In this episode we talk about the chaos of modern times and whether or not a human has the capacity to discern whether information is true or not true. We buy into everything but what they're selling. Text 724-562-3523 to contact me, or email [email protected] Music: "Sidestreet Boys" by Phil C.
Good morning, Phantom. This is not a test. Episode number 2. Hello and welcome to the jungle. The southwestern PA jungle. For those of you who don't know, Good Morning, Vietnam is a reference to the 1987 Robin Williams movie titled Good Morning, Vietnam. This movie, Robin Williams plays a radio DJ brought to Vietnam to provide some levity to the troops. Well, of course, this brings him close to the real war in Vietnam, and his superiors do not approve. I just happen to borrow the fitting title and fitting place. I believe my friend Nick and I coined the term Vietnam in 1998 while recording a thank you track similar to the one at the end of Sublime's 40 ounces to freedom.
We were just messing around thanking all these people we knew in fake places when one of us said Vietnam County. This is all hearsay at this point, so no matter. This show is for entertainment purposes only. Do not take my views on gambling, health, beauty, investments, current events, or legal advice as anything more than just like What the fuck's gonna happen? My opinion. Calling calling. Em's jokes, people. Yeah. In this episode, I'm joined by Phil and his good buddy, Slim, and the show goes sideways from the jump. If you'd like to give me some feedback, please text 724-562-3523 or email me at good [email protected].
Any show criticism, ideas for guests, or if you wanna be on, reviews, anything, send me a message, and we'll mention you on the show.
[00:02:31] Unknown:
Now let's get into it. And stuff. Just say other than you lost it. Fluoride in the water stuff, like,
[00:02:38] Unknown:
wouldn't drink water on any tap, bottled all spring water. Well, I don't blame him. That's all true. Yeah. Well, that is true. I mean, the fluoride thing is true. You can't I guess. You can't focus all your energy on that, though.
[00:02:49] Unknown:
But yeah. He went from being, like, a staunch Republican believing heavily in the government in the United States to realizing 911 was an inside job. Yeah. Alright.
[00:02:57] Unknown:
Yeah. I mean, he did it is weird, like, how like I was saying, how fast it went from, like, kinda, like, conservative, neocon type full belief to just, like, drop the hat full on. Conspiracy theory. Yeah. That's the problem with conspiracies. Most of them are I don't know. Most of them are true. Yeah. Now I work with the dude now at the mill who the first day there, everybody made fun of him. Don't even wanna say his name, but, they're like, hey. This guy, like, if you meet him, he's out of his fucking mind. But if they're saying all this conspiracy shit and I know enough about all of it that as soon as I met him, just started talking about it. Love me instantly. Yeah. Showed up to my office with all these books on, like, Bigfoot.
Now he's, like, a interdimensional being, and the only way to kill him is, like, through direct contact with, like, a sword or a knife or something. You can't shoot it. So he's coming he's coming into your office with Oh, yeah. With with the receipts? Like, Phil, you gotta check this out. And these big chapter books, and he's like, you can keep these for however long you want. So I, like, was being cool, so I would, like, read a few pages throughout the books so I could talk to him about it. So he didn't think I was, you know, being a dickhead to him. But, he's the kind of guy you could tell him anything. He'll believe it. And he has, like, these Faraday cages he sleeps in, and he gives all this money to these people that he keeps some card in his pocket and says he can't shit unless his card's in his pocket.
And he he's just out of his mind. What is a Faraday cage? Wait. He can't he wait. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. He he can't shit unless Yeah. Unless it's What's the card say? I don't know. The card is from some fucking company in, like, Butler where you can go and pay them to, like, in their beds in the Faraday cage. Just Faraday cage is, like Yeah. Take all the static electricity or whatever in the It'll basically keep any electrical signal away from your, if you're inside of it or whatever's inside of a Faraday cage. Electrical signals can't either get out or in. Do you see those videos? Yeah. It's like a 10 it's the same idea. But do you see the videos of the dudes in the helicopters who, like, do the high voltage work? They reach out with the stick. Mhmm. And it, like, puts them at the same potential, and they're wearing a Faraday cage. That's what it is. That's a legitimate, you know, real world. Yeah. To keep people from getting killed when they're doing electrical work. I mean, as far
[00:05:10] Unknown:
as it grounding you, you sleep as a worker. I don't know, man. I know a lot of people believe in that, like copper sheets, stuff woven into your sheets, and then you ground it outside. That's what it does. Yeah. They claim that that will make you feel better than you ever have. Maybe I should try. If you run that ground to, you know, outside into the ground and, you know, it's attached to your sheets and you're sleeping within that copper. Whatever fucking Dego electrician put your ground rod in and did it right. Yeah. Which probably didn't happen. 6 inches long. It's like, yeah. That ground's in there 6 feet. Yeah. How how how long is it supposed to be?
[00:05:44] Unknown:
I should know that. You used to know that. I'm a dega. It's forever a long time. Yeah. Whatever. However far it goes down. Look it up. Get the code book. Do you believe in grounding? Like, putting your feet and feet in the soil?
[00:05:56] Unknown:
Do you believe that done anything for you? I don't even believe in the soil. Yeah. I mean,
[00:06:01] Unknown:
I'd say anything. The you know, these days, it everything has taken you so far away from how you felt like when you were a kid. Like do you remember how you felt when you were like little? Absolutely. You know, or maybe like let's say 5 years ago. Not even, like, little, but, like, you your mind was completely different, I'm guessing. Because I know my mind feels completely different than I was 5 years ago. Like, I feel bananas today compared to the way I was 5 years ago, and I was bananas then. That's the same. Same boat. You know? Mhmm. So, I mean, I have no doubt to put your feet in the soil more often could help. I mean, it's gotta be better than sitting around with
[00:06:42] Unknown:
a computer, a phone, like Well, that's true. Some some connection to nature. You know? You can't even see the stars if you walk outside in Lake Joe at all. I feel like it's all on purpose too. I feel like they make shitty architecture today just to take the, take the soul not to people. That's like if you ever buy a house Yeah. Just build a build a, strip mall.
[00:07:03] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. Build a fucking ugly strip mall instead of a a beautiful church with spires and everything or a capital building with all that beautiful, carvings and everything. Like, all these naked mansions. Like Yeah. Even just driving by a housing project just or what do you like a housing development? Yeah. Well, they look like projects now. Projects is cool there. Housing developments and projects. They look about the same. Mhmm. I thought they're gonna do Southern California now. Oh, yeah. That place was beautiful, though. But how much time and they spent,
[00:07:30] Unknown:
and craftsmanship? Yeah. Where in some of those houses that burned down, they're never gonna re rebuild it like that. No. There'll be a bunch of squares involved. No.
[00:07:39] Unknown:
They'll do Southern California is getting up like they're gonna turn into, like, a theme park. You know, the whole thing. It's like, it'll be, you know, people taking their families there for vacations. Like, hey. Hey. Look at this. This is where the stars used to live. Or
[00:07:59] Unknown:
You think that was done on purpose? Oh, the fire? I mean, they they definitely something's fishy going on out there. Like, Hawaii. Like, all that shit, they got they all the insurance got broken down.
[00:08:11] Unknown:
Well, this is why having conversations with Paul is,
[00:08:14] Unknown:
difficult because I'm sorry I'm slowing down today, dude. My brain is not working. I I slept, like, maybe 8 hours. You're good, brother.
[00:08:22] Unknown:
I'm not even gonna record it. Dude, I feel slow I feel slow and dumb even when I get full nice. But Paul for years was talking about because he's super conservative. You know? Say say he can take it to liberal, but he's a fireman. You know? He knows that shit, and he always talked about, that they never clear out the brush or anything, but they should. And it's all this dead wood and shit and all those forests out there. Any native person knows to do that. All around the world, they know to do that. You gotta take care of the forest and clean it up. It's a desert. They have they have fires. They've been talking about fires out there forever since they built that fucking city. Yeah. And then the water thing. I mean, it was it was great when Trump was on Rogan and brought up. And when they they drained the reservoirs and all this, if they have a fire, it's gonna be a nightmare. Fucking smelt fish. Yeah. Come on. So but it is good, man. Everything's all this liberal bullshit, like, when your whole rich city burns down. Like, everything's falling apart. I couldn't believe it. I thought for sure, like, Trump will never win. Nobody would win. There'd be another 4 years of Biden or whatever. And I don't even care because I hate all of them.
[00:09:30] Unknown:
But I think it did make a difference this time. I'd none Well, it give it gives you,
[00:09:35] Unknown:
like, elbow room. Little breathing room. Like a little bit. Yeah. It's definitely not gonna be good. Mhmm. But at least, like, it slowed down. Alright. Yeah. And it could be good. I mean, if he continues down this path of, like,
[00:09:46] Unknown:
destroying what's been built up the last since post war, like It would be it would be amazing. He's already taken some big strides. I mean, I think they'll probably,
[00:09:56] Unknown:
you know, kill him. They tried. Yeah. They tried already. Holy getting shot in the head, I'm sure, trying to do something. If he keeps up what he's doing, he's gonna get killed. Mhmm.
[00:10:04] Unknown:
Well, he don't care. He But I mean, the man's 80 years old, and this is he's not not gonna get reelected, so you might as well swing for defenses. I think that's what he's doing. Grabbing the federal government by the pussy.
[00:10:15] Unknown:
Straight up. That's right.
[00:10:18] Unknown:
Because you can.
[00:10:19] Unknown:
This is a long shot so far from reading the Yeah. But so what? What is it? The Fayette Herald? What's it called? The Herald Standard. Herald Standard.
[00:10:29] Unknown:
Uniontown's premier hard copy publication. It's the standard. You're right. Dude, I'm telling you, it is it's seriously like 2 pages. It's almost like a pamphlet. Who's the editor?
[00:10:40] Unknown:
I had no idea. What's that fella's name? Ain't a woman. No no boss boy.
[00:10:45] Unknown:
I don't know where that's the thing. I never read the paper. I have no idea where the editor will even be. What about all the shit that's happened so far this year? I mean, it's been, like, 20 days and there's already been, like, an insane amount of shit. Like drones Oh, yeah. What is that? Weather events, fire, chemical fog, bird flu. Jesus Christ. Every 2 or 3 days, you guys just got, like, some sort of chaos to put you in a panic. $750
[00:11:16] Unknown:
for, your home being destroyed. Yeah. You give 1,000,000,000 of dollars to Ukraine for their fucking border. What did Trump do? He suspended all foreign aid for 90 days minimum? I like what he did, Larry. Yeah. It's awesome. Mhmm.
[00:11:27] Unknown:
That just drives people wild though. Like, I don't I don't understand. I don't get why people get upset about some of this stuff. Like, what what is what's your end goal whenever you're You mean, like, why someone wants that badly to send money to you? Why every time he does something, there's just a 1,000 news stories against it. Now I I guess it could be ratings, but still, like, who rails against this? Like, you see people on Facebook? That are upset that he's taken away foreign aid? Yeah. Like, what does that have to do with you? It's better to live in Yeah. Southwestern PA. Yeah. What does that matter to you? Like, do you like chaos? Like, would you rather have the world be in absolute fucking chaos? Well, it's just they would. They're brainwashed clearly on me. It doesn't make any sense. Like, you you think your number one goal would be for your kids to have a better world? Right. And the only way for that to happen is there not to be chaos. And there is absolute they it's like they want chaos. It is like they want chaos. It makes sense. Like, I can't get into these people's minds.
[00:12:27] Unknown:
If you've been trying to hold a conversation with them, they they just get mad and angry and they shut down. They cannot continue the conversation, you know, if these people are super far left.
[00:12:36] Unknown:
Yeah. It's a very few of them. I tell it to people all the time, so I'll be like, look, I can tell we disagree heavily. Like, I can talk to you, doesn't need to be an argument at all. Like Right. I just have really close friends who are looks like some of our friends. Super left. They thought it was the same way with the people on the other side too. I mean, he's fighting all. It's like it's like you're gonna go all in on this guy? Yeah. Like, come on. Yeah. Like He's just another.
[00:12:59] Unknown:
They may be better than the others, but
[00:13:01] Unknown:
I mean, it's the same thing, man. I mean, it's hard for some people to know when they were wrong. Like, I didn't know any better when I was a kid. And I thought, like, the Iraq war. I bought into all that shit. Like, oh, you don't support the troops. Like, that was all nonsense. Absolutely. I thought Obama was gonna be good.
[00:13:16] Unknown:
Yeah. Often. I thought he's gonna legalize weed and he's gonna stop the wars. Well, he was the worst with the wars. He killed American citizens. And these people do process. All these people that love Obama that they're saying Trump Hitler because he's deporting people, fucking Obama deported more people than anybody in history. Yeah. They don't even understand that Obama started the fucking kids in cages. And they put, like
[00:13:35] Unknown:
and they don't know What was that one scandal? Like when there's a white face on Right. Killing foreigners. Like, it's it's a whole lot easier to have, like, a black woman lesbian who who stands up there, you know. It makes people feel better about killing kids in other countries.
[00:13:50] Unknown:
That's what I always talk about, like, where I work, make and steal. It's like you're just Yep. I don't know how anybody can look at Palestine and even defend it for any amount of time. There's there's zero defense of what's going on here. It's it's a prison.
[00:14:05] Unknown:
Are you talking about how Israel's bombing them? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I feel it feels like Israel's in the wrong to me. I don't really know that much about it. Well, even the whole history of it, like, they
[00:14:17] Unknown:
like, listen. Like, all these people who support it, you'll eventually get to the thing where, like, well, that was their land forever 4000 years ago. And then it's, like, well, if you believe in that, then Mhmm. Find the closest Native American person and give them your fucking house right now. Because that's how that is. Right?
[00:14:33] Unknown:
People call it Same logic. Right? Exactly.
[00:14:35] Unknown:
That's why I did did you ever see that kid named, Matan? He's like 17 years old, does, like, this comedy podcast. Oh. He's actually hilarious. He's a genius for how young he is, but he had some big muscle head dude on there who runs a gym and he's like, would you give a Jewish person a free pass through gym if he claimed it was promised to him by God 4000 years ago? Like, that's exactly what it is. Yeah. I mean, you you listen to this podcast like Dan Carlin, and it's just like conquering after conquering after conquering for a 100000 years. Like, this is what people do. Right.
[00:15:11] Unknown:
So it's gotta come here and conquer us. If which I mean, yes, if you look if you look at the local paper, it seems like I've been You'll see that Charleroi is being conquered by
[00:15:22] Unknown:
illegal immigrants. No shit, Charleroi. Oh, yeah.
[00:15:27] Unknown:
Charleroi named an executive order. Attorneys, advocacy groups inundated with calls from immigrants.
[00:15:36] Unknown:
It's such a different type of takeover nowadays too. It's not like they're coming across the field with guns and it's a straight up war and you know what you gotta do to protect your land. It's like fucking mic psychological mind games. I mean, they're letting these people across our border. We don't know who they are. We just blew the fuck out of everybody for the last 20 years. And I'm like, okay. Everybody come on in.
[00:15:55] Unknown:
Yeah. It's insane. You know, we could go over and destroy their countries and, you know, take away take away their infrastructure. They all they all start flooding in here. Nothing's better for the federal government than a good old terrorist attack. How about Europe?
[00:16:08] Unknown:
Look at some of those fucking countries over there. Yeah. Predominantly Muslim now.
[00:16:13] Unknown:
What was it? The Great Britain Oh, man. It like, they act like it's only an American problem. Like, it's all over the world. It's way worse. In every country where it's happening in, the people who live there are, like, we don't want this. But yet there's people there's people who are making these decisions to bring these people into their countries.
[00:16:31] Unknown:
You know, they pretend like, oh, yeah. Okay. They're just they're just coming here on buzz. Then they You're inviting them and then giving them programs to allow them to stay. Well, is it true that see, this is, like, heard through the grapevine with the conservatives, neocons, but is there neighborhoods where, like, Sharia Law Yes. Is is the rule with that? I heard that's in Michigan. Not only in Europe, I heard there's neighborhoods up in Michigan that's getting close to that. Like Deer Park, I think. Deerborn.
[00:16:55] Unknown:
Something like that. Deer Park. Good water.
[00:16:57] Unknown:
Yeah. Yeah. It's good water. Deer Park is good water. Fill with fluoride. Yeah.
[00:17:04] Unknown:
Give me that spring, baby. But what about Charleroi?
[00:17:07] Unknown:
Oh, well, I don't know I don't know if you've heard about this, but, like, Charleroi is named in the executive order,
[00:17:13] Unknown:
By Trump? Yeah. Oh, shit. Hold on.
[00:17:18] Unknown:
I'm I'm really I'm not good at this. Okay.
[00:17:25] Unknown:
Alex shrugged. It's the first time I ever seen that book in person. There it is in the flesh, man. What what do you think about it? Oh, man. I read that, like, 20 years ago. Supposed to be a classic. I mean, it's like a libertarian
[00:17:40] Unknown:
primer. Right? Yeah. Really good, though. Is it? Oh, yeah. It's 1200 pages of pure genius. It is good? I mean, I'm a big Friedrich Hayek fan, Austrian economist. Yeah. Austrian economist, I heard, is, like, the way to go. Yeah. Yeah. He's, the art of war of Sun Tzu. That's like yeah. That's all the shit I had when I was a kid. I have, like, another 2,000 books in the basement. There's just no room for them up here.
[00:18:05] Unknown:
Yeah. Alright. Well, I'm not connected to the Internet here. So We can get you the Wi Fi. Oh, yeah. But yeah. The, right in the executive order. Like, he I think Charlotte Road may even be the the first Real. Townie names, that he's rescinding what is it? It's called, What's the issue? Realigning the United States refugee admissions program.
[00:18:25] Unknown:
And They're bringing them to Charleroi now? Yeah.
[00:18:28] Unknown:
They they've they've basically been I think there's, like, 30,000 of them What? Brought to Charleroi. I mean, I could be wrong because I don't know anything. But Where are they? I have a I have a friend who lives down in Munecin who's always in Charleroi. And he's like there's an entire neighborhood filled with Somalis, Haitians. You know, he says they're they're they're basically just running through the street doing what they would do in their own country. You know? And, I mean, I hear that in the paper, but then I have a friend who lives down there who tells me the same thing. So So it's, like, wild down there. So but they're brought in and they're working at, like, meat packing plants or, I think they're and at Charlotte, it's actually a food plant. Looks like there's only 4,000 people
[00:19:15] Unknown:
is the population. Charleroi population, 2,024.
[00:19:19] Unknown:
Yeah. So so Charleroi probably
[00:19:21] Unknown:
has 4,000 people, and 2,000 of them are Somalis and Haitians. That's crazy, man. Janovich is probably beside himself right now. Is Is that near Brownsville?
[00:19:30] Unknown:
Strel Ray is well, it's just another shit river town. It's not it was just original coal town. Right? Yes. From steel mills? Yeah. Well, let me see. It says it here. But okay. The residents are expressing fears of deportation in the day since president Donald Trump signed a series of executive orders. Executive orders prioritize I can't read. The deportation of undocumented immigrants and challenge the birthright citizenship for children born in the US to parents who are in the country illegally. So this whole article is basically filled with people who own the company that they're all working for. And they're like, it's great. It's wonderful that these people are like, we're celebrating pay them anything. You know, it's of course. Yeah. Like, you're not paying these people, so you are happy that they're there.
That's it. You're able to crank out, you know, a a few 1,000 more units
[00:20:36] Unknown:
because you've hired people at, what, less than a living wage? Sure. And that's like I always find myself saying, like, that's the bad side of capitalism, but we don't really have capitalism anymore. It is the government. You gotta remind yourself that It's not free market capitalism. That's for damn sure. The government is what makes all this possible. No. This is we're living in a haunted house. Yeah. It's a prison.
[00:20:56] Unknown:
Mhmm. Prison planet. They just they just keep telling us that, we live in some free country. It's bullshit. It is bullshit. If they get the guns, that's that'll be it. That'll never happen, dude. That's why all this psychological stuff happens, because they notice they they can't you can't do a Yeah. A full assault. Right. You know, so you have to do everything Which is through people's minds. It's never I used to say, like, the rednecks will save us all. Yes. Right? I mean, Appalachia. What are you gonna do there? It's like Vietnam. Yeah. Straight up. What the Japanese commander said invading America would be almost impossible because underneath every blade of your ass is a gun. Yeah. Something like that.
[00:21:31] Unknown:
I mean
[00:21:33] Unknown:
Yeah. So you get in their minds, and you teach them the guns are bad. And Mhmm. You know?
[00:21:37] Unknown:
School shooting. Immigrants are good for your country. Yeah. You know? White people are bad. Straight up. Straight up? Straight up, dawg. White people are You think you're a white person? Slim. I'm black from the waist down, son.
[00:21:53] Unknown:
You still listen to Eminem?
[00:21:55] Unknown:
Every now and again, I mean, he's definitely He's kind of a bitch. He's a bitch. He's definitely a bitch. He's let me down countless times, but His name's Slick. For wordsmith.
[00:22:03] Unknown:
Dude, Slick is Every every hero has let 50¢ be down in in the past 5 years. Like Bill Burr. I absolutely do I actually don't like anybody anymore. Tom Morello? Biggest sellout in history. Oh, yeah. Tom Morello. Oh, dude. You tell me better put that mask on if you come to my show. Mhmm. Get to like, come on. Dude, the craziest thing is is, like, all the bands that I love, like Rancid Yeah. Old 9 sevens, all these people, like Eminem,
[00:22:32] Unknown:
Well, Dear Ticker Against Machine. Razy Hits Machine. Like,
[00:22:35] Unknown:
now you know who's my hero? Van Morrison and Yeah, dude. And, what, who's who's named Leila? What's his name? Eric Clapton. Eric Clapton. Like, I hate Eric Clapton, but I love his stance on
[00:22:48] Unknown:
Mhmm. On anti COVID. Right? Well, Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, actually, the last Waltz have 2 of the greatest performances ever. Yeah. Just check it out. It's amazing. Especially Van Morrison's caravan dude. Come out in, like, a
[00:23:01] Unknown:
purple onesie Yeah. With a white feet underneath, the yellow teeth Yeah. Just rips. I have well, I've never really had much love for Van Morrison. I mean, I don't know him. I guess his songs are okay, but There's some art. I mean, I've never I mean, I've, like, hated Eric Clapton. Yeah. Yeah. And now I'm like, he's cool. I mean, I really don't like Clapton's music. Was Van Morrison pretty, like he stood up for people's rights and stuff when COVID happened? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. They went they were the peep people are, like, they're, like, you know, why would people need a shot to come to my to my concert? And and, you know, I you know, I think one or both of them were injured from taking the vaccine.
[00:23:40] Unknown:
That'll change your mind real quick. The, one leftist comedian who has his own show. What's his name? I can't remember. He used to be on Chang Uygur's show. Jimmy Dore. Jimmy Dore. Jimmy Dore. Yes. He got injured, and he fucking he's like one of the people Jimmy Dore's awesome. I I love him. I I think he's really smart. He's just willing to change his mind. I all you have to do now to impress me is have an open mind. If you're wrong and you're proven wrong and you realize it, you're better than 90% of the people right now out there.
[00:24:09] Unknown:
Jack Ueger. I can't stand him. Dude, he's a fucking douchebag. Oh, you listen to Dave Smith ever? Yeah. I like Dave Smith. Yeah. That's good. You see these guys are, like, blowing in the wind? Like
[00:24:18] Unknown:
like all the, newscasters? Oh, yeah. You know, they're all changing their tune. Like, Jank Juer's changed his tune.
[00:24:26] Unknown:
I mean, it is such it is so funny. Blow in the wind. Such an easy point to make, but, yeah, they all called Trump Hitler and stuff. And then yeah. No big deal. It's all good. How about how many people called for his death on TV? Yeah. So they were literally called for his death. And then he gets shot and people wonder why, you know, I just can't believe they're even allowed to do this shit. The people still fall for it and listen to them. They're like Check the times, man. This is why I think the collective
[00:24:52] Unknown:
uselessness of, like, Gen Z or whatever is probably a good thing. I mean Well, you can't you can't push them around to do anything? Yeah. I mean but, like, they know they've been had. Like, remember your Yeah. That is good. Remember your whole bit about, like, the ICP fans when they figure out what they've been had? Like, the rich ICP guys? They're gonna they're gonna murder ICP. Yeah. That's, like, kinda what the Gen z is. Like, they're just they know they're fucked.
[00:25:16] Unknown:
Like, at least we got lied in to go into college and shit. That was, like, my generation. Yeah. Our whole generation was lying. Yeah. I don't think that these kids believe a word of apple shit. Like, I mean, you know you know remember we used to have discussions about, Russia, like, you know, 10 years ago? And we're like, Phil, I don't wanna fucking hear it. Like, Rocky 4 is the best movie ever. And Rambo is he's fighting for our freedom. And you're like, no, dude. Like, it's, you know, there's clearly more nuance to this situation. Like, the Russians aren't that bad. And, you know, I I completely agree. Like,
[00:25:48] Unknown:
they're getting a bad rap. The CIA is the worst thing that's ever happened in the world. Probably the United States. Dude, the United I mean, United States has started every goddamn real war. Uh-huh. They're the terrorists. Directly or indirectly. Yeah. They are. Our constitution and what America is supposed to stand for is great, but what they do around the world is a com is evil. Yeah. Promise in Russia that we're not gonna go an inch further to the east, you know, past Berlin or whatever. And now we're fucking on Ukraine's doorstep.
Yeah. And, like, they don't have the right to defend their border. And the craziest thing What if Russia was in Mexico?
[00:26:20] Unknown:
How right. How are the neocons still pushing the same shit? I don't I don't think anybody I mean,
[00:26:27] Unknown:
people can't take this seriously. Like, are people listening to these people? Well, like, I've talked to them and they're like, oh, do you realize that there's, like,
[00:26:35] Unknown:
bio labs in Ukraine? Look, we cannot allow that to fall into Russian hands. Like, we have to have it. Who believes that? And I'm like Who believes that?
[00:26:45] Unknown:
I'm a say names. Don't don't say names. Just say in general. Like, how there can't be people that believe that. Yeah. People talk about this shit, man. People believed in double masking. It's gonna make a difference. Where do you hear It's the war, God. Where do you hear that there are bio labs in Ukraine? Boom. Which there are. Boomers. Which there are, but, like, why can't we let them fall into Russian's hands? Because then they'll have it and we will hope. No. It's because they'll expose what we're doing. Exactly.
[00:27:09] Unknown:
I mean, that's what they that's their stance on. It's unbelievable. Yeah. Like, wasn't COVID enough to prove to all these people? Like, we should just stop. Like, that's the one thing. Obama did sign legislation to stop
[00:27:20] Unknown:
game of motion. Yeah. Right? The one good thing. Yeah. And I remember when I was a kid,
[00:27:24] Unknown:
all these people I trusted talking, like, oh, no, you're gonna do this shit because it'll prevent future catastrophe, you know? And it's like, no. Nothing that bad naturally has ever happened. They're creating the problems. I mean, the coronavirus
[00:27:37] Unknown:
Wuhan lab. It's sort of the name of the whole lab.
[00:27:41] Unknown:
The the world's governments have caused the worst things to ever happen. Like, nobody needs you messing around with viruses. Like, I don't it doesn't I don't care what you need for defense or offense. Nobody should be screwing around in nature. No. You know what? Because nobody has the ability to take all of the all of these tiny little variables that are involved with nature and and process that. I don't like not the smartest person, not AI, nothing can take all of nature and figure out what's gonna happen to to to keep something like gain a function safe. Right. Like, you don't know what's gonna happen when you release that in the world. It's like, Cat's Cradle. You ever do you ever read Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut Vonnegut?
[00:28:25] Unknown:
I must have read it because I love Vonnegut. So Cat's Cradle, basically, they're,
[00:28:29] Unknown:
the one thing I remember this is 25, 30 years ago. But the one thing I remember is they're they're afraid that if you use this one weapon, it's going to basically crystallize all of existence everywhere. So and it's the same thing. It's like, why are you messing with nature? Like, you don't know what's gonna happen. Like, they say when they detonated the atomic bomb, they didn't know if it would ever stop. Yeah. They thought it would burn the entire atmosphere. Yeah. In the universe.
[00:28:57] Unknown:
That's another good argument. It's like we had to drop the bomb on Japan. Like, no, you didn't. And then, like, well, if we didn't, we would have had to invade, the homeland. And I said, well, no, you didn't. You could have just blockaded Japan, whatever. Yeah. Like all this shit.
[00:29:11] Unknown:
Yeah. Or you could have went home.
[00:29:13] Unknown:
[00:29:14] Unknown:
And, like, okay. Okay. If you're still at war, that's fine. But we're we're just gonna go back over over there. What are you gonna do? You can do whatever you want now. Like like, they didn't have any support from anyone. No. Carlin's,
[00:29:28] Unknown:
what was it called? Supernova in the East? Where he talks about, like, the United States could pump out, like, 50,000 fighter planes a month. Yeah. And it took, like
[00:29:38] Unknown:
Japan can make, like, 5? Yeah. They were they were hauling them into the fields and flag ins. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Yeah. They were just lying to the Americans. And,
[00:29:49] Unknown:
Yeah. I mean, I wish I knew this shit better so we don't sound like well because some asshole could listen to this and be like, all these guys don't know what they're talking about. But Listen to what? We don't know what we're talking about. Police say it was an inside job. I knew that shit was coming. That's one theory out there. I mean, they knew about it. And they didn't stop it. They didn't tell nobody it was about to happen. Well, I gotta listen to that new, Daryl Cooper. He's putting that podcast out about Daryl Cooper? Who's that? Yeah. That dude told him to listen to, the anti humans.
[00:30:19] Unknown:
I don't know if that was me. Yeah.
[00:30:21] Unknown:
They're the Anti Humans podcast about how Russia starved out those European countries. You're the one who sent it to me. Are you sure? 100%. It's like you can barely listen to 20 minutes of it at a time, where it talks about the Russians starving people out. Oh, yeah. Okay. Sorry. That guy. He just he got a bunch of shit for saying, like, Winston Churchill was a true villain of World War 2. Oh, I've heard this guy too. So I guess I think the first episode of that podcast came out. I haven't listened to it yet. But Tucker Carlson interviewed him. Tucker had him on. Dude, Winston Churchill
[00:30:54] Unknown:
may be the reason why World War 2, but, like, he's also a hilarious figure. Like, a guy that got up every day after fighting wars against the Africans, you know, and where Britain's just, like, cleaning everyone's clock and then he comes back, you know, and he he wants to continue, like, his war effort. You know, he wants to, like, be the big man. So, like, he he sees this as, like, his final great challenge and he he, like, really, like, goes straight on the nose of Germany and, like, brings the United States in. I mean, the guy is hilarious. Yeah. I mean I mean, imagine waking up every day and, you know, your city's in ruins. You're like, I'm gonna I'm gonna get him. Like, let's keep moving forward. Like, I mean, it's it's it's ballsy.
[00:31:32] Unknown:
Yeah. It is. I mean, it's it's But it's probably the worst thing that ever happened. It is the worst thing ever. But it is hard also to be like, wow, you know, the Nazis were rolling across Europe. Like
[00:31:43] Unknown:
From what I understand what that man said, Hitler put out, you know, offering peace, you know, trying not to keep the war going. Well, he did. Yeah. Did he?
[00:31:53] Unknown:
A great hostess. Thank you.
[00:31:56] Unknown:
Majesties. Slim doesn't drink anymore. Mhmm. Thank you. Do you mind if it's hot? I'm alright. I got some right here. Slim's completely clean. Oh, shut the fuck up. I think you want some coffee. Wasted last weekend. Do you want coffee or filtered water? You want coffee? No. I'm alright. I I got this Coke here. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. Got any of that fluoride water?
[00:32:15] Unknown:
Don't talk to my wife. You can't take that long.
[00:32:19] Unknown:
[00:32:21] Unknown:
What were we talking about? Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill. I mean, I do have his you can't see me on the pictures, but I have his
[00:32:28] Unknown:
autobiography's back. Which one? Is it Like the whole set. 3 volumes? Yeah. Yeah. That's a good one.
[00:32:34] Unknown:
I mean, Gavin Levitt, man.
[00:32:37] Unknown:
He's an amazing figure. Yeah. But you have to you have to, like, remove that sheen that the West has put on
[00:32:46] Unknown:
him. Yeah. I mean, the West is bad. It is weird too. Like, when I it wasn't like an instant conversion for me where I went from, like, all that bullshit I believed. It was it took, like, years, like, I had denied it at first. Yeah. You know, and I didn't wanna believe. And I was like, yeah, I mean, America is responsible for just about everything bad. There's almost no way around it. Well, they call it misinformation and disinformation.
[00:33:06] Unknown:
Yeah. Malinformation. What
[00:33:10] Unknown:
Russia was doing to Christians, like, they killed more Christians before ww2 than Hitler did Jews. Oh, yeah. Well, Stalin gets, like, a pass because Hitler existed. But Stalin was so much worse. Because communists and the globalists are in control. They wanted to teach us bad things about Hitler and people on the right. And they wanted to try and persuade everybody to go super left. So they could install communism into the states, I think.
[00:33:33] Unknown:
Yeah. That's like the boomers, like, they still think, who was the red scare guy in the fifties? The alcoholic senator who McCarthy. Yeah. Wouldn't he eat, like, a stick of butter a day to coat his stomach? Because stomach lining was gone. I don't know, but I like the sound of that. I'm pretty sure that's true. But there's people who are still like, hey, it was fucking right. They were communists. It's like, okay, fine. Like, it's America. You can be a communist if you want to be a communist. Right?
[00:33:58] Unknown:
If you want to be, yeah, sure. But you can't let them get, you know But if they get democratically elected, like
[00:34:04] Unknown:
it is what it is. That's the risk of the American system. Communist hate butter.
[00:34:11] Unknown:
It's just because they can't get it.
[00:34:15] Unknown:
You need a good communist woman.
[00:34:17] Unknown:
You know? Communism is the only way inside the house. Yeah. You know? As it should be. As it should be. Right. When you get that to that state level, it needs to be a little more, Well, I think probably all governments are bad. Communism, capitalism,
[00:34:30] Unknown:
you know, any or any form of, of your economy is probably not the best. Definitely. Why do you have Because I mean, eventually all the money rises to the top no matter which one you're in. Right? Yeah. Corruption. So, you got communism. Eventually, the people in charge of it are rich and everyone else is broke. And then socialism, same thing. Capitalism, same thing. Yeah.
[00:34:51] Unknown:
I mean, yeah. It is capitalism is a hard one to defend. Like, theoretically, it's easy, but you're like, well, look at the gilded age. Like, wasn't much government control, but people were slaves. Right?
[00:35:02] Unknown:
Well, why do you why do you well, capitalism has periods where people are completely destitute, and then the rich are extremely rich. But then it also has golden ages That's correct. Where people everybody is doing well. Like, what well, like, coming out of World War 2, everybody was doing well. So they put a stop to that. But why did they put a stop to that? You're right. And why do they spend the next 60 years trying to tamp that back down so that now we're all destitute again? Because I don't think it's the only system that that
[00:35:33] Unknown:
that has that result too. I mean, it truly is. Like, a good capitalist system is the only one that people profit from in any way. Like and by profit, I mean have some type of material gain that's good for them. Right? You can get yourself out of poverty.
[00:35:47] Unknown:
Yeah. It's possible there. But I don't think they want a strong public or strong people, you know? So so you think
[00:35:53] Unknown:
so so it went wrong. Like, we came out of World War 2 and everybody was, like, rich and prosperous. And they were like, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, wait a minute. Mhmm. What's going on here? Yeah, dude. Oh, and everybody was having babies? Mhmm. Mhmm. Can't have that. They had guns and their communities were Oh, there was rock and roll, blue jeans, Coca Cola. Everybody was having great having kids. Yeah. Your wife was at home while you were at work. They need another tax income. Get her out of the house.
[00:36:21] Unknown:
Sorry? Yeah. Get them out of the house. This is why they killed Kennedy. Kennedy was gonna stop Vietnam. He's gonna dismantle the CIA. Yeah. He's gonna end all of it. Let the communist school teachers raise your kids. Yeah. But that's why they killed Kennedy, man. I mean, it is a shame because Kennedy would have been imagine had we not been in Vietnam. There's a thousand reasons why they killed Kennedy. Yeah. But I'm gonna go with this one. Well, and you wouldn't have got CIA into a 1,000 pieces day later. Yeah. Day later. I mean, imagine, Kennedy was pretty bad ass man. Like, the Bay of Pigs, they tricked him into that. That would ruin most people. Yeah. He came out of it and was like, nah, fuck him. Yeah. Like, I'm gonna get my
[00:36:57] Unknown:
my day now. Well, Donald Trump's basically like a JFK fan. Kinda is. And I'm not saying, like, I love Donald Trump or I mean, and I don't know what JFK was like because I didn't live during that time. But they seem like similar figures.
[00:37:09] Unknown:
And they're gonna meet the same end. I mean, I'm on the cusp of loving Donald Trump. Like, I did not like him the first time. Because he he let all that shit go. Let Fauci stay in charge. He didn't have to do that. He took his security detail. He could've fired Fauci at any point, though. Yeah. He could've put an end to all that. And he didn't. Well, there's a theory that he's just extremely lazy.
[00:37:29] Unknown:
You know? Like, he's like, hey, I'm a rich, you know, real estate mogul, you know, who likes to golf. Like, I'll leave this to some people, you know, who I think. But and then think maybe he figured out at some point, wait a minute. These guys are doing what the things that I don't want to happen. So by the time he figured that out and this is just like some crazy, like, Trumper theory. Right? Like Mhmm. Like, by the time, like, he figured it out, he was out of office and lost, but he maybe he would've spent his next 4 years putting all that right. And I don't know if that's true, but it seems like now when he has nothing to lose, he's just, like, swinging for defenses. Ironically,
[00:38:04] Unknown:
it was the better thing to happen. Almost. Yeah. Did they steal it? Because now you have 12 years of Trump instead of just 8. Yeah. Yeah, bud. Yeah. It's a good point. Did they steal from him? I mean 2020? I don't know how much I believe that there was enough legitimate cheating with, like, the voting machines, but this suppression of the 100 Biden lap, all that shit, dude. Ukraine, come on now. The the full force of the media against Trump and the censorship on social media, like, that should be considered election interference. I mean, how could it not be? Yeah.
[00:38:38] Unknown:
I mean, I I feel like they stole it from one way or another. How they did it is semantics as far as I'm concerned. You know? Yeah. I don't think it was I think it's pretty hard to argue that he got a fair shake in the 2020 election. I'm surprised What do you think, John? They started a worldwide
[00:38:52] Unknown:
fake pandemic Yes. To get him not elected again. That is correct. They shut down all the small businesses in almost all the small businesses in America. Dude, they completely changed the world. They ruined the world. They ruined the economy. People committed suicide over this. Drug addiction. Children Yeah. Children did not go to school. Yeah. They like, people masked their children, masked themselves, like, all to not get one man elected again. So what was he gonna do that was so bad? Yeah. To have to point you in the right at least thinking that Trump is on to something good. If they did all that to stop him Yeah. And they He must have been hard on the trail or something. Yeah. Like, I mean, common sense would tell you that if you're gonna mobilize something like that, then he actually was going to do something. Yep. No doubt. That's what
[00:39:42] Unknown:
And they did a good job, man, because I thought I was going crazy. Actually, when I called you the one day, I remember, like, right when Kevin was kicking off, like, the whole 2 week thing, You're, like, the first person I talked to. I'm sure you would have agreed, but the first person I talked to that made was making the same sense as me. Because I'm, like, this is fucking crazy. It's gonna go insane.
[00:40:00] Unknown:
Like, why are people buying this bullshit? It was complete bullshit. From the start, I don't think people could not see something funky was going on. Yeah. It was clear as day that something wasn't right about all this. Yeah. I spent I spent maybe 2 days, like, maybe second guessing myself and I was like, wait a minute. Mhmm. Like, nobody does this. No. Nobody nobody has a campaign on television like this.
[00:40:22] Unknown:
At the drop of a hat Yeah. It was ready to go. It was clearly planned from in the books. Like, they had this waiting ready to go whenever they needed it. Yeah. That's a good point. And and I was when it first started when I saw China was building a field hospital for, like, 10,000 people a piece, I was like, oh, fuck. Like, I was worried. I'm like, this maybe this is real bad. Because China doesn't give a shit about anybody who lives in this country. Right? Yeah. But then, when that dude in Oregon got it, right? The first person in the United States to get it was in
[00:40:48] Unknown:
Oregon. But it was like a 55 year old dude. They're like, he's fine. He's drinking Gatorade in the hospital. Yeah. And I'm like, oh, this is no big deal. You know, one of the telltale signs for me was when the dude wrecked his motorcycle down in Atlanta and got the cap tater or something, they rolled her to COVID death. Yeah. Hot landing out? That's insane. Like, come on now. Like, how do you After you hear that and you still believe it No. No. No. Like,
[00:41:07] Unknown:
people spent 4 years believing that. Still believing it. It's still believing it. Give it up. Yeah. There's still people who Okay. There there were signs that I remember. Like, I remember very clearly. Because I remember, like, December whenever there was just, like, some grumblings. Mhmm. Okay? Yeah. And and then and then in January of, 2020, as soon as we get in there, then there were starting to be news stories. Now I had already lived through I mean, we I know we all have, but, you know, maybe I I sort of remember a little more because me and my friends used to make fun of it. You know, they'd be like, oh, okay. There's swine flu. And we used to make fun of it. And there's, you know, another bird flu. And we're like, get the get out of here. Like, all you know, probably 15 years leading up to this. You know, they tried this several times. So in January, when they start talking about this, I I took one look at the television, you know, and I'm I'm I remember watching, like, morning shows. Mhmm. You know? Because for some reason, I used to turn on the television just in the morning and just sit there and Yeah. Read and then, like, these morning shows would be on. And I remember, like, they're starting to talk about it. And I kept hearing this word, community spread. And when I when they started I started hearing community spread, community spread, community spread over and over and over again. And I remember telling, my girlfriend. I was like, why do they keep using this word? Like, this is this is ridiculous. Like, something's going on here. And then and then, by March I think it was March. Right? Yeah. When it was 2 weeks to slow the spread.
Everybody has panicked, you know. And when when you go outside and there's no cars on the road or anything, you start thinking, well, maybe something's going on. Do you remember the list
[00:42:47] Unknown:
in Pennsylvania state government put up? Like, it's okay to walk outside. Yeah. It's okay to go to a state park today, but you can't go tomorrow. Yeah. Mask when you enter a restaurant. Mhmm. Sit down, you can take it off. 6 feet distant. Why didn't that that that came later, though. Because at first, nobody was going anywhere. Okay. So they started, like, dictating
[00:43:07] Unknown:
you know, they started dictating, like, stay home and, what? Like to go to the hairdresser. You know, people were starting to talk about not being able to go from Pennsylvania to West Virginia or to another state or something. Yeah. You know? And we all live near the border. So back and forth across the country, like, twice in March.
[00:43:24] Unknown:
Because I lived in LA for about, like, 7 or 8 years. And then in March of 2020, I came back to State College, Pennsylvania to stay with my buddy because people out there were losing their minds. You and Dre? No. With Jesse. Oh, Jesse. With Jesse. Yeah. And, this is That motherfucker looked like he got some coronavirus. Fuck. Yeah. Shot in the face a couple times, dawg. But, so I I had a bunch of shit. I mean, I had them my whole life out there, and I only had a small car. So I, like, I drove literally across the country a few times in March, and it was like, the zombie apocalypse. I mean, you'd go it was just so different than
[00:43:59] Unknown:
anything I've ever ever seen. You know? Yeah. But you know one thing that wasn't happening? There were no people dying or in the hospital. Like Yes.
[00:44:09] Unknown:
I remember People were just at home. It was the reaction. It wasn't what was the virus actually causing. It was just the way everybody reacted to it, which was so crazy. I saved the article. I still haven't. I make sure I archived it in my Yahoo email. It was some bullshit article
[00:44:23] Unknown:
that was like by May 5, 2020 every hospital bed in the United States will have a patient in it. And this bullshit. And people bought all that. Yeah. I remember I remember, like, at Homer City, I was still working there. I'm like, if this were as bad as what people were saying, there'd be fucking bodies in the streets. Yeah. You wouldn't Yeah. Exactly. Leave your house without seeing a dead person. Right. Exactly. They'd be everywhere if it was what they said on the news. Mhmm. Like,
[00:44:47] Unknown:
you you know, Uniontown Hospital can't handle an emergency room full of regular people who who need men of attention. Like, I'm pretty sure they'd be piled up outside of Uniontown Hospital. Like, they'd be throwing them in Oaklawn Cemetery or whatever the hell it's called right next to it. Like but it wasn't happening.
[00:45:06] Unknown:
Then I'm sure. People were coughing
[00:45:08] Unknown:
and they were short of breath. And if you were old, you may have gone to the hospital. Yeah.
[00:45:13] Unknown:
Just dropped off the same amount of times I did Exactly. My whole life during that.
[00:45:19] Unknown:
Right. Thank god
[00:45:22] Unknown:
the beer store stayed open. Oh, the beer stores did good. McDonald's,
[00:45:25] Unknown:
liquor, but no gym. Mhmm. I was down to gyms.
[00:45:31] Unknown:
And there's some funny shit about it, like Oh, Tire King? Oh, Tire King. And when people would get sick and That's the funny shit. Yeah. Come on. Well, there were was that was that during that time? Yeah. That's like right when it happened. Man, that guy fucking made out with that deal. Yep. Well, he's in jail still. Right? Is he? I think he's in jail. That stupid bitch fucking ratted on him or something out in Florida. That is a Donald Trump apartment. Did did you watch Tiger King? No. Oh, you should. It's like a real life trailer park, boys, dude. It's amazing. Yeah. It was. Such good one line. Why? I hear I hear it was really good, but I I didn't want it. Dude, there's a scene where a guy gets his arm ripped off by one of these dude's Tiger. And the first thing he says is I'll never financially recover from this.
[00:46:13] Unknown:
I'm pretty sure that's what I would think.
[00:46:16] Unknown:
Yeah. Unless he's a capitalist. But I'm sure there were plenty of people like me. So I'm not saying that, like, I'm like a badass, but, like, it made me the opposite towards being sick. I'm like, you're sick? Sure. Come in. Like, I'm not giving into this bullshit. Exactly. Like, what were you gonna do? Just stop being around people? Yeah.
[00:46:33] Unknown:
You know, especially, like and then you were trying to scare people away from their families. It's like, what what are you talking about? Like, I'll go home. I don't give a shit if the whole house is sick. Of course I'm going in there. Yeah. Like, anyone who
[00:46:45] Unknown:
thought you could stop it. It it is truly, like, an example of how fucking stupid people are. Some things you cannot stop, That was one of them. Nothing you could do. Well, I I don't know, man. Like, a little bit of common sense applied to it would have been
[00:47:00] Unknown:
would have gone a really long way. Like, why didn't now I I remember thinking this at the time. It's like, okay. It's really bad. Why don't they just gather up all of the world's greatest medical, specialists and scientists and and put them bring them all to Washington, Okay? And send them in a room and then discuss what they have been seeing. You know, like, what have you been seeing? They weren't having a What's going on with your patients? And, you know, and some of them are like, listen. Okay. Some of them are responding to these malaria drugs or some of them are responding to okay. I don't know. Something like standing up. Ivermectin.
Yeah. Ivermectin, you know, which is known the world over to cure any tropical diseases. River blindness. I mean Yeah. So so you could have brought doc like, the smart thing would have been to bring in doctors from all over the world and have, like, a what? A symposium? Is that what it's called? I don't know. And just let everybody discuss their ideas and then come up with a plan. Remember the one time? They didn't do that. Remember the one time. They looked at a model for what you're supposed to do during a pandemic. Oh, yeah. And they did that. And that was completely the wrong thing to do. And there were experts saying there were economic experts saying, what are you doing? Yeah. Like like, it's okay to protect, you know, the weak or the infirm or the old, but you cannot have 2 weeks of people not participating in black How many months where shit shut down? Oh.
[00:48:37] Unknown:
They they did what they wanted to do. They were not trying to fix it. I mean, I think the whole thing was a, you know, a ruse for people. Right. Because you would have brought people together. Right. But that's what they did. There were 2 people they talked to. Mhmm. And they were on television every day. Bill Nye, the science guy, was like the fucking leading thought expert on this shit. Yeah. They take the hell out of it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so clearly
[00:48:57] Unknown:
The world is full of great doctors. You know, Indians, Japanese people, Latin America, American doctors, England, Russia. You could have brought every one of these countries together and said, what are you doing Mhmm. In your, in your country? And they'd be like, this is what's working. But what do we do? We put people on ventilators. Yes. That's not true. Dead. They never got off the ventilators. Dead. Okay. That that's Okay. Saying that none of them ever got off, like, maybe
[00:49:27] Unknown:
but it was, like, 90% of them or something. You know what I mean? What kind of crazy shit is that? They wouldn't have any discussion on the vaccine. There was no discussion. It was take the vaccine or you're a terrible person. Well, the vaccine came later. It did. But that's eventually what it led to. No. You know you know how I knew the vaccine was bullshit?
[00:49:43] Unknown:
Because about a month or 2 before, I heard this news story that said the government was working on a vaccine and they had produced they had been given money and they had already produced, I think they said something like a bill I don't know if it was a 1,000,000,000 shots or maybe they got a $1,000,000,000 and they have already produced it. And so and then during the interview, they asked the person, like, well, you already produced it, but you don't know if it if it's gonna work against it. Right? And they said, we have high hopes. And I'm gonna say that right now, like, nobody would no company Mhmm. Would produce a $1,000,000,000 worth of product.
Yes. If you had if you didn't know it was gonna work. So if you already manufactured it, what are you gonna do? You're gonna ship it Mhmm. No matter what. And they shipped it. It's not like they ever just trashed that one and said, oh, hey. No test runs. You know? Yeah. Well, that's the thing. Because, like, they were they were like, we don't know. And they said in the in the, news story, well, we're hoping it's gonna work. Well and, you know, the the the journalist never was like, why did you already produce they didn't they never said, like, why did you already produce, you know, a $1,000,000,000 worth of vials of this already? Mhmm. You know?
Well, they they immediately said So you didn't sign those bullshit. 90 95%
[00:51:07] Unknown:
effective. It cures it. Dude, the day it came out, it was 99%
[00:51:11] Unknown:
effective. Come on. What do you what do you think when somebody says it's 99% effective?
[00:51:17] Unknown:
Anything. I wouldn't even go that hard in on trying to get posted. Like, you gotta you gotta have a little humility. Right?
[00:51:24] Unknown:
Jesus Christ. Well, what's that what's that? Cologne panther something? Sex panther? Sex panther. It's it's a 100% effective 60% of the time. Yeah.
[00:51:37] Unknown:
But I don't know. It is it was it was heartbreaking. How about you? Some people fucking vaxx ID to get into something restaurants, but then they were still not wanting people to show ID to vote. Yeah. You know, that that was, like, truly insane times.
[00:51:49] Unknown:
It was. And anyone who fell for it drives me fucking crazy. Crazy. The vaccine, man. I've had to let it go because I would've lost so many friends. Yeah. The thing is is, like,
[00:51:59] Unknown:
there are some people I will never let it go for because they were such assholes. Yeah. Like Well, didn't you have some super liberal friends? Yes. I yes. I have super liberal friends. They called for our death. Jimmy Kimmel on TV said that people Yeah. You found out that they actually hated you Mhmm. Right. And hated humanity. It's like, I understand if you were if you were confused for a little bit, but after a couple of months, you have to go. You have to admit, alright, this is a scam. Like, you have to. Like, any sane person would be, like, look around and just say, this is a scam. A lot of these people are college educated, supposed to be really smart and have really good jobs. Fucking ridiculous.
[00:52:41] Unknown:
It is. I I totally agree. I think college is a brainwashing, you know, place where it you know, but whatever. But these people that you get into arguments with all took the vaccine, they're supposed to be smart, well off, have high paying jobs, whatever. All these things in society says you're a intelligent person. And if you had this conversation with them, they'd get upset, and they would just end it. They said we can't talk about this no more. Yeah. You know?
[00:53:05] Unknown:
Yeah. I didn't wanna hear anything he had to say. No. They No. You know what it was? It was smart people, and, you know, the only thing he did was appeal to authority. Mhmm. Yeah. Like, how does a smart person just appeal to authority? Yeah. That's Like, who just says, well, they said it's true. That is the best trick. Right. No critical thinking going on whatsoever. Listen to what the TV says. I mean, the double masking thing still blows my mind. Well, no. They want they wanted to be taken care of. Like, they wanted somebody to have the answer. Mhmm. So they were just, like, they they have the answer. That's crazy. I just listen to what the TV tells me. That's what I used to say all the time during it. It was, like,
[00:53:40] Unknown:
at some point you just you live in this world and sometimes bad shit happens, and that's the way it is. But there's nothing you can do. Right? Yeah. But there's nothing you can do. You can't you can't beat it. There was something that we Like mother nature is gonna win at some point. Right? In the long run, it will always win. There's no there's no running from it. So Well, what was your buddy's name, Charlie? Yeah. He had the best take. Last time I saw him, he's like, I know everyone's bitching, you know? I can go to the bar, get a cold beer for a buck, $52, whatever. I said, I'm just gonna enjoy it. He's like, what do you have to bitch about? Yeah. Fuck it. Just have a good time. Yeah. The party the party's gonna last as long as you're alive, so you might as well enjoy it. Yeah. He had he had hit the nail on the head.
I mean, how different is shit now since COVID? Well, Charlie had the benefit of not having any children. Well, that's true. That was my biggest thing. Think about children. Trying to explain it to because for my kids, like, we went and did shit all the time with, like, zoo constantly, museums, whatever. It was so hard and Hank was at the age so social. Yeah. And he was just like, he couldn't understand it when you're trying to explain it to him. Yeah. And thank God now, dude, he hates the government. Calls cops narcs and shit, dude. Straight up. You're doing a good job. Oh, yeah. Both of them. Even Edie now. She's like, what's the governor? I'm like Victoria is the same way. Bad. Well, I don't know if she totally believes what I'm saying. But, you know, she'll agree with me. Sometimes she'll be like, I was a bit of Victoria. What's dad always say? She's like, everything's a scam. Yeah. But But if you ask Henry what do you think of the governor? He'll just be like, fuck the governor. Yeah. Governor's bad. I'm like, that's exactly right. Governor is bad. Yeah. He knows. I told him, oh, maybe before bed. I'm like, but if I can give you any good advice, if a cop ever talks to you, you don't talk to him. And I'm like, and if they demand you talk to him, you tell him no. Let him arrest you, and ask for a lawyer.
Don't tell him anything ever. Yeah. And I wouldn't give him any more information than what they can gather just by looking at him. I'm like, it's way better to get arrested than to talk to a cop. Yeah. What's the guy Fox Mask? Remember the movie with the guy Fox Mask happening over in Europe somewhere?
[00:55:40] Unknown:
V for Vendetta. V for Vendetta. Yes. That was I mean, that kinda, like, predicted COVID. It was a lot of the same shit going on that was in that movie. Yeah. Do you remember it? I'm so foggy for me. Large scale propaganda.
[00:55:52] Unknown:
You know? Yes. Well, the thing is, it's like But they spun that to be, like, a right wing government. Right? Like fascism? Yeah. But I guess this is kinda what fascism was, man. It was government in bed with business, pharmaceuticals.
[00:56:05] Unknown:
Yeah. I mean, right or left. It doesn't matter. When your government becomes totalitarian It's all the same. It's all the same. Like, they wanna put put their boot on your neck Mhmm. For eternity. Like, if they had their way, they would do it right now.
[00:56:21] Unknown:
1984, he was the man that wrote that book. That's what he said. The future looks like is,
[00:56:25] Unknown:
a boot stomping on a, human face or neck or Forever. Forever. Yeah. Yeah. Forever. George Orwell. Yeah. That that's what that's what, the future looks like,
[00:56:35] Unknown:
Jack boots stomping on your face forever. Right. Well, that's what I remember the day I, like, started going libertarian was that professor I had at St. Vincent James Herrigate, Words and Numbers. This is a podcast. Yeah. He was like, hey, just remember, at the end of the day, everything you do is at the end of the barrel of a gun. He's like, because eventually, if you don't do what they say, they're gonna come to your house with guns. That's true. And I'm like, holy fuck. Yeah. That's right. He's absolutely right. Like, if there's nothing you can do. It is coercion through violence. Absolutely. And maybe it's There we are not free. Mhmm. And and that's that's, that's all you have to think about to know you're not a free person.
[00:57:10] Unknown:
Collecting rainwater is illegal. And if you do it for so long, they'll show up to your farm and kill your
[00:57:16] Unknown:
white children. Well that's legit. Or kill your dog, I mean So I took a constitutional law class with that guy, a couple. But there's that famous supreme court case, Wickard v Filburn, during the depression where the government was setting market prices for everything, including like grain. So I think Philburn was the farmer in the case, maybe. Who's first? The prosecution or or the defendant in the case? I don't know. You're a lawyer. But anyways, the dude the market press was the market price was set so this guy could produce this much grain and sell it for this much. Well, he grew his own plot for his family, and the government found out about it and came and told him, no you can't do that because that would offset the market price. It's like, it's not going to offset shit I'm growing for my family. Well now you're not buying it off the market. That affects the price necessarily. Right? And he and, I One guy? One guy. Yeah.
And I can't remember what the court case ruled. I don't know if they're I I think they ruled in favor of the government. But, yeah. So, like, you hear this shit, and you're like, that's fucking wild. Absolutely wild. That's like you have
[00:58:21] Unknown:
to register your dog everywhere you live. Right? Yeah. Like, what is that? That's what I hear. That's what I hear.
[00:58:26] Unknown:
Yeah. Well, I never have either. But,
[00:58:30] Unknown:
theoretically, they could probably arrest you. I know. And and I know. And people fall in line for that. And then and then husbands listen to their wives because wives are like, we have to reassure your dog. Right. Yeah. There you go. So, you know, you who would never do it are like, well, I guess it's a license. Like, I gotta do it. I gotta do it. But, yeah. Everything you can think of. Everything you can think of. Everything ends at the barrel of a gun. Yeah. Fish? You know a lot of fish without a license? Dude,
[00:58:56] Unknown:
everything. Can't kayak down a fucking river You can't own you can't own a piece of property you've paid for No. You never own it. Without paying them or they'll come take it. And if you don't give it up, they will stick a gun in your face and kill you. That's why just this morning, Henry has his, laptop from school. Yeah. And he wanted to play a game on it. He's like well, the teacher says we can't play it for too long because it's not for it. And I'm like, fuck that. I'm like, yeah, who pays for that laptop? Me. And every goddamn other person paying taxes. So you can play as whatever the fuck you want on that thing. Right? Yeah. Like, who is the school? Don't even get me started on teachers. Oh, come on. They throw those laptops away every year.
Yeah. I
[00:59:33] Unknown:
teachers make me angry, man. I do. They're Chromebooks. They're, like, 1.50 a piece. Yeah. They're 1.50 a piece. They buy them they beg for money, they buy them, and then they throw them away. Yeah. Those things are trash. I don't know why they don't just buy textbooks.
[00:59:47] Unknown:
They should. Public public health needs to or public education needs to end. I don't like that either.
[00:59:54] Unknown:
I don't know enough about it to talk about public education, but I can tell you one thing.
[00:59:59] Unknown:
It doesn't look like it's getting better. So maybe we should try something different. Absolutely not. You said it's like a Rockefeller or a Rothschild, like, invention to get people used to, like, standing up when the bell rings Dave Smith covered this.
[01:00:11] Unknown:
Kindergarten. I can't remember the other what's the German word for it or the Austrian? But it was back during Beer garden. What is it? Beer garden. But the whole thing the whole 8 hour thing was made either prior to World War 1 or in response to it. Where these big countries couldn't convince people to join the military. And when they did they wouldn't fucking listen at all during training, during battle, whatever. So they're like we need to figure out a way to condition people to like, look at someone as a leader and follow their orders. And that was their solution, was to make the public school system Yeah. Where kids go and sit for 8 hours. And that's that's where it came from.
[01:00:48] Unknown:
I mean, it's a good theory. I mean, it makes sense. Like, people used to be farmers and basically just wander wander into town and join up with the army for Yeah. You know, as long as they had enough food in their pocket to to fight for whatever cause they, you know, they were told to fight for. And as soon as, like, you know, they didn't get paid or the food ran out, they were just wandered back to their farm. Yeah. Well, you used to not be allowed to make your kid go to school either. What's that? It used to not be allowed to make your kid go to school either. Your kid could stay home and work on the farm. Now your kid's not allowed to do that. Your kid has to be in school. The parents will get her to school. On the roll, you don't get hey. You don't want a dissident. No. You don't wanna know, but you want obedience.
[01:01:25] Unknown:
This is, yeah. I'm gonna raise my kids to hate the government. Just straight up.
[01:01:31] Unknown:
The government should be hated. Admitted. The the government should be hated. I don't understand people who don't hate the government. Right. Yeah. But Like, that's that's what I'm talking about. Like, on Facebook, you read these people's comments. You're like, what is wrong with you? You are cheerleading people that would love to see you dead. Yeah. And to to to help you see that? Mhmm.
[01:01:57] Unknown:
If COVID doesn't wake you up I always thought if 911 didn't wake you up, nothing will. But after COVID, I have zero hope for you, man. If you're still asleep after COVID because there's no hope. There's no hope. No way. You basically have to cut ties with those people. They they're You can't take them seriously. You can't take them seriously.
[01:02:13] Unknown:
You talk to them. You're I mean, it's been a while since I've talked to, you know, people who are that, you know, ingrained with that, you know, propaganda from the news. Yeah. Because I just don't associate with them anymore because they're they're insane. Right. So but And they think we're insane. But if I talk to them today, like, I'll just be like, okay. I guess we can have a beer, but we're not gonna have a discussion because Right. Like, every hour. All of your opinion has been negated unless you can, like, maybe admit a few things. Mhmm. You know, we're we're wrong.
[01:02:45] Unknown:
Well, how about some of the people, like, I'm sure you had friends who shocked you that they bought into this bullshit. Oh, yeah. Like, I don't wanna say his name, but somebody we know well caught him one time. He was like, hey, man, we should get together. He's like, yeah. Well, maybe, you know, after after winter COVID season dies down a little bit, and and we're safe. And I'm just like, why are you fucking kidding me? Of all people, I can't believe this is What year was this? Probably last year or 2 years ago. I'm like, of all people for to say that to me, you know who I'm talking about. Right? Oh, man. I can't remember. Hold Really? Yeah.
Straight the fuck up, dude. Told me no. It's too dangerous. Yeah. I know.
[01:03:24] Unknown:
That's crazy. It's crazy. Like, I mean, he's a he's a free thinker. Yeah. You'd think he was a free thinker. Actually, I would credit him with
[01:03:32] Unknown:
a huge part of my current development outlook. You know? I mean, just He completely bought into the COVID lot. I don't know completely, but enough to be like, no. We can't hang out. Yeah. I mean, so Yeah.
[01:03:44] Unknown:
That's not good. No. Bump me out big time, man. Dude, I was such an asshole during COVID. So was I. I'm I'm I'm such an asshole that, like, I consider wearing a mask now. Like, putting a mask on now just to be like, I wish what the fuck are you doing? Like, where's your mask?
[01:04:02] Unknown:
I wish more banks would've gotten robbed, dude. Oh, I know. That would be great. Well, now they're happened to, so many people are robbing places, like, in New York City with masks on. Now they're trying to tell people you're not allowed to wear a mask. That's fantastic.
[01:04:14] Unknown:
I'm I'm you know what? That was one of the things that surprised me. It's like, I was surprised that they incurred so much mask wearing. Yeah. Because, like, this is the time when they were trying to get pictures of everybody's face Oh, yeah. You know, for for, like, training, whatever, AI, you know, camera AI or whatever. Yep. You know, but they were encouraging everybody to wear a mask. Maybe they were training it to, like, recognize people's eyes with the mask on. So maybe it was, like, a giant I mean, there's always, like, a 1,000 mask. I mean, it's it's like we should have a board up here with, like, yarn strung between different things because it's hard to keep track of all that shit. But, I mean, it's true. Like, why were they encouraging people to wear masks and then, you know, obviously, you were allowed to walk into a bank with a mask on? Yeah. Yeah. You know? And then some guy gets some do you I don't know if you remember the story.
There was a guy that was walking into Walmart, and he had his motorcycle helmet on. Like, he got off his bike during COVID Mhmm. Walked into a Walmart and kept his helmet on. People came up to him and were like, you have to take that off. You can't be in the store without a mask. And he and he's like he's what do you mean? Like, everybody has to wear masks? Like, I'm just gonna keep my helmet on. You know? And they're like, no. You have to remove your helmet. And he's like, this doesn't make any sense. There's people walking around in here, and you're having me remove my motorcycle helmet, which is encasing my entire head. The visor's down, and it's basically like a whole head mask. But these people kept walking around. Like, it just it pointed out the absurdity of the whole thing. Yes, they It may not have been, like, a news story, but I he may have recorded it from
[01:05:46] Unknown:
[01:05:48] Unknown:
It was ridiculous. There was a part of me I think they ended up dragging him to the ground and, like, tasing him.
[01:05:53] Unknown:
There's a part of me too that, like, sympathized with the private businesses. Because it was, like, why do I wanna be with the fucking dude responsible for getting a private business shut down? Because I didn't wear a mask in. And I never wore a real mask. I had that stupid I would cut t shirt sleeves off Yeah. And put them down around the neck. That was the best,
[01:06:11] Unknown:
mask. My favorite was the one that looked like panties. It was like just
[01:06:16] Unknown:
mesh. No. They're all with panties, dude. No. Let's see. I bet you Japanese people were loving that. Oh, yeah. You didn't buy them out of a vending machine, put them down over their face. Well, they're all into the slinks and shit. Right? They're weird people. I think the bomb did something. The Asians have been wearing masks for decades. What's up with those people?
[01:06:34] Unknown:
I don't say not fucks.
[01:06:37] Unknown:
Now we're getting kids. I don't think I don't think anyone wants fruit. I'll take one. Oh, I will get I hear you. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for the beers.
[01:06:45] Unknown:
So that reminds me of that time we got real high and went to McMillan's house, and you kept Kind of been me. It was you. What's that for? Egg. Put it on the Yeah. Peel the egg. Yeah. Slim cap. Like, 6 egg yolks. Carrots, kids are good. In front of him, he kept peeling hard boiled eggs, but he thought the white egg was still part of the shell. I'm just All the way down to the yolk. Peal it up. And, likewise, he got so many eggs. Like, it's all shell.
[01:07:17] Unknown:
That's an easy way to peel an egg. It goes, peel it all the way down with a yolk. Dude, that's where the good shit is.
[01:07:22] Unknown:
Well, how's this podcast going now? Is this Yeah. It's, like, you know Put it up. Are you gonna put it up? Yeah. Of course. Hell, yeah.
[01:07:29] Unknown:
Looking for the trash, Phil. It's in those under the microwave. Under the microwave. The only reason I did the first podcast is just like I was like, well, I gotta get started somehow. Well Like, and I have no ideas and I'm alone. You know? I got a ton of friends who would love to come in and bullshit. I But right now, I'm sitting here in the snow. So let me just open The Herald Standard and read. I have,
[01:07:47] Unknown:
committed to this. So I will do it on a weekly basis. We're gonna swap weeks. I'll drive down next week. We're definitely gonna do it on a weekly basis. I will not quit. You're not a quitter? I mean, I'm extremely busy and, like, this is definitely gonna cut in because What are you so busy with?
[01:08:02] Unknown:
You know, work and then, work outside of work.
[01:08:07] Unknown:
You gotta stop that work outside of work.
[01:08:10] Unknown:
I can't stop the work outside of work. What am I gonna do? I will go insane if I don't have something to do. But yet, if I have something to do, I will bitch incessantly about it. Just go to the bar. I like going to the bar. Yeah. Just do that. I love it. I like I've tried that. Well Right now I have work to do. I gotta finish that basement.
[01:08:29] Unknown:
You're turning into King Bird.
[01:08:31] Unknown:
Just gonna fix shit up for ladies and ladies. Dude, I've thought of that. I've thought of that over the years, like because I remember King Bird always be like, yeah, there's this lady. I gotta, like, be a girl. Yeah. No. Because You were the one who You know, I was made fun of him for it. You know what? If you can't put the whole pit where you'd finish an ace back in here, like, yeah, time for a new girlfriend. You finished fixed her house. And you know what? I definitely think of that. Like, as I'm working on it, I'm like, I'm just like King Bird. Yeah.
[01:08:54] Unknown:
Which ain't a bad thing to be. King Bird's having a strong King Bird wasn't getting laid. Like, he was just doing it. Oh, no. He definitely was. Oh, he definitely was. King Bird's a skin hound, dude. His skin hound, but now his back's thrown out. He's doing better. I just talked to him the other day. He's at my conscious role. Dude,
[01:09:09] Unknown:
one day we should do a power plant podcast. We'll just get all the people together. Dude, I'm calling John John.
[01:09:15] Unknown:
John. No. We got it. Or John Horr. Hey. Hey. There are there are 3 nuggets left in that, bag that I opened today. That's how many they've eaten today.
[01:09:26] Unknown:
No. You got the wrong bag.
[01:09:28] Unknown:
No. The hearts 1. I opened it for the first time today, and there are 3 left or maybe 4. Well, must have gotten them. No.
[01:09:36] Unknown:
This isn't part of the podcast. Is it on? John Yeah. It's on. What are you doing? Do some major editing here. Practically Elon Musk. Hey, John Hart. Yeah. Hello? So while you're gone, I'll tell him about this dude I work with named I won't say his real name. His nickname was Flip. Alright. Where did you guys work together? The power plant? Homer City. Well, we worked together in Uniontown, my first job there in college. Okay. This naval contractor, Johnny, like, was the first person nice to me. And then when I left to convince him to come up to Humber City,
[01:10:06] Unknown:
then we just This guy or Flip? Johnny? You convinced him to come up to Humber City with you. But this guy, Flip, were worth at the power plant. And,
[01:10:14] Unknown:
he wrecked motorcycles a bunch. Had this crooked fucking face. He was all fucked up. Yeah. Disgusting. They called him, Chucky. Like They're a little course than Jesse. Not quite that bad. Okay. But close.
[01:10:24] Unknown:
But, Pretty fucking bad then. He,
[01:10:28] Unknown:
his first name was William, Bill. Then he would constantly brag about fucking his wife in the ass. Mhmm. Like, every day. So he just he was like this tall, you know? Classy? Yeah. Real classy. Stand up guy. Yeah. So we started calling him, little Billy ButtFucker. Nice. And, little Billy ButtFucker. We said he had skin marks in the front of his underwear.
[01:10:50] Unknown:
Shout them into a fucking logger. And then,
[01:10:53] Unknown:
my other buddy, Teddy, would say that if Flip was in the bathroom taking a shit and somebody shitting the stall beside him, he'd get an erection from the condition, you know? Fucking gay as fuck. I'm I'm glad I got that story. I got a pissed dude. Yeah. Little Billy. But Fortnite gave him the little Billy Butt Little Billy ButtFucking.
[01:11:13] Unknown:
Fulton is one of the funniest dudes I've ever met. Yeah.
[01:11:17] Unknown:
I hope he lives forever. Do you live in that van? I would like to, but I don't. Oh, yeah. That's a hell of a van out there. Yeah. Thanks. I mean, it looks like somebody would I mean, lived in it this summer. Right? Okay. I, this summer I lived in it. But,
[01:11:34] Unknown:
I built it to live in it. Okay. But, because I always thought my whole life, I wanted to have a Quigley van. Mhmm. You know? Four wheel drive van that I could drive anywhere and, like, you know, just live anywhere Absolutely. But not have to own anything. Yeah. Same. So Literally. You know, I thought, well, when I retire one day, I'll buy a van and fix it up. Well then, about 10 years ago, 8 years ago, I was sitting around and I was like, wait a minute. Why don't I just buy it now? Like, because it's, you know, shit's it's cheap. You know, stuff was cheap 8 years ago. It was. And I was like, if I buy it now, then I can I can work on it? And then when I retire, then I wanted to put a big investment into it. Right. You know? So as I while I was working, I bought it. You know, it cost me, like, $28,000.
Maybe it was, like, $6,000 to upgrade it to 4 wheel drive Mhmm. At Quigley. And then I just started working on it, and, you know, I've worked on it over the last couple of years. I built it twice, you know, out twice. Yeah. And now the way it is now is the way I like it. There's still, like, little things you wanna do, but for the most part, like, it's exactly the way I want it. And then whenever I'm done working, I'm just gonna be at the party to see if there's a man talking to him. Sit down. I'll help you
[01:14:07] Unknown:
Introduction and Movie Reference
Origins of 'Vietnam County' and Show Disclaimer
Conspiracy Theories and Fluoride Discussion
Nostalgia and Connection to Nature
Political Opinions and Media Critique
Immigration and Local Impact
Government Critique and Personal Freedoms
Historical Perspectives and War Discussions
COVID-19 Pandemic Reflections
Parenting and Government Skepticism
Education System and Government Control
Podcasting and Personal Projects