent. Yeah. Yeah. And I started hitting myself. I'm like, holy shit. She's like, oh, I just wanted to warm you up. I was like, you bitch. No. You did not. You tried to you set me on fire.
[01:38:23] Unknown:
What kind of work do you do?
[01:38:25] Unknown:
I'm an inspector for, casing.
[01:38:29] Unknown:
[01:38:30] Unknown:
Yeah. Like the like
[01:38:32] Unknown:
so Like the concrete?
[01:38:35] Unknown:
Yeah. They they they cement it in the ground, but it's based like big metal pipe, and they put it down the ground. They cement it. So, like, the biggest pipe we do is, like, 36 inch. But I we, what they call CVD, clean visual and drift is what that stands for. It's it's it's basically just we just clean the pipe. You like it? No. I mean, yeah. So that's my job I need to raise. Will come will come work at the mill? The mill? Steel mill. I mean, how far is this drive?
[01:39:08] Unknown:
New Kensington.
[01:39:10] Unknown:
Oh, fuck. I don't know where that is. It's a long way from here.
[01:39:15] Unknown:
I just wanna know how much will we make? Well, me and John do. Me and John already talked. We're gonna get married and live in this garage.
[01:39:22] Unknown:
In this garage?
[01:39:24] Unknown:
Yeah. We're getting a boat. Yeah. We're getting a boat.
[01:39:28] Unknown:
John ain't buying no goddamn boat. He'll buy a boat if I say to buy a boat. I don't think he knows how to swim. It don't matter. We're gonna Never seen him swim.
[01:39:37] Unknown:
He makes more money than me. I'm still gonna work, but I'm gonna be the housewife. He gotta take care of me. So if I say we're getting a boat, we're getting a fucking boat. That's how it works. You're making a huge mistake because Johnny can't hold a goddamn relationship together. I mean, he can't, but we'll be in this garage, and we'll have our ups and downs, but I think we can get through why are you already condemning our relationship? I said that I'm trying to help you, bro. Fucking nation, when we have the kids, you can't be talking this way around the kids during this, like, mommy and daddy ain't gonna fight. Dude, Donald Trump ain't gonna let us have kids. That's true.
What is that? A palimony? Isn't that they call that palimony? What the fuck is palimony? I think it's when, like, you're two heterosexual guys and you just do it for the tax write off. I think it's a palimony. Dude, that sounds great. I saw a movie about this. It had that mall cop in it. No. It was, I was about to say that, Chuck and Larry. Yeah. Chuck and Larry. Yeah. I love that. Funny movie. I gotta bring Slaughters over to you, by the way. Remind me to that. Oh, thank you. Wait. This this podcast is way off the rails. You're a funny movie? It never fucking it's just it goes like this all the time. But now there's a third person to pull it. This is the way it I told you I didn't wanna come over and talk with you. You're gonna talk. I'm sitting up in my mic, man. What I like about you too is you've really committed to this podcast because all these stands match, the microphones match. Well, like I said You guys' outfits match. It's amazing. Last week,
[01:40:53] Unknown:
we are Devo.
[01:40:55] Unknown:
Devo's a great band, dude.
[01:40:57] Unknown:
About the audience lip sync, and we're gonna be Milli Vanilli. Hell, yeah.
[01:41:02] Unknown:
We were talking about ABBA earlier. You're like ABBA? The band?
[01:41:08] Unknown:
Oh, yeah. Abba? I don't know Abba. He's like, stop speaking Swedish.
[01:41:12] Unknown:
I'll take no lip off somebody. Wear some fucking Carhart corduroys.
[01:41:18] Unknown:
Dude, I wish they made that for corduroys.
[01:41:23] Unknown:
You look like you you do look like you skated, do you?
[01:41:27] Unknown:
I'm I I dabble. I dabble.
[01:41:31] Unknown:
I wore my corduroys at work the other day. I'm surprised nobody made fun of me. Don't be jealous. As soon as I left the room, they were making fun of me. I get made fun of me. Well, I can't wear jeans because it hurts my fucking nuts since
[01:41:41] Unknown:
I had that nut problem.
[01:41:43] Unknown:
Jesus Christ. Oh, yeah. That's right. Like him too. Jeans jeans do hurt my nuts. No. I don't think any woman likes me. We have this dude at work, and, like, I don't I this just bust a boss, like, dude, where he's like, oh, he's like, I can't wear a condom because it hurt. Dude, I love young people. I'm like, get shut up. He's like, his dick's so big? Yeah. His dick's so big. I can't wear it. I'm like, call him, dude. Like, let me show you this video where this dude puts it over his head. I don't think you're killing it, bud. I've never worn a car. He wears these skinny jeans, bro. They're so tight. Like, I don't wanna say Is this the dude that tucks them into boots? Yeah. I hate dude, that pisses Oh, I hate that too. Listen, Johnny gave me a pair of fancy boots. I call them my walking around boots because I can't afford to pay $250 for a pair of boots.
So Johnny gave me these boots, and my lady's like, where is this? Where is this? I've been wearing these. These are my walking around boots. Church boots. So Listen. Church boots. So I do. I get you gotta pour that one pant leg up when you go out. We're drinking. I tuck it in so they could see. Daddy got a pair of 200 feet off pants. Oh, it's to show them off. Yeah. You got to show that one off. Don't get me started on my boots. But these dudes I mean, I got boots. I paid decent money for my boots. I bought a nice pair of boots.
[01:42:59] Unknown:
What kind are they? Ariat?
[01:43:00] Unknown:
No. They're, dun loops, I think. I don't know. They're like the ones that you can go out on an oil rig in the ocean in salt water. They're metatarsal? No. They're not metatarsal. You can get them in, but they're insulated to, like, negative 50 degrees Yeah. And they're rubber, and they got, like, the the cushion, and they got real they got, like, tire tread on. I'm like, I'm gonna, like, go up the mountains four wheel. He deals with chemicals all day.
[01:43:23] Unknown:
Like, shit that just eats right through all these things.
[01:43:26] Unknown:
What about my chemical room is?
[01:43:28] Unknown:
Fucking a. Never gave him a fair shake, to be honest with you. I should. They're going tour this summer.
[01:43:34] Unknown:
Tickets are gonna be, like, $9. No regular person can afford to go. Did you see deer ticket? I was gonna buy them for V. Woah. Did you look them up? Dude, I I told my sister, I said, Victoria wants to go? Spend the money, John. Cheap fuck. No. You're $1,200 a ticket. $1,200 a ticket. Yeah, bro. Tickets because I was willing to spend it. I was like, just buy them. She wants to go. We're coming down to Tampa, and we're gone. I'll give you a second. She's like, they're $1,200
[01:44:00] Unknown:
a ticket. I'll buy these. You gotta buy your own. Listen,
[01:44:04] Unknown:
I wanted to go see, it was like a couple years ago, I was gonna buy tickets for me and Mike, and I was gonna see if you wanted to go to Rage Against the Machine. And I've seen the price. I'm gonna No. Fucking rage, dude. Basic tickets. This is a couple years ago. Basic tickets for, like, $700. Like, aren't you against that? Like, wasn't it your big stick? They're they're government style rage. Fuck rage against me. No idea. I ripped off my Carhartt, and I just went out.
[01:44:36] Unknown:
Remember when we saw Michael Herrera mess for fucking, like,
[01:44:39] Unknown:
$20.23 bucks or something? Yeah. And then we went there. It was work tour. Yeah. Yeah. So listen to this. I gotta I gotta tell this story because I asked Johnny. I said, yo. Listen. Mike, Johnny, you know, do you wanna go to work tour? He's like, no, man. I really don't wanna go. I'm like, well, I I got tickets. You wanna go. He must have been drunk that day because he's like, no. I don't wanna go. Well, then it's What are you doing? You dude. You're you're moving this. You're moving it. I didn't touch anything. You're that bitch. Fuck. Well, quit moving the fucking your fancy mites. I don't know what you want me to do.
So he's like, oh, no. I wanna go. Soon as Chick, we were at the bar, she's like, oh, I got this extra ticket. I need a ride. He's like, well, I'll go or whatever. I'm like, dude, I just asked you to go. This is for Warp Tour? Yeah. For Warp Tour. But this is at the end of Warp Tour, like, when it was like you had, like, one half pipe when we went. But, like, we went to Warp Tour. We walked around. We me and Joy and Ditchy's other losers we were with. I was like, dude, you wanna like Ditchy's motherfuckers? You remember who we went with. Yeah. It was that real heavyset guy, who's Ashley. I don't wanna give her last name. Yeah. Totally. And then it was a couple of Jennifers, because Jennifer bought the tickets, so we went because she bought me the tickets.
It was an awesome show, though. It was like was fucking awesome. We went to Offspring. Which I thought was gonna be totally shit. Offspring's a great man. I thought they were gonna be total shit because, like, this is a time when, you know, we didn't like pretty much anything anymore. We're like, everything fucking sucks. These guys are going to be washed up. They were fucking amazing. Well, then you see, when we saw Vince Sevenfold That was the first time we ever heard of Vince Sevenfold. Which was a mini Yeah. We didn't even know what they were. Let's go see these guys. So we walked down there and, like, all of a sudden, this big skull flag drops down. This guy has a suit on. He rips off the arms off of it. And then I think he screamed nightmare. And Johnny's like, holy shit. What is this? He was like, Jeremy, let's go over there. Let's go watch them over there. You know, I saw who ruled. Drinking Killian's Irish Shred in the parking lot. Oh, yeah. It's a good beer. Yeah. Not when it's, you know, I mean, a hundred and two degrees outside. It's a lot. I saw, Kid Rock. It was awesome. Me too. He was great. Oh, you say your favorite song? What's, what's his favorite song?
I still don't know any Kid Rock, but the show was Sweetest of Hate. He loves playing music. What's with Cheryl Crook? Picture. Yeah. Picture. Your favorite song, Picture. You play it?
[01:47:00] Unknown:
I don't think he played that.
[01:47:03] Unknown:
He is amazing now. Mike loves that. $4 beers.
[01:47:07] Unknown:
Dyrtik and DBT are doing a tour this summer together. Yeah. Well, they can fucking suck each other's cocks. I'm not going. I'm gonna have to go. I'm still mad at deer tick real mad about the masks, so
[01:47:20] Unknown:
You fucking
[01:47:21] Unknown:
don't fucking go. Fuck those people. They're their choice in the matter. How do you know it? What do you mean how do I know it? Look at that fancy wood burner over there. Jesus Christ. He bought that for $20 or something. Probably. How much did he buy it for?
[01:47:39] Unknown:
It was like 1,200. He don't discuss money. Don't don't ask him that. He's telling you 1,200, but it's probably like either more or less. He don't give exact numbers.
[01:47:48] Unknown:
It was $500.
[01:47:51] Unknown:
I don't even know what he's talking about. I know it's a place you can get a whole bunch of wood.
[01:47:55] Unknown:
Yeah. I was telling him it's free. Yeah. It is free. Read an article. We were gonna talk about heart attacks.
[01:48:03] Unknown:
We were gonna talk about heart attacks. So tell me what you saw today because I saw some shit today. And I saw a lot of headline that said, from UPMC, young the prevalence of heart attacks in young people is increasing, and here's why. And they're saying, like, stress and COVID and all this other fucking bullshit. COVID does it again, dude. Yep. Dude, I saw no mention of the vaccines.
[01:48:26] Unknown:
Dude, I saw a commercial. I think I think it was it was today. I must have been watching it. Maybe it was yesterday. I was watching a commercial on maybe between videos on YouTube or something, and it was, like, you know, kids playing and all this shit. It's like, you need to learn CPR because, you know, you'd hate to be at a ballgame when a young person suddenly has cardiac arrest. Yeah. And I was thinking to myself and I turned around and looked at the television, and I thought to myself, these people have no shame. Like, every believes this shit. No one.
No kid young kids do not have heart attacks, at least to the point where you need to have a public service announcement to learn CPR I've never heard of that. To save a young athlete from cardiac arrest. I've never heard of that in my entire fucking life, ever. Well, why are why are these people on television now trying to normalize
[01:49:26] Unknown:
heart attacks amongst children? Yeah. Because pharmaceutical companies are paying them off.
[01:49:35] Unknown:
This is everybody should be outraged by this. Yeah. They should. If you're a fucking person who's out there and you're watching television, you're just like, oh my god. Oh, maybe I should learn CPR because young kids on the t ball fucking field are gonna have heart attacks. Like, you're a fucking idiot if you believe it's from anything other than fucking people having to take a vaccine. Exactly. Like, let's look. What has changed in five years and now suddenly, young young people are having heart attacks
[01:50:06] Unknown:
at a much higher rate? Well, thank god, apparently, Europe is ahead of the curve on this. They're openly admitting and providing studies showing that the vaccine is fucking people up. Good. Which is a pretty bad situation when Europe is, doing the right thing over The United States. Yeah. Agreed.
[01:50:29] Unknown:
What, another this brings me to another thing. Like, what about how normalized is HIV
[01:50:35] Unknown:
now? Well, I
[01:50:36] Unknown:
think HIV is pretty goddamn prevalent. So I'm the asshole?
[01:50:41] Unknown:
No. I I think, just a lot of fucking people have it now. I don't know.
[01:50:45] Unknown:
That how? I don't know. That's what I'm saying. Like, why suddenly a disease that was only prevalent amongst homosexuals and drug users is now you have billboards saying, oh, come to, you know, take this medicine and be HIV free. I don't think in The United States.
[01:51:06] Unknown:
Everywhere else, Africa. The dark continent. The dark continent. The cradle of life.
[01:51:14] Unknown:
You're always trying to steer a conversation to Africa being the cradle of life. Isn't it?
[01:51:20] Unknown:
Isn't that where they say the first person was?
[01:51:23] Unknown:
I don't know where the I thought I thought I thought the first person I thought the cradle of civilization was either either Java.
[01:51:35] Unknown:
Where's Java?
[01:51:36] Unknown:
I don't know. Java? Or or The Middle East?
[01:51:44] Unknown:
I thought it was Africa. That's what I thought it was. And big, tall fuckers ran cross continent. Is that why that's why the Asians have the squinty eyes. Right?
[01:52:00] Unknown:
I thought it was because of the because the sun rises there? I thought it was because of the wind.
[01:52:05] Unknown:
They got wind over there?
[01:52:07] Unknown:
I think there's wind everywhere. The nuclear wind? No. Well, they said that the, the people of the steppe, you know, Mongolia and all that Yeah. They say it's because they, you know, there's prevalent wind on the prairies all the time. These people evolved to have eyes that were squinty.
[01:52:23] Unknown:
Yeah, like I said, it makes sense. Why is the rest of their face all fucked up there?
[01:52:27] Unknown:
Jesus Christ.
[01:52:30] Unknown:
I got pissed. They're Mongoloids. They're mongoloids. Mongoloidians. Is this piss right outside? Yes.
[01:52:41] Unknown:
Don't hey. Don't be slow enough to get arrested for fucking, what do they call it? Public. Public urination. Jesus Christ. This guy gets caught for everything.
[01:52:52] Unknown:
He got car horns on the limo.
[01:52:55] Unknown:
Yeah. I tell you. Fucking Cradle of Life. Fucking kids. Phil's been trying to steal the conversations of Cradle of Life for the last four podcasts. He must have watched Tomb Raider the other day. He must have. You I tell you, I look in this paper, and all it's article after article about Donald Trump. It's crazy how thin it is. I know. These people are so obsessed with Donald Trump. Jesus Christ. Like, I wanna read the Herald Standard, but Jesus Christ.
[01:53:33] Unknown:
I was on the I got a Donald Trump mask for you to hang up on the wall. Sweet. It has a star if I'm headed or anything that's it expands it. Great.
[01:53:43] Unknown:
I'm glad you came over. You need to come over every week.
[01:53:47] Unknown:
Well, now don't you guys share, I will.
[01:53:52] Unknown:
No. You have to go just right there.
[01:53:55] Unknown:
You gotta go outside the shit.
[01:53:57] Unknown:
Dig a hole. No. The shitter's good. I like it. I got, like, there's, like, 18 shits in there right now. This does not smell. I didn't didn't even know how many shits were in there, but Like, it's amazing. It doesn't smell at all. I don't even know how it fuck works. Apparently, your shit don't sink. Yeah. I like it.
[01:54:15] Unknown:
I got them.
[01:54:17] Unknown:
That'd be funny. Like, you go in there and shit, and I'm just for the next, like, two weeks, I'm like, Christ almighty. It fucking smells so bad in here. Somebody got a super fancy
[01:54:27] Unknown:
vehicle parked out there. Insane. How is it fancy? Some Rick's motherfucker. Yeah. It's a it's a fucking red Kia. I don't think that's it's a 26 year old. Buying FR clothing and just buys that Kia. Yeah. That makes sense. If you would stop by all that Carhartt FR shit, you'd be alright. You can afford that $20,000 car. Every time we get new shirts at the plant,
[01:54:47] Unknown:
none of them are, you know, a % cotton, and you know who flips their fucking shit every fucking time. They can't even buy high heel boots. The only other person that would fucking complain about the rest of the plant getting sweatshirts and t shirts that aren't a % cotton.
[01:55:03] Unknown:
Can we say names? Yeah. It's fucking him. AJ? Yeah.
[01:55:09] Unknown:
Fuck it for a while. Every time. And now, you know what they do? They order them just to spite him.
[01:55:14] Unknown:
Who orders them? Remember when we ordered clothes and he's, like, get all different colored shirts so they don't know we yes. Jesus Christ. I shed bare just my microphone. I can tell you right now, people who've heard the AJ stories love the podcast. Love the AJ stories on the podcast. Let's tell some AJ stories. Remember when we were working, twenty hours a day, and then he came in and said, if you think your life's bad now, I'll make it 10 times worse. He said that? Yeah. Right to me because I was bitching. I'm like, hey. We worked a hundred and thirty hours the last three weeks. He said that to you? Oh, yeah. I'm like, hey. We've worked a hundred and thirty hours. Him, like, a decent person? No. I never said that. You're always saying, like, you like AJ. No. No. No. He likes me. Yeah. That's what I said. I don't know. He said that to you? Oh, yeah. Because I was remember when we were working?
[01:56:02] Unknown:
Johnny. Fuck. If I don't remember that, I would've fucking gave him hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a hella a
[01:56:15] Unknown:
hella a 8PM or something,
[01:56:19] Unknown:
left. I remember my first part time job. Just
[01:56:23] Unknown:
just got home, called back in, worked till, like, one no. Work till, like, three in the morning or something. Drove home, just laid down in bed, fell asleep, get a call at, like, 05:30 from Robert. He said, what are you doing? We need all to it's all hands on deck. I said, well, hey. I don't know if you saw my emails, but I I just left. And he's like, well, okay. Then he calls me back half hour later. Hey. I got the, I got the okay from corporate to do a quick turnaround, so you're gonna need to come back in. Unfucking real. Dude, that place was a fucking nightmare. I can't believe you stayed.
[01:57:00] Unknown:
I'm gonna need you to go ahead and come in on
[01:57:03] Unknown:
Sunday as well. Dude, they couldn't tell me a fucking thing now and have me do it. Well, speaking of call me up right now and be like, you're fired if you don't come in right now. I'll be like, fuck you. I wouldn't have ever lasted. I mean, it was so bad. We worked so much. We were working our asses off. It was, like, well over a hundred hours a week. It was every week fucking for months. Yeah. And then they'd come and then he'd come in on Friday and be like, who's coming in the weekend? And be like, motherfucker.
[01:57:29] Unknown:
Yeah. Remember we used to split twelves, cover the whole it's fucking terrible. Fucking assholes.
[01:57:37] Unknown:
And then one day, it all fucking stopped, and there was a week he left. I think it was. Then you should call me like two or three days later. It was one week later it stopped. What a fucking bummer. We could have still been working together. Everything everything cleared up. Like, we went to forty hours a week, four tens. It doesn't matter though because they still try to do that shit now. I'm much happier now. Like, AJ, he was in there this week, before the weekend, like, saying, hey. Hey. It's gonna get cold. It's gonna get cold next week. Who's coming in? Who's coming in? And everybody's like, fuck you. Good. Nobody's fucking coming in.
Where's this goddamn newspaper? He doesn't have the goddamn balls to tell anybody to work anymore.
[01:58:21] Unknown:
Oh, this Mark Fogel guy was from Pennsylvania. Who's Mark Fogel? Jared Fogel's cousin. No. The guy who Trump got released from Russia?
[01:58:35] Unknown:
[01:58:36] Unknown:
yeah. He was from Pennsylvania.
[01:58:39] Unknown:
What the hell did he get locked up in Russia for? It says,
[01:58:42] Unknown:
this is an AP article. You think Zac Petrov just gets real fucked off when they put a put a real
[01:58:53] Unknown:
story in the news? From the Associated Press? Yeah. I think Zac Petrov is like he's more like, thank God I don't have to fill three and a half pages of this rag with any more stories about guys calling 911.
[01:59:07] Unknown:
So if you could please put another Associated Press article in here. Mark Fogel, an American teacher who was deemed wrongfully detained in Russia, has been released in what the White House described as a diplomatic thaw that could advance negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. Steve Witkoff, another fake name, special envoy for president Donald Trump, left Russian airspace with Fogel, a history teacher from Pennsylvania, and he's expected to be reunited with his family by the end of the day. Fogle was arrested in August of twenty one and was serving a fourteen year prison sentence. His family and supporters said he had been traveling with medically prescribed marijuana. It was designated by president Joe Biden administration as long flu detained. Why would you take any drug to fucking Russia? I don't You're gonna be a dipshit. I don't think these people understand,
[02:00:00] Unknown:
the gravity of taking fucking marijuana to Russia. Like, every American gets detained there for having marijuana in Russia. Why would you go to Russia at all? Well That's what I don't understand. Well, I mean, Russia would be awesome to go to, but I certainly would fucking abide by the goddamn rules if I went. I mean, fuck this guy. If he took weed to Russia, fuck It's the same thing with that black Britney Graham. Guy, basketball player that got thrown in prison over there. That was not a chick.
[02:00:29] Unknown:
It was a chick. That was a dude. Well, I mean, she looked like a dude, but she was considered a woman. She's a lesbian. She was in the WNBA. Just because you play in the WNBA, you don't need your enrollment. My pronouns, bud.
[02:00:46] Unknown:
What's your what's your pronoun?
[02:00:48] Unknown:
Well, I don't have any pronouns, but if you don't start calling Johnny theythem, I'm gonna get a little upset at this podcast. We're gonna have some issues. Johnny's
[02:00:57] Unknown:
Jewish. I don't believe any of that shit. When he says they, them, he means they and them. But the Jews.
[02:01:04] Unknown:
Those guys.
[02:01:06] Unknown:
Can you give any backstory on his involvement? The said Jews. The said Jews. He used to go to the Jewish camp. Right?
[02:01:14] Unknown:
Yeah. Up by the murder house. Yeah. Yeah. Jewish community center. Didn't he get your first hand job there? I remember these chicks came down. I don't know who they were, but they come down. We were playing basketball outside the house. We lived on Chestnut Street, then street, and these chicks come through the woods because everybody walked through the woods because they're Jewish community center. And then Johnny's there, and this chick really liked him. And it just shows how much of an a hole he was back in the day. And she was like, oh, Jay. So he spit his gum in her hand, and she started chewing. And she's like, Johnny, your gum doesn't have any flavor. He's like, I don't give a fuck, bitch. Now he didn't say that, but I mean I didn't say I didn't give a fuck, bitch. But, I mean, you pretty much said that when you spit your gum in her hand and said, cunt. But Good Jewish girls. Who was this? It was a Jewish girl? Good Jewish girls. Oh, yeah.
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