We explore the concept of legal and historical research with guest Roger Sayles, who discusses the intricacies of the legal system, the concept of citizenship, and the historical context of the feudal system. The conversation touches on the manipulation of laws and the importance of understanding one's legal status.
Roger Sayles shares insights on how to navigate the legal system, the significance of common law, and the impact of historical legal frameworks on modern society. The episode concludes with a discussion on the potential for individuals to reclaim their rights and navigate the complexities of legal definitions and citizenship.
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[00:02:21] Unknown:
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[00:03:22] Unknown:
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[00:06:17] Unknown:
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[00:08:09] Unknown:
Okay. As we got through Thursday, there are many things going on. Tremendous amounts of power being wielded, manipulated, used, enforced behind the scenes all over this planet of ours, and that's, no exaggeration. You see how The United States, formally, had to separate from Europe. There's been a tremendous split, and this had to happen. It will guarantee that The US will not be directly involved with the war, the coming war with Russia, if the liberal leftist communist in Europe get their way, with the exception of Hungary and one or two other Eastern European countries, there is almost a demand that Russia engage Europe in war, and we don't want that.
Obviously, the the prime directive is that we stay out of it. So that's what all the hostility is in the well, it's rather bitter rhetoric at times between Europe and and Washington, primarily coming from Europe. Anyway, we'll see what happens. With us tonight is Roger Sales. Roger is a a man who has been around for a long time, trying to help people understand that there are better and different ways to look at the predicament we're in. And we are in a predicament. This is the great reset right now, for example. The idea that this government is of, by, and for the people, well, it's not our people.
Nothing to do with us. We are not being represented by the people in Washington. If we don't shift to term limits, I guess we deserve what we continue to get. It's just it's crazy, and it's, not going to get any better in its current configuration. Roger, welcome to the program. Thanks for being there.
[00:09:55] Unknown:
I can't thank you enough. It's been a long term goal of mine to be here with you and your audience, and you've helped me achieve that. There's nothing like achieving a long term goal. That's true. And, I think that most of the audience that's never heard of me or been exposed to our information are gonna be some somewhat startled by what we cover tonight. And for some of you, it's gonna be a life changing experience. And the reason for that is because this information will change the way you think, and you can't change the way you think without changing the way you live.
[00:10:28] Unknown:
Point blank. Well said. We had several people request you as a guest, and so, you know, I'm looking forward to this as well. The one thing that I really cherish about this this work is that I get to learn things. It's just wonderful. Every guest has something to offer, and I'm like a vacuum cleaner. I always wanna learn. Go ahead. Please write it down. Get yourself up on high here, vacuum cleaner.
[00:10:52] Unknown:
Let me tell the audience that this is the result of what you're about to be exposed to this evening. It is the result of more than a hundred years of legal and historical research in three men's lives. My two teachers, one of them was the law teacher, were totally focused on the tax movement. I stumbled into them in about August late July, August of '19 '90 '2. Not that I had a tax problem, but I knew that something was wrong. I was a child of the sixties. I've always known something was wrong. Many of you have too, you know? And so all of a sudden, I had a thread to start following. And, the law teacher, unfortunately, is not with us anymore, Jeff. He was a great man. His name's John W. Benson.
And he studied the law his entire life because he loved the law. He didn't study it except because he loved it. And he didn't study the modern stuff. He went back to the old stuff. And what I've been able to understand is these monsters have been in control of all of our law schools in The United States for about a hundred years through an association of American colleges and law schools, which no doubt, offers them curriculum, changes. And many of these really important concepts that, from the old law, that are very obvious, they don't know. And I mean, I've asked sitting judges through some of my students, and they don't even know the meaning of the word person, the concept behind the meaning of the word person. Here's a sitting magistrate.
[00:12:19] Unknown:
Okay? So I'm not surprised, Roger. Right. Let me say one thing. The old laws of this country in the, you know, in the eighteen hundreds, It it it bears no resemblance to what we have now. There have been so many travesties, betrayals, and treasons perpetrated on all of us citizens. You couldn't count them. And they've done it slowly, and they're all in place. Go ahead. Of course. Well, there's two bodies of law.
[00:12:45] Unknown:
You can group all law into two bodies. One is the law of the land, common law, nature, nature's god. Lescripta and lex nonscripta. And the other one is all the ones that come in from the Babylonian Merchant Code and all the, the, Roman Civil Law, the Napoleonic Code, the Muslim Law, all these other laws come from the Babylonian Merchant Code and they're called the laws of the city. So we really only have two types and what you're talking about is the common law and nature and nature's God. And our enemies hate the common law because they can't beat us at it. And they can absolutely wipe the floor with us with the merchant law, which is what we're under right now. We call it the Uniform Commercial Code for thousands of years. And it's still referred to as the law merchant, but its origin is Babylon. And, if you go back, I've got a book called Historical Jurisprudence.
It was written in the nineteen thirties on the website and it's the first ninety pages is on the Babylonian Merchant Code. And it says Babylon's book starts here. Babylon's great contribution to the world was they reduced everything in the society to the abstract form of contract. So all of that is there, okay? So it's the problem is we've been separated from the common law, and we don't have access to it, most of us. And that's what I'm gonna show you tonight is how to get back there. Okay? Okay. Let me ask you one question.
[00:14:15] Unknown:
How do we define and
[00:14:18] Unknown:
process admiralty law with what you're saying? Well, admiralty law is a is a war law, just like martial law on land. And the way that you can tell that it's not admiralty law, and I know that's a big thing in our community, is by looking at the remedy. Law is three elements, rights, duties, and remedies. Okay? And the whole world runs on a formula that's r plus d equals r. That's a very simple formula. It's very profound. Rights plus duties, they're always correlative, equal remedies. So the remedies on the right side are equal to both rights and duties on the left side. Okay? And we could get into a long discussion on that if you want to talk about that. I just wanted to see how you would just Okay. Now gently fold it in. That's good. Okay. Got it. Now the the what you really wanna look at is remedies. Okay? So what's the remedy in admiralty law, Jeff? Do you know?
[00:15:10] Unknown:
No. I pass on that. I'm not I'm not a law student.
[00:15:14] Unknown:
There's only one. It's called prize. And that means that I fly my country flag until I get next to your boat, and then I roll up the Jolly Roger and jump on it and whip your ass and steal your stuff. That's Admiralty Law and that's prize. On the land, that's called booty, and that's land martial law through war. It's called booty. But those are the only real Is it now that's that's the old style booty.
[00:15:39] Unknown:
People used to use that term. They don't use it anymore except for something rather profane. But okay. Got it. Booty. Yeah.
[00:15:48] Unknown:
Good line. So, we don't see any prize going on. I mean, I see them come and grab and stuff. Uh-huh. I I know people have been victims of that. And see, they don't understand what's going on in the background, so they're looking to connect dots. And they came they came and got my stuff. It has to be this Admiralty Law stuff. Well, it's not. Okay? Because there's tremendous process behind everything they do. You know, they got to notify you and you gotta respond and they gotta go through all these different steps. And you don't do that in Admiralty Law. You just go whip the guy's ass and take your stuff. Okay? So when I understand the misconception Jeff, if I was to say to you, can you give us a little background on self help remedies?
[00:16:33] Unknown:
It'd be a lot of silence, Roger.
[00:16:35] Unknown:
We don't want dead air. So if I ask you, hey, Jeff, what do you know about lean levy garnishment and seizure?
[00:16:44] Unknown:
That's what you're here for. K. Well, that's That'd be my answer. I'm learning. I'm no. Honestly, I don't that's one thing I have really not involved myself with very much is admiralty law. There are a number of movements out there called sovereignty movements and all of that, and I I try to stay away because some some people have have ended up in jail over that stuff. And I stuff that if you could have a whiteboard and a razor wipe all that stuff out of your memory, please. Thank you. I think the people have got good intentions.
[00:17:15] Unknown:
I'm not sure about some of them occasionally with the things I hear, but I think they're looking to connect dots. And this is the question Yeah. I think this is the question we're trying to answer. What gives that bureaucrat over there the power and ability to make a man made law and come attach it and enforce it on me? Isn't that the question we're answering asking? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm gonna explain that to you. K? Alright. So, let's go back here, if I can, because we got time limitations. And, Jeff, we could stay we could stay on this for hours. I mean, I've been assured you No. And and it would be fourteen minutes. Worth of time. But we have to keep it within our our time. Okay. So the first thing that I wanna do is, is respect you. And you asked me in our Volley emails to go into Pavlov's dogs. You saw something on the website about that. And would you tell the audience, so you you wanna tell them what you told me in that email? Do you remember?
[00:18:12] Unknown:
Been a lot of emails, but basically, people have been conditioned to react. They're no longer proactive in their approach to life, to reality, to establishing reality. They look, they see, they respond just like Pavlov did with the dogs. They showed him a piece of meat and they start drooling. Now that's where we are. We have a consensus part of the population. It's around 70 that will not and cannot step outside of its conditioning.
[00:18:41] Unknown:
I I think you're gonna find we're gonna go a couple of steps further than that tonight. Alright. K? Now I this is the only piece of factoid I'll give you tonight that I can't source. I can source it, but I can't source where he sourced it. And because I was told this by an unimpeachable source, and that is now deceased, unfortunately, retired Air Force general Benton Parton.
[00:19:04] Unknown:
Now Oh, Benton. I had been on the program. He's fantastic. What a great Well, not long before he passed, but, he he had a a brilliant mind. Brilliant. Oh. Extraordinary. Go ahead. The guy was reading 13 newspapers when he was 14 years old A day. Yeah. No. He was he was a genius.
[00:19:22] Unknown:
Okay. So I agree. For the audience that doesn't know, Ben Parton had worked his way up. They assigned him a whole new division of the Air Force called the Air Force Weapons Systems Division. He said, man, they gave me a Quonset hut. I didn't have any deaths, any file code, any personnel, nothing. And he said, your assignment was to look into the future fifty years and see what weapon systems that we might be needing. And he said, well, I guess I figured out the first thing I better figure out is who we're gonna be fighting. So the communists are the big problem.
I started studying and became an expert on communism. That's where this came from. Benton Parton would do two two lectures. He was the expert's expert on munitions and he came to the forefront after the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Everybody wanted his info. And then, the second thing he would lecture on was communism. And we had a guy that sponsored him down to Atlanta to come teach to our, Patriot class, and I got to spend hours along with Benton Barton. K? What what an honor. Alright? He's Air Force general. I'm an Air Force kid. We got this to discuss. He's wanting to train young people, and, man, we had them all. K? So this is some of the things that came out of his talk.
You're gonna like this, Jeff. I've mentioned it on the air before, and people come back to me go, where can I find that? I look for it. I don't know. They've evidently scrubbed the Internet of it. If you can find it I I would think they probably have. You go ahead. I know about real time. Benton. So it's unimpeachable. K? Yeah. Okay. Pavlov's condition response. First stage was the stage Jeff alluded to. May if you took psychology in high school or college, you're probably exposed to it. And they rang a bell, and they fed a dog. And it got to the point where they conditioned him to the ringing of the bell, And they could ring the bell and he would salivate. It's what you're referring to.
So, now the second stage of the, experiment, Jeff, was they took the same dog in the same room and they conditioned him to turning on light. And when they turn on the light, they take a stick and beat him. And there's one way he could escape. There was a parallel board over in the corner that he could jump under and not receive the beating. So the second stage was conditioning to the turning on of the light. The third stage, they took the same dog in the same room. They rang the bell and they turned the light on at the same time. What do you think the dog did?
[00:21:54] Unknown:
Probably just sat there and stared.
[00:21:57] Unknown:
He sat there and shook. Very accurate. Yeah. Same idea. What psychologists call it today is a catatonic state. Right. So if you wanna know the condition that the world and America is in, you're in a catatonic state. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. So that's where we are. And I heard some experts on condition response on a show one time, and they were saying, if you add more conditions, the deeper the that takes effect.
[00:22:26] Unknown:
Oh, Oh, really? No. Interesting. Alright. Yes. It is. Well, this that's that's 70 or so percent of our populace is, woefully conditioned, by these these dark sources of,
[00:22:40] Unknown:
of control. Go ahead. So I'm glad you brought that up because it's kinda gonna override the rest of the stuff we're gonna talk about. Okay? So what I wanna do here at the start is I wanna show you how they've done what they've done. So that when I show you what they've done, you'll be able to uptake it easier. Because it's complex. I mean, they've made the you think they fooled the whole country? Millions or hundreds of millions of people, great lawyers all over the world. This is the B system of revelation. You think they've done this without some trickery?
And you know what, Jeff? It's right in front of you. Sure it is. When I was in Argentina I lived in Argentina for nine years. By the way, I met Edger in Salbucci. I know him personally down there, thanks to you.
[00:23:24] Unknown:
And Adrian is a butt of jewel of a human being. He's a badass. He's wonderful you got to me. Yeah.
[00:23:30] Unknown:
So, anyway, gosh, where was I going? It's very very slick what they've done. And when you see how simple it is, you're you're gonna you're gonna be ashamed of yourself. Because right in front of you, I was working with a shaman down there in Argentina, and he had been studying power from the spiritual side for twenty years, and I've been studying it from the legal and the the structural side for twenty years and our paths crossed. And boy, was it rewarding, okay, for both of us. I gave him the affidavit we're gonna talk about here at the start, and later on when I reconnected with him and he said, Roger, when you gave me that affidavit, it increased my understanding fifty years.
K? Now, here's what he told me that is really important. I just mentioned it. Power always puts what they're doing to you right in front of you. And you'll be amazed when you see this unfold. Okay? So now let's go to the first part here and that would be if I was to ask your audience tonight, I said, when was the first time you were exposed to the New World Order? And even you, Jeff, and some people might say, man, it was that Waco thing where they killed all those women. It showed, no. No. It was 09/11. No. It was when I got my house stolen in 02/2008.
[00:24:47] Unknown:
[00:24:49] Unknown:
I'm gonna tell you the first time that you were confronted, this was the first time you ever saw Alice in Wonderland because that's what it is. That's a good,
[00:24:57] Unknown:
a good place to start. I I would agree. That's logical. Sure.
[00:25:02] Unknown:
So have you ever covered John Ruskin on your show here, Jeff?
[00:25:06] Unknown:
No. Years ago.
[00:25:08] Unknown:
Okay. Well, you know who he is. The audience probably doesn't. No. Go ahead. Give us a little bit. He was an Oxford Professor, and he's probably the most well, he's famous for this because he was best friends with Lewis Carroll. But he also was the instructor that Cecil Rhodes was so moved by and took his advice and went to try and conquer the whole world and put it back under the British Empire. His name's John Ruskin. Okay? And he Oh, he was to Lewis Carroll's house twice a week, and and teach his daughters Yeah. Yeah. Watercoloring. What, Jeff? What you got?
[00:25:43] Unknown:
Ruskin was one of those giants that remains virtually invisible to most people. They have no idea. None. And and Cecil Rhodes, Ruskin, Lewis Carroll, people don't know anything about Lewis Carroll either. But that's the way it is now, and that's the way they wanted it to be, and they got it. There's there's fiction to find out something about him.
[00:26:05] Unknown:
The original, title of his work, if you'll remember, was not Alice in Wonderland, it was Through the Looking Glass. Yeah. Of course, the Looking Glass being a mirror. So if you were through the Looking Glass on the opposite side, Jeff, you'd be in a world of opposites, wouldn't you?
[00:26:21] Unknown:
[00:26:22] Unknown:
Well, they had to change that. It was a little too it was a little too revealing, quite frankly. Here here here's a good tidbit. If you go put into search engine Lady Rothschild's costume ball, I'm sure you've seen that and brought it up on the show before. Right? I would I would think. It sounds familiar. I think it was back in the seventies or the eighties. The Rothschilds had a costume ball, and, they showed Oh, I ran a lot of pictures of that. Yeah. Yeah. With the stuffed moose head and all that stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Well, in the first paragraph of one of those articles, boy, you're gonna like this, Jeff. It goes, Lady Rothschild was so clever, Jeff. She wrote the invitation backwards, so you'd have to
[00:27:09] Unknown:
k. Yeah. I remember that. This dialectic
[00:27:12] Unknown:
[00:27:14] Unknown:
I cannot impress upon you how important this is. Well, I you know what I call it, Roger? I call it the war on semantics.
[00:27:21] Unknown:
Well, it is.
[00:27:23] Unknown:
It it It's one of their one of their powerful weapons they use. Go ahead. It is absolutely
[00:27:27] Unknown:
their base concept. And again, I'm gonna thank you for having a guest on twenty years ago named Barry Chamish, which is the first time I ever heard about Sabbateezi and all of his antics. And I think this is based on that. Okay? Because that's the first time epi opposites come up. And if the audience doesn't know, Sabotize V, or you can go under Jeff somewhere in his archives. You got Barry Chamish. And thank Barry Chamish from the bottom line. Barry was on a number of times. He started out as a UFO researcher and and switched over to a geopolitical
[00:28:02] Unknown:
analyst of sorts. He was a very interesting man.
[00:28:05] Unknown:
He brought this information of Sabatianism to the world for the first time to my knowledge. I'd never heard of it before.
[00:28:12] Unknown:
Saboteans, yes. I think he was the first. I think you're right. Cool. Well, God bless you. Again,
[00:28:17] Unknown:
mister Cutting Edge Broadcaster, thank you so much. It's figured out it figures in a lot to what I've done all these years. Okay? So you're a leading edge kinda guy and that's why this information is in the front of this audience tonight. Okay? Well, I'm confused. So, Saksimized V, if you don't know, was a Jew in 1666 that declared himself the Messiah. And, he he read somewhere in the Torah, he was working off a revised vision of the Kabbalah, and he read somewhere in the Torah of the Talmud, I don't know which, that the the the Yeshua would return, the Mish Mishha, whatever they call him, would return when the world was either all good or all bad.
And he he's reasoning it to himself. He goes, well, I know the world's never gonna be all good, probably because him and his bunch are in it. So let's take it all bad. So what he did was reverse everything. He reversed all the 10 commandments. Thou shall not steal became thou shalt steal. And he developed a whole sect of followers all over the world that went through this. Okay? And I think, as I said, I think that's where these opposites came from, Jeff. Anyway, through the looking glass, if you're on the other side, it's an opposite. And we know the opposites in this dialectic is important to them. And we've heard, at least when I was young, I heard Alice in Wonderland is a political story. Did you ever hear that, Jeff? Yes. I did.
[00:29:42] Unknown:
And I did too, but you can't go Pretty much around college days. Not not before that, but I did hear that. Yeah.
[00:29:50] Unknown:
Well, let's go into some of the dialogue if we can. Alright. Right at the first you can go look it up on YouTube and watch it, Disney things, right there. At the first of it, Alice is being schooled by a teacher on a beautiful, green grass and there's a slope behind it. And at the top of the slope is like a big oak tree with a branch that's parallel to the ground up at the top. So Alice is daydreaming, like many students do, and she ends up on the branch there with her cat. And this is the dialogue. I'm gonna give it to you. We're gonna go back over it. The Cheshire Cat. That's right. If I had a world of my own, everything would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And then what it is, it wouldn't be. You see, Jeff?
[00:30:37] Unknown:
Very clever stuff.
[00:30:39] Unknown:
Yeah. Now let's analyze that. If I had a world of my own, everything would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't, opposites. And then what it is, the opposite, it wouldn't be. You see?
[00:30:59] Unknown:
Great stuff. Heavy stuff. She's telling me she's telling
[00:31:02] Unknown:
me she's in front of you. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Now we're gonna go a little bit further, deeper into the story, and I'm gonna quote a little dialogue exchange between Humpty Dumpty and Alice. Now, I got this out of, I did I went to paralegal school years ago, Jeff. And in the module on legal research, we got our textbook from a outfit out there by you. A really good one. And I wanna be sure the audience knows about this. It's called Nolo Press. I think you're probably familiar with it, right?
[00:31:31] Unknown:
Nolo Press. Yes.
[00:31:33] Unknown:
It's, associated, I believe, with the University California at Berkeley, and it's a bunch of how to legal books. How to do your own divorce, how to do your own bankruptcy, this, that, and the other. They're very good. Okay? Mhmm. So in the legal research book that we used was from Nolo. And I said, is this is on the first page when you open the cover? Now I'm gonna take just a little bit of poetic poetic license here, if I may, Jeff. Go to it. And add a word. Okay? So Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, when I use the word resident, it means just what I say it means.
No more, no less. But the question is, said Alice, how can you make the word resident mean so many different things? The question is, said Humpty Dumpty, who's to be master? That's all.
[00:32:28] Unknown:
That that is all. That's how they think. Fascinating.
[00:32:33] Unknown:
I just like to throw this in because this kind of reminds me of Alex Jones. Okay? At the end, the Queen of Hearts, or there was a spade or whatever, going through the croquet game and there was a trial, and she goes, sentence now. Verdict later.
[00:32:48] Unknown:
That was funny. There was a lot of, really sublime wit in that that whole Alice in Wonderland thing. And how it it just walked right right by people. They couldn't see it. They didn't wanna see it. I couldn't have seen it if I didn't know what was happening.
[00:33:06] Unknown:
So now let's, take that and transfer it over to the practical application, Jeff. And I I credit a listener a listener with this, for giving me this. I I would have never known it probably. But I was describing this. I've been doing it for fourteen years this month, by the way. And, a listener contacted me and said, that's equivocation. So I went, wow. Well, I went and looked it up. I went to Noah Webster's eighteen twenty eight dictionary and I read the definition of it. And down at the bottom of that particular one, he had his notes written in on some of the pages.
And Noah Webster's note was, this technique is often used by non Christians to fool Christians.
[00:33:49] Unknown:
Yeah. Funny.
[00:33:50] Unknown:
I'm sure he's talking about the Japanese. Okay? Oh, of course. Uh-huh. Right.
[00:33:55] Unknown:
The same it's the same it's always Roger, it's always it always boils down to the same group. The same mental attitude, the same parasitizing behaviors. It's the same people. It's it's like they're not really from this planet, wherever they're
[00:34:13] Unknown:
from. I think they may be the remnants of the Nephilim. I've, you know, toyed with that for many years because they don't seem to have a soul or any conscience. Anyway, so equivocation, if if for the audience, if you were trying to decide, maybe you had to make a decision, you had three options, and you just couldn't decide, that would be called equivocating. But this is equivocation. This is really important. I don't know if I can stress how important this is, Jeff. Is this your remedy for sanity and reality here? So what they do is they go and take keywords, money, citizen of The United States, resident, ah, there's a number of them, okay? And they go into your subconscious mind and they plan a 180 degree opposite definition in your subconscious.
Now, we go back to the Biblical reference of James one:eight, which says a double minded man is uncertain in all of his ways. It doesn't say he's uncertain in part of his ways. It doesn't say he's uncertain in some of his ways. It says he's uncertain in all of his ways. Okay? And this is what they got. They made us double minded. It makes sense. Okay? So they go in and plant that opposite definition in your subconscious, and now they got your subconscious and your conscious split. Your subconscious controls 90% of your day, your conscious 10%. So anytime these words come up, you automatically defer to the opposite definition.
And now they got you, buddy. And they got you strong.
[00:35:47] Unknown:
It's very simple. Well, this goes back to semantics again. The the study of meaning. Meaning. What does it mean? And they implant bogus meanings all over the map into your subconscious. And what do you have to stand on except their own meddling and reprogramming.
[00:36:03] Unknown:
We're being reprogrammed all the time. Go ahead. Well, we're gonna reprogram ourselves here, our own selves, because this is the key to your reality. First of all, if you ever have a question with these guys, you always know where to look. You look 180 degrees in the opposite direction, the answer will be there every time. Because it's the technique they build on. Right? Secondly, you go in and now, when you correct that definition in your subconscious, now your subconscious and your conscious are in tandem working together. And as doctor Bruce Lipton talking about this subject on Joyce Riley years ago, he said, when you get your subconscious and your conscious in tandem working together, it's empowering. Well, it is. And that's what happens here because I'm gonna show you how to switch back over to the original status in our country where you've got God given capital r rights and capital d duties, and you're under the total protection of the Constitution.
You don't have that now. You're a serf, a physical feudal serf, involuntary servitude. Every time they ever ask you, you said yes, And you don't have access to the constitution. That's why you have to go get a firearms license or buy a firearm through a total through a FFL dealer. That's not should not be infringed. Now you see them moving in on free speech. That's because as one of these, this political status of a citizen of The United States, you don't have access to the constitution, only partially.
[00:37:33] Unknown:
K? So that's what's going on. Roger, real quick. Trump said he has restored freedom of speech here. And out of the out of the other side of his mouth, simultaneously, he's saying that anybody who holds a demonstration on a college campus Yeah. That takes issue with genocide in Gaza should be
[00:37:55] Unknown:
ex jailed is what he said. That's that's you can't have it both ways, Donald. It's a side of Trump that I really don't like is this attachment to Zionism.
[00:38:04] Unknown:
I think I understand. More than an attachment. I think that I think he is part of it, and I think they own it. Well,
[00:38:10] Unknown:
this is the beautiful news about what I'm trying to give you. You can do an end run around. They can't say a damn thing about it. If we get enough people doing this, we got real strength in numbers. Man, they can't do a damn thing about it. We can start having common law juries of nationals, of real real of The United States Of America citizens. We can start doing all kinds of stuff, but we gotta get the numbers first. And that's why I'm so excited about being here with you and your audience tonight. I won't be able to cover everything. I'm gonna try and titillate you and see if something that I can tell you tonight stimulates you to go look into further and find out more. Okay?
And, it it may be like me when I first did I didn't know jack stuff about all this high end legal or anything else thirty two years ago. But when I was presented with this information, Jeff, I knew there was something of great substance here. And that's what's kept me going the whole time. And, buddy, you just wait till you see what I found. Okay? Alright. Because I got the gold ring for you. Alright? Alright. Just to let you know, we have about fifteen, sixteen minutes. Okay. Well, I'm gonna try to get the FAFSA. It's it's like I said, we can talk on any of these points for hours.
Okay. Jeff, I'm gonna ask you and your audience two questions, and you've been asked them all your life. Would you please answer them the way you always have? K? Are you a citizen of The United States?
[00:39:37] Unknown:
Alright. Well, we can't hear what people out there are saying. Well, I'm not I think most people would would would approach this with, some concern and realize there's obviously more to this question than the question. So go ahead. Oh, yeah. Okay. So most people would answer yes.
[00:39:53] Unknown:
And I think if I think back to my experience, I was kinda scared to answer no even after I knew some of this stuff. Okay? So the first one is, are you a citizen of The United States? And you'd say yes. Right? Sure. Sure. Okay. Well, can I ask you the question that they're really asking you? Are you in a political status of former Negro slaves who received federal citizenship with civil rights after the civil war?
[00:40:19] Unknown:
Oh, interesting. That's that's that is fascinating. I don't think you can do that. Yes. Would you? That that oh, people would say, no. Of course. But that's, see, that's in that's obviously in the books, and they're using that. This is interesting. Well, what the The hidden agenda.
[00:40:37] Unknown:
Yeah. Oh, I oh, boy. And you know what, Jeff? I'm a float this for you. I think I've stumbled on, for the first time in my life, the reason for the civil war. Because I believe this is the reason the Civil War was fought, to get the thirteenth and the fourteenth amendment in the Constitution so they control America Eighty Years later and turn it into the world reserve currency where they can control the whole world.
[00:41:04] Unknown:
And that's exactly what's happened. Mhmm. Well, when you say they, let's not forget
[00:41:09] Unknown:
the ultimate group that's behind the curtain pulling the strings. Alright. Well, it's the money people because this is where all their quote, unquote money comes from. There's another one that's dialectics, by the way. It's not money, it's currency. I would challenge you to go through one day, and every time you use the word money, stop yourself and insert currency. You'll see how deeply conditioned you are. Okay?
[00:41:30] Unknown:
So the second one is hard. A lot of people will now be saying cryptocurrency.
[00:41:37] Unknown:
The second question is, are you a resident? Now notice, they don't ever ask you of a state, do they? They just say, are you? No. Interestingly. They don't. Okay. So this is the most dangerous word in the New York New World Order scheme because every country wants you to be one. Okay? So if you go back and I I I said, Jeff, are you a resident? And you go, yeah. I live right over there. That's my house. It just got painted. Ain't it pretty? Right? Well, that's the geographical definition. Here's this more of this duality. There's a legal definition.
And you don't have to go to the law library. Just go to Webster's Dictionary. And the first definition will say, the act or fact of living or dwelling in a place for some time. And the second one is the exact same thing. It says, the act or fact of living or dwelling in a place for some time for the receipt of a benefit or the discharge of the duty. That's law. So when they ask you that and you think it's I live here, what they're asking you is, are you under our body of law? Isn't this fun?
[00:42:45] Unknown:
Yeah. I was just trying to think of how a a traffic cop would react to pulling you over.
[00:42:50] Unknown:
Anyway, go ahead. Well, we've got a number of them. Some get let go, and and that's the sticky wicket here is traffic. And and it's because you got all these different jurisdictions, and you're in a county where Boss Hogg is the sheriff and Judge Dean is the judge. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And they don't like you telling them all. I'm a tell you. K? So anyway, let let's let's go on here. I'm a tell you where this comes from. The definition they're imputing here, and if you dig deep enough in the law, dictionary, you'll find it. Mhmm. Comes from when countries sign a treaty and exchange ambassadors.
The ambassador that comes to The US is considered to be in residence. You've heard that term applied to that. Right? Sure. Okay. What does that mean? Well, let me use an example. I'm in Ecuador. And, let's say the Ecuadorian ambassador gets caught up there at Dulles with a kilo of cocaine in his diplomatic pouch. What do they do with him? They throw him in for trafficking? No. They put him on a plane and send him back to Ecuador. Right. They send him back to Ecuador because he's in residence, which means the law of Ecuador applied to him and not the laws of The United States under treaty.
So when they ask you, are you a resident, they're asking you, are you under the scope and purview of federal law and the fourteenth amendment? And you go, yeah.
[00:44:27] Unknown:
[00:44:28] Unknown:
alright. Okay. So, I mean, look. Jeff is a smart guy, but ignorance of the law is no excuse. You ought to know what the hell you are, shouldn't you?
[00:44:37] Unknown:
We're not allowed to know that, Roger. We're You're gonna be given permission.
[00:44:43] Unknown:
I'm giving you permission, Jeff. I hear you. So then on top of that, you sign something, don't you? Think back. Whenever you answer those questions, you always sign something. Well, then you're signing a contract. That's right. I got you. You're agreeing to a contract that you don't know you've been in in your whole life. It's a contract that you entered they entered you at birth, and it's called voluntary servitude, which is totally lawful and legal in the constitution. In the first place, where it says they can impair your ability to contract, that's a contract.
You can give your rights away, but they can't take them away. And the second one is the thirteenth amendment, which was passed in six months before the fourteenth. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist in the state unless a person's been duly collected of a crime, blah blah, and their jurisdictions. Clearly, that was written for state citizens. There wasn't a federal citizenship for fourteen months. These are the state citizens. That's evident by their, the plural. And what's legal by omission? Voluntary servitude.
Got it. So when they ask you those questions, it's based on fraud. That's why they have to recognize this, but that's what's going on. They're going, hey, Jeff. Are you still a serf? Involuntary servitude for the federal government? You go, yep. That's me. They go, well and that second one, they go, well, can you are you giving us the consent to govern you? Well, yeah, I am. So take it away. It's voluntary. You can take it away. Okay. How do we do that? How do we do it? Go to the I'm gonna tell you. I'll let I'll let you get there, but I'm I'm curious. I hope I hope I can get there. There's so much here, man. It's so important. Yeah. I know. The fourteenth amendment. All persons born or naturalized in The United States, comma, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, comma, are citizens of The United States and the states wherein they reside.
Well, damn. There's the two questions. You're a citizen of The United States and you're a resident right there in the fourteenth amendment. And the rest of it is a two pronged legal test. You gotta be born or naturalized in The United States, First One. And then you gotta be subject to the jurisdiction thereof. But notice they use the connect conjunctive and. Well, Jeff, if there's some that are and subject, doesn't it have to be that there are some that are and not subject? Logically, for sure. Well, that's the good bet. Those are the people we wanna be. Okay? Now notice it does not say
[00:47:23] Unknown:
all Who wrote that? Roger. Excuse me. Roger. Hold on. Who wrote these amendments Well, that's a good question. Knowledge and intent to do exactly what you've described. Who who's behind it? Is the city of London myself. Bloodline stuff. Okay. Yeah. Might might be. But no mere mortal man could put this together, Jeff. It's too slick. Yeah. I don't think it came from
[00:47:46] Unknown:
this side of the pond. I agree. So notice what we've already done in the thirteenth and the fourteenth amendment. It says their jurisdictions in there at the last, and the fourteenth amendment says subject to the jurisdiction. Uh-uh. So there you got there's a plural, and there's the mono. There's your two governments. Yeah. Right there. It's right in front of you. Have you ever heard any attorneys comment on this? No? No. No. Because they you know why? Because I know the end game and I can back engineer their stuff. Okay. Notice it doesn't say all persons born or naturalized in The United States are subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
It says and. That means there's got to be some that are and not. Well, how do we get over there? Well, you go over there by understanding the condition that you're in and you're in a futile condition. They put the whole country in feudal condition as a surety for a fabricated false debt on March the ninth of nineteen thirty three. Remember when Roosevelt took the gold, Jeff? This is the day they changed the systems. Well, Louie McFadden knew, and he fought it. And they killed it. He did. I I I included a whole lot of McFadden stuff in my book, because he saw this. At one point in one of his speeches, he said they're erecting a Machiavellian
[00:49:08] Unknown:
feudal system. That's exactly what this is. Futile. K. Futile, f that's f e u d a l, futile. Correct. And what we're talking about here is actually f u t I l e.
[00:49:21] Unknown:
Well, not really. It's we're gonna accomplish this. We've never had Well, I'm waiting now. I'm waiting now. By the federal government, Jeff. If there's a way around this, I I wanna know it. Go ahead. Well, it's alright. The key to it is understanding this, the feudal system. How did that get in there? Why don't any of our attorneys ever see that? It's under that fourteenth amendment when it says all persons born. And a big topic right now is birthright citizenship, you know, like anchor babies. Yeah. Sure. Okay. And so if your parents come to The US and have you, you're a citizen of The United States under this fourteenth amendment right there. Okay? They may be still nationals from whatever country they were, but you're different, and now they can come in. Well, this is birthright citizenship, and it's under this moniker that they've hidden this. And no lawyers have found it. I've seen Barnes cover it. I've seen Levin cover it. And they were one onion skin away, but they never asked the right question, Jeff. And the question is, what other cultures and societies use this?
Now this by this, I mean, when a child is born, there's two ways to transfer the hereditament to the child. One is called just sanguineas, that means by blood. And the other is called just tierra, just as law, j u s, tierra, which is this, birthright citizenship. Well, it probably won't surprise you too much, Jeff, to know that the only culture and society that ever used this in the past was the feudal system. And they've got a thousand years of established, legal precedent. Interesting. So what they did is they've hidden the feudal system under the fourteenth amendment. Oh, it was fought over slavery alright, but it wasn't fought to free the black slaves. It was free to make them in this indentured thing, and so we could all be tricked into it with them. Eighty years later. Eighty years later. And that's exactly what's happened. Okay? Uh-huh. And they did this with this bankruptcy.
So the bankruptcy, if you go to Black's Law Dictionary, it'll say, well, the banks closed for five days and then they reopened under regulations by the Secretary of the Treasury. Well, that's all good and fine. But did you know, Jeff, there weren't any regulations before that? I just showed you the start of the administrative state. Those are the first regulations. And the Secretary of Treasury? Oh, we didn't have one of those before March. She is the governor of the fund. That's in title 28 of the United States Code. The, Secretary of the Treasury is the Governor of the Fund. What fund is that? Well, that's the International Monetary Fund that we're up to our ears in hock to.
And they put us all in on Jan on March when they reopened. We were all placed into that position as a fourteenth amendment citizen where they have property rights to you because that's the big kahuna here and they put you in as a surety to the debt. Now we're talking about the feudal system, which probably most people don't know too much about. Okay? This is that phrase I mentioned earlier that was found in the Wilson diaries. We will secure them by utilizing the ancient pledge. Well, what's the ancient pledge? Which will That's the oath. The oath of fealty. Yeah. Oath of fealty.
And you and that's how you volunteered in the servitude in the feudal system. Alright? And you can find it. There's one in, Monty Python's Holy Grail. It's got the whole ceremony. And you can go find it on the Internet. Oath of Fealty. F e a l t y. And in that oath, you would volunteer into basically 40 acres and a mule. And you would go on to the manor and you would kneel on both knees in front of the Lord of the manor. He would stand in front of you. That's super important. You don't kneel on both knees to anybody but God. And in this instance, He's your God because He's gonna own you. Okay? And you went in and said, hey. You gave all of your body and your worldly goods in an oath to the lord of the manor. The reason you gave your o earthly goods is because when you did this this oath, now you had a property right in you. And when somebody's got a property right in you, you can't buy anything and own it. You can defer the debt, and and you can control it, but you can't own it.
That's why you've only got a certificate in a time slot. Lien. There's a lien on you. It's like having a lien on you. Well, yeah. He well, he's got a lien. He got a property right on you. Okay. So but here's the beauty. That Mhmm. Contract, it was all observed by the by the serfs on the manor. It's a contract. It's an oral contract. Okay? Right. And so, if it was your parents that did it or your great great great grandfather, and it runs generationally, it's a silent contract that runs generationally. Because just like if you had a cow and a bull out in the backyard and they had a calf whose calf is that, yours, Jeff? Yeah. Okay. Same principle.
So here's the deal though. And this is their weakness. This is why they hide it. Because it's a contract and it's generational. If you're eight generations down the line and you wanna volunteer out, they can't say anything.
[00:54:34] Unknown:
[00:54:36] Unknown:
And that's what you do. Now let me tell you, Jeff. I know we're getting short on time here. I'm gonna tell you how simple this is to get out of. And this is on the State Department website, by the way. And I, Jeff Rents, do solemnly swear my intent to be a national but not a citizen of The United States. You go get that notarized. You don't have to. You could send it in as a declaration, and you send it to the secretary of state first, simple with a cover letter. And then you wait a few days, Probably, you wouldn't have any problem. I'll explain why. It's not gonna take up time now. But the second step we advise you to do is to go apply for a passport, at least a passport card. And you include your affidavit in with that passport application, they've got to recognize it. Because if there's one thing I want y'all to take away from this, everything's got to be voluntary.
If it's not voluntary, it's tyranny. And they'll never be open tyrants. That's why they've gone to all this trouble to set all this up over so many decades so they could ask you those two questions and get your agreement to their fraudulent contract. Remember, they don't think like we do. That's it's a total fraud at the inducement. The whole thing is fraud. Yes. Well, the whole thing. If if we've got more time, Jeff, I could go into how they did it. Roger,
[00:55:58] Unknown:
we'll bring you back in a week or so. We'll do another hour, and and don't don't worry about not getting it in. We'll get, what we can. We got another minute here. That's about it. So we'll bring you back when you're ready. Next week Okay. Something like that. You just let me know, boss. I'm at your disposal. Okay? Yeah. Roger Roger sales website for everybody. It's national status. You wanna be a national according to the way this is. Let me get let me correct you. The the info website
[00:56:24] Unknown:
is the matrixdocs,d0cs,.com. National status Com or info is one of our students who set up a fabulous website. Man, we're getting visited from all over the face of the Earth. It's shocking. Okay? He hadn't even put it out on search engines. And we've got several other students who've set up Telegram channels. And there's a whole bunch of resources because we know this is confusing. And I don't want you to be confused because of these guys' BS and their tricks. I want you to be straight, understand what's going on, and if you've always wanted your freedom, at least come check this out. I'll never tell you to do it. That's your decision, and I don't charge you for it. That's really important too. That's very important.
[00:57:09] Unknown:
The matrix docs and exposethematrix.com. Expose the matrix Yep. Com. You can click on look at website under Roger's name and guests. I like Radio Ranch. That's that's that's nice. I like that. So we'll have you back. Thank you. You've, Do you remember who Dick Orkin is, Jeff? Remember Dick Orkin?
[00:57:30] Unknown:
No. I don't. He was a voice. Remember Chicken Man? No. Chicken Man. Chicken Man. He's everywhere. He's everywhere. He's never heard of No. No. But I I've heard Radio Ranch before. I'm I'm honoring him with that. So good. Yeah. Thank you. Good. Now, that's good. Alright. We'll talk again, Roger. Thank you for opening the door. A lot of things to think about. And you can put it up on your website, free for anybody to download as an ebook. Okay?
[00:57:56] Unknown:
Thank you. Alright, Raj. Thanks very much. Fascinating, for sure. Alright. We'll pause and come back with our two. Lots to think about in just a few. Was what Time magazine might have been long ago had they really uncorked it and let it happen. They didn't. It was a controlled message platform from the beginning, but it was at least a pretense of intellectual news and information. The Trends journal leaves that so far behind, and I'm not I'm not exaggerating. It Gerald has created something here that is absolutely in a class by itself. There's nothing else that compares with it. If you still believe in reading, get the Trends journal.
Keep it around. It doesn't age. You can pick it up in three, four months and learn. You can pick it up in a year and learn. It doesn't wear out. It's a true phenomenon. Go to trendsjournal.com. That's trends
[00:59:01] Unknown:
Blasting voice of freedom worldwide. You're listening to the Global Voice Radio Network.
[00:59:07] Unknown:
Bye bye, boys. Have fun storming the castle.
Global Power Dynamics and US-Europe Relations
Introducing Roger Sales and the Great Reset
Understanding Legal and Historical Research
Pavlov's Dogs and Human Conditioning
The New World Order and Legal Trickery
Citizenship and Legal Definitions
Feudal Systems and Modern Implications
Exiting the System: A Path to Freedom